#* that’s the story to tell * (headcannons)
James was the kind of person to repeat stories without realising.
Regulus was the kind of person who would listen as if it was the first time.
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rainthespiritual · 2 months
Tate Langdon spicy headcannons since I'm 18
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if you aren't 18 or over please leave, this is ADULT CONTENT and I better hear 0 shit abt Tate being young or a teen he's a mf ghost and has been since 1993 so SHUT IT
btw I didn't just turn 18 I did a while ago just felt like naming the post that..
anyways this is for all my horny motherfuckers out there ♡ enjoy 😉
Tate deffinetly gives me switch vibes he basically just wants to do whatever you wanna do
he loves pleasing and making you feel good it's his #1 goal and if he doesn't he will feel shitty until he makes it right..
he hates the idea of hurting you like he doesn't want to slap you hard or go too hard on you because seeing you in pain makes him feel super guilty
he might be into a little choking or some love taps but he's CONSTANTLY asking you if what he's doing is okay
"that won't hurt you right?"
"are you sure baby?"
"I guess if it's okay with you..."
overall he's just a big sweetheart about everything and we love him for that
you had to teach him about safewords and it kind of confused him at first but he got the hang of it
"so I stop when you say that?"
"but what if you say stop i don't stop? just when you say... okay got it"
"I'm still kinda confused actually can you explain it to me again?"
Let's just say the rubber suit he wears isn't just for killing people it's also for killing your pus-
fr tho he'd definitely wear that I can just feel it 😐
"Tate I'm sorry but I'm not fucking you to deep throat by cupcake"
"why not 😔🥺"
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azrael08 · 8 months
I know it’s been said before but Michael and Adam should’ve gotten more screen time, together or apart idc I just wanted them and their relationship to grow more.
And I sincerely appreciate everyone in the Midam community for creating an entire fandom in of itself about these characters who got so little character development and even less scenes together all just because a collective amount of us immediately saw their potential and how healthy their love fits together.
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shadowgirl-noa · 8 months
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So glad @redspringstudio keeps us well-fed as we wait for the full release. Here's Lyssa's flower- the Hairy Buttercup! This style was harder to replicate for me, sadge
Predictable? Maybe. But if the boot fits...
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machinthemachine · 4 months
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I think tumblr compression is going to murder me on this one, but here is my "finally dropping Prog 2" celebratory E7 meme dump! See if you can guess my favorite characters lmao(*cough* tenebria *cough*)
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ya-boi-haru · 2 years
You know what, you seem cool...
*dumps all of my Seduce Me Headcannons/theories*
~Contains Spoilers~
• The only reason the boys were back in the Chicago area to begin with was for Harold's funeral. They heard about it on the news and all went into shock.
• Getting their Human names went one of 4 ways: 1) They picked them themselves 2) Harold had the names on IDs ready to go, and let them pick a card - he just had to add the persons photo 3) Harold gave them the names persoanlly 4) Damien picked them all out beforehand while he was learning about the Human World
• The reason Sam didn't get to pick - or they didnt have time to do his choice - where they went on for trips was cause he kept losing at rock - paper - scissors (or coin tosses etc) so he never got to pick
• Since Sam and Damien can't read, if they were left on their own to order something they'd just point at something and hope it was good
• It took a bunch of Trial and error to learn that Matthew likes sweeter Coffee
• Damien Is Demisexual - or Graysexual, somewhere on that spectrum (im prepared to die on this hill)
• I could also see Erik being Demi
• Sam was super nervous to tell Carrie he was a Demon and was working himself up, but she already knew
• Damien can get overstimulated with sound sometimes due to his mind-reading. Even when he's human he can still get it from time to time in stressful situations.
• Damien would get frequent panic attacks and the others got really good at learning how to ground him and calm him down. When Mika gets stressed or panics about school or work stuff they use similar techniques.
• Sam does the most abbreviated texts (eg; c u 2nite) James uses proper grammar, Matthew uses Emojis and gifs, Erik knows all the flirty lingo, Damien also abbreviates but not as bad as Sam and he likes using the occasional Emoji😊☺️
• Matthew has fun ringtones while James uses default ones.
• Matthew has Sam saved as "Jackass" and Sam has Matthew saved as "Pipsqueak" (or something similar)
• Erik & Matthew are the type that get sick/pass out when their blood gets taken. Sam sometimes does too, but he will never admit it
• (In the Anderson mansion) James & Erik's rooms were neat and tidy - Erik would decorate. Damiens and Mattgews were stuffed with plushness- clean but not tidy. Sams is the messiest
• They let Matthew try an energy drink once... they never let him again.
• If nights were really bad, Damien would go stay with one of his brothers (mainly either Matthew or Sam since the older ones were always busy and they weren't allowed near) They would stay up with him and talk or try to think of other things to drown out the rest of it all. In the human world if he had a bad nightmare or anything, he'd still get up and go and talk to one of his brothers.
• (this one's based off an old video I made + I'll be using Sam for this one, cause Cannon route)
After the party the boys saw what Mikas dad was like and how tense Mika was during the event. So after the party Sam approached Mika to ask if she was okay. She thought he was talking about Malix for a moment but then he says that She was tense and acting not like herself during the party; that he knows a thing or two about a shitty dad and that he's here if she wants to talk.
• During the party the boys would give Mika small encouragements/ comfort throughout the night whenever they saw the opportunity. Matthew would come to her with extra snacks, or they would distract guests when she needed a break from questions.
• Micheala explained "Soul Marks" and I joked that they're a magic equivalent of a Hickey. So after Mika and [one of the brothers] did it - or they fed off her - they knewww and teased the brother about it.
• Erik wasn't prepared for Mika to flirt back
• The tags that Sam through away ultimately went into the Anderson Mansion. Mika found them (she was younger at this time) and gave them to Harold. They had demon magic energy on it, which Harold could sence. He dropped Mika off early to investigate it more
• One night, Sam and Mika hung out on the roof until the stars came out. Mika pointed out the constellations she knew
• James and Erik had to help the other 3 with their ties (+ the MC if they're played as male)
• Whenever the boys would pine for Mika, Damien had to sit and suffer in silence as he heard their nervous thoughts
• Since Mika was one of the boys first they probably did most of their 'exploring' with her.
• When the incubrothers learned they could never really tell her dad about what they were, they were a little upset - especially Sam. (Damien didn't have much of a problem with it since he wants to be human - and turns - anway)
• The Brothers quickly made Monopoly a forbidden game
• Damien adores his hair being played with and has fallen sleep because of it multiple times
•Matthew and Damiens hair gets frizzy/Curly in humid/rain weather
⚠️The next lot of headcannons are based on the more heavier topics of the game and involve Trigger Warnings such as abuse and assault, please proceed with caution:
• After James asked Mika how she got the bruise on her cheek and she brushed it off, no way he didn't know. James knew immediately and knew not to push further. Damien also knew - due to mind reading.
- Damien also dissociated a little after "seeing/hearing" what had happened to Mika.
• In the first flashback In the first game it notes that Damien hid behind Sam... I headcannon that Sam defended Damien from their father a lot. It would normally end in violence since Sam "defyed" his father. But he would also take blame for something that Damien did so he wouldn't get hurt getting in trouble. Sam would also beat up any imps that messed with him.
• Sometimes after being forced to mentally hear his mother and father, Damien go into sever panic attacks and didn't want to be touched and lashed out at imps that tried to 'control' him. These were the worst of them but the brothers knew how to handle it.
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seud-luachmhor · 6 months
Our whole house has been unwell this past fortnight, so my granny (80, loves a sloe gin, appreciates naked bums in museum statues) has been bringing us treats to make us feel better. This morning, she dropped us off a cake she'd made, wrapped in this very Tim-esque linen tea towel.
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I dunno how accurate it still is as im sure this is an ancient print but it got me thinking.
In the beginning of Them™, Tim and Anne passing paperwork between their offices - all offical and above board except for a little flag scribbled on a scrap piece tucked in the pile of manilla folders. A meaningless doodle should anyone else's eyes happen upon it, but the message perfectly clear to the recipient; their own little code.
A simple 'affirmative' or 'negative', or a coy 'stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals'.
'My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water' for a clear afternoon schedule?
'Keep clear of me, I am engaged in pair trawling' when Tim just couldn't get out of back to back meetings.
(I'm not even going to mention 'I require a tug'...)
They were definetly up to some Cute Enough to Kill shenanigans, so I guess I'm now headcannoning this.
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ginnyweasly484 · 9 months
Chuck Steinberg headcannons
How you met
. You and Augie had been close friends your whole lives
.You would stay the night at his house and it wouldn't be weird or anything, y'all were like siblings
.One time you were staying the night Auggie was telling you about Chuck and Stella and asked if you wanted to meet them
.you agreed because you were tired of always hearing about them but not knowing them
.He invited them over for movie night and you Chuck and Stella instantly connected, it was like you guys knew each your whole lives
.Chuck wasn't the person to be quiet the whole way through a movie, but this time he WOULD NOT stop talking to you, like everyone told him to be quiet be he wouldn't
.You honestly didn't mind too much, but he made the whole conversation was about you, he'd ask you questions about yourself, how you got to know Auggie, what school you went to, everything
.It had been a couple months and Auggie has noticed you two starting to like each other
.One day Stella and Auggie decided that they had enough and MADE you unknowingly confess to each other
.Auggie had asked if you liked Chuck and you confessed you did, little did you know he was holding down the button on his walkie talkie so that Chuck and Stella could here the whole conversation
.Stella also did the same thing to Chuck
.A while after that you guys started dating and your relationship went on from there
If you want a part 2, like this post and thanks for your support!
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naurasweetarudesu · 10 months
I can't do this anymore, Stuart. I miss him. I miss Granpuff.
"To be honest, at that time... I also want to be comforted. To be told everything would be okay.
But I knew one of us had to be brave, and I was the one who took that role."
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Probably you: "Hey, Naura. WHY THE FUCK would you draw this???"
Listening to Kuyamu To Kaite Mirai is why I did this 😐
Btw, reference:
Project Sekai Nightcord at 25:00 event story
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nixxie-rose · 1 year
Dsmp Headcannons + Scenarios
Dsmp members x gn!reader | Both Romantic & Platonic
Characters: Karl, Tommy, Nihachu, Ranboo, Jshlatt, Sapnap
Hugs from behind from Karl in the morning while you cook breakfast wearing one of his t-shirts. You could feel him rest his head in the crook of your neck, gently swaying to the music you were playing on your phone.
Hanging out with Tommy at a restaurant and noticing him staring at you with a small grin on his face, seemingly in a daze just admiring your features. He’d snapped out of it and would deny It happening if you ever brought it up
Random touches from Nihachu, pecks on the cheek and pats on the head as she starts her busy day. Ending each day with playful banter and warm grins as you go to bed.
You were walking down the street holding Ranboo’s hand. They noticed that your hand was slightly sweaty and looked down at you. “Unhand me tiny human.” You stopped walking and simply stared up at them, instead, tightening your grip. It was silent for a moment before you heard a boisterous, “UNHAND ME I SAY-.” 
Jshlatt pulled you closer to him to watch a movie. As you lost interest in the movie, your gaze shifted to him and you two began a staring contest. Yet the intense battle was quickly lost as his eyes scanned your face, taking in every pretty detail. You couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up as you informed him that he lost.
Curling up for a nap on Sapnap’s lap, wearing one of his hoodies as he is gaming on a late night stream. His shoulder provided a comfortable pillow as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the top of the head, muttering a “sweet dreams love,” holding you closer to him as you drifted off to the sound of his heartbeat.
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w975x · 17 hours
since we're on not-green flags, i need to talk about rindou😟 ik the fandom took wakui's "tenjiku's best boyfriend" ranking and RAN but guys..... this applies within the tenjiku members only.... kakucho is a sweetheart but the rest are just the less horrible of them all😭 in third position we have kokonoi who didn't got over akane until his talk with inui and kissed the latter because "he reminded him of his sister and they were in the same place where he almost kissed her so hey!! oh well yeah lets just kiss him!!"
we're not working with great bf material here(*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) do i need to remind you that rin is canonically a dj which is in the japan lovemarket the thing right above hosts!! according to people who live in jp +a gymbro... and lowk an alcoholic who gets drunk with strangers💔 and on top of that a gang member delinquet charged with murder like??? fangirls&fanboys i mourn with you the loss of your soft bf rindou because at best you have a cowardly player right there
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james-sunshine-potter · 9 months
The difference between James and Remus is that everyone flirts with Remus and he knows it and everyone flirts with James but he thinks everyone is being really nice to him.
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tezuka-brainrot · 1 month
Nothing is stopping me from making Kei Kisaragi a trans gay furry and his friend is intersex, genderqueer, drag king Sapphire. Nothing at all. I'm done with being a COWARD I'LL DO IT. I'LL DO IT.
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w-1sp · 1 month
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The Pale King in his workshop
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I have this headcanon all the Vacker cousins are super competitive and hate each other and every family gathering is their parents not so subtly comparing them to see who gets to be the Golden Child so they all hate Fitz bc he's Fallon (the grandpa lmao)'s favorite bc of how consistantly he's the Child of The Gathering(TM) and now that he's offically a part of a rebellion and has been banished but is also on Team Valiant they're not sure if they can verbally express their hatred so they just passive aggressively attack him and Biana however they can and god knows Alden and Della do nothing to stop it.
Also I love that headcanon. Keefe calls Sophie Starlight tbh <3
ok that actually makes like a TON of sense and i love Fitz being Fallon’s favorite. your headcannon it actually works with my ocs (i’ll explain tomorrow if you want) because they actually make the family look bad not good
and yes i love that! so so much!
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saltyslime · 2 years
Ok im sorry but the whole "tubbo is a socialite and is a banger host" is an amazing HC and the recent lore (bullet pointed bits from an updates account bc fuck dream) only further proves that while also providing the absolutely hilarious idea that he went on rants about it to tommy like
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on one hand its sad that these kids had to basically run a government at 16 and have at least the paper skills to back it up, but on the other hand the fact that it was one of the first things Tubbo noticed and was happy about + Scraggly ass drug addict Tommy whose been hiding in a decrepit lair carefully and delicately making sure his letter is nice looking for his friend to the point where he pulls out his fanciest stationary which he happens to have with him there is fucking hilarious to me
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also this makes me cry im going to beat them up
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