gaps-between-stories · 2 months
happy tkachuk bowl part 3 to everyone who celebrates
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keziasorro · 22 days
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Forgot to show my other old Arti comic from Twitter. Aint sad this time :)
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wondering about Frank and insects but specifically about how it looks like the WH insects are highly stylized, so does Frank even know anything about real butteflies/insects?
& if he saw a real one, would he recognize it? are all of the species names he applies to the WH bugs real, or are they all made up like "Vibrant Eyespot" or "Fluttering Heartwing"?
and then there's the question - does the neighborhood have some of the more 'undesirable' bugs like moths, worms, roaches, spiders? does it have bugs outside of the generic groups of beetles and butterflies? like are there mantids? leafbugs? dragonflies? weevils? or are those too specific/complex/not-cute for the Playfellow Workshop to have included?
and then there's the question of what are the bugs? props? puppets? are they alive or do the neighbors just perceive them as such? Do they even exist outside of art, storybooks, and animated segments? I highly doubt they're alive like the neighbors are, since in the gif of Frank's head spinning, the framed butterflies' wings are moving. which is kind of horrifying if you think about it for more than a second.
just... the critters Frank loves so so so much being a complete fabrication... every piece of knowledge he prides himself on / delights in knowing being utterly Untrue... oof
#by not-cute i mean that most bugs dont sell well as marketable plushies#cute butterflies? round adorable beetles? those fit right in with a vibrant puppet-y world#so it'd make sense if those are the only two bug groups that exist#along with like. caterpillars of course. i can also see bees being a probable candidate for Existing In The World#AGHHHHH THIS HAS BEEN EATING AT ME FOR DAYS NOW#been questioning how the neighbors' consciousness and awareness manifests as well#might make a different post on that since this one has a Topic and id like to Stay On It for once#well. its related. but that deserves its own Pondering#welcome home speculation#i dont know what else to tag this as!#absolutely unprompted#ALSO ALSO are there any animals outside of insects?#does the neighborhood have birdsong but no birds? if one listens real hard to it will they notice it looping?#do they have squirrels? critters in general? is that why wally doesnt know what a rat is? he'd have no reason to.#in his world they simply don't exist.#anyway but i wonder how frank would react to seeing a real butterfly (& insects in general)#the WH ones are gigantic in comparison and overly-colorful and friendly & cutesy#wouldnt it be painful if he was scared of them. if they look too alien. would it be the spongebob butterfly episode all over again#many many thoughts tonight....#but also....#what if he tried to frame a real one. expecting it to be Fine and Alive when he pins it bc they always have been#theyve always been perfectly happy fluttering in their frames#but a real one would fucking die. so. yikes#traumatic core memory unlocked! frank frankly has discovered Death
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stardestroyer81 · 2 months
Today, April 4th, is World Rat Day, and to celebrate, the funny Noise is wearing his Thursday best!
Seeing as I drew and modded a custom sheep outfit into Pizza Tower just last year, it only felt appropriate to ring in my first celebrated World Rat Day by modding a Brick-inspired outfit into the Playable Noise update! 🐀✨
(Check under the cut to see a selection of in-game screenshots I took of the Noise wearing the Ratty Rags clothes, as well as a special bonus to top it all off!)
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hyunpic · 1 year
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hyunjin on bubble
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jerswayman · 2 months
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the universe said WORLD RAT DAY RAT KING RIGHTS!! 400 for marchy. april 4th 2024. bruins @ canes.
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
People be like "you don't look autistic"
Bestie I may be wearing metaphorical shoes but I promise you underneath this, all I feel is wet socks. All the way down. My deepest emotion. Wet sock.
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toytulini · 1 year
mental health just straight up plummeting
#toy txt post#everyday the smallest things have me spiralling into such stupid despair#constantly fighting myself cos every single thing has me wanting to throw up my hands and walk the fuck off bc theres bo point#whats the fucking point!! just despair and exhaustion and burned the fuck out and gnashing at the fucking walls and then spiralling into#a stupid little self pity self hate spiral cos im just a weak stupid little baby who cant handle the real world. plenty of ppl have it so#much worse and havent given up yet so whats my fucking problem? which is so stupid. but i cant logic my way out of this one#so i am simply sitting here feeling so god damn bad#and i dont even really have. a good reason for it. idk. like i dont have a lot of concrete quantifiable reasons i can present about why#i am so goddamn miserable at my job. im just. going insane i need out im performing badly its not worth it theres no fucking point#every day im fighting the urge to just fucking walk off over the stupidest tiniest things that are definitely not worth that kind of#reaction. like yea maybe i do need like mental health meds or smth but i also know. i need out of this fucking. job. but i dont know#like. idk its like my options are just kore of this same stupid bullshit or retail/food service. and like. shout out to retail and food#service. i fucking could not i fucking cannot. but like im reaching that point here too. everything hurts all the time with no reprieve and#all my options just feel like its gonna be ! even more stupid repetitive motions that wont help! like idk! idk what to do. i just#wanna read about stupid little fucking worms and fish but doing that professionally im not sure im up to it and#between me and that career path is thousands of dollars and homework. so#now im the rat instead now im the rat instead now im the rat instead now im the rat instead#trying so hard not to display idk red flag behavior but im Going Insane. i should just start crying at work. why bother hiding it. whats the#point#vent#ig#i should go eat. and waste the rest of my stupid fucking night playing zelda trying to soothe my brain enough to function except im not#functjoning cos then itll be 5am again and ill have done nothing but play zelda and be up too late and go to bed and not get enough sleep#and be a little to a lot late and be miserable and the cycle just fucking never ends#not enough fucking podcasts about worms out there for this#i opened several academic papers on tongue eating isopods to cope and barely read them bc i cant do that at work it takes too long and i get#lost and my productivity is already in the shit and i need to stop being on my phone and i know that but like also if i dont fucking#distract my stupid fucking brain right fucking now im gonna start throwing things and crying#anyway. thats how im doing. bye
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ljf613 · 1 year
Been rereading the Pendragon series. (Oh look, it's my childhood!)
Third Earth freaks me out. Bobby describes it like some kind of perfect utopia, but all I see is a disturbing dystopia.
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spoonyruncible · 1 year
So, going into work tonight I, quite by accident did the one thing every adult (quite rightly) told me to never ever do.
I don't even know how to explain why I did this. The train had been a half hour late so I was already way behind, even though I'd texted my coworker and warned him about it. The train was actively so late that when it arrived people applauded.
So, there I am, at Union Station at midnight, hobbling down the sidewalk on my little crutch when a woman gestures for me to hold out my hand. She had a fistful of.... something. It was very dark. And I.... Look, y'all, I would be so easy to murder. I held out my hand.
"Peppermints!" she said, "For you!" and dropped about a dozen peppermints into my hand. To be clear, this was the dead of night in a very sketchy part of town.
"Thank you! How wonderful!" I said, genuinely delighted.
There was already a peppermint in my mouth before I realized I'd broken that single cardinal rule hammered into my brain from earliest childhood. I had taken candy from a stranger.
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swingstep · 2 years
Please drop mrd theatre au lore????
OH HOO BOY so. genuinely did not remember i never explained that au huh ksjdngd its been a hot minute since ive messed with that one, but lets see what i can dig up for it. as a disclaimer, its kind of an... abstract au, very rough around the edges as well. dont expect it to be anything too concrete WAHAHA
anyhow. tldr:   the mrd theatre au is exactly what it sounds like: the plot of the game described entirely through the lens of a theater production! alternately referred to as the dance au, because... its a musical! major events are described through dance, each piece pushing the story forward with the power of music and expression. literally-- the story won’t move on without it. starring mad rat as the lead role, rat god as the director, and heart as... That One Guy, Sure!
    the abstraction kicks in in its presentation though-- it's told through the framing of a stage-- however, the story itself is Real to the characters. their world is real, and as characters, they see it as such. to everyone else, it's exactly as its namesake: a play. the term "actor" and "character" go hand in hand, practically synonyms. actors are the characters. the narrative is their world. all in all: the theatre au is an inspection of the meaning of Reality and Perception, the meaning of what it is to be a Character or a Person, and a play on Stories and Roles. more under the cut.
  As it does in canon, the narrative starts with Mad Rat waking up, and Rat God telling him his situation. Y'know, he died, she's giving him a second chance, etc etc. However, she Specifically tells him that he is, in fact, a character in a play and, as someone outside of the narrative, she knows what to do and what paths to follow. As long as he followed her, he'd be able to make it to the end of his story a-ok, and finally get the ending he deserved!
  In the beginning, Rat God starts out with a whole musical number as she narrates the scene (to both the audience and Mad Rat) to catch him up to speed on where he is, who she is, and why he died. As she finishes, hands off the (metaphorical) mic to Mad Rat to get a word in for his debut scene. Unfortunately, Mad Rat, having just recovered from a terminal case of Being Dead, Does Not In Fact Have The Nicest Voice. Seeing this, Rat God quickly interrupts and redirects to another option: Dance. Which is where a major quirk comes in: every character has a specialized dance style!
  Rat gods style is tap/swing, which is what the intro scene Truly is! It's Rat God introducing Mad Rat to the concept of The Show in a duet swing performance. Specifically, in this performance, Rat God takes the lead role in this one for several reasons: 1) She's Extra and Likes Showmanship. 2) She's ensuring Mad Rat goes in the direction he's supposed to-- making sure he's following along. And 3) She's effectively re-teaching Mad Rat how to move after. Y'know. Being Dead. Swing is a heavily motion-focused and improvisational dance: Mad Rat Does Not Know How To Dance. However, Rat God is good enough at it that she can take the lead and turn his stumbles and missteps into motion and flair. It's essentially the tutorial stage!
  The narrative is pretty much the same through the first third of the game, more or less. Mad Rat meets Heart, who doesn't really Dance but rather just cheers him on, and they begin "travelling" together, with periodical "intermissions" where Rat God, off to the side of the stage presents recaps, narration, and questions-- but it's never clear if it's to the audience or Mad Rat. Maybe both. What's really important is the Framing, though. Mad Rat (kind of) acknowledges he is just a Character, but doesn't really Understand it. 
  Despite the knowledge, he still functions through the frame of a Character. He perceives the stage as The World Around Him rather than A Stage, while Rat God is the opposite. This leads to Mad Rat essentially just Following Her Lead. Which ends up just seeming... brazenly reckless and incredibly dangerous-- because Mad Rat doesn't think it will lead to anything. Obviously he's the main character, so he's probably going to just... get to his goal and whatever happens happens, right? Rat God said which way the story goes so... whatever, right?
  Which all culminates at Heart's intervention: Heart notices all of this and gets worried. Whatever this Mess about "shows" and "story" and "directors" is, Mad Rat is still being really really flippant about how many Near Death Experiences he's had (not to mention the whole "Seeing Things That Heart Doesn't" thing.) So he decides to step in.
  This is the first time we ever see Heart dance! He'd always insisted on being moral support/backup for Mad Rat, not really stepping in in any major way. Turns out, he's really good at a lot of dance styles. It's the first time we have a music genre outside of showtunes and the adjacent. It's heart basically trying to tell him that, whatever bullshit about "Narratives" he's following, Mad Rat is still Here. He's still a contributor to the world around him-- he can affect It, and it can affect him. It doesn't matter what he knows about Whatever This Is because it all wont matter if he gets himself into Real Trouble. Which is a convenient segue to the next arc-- they go off-script.
  The following arcs are pretty much just those two figuring out what to do and where they’re going. Mad Rat, up to this point, was just (kind of badly) trying to imitate the swing style from the beginning, but slowly starts figuring out his own specialty on his own. Mad Rat kind of dabbles through a lot, but is Particularly good at breakdance/krump. It’s a bit of a slow process, but he slowly forges his own place in a world he technically does not belong in. 
  All the while, Rat God is suspiciously quiet. They weren’t supposed to go that way, or do any of that, But she could improvise. She passively tried to mess with them from offstage-- changing the background scenery, tossing obstacles after them-- but they just. Kept going. Mad Rat even began Understanding the nature of The Stage and learning how to use that to his advantage, predicting the way things would move or shift, and using that knowledge to move even faster. It was only after Mimolette’s scene (which was Not supposed to be this early in the script, to Rat God’s chagrin,) that she Really started to get particularly miffed. They’d completely gone off-script, avoided Everything she sent after them-- but there was still an ending that needed to be told, and she was going to tell it no matter how messy it was to get there. Which leads to an intervention of her own.
  As the director, she had direct control over a lot of things-- but she herself could never interact with the Narrative. She had no real Hold, as it were. She was barely a concept to the characters in the narrative-- they could not really perceive her. So, she decided to break that rule-- and interact with them directly. Rat God’s scene is incredibly similar to that in canon: Incredibly Chaotic and Hard To Track. She mostly keeps to swing, as that’s her specialty, but regularly switches it up to try and throw Mad Rat off. But things are different than their first dance.
  Mad Rat has a grasp on himself and his goals. Rat God’s plan is already off its rhythm-- it was clear from the start that this was a last-ditch effort on her part to kill him. Despite her still trying to take control, Mad Rat was nothing if not stubborn. He was just as good at deflecting and navigating the scene as she was. But it’s hard to truly get rid of something like Rat God. She isn’t done until the Story was done. There was still a story to be told, so here she stayed. She could keep going as long as he could, and longer. So knowing what he did now, and understanding the circumstance, he did the only think of. The two had, to some extent, switched places: Rat God taking the stance of a Character/Participant in the scene, and Mad Rat seeing the full scope of The Stage and how it worked. The show was still going, so all he had to do was end it. 
  Tricking her into a monologue, he truly exits the frame of the narrative for the first time, grabbing one of the curtain ropes and letting it free, closing the curtains on the stage-- with Rat God behind them. And... silence. In the end, it was just the closed curtains, the audience, and Mad Rat and Heart in front of them. They saw the audience, truly, for the first time-- that larger force constantly watching over him from beyond his view, pushing the show forward not of their own actions, but of their presence alone. This is who it was all for. And seeing this, Mad Rat makes the decision... to ignore them. 
  They weren’t important anymore. The show was over-- the audience had no more use here. No more power here. They meant nothing to him. Nothing to them. He has one last talk with Heart-- they knew they weren’t alone, not truly-- but all that mattered right then was just the two of them. What they’d seen, what they’d been through-- it all had to come to an end eventually. But not by the hand of someone who had no stake in their story-- in their lives. Mad Rat gets to make his own choice about his future: And with no story left to tell... he gets up, and walks off the stage. 
   The Story Is Over.
#pikasks#mrd theatreAU#long post#no fandomtags we die like men#anyhow. thanks for enabling another essay of an infodump ur a real one <333 kdjgnkdjf#this au means The World to me but because its so... [waves arms around.] its very hard to explain in a way that feels Correct.#a lot of it is Vibes alone. feelings and concepts and notions of motion and song. as it is in canon too i think.#as with canon; its a play on tiers of personhood and control-- of who truly gets to choose fate; or if it really exists at all.#its about grabbing on with such fervor that the fabric of the world around you bends to your will.#about the inescapability of Role and Expectation; of Progress and Actions. how nobody in this story; truly; could choose how it ended.#not alone; at least.#rat god is equally bound to her role as director. she has no sway in this world. no matter how deeply she may want it.#the difference between her and mad rat is something tragic; to me.#two people in such similar roles reacting so differently they mirror each other perfectly.#surrender to a role you have no control of and hope it eventually benefits you-- or fight tooth and nail against forces stronger than you.#but these are the tags. im just waxing poetic at this point.#if you want a more clear read of the vibes this was inspired and started entirely by the mrd piano medley by tmsy.#please go check it out it slaughters me. id point out a specific part but its kind of all of them.#anyhow. thanks for reading and also enabling me. have a lovely day !! <33
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chisatowo · 1 year
Some vocaloid songs shouldn't be covered because too much is lost from a human singing it and sometimes vocaloid songs shouldn't be covered because every single damn person who tries gets the vocals fundamentally wrong
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cinnabeat · 2 years
ive been thinking about this for days but when i was a kid i read mrs frisby and the rats of nimh and that book fascinated me so much like the idea of rat society and just how sophisticated everything was and to this day ill just randomly remember the rat society and just be absolutely floored
#feel like reading it again actually#i had this fourth grade ela textbook u know that had short stories and experts and i used to read it all the time#and it had one excerpt from mrs frisby when shes coming back in the evening from getting her kids medicine#and it always really fascinated me. like i read this before i was in fourth grade and i always specifically remember the little paper packet#packets she was given by the doctor mouse#ive always been into like. cottage/farming life like that like its so. like its such a different world from how i live and theyre mice? idk#its fascinating#anyways so then j discovered that we actually had the full length novel for some reason so i read the whole thing and just. the lore?? the w#way these rats built a society? i keep saying it but literally so fascinating#they had electricity and everything they had a carpeted library!! like tiny little rat books bro what!!#and then when i got to fourth grade and i skimmed the ela tectbook bc i was aware mrs frisby should be in the curriculum#and i got so excited when i saw it in the textbook but not too excited bc i know teachers skip certain things#so i got even more excited when we actually read and studied it#i dont remember what we discussed back then and frankly i couldnt tell you about any of like. themes and meanings or anything about the nov#the novel bc i literally do not care about that it was always about how these rats and mice lived that i was interested in#idk what got me started on mrs fridby but i honestly havent stopped thinking about it for a uple days now lmao#michi tag
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arolesbianism · 18 days
If I ever do get properly into dst character modding I like have to make an oni character mod at some point, but the issue is Id want it to be an Olivia mod so bad but also Nails is as far as I'm aware the only legal character name wise and as such it feels like it has to be them, y'know for the bit. But also I have already written too much Olivia dst dialogue and I need an excuse to use it damnit
#rat rambles#oni posting#starve posting#also good ol dr winslow would be dead in seconds I think#not that most of the cast would fare much better but I believe in olivia to last longer#more importantly though it would simply be easier to justify olivia kit wise as while nails was involved in printing pod stuff they didnt#yknow. invent the damn thing.#idk we technically dont have olivia initials yet she Could have a w middle name if we believe hard enough#we have a jackie middle initial tho so shes off the table doubly because she also would have like 50 in each stat lol#also again olivia constant dialogue is just so much more fun to write#especially when it comes to mob examination quotes#also several jokes and bits that I could technically do with nails too but olivia is easier to craft a consistent voice for#as much as we get a surprisingly large amount of characterization for nails they still only have one log of dialogue at the end of the day#like I have hcs and stuff but they are fragile as hell#klei could come out swinging and recontectualize everything theyve ever said at any time if they wanted to it wouldnt be hard#again its one log with little context to most of the things they say#so while we have a glimpse of their character we don't rly see them in enough contexts to rly get a solid general characterisation I think#not that I want more per say my point is simply that any hcs I do have could easily be disproven by not a lot of new information#like itd be very easy for them all to crumble into dust the second klei adds more logs#technically many of my olivia hcs are equally fragile but those are mostly the ones that dont matter much in this context#like idk they could be like fun fact olivia actually loves kids and gets along great with them but I doubt thatll happen#oh that reminds me scariest thing abt oni actually is the idea that some of our lil scientist guys could have kids#like the email abt there not being a bring your kids to work day doesnt inherently mean any of the characters we know have kids but it#makes me remember the possibility and that scares me#like I dont wanna think abt devon potentially having a kid I dont wanna imagine them putting pictures of their baby with toast online#I mean I do but its still like wtf why do you have a life that existed thats scary and it also makes me sad but its also funny so its good#I still stand by my frankie and mason divorce hc frankie got custody of the baby devon got custody of the food blog#its a good think jackie and olivia dont have a kid thatd suck for the kid so bad#like imagine your moms being the worlds saddest wettest cats of women and just having to grow up with that#and theyd be terrible parents for sure jackie would be an absent father and olivia would become an alcoholic
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justiisms · 2 months
"I have been informed that today is both National Burrito Day and World Rat Day! So, I decided to combine them into the perfect, little celebration, haha~!!" *taka looks incredibly pleased with himself as a flustered pika is nice and snug in a burrito while taka slowly feeds him an actual burrito!*
"I'm not a rat! I'm an electric mouse!!" *he whines between bites at the discrepancy but otherwise he's perfectly okay with what's happening, only getting grumbly if the other person begins to laugh too!*
"Taka, your uncle kindly requests that you burrito him as well! You wouldn't want your other uncle to be left out of such a nice celebration, right~?"
"OHO! National Burrito and World Rat Day, huh? Quite the interesting combo. And I see our good detective fits that category quite well." P looks towards the snug Pikachu with a smile, chuckling at his little correction!
"Ahaha! Is there really much of a difference when you're not a normal mouse to begin with?" He can't help but tease, only looking much amused at Pikachu's 'suggestion'!
"Oh dear. Being fed a burrito while burrito'd.... though unfortunately, I am not a rat like y... I mean, ahem! A mouse like you." Winks~! "So however shall I celebrate? Right, Taka? Hmhmhm~!"
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lostxmelody · 7 months
Fantome Iris jumpscare 👁👁
I am going insane over that art omg!! Have you listened to Stellagram :0
YESS! OMG!! its just like fantome iris 2.... truly the greatest thing to exist. i cannot even begin to describe how insane and unhinged i am over arthur lounsbery vocals.... he has so much fun playing felix and u can tell. they're identical. a seiyuu/character match made in heaven.
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