#ANYWA ...y...
mishapen-dear · 7 months
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"I remember holding him, and then there was a bright light, and then I felt warm."
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octolingplush · 6 days
if you try really hard every character ever is aspec
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smoosnoom · 1 year
“You’re crazy,” he says, because Mike is, sometimes. He acts like it. He surely drives Will crazy. Mike grins like it’s a compliment. “Maybe I am.”
During a walk in the woods, Will spills a secret.
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appallinnballin · 10 months
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my friend bought a lamp from me so in return I drew a few of her faves from memory
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quemirabobo · 8 months
Viernes de memes
En este país nadie se aburre
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Mi país mi pais🇦🇷🇦🇷
Es sumamente hilarante ver a Milei y sus seguidores arrastrándose y cambiando el discurso, sigan así que los memes son buenísimos 🤣
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bornetoblood · 1 year
To be fair I don’t really see Gehrman as a Healing Church devotee, I see him as specifically trusting Laurence whole heartedly. Obvs there’s him staying in the Dream for Laurence’s sake but Gehrman’s devotion to the hunt imbodies this too. It presents more so this mutual compromising of morals to appease the other.
Laurence appears to have doubts about the hunt yet Gehrman is steadfast; seeing it as the one thing keeping them human. Laurence chooses to perpetuate the hunt, in part, because Gehrman is devoted to it. Maybe he would’ve done that anyway (sunk costs and all that) but the only Laurence opinions (tm) we see on the hunt is him expressing these doubts to Gehrman, and Gehrman talking him round.
Basically Gehrman compromises his morals to kill people for Laurence and Laurence compromises his morals to let Gehrman keep killing people for him. The worm is eating itself.
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fuyuesu · 11 months
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i wish polyamory was real and not just something invented for the mcu (metamorphosis cinematic universe)
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unknownteapot · 2 months
From thinking we're about to have a shourtney drought in April to get immediately flooded and feeling burned out 🥹 anyway...what is your favorite color?
so real, anon, so real <3
just to clarify, i'm not burned out like in a bad way, i'm just so overwhelmed with love that i feel like i've been deep-fried yk? like someone put me in the oven and forgot to take me out and my brain's sparking and glitching
my favourite colour is yellow, always has been :)
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sunnpii · 16 days
so anyways, the sayori nendoroid is now in my possession!!
. : ;999.@$3 it might not even be a fly ir might be amoth idk where jrs coming from help helphlp
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boyfrillish · 1 year
howdy! for a drabble prompt how about something like, victor/hop where one has to be fiercely protective of the other? (say, a wild pokemon encounter gets out of hand or...)
Victor’s walking toward Challenge Road when it happens. He knows there are plenty of wild Pokémon happy to attack passersby during any weather, yet he’s still caught off-guard when a Bisharp charges at him from behind.
The battle cry rings in his ears and when he turns around, he’s met with sharp blades ready to strike. He can barely shout a command to Sylveon or switch to a different Pokémon. The blow of the attack throws him right into the stairs and he yelps as the edges of the steps dig into his back.
He’s frozen in place as the blade points threateningly at his face.
But that’s when fear melts into a blend of admiration and worry alike.
“Get away from him!” an oh-so-familiar voice yells.
And Victor watches as Hop charges directly into the wild Bisharp, hitting it with his own body to knock it aside, and Dubwool eagerly helping with its Double-Edge.
Hop stands in front of Victor like a shield, Pokéball in hand to switch out. “Go, Cinderace! Hit it with your Pyro Ball!”
With the type advantage on his side, he fends off the wild Bisharp with ease. Though rather than celebrate the win, he rushes to kneel next to Victor.
Grim determination — an expression that’s burned into Victor’s mind ever since their battle at the Champion Cup — makes way for worried frown. “Victor! It didn’t cut you, did it? Let me check you for injuries!”
But the only response Victor can think of is to grab Hop by the collar of his jacket and shout, “You idiot! What were you thinking?!”
“I just saved your butt!” Hop shouts right back. “And you’re probably hurt, so let me tend to you already!”
Victor really wants to argue — because really! What was he thinking? — but his body has to betray him by wincing in pain. “Ugh, fine.”
He slips out of his dojo jacket and loosens the zipper of his binder for ease of breath, at the same time allowing Hop to lift his shirt to examine his back for any obvious signs of injury and patch up the scratches on his arms and legs.
Victor is mad. He really is. But the Butterfree that go wild in his belly again at Hop’s gentle, caring touch make it tough to stay mad. And, okay, maybe Hop going reckless protector mode for him made him fall in love even more than he already was.
Still, though… he’s miffed. Feelings don’t always make sense.
Finally, Hop is satisfied with his work and he fixes Victor’s t-shirt before putting away the first aid kit. Softly, he says, “I did the best I could, but I’m just a Professor’s apprentice, not a Doctor. So you should go back to the Dojo and have someone check you more thoroughly as soon as possible.”
Victor groans. “But I have training to do!”
“Nuh uh, training can wait. Health is more important,” Hop argues. “You’re the Champion of Galar, it’s no good if you end up out of commission because you thought you could tough it out.”
“If health is so important, then why did you charge in like that? You could’ve got hurt!”
“I didn’t think, okay?” Hop says. “I saw that Bisharp attacking you and heard your cry and all I knew was I had to make sure you’re safe. There was no time to think before acting.”
“You keep doing that, Hop. Charging ahead recklessly and rushing off before I have a chance to say something or help you. It can get a bit frustrating, you know?” Victor says. Softly, he adds, “I worry about you and I don't want you to get yourself hurt for my sake. I want you to be safe, too.”
“Sorry about that, Victor,” Hop says. “Sonia reproached me for that too, but I can’t help it sometimes. Especially when something or someone I really care about is in danger.”
“Just, promise you’ll be careful, okay? Or else I’ll charge in and protect you, because I really care about you too.”
A smile blooms on Hop’s face as he squeezes Victor’s hand in affirmation of the promise. “Heh heh, it makes me really happy we always have each other’s back.”
Victor feels like a firework lights up in his heart.
He smiles back. “Me too.”
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yooo anyone remember that season of Fredbear and Friends that aired on CN???
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lem-argentum · 3 months
the thing about reno is that i still haven’t gotten over literally any of his scenes ever so any NEW footage is like.i cant do it. i cannot
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smoosnoom · 1 year
love me on purpose
Sometimes, I still order pizza without olives, he wants to say. Sometimes, I write to you. For you. Sometimes, you're the only person I want to call. I still have my watch. I saw a poster for The Cure and thought of you, two months ago. It’s on my wall. Do you still like horror movies? Everything reminds me of you. You’re all I think about. Mike shakes his head. "I think about you all the time." Will frowns. "Don't – don't say that." "Why not?" Mike questions, shifting where he sits. "It's true."
December, 1993.
For the first time in four years, Mike and Will speak to each other.
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wyrmscockfortress · 4 months
wip wednesday saturday!!!!! here's a bit from an upcoming chapter of my tav/reader fic <3
set in act 3, in the bhaal temple, dark urge spoilers, gore, durge x reader
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you're awoken from a deep, troubled sleep by two strong hands gently cupping your face. you smile groggily and nuzzle into his touch.
"mm, Tav, wha…-" you start to ask. you trail off when you're hit by the sickly smell of rot, carried in the chill air. you feel flat, rough stone beneath you, and the hands that hold you reek of blood. where are you?
your tired eyes blink open and go wide. it is indeed Tav who holds you; you barely recognize him for how smeared with gore he is. he looks distressed, and there's another emotion in his face you can't quite identify. above him you see a vast, vaulted stone ceiling, so high it's almost hidden in darkness. your mouth is incredibly dry, and your body aches. how long have you been here?
"gods…" Tav whispers. your vision swims as he guides you to sit up; you look around, blinking. he's perched next to your body on a long, raised stone slab in the sunken center of a vast underground room. the dim firelight reveals a huge stone skull carved into the wall, outlined by a circle of blood-red droplets. it looms menacingly, staring directly down at you. you're pretty sure you've seen that symbol before; your head is still foggy. Tav wraps you tightly in his embrace, pressing his nose into your hair and the side of your face to his gory chest, painting your skin scarlet.
"I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs, his voice catching. you feel his heart pound, entirely too fast. you feel tension, and the sense that something is wrong. you stare again at the icon of the skull; where have you seen it before?
suddenly, its eyes flash a piercing crimson, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. you feel Tav tense around you.
"we- we have to go," he says. his voice trembles. he releases you and quickly looks you over before helping you to your feet, avoiding your eyes. already disoriented, standing up makes you dizzy beyond belief, and you nearly fall back onto the stone. Tav catches you and holds you to him. he starts to guide you towards a staircase, leading up, out of this wretched, putrid place; you only make it a few steps before you feel him freeze in place. you look up and see he's staring at something in front of you. before you can get a proper look at what it is, he turns your bodies, putting himself between you and it and holding you close to his chest. the frantic thumping of his heart is loud in your ears. a jubilant, reedy voice rings through the bloodstained temple. 
"he is near-! he's coming for you, master!"
Tav presses the side of your face further into his chest, his grip tightening. your vision shimmers as you stare into the crimson eyes of the gigantic skull on the wall. they pulse with life, as if blood runs from the bone.
the room suddenly rings with the sickening sound of a blade rending flesh, and you flinch. Tav strokes your cheek with his thumb. you can feel his fingers trembling. there's another bone-splitting stab, and another. blood drips onto the stone and the creature grunts; you count five brutal thrusts as its blood splashes to the floor in streams.
then, you feel a presence. something greater than the creature in front of you is in the room now. an unnerving dread settles itself in you, bogging you down and weighing on your already tired limbs. it's as if you're falling in slow motion and you've left your organs behind. Tav's heart races, and his blood sings through his veins; he squeezes you closer to him, turning to hold you further from the presence in front of him. you can feel his neck straining to look at it. the dread silence stifles the air, coiled like a predator waiting in ambush; and then a low, jagged voice pierces your minds.
I expected the other, it growls. yet you stand before me.
you stare into the glistening eyes of the skull, entranced. where are you? whose is this voice?
the circular bloodstones shimmer in the candlelight, throwing off beautifully red reflections that dance around the room. your clouded mind is suddenly clear.
oh gods, no-...
you squeeze your eyes shut and press into Tav, the crimson light playing across your eyelids. you never thought you would find the temple of Bhaal, much less face the god of murder himself. this is the last place you imagine Tav wants to be; his former home, his playground, the place he built his empire. how many people had worshiped him, how much suffering had they created in his name? what sins had he himself performed in the name of Bhaal? he doesn't remember, but you can't help but wonder what countless filthy acts he might have committed in this very room. the fact that you're even still alive is a miracle, you muse. before you have a chance to think about why you're here, the voice addresses Tav again.
you live, and thus, you are my chosen. I have a gift for you, child. 
the voice pauses for a beat.
you will use it to lacerate this world.
you feel Tav stand up straighter. his chest rises and falls against you as he breathes deep, his heart pounding.
"and if I refuse?" he murmurs. the air hums with the god's displeasure.
I will extinguish you.
your eyes fly open. Tav seems to stand fearlessly in the face of his father, Bhaal, the murder god. but you know the truth. you can feel how his limbs tremble, and how every muscle is tensed, ready to run; he may wear the very face of defiance, but Tav is terrified. 
still, you feel him gather himself, taking another deep breath. the air washes over you as he briefly turns to nuzzle his face into your hair. a new dread pools in your gut, deeper than that imposed by the god's presence. tears gather in your eyes; you know what he's going to do. he raises his head and turns again to face his father. you tighten your fist in the bloodstained cloth of his shirt so hard that it shakes, and hold your breath as he speaks.
"I would rather die than let you control me any longer," he says quietly.
Bhaal's anger flares all around you. you suppress a sob.
my blood runs through your veins, child. my power.
Tav says nothing. he still holds you close, his body a barrier between you and whatever produces the voice of Bhaal. you realize it must be your fault he's had to come back here. he could've run away, left you to your fate, escaped into the busy city and never faced his father; but you know that's not the kind of person he is. the man you love would never stand down from a challenge, and he'd sacrifice anything for those he cares about.
and you have a dreadful feeling you're about to find out exactly what he's going to sacrifice. you've already seen firsthand what happens when one denies a god; your lover happens to have pissed off the god of fucking murder. you press your face harder into his chest. you imagine Tav lying there on the altar, split open, his living, pulsing organs on display for a crowd; you imagine his cries of agony as teeth close around a part of his soft, red insides, lines of cultists waiting patiently to take their turn at his flesh. tears threaten to spill down your cheeks and you grind your teeth, desperately willing the imagery away. whatever Tav's father is about to do to him will break him, certainly; you can only wish him a swift, painless end and hope that his death won't break you.
a tear finally slips from your eye and mingles with the blood on his front; then another. you realize you never told him you love him; right now might be your last chance. you lean away from him to look up at his face, and he looks away from the avatar of his father to gaze down at you; but as you open your mouth to speak, the stillness of the room is wrought by a bone-chilling, soul-rending whine.
if you do not wish to claim your birthright, then I will take back what is mine.
you look into each other's eyes, wide in terror. Bhaal's ancient dread magic rises, a deeply unsettling hum that sets every nerve in your body on fire and worms its way into the most hidden parts of your very being. nothing in the room is visibly changed, but the air has grown dense as lead; all around you you can feel the essence of pure, visceral suffering. Tav stiffens his arms around you and brings you tight against him. you can feel him trembling. there is no sound in the still room but your minds howl as the screams of all of the souls ever claimed by the dread lord rise and rip through you in one all-consuming, unending torrent of agony. you've never known anything but pain as it wraps around you, filling you; you never existed except to suffer like this.
you cling to Tav as your mind is tossed in the tides of the dread magic like a leaf in the wind, threatening to consume your very being; yet the feeling pales in comparison to the scream that now rips from his chest, rending the air of the silent room. it rings with the most profound, bestial torment; the sound of truly divine suffering. it's the most primal, fear-inducing thing you've ever heard; you're paralyzed in his arms, feeling his claws gouge into your flesh as his life is painfully drained away. his skin burns, and a fine, red mist is drawn from his pores; Bhaal is taking back his own blood. Tav's scream renews as every bone in his body is suddenly shattered with a horrible crack. it soon turns to a strangled gurgle as his tattered lungs fill with blood. it's the worst sound you've ever heard. he stumbles back and falls at the base of the stone altar, bringing you with him. you register a twinge of pain as your knee connects with the stone floor.
Bhaal's presence fades and the swirling dread trickles away as Tav's cry ceases, the last echoes of ultimate suffering dissolving into the quiet room, now silent and still once again save for your frantic breaths and his sickly rattles. now abandoned by his father, he's fallen with his back to the stone, his broken legs splayed out in front of him, still holding you tight. your hands are still clasped in his shirt and your legs are folded awkwardly under you. you rest and pant into his chest for a few moments before untangling them to kneel before him, your face level with his.
your tears flow freely as you cup his face in your shaking palms. he's crying too, his tears mingling with the blood running down his chin from the corner of his mouth. blood and mucus drip from his nose and he struggles with every breath. you know he isn't long for this world.
"I love you," you whisper, gazing into his eyes, and bring your lips to his. it's his blood you taste this time, instead of your own as the first time you'd kissed him. he weakly moves his lips against yours, his eyes starting to fall shut. you rub his cheeks with your thumbs and lay another kiss on his forehead, desperately trying to keep your composure. his chest doesn't rise and fall anymore, and his head grows heavy in your hands.
"Tav?" you sob. he doesn't respond. 
"gods… Tav-" you press your forehead to his and weep. you know you're vulnerable here, but you can't leave him yet. you've never seen a creature so wretched and broken; how foolish you were, to think you would have a future with him.
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dino-art · 7 months
a couple silly hunting dogs via this
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edit: full set edition here
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void-speaks · 9 months
I'm surprised that Forrest didn't pull a "George wouldn't want this" even once.
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