#Affonso Gonçalves
sesiondemadrugada · 4 months
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May December (Todd Haynes, 2023).
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genevieveetguy · 3 months
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. Who was the boss?
May December, Todd Haynes (2023)
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cinesludge · 1 year
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Movie #39 of 2023: Gimme Danger
Iggy Pop: “I’m gonna bury those guys.” 
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herdingsnails · 8 months
Guia: Como fazer uma investigação Genealógica em Portugal
É bom ver que anda tanta gente entusiasmada com o relato que a @momo-de-avis tem feito da sua investigação genealógica. Caso queiram aproveitar esse entusiasmo para se juntarem à festa e irem também meter o nariz na vossa história familiar, eu tenho algumas dicas.
Comecem com o que sabem. A maior parte de nós sabe o nome dos pais e dos avós e provavelmente também dos bisavós. Era o meu caso. Sei o nome, data e local de nascimento dos meus pais e avós. Dos meus bisavós só sabia os nomes, excepto de uma, da qual tinha uma cédula onde vinha a sua data de nascimento, naturalidade e o nome dos pais. E esses são precisamente os dados necessários para começar a descobrir mais!
Caso sejam trintões como eu é provável que os vossos bisavós tenham nascido antes de 1910 e foram baptizados e registados nos cadernos paroquiais. Isso é excelente. Na maior parte dos casos é só ir ao caderno de registos de baptismos da paróquia onde eles e chafurdar até encontrarem uma criança com o mesmo nome (normalmente só aparece nome próprio) cujos nomes dos pais correspondam aos nomes que já conhecem. Esses registos vão ter também a naturalidade dos pais, a paroquia onde casaram (se eram casados, caso não fossem a criança é baptizada como "ilegítima" ou "natural"), e os nomes dos avós paternos e maternos. Ao lado costuma também ter averbamentos com a data e local do casamento e morte.
Exemplo de um registo de baptismo da primeira década do século 20, com a ortografia original:
Aos vinte e seis dias do mez de Julho do anno de mil novecentos e três, n’esta egreja parochial de Santo Ildefonso de Montargil, concelho de Ponte de Sôr, Arcebispado d’Evora, baptisei solenemente um individuo do sexo feminino, a quem dei o nome de Custodia, e que nasceu pelas nove horas da manhã do dia vinte e quatro do mês de Abril do corrente anno, no monte das Abertas de Cima d’esta freguesia, filha legitima de Manuel Jerónimo, trabalhadôr, e de Maria Jordôa, empregada no serviço domestico, ambos naturaes d’esta freguesia, onde se receberam e onde são parochianos e moradores no referido monte das Abertas de Cima. Neto paterno de Jeronymo Varela e de Rosaria Maria, e materno de Antonio Prates Jordão e de Augusta Lopes. Foi padrinho Affonso Fortio, casado, proprietario, e madrinha Rosaria Maria, viuva, empregada no serviço domestico, que sei serem os proprios. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este assento para depois ele ser lido e conferido perante os padrinhos, o assignei eu somente porque não sabiam escrever. Era ut supra. Collei sello de cem reis que inutilisei. O Parocho: José Gonçalves da Silva Primo Averbamentos: Nº55 Custodia | Nº1 - Casou com Manuel Jordão no Posto do Registo Civil de Montargil, concelho de Ponte de Sôr em 26 de Dezembro de 1931. Assento nº98 da mesma data. Em vinte seis de Junho de mil novecentos e setenta e três. João Sousa | Nº2 - O casamento a que se refere o averbamento nº1 foi dissolvido por obito do conjuge marido, falecido em 11 de Julho de 1942. Assento nº129 do mesmo mês e ano. Em vinte e seis de Junho de mil novecentos e setenta e três. João Sousa | Nº3 Faleceu em 26 de Agosto de 1984 na freguesia de Arrentela, concelho do Seixal
Caso os vossos bisavós sejam mais novos do que os meus e tenham nascido já depois da revolução republicana, foram já todos registados no Registo Civil. As regras atuais dizem que os registos com mais de 100 anos devem ser entregues pelas conservatórias aos arquivos distritais, mas nem todas estão muito adiantadas com isso. Ou também pode acontecer que o arquivo já tenha o documento mas ainda não esteja digitalizado. Se o arquivo já o tiver podem criar conta na plataforma deles e fazer um pedido de pesquisa, ou um pedido de reprodução, que podem ter ou não custos. Caso não esteja no arquivo têm que pedir no site do registo civil da mesma maneira que se pede uma certidão mais recente. Cada um desses pedidos custa 10€ e convém referir ao fazer o pedido que precisam de saber a naturalidade dos pais, ou que precisam da certidão para efeitos de uma investigação genealógica.
Eu não tenho muita experiência com as certidões do registo civil, nisso a @momo-de-avis pode ajudar um pouco mais porque já pediu algumas. Mas nos cadernos paroquiais, o próximo passo é descobrir o assento de casamento dos pais, se a criança for legítima. Pegando no exemplo acima, a Custódia era filha legítima, o que quer dizer que os pais casaram antes dela nascer, pode até ter sido no dia anterior, por isso, para encontrar o casamento deles é procurar a partir da data de nascimento dela para trás.
Os assentos de casamento são normalmente os mais completos porque havia uma grande preocupação com evitar a bigamia, portanto a identidade dos noivos era cuidadosamente conferida pelos padres.
Como exemplo, o assento de casamento dos pais da Custódia:
Aos vinte e nove dias do mez de Novembro, do anno mil oitocentos e noventa e nove n’esta egreja parochial de Santo Ildefonso de Montargil concelho de Ponte de Sôr, Archidiocese d’Evora na minha presença compareceram os nubentes Manuel Jeronymo, e Maria Jordão, os quaes sei serem os proprios e com todos os papeis do estylo correntes e sem impedimento algum canonico ou civil para o casamento; elle d’edade de vinte e oito annos já completos, solteiro, jornaleiro, natural, baptizado e morador n’esta freguesia, filho legitimo de Jeronymo Varella e de Rosaria Maria, naturaes desta freguesia; ella d’edade de vinte annos já completos, solteira, empregada nos serviços do campo, natural, baptizada e moradora n’esta freguesia, filha legitima de Antonio Prates Jordão e de Augusta Lopes, naturaes d’esta freguesia, os quaes nubentes se receberam por marido e mulher e os unì em Matrimonio procedendo em todo este acto conforme o rito da Santa Madre Egreja Catholica Apostolica Romana e receberam a benção nupcial. A mãe da nubente, viuva de Antonio Prates Jordão assistio ao casamento da sua filha à qual deu todo o seu consentimento para poder contrair o matrimonio com o nubente sendo testemunhas deste consentimento Ruffo Freire d’Andrade, casado, professor d’ensino primario e Antonio Maria Courinha, casado, proprietario, moradores n’esta freguesia. Foram testemunhas presentes que sei serem os proprios Hermengildo Nogueira, casado, lavrador e Luiz Mendes Catharino, casado, proprietario, moradores nesta freguesia. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este assento que depois de ser lido e conferido perante a mãe da conjuge e testemunhas commigo não assignaram por não saberem escrever assignaram a rôgo da mãe da nubente por ter sido dado nas suas presenças o seu ezpresso consentimento as já ditas testemunhas Ruffo Freire d’Andrade e Antonio Maria Courinha. Era ut supra.
Agora sabemos a idade que os pais da Custódia tinham quando casaram é fácil encontrar os seus assentos de baptismo. A partir daqui é ir repetindo os passos. Os óbitos normalmente vêm assinalados nos averbamentos. Ainda não cheguei a nenhum antepassado directo que tenha morrido antes da república, por isso tenho-me fiado nessa informação em vez de pedir a certidão no registo civil. Mas já sei que quando começar a investigar o António Prates Jordão vou ver os registos de óbito de 1899 para trás, uma vez que já tinha morrido quando a filha casou.
Encontrar irmãos dos bisavós, trisavós, etc., é que pode ser mais complicado se era uma família que mudava de paróquia com frequência, ou se os pais não eram casados, mas eu diria que este é um passo opcional quando se faz uma árvore genealógica. Eu pessoalmente gosto de saber e já enterrei imenso tempo a colecionar tios-bisavós como se fossem cromos, mas isso sou eu.
Espero que isto seja útil e se alguém tiver mais alguma pergunta a minha askbox está à vossa espera.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in Carol (Todd Haynes, 2015)
Cast: Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Kyle Chandler, Sarah Paulson, Jake Lacy, John Magaro, Cory Michael Smith, Kevin Crowley, Nik Pajic. Screenplay: Phyllis Nagy, based on a novel by Patricia Highsmith. Cinematography: Edward Lachman. Production design: Judy Becker. Film editing: Affonso Gonçalves. Music: Carter Burwell.
With her Mamie Eisenhower bangs and heart-shaped face, Rooney Mara in Carol becomes the reincarnation of such '50s icons as Audrey Hepburn, Jean Simmons, and Maggie McNamara -- particularly the McNamara of The Moon Is Blue (Otto Preminger, 1953), that once-scandalous play and movie about a young woman who defies convention by talking openly about sex while retaining her virginity. It's just coincidence that Carol is set at the end of 1952 and into 1953, the year of the release of The Moon Is Blue, but the juxtaposition of McNamara's Patty O'Neill and Mara's Therese Belivet seems to me appropriate because the 1950s have become such a touchstone for examining our attitudes toward sex. Director Todd Haynes and screenwriter Phyllis Nagy, adapting a novel by Patricia Highsmith, have done an exemplary job in Carol of not tilting the emphasis toward Grease-style caricature or Mad Men-style satire of the era, or exploiting the same-sex relationship in the film for sensationalism or statement-making. Carol is a story about people in relationships, clear-sightedly viewed in a way that Therese herself would endorse. After asking her boyfriend Richard (Jake Lacy) if he's ever been in love with a boy and receiving a shocked reply that he's only "heard of people like that," Therese replies, "I don't mean people like that. I just mean two people who fall in love with each other." It's this matter-of-factness that the film tries to maintain throughout its story of Therese and Carol (Cate Blanchett), the well-to-do wife in a failing marriage. That the film is set in the 1950s, when cracks were showing in the conventional attitudes toward both marriage and homosexuality, gives piquancy to their relationship, but it doesn't limit it. The story could be (and probably is) playing itself out today in various combinations of sexual identity. The film works in large part because of the steadiness of Haynes at the helm, with two extraordinary actresses at the center and beautiful support from Sarah Paulson as Abby, Carol's ex-lover, and Kyle Chandler (one of those largely unsung actors like the late Bill Paxton who make almost everything they appear in better) as Carol's husband, the hard-edged Harge Aird. The sonic texture of the 1950s is splendidly provided by Carter Burwell's score and a selection of classic popular music by artists like Woody Herman, Georgia Gibbs, Les Paul and Mary Ford, Perry Como, Eddie Fisher, Patti Page, Jo Stafford, and Billie Holiday.
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Lmaoo the Academy/Oscars did a Q&A ask with Olivia and uploaded it to their channel... if that movies gets a nomination for anything else thatn customes or cinematography then they are a jokeeee!
I just saw. 💀💀💀
Not surprised, anon. Both Arianne Phillips (costumes for DWD) and Affonso Gonçalves (the editor that got stuck with it) that took part in the interview with her have been recognized for their work in notable films.
Also, don’t forget Olivia did an interview specifically at The Academy Museum in LA and she attended the Gucci event that took place there last fall. Not to mention when you actually visit the museum itself, there are clips from Booksmart played on the first floor (along with clips from other critically acclaimed films). I think she’s also done additional interviews for them, one I think was with a fellowship winner. These all happened just last year. I took note of those specific events because 1. I follow both the Academy and the Academy museum so unfortunately was made aware of it, and 2. I figured she would attempt to push the film for nominations.
So that said, I don’t find the newest interview surprising at all. She’ll do anything to be able to slap “Oscar Nominated” or “Oscar Winner” on DWD somehow, even if it is a technical award. Or at the very least, doing so many things with the Academy probably makes her think people will associate her with some sort of talent worthy of the association. Just like with her connection to Harry, she would rather take on the illusion of talent than actually put in the work to prove she has it herself.
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chinchillasorchildren · 3 months
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2023 Golden Chinchillas
Best Editing
Asteroid City (Barney Pilling)
La Chimera (Nelly Quettier)
Killers of the Flower Moon (Thelma Schoonmaker)
Oppenheimer (Jennifer Lame)
Trenque Lauquen (Miguel de Zuviría & Alejo Moguillansky)
The Zone of Interest (Paul Watts)
Honorable Mentions: May December (Affonso Gonçalves).
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pirapopnoticias · 7 months
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brn1029 · 2 years
Time for your Rock Report
The Criterion Collection will release a new 4K digital master of the 2021 documentary film, The Velvet Underground, on December 13. The film was previously available to stream only on Apple TV+.
The film about the rock band features audio commentary from director Todd Haynes and editors Affonso Gonçalves and Adam Kurnitz. Also included in the film are outtakes from interviews with musicians John Cale, Jonathan Richman, and Maureen Tucker; filmmaker Jonas Mekas; and actor Mary Woronov. The blu-ray special edition New 4K digital master is approved by Haynes and cinematographer Ed Lachman, with Dolby Atmos soundtrack.
Legendary rock band The Doors recently announced the release of long awaited studio outtake "Paris Blues." The piece will be launched as the title track to the band's vinyl album to be released on Record Store Day's Black Friday. The single has been a holy grail for the Doors fans as they have been waiting for it for almost 50 years. It is known as the last recording before the Doors disbanded in 1973. The album will be on blue vinyl and feature an original painting by guitarist Robby Krieger on the album cover. There will be 10,000 copies of the album, which will be available at select independent music stores on November 25.
Heavy metal legend Ozzy Osbourne has shared pro-shot video of his halftime show for the Los Angeles Rams season opener at SoFi Stadium last week. The Rock & Roll Hall of Famer and Grammy-winning singer and songwriter had performed the show, featuring "Patient Number 9" and his signature song "Crazy Train," on the eve of the release of his Patient Number 9 album. Ozzy obtained the full performance to share with fans, because the performance was only seen by game attendees, with NBC sharing only a short clip during the game telecast. The backing band for the performance included producer Andrew Watt on guitar, Jane's Addiction bassist Chris Chaney, and Osbourne's longtime drummer, Tommy Clufetos. Guitar slinger Zakk Wylde, who has been Osbourne's right-hand man off and on since 1987, joined the group for "Crazy Train."
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reportwire · 2 years
Don't Worry Darling review: Full of 'half-baked ideas'
Don’t Worry Darling review: Full of ‘half-baked ideas’
2022-09-05 12:00:00 Still, there is some interesting craft on display and chilling moments that move things along. Editor Affonso Gonçalves inserts William Friedkin-esque fleeting shots of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it terror to create unease, while one scene involving near-suffocation by clingfilm may make your throat constrict in horror. But the over-reliance on dream sequences is lazy and poorly…
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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I've been waiting for someone like you. Someone to challenge me. Like a good girl.
Don’t Worry Darling, Olivia Wilde (2022)
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musicandmood · 2 years
Inflatable Air Dancers Get Happy in New Arcade Fire Video
Inflatable Air Dancers Get Happy in New Arcade Fire Video
Fresh off the Saturday Night Live stage, Arcade Fire have released a new video for the song “Unconditional I (Lookout Kid).”   The track is drawn from the band’s brand new Columbia album, WE, which came out Friday. Arcade Fire tapped Academy Award-nominee Benh Zeitlin to direct and Affonso Gonçalves to edit the clip, which showcases children rolling down grass hills and inflatable air dancers…
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sesiondemadrugada · 2 years
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The Velvet Underground (Todd Haynes, 2021).
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton in Only Lovers Left Alive (Jim Jarmusch, 2013) Cast: Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, Anton Yelchin, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt, Jeffrey Wright, Slimane Dazi. Screenplay: Jim Jarmusch, Marion Bessay. Cinematography: Yorick Le Saux. Production design: Marco Bittner Rosser. Film editing: Affonso Gonçalves. Music: Josef van Wissem. The vampire genre has always been about sex, especially since at the end of the sexually repressed Victorian era, Bram Stoker gave it one of its definitive expressions in Dracula, where the fear of sexuality gets turned into a fear of a living death. But with the fall of so many sexual taboos in the 20th and 21st century, vampirism itself no longer holds the same kind of terrors. It takes an imagination like Jim Jarmusch's to turn things around, to make the vampires afraid of the living. Only Lovers Left Alive is only partly a post-AIDS fable, in which the substance that sustains a vampire can itself prove deadly. Jarmusch's Adam (Tom Hiddleston) and Eve (Tilda Swinton) are age-old predators reduced in this century to procuring only carefully screened blood, uncontaminated by the misadventures of human beings. He gets his from a hospital researcher who calls himself "Dr. Watson" (Jeffrey Wright), she from an old friend, Christopher Marlowe (John Hurt), whose source we never discover. Jarmusch is casual about providing the backstories of his characters; we have to take them for who and what they are, with only tantalizing hints about their long past and even much of their present lives. We gather that this Marlowe is the historical one, who didn't really die in a tavern brawl in 1593, but lived on in exile where he ghost-wrote the plays of Shakespeare and at one point, presumably late in his life, since he is quite elderly when we see him, became a vampire and moved to Tangier. We never learn, either, why Adam and Eve have gone their separate ways after having been married at least three times in their so-called lives. She, too, lives in Morocco, but he has settled in a desolate, abandoned section of Detroit, where he spends his nights composing music and tinkering with electronics. The plot begins when she comes to visit him and they are soon joined by her younger sister, Ava (Mia Wasikowska), an incorrigible troublemaker. But plot isn't much to the point in Jarmusch's film, which is a character study of two sophisticated people who have lived long enough to see the world and human beings (whom he calls "zombies") change around them. It can be said that some of the humor in the movie is a little obvious, sometimes more like a spoof of vampire pictures than the elegant setup of the film deserves. But this is, I think, one of Jarmusch's best films, simply because he has gathered a wonderful company of actors and given them a finely wrought atmosphere to perform in.
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passion-of-arts · 3 years
Filmrezension: At Any Price
“At Any Price“, belangloses Drama ohne Tiefgang. INHALT: “At Any Price” ist ein Drama von Ramin Bahrani mit Dennis Quaid und Zac Efron. Henry Whipple (Dennis Quaid ) hat mit harter Arbeit die Farm seines Vaters zu einem lukrativen Unternehmen aufgebaut. Auf der einen Seite freut er sich auf den Ruhestand, auf der anderen Seite möchte er die Farm gerne zur Nummer ins in ganz Iowa machen. In der…
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cinesludge · 5 years
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Movie #32 of 2019: The Dead Don’t Die
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