#Bad Loans
elladastinkardiamou · 6 months
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This week's newsletter from AthensLive is out:
* The Greeks & the “Sultan”   
* Another law in favour of funds and servicers
* A policeman was seriously injured and in a coma - 400 arrested 
An important step towards the rapprochement between Greece and Turkey had been taken this week. Turkish President Erdogan visited Athens - and the two countries signed some 15 agreements. The ‘Sultan’ is admittedly unpredictable, yet this was a positive moment. Apart from the Greek FM caught on camera to… bow. 
A new law regarding ‘bad loans’ was passed this week. Despite mainstream media presenting it as favorable for debtors, it seems to give even more reasons to funds and servicers to prepare for a bigger party.
A policeman was severely injured and remains in a coma after an attack outside a venue where a volleyball game was taking place. It has been related to sports violence, yet the motives remain unclear. The police took some… 400 people to the station as a result. This reminded us of how the police don't always react to violence the same way.   
Read and share this week's updates on the events and developments in Greece here: https://steadyhq.com/en/athenslivegr/posts/88a3f41f-725b-4e2b-aedc-b0137d6256e8
For anyone with a wish or need to follow and to gain an insight into recent events in Greece and to read and support independent and investigative journalism in English, the weekly newsletter from AthensLive should be a core element in the reading flow.
If you want the best overview of the events and developments in Greece right now, this is the place to go. Not the mainstream Greek news, but independent journalism with sharp analysis and links to interesting and important topics from a variety of sources.
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singhary · 1 year
What Is NPA In Banking? – A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Performing Assets
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NPA stands for Non-Performing Asset, which refers to a loan or advance that has ceased to generate income for the bank or financial institution. In simpler terms, it is a loan on which the borrower has failed to make interest or principal payments for a specific period, usually 90 days or more.
Non-performing assets pose a significant challenge to the banking sector as they can have adverse effects on financial stability and profitability. When borrowers default on their loan repayments, it affects the bank’s cash flow and profitability, reducing its capacity to lend to other borrowers. Banks are required to classify loans as NPAs and make provisions to cover potential losses.
There are several reasons for the creation of NPAs, including economic downturns, mismanagement, fraud, or inadequate credit assessment. Banks employ various strategies to manage and reduce NPAs, such as loan restructuring, asset recovery, and legal actions.
Regulatory bodies, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), set guidelines for banks to classify and report NPAs accurately. These regulations aim to ensure transparency, improve the quality of assets held by banks, and safeguard the stability of the financial system.
Managing NPAs effectively is crucial for banks to maintain their financial health, protect the interests of depositors, and support economic growth. Banks must adopt prudent lending practices, conduct thorough credit assessments, and implement proactive measures to prevent and address non-performing assets.
Read In Details: What Is NPA In Banking? — A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Performing Assets
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bankwire · 2 years
Bank’s NPA recovery process and borrower’s rights! https://bankwire.in/2022/06/10/banks-npa-recovery-process/
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
I just want biden to know that him being a ‘trump alternative’ is not a sufficient enough reason for him to be re-elected and he can stop making that shit his only personality trait.
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transgenderenkidu · 1 month
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ok since i posted about it last night, i might as well finally debut my comicaurora sentinel au, even if my drawings for it are. not fully realized
in this chimerae are a localized disaster event that can spring up anywhere, draining the life energy for a mile around. in response (in accordance with the rule of cool), cities built the sentinel corps, giant robots to fight off chimerae before they destroy the city.
more under the cut
kendal is one of these sentinels, a relatively recently developed mark III whose pilot is vash fairblade, captain of the sentinels. there aren't any city gods in this au, so vash is just a guy. why does he have the same name as the city? bc i didnt want to change it. anyway. after a while, kendal develops something of an active mind instead of just being a giant robot¹, mimicking vash's own mind. and then a wave of chimerae attack the city, destroying it, killing vash, and leaving kendal the only remaining sentinel. in the midst of the destruction, though, he could have sworn he saw a woman, unruffled, just... watching.
the sun is on its way down when alinua finds the corpse. or, more accurately, she finds the sentinel. the pilot is still tangled in the cockpit, sentinel curled around him like it was trying to protect him. the corpse is of course vash, and the sentinel is kendal.
alinua still has the 'chimeric plague' (here hypothesized to be the cause of chimera events), and the only reason she goes with him is that a. hes inorganic (can't be affected by the life outburst) and b. if she does cause a chimera event, hes literally a giant robot designed for the specific purpose of fighting chimerae. and besides, vash the city is destroyed. there won't be any collateral damage.
sidebar, alinua can pilot kendal. it's a team effort - now that ive watched pacific rim, i think its a little like drifting if your jaeger also could think. tbh i also think canon kendal and alinua are drift compatible, but thats another post for another time
dainix is another mech pilot, though not willingly - zuurith's sentinel corps is not Exclusively prison labor, but what does it matter if a few prisoners die of brain hemmhorages while piloting? dainix, piloting the sentinel "champion", is the longest lasting prisoner pilot they've had, and he's brutally effective. there are murmurings that he'll be released and placed in the sentinel corps as a citizen, but if he is ever released he'd fuck off in a heartbeat, so he's still in prison, sentence artificially extended for as long as he's useful.
i'm still a little uncertain as to what kind of roles erin, tess, and falst play, so if anyone's got any ideas i'd be delighted to hear them!!
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midnighticee · 11 months
cool cool cool i hope the supreme court burns down actually
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love/hate relationship with reaching the stage of a hobby where if you want to get better at it / more into it you’re going to have to start accumulating really specialized skills. like aw fuck i have to study this. but also yay i get to study this!
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was in my bank trying to apply for a loan. The bank teller handed me a paper and told me that the cops were surrounding the bank and were going to arrest me for being a bad driver. I had to sign the paper to admit I was a bad driver. I then told the banker, "I don't have to do that. This is a dream." Then I woke up.
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steveharrington · 1 year
like i’m seeing criticisms that say the menu’s entire thesis is just “rich people bad” which to me is just not true….each table has a specific failing that goes beyond just being rich, that explains how their wealth has influenced their behavior. tyler entrenches himself in food culture and tells erin repeatedly that she doesn’t get it, but he can’t make a single dish himself because his supposed love of food is entirely upheld by other people making it for him. the food critic sees herself as the patron saint of chef slowik’s restaurant because she gave him a good review years back, but she also destroyed other chefs livelihood for the sake of content. she wants credit for the good, but removes herself from blame for the bad. the business guys think that their connection to their boss, who they think is owed credit for keeping the restaurant open while also providing his inexperienced input, makes them above everyone else. the married couple has spent $1500 11 times to eat there, but they can’t name a single dish they’ve eaten. and yes these distinctions are made by class, but they’re specific and the each make a certain point about the way art is removed from the context of its creator (tyler) or torn apart for content (the critic) or used to promote a soulless business venture (business dudes) or consumed only for appearance (the married couple) and to me that’s so much more than “rich people bad”
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mildmayfoxe · 3 months
yknow it is crazy to think about how much i have been able to improve my quality of life by selling art as a supplementary form of income. like obviously it's a second job and it's taxing but it's also so rewarding to know how much people enjoy my work and how much good it is doing me to like, feel like i can buy snacks at the store. to be able to get takeout every once in a while. like obviously those are extremely minor changes or things most people take for granted but to me it's huge. having berries in the house when they're out of season and more expensive. buying things for CONVENIENCE??! it feels so crazy to me to have such a sense of luxury which i know says more about the bleak feeling of poverty that's followed me around my entire adult life than anything else but i feel so much gratitude that i am afforded these small luxuries at least in part because of people that like my art. not to mention how nice is is to make things consistently again when, prior to 2020, i hadn't made art regularly in almost a decade. anyway. it's cool!
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I'm never going to financially recover from this.
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But seriously. A vet visit for two sick cats, totaling $671, and my pet insurance reimbursed...$35. I pay $25 a month for this!!! What is the point???
Anyway, I truly hate to ask, but if anyone would like to help me pay this off, I would be eternally grateful. I'll even write you a little fic of your choosing as a thank-you. Just message me and ask <3
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hufflepuffhabs · 5 months
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Happy Ferran and Fellows on Loan Friday 💖
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
Hey y'all please I know it's scary but if you've graduated in the past year make sure you know exactly what's up with your student loans (federal and private).
You should have gotten emails from places like Advantage or Navient or whatever pestering you about your loans and you may want to ignore them thinking they're scams. No they are your loan servicer, corporations that the government hands over management of your federal loans to.
The email should tell you how to register for an account which will let you see your loan payments. They'll probably be in the hundred's of dollars depending on how long it's been since you graduated.
Don't fret! Thanks to Bidens efforts (the like one good thing he's doing), you can easily get put on the SAVE plan, where the department of education pays your interests and you make minimum payments based on your current income (which, if you're following me, probably isn't that high).
Honestly, I'd recommend calling and asking about the SAVE plan. The lady was actually super nice (I have aidvantage so your experience may differ) and my minimum payments went from like $400 a month to $0 (now they're $10 bc I got a raise last summer)
And please, for the love of god, keep an eye on your account. I thought I had set up autopay but for the past couple of months autopay wasn't on, so I got charged $30 in late fees.
These loan servicers will try to wring as much money as they can out of either you or the government. You need to babysit them and make sure everything is up to snuff.
I'd also recommend saving and making large payments every once in a while to push down your total debt. That's what the SAVE plan is great for. Instead of using all your money to pay for interest, you use that money to push down the principle.
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noelledeltarune · 8 hours
got my required to withdraw notice today 🔥💯 who wants to watch me live broadcast killing myself
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fagtainsparklez · 8 months
u guys know that one post that’s like. urgh. i’m so mad so i’m gonna go home and touch my husband’s tits so i won’t be mad anymore. feeling that hard rn but with writing
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mt10lt20 · 3 months
Crackposting: Ace Combat 6 - Goth Up & shippy stuff
Friend whose fandom hook is enemy-ships and vampirish things: "Try drawing the Strigon guy and his enemy dude, but make them like Castlevania hot." Challenge accepted?? + we had a good laugh.
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TRYING to make them vampire-goth hot is not inaccurate right? It's canon that Ilya looks good but Talisman must be quite the looker himself, considering the shit their wingmen say. Confused wingmen under the cut. It's complicated™.
Toscha <<If he was serious enough and if i was a woman, I would fall for him myself.>> Wat??
Shamrock <<Talisman (wistfully), I don't know how to thank you... Maybe you can come over to my place for a drink when all of this is over (then hurriedly) iwantyoutomeetmywife!>> Sus??
<<I don't know how to say this but...(awkward pause) you're like part of my family.>> Okaay sure
Goddammit Toscha and Shamrock.
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