#Baking fails
bunibelles · 2 months
I now understand why people say macarons are the hardest cookies to make :’D
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 10 months
I was trying to make cookies for my fam because they've been stressed and they TURNED OUT LIKE THIS
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I was looking to see what I did wrong because I followed the recipe exactly and
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ferallantern · 29 days
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Now this folks, is what happens when you leave me and my sister to try and make a fudge pie. Gordan Ramsey could never
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clumsycalico · 4 months
Some Cookie Cats I made
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These were done during halloween last year. They are chocolate covered sugar cookies I cut with a darling cat shaped cookie cutter. I dipped them in chocolate, used some candy eyes, and laughed for about a half hour at the result.
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jaideepkhanduja · 9 months
A Culinary Catastrophe: My Epic Baking Fail Turned Triumph
Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail. In the annals of my culinary escapades, there exists a tale that transcends mere kitchen mishaps. It is a saga of epic proportions, where the delicate art of baking collided with the forces of chaos, resulting in a spectacle of culinary failure that still echoes in the halls of my memory. It was a day brimming with ambition, a day when my…
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becuzican · 1 year
lol I'm never making macarons again
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hakairou · 4 months
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I know I’m on break, but considering it was my birthday, I deserve omoyami valentines 💝💝💝
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sunnyweathe7 · 1 year
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aesthetic-day-dream · 10 months
once you realize that life really isn’t that serious, it gets so much better. like im serious. im well aware there are a million posts and sayings just like this, but it’s true. I used to be so crippled by the worry of what other people thought of me (granted i still struggle at times) but once you realize that nothing matters. it’s so freeing. like yeah. maybe that person thinks you dress weird. or that you have a funny hairstyle. or a million other things. who cares??? you’re never gonna see them again! you get one life! live it! be weird! be yourself! be authentic! who cares?? once i started looking at life as this one experience, i wanted it to be a great one. no more caring what other people think. doing things because i want to and because i like them. someone thinks my plushies are childish? who cares? they make me happy. they’re mine. i love them. why should someone else dictate what i do with my life. it’s mine for a reason. i don’t tell you what to do with yours, don’t tell me what to do with mine. once you start living like you’re stuck in a studio ghibli movie, life gets 100% more bearable, enjoyable even. i used to be stuck in such a self-deprecating, depressing, anxious cycle. now? yeah i still have those moments, but they’re smaller and more manageable. because i know. life is full of so many beautiful things. and if i need to indulge in my inner child to get through the day, then i will. i implore you. do the same.
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south-sea · 7 months
i think something needs to be said about the fact metal sonic was created in the image of someone eggman respects, but was coded to be someone metal himself hates
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bjurnberg · 2 months
My roommate tried to make some cookies and failed, then left for work without cleaning it up.
It is a rare thing for him to avoid cleaning a mess he made and I can claim with 75% surety that he stared at it in silence for two minutes then walked away, deciding to take care of it later when the shame of defeat has lessened.
I get it bro. I get it.
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Usually his cookies are beautiful and good. I’m not sure what he did different this time. I’m not sure he knows either.
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Make it make sense that "rudimentary" finish on a showstopper went home instead of someone whose showstopper was 1) RAW 2) underbaked 4) had fewer and less unique flavors - some you could not even taste because again... the entire thing was raw 5) significantly less intricately plaited (which was a skill you had to demonstrate) 6) and on the nitpicking aspect of finesse, absolutely lacked finesse and art because it was a word and not an image and half of the display was inedible 7) came absolutely last in the technical because they left out a key ingredient that made their bun not even rise or taste right.
You are telling me bland flavor on a signature and a "rudimentary" appearance on a showstopper along with a texture that "just needed more" was WORSE THAN THAT?!
I am calling robbery. I am calling bullshit.
This is Paul and Prue looking at the implicit rule that you judge each week independently and launching it into space.
This is favoritism my friend.
This is blatant bias and should be eliminated from the show already-- it has been fourteen seasons!
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lasshoe · 3 months
just saw the taste of things and when dodin asks eugénie “may i watch you eat?” i swear to god i let out a squeak in the theater!!!!!!!!!! the sexiest most most romantic movie i’ve ever seen!!!!!! starring two literal exes at that!!! finally some good fucking food literally and metaphorically!!!!!!!!! love is stored in the kitchen and in the act of cooking with someone for someone!!!!!!!!! a win for hags in love!!!!! i cried very hard!!! and also who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me!!!!!!!!!!!
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chrissycantwakeup · 28 days
hi internet if i made a petition for SW to redo that last TBB finale episode with a better ending + maybe we donate to fund their animation because i have a feeling budge cuts or something is the reason we got let down so bad, would y’all sign it?
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sincerely-nines · 4 months
Thinking abt team rancher and mundane things
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 3 months
I think the most scary part of hard sci-fi settings is that there wouldn’t be bread.
Like no planet besides earth would have actual yeast. Wild yeast can be found in the atmosphere, and unless it’s introduced in ridiculous amount another planet just. Wouldn’t have it. Even if introduced it might not be able to thrive.
And like, one obvious work-around is having a yeast equivalent on the planet; which is pretty feasible since fermentation is such an easy way to produce energy. A LOT of things use it in real life and alien life almost certainly would too. But in hard sci-fi where there’s a lot of realism, there would be very little chance that any alien yeast equivalent would be good for bread. If the yeast doesn’t live for long enough, if it doesn’t rise fast enough, or if it’s just. Not safe for humans to eat. It wouldn’t be good for bread
The other work around would be really good trade routes transporting packaged yeast. And every other material for bread.
BUT if you’re going slightly less hard sci-fi and you DO have edible equivalents for flour and uh. Buttermilk. You can just make bread with baking soda. Because you can mine baking soda, apparently. It’ll be denser and taste different from regular yeast bread, but it’s still bread.
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