#Be mean to me by DNCE plays in the background
yandereloveraw · 2 years
Masochistic yandere Eyeless Jack 💙🖤 (I adore this headcanon)
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inkykeiji · 3 years
good morning i literally cannot stop thinking about dabi being extremely mean to me & teasing me incessantly <3
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Singing / Dancing with Gojo Satoru
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Gojo is a millennial; therefore, I headcanon that his favorite songs are some 90s and early 2000s hits.
💙 the classic "Yesterday Once More" by the Carpenters. Both of you are in his living room when he starts playing this track. You smile and suddenly start singing with Feeling. You would both sing the chorus out loud together. Then he would stand up, hug you from behind and sway you slowly to the beat of the music while singing softly. It's canon that Satoru can do anything if he tries, so I'm pretty sure his voice is gorgeous. (His VA is Nakamura Yuichi everyone, his voice is amazing).
🌌 Dreams by Fleetwood Mac. When he starts playing this, both of you would be in a flirty mood. A bit of soft touches there. Kisses on the neck. Wine on the glass table. Soft lights playing around both of you as you stare into each other's eyes. You are both lost in your own little bubble, away from the stress and pressures of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
💙 Hate That I Love You by Rihanna and Chris Brown. You both just had an argument, and reached a rocky truce. Not something to worry about as you and he know that you're both still in love with each other.
The argument was over something insignificant and stupid, you both can't even remember how it started. The emotions just blew up and it led to a silence between both of you for 3 days until you took the first step of talking with him. He hugs you. Later that night after shared apologies, he plays this song. You look at Satoru and find yourself loving him even more.
"Why is it you?" He says out loud. "I don't really know either Toru. I just love you for you." You reply, somewhat pained. He gathers you into his arms. "I don't mean it that way. I mean, you've always been patient with me. Can't help but feel that you might leave me some day angel. But I hate that I love you so. Always have and always will". Tears run down your face and he kisses them away. Then leaning down to capture your lips, you share a kiss tasting of tears and love.
🌌 Kissing Strangers by DNCE (not an old song but still a golden one). He plays this when he wants an excuse to get more kisses he wants to role play the night you both met. Because Satoru is weird like that, but still very much lovable. "Open heart, open mind. Now give me my kisses stranger~~~" Satoru sing songs to you. "Toru that's not how the song goes. That's not even how we met lmao. It goes like- MMPHH" and he proceeds to kiss you stupid until the sun rises. Tongues fighting for dominance, his hands on your lower back moving to dangerous zones. You just get drunk and high on the flavour of Gojo Satoru.
💙 Let's Groove by Earth, Wind and Fire. You just finished cooking dinner in the kitchen and you're cleaning up. You turn the music up a notch as you wipe down the dishes. You find yourself singing loudly.
"Let's Groove TONIGHHTT~~" Satoru suddenly appears behind you and screams the song along. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT BABE!", you shriek right back at him. He really is so used to sneaking up on people out of nowhere. Satoru starts to sway wildly to the beat of the song, which leads you to quickly pushing the dishes back on the counter. "Toru, we are in the kitchen! Be carefu-", you suddenly get cut off as he grabs you towards him. "Sing with me pumpkin!", he pouts. You give a half-hearted sigh with a smirk and push him towards the living room. The high notes were difficult to sing, making you both sound like wheezing whales. You just both laugh out loud at each other.
He dances really well, lean muscles flexing and rolling. You watch his exposed arms as he removed his jacket and rolled back his sleeves. "Like what you see darling?", he winked at you. You just stared at him with a heavy gaze. Safe to say, he kept you up that night for several other reasons🤭.
✨ I want it that way by the Backstreet Boys. He plays this on a bright sunny day when you're both staying in. It's a Saturday and the flowers are blooming. You dance around each other while singing the lyrics outside. "Oh my gosh this song feels so nostalgic!" you exclaim. You watch Toru as he dances, his side step moves and shuffles are pretty smooth. "Tell me why~ Ain't nothing but a heartache~", you sing while sashaying your hips and pointing to him. His eyes are so bright and warm, looking at you with so much love. At times like these, you wish you can read his thoughts. 'Is he happy with me?' you wonder.
He grins as if hearing your thoughts and dances around you even wilder than before. "But I want it that way~~" Satoru sings out loud. You take a video of him and decide to post it on your Instagram. 'I wonder how his students will react to their teacher dancing' you giggled. Satoru strides up to you as you turn off your phone and lifts you above him, holding onto your legs tight.
You throw your arms around his shoulders and lean down to kiss him on the lips. Tracing the outline of his bottom lip with his tongue, you find yourself wanting more. Satoru's bright blue eyes mischievously shone, and then fluttered shut as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Both of you get lost in the feeling of the kisses with the music long forgotten in the background.
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europeansoul · 5 years
The Jonas Brothers mean the world to me on a level I can’t quite convey in words and their new album came out at midnight. 
So, I wrote my initial thoughts/reviews on the songs for posterity. I’m a harsh critic and these will change over time. And also nobody cares about this, but this post is exclusively self-serving, so go about your business as you were...
Sucker: Banger. You know it. I know it. 10/10
Cool: Another flawless jam that's short a sprinkle of that je ne sais quoi. 9/10
Only Human: I like the background music. Sounds like they want it to be a radio song, but it's missing something and I'm not sure what that is. 6.5/10
I Believe: About Nick and Priyanka obvs. I'm bored. Great elevator tune. 3/10
Used to Be: Interesting. Not very Jonas-y in any capacity. Is this about Demi Lovato? I like some of the lyrics, I guess. I'm like 65% sure it's about Demi. 7/10
Every Single Time: This album is all about that reggae-esque vibe pop radio is going for now, isn't it? This is another song like those before it and like... what's Kevin supposed to do on this track? Also I don't like the song. Elevator hit at best. 3/10
Don't Throw It Away: Better. Harmony's cute. 7/10
Love Her: Cringe-face emoji. 2/10
Happy When I'm Sad: Interesting change to the album flow. DNCE vibes. 6/10
Trust: Literally what is Kevin even doing on this album? Like. Does he play other instruments I'm unaware of? I guess 5/10
Strangers: This feels so much more authentically Jonas to me. Like it still has some of their old vibes. I'm feeling it and it feels good. Satisfying Nick Jonas solo at the bridge. 8/10
Hesitate: This song is what "Love Her" wanted to be. Joe Jonas is flowing THROUGH ME in the beginning. Goodgood. 8/10
Rollercoaster: My KINGS!!! Chorus/melody thing a smidge underwhelming, but I'm still chill with it. 9/10
Comeback: I like it. I'm not mad. I am p l e a s e d. 8/10
So the album's a sandwich.... starts and ends with solid songs, but that middle bit is questionable.
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groovesnjams · 2 years
“Dancing Feet” by Kygo ft. DNCE
It’s an unexpected contender for the most controversial song of the year, but I find myself surprisingly conflicted as I listen to “Dancing Feet.” On one hand: nothing in the song itself equals the truncated sample from Barry White’s immortal “Love’s Theme” that Kygo uses to start the production. On the other hand, Joe Jonas and DNCE have never been the most interesting examples of disco archeology. But on the other hand, there’s no point in “Dancing Feet” that rings false: it might be children’s music (sharing a title with a book for toddlers) about adult concerns (missing your wife) but that doesn’t mean it can’t work. "Dancing Feet” might be silly but it’s also sincere; it’s the continuation of an underrecognized Jonas pastiche hot streak. This is cute and catchy and utterly inoffensive, ephemeral but a delight as long as it’s playing. I recognize that Joe and co. probably have spent enough time making kids music that they don’t want to explicitly return to that well, so instead let me make a plea to music programmers everywhere: swap out “Can’t Stop the Feeling” for “Dancing Feet”, and end our long national nightmare of hearing Timberlake’s soulless monstrosity in every CVS. That would be a use for this song that I could get behind unequivocally.
Honestly, aside from multiple vaccinations and boosters, I haven’t set foot in a drugstore in years. Even pre-pandemic, I’ve always been extremely partial to Target, something I think everyone with dysfunctional anxiety recognizes. When I’m in public, in a reliably familiar place, existing on the most primal level and desiring nothing more than to get my bearings, the music playing in the background is the least of my concerns. Something like “Can’t Stop the Feeling” might even rank a notch above “Dancing Feet,” not because it’s a better song but because it’s a worse song and that’s something I can always tell, even as my reality feels like a centrifuge. It’s stabilizing to recognize something, anything and “Dancing Feet” doesn’t rise to the level of recognition. It’s not a bad song; it’s smooth and adept with satin vocals and a classy 4/4 beat. But these are no longer technical achievements in a world where we could create a Barry White Algorithm and the hologram to match. While I admire their futile attempt at passable disco in the face of anti-moral technocratic media, this is a band-aid and we need stitches.
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“She’s Got Moves”
Blake's eyes were glued to her Scroll. She must be reading fanfiction again, Weiss figured. One of Blake's favorite writers had been publishing fics about that purple-haired magic girl from those video games Blake and Ruby loved so dearly, and according to Blake, this person wrote the characters exceptionally.
"Did they update AGAIN? You just finished that chapter yesterday!" Weiss asked her favorite girl. Blake looked up from her Scroll to see her icy lady looking at her.
"No, it was just so good I had to read it again! I LOVE the way this author writes Rottytops!" Blake answered with hearts in her eyes at the mention of her favorite character.
"She's the green one, correct? The zombie that really wants to eat Shantae? But also really loves her?" Weiss remembered. She wasn't sure how, as much as Ruby talked about those games. Blake nodded.
"Everyone wants her to eat Shantae, just not to consume her..." Blake joked. Weiss rolled her eyes.
"You're terrible, do you know that?" Weiss told her feline girlfriend.
"Isn't that why you love me?" Blake nicked, reaching out and poking Weiss's nose with one finger. "BOOP!"
"You're my favorite girl for many reasons, Panther!" Weiss answered her, clearing the distance between them and kissing Blake softly on the lips. Blake's hand crept up Weiss's leg as the panther girl kissed back.
"GAY!!" Yang yelled from the other bunk. Yang would know, Weiss thought, seeing as she'd been running around with Coco so much. Schnee kept that thought to herself, but Blake must have been thinking the same thing.
"Says the girl who was screaming Coco's name at the top of her voice two nights ago..." Blake chided. Yang shrugged.
"The coffee broad puts it on me pretty well! Speaking of girls, is Ruby still chasing Velvet?"
"Nope! I finally caught the bunny!" Ruby bragged from the bathroom. Yang grinned at that. "She's seeing someone at the moment, but she has this adorable friend that she introduced me to, and Penny and I hit it off really well! We're actually stepping out later tonight!"
"Go ahead, Sis!" Yang congratulated her kid sister. Weiss and Blake clapped quietly for her. Ruby blushed brightly, her whole face turning ten shades of red.
"Well, I knew you had that crush on Pyrrha for a while..." Yang mused.
"Who HASN'T had a crush on Pyrrha? She's like a walking muscle!" Ruby replied.
"With red hair and great legs..." Weiss added.
"And a sweet behind!" Blake threw in for good measure.
"And gods, those eyes!" Yang chimed in. The four of them all thought about Pyrrha for a few moments longer than they probably should have...
"...Gods, we are all gay as hell!" Yang mused. The four of them burst into laughter at that.
"Pyrrha loves that blond boy, anyhow. They make a nice little couple." Ruby cheered. She always did believe in Arkos, even when she was trying to get next to Pyrrha.
"Sure, if you like white people!" Yang joked. Weiss rolled her eyes. She looked back at Blake and kissed her neck instead of making a comment toward Yang.
"So Ruby..." Blake asked as Weiss pecked sweet kisses onto her neck. "Have you been reading these Shantae fanfics, too?"
"I read ALL the Shantae fanfics! Well, most of them. Some of them are disgusting, unfortunately... but yeah! Which ones do you mean?" Ruby answered excitedly. She did duly love Shantae. They were some of her favorite video games.
"The ones by PinkLightningBolt! They seem to ship Shantae and Rottytops pretty heavily!" Blake answered.
"Oh yeah, Nora's stuff! I read all of her fics, but I prefer the Shantae ones. Her other work is a tad on the smutty side for my taste." Blake's mouth hung open at Ruby's words.
"NORA writes those fics?!" She exclaimed. "I knew she wrote some smut stuff, but the writing styles are completely different! The Shantae fics are a lot less... explicit!" Blake could scarcely believe that the same person had written all these fictions.
Ruby raved about Nora's writings for a bit longer, but Weiss's legs had distracted Blake. Yang and Ruby fired up a brawler video game while Weiss and Blake cuddled on the couch and read more fanfics. A particularly fluffy one had the both of them blushing and making cute noises.
"Gods, you two need to stop!" Yang complained. Blake rolled her eyes.
"BUT IT'S SO FLUFFY!!" Weiss fired back, hugging Blake even tighter than she had been. She nuzzled Blake's neck.
"You guys are so gross!" Ruby shook her head, mashing buttons on her game controller. "CRIMINY!!" She shrieked as she lost another fight. "This game is trash!! Can I play some Shantae now?!"
"But those aren't multiplayer!" Yang whined.
"Let the kid have some fun, Yang! Besides, Shantae games are fun!" Blake told her. Yang rolled her eyes at Blake.
"Shut up and grope Weiss, Cat Ears!"
"Not that I had to be told to do that, but sure." Blake smacked one hand onto Weiss's rear. Weiss felt lightheaded at the touch. Not to be outdone, Weiss shifted her hand toward Blake's chest. The two kissed again, very probably making Yang regret saying anything.
Ruby turned on her game. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse was her most favorite installment. The purple-haired heroine whipped at her enemies with her ponytail. "She's so awesome! I wish I had long, winsome hair!"
"Doesn't that girl from Team DNCE look a bit like her? What's her name again?" Blake queried. She took up her Scroll once she'd stopped groping Weiss for a moment. "Amethyst Enchante' is her name!"
"Yeah, she sort of does... I know her teammate Chartreuse reminds me of Rottytops! With her leg and everything."
"Oh yeah, she has a detachable leg like Rotty! I wonder if she can use it to unlock a dungeon..." Yang mentioned.
"HAH! So you DO like Shantae!" Blake snapped at Yang. The blonde rolled her eyes at Blake.
"She's a cute character, and the games are pretty funny! I just don't like single player stuff that much! I like to game with my friends!"
"Well, Yang, not everyone wants to play brawlers or MMOs. Some of us just want a game with a story," Weiss mentioned. She personally loved one player games. Not all multiplayer games were awful, but playing with others should be an option instead of a necessity.
"ROTTYTOPS!!" Blake yelled as her favorite character graced the screen. Weiss grinned at her girlfriend. She snuggled up to Blake some more, forever grateful for the cat lady's warm cuddles. She tickled one of Blake's ears, making Blake purr loudly.
"You two are the purr-fect couple!" Yang nicked. Both of them and Ruby all rolled their eyes.
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Day Twenty-Nine: Under-Appreciated Character
I chose Blake for this prompt. I know she’s a main, but I’ve seen a lot of animosity toward Blake. There are corners of this fandom that really hate her for some reason. And then there are the people who only care about ships, and these people treat Blake like an object in their shipping wars.
Sure, that probably sounds like hypocrisy from such an avid Bumbleby shipper as myself, but I care more about Blake as a character than who she ends up being romantically involved with...
Blake is a wonderful character with a complex story and not just a prize for Yang or Sun. I would like to see her and Yang get together, but so long as RT doesn’t put her with Adam, I don’t care who her SO is. They could make her date ZWEI and I would be down with it.
So that’s why I shipped her with Weiss this time around. Even though Monochrome doesn’t make sense to me, it’s cute and I respect it. Plus, I’ve realized that if I’m going to be a decent fanfic author in this FNDM I need to step out of my comfort zone and write more than my usual batch of ships.
Not to say I won’t have standards. I won’t be shipping any violent pairings, and I’ll try to stay away from crack ships unless I need background stuff.
I also refuse to write about Adam or any male Schnee.
But yeah, 29 down, one to go!!!
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thedancingsoldier · 5 years
My Top Songs of The First Half of 2019
⚠️Long Post⚠️
⚠️The Songs I’m writing about we’re more than likely not in the top 40 on the music charts (some might have)⚠️
1. Jax Jones & Years & Years: Play
A lot of these songs I fell in love with on the first listen. This song was one of them. It’s very generic pop with a tropical house beat that’s, for me, very hypnotizing. The song talks about someone falling in love with someone else over song that their dancing to. It’s very, love at first sight. But it works. And the cartoon that goes with this song is so cute!
2. Charity: Millenials
Even though this song was released in October of 2018, I first heard this song in January of this year (thanks Spotify). This song struck a chord with me, with it being so relatable. The songwriter talks all about the struggles millennials are going through and basically telling us we are not alone. All of this over a R&B/ Gospel beat that’s the glue of the whole song. I won’t tell my whole story of what I’m dealing with right now, but this song is basically tells about 70% of my story.
3. Judy Garland: Come Rain Or Come Shine
This song is one of many songs that was released before 2006 that I have’nt heard about until this year. I love it when little gems like this song is revealed to me an any way. This song was revealed to me via RuPauls Drag Race All Stars Season 4 the makeover challenge. The whole episode was Judy Garland themed. I thought I was cultured until I saw that episode and I was like, “I know nothing about Judy Garland.” This song is just one of many thing I’m learning in the way to being the ultimate scholar in LGBTQIA+ history. This song is very quiet in the beginning but the build-up is to die for! It’s like marriage vows, “I’m gonna love you come rain or come shine.” The song says. It’s basically someone’s marriage vows. The trumpets bellowing in the background is the cherry on top and the orchestra itself, is everything. If you know what I’m talking about, thank you Naomi Smalls for introducing this song and immortalizing this song for me and millennials everywhere who just found out about the song when you did an epic lip-sync performance to this amazing song.
4. John Legend: Preach
This song is truly EVERYTHING. Over a slow-tempo pop ballad instrumental, the lyrics tell a story. He talks about, he can’t just preach. Preaching is not enough, there has to be more he can do, to help the problems that this country is facing. With so many shootings happening across the US, there has to be more we can do. I love this song so much. The meaning is so heartfelt and genuine and John Legend just comes through shining and being motivational. I highly suggest this song if you are looking for new songs to listen to. It’s universal, it’s for everyone.
5. Jonas Brothers: Sucker
This song is catchy. It’s everything I love about the Jonas brothers and their recent release of music after their hiatus. It’s a perfect mix of DNCE (Joe Jonas and friends) and Nick Jonas’s style of music. It’s very Alternative rock and generic pop fused together. The lyrics talk about their wives (all of the Jonas brothers are married), and basically being so in love with them that their own personal rules, they break them, for them, because they’re so in love. It also helps that my foot can’t stop moving when I hear this song 😅
6. Kehlani: Buttlerfly
This song is soft and inspiring at the same time. Over a soft R&B/Soul vocals and beat that don’t come in until the second chorus, the lyrics talk speak about a metaphor. Comparing the butterfly, to the feeling you feel your stomach when you’re in love with someone, to finally expressing that love to that special someone. It doesn’t help that the outer of the song is exposing how Kehlani understands this feeling when it comes to virgos and how they process this. It’s chill, slow and the vibe is top notch.
7. Toni Braxton: You Mean The World To Me
This song was released in 1993 but I first heard this song this year as well. I was curious one day, because I’m a big fan of Toni Braxton, I just pressed shuffle on all of her music one day and this song started playing. I just started smiling from the groove and her voice that seemed to float over the instrumental. And the lyrics are EVERYTHING! To avoid being redundant and rambling on about what this song does to me, let’s just say is just wedding vows being recited in the best way possible with Toni Braxton singing.
8. Dash Berlin & Jonathan Mendelsohn: Locked Out of Heaven
This EDM song was definitely made for the club. And it’s music to my ears! The fact that is a Bruno Mars cover that’s mixed in with a whole beat symphony basically is everything. The beat mixes in tropical house & dubstep so well. Dash Berlin did a great job with this one.
9. Beyoncé: Sorry - Homecoming Live
This song is in the list because of 2 reasons:
1. Beyoncé released her 2 performances she did at Coachella as a fabulous documentary this year and she released lemonade on Spotify this year FINALLY.
2. Beyoncé did a mashup of this song with “Me, Myself, and I” at Coachella which she released on her 1st solo album “Dangerously in Love”.
I love this version even more because the marching band being the bulk of the beat in the back is genius, having a skit in the middle is great little break if you want a laugh and some motivation all at the same time. I don’t have to summarize the song for y’all, but for the 10% of people who don’t know this song: The song describes a lady catching her partner cheating, and the lady herself moving on with no regrets. It’s the perfect f**k you song is you in your feeling about your significant other.
10. T. Murray & Dr. Maya Angelou: 1:19 AM
This song is pure poetry. PURE POETRY. The groovy R&B poetry slam beat in the background is such a vibe against the poetic voice that is T. Murray. This song is very inspiring. The writer talks of her soul flourishing after a break up. And then asking for everyone else to spread love and not hate. It’s so powerful and groovy and the epitome of soul.
11. Leikeli47: Post That
“Hit that pose, take that flick, check your angle, post that s**t.” Instagram models everywhere, this is the song for you! That line is everything, this song is everything. I swear I get my life every single time this song comes on. By the way, be prepared to “Naomi Campbell walk” down the hallway my fellow gays when this comes on 🥰
12. Todrick Hall: Glitter
This song rang in my soul when that chorus came in. This song has a disco remnant in it that just has me lost in time. The lyrics have a metaphor in it comparing glitter to love and basically he wants all the love from that special person. Just like glitter, he wants it all. When this song was released it was February or March of this year when it was released, but I didn’t hear it until pride month when Todrick released a whole ep: Haus Party Pt. 1. The whole album is a bop, but this and 2 other songs stuck out and I can’t enough of them. This song is definitely timeless, to me at least I don’t know about y’all. Y’all have to listen to it to determine your decision of course.
13. Todrick Hall: Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels
Todrick has placed this song in the LGBTQIA+ hall of fame as the LGBTQIA+ anthem of the year basically. This song oozes with fierceness with that house beat and the lyrics are everything, “I don’t dance ,I work, I don’t play, I slay”, is just a taste of the lyrics. Todrick also wanted to make a song where if you couldn’t to the dancfloor fast enough for the first 2 minutes of the song the last minute will definitely have you on the dance floor. He wanted to make a “Get Me Bodied” replica if you will, and he succeeded and then slayed us all. YAS.
14. Todrick Hall: I Like Boys
This is me, this is all me. I already came out, im not coming out again, but if I ever did, I would just play this song, because it’s basically describing me and what I like ☺️ It doesn’t help that beat is infectious and works so well with the lyrics.
15. Diana Ross: Swept Away
I was swept away, if you will, when I heard this song fully for the first time. I heard part of it on “Pose” on FX. During the first season of the show, which highlights the underground ballroom scene in 1980s New York, 2 groups were doing a dance battle and this song was playing in the background. I didn’t notice it that much the first time I watched that scene, but the second time I was enthralled by it. I “shazamed” the song and it was love ever since then. Ms. Diana Ross slayed with this song and the scene in “Pose” immortalized the song for me as well. The song has this infectious 80s Pop beat in the back and Ms. Ross’s voice just floats over the beat. It’s entrancing, really.
16. Chloe x Halle: who knew (from Grown-ish)
This song is so smoooooth. Chloe and Halle’s voices just floats in this song so well! When I first heard this song I was in a trance listening to this song, just swaying back and forth. Ugh! It’s so good! The beat is a mix of R&B/Soul and African drums, but slow. The lyrics talk about a girl unknowingly falling in love with another person. It talks of fate bringing the 2 people together.
17. Sabrina Carpenter: In My Bed
This song got me by its beat in the chorus, and then the lyrics got me as well. The beat is a good mellow pop beat to start and then it picks up but mellows out even more during the chorus. It’s so chill but so powerful and relatable as well. The lyrics talks of a situation that gets stuck in your head and when you wake up your still thinking about it and your blowing it out of proportion at the same time. It could be a positive or a negative situation, either way she’s still still blowing it up to a size that it’s not meant be. It’s so relatable because I do that so many times and I’m sure a lot of other people do too.
18. Lebo M.: He Lives In You
To be honest I have heard this song before, but this is the first time I’ve heard it in the Zulu language. This song is absolutely gorgeous, powerful, chilling, and goosebump-making. The fact that Lebo M. decided to remake this song in Zulu, is amazing in so many ways. I want to thank Lebo for remaking this in a native African language, and for having The Lion King full of pan-African languages and references. It’s so powerful that Lebo decided to bring this song to life again and make even more inspiring in 2019. This song I recommended that everyone listen to.
19. Jade Novah: Show Out
I didn’t even know this song existed and I’ve been listening to Jade Novah for 3 years now including obsessing over her debut album last year. This is song is so underrated, and I use that word very loosely. This one is truly underrated. It’s melody and core of the song is a circus-inspired string of notes and over that is a hip-hop that’s infused to perfection over that. The lyrics are no-less than perfection. It’s inspiring using the circus to say show us what you got that’s so awesome. It’s telling you to show out. To show the world what is so special about you, what makes you different. I’m still obsessing over this song. And probably will forever obsess over this song.
20. Beyoncé: BIGGER
The fact that Beyoncé released a lion king inspired album and put a bunch of voice-overs from The Lion King itself in between songs to introduce the next song is absolute perfection. And she has African influences all over this album. Furthermore, this song is no-less than perfection and African inspired. The intro that came before is perfect for the introduction of this song, and this is the first song on the album. And it’s the perfect 1st song on an album like this. It’s powerful, chilling and, inspirational. The beat first and foremost, has African drums in it, which is appropriate. Over the drums is Beyoncé vocalizing in the background and a orchestra that melds so beautifully together to create this masterpiece. “Life is your birthright, they hid that in the fine print. Take the pen and rewrite it.” EVERYTHING. The lyrics seem personal to Beyoncé but also relatable to our lives as well. I almost cried listening to this song for the first time. This song could save a few lives. I’m so serious, this song could save lives. “You are a part of something way bigger.” And we are. Our lives, our problems are nothing compared to what’s happening around us, and our world. Look past, from what you see in the mirror. Look outside up in the sky, the universe, that’s you, the Stars, that’s you too. That’s us, all of us. We are all meant to do big things. Step outside of your little box and thing bigger. You might be surprised what you find out.
Even though some of these song I said already I recommend you listen to, all of these songs are worthy of at least one listen. Some of these a couple of listens. Well that was my top 20 songs of the first half of 2019. There’s so many songs I was unable to just strip it down to 20 songs of the whole year. Plus 40 songs at one time, is way too long. So, enjoy, and remember to always:
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