#Berry talks
moonwoodhollow · 2 days
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WIP - Exerzierplatz 1
I am almost finished with this build apart from the bistro kitchen and a few little details. I love it when something comes together so well (and fast).
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raspberryfem · 9 hours
hello fandom blogger. your saw trap is to go through your favorite ship tag without seeing any art where your blorbo has mastectomy scars. this is an impossible task. die
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berrys-hide-out · 5 months
A/N; YO! Another fun lil Drabble while I decide on how on earth the next tiny story will play out! I really wanted to do something with a pair I haven’t seen all that often yet and soooo bam Loki and Pete! ✨
Summary; Peter plays a prank on the god of mischief, Loki remembers a little quirk the young hero possesses thanks to an involuntary squeak. Not that either of them really minded
Peter did not have to get told twice as he immediately stormed off with anticipating and panicked giggles. He wasn’t sure why he decided to play daredevil and prank the god of mischief himself— well actually it was because he was bored. Hella so, with the avengers on a mission and only left behind with Loki who seemed to be engrossed by his books… boredom was inevitable.
Now what did he do you might ask; simple! He filled a bowl with pink glitter and put it at the top of the door and ultimately forgot about it until an hour later when he walked by just as the god fell into his trap.
Did he regret doing this? No. Not at all in fact as he literally snorted at the sight and told FRIDAY to take a picture.
Was he regretting it now? Probably not but his thoughts were running miles as he quickly rushed into the lounge, then the kitchen and around the counter. What would the god do when he caught him?! The avengers weren’t home until midnight! Sure he wouldn’t hurt him but it is the god of mischief after all!
Loki’s grin made goosebumps spread all over his arms and neck and a giddy smile forced its way onto his features. “Y-you know pink fihits you well.” He tried- and failed to choke back the giggle, his hand coming up to cover his mouth half heartedly. It was a sight to behold— the god of mischief hair and outfit full of shiny pink glitter.
Loki shook his head and tutted “tsk, tsk, tsk, you need to learn one thing kid; you don’t play mischief on the god of mischief.”
Peter squeaked and moved around the isle as Loki moved. “Why don’t we drop this and ohorder pizza?” The god grinned “my are we nervous Petey?” The teen gave him a small tiny whine as a reply which ripped a deep chuckle from the god.
Just that made Pete suddenly bolt for the lounge again— only to collide with something strong… or someone as he was suddenly thrown over the gods shoulder and they turned around. The decoy vanished, only further proving that he was on the gods shoulder “WAIT- wait wait NOHonononono! Loki cohome on it was a harmless prank! It’ll wash out I Promihise! UhUHUsing magic is Unfahair!” Peter tried- and failed to flail enough to get out of the gods hold, resulting in him hitting the man’s back.
Loki huffed and adjusted the boy. Peter yelped and his hands shot down Lokis back to prevent himself from falling over, only hearing the god chuckle at his reaction. They continued down the hall…. At least until the god subtly dug a little deeper into Peter’s back thigh and he squeaked out a protest “NOHo! StoHop that!yoHOu’re tickling mEHe!” Peter yelped and kicked out, one hand shooting off of the gods back to try and grapple at Lokis hands.
Loki stopped “this just got a whole lot more amusing.” The playful and mischief in the gods voice made Peter sputter and his escape efforts suddenly spiked- legs kicked out, hands flailed and a long protest of giggly “NO!”’s followed as they made their way back to the lounge. The anticipation made his already heightened sensitivity so so much worse.
“Cohohome on! It was just a lihittle glitter! I’m sorry!” Loki chuckled and threw the boy onto the couch in the empty lounge which he bounced off once or twice and immediately tried to get away “don’t lie to the god of mischief boy, you’re not sorry in the slightest” he warned before his hands latched onto Peter’s sides. It was true— Peter wasn’t sorry the apology just flew out of his mouth.
The girly squeal that emitted from the boy only fed the gods growing soft spot for the boy.
Peter immediately squeezed his eyes shut, turned and started wiggling around, his hands flying down to Lokis to try and catch them without much luck. The god’s hands practically flew through the boys defences, even with the Peter-tingle which only made this so much more fun — I mean worse!
“This’ll teach you not to lie or use mischief against the god of it.” Loki chuckled as he watched Peter’s cheeks heat up “NEhEhehehe IHihe- I wa- ahaHAha WaHas BoHohored!” Peter whined through hysterical giggles.
Loki hummed “I don’t see what makes you think that that qualifies playing tricks on me” he said and slowly moved over the boys stomach enlightened to hear his giggles become bubbly and childlike “now this is just sweet~” the god cooed.
Peter’s struggling lessened a little and his blush deepened. “nOHohoHO ihIHIhihi— Ihits NOhOhohot! AHAHA- LOHOKI!” Peter suddenly screeched when one of Lokis hands caught one of the flailing ankles and trailed a few scribbling fingers up his sole.
Peters enhanced strength proved to be helpful enough to yank his foot back but the attack to his hips made him recoil and shake his head, hands finally latching onto the offending fingers that drilled into the hipbones on both sides simultaneously.
“NAHAA! THiHIHis iHIs UnFaHAH- uNFahAHAir!” Loki chuckled “actually this is plenty fair.. this however..” Peter gasped when one of his hands was suddenly held up above his head and the second hand hovered just above his outstretched ribs and armpit.
“This is unfair.” The god grinned darkly. Peter spluttered and the ongoing giggles stopped him from forming a coherent word— a sentence right now was impossible.
“Are you regretting having pulled a trick on the god of mischief?”
An out. If he really wanted to he could’ve had this dropped now but at this point Peter was having way too much fun with the god and shook his head with a wobbly grin and an overall giddy expression.
Loki shook his head at the playfulness the Midgardian child had. He also wasn’t quite sure where all of that energy came from but he was more than happy to let their little game continue for awhile. “Wrong answer~”
Peter squeaked and practically jumped when Lokis hand faked out.
The boy opened one eye then the other. Loki grinned down at him, emitting a low giggly whine from the teen. “See.. I’m starting to think you enjoy this” he said and traced along the boys ribs. Gently enough not to dig in but definitely rough enough to get a sweet reaction out of the kid.
Peter giggled hysterically and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to cover his burning face as he shook it ‘no’. Though at this point his face wasn’t the only part that shimmered in a light crimson. His ears and neck joined his blistering cheeks beautifully.
Loki grinned “if you close your eyes you won’t see the attack Petey” that got him back the boys attention. The anticipating gleam in the boys eyes, the disheveled hair, the bright red hue that covered him it was a sight practically to coo over but Loki needed to prove a point and so scribbled over the boys armpit. He needed a good reaction, as far as the avengers Mission-times go they were never exactly accurate— but ho boy did he get a reaction when his fingers hit the skin.
Peter snorted, threw his head back with loud and boisterous cackles while his legs kicked out. Loki’s fingers drove the poor kid up the wall, somehow he knew exactly what spot and technique would get the kid to wither under his touch
With a chortle Loki let up and instead moved to tracing the kids belly “so what are you sorry for?” “Fohor pranking thehe god of mischiehehef!”
Loki hummed and squeezed his thigh where it had more or less all begun “and?” “LYHYING!” Peter squeaked out. “Lying what Pete?” The god grinned cheekily. “Don’t liehe to the god of mischief!”
Loki hummed happily “glad you came around.” He said and Peter chuckled, curling up to face the couch cushions.
“Naw don’t go hiding on me now” Peter’s squeaky giggles escaped his mouth quicker then he could cover it when the god scribbled over his back. He didn’t even know his back was ticklish!
The boy quickly turned back around and was about to say something before-
“Pete has a ticklish back?!” Came from the doorway making both, spider-child and the God of Mischief look up in utter bewilderment.
In the doorway, Sam, Bucky and Tony.
They didn’t even hear them come in.
“I’m so using that next time.” Tony chuckled. Peter whined “mister staaahaaark!” Loki gave a low chuckle. “And someone’s gone soft” Tony continued making the god flush bright red “he just needed an attitude adjustment and I happened to find out a rather interesting fact about our spider” He said and eyed Peter who immediately started giggling his little heart out.
“You should probably wash out the glitter before it gets everywhere.” The captain said as they walked in.
Peter chuckled. “I got him good though” he said before noticing the warning and menacing grin that spread on Loki’s features.
The boy squeaked and rushed out, incoherent words spilling all over the place with giggles prepped in. Probably leaving a trail of “nohooo”‘s and “I’m sorry”’s
Loki chuckled and shook his head.
The boy really has a weird thing for getting in trouble.
“You too reindeer games” Tony called from the kitchen which earned an eye roll. But Loki didn’t protest any further. The glitter had to leave.
Once out of earshot Tony grinned “FRI!”
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berrythefish · 2 months
Really just a question, but I have seen some DCA characters art that are all from one work called Ghost in a Machine or gitm. Apparently there is a written work for it and was wondering if I should read or not 🤔
idk just pondering in general. Was curious since these characters looked interesting and everything I've seen of them look cool but I have like no context but even without it, they look amazing 👍
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black-berryies · 3 months
Is it normal or just a German thing for one to fourth graders to sing in a school musical about a little happy bird and how he makes friends until he gets shot by the hunter?
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snwusberry · 1 month
yeonjun is definitely the type to smile into a kiss
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it's the big moment. you're both here standing in front of all your friends and family on this very special day facing each other with big smiles on your faces. you and yeonjun have already said your vows and tears have been shed at the sweet words you've said to amd about one another. you're looking at each other in anticipation as the priest says a few closing words.
"and by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may now kiss the bride."
you and yeonjun move closer and he rests his hands on your waist and your arms find their way on his shoulders as your lips touch. as everyone around you guys claps and cheers at the union, yeonjun can't help but smile against your lips.
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berr-acids · 1 year
I want to read REAL Dottore angst not the ‘cheating troupe’ or the ‘emotionally/physically unavailable’ or else I will write the most borderline morally questionable piece of angst to be known [I know that there are worse but I will try okay?]
NO I want REAL angst the type to make you question the writer’s morals
I want ruthless, manic ,unhinged dottore the lore accurate one because that man probably is too sick in the head to actually love someone without being obsessive, manipulative and gaslighting
That’s what I call real angst
The dead dove don’t eat angst
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psyphigirl · 2 months
The second I'm off for summer I'm writing a one hundred trillion word essay on why Revolver by the Beatles is a trans coming out story I will be publishing it on every social media site I have. If you by pure chance see it anywhere else other than here that is Me and you Can say hello
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raspberryfem · 3 months
what i can't help but think about in regards to dylan mulvaney's horrible song is not only how privileged he is as a man but how privileged he is as a well-off man. every single aspect of "girlhood" that he talks about is based in consumerism and requires a bourgeois background to access. i wonder what he would say if someone reminded him that there are millions of women around the world who don't have the means to find their womanhood in prescription drugs and healthcare, club life and one night stands, new clothes and makeup, etc. many women live day to day, struggling to make ends meet. are they excluded from "womanhood" or "girlhood" as dylan defines it?
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berrys-hide-out · 5 months
heyo beeeerrrryyy qwq m wa finallie gonna sendie in da freakngie ASK XD soo...yous requestie is open??? Issie it possible to do a Tony and Pete fan fic with Tony wreckingie Spidey because father and son things ✨
m gonnie hide in a corner now ✨🫠
Note: Heyaaaa! Yep all open again hehe, gotta improve my writing!✨ I’m sorry this took so incredibly long 🥹
Warnings: tickles
Summary: Peter is currently working with Tony in the lab, Tony seemed stressed over the coming Christmas celebration and Peter can’t concentrate with his mentors grumbling. Enjoy!
Break time, webbing and play time
Peter would call himself lucky, his mentor was the one and only Tony Stark! He got to work with him in the lab and even if they didn’t work together they worked along side each other.
However there was times like now where his Mentor forgot everything around him and seemed to get frustrated about the thing he was working on, so much so that he sighed and grumbled to himself.
The young spiderling eyed his mentor, this was probably the twentieth sigh that had left the man’s mouth now— and it hadn’t even been 10 minutes! It made Peter sigh internally, with his mentor standing hunched over the table and pen tapping the surface he could hardly concentrate either.
He looked over at the paper Tony was hunched over, noticing the small Christmas ornaments on it. Right Morgan had requested the paper for her wish list after seeing it on the Christmas market and now they had way too many left.
A small smile pulled on Peter’s features, remembering the little ones antics with her father. Peter’s eyes fell to the web shooters, hearing another sigh. His smile faded, he had to make Tony take a break somehow.. sure Christmas was approaching quickly but we was sure he could add some things to the list if Tony would just let him help.
Peter looked over at the man again, talking would probably only annoy him further. What could he do..?
His gaze flew through the room, landing on the couch which conveniently stood right behind the man. The couch had originally been brought here by Misses Potts to make sure the two would take breaks and not overwork themselves over and over again and come home grumpy.
Peter glared at the new web fluids. These were for training and dissolved a little quicker, surely enough for a small break. He huffed a smile. The plan forming in his head was bold, awfully so but it might just work.
He quickly exchanged the fluids and walked towards the couch.. one try to talk about this won’t hurt.. “Mister Stark?” He asked carefully. “Not now kid and it’s Tony..” he corrected, not lifting his gaze.
The teen smirked and jumped behind the couch before shooting a web right at the man’s back and yanking him backwards into the pillows of the couch- “WHA- Peter!” Tony yelped and glared at the smiling boy. “Sorry Mister Stark” he said with a ever so small hint of sympathy which leaked through his sly grin. “Again Pete, it’s Tony” he huffed.
Peter quickly webbed the man’s torso as well as he jumped back over the couch to stand in front of the man “but sighing every five minutes and frowning like that probably won’t do you any good.” He said, remembering the few times Tony had told him this. “Neither will webbing me to the cough, so let me go.” The man growled, yet a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, taking away the bite in his words.
“Sorry Mister Stark not happening” his mentee said and poked a free spot on the man’s ribs, not noticing the small flinch. “Plus I’m just making sure Misses Potts couch is getting rightfully used” he said with a small grin, a playful glint in his eye as he went to stand up straight. “I’m sure she’d be happy to know that you’re taking your breaks.” He added with feigned innocence
Pete quickly skipped over to the list “and don’t worry it’s the new solution it’s supposed to dissolve a little quicker.” He called while scanning over the list.
He hummed a little, the ideas Tony had written down seemed basic enough.. grabbing a new paper and writing down some new ideas, he didn’t notice that the man behind was actively plotting to get him back after that stunt.
In fact Tony kept so quiet that when Pete went back to work on the new formula he had completely forgotten that the man was even there.
Tony knew the boy wanted the best for him but practically webbing him to the couch without a warning? And the poke that almost gave away his ticklishness? He’ll need to come up with something to teach the kid to use his words.. and maybe offer a different way of telling each other to take a break.
Tony waited until Peter gave a sigh of his own. By now boy was scanning the paper and holding a small solution over the other. The webs which held Tony had long been dissolved and only stained the couch ever so slightly. He walked up behind him “need help?” Peter yelped, and turned around with a start, dropping the solution in the process. “m-mister stark!” He huffed. The man chuckled at the pout his student gave him, “sorry did I scare you?” He grinned. Peter huffed and turned back around, eyes widening when the solution started to bubble and set off his Spidey sense “DUCK!”
Tony did— Spidey got sent flying to the ground with the new web solution which exploded mere seconds after the call. It took a few seconds until the fluid stopped, now decorating the whole lab.
“Gee kid, are you alright?” Tony called and rushed over to him. Pete grumbled, a little sore from the fall “yep, I’m good” he said and gave a small thumbs up.
Tony huffed a smile, his student was covered in web fluid, only a few spots were free. “Can you get out by yourself?” He asked and crouched next to him. Seeing the boy struggle and wiggle to break free he already had a feeling that he had to get a small knife.
Peter huffed and took another deep breath before trying again- yet his tries were futile.
“Nope, nope definitely stuck.” He said and let his head fall back onto the ground. Tony chuckled “alright hold on Kid” he said and got a pocket knife out of his back pocket before getting to work.
Tony peeled Parker off of the floor and got him to sit on the couch, then he quickly went and got the dissolvent from Peter’s desk.
“Man, this stuff is awfully sticky” Peter huffed and raised his arm, seeing his webbing move ever so slightly.
He watched Tony join his side and open the small bottle “heh, more then your normal webs I assume?” Peter nodded “way more!” He exclaimed before feeling a little bit of liquid run down his back- making him shiver “Sorry, It’s still cold but it shouldn’t take longer then a few minutes.” Stark said as he made sure to get most of his torso before moving on.
He sighed and knelt down, hand squeezing Peter side to support his balance. What he didn’t expect was his Mentee to Yelp and clamp his hand over his mouth and jump in a frenzied motion.
“Are you okay? Did you get injured from that explosion?” He asked and looked up at the boy.
Peter flushed— no he didn’t get hurt, but he’d never tell his mentor and idol that he just accidentally tickled him! “No, no, just surprised me is all” he mumbled and averted his gaze.
Tony raised an eyebrow, he had moved slow, there was no way that reaction came from his movement. As he continued to free Peter from his webbing things started to click into place and a small smile tugged at his lips, which was completely missed by the boy who still looked away with a tiny blush on his face.
“Alright” Tony hummed when the last bit of webbing dissolved and he closed the dissolvent. Peter smiled “thanks Mister Stark!” Nodding he kept Pete from getting up. “Mister Stark?” Tony pat his shoulder as he stood up “if I have to take a break so do you kid” he said and a small traitorous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. Peter raised an eyebrow, that’s not how that worked.
He crossed his arms “but I’m fine!” Tony raised an eyebrow “are you really though? You just got flung to the ground, maybe you hurt yourself and aren’t telling me again” he said hinting to his side.
Peter grumbled “I’m not hurt, really” Tony huffed and squeezed his side “no?” He asked watching the kid squeak, grab at his hand while his legs shot up and he squeezed his eyes shut with a bright smile.
Tony chuckled silently at his mentees giggles. “I don’t understand Pete, what’s so funny? If you’re hurt that’s a serious problem!” He huffed. Peter squeaked when the second hand attacked his other side with squeezes making him fall back into the couch. “mIHihister StAhAhark!” He called though his bubbly giggles and growing blush.
“Im right here Pete but you need to let me have a look!” “nOhohooooo!” The boy whined before finding the strength to throw himself off of the couch “woah-!” Tony gasped and his stomach dropped. He quickly leaned over the couch to see the kid scramble up with a grin, showing him that he wasn’t hurt. Relief washed over him before the playful smirk re-emerged on his lips.
Peter yelped and scrambled off of the ground, darting out of the lab with anticipating giggles— Tony right behind him
The boy grinned, he hadn’t played like this in a long while. The fact that Tony was actually up to play with him was as exiting as it was flustering.
Tony chuckled as their feet stomped on the ground, Peter’s lighter then him which clearly made the teen even more nervous.
The boy rounded a corner into the main room where a couch stood in the middle of it all. He rushed around and grinned at his mentor giddily. Tony stood at the other side of the couch, he was loving this just as much as Peter was. It was adorable how the boys cheeks flushed and small bubbly giggles escaped him even though he tried biting them back “naw kid we can’t have that~! Let me have a look at your sides- oh and your back too, that’s what you landed on earlier, right?”
Peter huffed a giggle “IHi’m not hurt-! TONY!” he squeaked when the man suddenly moved making him jump and run to avoid his playful mentor- however one and a half laps around the couch the boy got thrown back and the two wrestled— Peter with childish giggles and a beaming smile and Tony with a adoring, playful and Sly smirk.
“NoHOho! MiHister StahAhrk!” Peter struggled against his mentors hand which kept him in place- usually he wouldn’t have any problem getting out but his unstoppable waterfall of giggles weakened the poor hero drastically… and he was silently enjoying himself, although he’d never admit to that.
Then Tony’s hand latched onto Peter’s lowest rib which made the poor kid squeal and buck with hysterical giggles “honestly Pete, you need to let me check! It’s no use if you keep squirming like this!” Tony said with a teasing edge to his voice “BuHUt IHI’m noHOhot huHUhurt!” Peter protested.
His mentor tutted and moved up and down his sides, scribbling from his abdomen all the way to one of the higher ribs, noticing how the squirming picked up.
Tony grinned “do we have a little tickle spot up there~?” “NOHOho!” The answer came way too quickly and Peter’s cheeks tinted in a little brighter red. Tony stopped and hummed “you sure about that?” Peter nodded, anticipating giggles rushed though his few gulps of air.
“So you wouldn’t mind if we were to play a game?” Without waiting for Peter he placed a finger on the boys rib cage “round and round the garden like a teddy bear…” he sang and traced circles.
Peter shook his head and embarrassed yet happy giggles flew out of his mouth, no matter how hard he tried to protest or keep his mouth shut they just kept on coming “one step…” Tony said warningly. Peter looked at him, the almost sly and sinister grin sent shivers down his spine “noHoho nononohoho! MiHihister— STARK!” “Two step” Tony completely ignored the plea and the squeak he got in return only made him want to go on. “Tickle under THERE!”
Peter went ballistic, head thrown back, bucking and squirming left and right as his legs kicked out thanks to the merciless scribbling that sent ticke shocks through his whole body.
Tony chuckled at the sight, he’s never seen Peter let go like this, it was as amusing as it was adorable.
Hearing the kid wheeze he let up. “OhOho god” Peter giggled and looked at his mentor with slightly crinkled eyes. “You’re ruhuthless”
His mentor hummed down at him “you’re just incredibly ticklish” “mist- EHEHehEhHEe!” Peter squealed when fingers drilled into the dip of his hips. “Try again” his mentor grinned “ToHOhonEHEhe!” Peter called out and stark let up.
He smiled at the boy, his hair was completely disheveled, the blush covered his ears cheeks and neck, tiny tears of joy were at the corners of the boys eyes and he was breathing heavily with stray giggles.
Tony let the boys arms go and Peter curled up “ehEhe thahat wasn’t fahair!” Tony poked his unprotected back making the male jump “neither was webbing me to the couch” “sohorryy~” Peter whined through an amused giggle “you ready to take a break?” To Tony’s amusement a shimmer of playfulness played in the teens eyes as he eyed the billionaire.
“Or what~?” He teased
Big mistake.
Tony immediately grabbed the boys arm and pinned them above his head. The other hand hovered over the boys armpit.
Peter’s squeaky giggles picked right back up and he gave tony a panicked yet exited look. “Or else the tickle monster is gonna come back~” tony grinned. Peter shook his head “Noho he won’t!”
Then the hand fell. The boy squealed and curled up, shutting his eyes tight with giggles already pouring out of him.
Yet nothing happened.
Peter opened at eye noticing the smirk tony wore which made his stomach flip in anticipation. The boy whined “JuHUHust do it ahalready!”
Tony chuckled “my pleasure”
Then Peter threw his head back with full out cackles a second time that day. It was safe to say that Peter’s giggles and laughter went through the tower a lot more often~
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applecranberryjuice · 8 months
Asking exclusively bcs im desperate, WHERE can I watch the new eps from DR I'm dying out here without netflix people
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black-berryies · 11 months
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I’m surprised I haven’t seen that one yet (maybe it exists somewhere but I don’t know it)
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snwusberry · 4 months
just went on twitter and found this. i'm done
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palialaina · 6 days
OOC: Still cannot get Palia to load. It will start, and then get stuck on the Singularity 6 screen and will not move on. I've tried my computer, I've tried through Steam.
Weirdly, once it 'starts' it straight up struggles to stop. I think I'll have to fight with an uninstall this weekend, and try again then.
Which sucks. I wanna see all the new things that got dropped. Gimme that two story house, damnit!
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salemthegoldfish · 8 months
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fionna teaching simon emoticons was probably my favorite thing about this
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moonwoodhollow · 10 days
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after finally finishing up my build download I went right back into furnishing, because I obviously cannot control myself
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