#Best WiFi extenders
reviewgeny · 2 years
✅ Best wifi extenders in 2022 ➡️ Top 5 Tested & Buying Guide
Product Description:
Number 1. TP-Link RE220 The TP-Link RE220 was the least expensive range extender at $35 in 2020, but it still outperformed everything else in every way. This Wi-Fi extender is fast, reliable, and easy to use. It works with almost every Wi-Fi router on the market.
Number 2. Linksys RE7310 In 2022, TP-Link took the top spot, but the Linksys RE7310 was right behind it and almost as good for most home networks.If you have a fiber internet plan with speeds of up to 150Mbps for both uploads and downloads, the RE7310 can give you an average Wi-Fi 6 download speed of 132Mbps throughout the whole coverage.That's almost equal to TP-best Link's choice.
Number 3. TP-Link RE605X If you are going to buy a router in 2022, the TP-Link RE605X should be at the top of your list.  At $100, it's far from the most affordable extender on the market, but with a highly capable AX1800 design, full support for the latest Wi-Fi 6 speeds and features, adjustable antennas and a helpful easy-to-use control app with strong reviews on both Android and iOS.
Number 4. Netgear Nighthawk X4S (EX7500) As soon as you plug in the Netgear Nighthawk X4S range extender and pair it with your router, it will start working with your router to create a single, unified network that automatically routes your devices between the router and extender as needed. That's great, and the extender also comes with a well-made app for quick control.
Number 5. D-Link DAP-X1870 The D-Link DAP-X1870 is an outstanding performer that performs an extremely good job of generating a single, unified network as soon as it is paired with your router. It is yet another superb model that came in 2021. If you consider the performance it can give, it definitely worth the value.
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shyamnews · 1 year
Best Wifi Extender for Basement - Top 5
In this article, we will talk about the best wifi extender for the basement. If you are also looking for a good WiFi extender keeping in mind your basement, then you must read this article till the end. A WiFi extender is a great device that enhances your existing WiFi coverage. This device is easily connected to the router and operates forward while boosting the WiFi signal. If you are also…
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zyxelrsblog · 1 year
Top features of Superboost WiFi-Amped WiFi
Before buying a Superboost WiFi extender, you should go through this article which explains the features of the device in detail. We have covered all the points that you need to know before purchasing WiFi extender. We have compiled a list of all the top features of the Superboost WiFi device.
Fast Setup
The best feature of the Superboost WiFi extender is its simple process of setup. The process is very simple to carry out. Someone with little to no experience in IT can complete the setup process very quickly. All you need is the correct hardware, and you will be done within a few minutes.
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Makes the Network fast
This is the reason why most people buy a WiFi Range Extender in the first place. Superboost increases the rate of data transfer on the WiFi network. The Superboost is a device which can increase the data transfer rate to the maximum available bandwidth provided to you by the internet service provider.
Makes the network Reliable
If you are running an organisation or a business which uses WiFi networks for most of the work, you need to make sure that the network that is installed in your workplace is reliable. The downtime of such a WiFi network should be as low as possible. Ideally, it should be zero.
Superboost makes it possible to achieve zero downtime. After installing the device, you don’t have \to worry about your WiFi network going down at any time.
Compact Design
Superboost is a very compact WiFi networking device. You don't have to worry about finding a place to set it up because all you have to do is plug it in a power socket and set it up with your existing WiFi network. The process of installation is as simple as it can get.
WPS Function
WPS push button is something that makes connecting to the WiFi network very simple and convenient. To connect multiple devices to your WiFi network, all you have to do is press the button present on the front of the Superboost, and you can connect all your WiFi devices with the push of a button without having to re-enter the WiFi password.
Removes WiFi Dead Zones
WiFi zone is the region in the WiFi network that does not have network coverage. You can not access the internet or the WiFi network from a WiFi dead zone. After installing the Superboost, most of the WiFi zones will be eliminated. You can access the internet from any corner of the WiFi zone.
Superboost is a very economical device. It doesn't cost much and provides a lot of interesting features that you will require regularly.
30 days Money Back
If you are not satisfied by the performance of the Superboost device, you can get it replaced or exchanged in 30 days. The company claims to offer the money back if the product is found to have a manufacturing defect or if it doesn't work as claimed.
These were some of the features that made Superboost a great WiFi extender for home and office uses. The device can be used to extend the WiFi network of small to medium-sized WiFi zones. If you too are suffering from poor WiFi signal and low WiFi speeds, you can go ahead and purchase a Superboost WiFi network.
If you have new technical queries, you can contact the customer support or the technical team and get all your doubts cleared before purchasing a product. The support that you get with the product is very good. The product is completely worth investing a little bit of money in.
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kkginfo · 2 years
How to set up the Linksys RE6500 WiFi Extender? - KKG INFO
How to set up the Linksys RE6500 WiFi Extender? – KKG INFO
Linksys RE6500 setup is still accessible using extension.linksys.com regardless of whether you are a new user or an old user. The Linksys extender system RE6500 needs to gain access to your device and configure its wireless settings. The Linksys extender system can be activated via the web interface and the WPS button. What does setting your range extender mean? Basically, it’s all about…
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spiderbirdo · 3 months
Super random rant about Chinese nicknames but
I don't love it when LWJ is referred to as A'Zhan.
I'm not sure why it just feels so off whenever i see it used it in fic. It feels so very OOC. I mean even LWJ's family don't even call him by his birth name by the time he's grown I really doubt they'd call him (or any other lan) by a cute nickname. It's all prim and proper and distant there is no way LXC would call him A'Zhan as a kid. I could maybe see Madam Lan say it and then LXC repeating it in LQR's presence to only be told to stop.
At best I could maybe picture WWX call him Zhanzhan to tease him.
AND Speaking of WWX, I don't like it when he's referred to as A'Ying either. Never in canon is he called that, closest is A'Xian by JYL. It's all just nuance for how even tho JYL is so close to him yet she still doesn't use his birth name
Also it's always the A- nickname. Never a Xianxian or a Xian'er. Not even a super specific creative nickname either. Literally knew a girl called 没吃饭 cuz she didn't eat rice. Hell my nickname as a kid was literally 金鱼 Goldfish, and my dad's nickname with my extended family is Housefly (but in hokkein).
I could totally see someone (maybe his shidis and other sect mates?) jokingly call WWX 排骨汤 (pork rib soup) for how much he brings up the freaking lotus and pork rib soup he loves so much.
Or hell even a pun nickname for wwx, we literally call him WiFi now. Not to mention in mdzsQ WWX calls LWJ wolf looking at chicken (lang wang ji) cuz that's a homophone for LWJ. (ngl tho A'Lang is a pretty cool nickname)
Just yeah this is really random I'm just feeling a little eh about seeing A'Zhan and A'Ying being thrown about willy nilly without considering the family dynamics and relationships playing about
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Heyo guys!
Since my friend made a post about it, I figured I should make a separate post of it as well that could hopefully grab the attention of more of you out there. Especially since it's now not only become a recurrent issue for myself, but millions others like me; whose voices and pleas for help are often met with silence and no aid when it's needed more than ever.
My friend made this with the hopes it would get the attention of a lot of people. And the few that have so far responded, with boosting my signal, it's truly appreciated.
So, I figured I'd best give my story here.
For those who know me, they know that I've been through this before, not that long ago. For those that don't:
This isn't my first rodeo with my dad. This isn't his first offense, and I doubt it'll be his last. But, even my boyfriend commented that it's really like I'm Cinderella.
Which, would make my family Lady Tremaine and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella.
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Yeah, not the most fun people to have in your life as family, let alone be analogous to your own.
But, for at least my brother on the matter, he doesn't mean to intentionally be cruel- if anything, he is just trying to survive from becoming the next target. Which, I get entirely. I oftentimes do the same for when a fight breaks out between my bio father and my stepmom.
But, that's besides the point-- the fact that they are even akin to that family dynamic is absolutely atrocious.
I'm often seen as a black sheep in my nuclear family- a dark horse, a scapegoat, pariah, outcast; hell, I'm almost synonymous to fucking Bruno Madrigal from Encanto, with a little bit of even Luisa for that matter with how bad her anxiety is.
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Sure, that sounds pretty awful, but that's like, a surface-level perspective of who I am and what I've been through. And I'm not gonna give you my whole life story here, but, as my grandma would always famously say:
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So, here are the said facts (bullets are Bruno related, indents are Cinderella)-
People used to see me as a gifted child when I was little, y'know? Like, my talents had no bounds. My way of being so empathetic and friendly to even the most awkward stranger was renowned by my extended family. I was awkward with communication, and often was very blunt but honest when talking to people, but I was a happy kid. And it's not like I'm not seen for my talents now, but they're brushed to the side more now as an adult because "you can't be living in a fantasy".
Since my dad and stepmom started living together, I've been made to become the maid of the house, doing most chores because the boys won't do it and my stepmom is incapable of handling all the chores and dishes on her own, so she's dumped most things onto me as a "way of covering for part of your rent". Which, I still have to pay upwards of 660-880 a month for. For one small room and a bathroom. For wifi use. And I still have other bills to pay, like for my car, insurance, credit cards, and stuff like that.
It wasn't until I was starting in my teens that my dad saw me very differently. I would often lie to try and keep the peace, because I feared that telling the truth would only hurt everyone more.
I started failing in math; I never got a grade higher than a C-average after sixth grade, because the teacher that year not only made me look like an idiot, but several times painted me as a villain and treated me like I was evil. Simply for standing up for myself amongst a group of classmates who would often bully me
I have little to no privacy in my own room. The only time I do is when I sleep, and that's even temporary at best. My father will routinely inspect my room and if it's not meeting his standards, he has me clean it or threatens kicking me out onto the street because he won't let me live in this house if I can't "do what I am required to do in order to keep living here" shit I wish I actually wish I had recorded him saying fr
He's taken off my door several times in the past as a punishment for not "adhering to his rules"- not okay as a teenager, even more not okay as a fucking twenty-four year old adult
(literal screenshots from conversations with my dad below)
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My bio dad started seeing me less as an honest and good person, because during my sixth grade years and beyond I'd struggle with being honest with myself, let alone my parents, about my personal and educational issues.
I've had to be the one to call out when things aren't right, and be shut down for it. I've been the one to call out my family's bullshit, only to get side-swept with the realization my perception of how they treat me is cuz they do believe something is inherently wrong with me for retaliating.
I'm often accused of mishearing things- like, my parents will say one thing, and then the next day, or weeks or months later, when I repeat that statement, they go and say "Oh, I never said that."
I've walked out of my parents' lives once. It only lasted two weeks, but I did have to take a step back from it all. Because I could see what it was doing to everyone in my family. And I love my family, despite their shit. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna walk out again- in fact, I'm working on a way to do so.
I relate more to pets and small children and even teens than I do older people.
I still have anxieties and fears over my talents and what I'm capable of, thinking I'm not good enough or that it's just the same old thing. The difference is I know it's not, and I know I'm worth more than this.
I have always liked the color green, and it was always a more mysterious color more than an evil or menacing color.
I often have had foresight of future events and get deja by when they do happen. Though, other times I just notice things going awry and I try to warn others of like, a possibility that they don't want to accept.
I lost friends and people who I actually enjoyed being around because of how I was growing up, and it was until I became an adult that part of it wasn't even my fault. A lot of the kids noticed my parents and didn't want to be around that kind of behavior with adults, because they could sense what I couldn't at the time, which was that my parents' behavior towards me was absolutely uncalled for, and rather controlling.
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I was only recently properly diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD; but before then, as an adult, I had more difficulty talking. Difficulty expressing how I felt. Trouble with finances. Being in the right headspace. Being able to take a step back and be like "whoa, now hold on- pointing fingers at me is only going to point three right back at you, let's not assume shit here". And it took a lot of support from my support systems and my boyfriend- @constant-state-of-self-discovery - to get a truly more accurate diagnosis. Cuz I've had three different diagnoses over the years, with the third being my most accurate one but I digress
I have echolalia and repeat funny phrases, hum music, etc.
When my brother was born - and I hate to use this comparison, but - almost immediately he became the Golden Child of the family dynamic. I was ten when he was born- and yeah, that's unfair for a baby, toddler, and little kid. But flash forward to when he's a bigger kid, when he's in his pre-teen stage and now a fourteen year old, who's gotten more educational advantages than I was ever offered or even given when asked. Who has had more positive experiences with his parents than I ever did. Who got the chance to actually go to the highschool he wanted to without having to worry about who I was really zoned for. Who is getting to work on his passion and talents. Yeah, that's totally not favoritism there.
I draw. I write. I legitimately can see myself voice acting one day.
I have often proved my family members both right and wrong about things in their lives, but I'm still the bad guy. Interesting how that works.
See, these are the facts that just have me relating to just Bruno and Cinderella alone, with how my life is. There's plenty of other shit to add on about my stuff, but that's enough dirty laundry to get the ball rolling.
The fact of the matter is this: I cannot live in such a place like this anymore. And if anyone can help, I'd seriously appreciate whatever cash, boosting, reblogging, sharing that can be done.
I'm tired of living a life like this. I want to move forward. I want to start my next chapter, away from abuse.
And I'm really hopeful for the first time ever that something good might come out of this.
(thank you @savythenillerwaffer , @nystiaa , @oswinunknown , and @anne-of-crows for reblogging along with the others who have spread the word.)
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 4 months
ok for those of you who are in school but wanna access blocked websites, this is for you! i've tried all of these methods, they work pretty well
for microsoft/windows/edge/teams users
method 1: highlight something. anything. (this means hold down your mouse and drag it over words to make them highlighted in blue.) a little menu should pop up once you do so and let go. press the magnifying glass or the "search with bing" option. this should create a little sidebar for you. you can access anything on here, and i mean ANYTHING once you're off school wifi. certain things may be blocked by the wifi but most will be accessible.
method 2: (this method only works for a few things! i have only ever used it to get minecraft education edition and netflix on here!) go to the microsoft store. search for what you want. if your school didn't cover their bases, whatever you searched for should be unblocked. install it, pin it to start, and you're all set.
for google/chrome/classroom users
method 1: go to google.com. right click anywhere just on this page, the main google page. there should be an option to open in sidebar. click it. boom. it's essentially the same as the bing sidebar i mentioned above with the added ability of being extendable to almost cover the whole screen. (this also works on microsoft computers! i am using it to make this post right now!)
method 2: search up what you want to access, for example just search netflix. see that first result that shows you the "netflix.com" url in tiny print above the page title? highlight that as best you can and copy it. now go to google translate. paste this into the "detect language" slot. copy it from the output section to the right. paste this new, google-translated url into your search bar in a new tab. it should work. (note: when i went to a school that used google, they used software called aristotle to block things. i am not sure how this would play out with goguardian. the others work with goguardian enabled.)
those are my tips and tricks! please reblog or reply with more and specify if it works for windows or chrome. thanks for reading y'all!!
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twosroos · 2 years
All Grown Up [Chapter Three]
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roos says ! me, adding more random iron daggers lore bc i can? yes. anyways this is now post uranium mission AND post secret mission i made up >:) mega angst material time babes this got very sad very fast
genre ! angst !!, hurt/comfort
word count: 2424
notable characters: robert “bob” floyd
TWs: thunderstorms, mentioned near-death experiences, mentioned hospital visits
ao3 link ! previous chapter ! next chapter
"Looks like we're stuck," Bob comments, unceremoniously trying to wring out the bottom of his shirt. You huff, not answering with words as you walk over to a small set of LED lights on the wall. You press the on button a few times and nothing happens, so you try the overhead lamp, and it doesn't kick on either. Both Lieu and Captain don't even perk up at the thunder, having grown used to loud noises, but they perk up at the low groan that leaves your mouth.
"Are you serious?" You spit out, groaning as you sneak a peek out one of the side doors to the house-- the lights are off, meaning the powers out for real. This also means your wifi connection to the hotspot you had installed will die, and the LTE service out here in the barn sucks.
Bob chimes from behind you, "Oh, shit."
You jump, cursing at him as he laughs and apologizes for spooking you. God, that laugh was as sweet as homemade sugar cookies and pure honey. You force yourself away from him though, walking over to a knocked down stool, you kick it so it's against the far wall before fixing it so it's upright. You settle and slide down the wall to sit on the stool. Bob pauses, turning to you with a bashful look in his eyes.
"What?" You say, adjusting your tanktop that is now sticking to your skin. His cheeks warm up at the sight.
"N-Nothing." He looks away when you catch his gaze, "Sorry. I'll shut up now."
You let an amused huff out of your nose, using your phone to check the radar. Luckily, the small device hadn't gotten super soaked in your pocket, but it was still slippery to the touch. Your weather app said rain for the next two hours. And suddenly, you wished you had never decided to come outside knowing it would rain in the first place. While in your personal pity party, you hear shuffling and glance up to see Bob across from you lean over the gate in the barn to adjust something on the wall, his brow furrowing as he did.
"What're you doin'?" You call and he pauses, looking over with a tiny smile as his cheeks dust. Something you catch in the flicker of a lightning bolt as it races across the inky black sky outside, barely bringing light in through the cracks of the barn doors and gates.
"The calf knocked the feed thing off, I was reattaching it." He says before stepping back, "You've made a lot of changes to this old thing. I remember when it leaked from the ceiling like mad."
"Yeah." You grumble bitterly as you stare at his chest, dragging your eyes to his face, "A lot has changed since you fuckin' up and left, Robert."
He pauses, mouth open for a moment before he sighs, grabbing another stool that's been lying around for months and taking a seat on it. He doesn't speak for a long time, and your phone is too low on battery to play on for extended periods, so you sit in awkward, lightning-lit silence. Eventually, you end up so bored you're counting the seconds it takes for the thunder to rumble after the lightning. The main storm is inching closer. Lieu lays by your feet, soaking in the precious naptime.
"I'm sorry." He murmurs and you perk up from where your grumpy slouching has made your back and neck strain. Bob sighs, his shirt discarded and folded as best he could in his lap. He bites his lip, and you can tell he's mulling over whatever words he's about to say. Despite yourself, you sit up a bit more, wanting to see what he says.
"I should have kept in contact. I'm sorry, Y/n, you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve to be cut off by me for no reason, or…" He trails off, trying to find the words to say, and you huff, rolling to the side so your left is to him, looking down where some water is beginning to puddle under the door.
"Or the leading me on." You mean to whisper to yourself but it comes out a bit louder than you think as the thunder rolls away across the sky, leaving you both in absolute silence.
"What?" He says after a beat, eyes meeting yours in the dark.
"Forget it--" You try and deflect but he's caught on now, a crack of lightning and thunder almost symbolizing the lightbulb above his head.
"--Leading you on? Y/n, I… you think I led you on?" He leans forward a bit, trying to decipher why you cross your arms and tuck one leg up to hide away. You don't wanna show him the vulnerable side of you, something you know you were begging any God above to let you do only two years previously. But one relationship can change someone-- quick.
"You did, Rob." You grunt out and he scoffs, leaning back and running a hand down his face. He's still not wearing his glasses. They were probably too dirty to clean, you always like him better with them off anyways, you liked seeing the sun caress his freckled tan skin perfectly like he was the God your mother prayed to. You'd always imagined God and Jesus as handsome young men when you were a kid-- and twenty-nine was still fairly young in your eyes.
"How?" He asks after a moment of loud thunder and just, fuck, it's so obviously a genuine inquiry. His voice wobbles a bit at the end of the word, his lips pulling into a taught frown. You try to not think about the way your stomach twirls.
"Kissing me in the basement." You sit up now, eyes darting to his figure, trying to keep eye contact and not look down, "holding me like that, kissing me like that? How is that not leading me on, Rob?"
"Kissing you like what? A stupid kid?" He counters and you laugh, rolling your eyes as you lean back on your stool. Captain has now perked up, her head flicking between the two of you as your voices begin to rise in the argument, Lieu still sleeps.
“I’ve never been kissed like that since,” You admit, shame creeping red to your cheeks, “you kissed me so— so fucking memorably that I can’t forget about it! There was something else in that kiss, other than the Tito’s and Hennessy.”
Bob is flushing now, sputtering out words that make no sense for a moment until he takes a breath, “I was drunk, Y/n. A stupid drunk kid who got too far in over his head. It’s been a decade, I barely remember it.”
And if heartbreak is visible, he can definitely see it. Though, you’re not sure why you’re even surprised. You scoff, rolling to face him, “Yeah. It has been a decade. You barely remember me anymore.”
“You never made an effort to stay in touch! How is that my fucking fault?!” he shouts suddenly, making you jump,
“It's not like you did any better!” you counter, puffing up with clear agitation as you scoff again, shifting so you’re tucked in a bit more, “you made out with me and then just dipped out for a decade. Mixed signals if you ask me.”
“I had no idea.” He balks, his eyes were blown wide (though you can’t tell if it’s from the conversation or just the darkness of the barn) he murmurs under the thunder, “God, Y/n, why didn’t you say anything sooner?”
You shoot him an incredulous look, “how was I supposed to bring up to my newly Navy best friend, that I had a huge fucking crush on you since the fifth grade but never did anything about it?”
“No. The damage is done, Floyd.” you hold a hand up to stop him, “we’re done here.”
“Like hell we are!” he says, “now you’re closing yourself off like you’ve done since I left. I wanna reopen this— us, Y/n. We used to be so close and it’s killing me inside to have to walk on eggshells. You’ve always been my ride or die, why did that have to change?”
“It started with my stupid attachment issues and my feelings.” You grit out, “We’re not friends because of me and that’s fine. You probably have new, cool Navy friends who’ll think I’m a stick in the mud. Honestly? You probably haven’t even thought of me these past ten years— just go ahead and leave your best friend in the past, Floyd! I’m sure that’ll be just fucking fine!”
“Phoenix thinks you’re pretty cool,” he starts, “Rooster said if anyone can bring me out of my shell like you do when I talk about you, then you must be sweet as hell. Hangman told me you looked like you could beat him in a fight, which you definitely could. Coyote said he wants to go riding on a trail with you since he hasn’t ridden in quite a few years. Payback and Fanboy wanna try beating you at pool, Maverick bet me twenty dollars he could, but I know you’ll blow them all out of the water.”
You stare at him, unmoved, but blinking, “why do they know about me?”
“I won't shut up about you. Phoenix— my front seater, she complains all the time. In jest, as always, but she always complains about it because she said she needs to meet you before we die.” he sighs, “I almost missed that once and I won’t miss it again.”
“Wait.” You wave a hand, standing now and making your way over to where the lightning’s glow shows the scar on his jaw. You pause, maybe five feet away, “what do you mean you almost missed that…?”
For the first time since he got here, you see the old Robby peek out as he shakily sighs, biting his lips and rocking from foot to foot, “I've almost died a few times, Y/n. It gets scary there, I toe the line every time I get in my jet. I’ve run two missions now with this squadron and every time someone has to save someone’s ass. Phoenix saved mine.”
“Rob—?” Your effort to calm him is lost in his mind. He takes an exaggerated breath as he continues,
“I had to eject during the mission, we got hit by something and Coyote tried to fall back and help but got hit too. Rooster managed to shoot down the remaining jets and SAMs with Hangman but as we were falling, my stupid parachute got me caught in a tree. I slammed my leg into it, broke it in two places, and got stabbed pretty bad by a branch in my shoulder and my jaw.” He wipes a hand across his still rain-slick shoulder and you can see where the scar is in a flicker of lightning, “It was an all-hands-on-deck mission, no one from the carrier could come out and help us right away. I was stuck to this tree in the freezing cold in Canada, afraid I was gonna die from either frostbite or blood loss.”
“Robert—“ you try again. it’s futile.
“They couldn’t cut me down because the tree was too tall, and we had no way to communicate out other than the trackers on our suits. Luckily for me, the cut on my jaw scabbed up pretty quick, but the hole in my shoulder was only being kept closed by the branch stuck in it. They were afraid to move me.” He buries his head in his hands, “I told them my last will and testament, had Phoenix write it down in the notepad she always has on her. I wrote goodbye messages, Y/n.”
“Bob, oh my god.” You can’t help it as you untuck him and bury yourself into his chest as if trying to cave it in so you can slot in to always be there. He laughs, bitter and watery as he wraps his arms around you and whispers.
“I carry a picture of you in my suit for good luck. The one from Prom when we got crowned on stage? I had Coyote climb up and get it from me so you could have it. I didn’t want you to think I hated you when I died.” He hiccups, and it’s like the floodgates open as he starts profusely apologizing and now you feel like an ass for even prodding this conversation out of him. All you can do now is sit and hold him, rubbing his back as he sobs into your grasp.
“I’m so sorry, Robby. I’m so fucking sorry.” You murmur against his skin and he deflates.
"I was grounded for about a year, my leg has two metal rods in it now, and I'm doing so much better, which is why I'm back here before my redeployment." He sniffles keeping his head where it rests on your hairline, "But it was touch and go, according to Phoenix. She'd never been so scared to see me. When I woke up, she yelled at me for scaring her, and then she told me everything about the helicopter ride to the hospital, the way they got me out of the tree. My shoulder was infected for months, and I had to transfer from hospital to hospital until I could make it back to California safely. Do you know what kept me going besides the normal like family bullshit?"
"What?" You whisper, afraid he's going to slip away from your grasp at any moment, fingers tight on his skin, probably leaving small red bruises.
"You." He murmurs, leaning his head down so his cheek caresses your hairline and you can feel the scuff of his stubble on your forehead. You try to not think about it, how Molly would react, or how his Mom would sob. Biting your lip, you curl in a bit tighter, and he slides off the stool, keeping you in his arms, so he can fall back against the wall. Lieu and Captain come up, curling beside you guys as you-- for the first time in almost ten years, share a real, genuine embrace. For the rest of the storm, you two stay there, gently breathing but never breaking your grasp. He probably nods off at one point if his breaths feeling deeper against your cold skin have anything to symbolize. But you won’t move.
A lot can change in a decade, for both of you.
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govindhtech · 1 month
MediaTek Dimensity 9300+: Experience Next-Level Performance
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MediaTek Dimensity 9300+
All-Big-Core Processor: Superior Performance With the MediaTek Dimensity 9300+, Arm Cortex-X4 speeds are increased to unprecedented heights, setting a new standard for smartphone performance for enthusiasts and gamers.
1X Cortex-X4 operating at 3.4 GHz Max. 3X Cortex-X4 2.85GHz Up to 2.0GHz, 4X Cortex-A720 18 MB L3 + SLC cache Supported up to LPDDR5T 9600Mbps MCQ plus UFS 4.0 Third generation of TSMC 4nm chips manufactured MediaTek’s second-generation thermally optimised packaging design Premier Generative AI System in MediaTek Dimensity 9300+
Faster and safer edge computing is made possible by the MediaTek APU 790 generative AI engine. MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ first-to-market features and extensive toolchain help developers create multimodal generative AI applications at the edge quickly and effectively, offering consumers cutting-edge experiences with generative AI for text, photos, music, and more.
Assistance with on-device NeuroPilot LoRA Fusion 2.0 and LoRA Fusion With NeuroPilot Speculative Decode Acceleration and ExecutorTorch Delegation support, performance can increase by up to 10%. Gen-AI partnerships Artificial Intelligence Cloud Alibaba Qwen LLM AI Baichuan ERNIE-3.5-SE Google Gemini Nano Llama 2 and Llama 3 Meta Epic Play
Flagship GPU with 12 cores Experience the most popular online games in HDR at 90 frames per second, while using up to 20% less power than other flagship smartphone platforms.
Adaptive gaming technology from MediaTek Activate MAGT to increase power efficiency in well-known gaming titles. This will allow top titles to run smoothly for up to an hour.
Experience the most popular online games in HDR at 90 frames per second, while using up to 20% less power than other flagship smartphone platforms.
Mobile Raytracing accelerated via hardware The Immortalis-G720 offers gamers quick, immersive raytracing experiences at a fluid 60 frames per second along with console-quality global lighting effects thanks to its 2nd generation hardware raytracing engine.
HyperEngine from MediaTek: Network Observation System (NOS)
Working with top game companies, MediaTek HyperEngine NOS offloads real-time network connectivity quality assessment, allowing for more efficient and power-efficient Wi-Fi/cellular dual network concurrency during gameplay.
Accurate Network Forecasting 10% or more in power savings Save up to 25% on cellular data guarantees a steady and fluid connection for internet gaming. Working along with Tencent GCloud Amazing Media Capture in All Situations The Imagiq 990 boasts zero latency video preview, AI photography, and 18-bit RAW ISP. Utilise its 16 categories of scene segmentation modification and AI Semantic Analysis Video Engine for more visually stunning cinematic video capture.
With three microphones capturing high dynamic range audio and filtering out background noise and wind, you can be heard clearly. This makes it perfect for impromptu vlogging.
AI-displayed MediaTek MiraVision 990 Set your goals on faster, sharper screens, and take advantage of the newest HDR standards and AI improvements for next-generation cinematic experiences.
Amazing displays: 4K120 or WQHD 180Hz AI depth finding Support that folds and has two active screens The best anti-burn-in technology available for AMOLED screens Maximum Interconnectedness WiFi 7 Extended Range Connections can extend up to 4.5 metres indoors thanks to MediaTek Xtra Range 2.0 technology (5GHz band). Up to 200% throughput improvement is provided for smoother graphics while streaming wirelessly to 4K Smart TVs thanks to coexistence and anti-interference technologies. UltraSaver Wi-Fi 7 MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 with Multi-Link Operation (MLO) and 320MHz BW up to 6.5Gbps Top Bluetooth Features Wi-Fi/BT Hybrid Coexistence 3.0 by MediaTek UltraSave Bluetooth LightningConnect MediaTek Extremely low Bluetooth audio latency (<35 ms) Smooth sub-6GHz with a 5G AI modem Sub-6GHz capable 4CC-CA 5G R16 modem Dedicated sub-6GHz downlink speed of up to 7 Gbps Modern AI equipped with situation awareness Dual SIM, Dual Active, Multimode 3.0 for MediaTek 5G UltraSave Outstanding Security for a Flagship SoC for Android
Introducing a user-privacy-focused security design that safeguards critical processes both during secure computing and boot-up, preventing physical attacks on data access.
During startup and operation, standalone hardware (Secure Processor, HWRoT) is used with New Arm Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) technology.
The next big thing in innovation is generative AI MediaTek Dimensity 9300+, the industry leader in creating high-performing and power-efficient system-on-chips, is already integrating the advantages of their potent, internally developed AI processors into their wide range of product offerings.
Every year,their inventions impact over 2 billion devices Fifth-largest fabless semiconductor maker MediaTek. MediaTek chips power 2 billion devices annually; you undoubtedly have one! Here at MediaTek, they design technology with people in mind to improve and enrich daily existence.
Amazing In Amazing Escape Smartphones with MediaTek Dimensity – 5G The cutting edge is available on MediaTek Dimensity 5G smartphone platforms, which offer amazing nonstop gaming, sophisticated AI, and professional-grade photography and multi-camera videography. Together, they enhance the intelligence, potency, and efficiency of your experience.
Chromebooks, the ubiquitous computing companion from MediaTek Kompanio MediaTek Kompanio is the dependable, creative, versatile, go-anywhere, and do-anything partner for amazing Chromebook experiences. It’s the perfect partner for learning, daily work, streaming media, video conferences, or just experimenting with one’s creativity.
MediaTek provides you with all you need in terms of computing. MediaTek processors are made to meet the needs of the modern user, whether they be for gaming, streaming, work, or education.
Brilliance on the brink IoT with Edge-AI with MediaTek Genio MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ Genio propels IoT innovation by elevating software platforms that are simple to use and have strong artificial intelligence. MediaTek helps start-ups to multinational corporations creating new IoT devices with Edge-AI capabilities, accelerating time to market to create new opportunities.
Entrepreneurs with a Vision: MediaTek Pentonic – 8K/4K Smart Televisions Five key technology pillars are offered by MediaTek Pentonic in their flagship and premium 8K/4K smart TVs: display, audio, AI, broadcasting, and connectivity. With a 60% global TV market share,they are the leading provider of smart TV platforms, supporting the largest smart TV brands in the world.
Experiences that are always connected Wi-Fi MediaTek Filogic With the most extreme speeds, improved coverage, built-in security, exceptional power efficiency, and crucial EasyMesh certification, MediaTek Filogic is bringing in a new era of smarter, more powerful Wi-Fi 7, 6E, and 6 solutions. These solutions will enable users to enjoy seamless, always-connected experiences.
MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ Specs CPU Processor 1x Arm Cortex-X4 up to 3.4GHz 3x Arm Cortex-X4 up to 2.85GHz 4x Arm Cortex-A720 up to 2.0GHz Cores Octa (8)
Memory and Storage Memory Type LPDDR5X LPDDR5T Max Memory Frequency 9600Mbps
Storage Type UFS 4 + MCQ
Connectivity Cellular Technologies Sub-6GHz (FR1), mmWave (FR2), 2G-5G multi-mode, 5G-CA, 4G-CA, 5G FDD / TDD, 4G FDD / TDD, TD-SCDMA, WDCDMA, EDGE, GSM
Specific Functions 5G/4G Dual SIM Dual Active, SA & NSA modes; SA Option2, NSA Option3 / 3a / 3x, NR FR1 TDD+FDD, DSS, FR1 DL 4CC up to 300 MHz 4×4 MIMO, FR2 DL 4CC up to 400MHz, 256QAM FR1 UL 2CC 2×2 MIMO, 256QAM NR UL 2CC, R16 UL Enhancement, 256QAM VoNR / EPS fallback
GNSS GPS L1CA+L5+ L1C BeiDou B1I+ B1C + B2a +B2b Glonass L1OF Galileo E1 + E5a +E5b QZSS L1CA+ L5 NavIC L5 Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 7 (a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be) ready
Wi-Fi Antenna 2T2R
Bluetooth 5.4
Camera Max Camera Sensor Supported 320MP
Max Video Capture Resolution 8K30 (7690 x 4320) 4K60 (3840 x 2160) Graphics GPU Type Arm Immortalis-G720 MC12
Video Encoding H.264 HEVC Video Playback H.264 HEVC VP-9 AV1 Display Max Refresh Rate 4K up to 120Hz WQHD up to 180Hz AI AI Processing Unit MediaTek APU 790 (Generative AI)
Security Security Features Secure Processor, HWRoT Arm Memory Tagging Extension (MTE) Technology CC EAL4+ Capable, FIPS 140-3, China DRM
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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shyamnews · 1 year
Best Wifi Extender under £50 - Top 5 Picks
In this article, we will talk about the best wifi extender under £50. If you also want to increase the coverage area of your WiFi, then you must read this article till the end. Wifi extender is a special kind of device which amplifies your existing signal and transmits it further by boosting it. A WiFi extender is also called a WiFi repeater. If network connectivity is weak at the back end of…
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Thoughts on the Nimitz Class aircraft carrier?
My friend asked me
"If you were going to time travel to the Middle Ages and could bring only ONE item with you, what do you bring."
so obviously im bringing a Nimitz with me as an "item" because to quote wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimitz-class_aircraft_carrier "As a result of the use of nuclear power, the ships are capable of operating for over 20 years without refueling and are predicted to have a service life of over 50 years." Anyways you're the boat expert on my mutuals so thoughts on my plan?
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My area of expertise is Ocean Liners. However, there is enough overlap between them and other ships that I think I can share my thoughts. First of all, I am extremely excited about the prospect of nuclear powered ships. It's by no means a new idea (the NV Savannah, the first nuclear-powered merchant ship, was launched on July 21, 1959), but I wouldn't say nuclear powered ships are exactly common yet either. I love the idea of being able to go for extended periods of time without refueling. When ships burned coal, the refueling process could take up to a week, and you'd have to do it after every crossing. Nuclear power is a game changer here. I've always wondered if nuclear power can generate enough steam pressure to power the propellers through a turbine, rather than turboelectric engines that are powered by the nuclear energy, but I dont know enough about the subject.
In regards to your plan, it depends on a lot of stuff. For example, if you are in the Middle Ages for more than 20 years, you'd have no way to refuel. Also, I'm not exactly sure what uses an aircraft carrier would have in the middle ages. Also, now that I think about it, a lot of the technology on board such as the navigation equipment probably wouldn't be able to function properly without access to things like GPS, radio, wifi, etc. Docking it also may be an issue, but i don't know enough about the Middle Ages to say definitively. While it would certainly be fun to spark terror in the hearts of medieval peasants with a moving object several magnitudes larger than anything they have ever seen, it might not be the best thing to bring back with you.
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boredguitarfish · 2 months
Hi, I really love your art style.
Could you tell us more about your fall of netheril campaign partners? I was interested to know what classes the characters were, their names and their personal history?
Best wishes
Ahhh! First of all, I am so glad that you liked my art and is interested in our little story. Oh boy, now this is going to be a long one so here we go :D
For a start we have a slight different premise of the story.
Karsus's ritual was not directly aimed for his ascendency, the fallacy was spread by the pro-divine faction that opposed him, as well as the development in heavy-magic, which Karsus invented and promotes. Instead, karsus' goal was to converge the mythallar energy of all of Netheril upon himself, rather than scattering it across the various enclaves, (the equivalent of switching from hotspot to a wifi router). In doing so protecting the weave from the encroaching phaerimm threats.
Throughout the campaign, the pcs, being in the thick of divine retribution and phaerimm threat, recognized that the end’s imminent and went on a journey seeking to remedy the situation, over the few days, they traveled across different enclaves and eventually selected the exact path that leads to an accelerated pathway to destruction, which was the key irony in this campaign.
Shadow’s shadow weave was still in the phase of experimentation, not suited for all enclaves. He soon transported Thultanthar into shadowfall after being prompted by some of the pc. The Lich’s suggestion was considered as absolute deranged and nearly caused some divine fury from the team archbishop. Ioulaum’s enclave was as messy as it can be due to the disappearance of their archwizard. The only viable path, it seems, was Karsus’s centralizing theory.
The ritual was conducted and what happen next can be read here.
The pcs we have are:
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Aurtas Mavin, human Inventive Arcanist, Lv20, former archwizard of the fallen Sunrest, later Nhalloth, developer of Mavin’s Meteor Swarm (later known as Meteor Swarm)
Aurtas’s failure in his arcane experiment essentially nuked his own city(Sunrest), he spent his later years traveling and studying as an archmage with merely name and no real power. He was extremely close to Irene Fawler, the archwizard of Nhalloth, yet never claimed his love interest untill his imminent doom. Ironically, it is his guilt from his initial failure that led him to want to save more people. Which in fact lead to a second foiled ritual, and the destruction to the empire he held dear. And yes, he is the type of blaster wizards.
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Vontine the dragonknight, half elf Eldritch Knight, Lv20, the ’dro’kyritar’(dragonrider), deputy ruler of Delia.
A ‘daughter’ of two arcanists, Vontine was a highly capable fighter in her own right , she quickly rose high in Delia, bonded with a young bronze dragon whom she used as a mount and companion. She effectively took over the regency of Delia as Lady Polaris sank in her depressed state.
Vontine was charismatic and absolutely loving to her people. Toward the end of the campaign, it was revealed that she was in fact the daughter of the Lady, as Polaris gave her life to save Vontine when the ritual failed.
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Aumrauth Dithritynn, Astral Elf Chronurgy wizard, Lv20, former expatriate spelljamming engineer, later professor and arcane researcher at the Mentalism School.
Aumrauth was formerly an expatriate arcanist engineer assigned to Netheril to assist with their spelljammer program. He later retained in the magocracy where arcane study flourished, sacrificing of his supposed immortality in the Astral Sea. In the years leading up to the fall of the empire, he was researching upon time reversal in relativity to a singular individual. His final experiment was successful to an extend, yet the final result of the spell was never realized(reverse time relative to the individual for 24 hours). Karsus was planning on using his research as an emergency step back button, yet the whole deal was foiled due to the eventual collapse of the weave.
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Aeyarus Noquinal, high elf (Eaerlanni, moon), Twilight cleric, Lv20, chosen of Selûne, Archbishop of Opus (later Selûnarra)
Aeyarus lived in the pro-divinity enclave of Opus for most part of his life. He had been a chosen for hundreds of years, piously worshiping his goddess and spread her loving words to the people. He was the only pc who was not in the ritual chamber when all hell broke loose. He could no longer tolerate the rash behavior of the arcanists and had returned to his enclave, praying to Selûne to spare Netheril for such impunity. In a way he succeeded, as Opus was elevated to Gate of the Moon as Selûnarra, and the chosen was no longer bound by mortality.
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Dashiell R. Safwan, half elf soul knife rogue, Lv20, assassin, guild master of a thieves guild based in Dagger’s point
Dashiell was the child of an Archwizard and his elven concubine. During the murder of his father (politics between archwizards often time involves deadly plots and intrigues) the young Dashiell was taken by the assassins and trained up. He rosed quickly through the rank yet never proceeded to the top.
Not long after meeting with Aumrauth who later became his partner, Dashiell was persuaded to take helm and removed his higher up through a series of plotting. His guild was flourishing as the end approaches, having being commissioned with a plethora of deeds including capturing Alashar, shadow’s spouse.
All images attached are done by the different players.
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rheakira · 3 months
So good news and bad news. Bad news first.
The bad news is that the wifi extender didn't change anything at all. My new provider is absolutely terrible and I simply cannot use Tumblr for very long and it takes ages just to post one thing if I'm not on mobile. (I'm really upset about this and I don't think I can negotiate a better option with the people I live with. But I'll do my best.)
The good news on the other hand is that I'm almost done making the Clover and Robin art blog! It may even be ready in a couple hours! However I cannot seem to get Tumblr working long enough to post on it at length, so it might be a very slow process. I'm so sorry in advanced.
This wifi situation has been absolutely bonkers. I'm hoping to solve it as soon as possible, so please be patient. I really don't want to give up.
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nickgerlich · 5 months
Best Of Show
Ever since the introduction of personal computers, which traces its roots to the 1970s with first-gen Apple, Commodore, and Radio Shack computers, as well as the paradigm-shifting Kenbak-1 in 1971, our lives have become increasingly ruled by electronic gadgets. Without them, many of us would have a hard time working, not to mention simply existing. They have become ubiquitous.
So prominent has this industry become that it had to have its own trade show. The first Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was held in 1967 in New York City, and showcased what folks then thought was the bleeding edge of home electronics. I’m envisioning record players, reel-to-reel tape decks, and color televisions. It all seems so quaint now.
Skip forward to the present, and CES, now held in Las Vegas, just wrapped. The scope of CES is much broader than in 1967 by virtue of a rapidly accelerating rate of new product development. Anything and everything from viewables, usables, holdables, flyables, and wearables is included.
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And, as one might expect, if your new product did not include the letters AI in the description, you probably should have just stayed home.
Some of the new items at CES this year are already available, but as is always the case at trade shows, some of the items are merely vaporware, a concept that has not quite come to fruition just yet, but might if participant reaction is good, and investor money flows. One-offs are a dime a dozen at shows like this.
There is also the worrisome reality that, just because a new item—one that is indeed ready to roll out to market—captures the fancy of people attending CES, there’s no guarantee that the rest of us will buy it. Who remembers 3D TV from a decade ago? Yeah. And what about those curved LED TVs? Uh-huh. Better mousetraps sometimes are simply overkill, and we’re just fine with the basic model.
But hope springs eternal in the breast of human entrepreneurs, who are constantly trying to push the needle a little bit farther. After all, innovation is one of the hallmarks of a capitalist society. We are freely motivated to do so. Truthfully, we as a society are dependent upon it. To summon a time-worn comparison, we need only look to the island nation 90 miles south of Key West, where people have Frankensteined 1950s-era cars together because that’s the best they can do.
One of these years I want to snag a ticket to CES. I fully realize I may be sleeping in my van, unless I can muster up the fortitude to swallow $400 a night hotel rates. But I want to see this extravaganza of electronic showmanship, which may be more accurately described as one-upmanship. Everyone is gambling on the future, and it is only fitting the show is in Las Vegas.
CES has also become the darling of practically every major media outlet. Google “new gadgets CES 2024” and you will see what I mean. Each of these outlets has produced their proprietary list of what they think were the best of show. It would be fun to return to these lists in a year, five years, and beyond, to see which of these products actually gained traction.
As for me, one of my faves was the Adobe Edge Camera, a huge improvement on outdoor security cameras. It was also a fave of Wired Magazine. Pretty much everything available today requires mounting or placement within the narrow range of your home’s wifi signal. That typically is 50 feet, given that it needs to send video and still pictures. I already have a bunch of cameras inside and out, but the invisible tether is maddening sometimes. I want range.
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The Adobe Edge, though, comes with a base station that is paired with your router, and then extends your signal to one mile. You read that right. One freaking mile. Anyone with land will understand why this $199 product could be worth its weight in gold. Stir in a $4 per month subscription to access AI features—there’s those two letters again—and you can have peace of mind. And so will Adobe with a revenue model like this.
So have at it, my readers! Google the new products from this year’s CES, and report back in the comments in our class discussion board. Be sure to cite your source, and feel free to add photos.
Dr “Take My Money Already, Adobe!” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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dolliedarlin · 2 years
UPCOMING . . . B I R T H D A Y . S P E C I A L ! (12th S E P T.)
hello, my loves!
i'm sorry for being away for such an extended amount of time; as soon as i finished my summer resit exams, i went abroad to the Philippines to see family again after some years because of the pandemic.
i know i said i would be writing during that time but it was kind of a struggle to write because there was hardly any secure wifi where i was living TT^TT and also, i was doing a lot with family and just finally relaxing for the summer after all that stress with exams and such
but just yesterday, i came back to the UK with stable wifi and tomorrow...it's my birthday (september 12th) where i'll be hosting my first ever birthday special!
the rules are pretty simple -^7^-
i'll be accepting and writing any and all requests for the whole day so long as they aren't nsfw, don't include any triggering content and only concern the fandoms i am already currently writing for on this blog (bnha, haikyuu + tokyo revengers)
for clarification, triggering content that i will not be writing for include :
child abuse
homophobia or transphobia
rape and other forms of sexual violence/abuse
animal abuse or death
i will NOT be writing requests that include these topics but everything else, i will do my best to write!
also... just so i can get through as many requests as i can, i'll be keeping the word count for each request between a (min.) 500 to 2k (max.) word length
not only that but, for those of you who have been anticipating an update on my current fics, i will be posting them throughout the day of my birthday too! so it'll be a whole day of finally dishing out the content i've been deprived of posting for so long!
all updates include the following :
extras for kiripima! (kirishima endearment series)
extras for mommy! (bakugou endearment series)
the p.a chapter 6 | poly bakusquad
mechanic x rich girl | shinichiro
snow white and the seven dwarves | bokuto ; dream come true series
for now, think up a request or two, there are no limits; so long as you make the request on september 12th, i'll be writing it!
that's all! see you lovely darlings tomorrow <3
all my love,
dollie x
🔖 : @hangesidekick ;  @emotionalfangirl2002 ; @kookie02 ; @lordbugs ; @answer-the-sirens ; @@toobsessedsstuff ; @moonbinnie0983 ; @kinba-ri ; @beaniebanby ;  @themoonandlover ; @ravensfeatheruniverse
@barbra-annbunny ; @modmochi ; @maybeisthemoon ; @a-book-lover-things ; @thathoneybee3 ; @lostinbooksblog ; @moonlightaangel ; @cocoa-bitter ; @mysteriousparker ; @mha-baku-todo-deku-kiri ; @dangerousluv1 ; @pansexualproblemchild ; @peacchfuz ; @skywalkerstyles ; @chwlogy ; @acuario2 ; @juliannaelee ; @levimeko ; @neutralchaosintheworld ; @saccharisa ; @no1herothatlookslikeavillain
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pinkwright · 6 months
Can you give me some astrology tips, I’m trying to get into it 🫶
hey bubs 🦢 — i personally found that the best way for me to get into astrology was to learn about it on a personal scale then when i was comfortable w that, extend it to others
so i started w the basics; getting to know my own chart (optional at this stage but i also learned about diff astrology types to see which one i aligned w more), learning about the elements and modalities, houses (!) etc.
☄︎. *. ⋆ tips
— someone is always going to hate a certain way to practice it or a specific astrology type, its better to gain different perspectives, learn from them, n then develop a personal opinion on it rather than to just adopt someone else's
— don't treat it like you're cramming a test bc u will lose interest, trust me, it doesn't seem like it but astrology is a lot so its easy to lose motivation (saw a twt that said "the more u learn the less u know" n literally so just have fun ! 🐝)
— it sounds fucking stupid but i like to practice on things i enjoy, like deducing ellie's chart or my friends charts, simply bc it helps me get more comfortable w it
— also reading obviously helps a fuck ton, there was a time i had reached this stagnant point where i wasn't progressing anymore but i started reading n it rlly helped me (send me an ask/dm if u would like them, i would link them now but my wifis been down the entirety of this week so i cant get them off my laptop <\3)
— this is definitely a more personal habit but i find that i learn topic easier, retain n actually understand them better when i explain them to other ppl or debate w other ppl
hm this is rlly what i went by; but remember if this doesn't work for u, that's completely okay, pls don't let it discourage u ! 🩷
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