#Btas Riddler
w-meth · 10 days
Gingers have no souls and they are ruining society, but God damn are they hot
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stagprince · 23 days
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those silly gay people
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pvzzleking · 24 days
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HELLO!!! intro or whatever
I'm Heath! teenager/minor, he/him
? ? ? I am obsessed w the Riddler and the movie Batman Forever ? ? ?
My other interests include David Byrne, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Ash Williams/Evil Dead, Re-animator, Data from Star Trek and more!
I'll probably post my art on here so erm look out for that
that's all!!!!
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sillysoupers · 1 month
Hello, finding your silly little BTAS au. I'm wondering if you have any important rules or boundaries for it, or any other of your work. (Examples: N$FW, G0RE, etc.)
yeah tbh i do have some boundaries but i dont mind all that much! basically do anything as long as it follows general guidelines as no pr0ship, zo0 stuff, etc! [you can even use the confetti au for other fandoms!] but i do have one major thing: and specifically nothing N$FW about the god of chaos [he is a minor!!!]
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dc-polls-not-the-og · 2 months
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batman-dc-imagines · 2 months
BTAS Mad Hatter and Riddler with a neurodivergent gender-neutral s/o that gets overstimulated easily, whether it be they feel like they’re being undermined because someone is assuming they’re not as smart as they actually are, or they’re in a situation they aren’t familiar with, or even if they’re shoes are too big they’re 👌 this close to freaking out. If anxiety was a person basically lmao. (Love your writing btw!!! Hope you have a nice day/night!!!)
BTAS!Mad Hatter
Relation: Romantic 
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Jervis does everything in his power to keep you from over stimulating yourself to death.
He’ll make you different kinds of tea that will calm your nerves like chamomile, mint, rose, etc.
If you don’t like tea, he’ll go out and get whatever drink you like along with snacks.
The minute he notices someone is talking down to you, he immediately steps in, putting them under his control and allowing you to get payback on them.
If you ever start showing signs of a panic attack during any situation, he’s right by your side putting his trenchcoat over you while rubbing your back until your breathing evens out.
Overall he tries his best to be steps ahead of your panic attacks and over stimulated moments because he wants you to be okay.
He doesn’t want you to be living in constant anxiety with him around.
Relation: Romantic
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I will say at the beginning of your relationship when Ed witnessed your first outburst or panic attack, you scared the shit out of him.
He starts asking what’s wrong and such and depending on the answer you give him, if you do give him one, he does anything in his power to help.
I'm talking weighted blankets, and a whole new bedroom for you to just escape to when things get over stimulating. 
Like Jervis, he is immediately between you and whoever is talking down to you or overall bothering you.
If you’re ever out in public and you start having a panic attack or start showing signs of over stimulation, he’ll be the first to notice and gently take you away to somewhere that is isolated and quiet.
He’ll cater to your every need.
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ridstler · 2 months
i put him all around my office
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gmcreations1000 · 3 months
A few doodles of the Riddler from BTAS!
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riddle-me-ri · 3 months
Idk why but I LOVE the idea of the riddlers Having a dog that is there best friend and major weakness (I imagine most of there dynamics would be similar to Holt and cheddar from Brooklyn 99) but what do you think? How would the riddlers be with a pet dog?
a/n: ohh a few of them would be so happy…some…not so much lmao, you’ll see
Content Warning: none really, I don't think lol
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The Riddlers with a Pet Dog Headcanons
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- No, nope, absolutely not!
- He hasn't the time or a means for a…filthy reckless dog!
- Edward can't waste time to train it or feed it or play with it (he barely feeds himself)
- He also doesn't want some mangy mutt messing with his tools or making a mess in his shop.
- That isn't to say he's never wanted to have one, ever…every little boy dreams of owning a pet, or especially a dog.
- But like many other things…Edward has just grown to be too good for certain things.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
- I can see Edward easily getting overwhelmed…
- Even if the dog has a calming demeanor…just to have another living breathing thing in his vicinity (other than his rats, of course)
- Edward knows the bare minimum of taking care of a dog…but he's just unsure of the dog's personality at first. 
- If Ed isn't all in on his plan yet, with time and patience, he does become very grateful to have a loving and loyal companion. 
- The dog often protects Ed when they go out on walks and scares muggers away. 
- He doubted he would ever come to own a dog like most proper children do…but better late than never it seems. 
Gotham Riddler: 
- Most likely to adopt/gain his pet dog from picking him up off the street. 
- Not without some arguments from his inner self about how the last thing they need to worry about is a dog. 
- Ed does all the research. What type of breed it could be, mannerisms, how to care, what to feed them, etc. 
- Of course, he also teaches the dog all sorts of tricks--he's gotta be the smartest dog in Gotham. 
- (Definitely wants his dog to be smarter than Oswald's)
- (Also tries to refrain from naming the dog Oz)
- (If he does, he'll insist its for the the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz)
BTAS Riddler: 
- Much like Gotham Riddler, he'll definitely have fun training the dog and teaching it various tricks. 
- Also most likely to build obstacle courses for the pupper as well!
- Has debated entering his dog into dog shows (likely will if he wasn't…a wanted criminal)
- Ed loves his doggo and has always wondered what it would be like to have one. 
- He's probably one of the better dog dads out of all the Riddlers
- Definitely one of those people that dogs just love automatically (and no it's not just me showing favoritism shhh)
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- At first, he is likely against owning one..
- Eddie can't be bothered to take care of something that doesn't revolve around him or benefit him. 
- Plus, like Arkham Riddler, he just doesn't want to waste his time tending to a dog. 
- If he did have any, he would likely only train them as a means of protection or to use as a distraction. 
- Ed will do the most bare minimum of care for the dogs, again likely to just use them for some overall plan. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
- He's the dad that says he doesn’t want a dog, but becomes best friends with the dog. 
- Eddie will definitely train the dog to search and hunt for clues like a loyal basset hound. 
- He treats his dog much, much better than he does most people (which may not say a whole lot but…you know what I mean)
- One of those dog owners were the owner, and the dog started looking like each other and mimicking each other.
- He likely takes his dog with him everywhere, not just for the sake of clues but because he trusts no one else with them. 
Telltale Riddler: 
- Edward feels he's much too old to take care of a dog.
- However, I imagine he does have fond memories of owning dogs in his youth. 
- I can see him appreciating a dog's intelligence and loyalty to their owners. 
- His dogs were always the most well-behaved but also curious like their owner. 
- Every now and again, he does miss a couple of his dogs, especially in the rare moments he feels really lonely. 
- Edward is glad he was able to give them a decent life before he became…what he is now.
Young Justice Riddler: 
- Somewhat like Dano Riddler, he's a little overwhelmed. 
- But Eddie is also super ecstatic.
- Assuming this, Ed also had an abusive dad (or parents), he's living out a childhood dream finally having a dog. 
- Eddie doesn't let them out of his sight and definitely takes a ton of pictures. 
- He enjoys training and teaching the dog tricks like other Riddlers. Of course, his dog has to be brilliant! 
- Lives up to being a proud Dog Dad
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- Didn't want a dog but became the dog's favorite 2.0
- Like Gotham, his dog is likely a stray that followed him home after walking back to his lair after a run-in with Batman. 
- Ed does take care of the stray, and a bond does surely develop. 
- The dog even sometimes comes up and tries to protect him from Batman, much to Batman and Edward's surprise. 
- When this happens, Eddie gives the doggo a big reward. 
- It just feels nice to have someone he can depend on and not judge him.
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ajtheweirdo · 3 months
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I drew the Riddler for the first time
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stagprince · 1 month
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This freak of nature
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mushygutznstuffz · 3 months
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|| ? Riddler drip swap ? ||
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How would Riddler (which one is writers choice) react to a SO who drops those slightly infuriating jokes? (I just saw a post asking how you make an egg roll and the answer was 'push it' and I just think his reaction to those kinds of jokes would be hilarious)
"Groan-worthy" Riddler Party x Reader
Dude I'm such a sucker for Riddler's it's so difficult for me not to wanna go "my choice? all of the above" when it comes to that man. So you're getting all of them short and sweet!
TW: None
Takes him a second. Oh, you like puns? He gets that sheepish little smile and compliments how clever you are. It's much harder to come up with those than one would think! You have to have a good sense of word play, formatting of the joke and-
Oh, he's rambling. Yes. It was good! If it's a particularly bad one or he's stressed, he might give you an annoyed look. But normally he'll just smile.
The riddler who appreciates it the most! A lot of his riddles dance along the line of being riddles and those kind of jokes. Part of why he's always laughing! Puns and double entendres are his bread and butter.
The two of you will have each other hyena cackling to the point people can hear you from another room. There's definitely a jealousy amongst others that the two of you can find so much joy in each other over something so goofy.
You would think he'd be way too cool for that and genuinely, he will attempt to act like he is. Try to fool you.
Then you tell just the right joke that's incredibly cheesy and he doesn't guess the punchline before you say it. You hear this deep ugly snort and then he's covering his mouth.
His jokes aren't necessarily groan worthy, they're just really fucking nerdy in a way that makes you roll your eyes when you get it.
Telltale games
Audibly groans. You think that's cute, don't you? Then you notice he's smiling. He can't help it, you ARE cute. Even when you're being silly he can't help it. It's charming!
He likes to think his jokes are higher end but... they're verbose and require just a tad more thought. Still slightly infuriating.
Just looks at you. You can feel the judgement seeping into your soul.
If you REALLY enjoy them, he'll tell you dad jokes that are just awful. Terrible. But he tells them with a completely deadpan face reminiscent to "and don't call me shirley."
Batman 2022/Nashton
Arkham games
ANNOYED. Particularly if at any point he thought the joke was a real riddle or a genuine question. Yes. Ha ha. Word play. If you excuse him, he has real work to do and you're distracting him.
If he actually hurts your feelings with the attitude... he does an incredibly tired sigh, "I was going to tell you a joke about time travel.... but you didn't like it." Mini jazz hands. There. Did you like that one? What? Was that one not bad enough?
Autism. Look okay, we can say that for almost every riddler to an extent but this is the kind of shit he hyperfixates on. You've seen his cards? "I'm mad about you" "but it might spoil the chemistry" with a mad scientist on the card? UGH. He loves it.
Rhyming, puns... he gets SO excited. You know, he's never had someone to share these with, so once you do with that first joke... you see his eyes practically dilate like a cats. His time has arrived. You're about to get SO mad.
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artisticdoofusxx · 3 months
Regarding the “Riddler’s Reform” episode of Batman: The Animated Series
It would’ve been interesting if Nygma genuinely DID want to get better. Riddler partnering with Wacko Toys and putting the riddles behind him only to realize that deep down, he will ALWAYS be obsessed with Batman no matter how much he tries to run. He will ALWAYS be the Riddler.
Fast forward to the climax of the episode where Riddler tries to kill Batman. Edward hopes that by killing Batman he could go back to a normal life but alas he gets sent back to Arkham
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BTAS Riddler x FTM!reader
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He definitely lends you his clothes, he thinks you look better in them than any other clothes because it symbolizes that you're his. He won't hesitate to buy you new clothes though
He makes sure you don't spend too much time in your binder. He will literally make a power point about why you shouldn't wear it for too long. He'll still massage you if you're in pain though, but you're getting a lecture
He does not like needles, but he'll suck it up and inject you for you and dammit he'll remind you of it every time. He's very proud of himself if you ask him to hold your hand during blood tests
He scares the doctors into doing a good job on your surgery just by showing up and he totally eats that up
Any transphobes that bother you, he will make disappear with a few clues to what happened because he can't help himself
If you're feeling dysphoric, he's not the best at soothing people, but he tries his best when it comes to you and it shows
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batman-dc-imagines · 3 months
BTAS Riddler and Mad Hatter getting fan mail from a teenage reader (platonic)
Overview: Both receive fan mail while in Arkham.
Relation: Platonic
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You’ve piqued his curiosity.
But he is also skeptical of you.
Depending on what kind of fan mail you send him, he always reads over it a few times to make sure he’s seeing things right. Is this kid serious? Is his initial thought. After getting more fan mail, he quickly realizes you are in fact serious.
As soon as he gets over the whole skeptical stage, it’s all downhill from there.
If he can, he’ll write back to you.  Asking pretty vague questions. If you tell him you’re his biggest fan, he’ll most likely call your bluff and send you a riddle. If you answer correctly, he’ll send more that are harder. 
If you’re able to prove to him just how much of a fan you are, don’t think he won’t forget about you once he breaks out. When he does find out where you live, his first thought when seeing you is basically:
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You’re his kid now. Well, depending on your relationship at home. If you aren’t happy with the people you’re with now, he’ll take you with him as a young prodigy. Even then, if you’re happy with your folks or whoever it is you’re staying with, he’ll still let you work for him if it’s what you want. I mean, who wouldn’t?
BTAS!Mad Hatter
Relation: Platonic
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Oh boy.
You fit perfectly into his alice in wonderland fantasy. Obviously he not in the romantic sense but definitely wants to have a close friendship with you.
You don’t have blonde hair or blue eyes? Oh that shouldn’t be a problem. You being a fan is perfect enough.
He’ll write back to you almost immediately. He’ll write little poems that relate to Alice in wonderland and he’ll even create a custom made hat for you! Along with other little knick knacks.
You're the first thing on his mind when he escapes Arkham. Similar to the Riddler, he’ll offer you the choice to become his prodigy. If you decline, he’ll still be satisfied with having your friendship.
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