#Chefs Table outtakes
moonwoodhollow · 2 months
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Just a woman on her bike
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
LemonLuv Smut fics Masterlist
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Hey so I decided to create a list of all the smutty stories I’ve written here on Tumblr and Ao3. 
Make Me- Modern AU where Katniss and Gale play some pool and get interrupted by the friendly baker boy. (couch smut)
The Both of Us- A fix it canon divergent fic where Katniss and Peeta are both rescued from the arena. (First Time smut)
Katniss Everdeen, Measured in 5 Decades- time skips of Katniss’ birthday every 10 years until she turns 50. (mild smut)
Delicious- Peeta is a chef and a bit of a bad boy who falls for Katniss, his newest student in his private cooking class. (food play kink/kitchen smut)
Made Me Think of You- Katniss is home from college for the summer and so is Peeta, they finally have a real conversation. (Outdoor smut)
In a Coat Closet (Finally)- an outtake from a larger story but you don’t need to read the larger story to enjoy the PWP. (Coat closet smut)
Blazing Free- The smuttiest long fic I’ve written to date. There’s all kinds of smut in this one! 
The Nudist- Katniss moves in to the perfect little house in the country. The only problem, her shameless neighbor who likes to walk around naked. (outdoor smut, yoga smut)
Christmas for 3- Katniss has just finalized her divorce, just in time for the Christmas season to make her feel lonely and sad. Enter her handsome divorce lawyer and his twin brother who decide to show Katniss how jolly the holiday season can be when two men wanna get her under the mistletoe. (threesome smut, twins!peeta)
Valentine’s Day for 3- short PWP fic where Katniss, Peeta, and Piers let out some steam before they sit down to Valentine’s day dinner together. (Kitchen smut)
The Piercing- Katniss Everdeen grew up in District 2 instead of District 12, so when she meets the newest victor of the 74th Hunger Games, she writes him off as a baby faced innocent. Two years later they meet again and Peeta is not the same fresh faced boy she met previously. (piercings, coffee table smut, couch smut)
Now for the Smutty Tumblr drabbles: 
Bakery Kiss Deleted Scene- Not full on smut but its working its way there
Sunrise Part 2- Peeta eats Katniss out while in his art studio. 
The Giggles- Katniss and Peeta tickle fight while naked and things get steamy. 
I know there are a few more but I don’t think I tagged them properly. If I find them I’ll add them to this post ;) 
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themenustreamingita · 2 years
The Menu film streaming ita completo gratis
The Menu Guardare - https://the-menu-ita.blogspot.com/
Una giovane coppia si reca su un'isola remota per visitare un ristorante unico. Lo chef ha preparato un menu insolito che include sorprese scioccanti.
È difficile recensire The Menu senza parlare del trailer di The Menu. Vedo più film al cinema di 10 persone messe insieme, ma ho comunque visto il trailer di The Menu prima di ogni film a cui ho assistito, indipendentemente dal genere. Questo è andato avanti per mesi, forse anni. Quando ho visto per la prima volta il trailer, ero molto entusiasta di vedere The Menu. Ad ogni visione successiva, ero sempre meno entusiasta. Il trailer era fastidioso. Non aveva mistero. Ha dato via tutto. A un certo punto mi è sembrato di aver già visto il film. E so di non essere stata l'unica persona a sentirsi così. Ora ho effettivamente visto The Menu, il film, non il trailer. E posso riferire che il trailer era accurato al 100%. Il menu contiene un paio di piccoli colpi di scena e rivelazioni che il trailer tralascia. Ma se hai visto il trailer, hai visto il film. E le lamentele sul trailer, che è compiaciuto, pretenzioso e leggermente sfruttatore, si applicano anche al film.
Come Triangle of Sadness ma con una sensibilità più pulp, The Menu pretende di essere un abbattimento delle abitudini di consumo eccessivo dei super ricchi. Una dozzina di ospiti privilegiati prendono una barca privata per Hawthorne Island, dove un maestro chef, interpretato con studiata mancanza di umorismo da Ralph Fiennes, prepara piatti spietati e troppo concettualizzati con "neve", e gel, e liquidi, e quadratini di carne affumicata in casa carni. Non sanno che li ha segnati tutti per la morte!
Tutto questo è nel trailer. Anche nel trailer c'è il fatto che Anya Taylor-Joy, che, come in ogni film in cui appare, domina praticamente ogni ripresa, non è giù per questo gioco pericoloso. Fornisce parti irriverenti, rifiutandosi di mangiare il cibo e attirando l'attenzione dello chef. Dovrebbe essere la procura del pubblico, ma in realtà è solo un personaggio fantasy indie oscuro di Mary Jane scritto da due scrittori uomini. Taylor-Joy riempie ogni scena di fumosa bontà dai capelli rossi, ma il suo personaggio è in realtà solo uno stereotipo, una ragazza suicida con un cuore d'oro. Tutti adorano una prostituta sexy e sardonica che mangia solo cheeseburger! Ancora più ridicolo è Nicholas Hoult, che ottiene molto tempo sullo schermo nel trailer, ma in realtà svanisce sullo sfondo man mano che il film va avanti, tranne che per una scena. Interpreta una specie di buongustaio incel, l'ultimo fanboy di Chef's Table. E immagino che abbia ciò che si merita, ma mi sono ritrovato a pensare: esiste davvero una persona così ottusa, ingenua e ricca? Voglio dire, forse. E poi mi è venuto in mente che nessuno dei personaggi del film merita davvero quello che sta accadendo loro.
L'ecosistema del cibo di lusso e le persone che lo sostengono sono ridicoli, ed è sempre bello prendere in giro. Ma i piatti che Fiennes presenta non sono abbastanza oltraggiosi o divertenti. Le modifiche che apporta al suo "menu" sono così oscure che il film si allontana dalla satira e si sposta maggiormente verso gli outtakes del franchise di "Saw".
Questo film manca di tensione. Niente costruisce. Ci sono rivelazioni, ma niente alti e bassi narrativi. Il ristorante non sceglie le sue vittime una per una, il che sarebbe stato più divertente dal punto di vista della narrazione. Gli ospiti, nessuno dei quali merita il proprio destino, nemmeno i fratelli hedge fund, si rendono conto presto di cosa sta succedendo loro e, dopo alcuni belati di protesta, si limitano a tornare a una realizzazione scrollata di spalle. Quando il bastone taglia il dito di un uomo ricco perché ha tradito sua moglie, piange come un bambino, come farebbe la maggior parte di noi. Dovremmo tutti applaudire e tifare per questa applicazione della giustizia morale in stile sharia.
John Leguizamo dà il massimo come una star del cinema in dissolvenza il cui crimine principale sembra essere stato protagonista di una brutta commedia intitolata "Calling Dr. Sunshine". I bravi ragazzi che hanno realizzato e prodotto questo film sembrano pensare che queste persone siano al di sotto del loro disprezzo. La sua attraente assistente, che lo raggiunge al ristorante, deve morire a causa del suo crimine di frequentare la Brown University senza dover pagare il prestito studentesco. Wow, che stronza è.
Il cibo pretenzioso è pretenzioso e l'industria della ristorazione è sfruttatrice. I dipendenti di Hawthorne vivono insieme in un dormitorio senza privacy. Sono, essenzialmente, schiavi delle arti culinarie, un concetto interessante che il film non si preoccupa di esplorare drammaticamente. Il programma televisivo The Bear fa meglio questo tema e fa sembrare i lavoratori dei ristoranti esseri umani con sogni e idee, non androidi alimentari senza speranza. Sì, la società sfrutta i lavoratori della ristorazione. Mangiamo troppo. Geliamo. Ma risparmiaci il moralismo pesante. Il menu è come un'opera teatrale di tesi di laurea in cui il giovane protagonista sensibile, che non può affrontare i genitori oppressivi, alla fine si porta una pistola alla bocca e preme il grilletto.
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mearcatsreturns · 5 years
Little Talk(s)
Breaking my fic silence with this Abby/Luka ficlet that’s an outtake from Wake Up (12x05), since we know Abby had to have told Luka bout Dubenko’s indecent proposal at some point.
Also on ao3. About 1200 words.
Abby just needs to grab her purse and stash her lab coat in her locker, and then she can finally go home. Ah, blissful home, where her bed is. 
She strides into the lounge, intent on hurrying and not making small talk with anyone who might be in there—hey, it’s been a brutal twelve-hour shift—when she sees him. 
Luka is sitting on one of the benches, head buried in his hands. He’s still here, hours after Blair’s condition deteriorated. 
Hesitating, she makes up her mind after deliberating for a couple minutes. 
She clears her throat, but it elicits no reaction. Is he asleep? Or does he just want to be alone? All too familiar with Luka’s (and hers, if she’s being honest) tendency toward isolation at the worst times, Abby goes up to him and places her hand on his shoulder. 
The sound of her voice finally has an effect, and he lifts his head to look at her. They’re almost the same height like this, her standing and him sitting. She has to remind herself that she can’t just lean over and brush his hair back and kiss his forehead, no matter how much she wants to and he seems to need it. 
He tries to smile, but it’s more of a grimace. “You off?”
“Yeah, as soon as I get my stuff. I was just surprised you were still here.”
Luka makes a non-committal sound, and Abby tilts her head to the side, studying him. The tension, the redness around his eyes...yeah, she needs to do something. Taking a deep breath, she says, “I, um, I was going to stop by either Ike’s or the deli on the way to my place, though. If you want to join me. My treat.”
Biting his lip, he reaches up to his shoulder and covers the hand she didn’t realize was still there. He squeezes it once and lets go, looking at her inscrutably before finally nodding his assent. 
Abby lets out an internal sigh of relief. 
“I drove. Need a ride?” he asks.
With a smile, Abby pulls back her hand (which is tingling, weird) and pushes her hair back behind her ear. “Sure. So...deli or Ike’s?”
“I like that deli. I’m glad it’s still open.”
Wow, it’s probably been years since he’s been there, likely since they dated. If that doesn’t put her on a dangerous train of thought…
Shaking her head to dismiss those oh-too-tempting reminisces, she smiles at him. “Okay, well, let me grab my purse and put away this lab coat, and we can get going.”
They’re sitting at her coffee table, finishing up their sandwiches. Luka is still subdued, and it’s unnerving Abby. After seeing him glum for so long, she’s gotten used to his quick smiles again over the last couple of months, and she doesn’t like seeing him like this. 
Taking a drink of her coffee, she leans back into the cushions and studies him. He’s not even a seat-length away, so it takes very little effort to reach over and elbow him gently. 
“So...did you want to hear about Dubenko trying to make me his concubine?”
His eyes light up with curiosity and glee. “I’ve never wanted anything more.”
“Oh, Jesus. It’s...well, you know how Lucien is out for a few weeks?”
“Lucien, eh? But yeah, I was actually talking to him for a few minutes, and he told me it was prostate cancer. I heard his procedure went well.” 
Abby snorts. “Indeed. And please, I call everyone by their names. Except Morris.” 
“Don’t let Morris know he’s special, it’ll get to his head.” Luka beams at her, clearly chuffed with himself.
She can’t help but giggle a little. “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I found out about Dubenko’s diagnosis...oh, the day Blair arrived at County.” She regrets bringing Blair up the second Luka’s face falls.  
“Oh, Luka, like I said earlier, there was nothing you could have done differently with Blair. There’s no way of knowing what made her regress, and from what I saw you went above and beyond.”
“I know, it just...well, you know how it goes.”
Clearing her throat, she continues. “Anyway, I saw him up in oncology when I was there with our BRCA lady. So the next time I saw him I asked if he wanted to talk over coffee or something.”
“Ah,” Luka says, sounding oddly pleased. 
She’s relieved enough he’s not looking and sounding depressed that she can’t be bothered to figure out what he’s so satisfied about.
“Well, then we went to grab coffee, and he told me about his diagnosis.”
“He, uh, mentioned his concern that he wouldn’t be able to, um, get it up again. Or ever have sex again.”
Luka presses his lips together, clearly trying not to laugh.
Abby continues, “So, naturally, he wanted one last hurrah before going under the knife. He asked if I’d be willing to give it a go. I passed on that, obviously.”
“I’m shocked you’d turn down such a romantic offer.”
“I know, right? I mean, he did say he’d have tried to be more traditional about dating under other circumstances, but that didn’t stop him from also asking if I’d have sex with him after his operation to see if everything still worked.”
He stops for a moment, looking as if he’s been bludgeoned. Then he lets out a full, belly-deep laugh, and Abby can’t help but chuckle along with him. 
When he finally catches his breath again, he’s wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re doing here with me when you could be, ah, doing Dubenko.”
She reaches out and swats his arm. “Oh, shut up,” she says, but she’s grinning at him and can’t stop. 
“And they say romance is dead.”
“It might not be dead, but it sure is injured.”
“I heard he was at the hospital today. Did you see him? Was he doing okay?”
Abby groans. “He’s doing fine. In every way, as he made clear to me.”
“Hopefully with words and not actions. Did he make another offer?” Luka chortles.
“No. I, ah, I may have introduced him to my friend the ‘satisfaction facilitator,’ but I think Dubenko and I are friends now.”
His smile turns soft. “Well, then he’s a lucky man to have such a good friend.”
Her cheeks flush and she looks down at her sandwich wrapper. She nearly jumps when Luka’s strong, gentle hand grips her wrist lightly. 
“Hey, thank you. For earlier and for this, for, for getting my mind off of everything.”
God, does he have to look so unfairly beautiful in that blue shirt? It’s torture not to reach over and caress his face. “It’s not a problem when the company’s as good as it is now.”
He blushes and lets go of her hand, though he doesn’t pull away or distance himself. “Good enough to maybe watch an episode of that dramatic show about doctors?”
“Jeez, why not just go back to work if we want drama involving doctors?”
“Hey, it’s better than participating!”
Abby reaches over and squeezes his forearm to gentle her words. “We would know, huh? But yeah, let’s watch, unless I can convince you Iron Chef is a better choice.”
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luninosity · 5 years
Thanks to @thebestpersonherelovesbucky my headcanon for “Character Bleed” now involves one of Colby’s weirder celebrity photo shoots - several years ago, not recent - and includes the fact that someone’d heard he likes to cook, and there’s a succession of progressively more shirtless (they start with a cozy sweater...then a buttoned shirt...then an unbuttoned shirt...and so on...) pictures of him leaning against/sitting on/kneeling on/lying down on a table in a kitchen, with various props. The props range from a skillet to a cookbook to chef’s knives to a very suggestive zucchini (there are some good outtakes of this) to the one that ends with him shirtless and kneeling on the table and holding a classic and lovely English trifle in a glass trifle dish.
Jason hasn’t actually seen most of these before - not as if he went around looking for photos of Colby (what do you mean he is now, he absolutely isn’t, wait, go back to that one with the whipped cream, are there more of those) - but his little sister is definitely enjoying grabbing them off her fan blog and sending them to him.
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Fiction Outtakes 591 Bill Wynn 580
Fiction Outtakes 591 Bill Wynn 580
Chloe and Millie were at the buffet table when Bill as the others came out of the chef’s office. They were standing alone together off to the side, each with their own plate of food. They had settled by a kitchen truck where they could put their coffee cups down and eat comfortably. Bill was not very hungry but he absolutely loved the breakfast sausage and bacon, so he took a generous helping of…
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domronzo · 7 years
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#BW outtake on a current project. Executive Chef Noeur Noun (Nal for short), 28, cooks at his home near Kampong Thom province. The onlookers on the table are nieces, nephews and neighbors that played and danced during the prep work. Nal is preparing three traditional dishes that use red tree ants, or weaver ants, either as the main ingredient or for flavor. #documentaryphotography #khmer #cuisine #editorialphotography #canon #blackandwhite #freelancephotographer #cambodia #kampongthom #travel #myfeatureshoot
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standbyphoenix · 7 years
Tofu Guys Don't Eat Meat by Vicki Woods for Vogue, May 1990 (Part I)
River Phoenix is only nineteen. That's the most important thing about him. He's been in the movies so long you'd think he'd be older by now; really knocking on, like... oh, I don't know. Twenty-two or something. But nope. Nineteen. Wholesome as a tofu omelet. And as good-looking as all get-out.
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When River isn't making movies, he's making music. He lives with his family in Gainesville, Florida. Ever been to Gainesville? Neither had I. North central Florida isn't exactly a tourist hub, being humid, flat, spotted with alligators, and at least a hundred miles from the ocean in any direction. But it's warm, and Arlyn Phoenix likes the heat. And Gainesville (population ninety thousand and rising) has thirty-five thousand college students living there. The University of Florida, one student told me, is about the cheapest public university in the entire United States, which is why it's busting at the seams with crop-headed, athletic-looking boys in white T-shirts and bermudas who play football by floodlight until the early hours of the morning. Arlyn Phoenix liked the idea of a university town when it came to settle finally, because she wanted plenty of cultural facilities for her brood of children: arts, music, drama.
River Phoenix isn't crop-headed of course. And he doesn't wear bermudas. He arrived at my hotel in his mother's car wearing a jade green Gap sweat-shirt, navy blue long johns, and tennis shoes. He's grown since we last saw him (in Running on Empty - what a tearjerker). He's now five eleven ("Barefoot!''), slim as a willow and hung with wisps of beard like Florida's Spanish moss. He wouldn't shave them off, even for Bruce Weber's pictures. He didn't have to fatten up for his new role in Lawrence Kasdan's I Love You to Death. He plays a pizza chef who has a fairly off-center weltanschauung and tries to help his boss's wife (Tracey Ullman) attempt to murder her husband (Kevin Kline) numerous times .He's a lean pizza chef, playing his age. (He put on fifteen extra pounds for Stand by Me because he was fourteen playing twelve and fatter looks younger.) After I Love You to Death comes Dogfight, directed by Nancy Savoca. I'm really looking forward to it. River plays a marine who has a bet with the other guys that he'll pick up a worse dog - an unhandsome woman - than any of them. This should be a real coming-of-age movie and the first that he'll have to carry on his own. Director Savoca says, "River has an emotional weight that other young actors just don't have."
We went for coffee in Gainesville. The teenage waitress was a little excited, but she kept her cool. "Do you have Venezuelan coffee?" No. "Do you have carrot juice?" No. "Well, I'll just have a double espresso then,'' he said, and promptly ticked away for hours about how hyper he felt from the caffeine. I told him he was a pinup even in the British teen mags and then immediately wished I hadn't. So did he. He laid his beautiful head on the table and groaned with real embarrassment. "A pinup. Oh, God. I wish you hadn't said that. A pinup!" He told me about the publicity stills that were taken of him "when I was younger." You do everything they tell you, he said "they teach you how to pose, you know, they say, 'you have to do it like this!' And you tilt your head, and they show you how to push your lips out and suck in your cheek... oh, oh [groans] and then all the outtakes that you never want to see again in your life go through the teen magazines forever. Oh. oh [more groans]."
It was very funny, but he meant it. Gentlemanly modesty is River's strong suit.
River's press so far has been a combination o large paragraphs about the state of the planet (which can read kind of irritating, from a fifteen-, sixteen-, seventeen-year-old) and a "Wow, freaky!" examination of his unconventional family. Let's take the family first. Arlyn and John Phoenix (him I didn't meet - he was in Mexico with Leaf Joaquin) had a pretty wacky life until they go to Gainesville (and compared with Married... with Children mainstream America it's still a tad wacky). They were sixties dropouts, they were on the road, they thought LSD was a truth serum, they found God, joined a sect, went to South America as missionaries (River was fluent in both Spanish and English from age three), had their babies by natural childbirth, believed in a Whole Earth... you know.Arlyn and John seem to have followed the beat of the sixties drum harder than most, and instead of turning into eighties yuppies, they've hung on in there. They are now perfectly regular folks, with twenty acres of property, a few cars, a few bank accounts, a cook, a gardener, a business manager, and five handsome kids, most of whom are actors, but - they do vegetables instead of drugs now, they don't eat animal products, don't waste paper, wear leather, or overconsume any of the planet's resources. They have SAVE THE RAINFORST stickers on their cars, and their two big dogs, a Doberman-German shepherd mix and a full German shepherd, are both vegans. 
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nickburchell · 6 years
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Country dinner party table, styled by the talented Kim Phillips, for editorial story with chef Steven Satterfield of Miller Union. @millerunionatl @millerunionchef @eatingwell @kimphillips1 @thespinstyle @dirtyjvz⠀ ⠀ ------------⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #MillerUnion #StevenSatterfield #ChattahoocheeHills #Atlanta #chef #JamesBeard #vegetables #eatyourveggies #editorialphotographer #foodphotographer #eatingwell #outtakes #goodfood #dinnerparty #roottoleaf #southernchef #southerncooking #southernfood #slowfood #friends #dinnerparty #enjoy #enjoy #prettytable #friendship #hospitality #lifestylephotography #topdown #fromabove #devilledeggs ⠀ (at Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnt0pNQHpKi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t6qqpodj05wb
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