#Colle Jungs
scoutlive · 1 year
DJ Night im T37
DJ Night im T37
Gestern war wieder Zeit für die DJ Night Party im T37 Club. Da wurden die Gäste mit zahlreichen  Hits aus dem goldenen Zeitalter in Stimmung gebracht. Egal ob „Gansters Paradise“, oder „Single Ladies“, egal ob „Everytime We Touch“ oder „Poker Face“. Die Stimmung im Club am Taschenberg war schon früh am kochen. Und die DJ´s sorgte mit ihren Auftritt für eine wieder mal richtig geile DJ Night und…
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claudinedaussyart · 1 year
le chant des fourmis, Série des insectes Etain sur pcb plus cuivre, claudine Daussy adagp 14×19 janvier 2023 SCAS 38 PO 261 Le chant muet des fourmis n'est qu'une odeur de colle La reine, n'a pas le choix, pond, jamais ne s'envole. Leur Jung , maintes fois né, a tenté l'analyse. Cette fois sera la bonne, dans son crane vocalise. Claudine Daussy adagp SCAS 38 PO 261
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staniswas · 23 days
quotes dump
me puse a leer "diarios amorosos" de anais nin y a recolectar frases
¡Qué gran esfuerzo para librarme de la oscuridad y la asfixia, del enorme dolor que me ahoga, de mi propia laceración inquisitiva!
¿De dónde viene este conocimiento oscuro? Del humo, de la locura, del champán, de la intoxicación de las caricias, de los besos y de la exaltación.
��la intimidad me pareció tan terriblemente natural: nada había cambiado—
A veces me duele que ahora haya menos sentimientos y más inteligencia. Como si antes fuera más sincera. Pero si ser sincera consiste en arrojarse por la borda, es que era la sinceridad de la derrota. Suicidarse es fácil. Vivir sin un dios es más difícil. La embriaguez del triunfo es mayor que la embriaguez del sacrificio.
Somos más sanos y más fuertes como honrados adversarios que como amigos.
Pero, cuando llora, siento que merece la felicidad de cualquier ser humano.
Oh, Dios, ¿por qué me entrego a quienes son incapaces de amar? Porque es excesivo el sufrimiento que soporto en mi interior
Antes me había dicho: «Eres una gran mujer y temo que tendré que adorarte».
El mundo entero llorará y me amará cuando vea que mis olímpicas renuncias de amor me han servido para ocultar un gran fracaso humano.
Cuánta lucha para renacer y no tropezar de nuevo con el mismo obstáculo. La victoria siempre es triste. Siempre revela la deformidad de la imaginación, que crea un fantasma con el perverso propósito de atemorizarse. Una vez destruido el fantasma, lo que queda es un montón de cartones, unas plumas de pollo, colle fer, calabazas agrietadas, sábanas y cadenas.
Necesito tener éxito al experimentar las dos clases de actitudes que llevo dentro: la introvertida y, ahora, la extrovertida: «la inclinada a la ternura» y «la inclinada a la dureza» (releyendo dos ensayos sobre psicología analítica de Jung). Hay que incluir ambas porque «no podemos dejar permanentemente que una parte de nuestra personalidad se sienta atraída simbióticamente por la otra» (mi dependencia de Henry).
(dándome cuenta de que nadie me amará nunca de esa manera superabundante, superexpresiva, superreflexiva y sobrehumana con que yo acostumbro a amar a la gente)
¿Orgullo? No lo sé. Una especie de prudente retirada. Necesito demasiado a la gente. Por eso sepulto mi defecto gigantesco, mi desbordamiento de amor, bajo trivialidades, como una niña. Me divierto con mi nuevo sombrero.
Este mundo no está hecho sólo de amor, fe, esperanza, etc. Este mundo refleja una dualidad eterna, la del pensamiento y la acción. Las mayores bajezas se inspiran algunas veces en la bondad. Es inútil que se quiera controlar las vidas, los pensamientos, lo que acaece. Libertad: es el máximo exigible. Y quienquiera que tenga el gran deseo de ser libre, respetará ese deseo en los demás. ¿Y qué de los grandes dramas emocionales humanos? Son innegables. Ocurrirán una y otra vez. Pero ocurren en la medida en que uno se rinde a su yo biológico.
Siempre permanezco en el umbral, siempre, y es sólo el ideal lo que me ahoga.
Me deslizo apresuradamente por superficies, sedienta de profundidades. No tengo mucho éxito como extrovertida, me encuentro dépaysée en la vida extrovertida, pierdo mi alma, mis sueños. Me gustaría reposar en el fondo del mar, vivir allí, au fond des choses, toujours au fond.
Oh, pero hay momentos, cuando mi hipersensibilidad parece insoportable, cuando vacilo entre mis deseos de ser una anarquista sangrienta o una santa, en los que sé que me espera muy poca felicidad amorosa.
Ahora veo claro que no hago trampas a los hombres sino a la vida, porque no me da lo que le pido, por eso acepto estos juegos de manos y mi modo de manipular trapaceramente la vida. Es a la vida a la que guardo rencor, por su falta de perfección, de integridad, de absolución. Viviré mis mentiras con valentía e irónicamente, dual y triplemente. Sólo de esa manera puedo liberar todo el amor que llevo dentro.
¡Al infierno, al infierno con el equilibrio! Rompo vasos; quiero arder, aunque me rompa. Vivo sólo para el éxtasis. Ninguna otra cosa me afecta. Las dosis pequeñas, los amores moderados, todas las demi-teintes me dejan fría. Me gusta lo extravagante, el calor… ¡la sexualidad que revienta el termómetro! Soy neurótica, pervertida, destructiva, ardiente, peligrosa —lava inflamable y desenfrenada—. Me siento como un animal de la jungla que escapa de la cautividad.
Esta imperfección, este enigma, esta oscilación en la vida, es lo que me lleva a una gran amargura, a una formidable rebelión, a una oscura ira. Ira contra mí misma por sentirme atraída, asida, hechizada por hombres que no tienen sobre mí ningún poder físico, ningún poder físico para conquistarme.
Voy como un farolero, encendiendo luces; impulso barcos en alta mar; descubro los objetos preciosos escondidos bajo tierra; quito la pátina de las pinturas oscurecidas; afino, armonizo, moldeo, saco a la luz, enciendo, apoyo, sostengo, inspiro; planto semillas; registro cavernas; descifro jeroglíficos; leo —solitaria— en los ojos de las personas, sola en mi actividad. Marte ataviado con túnica de color sangre y pulsera y collar de acero.
Hay una gran continuidad en mis relaciones con las personas o, mejor dicho, en mis devociones. No me gustan los contactos rápidos, casuales o despreocupados. En esto no hay trazas de Marte, ningún gusto por la interrupción, la guerra o la acción; sólo un esfuerzo paciente, soterrado y delicado para acabar con la soledad de los seres humanos, una preocupación por los detalles, por el acabado total. Pongo en esta creación un cuidado que no pongo en otras. No es casualidad que mis amores y amistades ocupen en mi vida un lugar tan inalterable e importante.
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lewis-lafontaine · 6 months
The Rosarium Philosophorum Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group The Rosarium Philosophorum UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT April 2009 The Rosarium Philosophorum  18th century Sp Coll MS Ferguson 210 Illustration 7: ‘The Extraction or Impregnation of the Soule’ Alchemy eludes definition and is difficult to understand. It has been associated since its inception with […]
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aufundab · 8 months
Etappe 69: Rifugio Meleze - Bivacco Danilo Sartore (22,5 km; 1890 hm)
Bei erneut traumhaften Wetterbedingungen startete die heutige Etappe mit einem Aufstieg entlang des Varaita di Bellino - und es war einfach nur schön!
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Blick zurück…
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Am Colle del Bellino war die Weitsicht mal wieder grandios und die Vorfreude auf den Abstieg ins Valle Maira Tal schon groß
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Zunächst ging es noch durch alpines Gelände, dann wurde es nach und nach grüner und aus allen Ecken plätscherte das Wasser in Gestalt von Bächen oder Wasserfällen
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Im Rifugio Campo Base füllte ich meine Kohlehydrate Speicher mittels Pasta Pomodore mit reichlich Parmesan und Cola nochmal auf und startete gegen 14 Uhr Richtung Bivacco Sartore. Wenig später verlies ich dann etwas wehmütig die GTA in Richtung Gr5 - etwas mehr als 20 Tage war ich auf der GTA unterwegs
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Die GTA war durch die vielen Höhenmeter teilweise echt brutal und manchmal war ich frustriert, wenn es nach einem langen Aufstieg auf der anderen Seite des Passes direkt hinab ins nächste Tal ging. Dafür fühlte ich mich auf den meist gut gepflegten und auch meist gut markierten Wegen sehr sicher und der hervorragende Wanderführer erläuterte zahlreiche Hintergründe zu den einzelnen Abschnitten und Regionen. Zudem waren die Posto Tappas in den Tälern meist günstig und boten für den Preis meist eine ausgezeichnete regionale Küche.
Und trotzdem musste es weitergehen. 2 Stunden und 600 Höhenmeter später ergab sich nochmal ein herrlicher Anblick ins Valle Maira Tal (da muss ich definitiv nochmal hin!)
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Etwas ermüdet traf ich gegen 17 Uhr am Bivacco ein und wusste nicht ganz, ob ich mich über die 4 jungen, hübschen Italienrinnen dort freuen sollte oder nicht. Schnell klärte sich jedoch, dass diese nur kurz dort verweilen und Vespern wollten. Nach einer halben Stunde war ich allein und freute mich auf einen ruhigen Abend auf 2440 m
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Im Laufe des Abends kamen dann aber doch noch weitere Wanderer aus allen Himmelsrichtungen und das Bivacco füllte sich. Einer hatte sogar Feuerholz unterwegs gesammelt, sodass wir trotz Nebel und Kälte noch lange draußen am Feuer sitzen konnten
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Der junge Typ will nächstes Jahr mit dem Fahrrad durch ganz Südamerika fahren, echt mutig und bewundernswert, auch seine Gelassenheit!
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sakura0492 · 8 months
Schwarz Prinz 3.3b
-Ich muss reden –oznajmiła stanowczo.
-Okay – zgodził się – Wir reden in der Park.
          W połowie drogi między szkolą, a domem Marcela ,za sklepami, między mostem ,a murami kościelnymi ,znajdował się park. Taki stary ,zaniedbany park. Ławeczki dawno już w nim połamano, ale zawsze można było usiąść na betonowych pozostałościach lub ściętych pniach drzew. Natka i  Marcel wybrali do siedzenia betonowe pozostałościach.
-Okay – przeciągnął  się Marcel .-Was ist los?
-Erinnest du wirklich  mich ?- zaytala ostrożnie.
-Ja ,du bist Natasha  Maciejewski. Wir haben eines Club in Dortmund und  „Grawitation“ getanzt.
-Wir haben nicht nur tanzen ...Hast du vergesssen?
-Nee.. Sie waren auch colles Nachti.  Zwei oder drei Nacht.Warum fragst du?
Chwila prawdy na nadeszła.
-Ich werde ein Kind  haben – wydusiła.
Zaskoczyła go. Wstał z wrażenia i zawołał:-
-Was?!  Bist du zu junge?
-Ja ,ich weiβ...Das ist nicht noch alles...
-Ja? –mruknął wyczekująco już wyjmując paczkę papierosów.
-Wir werden die Eltern – oznajmiłą.
-Wie bitte ?! – jęknął przerywając zapalanie papierosa.
Dziewczyna już żałowała .Kto w takiej chwil rozpala papierosa ? Czy jej dziecko musi mieć takiego ojca ???
-Du wirst Vater,Marcel  -uśmiechneła się blado.
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topmodelcentral · 4 years
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Jung So Hyun for Vogue Germany 
~ Korea (5) ~
by Chris Colls
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black-is-no-colour · 5 years
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Vogue Germany September 2019, Editorial "What's Next". Total look Maison Margiela by John Galliano, Défilé Fall 2019 collection.
Photographer Chris Colls, Model Sohyun Jung, styled by Nicola Knels & Maximilian Aufschnaiter
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fashionalistick · 5 years
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WHAT'S NEXT Adut Akech, Sohyun Jung, Signe Veiteberg and Kerolyn Soares by Chris Colls VOGUE GERMANY September 2019
(1) Giorgio Armani (2) Bottega Veneta (3) Maison Margiela (4) Loewe (5) Gucci (6) Chanel
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equilibrium-ads · 4 years
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When the future meets vintage, what will you choose?
Welcome to Equilibrium, a City AU, Mewe based roleplay.
Choose between one of the three cities located in Si-U county: Emi, Whan or Equinox! Choose your own path, follow your own rules. You’re free to make your choices and live in your own way!
Apply Here: http://bit.ly/2XOBogn
Mewe | City Themed | All Sexualities | All Asians | Semi-Literate
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chummywchimmy · 3 years
Disclaimer: This does not represent the personality of the real life counterparts of the characters used. I do not intend to glorify toxic behavior. I do not own BTS ( :(((((  )
Warnings : Minor character death, yandere themes, misogynistic themes ( Feel free to mention any other in the comments which I might’ve missed.)
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He does not understand how you did it. You, a mere intern, caught the eye of the CEO of Kim Enterprises within your first week of working there. It was nothing in particular that you were doing that struck him. You were just standing in front of the copier, doing standard intern tasks. He was on a round of the company. He had stopped in his tracks when he saw you, looking like an angel, as the sun that shone from the window behind you created a halo on your pretty head. He was convinced, within moments that a creature who could look so ethereal doing such a mundane task deserved his complete devotion.
Within a month, you had been promoted from the post of an intern to that of the department head. Everyone was confounded. Seokjin, despite his confident persona, faltered when faced with your goddess-like presence. He expressed his devotion from behind the scenes. From promoting you to ensuring that the canteen had your favorite foods, he did it all.
But make no mistake, he was merely giving you time to adjust before he made you his, forever.
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You were sick of your boss. Being the secretary to the head of one of the biggest companies in all of South Korea, no the entire Asia was bound to be no mild task. But you were not expecting this. 
Your boss, Mr. Min, was hard to please, to put it simply. He required his coffee at exactly 6:19 in the morning, his schedule for the day to be read out in a soft voice, his papers put on his desk in a specific angle and so on.
All this was understandable (Not really but what else was to be expected from successful, rich people, right?)
However, this was not the end of the story. Your patience neared its end when he made hyper specific rules for the company, most of which revolved around you. This rulebook included - Your exclusion from company parties (except when he was in attendance, then you could join only after his express permission) , Forbidding any employees to give you a ride home ( he usually did that himself and if not him, then his ancient chauffeur) and many others which boiled your blood but you could do nothing but bear it in silence as you still required money to pay off your awfully high student debts.
You wished that you still had Mrs. Kim, the original secretary, around. However, within a month of your joining, she was fired for no clear reason and you were asked to take up her position.
You still wonder why.
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You loved your boss. Truly you did. Not romantically, of course. You admired how fair, sociable and generous he was. Ever since you had joined the company, you had realized that bosses were not always the mythical evil creatures everyone made them out to be. 
Take your own for example. Mr. Jung was the kind of boss who would not only join company parties regularly but take rather enthusiastic initiatives to organize them, would create a happy, comfortable environment for his employees and personally go meet the family members of employees who were sick. 
Of course, you, the poor thing, were not aware that his loving behavior extended only to you. He had come to see not your brother but you after you had taken half the week off to look after your brother who had met with an accident. You were also blissfully unaware of the time that the weekly company party had been called off by your boss after you had regretfully informed him that you would be unable to join.
Of course you were unaware. And he would ensure that you would continue to be so.
 After all, he loves the way you look at him adoringly.
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The first year of working with your boss went pretty much as you had expected it to. You were young and fresh out of college, it was only normal that your boss would expect you to give all your attention to your work as he had hired you despite you having no prior experience. However, as time progressed, things changed dramatically.
In the beginning, Mr. Kim was strict and taciturn but fair as a boss, nonetheless. As the two of you began to get closer, courtesy of the ungodly amounts of time you two had to spend together thanks to his demanding schedule, you began to notice changes in the stern man.
The man who self admittedly got annoyed with people who wanted to talk through texts, “As if they were lovers”, he had scoffed, disgusted, started to text you after work. This might not have been surprising had the texts been related to work. But they weren’t. It was almost as if he was trying to get to known you better. He also began to show up at your door, unannounced, for no apparent reason. You had to accommodate him, the man who paid you the salary that paid your bills. But these instances were becoming too many.
And, as if these problems were not enough, every week your chapstick would disappear.
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You loved working at Park Corp. You loved your workplace, your colleagues loved you, your boss loved you. Oh, your boss. Was there ever a thing as too much love?
 You knew that you should not complain. Everyone wished to be in your place. You were Mr. Park’s trusted, beloved secretary. His affection for you was no secret. From him bringing you your favorite coffee every morning instead of the other way round, spending every lunch with you (he insisted that there were important work related things they had to talk about but never brought up anything work related and asked about you instead) and holding a lavish, almost too lavish, of a birthday party for you every year.
But, at least your relationship with your colleagues was normal.
Well, except with Mr. Han. The two of you used to be pretty good friends but as you had started to become close with him, he had suddenly disappeared for a week and come back hating you as if you were the devil itself.
You wondered what you had done wrong.
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Ever since you could remember, you had always loved art. Creating it and appreciating it. Splashes of color on white canvas, hues mixing to create magic, all of it was beautiful to you. It was ethereal and godly.
Just as ethereal and godly as your boss treated you. You understood that you were extremely lucky to be working under the guidance of Mr. Kim Taehyung, the art prodigy. Every single one of his pieces sold for exorbitantly high amounts. 
You took all of his suggestions very seriously. He was your boss, after all. However, to the untrained eye, it might appear as if you were the guide and him, the follower. 
You had once made a fleeting comment about how the background hue could be of a different color to bring attention to another part of his almost finished painting. The very next day, you were surprised to see him starting the art piece from scratch to include your suggestion. After it was finished, he had brought it to you, seeking your approval with a desperate glint in his brown eyes.
But slight creepiness aside, you considered yourself lucky to be one of the few to see all of his paintings, even the ones that did not make it to an auction.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You had not seen the majority of his paintings. Those that were of you, the greatest muse of all time.
Those were meant only for his eyes just as much the muse of those paintings was.
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You had heard all sorts of things before you had joined Jeon Corp. Everyone had heard rumors about the boss, the young Mr. Jeon. How he was rude to his employees, fired people like it was nothing and had the shortest temper known to mankind. But everyone tended to overlook those rumors in favor of looking at his extensively long list of achievements. 
Going into the job, you were intimidated and worried that you’d be fired within a week. However, as you settled in, you found a completely different to be worried.
To put it simply, your boss was possessive.
For instance, he had fired the Director of Public Relations for laughing with you during the break of the company meeting you were attending along with Mr. Jeon. Your boss had harshly reprimanded him in front of all your colleagues under the guise of scolding him for “contaminating the professional environment.” You were not fooled.
Instances like this were not uncommon. Things quickly spiraled out of control. Policies like forbidding dating within the employees to imposing a strict dress code which seemed to apply especially to you became common.
You were genuinely contemplating quitting.
And quit you will.
After all, Jungkook can’t have his angel working for too long now, can he?
You just have to take over the position of his wife instead of his employee. 
Hi!11!1!!1 I hope you liked it. Feel free to send in any requests. I am also open to writing yandere!OC x reader. 
Also, accepting applications for tumblr besties :))
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scoutlive · 1 year
Depeche Mode Electro Night im T37
Depeche Mode Electro Night und 80s Pop Party: Laut aber geil”  das war eine explosive Nacht am Taschenberg im T37! Die Party war ein einzigartiger Mix aus wilden Tänzen und unvergesslichen Momenten. Die Tanzarena bot eine perfekte Atmosphäre für eine unvergessliche Nacht. Das Depeche Mode-Line-Up war hervorragend und sorgte für eine ununterbrochene Welle von pulsierenden Beats, die die Partygäste…
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ecstasy-krp · 4 years
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⇢ Ecstasy Roleplay is requesting Daehyun to join the party! ⇠
Lets get the party started! Ecstasy RP is a 18+ MeWe based general roleplay. Accepting of all Asian face claims. All writing styles are welcome. We’re always looking for fun and exciting people to join the party. Think you can keep the party going?
✦ Master List ✦ Rules ✦ Apply ✦
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madeyesaes · 2 years
coucou toiii ♡ c'est marianne (ethereal), puisque tu avais proposé ton nom, je suis lààà, c'est si cool ce que tu fais wow ♡ je me demandais si tu pouvais être inspiré par jung hoyeon?? ♡ c'est pour un personnage qui vit sur la route, une jeune femme un peu égarée, mais douce. si elle t'inspire, vas y comme tu le sens !! je t'ai fait une petite sélection de photos ici (imgbox(.)com/g/NIOrhp3hni) mais tu peux vraiment prendre n'importe quelle photo qui te plairait. merci à toi !! ♡♡
Hey ! Ca fait tellement plais' de te voir arriver dans mes commandes, en plus avec d'aussi gentils mots ! 💘 Du coup je t'ai fait x9 avatars de hoyeon, juste ici. J'espère que certains te plairont et que ça colle avec ton perso !
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findafc · 3 years
hi!! i previously asked you for help, but i realized that the age that i requested was not correct. this is what i said in my previous request: hi angel! do you have any suggestions for a fc who is in her late 50s to early 60s? she is a sweet and loving old lady who takes care of her two grandchildren with her husband because their parents passed away… everything is still the same except for the age. i am looming for a fc who is in her mid 70s to mid 80s. thank you so much for your help<3
totally fine! i figured you meant something like that.
Ali Macgraw
Anjelica Huston
Diane Baker
Diane Keaton
Dianne Wiest
Glenn Close
Helen Mirren
Ivonne Coll
Jessica Lange
Judi Dench
Julie Andrews
Julie Christie
Lily Tomlin
Maggie Smith
Marlo Thomas
Meryl Streep
Sijourney Weaver
Susan Sarandon
Yoon Jung Youn
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vantaenims · 4 years
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all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
All stories are crossposted to AO3 only.
LAST UPDATED: 07.31.21
✧ - new
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Everythingoes | idol!namjoon x reader 
↳ before sunrise au, strangers to lovers, fluff, angst | 11.2k  
Namjoon plans to travel Europe for their long deserved break. On his way to another destination, he meets a girl on a train that will lead to an unexpected turn of events as they embark on a spontaneous trip in a span of 24 hours. 
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Daffodil Street | seokjin x reader
↳ friends to lovers, fluff, angst | 8.1k
You’ve been struggling for quite some time to overcome your feelings for your best friend who doesn’t even love you the way that you do but there are instances when he would ignite your hopes or maybe this is all just in your mind but is too much to ask for something more?
Rivalry is Dead | rivals to lovers – fluff, angst (1.4k)
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Bittersweet | idol!yoongi x reader
↳ established relationship au, fluff, angst | 7.6k
Being miles away from you, Yoongi’s starting to feel like he’s missing out in your life and he can’t help but be guilty about it hence the reason why he made it his mission to be with you as much as possible now that he’s back home.
New Year, New Us | producer!yoongi x reader
↳ exes au, fluff, angst | 10.7k
New Year is all about new beginnings, may it be in life, career, or perhaps love but will that statement still remain true when Yoongi, your ex-boyfriend, shows up on the anniversary of your break up, asking you to give him another chance?
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✧ Perigee | established relationship – fluff (2k)
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Moonlight | contemporary dancer!jimin x reader (COMPLETE)
↳ college au, fluff, angst, mystery | 30.2k
chapters: i. | ii. | iii. | iv. | v. | vi. | vii. | viii.
As if it’s calling you, you followed the sounds of the luring piano inside the auditorium but what’s more alluring is the boy dancing gracefully on the stage, enthralling everyone who dares to watch but you never knew that such ethereal beauty lies within a sense of mystery.
Paper Bandits | jimin x reader 
↳ high school au, fluff, humor, angst | 12.9k
It’s pretty irresponsible for a student librarian to abandon her tasks in exchange for hiding behind a bookshelf at the back of the library, doing something impermissible with the class president you’re starting to crush really hard but oh well.
 Warm on a Cold Night | roommates au – fluff (1.4k)
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Hades Paints | painter!taehyung x reader
↳ neighbor au, enemies to lovers, fluff, humor | 7k
All it took is an off key violin version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for you to possibly grow more hatred for your blue haired neighbor but what if your favorite Instagram Painter happens to be that same person.
Angel’s Kiss | angel au – fluff, angst (1.4k)
Hour of the Dawn | friends to lovers – fluff (1.1k)
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Chocolate Milk | jungkook x reader
↳ childhood friends au, fluff, humor | 6.8k
You never planned to catch some feelings for Jungkook but you didn’t know that he’s the mastermind of all these fickle thoughts. It’s all thanks to Psychology and Human Behavior.
Anemoia | jungkook x reader
↳ futuristic au, fluff, mystery | 11.7k
It’s a well known fact that a person only dreams about people they’ve already seen in their life but how come you’re dreaming about someone you’ve never seen before, someone who is probably a person your subconscious created, and someone that continues to only exist in your dreams.
The Lonely Hearts Club | jungkook x reader
↳ college au, friends to lovers, fluff, humor, angst | 17.6k
A story of how two lost humans in the cruel world of love managed to find each other in a sea full of failed relationships, heartbreaks, and drunken karaoke nights but could they truly find the love they’re looking for through each other?
Color Me Red | college au – fluff (1.5k)
You Are My Sunshine | rock band au – fluff, angst (1.4k)
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