dctvgen · 2 years
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We’re back with Gen Valentine’s for 2022! This is intended as a single day event happening on February 14th, but we’ll also reblog any slightly early or slightly late entries too.
This year’s theme for the event is: Friendship
The event is open to any type of fanwork, of any length, for any DCTV shows - so long as it’s gen-focused and incorporates the theme of friendship.
If you have any questions about the event, do send us an ask here, or you can email DCTVGen at gmail dot com, or comment on our Dreamwidth community (see link in our header). Reblogs to spread the word about the event would be very appreciated. 💚
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dctvgen · 3 years
Happy Gen Valentine’s to all! 💚
The fanworks for the exchange are now revealed. We’ll do a proper masterlist later on today, but for now you can see them at the above link.
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dctvgen · 3 years
Gen Valentine’s 2021 Exchange - Last check-in reminder
For everyone taking part in the Valentine’s exchange, this is your reminder that the last check-in was yesterday, February 1st, so if you haven’t yet let us know how things are going please contact us. Fanworks need to be posted to AO3 by February 7th - if there are any problems do let us know as soon as possible.
You can reply to our email address that was listed at the end of your assignment email, or comment on the Dreamwidth post here. All comments on our Dreamwidth post are screened/not public, and you can post as anon without an account, just remember to tell us who you are if so
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dctvgen · 3 years
Gen Valentine’s 2021 Exchange - First check-in reminder
For everyone taking part in the Valentine’s exchange, this is your reminder that the first check-in is on January 7th, just a couple of days away.
If you haven’t started yet, that’s fine - we just want a check-in to know you’re happy with the assignment. If there are any problems do let us know as soon as possible.
You can reply to our email address that was listed at the end of your assignment email, or comment on the Dreamwidth post here. All comments on our Dreamwidth post are screened/not public, and you can post as anon without an account, just remember to tell us who you are if so.
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dctvgen · 4 years
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DCTVGen Valentine’s Day 1 is here! Today we celebrate character fic.
Perhaps your fave character fic is a wonderful canon-compliant episode tag or missing scene for a beloved character. Or a piece that made you see the character in an entirely new light. It could even be an amazing AU take that preserves the core of who that character is while placing them in a completely different setting. Whichever it is, we want to know. :)
Send us recs of your favourite character fics (you can @dctvgen us on the post, submit links/posts, send an ask or message @dctvgenevents).
Do you have a favourite author who writes character fics you adore? We’d love it if you’d send us an author rec post.
Or you can send us an anon ask for your favourite fics and/or authors if you’re a little shy of doing so publicly.
Kudos, likes, bookmarking and reblogs are great too if you’re not feeling wordy. Why not have a reading session with a little spree of giving that kind of feedback to go with it, and then come celebrate that achievement by telling us in a reply here. 🎉
And if you are feeling wordy and up to the challenge, have a search for fic about one of your favourite characters that has 0 comments and leave a nice comment on it to make a fic writer’s day 💗
...For one way to find a fic like that on AO3 you can select ‘Comments’ from the dropdown box under the ‘Sort by’ on the search page, and then go to the last page of results to find fanworks with the least comments.
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dctvgen · 4 years
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DCTVGen Valentine’s Day 2 is here! Today we celebrate fanvids.
Fanvids are often a real labour of love with how much work goes into editing and they also tend to have a fairly low rate of feedback compared to most other fanworks. So, we want you to help us highlight the great gen-focused DCTV fanvids out there, old and new, and show the vidders of DCTV some love.
Send us BAMF action vids, send us poignant character studies, send us team as family warm and fuzzy feels vids - just send us all the vids full stop. 📹 💓
Rec us your favourite DCTV gen vids (you can @dctvgen us on the post, submit links/posts, send an ask or message @dctvgenevents).
Do you have a favourite vidder who makes fab fanvids you’d like more people to know about? We’d love it if you sent us a vidder rec post.
You could also make a Youtube playlist of vids and send us the link! :D
Or you can send us an anon ask for your favourite vids and/or vidders if you’re a little shy of doing so publicly.
Likes, bookmarks and reblogs are great too if you’re not feeling wordy. Kudos are also good - yes, there are fanvids on AO3! Check them out. :)
And if you are feeling up to the challenge, try to find a vid with 0 or only a few comments & leave a nice comment on it to make a vidder’s day 🤩
Also, on the subject of commenting, another tip for making it easier… here’s a post about how to leave a reaction gif as a comment on AO3 (sadly it won’t work on YouTube). For those times when you don’t know quite what to say, you can say it with an enthusiastic GIF instead. :D
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You will need somewhere to upload the GIF you want to link in the comment. If you don’t have any image hosting to upload it to, a top tip is you can post the GIF in Discord or a Tumblr post.
Once the GIF is uploaded, right-click on the GIF & select ‘Copy image location’ or ‘Copy link’ to get the URL of the GIF - that is what you need to put in the above HTML img tag. On Android it’s a little different - you hold down on the GIF, select ‘Share photo’ and ‘Copy to clipboard’ which gives you the URL you need.
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dctvgen · 4 years
Such a good friendship vid for Barry and Cisco for S6. Gave me all the feels.
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dctvgen · 4 years
A submission for @dctvgen #DCTVGenValentines2020. It was actually my Secret Santa gift from @tobyaudax but it’s all Gen Len and Mick and Legends! \o/
- @kleptoandpyro
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dctvgen · 5 years
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Hello DCTV fans!
Do you enjoy creating gen (fanworks with no ships)? Have we got an event for you!
We’re excited to announce the dates and prompts for our upcoming Gen Valentine’s 2019 event…
Gen Valentine’s is a gen-focused fandom event. We’re setting it near Valentine’s Day as an alternative/complementary event to the romantically-themed events you usually see around this time. We’ve got some great prompts to inspire you, as voted on in our last poll. There’s 3 prompts per day to choose from — we hope there’s something in there for everyone!
Friday 8th February 2019
Team as Family
I’ve Got Your Back
Platonic Soulmates
Saturday 9th February 2019
Enemies to Friends
Alt Earth/AU/Canon Divergence
Sunday 10th February 2019
Family Feels
Best Friends
So grab your pen, pencil or vid program, dig out your team-as-family feels and your friendship concepts, and get creating gen!
Posting guidelines for the event will be put up closer to the time. For further details on the event specifics, including which shows are included in DCTV and for a definition of what counts as gen, please see our FAQ page.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered by the FAQ do send us an ask here or comment on our Dreamwidth community (see link in our header).
Wanna get more involved?
Join our DC Arrowverse Discord Server to get involved with our large writing community
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Find our invite link at Flarrowverse-Shipyard.tumblr.com
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dctvgen · 5 years
Hey, DCTV fans, we’re setting up a three-day, gen-focused fandom event as an alternative to the usual shipping-related stuff that gets posted around Valentine’s Day.  If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, click the link to vote on some prompts!  The current plan is to set the event on the either weekend before or after Valentine’s Day, so be sure to follow the blog for further information!
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dctvgen · 5 years
Just to let people know, in case there's those who want to take part in Gen Valentine’s but haven't finished fanworks for the event so far... We'll continue to reblog posts here - and approve posts on the Dreamwidth community, plus keep the AO3 collection open - for another week after the event. So, you've got until 12 noon GMT on Monday 18th February to post any items for it. Once we hit that deadline we will be doing masterlist posts of everything made for the event. :)
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dctvgen · 5 years
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Hello DCTV fans
Day 1 is here! Today's prompts are...
Friday 8th February 2019
Team as Family
I’ve Got Your Back
Platonic Soulmates
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dctvgen · 5 years
2 days to go!
Tumblr, you have 2 days to cast your votes for the upcoming DCTV Valentine’s Gen event!
No sign ups, no adding details, just tick the boxes you want. You can vote for as many prompts as you like.
We can tell you it’s pretty neck and neck as things stand, so don’t just assume your favourites will get picked, add in your two cents and make sure you get what you want! Don’t let the shippers own all the love on V-Day, let’s make this year’s one to remember, so get voting!
Poll Ends 20th Jan 2019
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dctvgen · 5 years
Gen Valentine’s 2019 - Posting Guidelines
With Gen Valentine’s just around the corner, we bring you the info you need to post away once Friday 8th is here.
1. State which day(s) and prompt(s) you created for in your post
2. Tag your post appropriately - be mindful of potentially triggery content
3. Keep any NSFW content (e.g. violence or dark themes) behind a cut
4. Mention in notes if there is a background non-gen relationship
5. Credit any collaborators and betas
6. Also tag with #DCTVGenValentines2019 (must be within the first five tags)
7. Mention @dctvgen in your post
Once the event starts, if you haven’t seen your post reblogged here within 24 hours of posting, please let us know in case it has gotten missed.
If you are also posting your story to AO3 we would love for you to submit it to our AO3 collection for the event as well - it’s DCTV_Gen_Valentines.
If you would like to post to Dreamwidth for the event, you will need to join our community there – you can find the link in our header here. Posts submitted to the Dreamwidth community will be moderated and should appear on there once a moderator has had the chance to review your post. Please follow guidelines 1-5 from above for any Dreamwidth posts as well.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered either here or by the FAQ, do send us an ask here or comment on our Dreamwidth community (see link in our header).
Good luck with your creating! We look forward to seeing what you make for it. :)
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dctvgen · 5 years
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Hello DCTV fans!
Here’s your one day to go reminder! Hope things are going well with your creations - we’re super excited to see what you’ve got planned. Don’t forget to check out the posting guidelines so you know what to do when the time comes. We kick off the event tomorrow with the following prompts
Friday 8th February 2019
Team as Family
I’ve Got Your Back
Platonic Soulmates
If you have any questions not answered by the FAQ or the posting guidelines, don’t hesitate to ask us. :)
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dctvgen · 5 years
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Hello DCTV fans
Day 3 is here. :) Today's prompts are...
Sunday 10th February 2019
Family Feels
Best Friends
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