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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Pomposo
Chapter Fourteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Sam, Dean/Jo, John/Kate, Adam, Ellen, Garth/Bess (in passing), Cas and Mary (mentioned)
Word Count: 4559
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining. MORE BACKSTORY AHEAD, story takes place currently in Dec 2017, flashback to Jan. 2004 in italics, talk of Sam's past use of hard drugs, hangovers, vomit, car accidents, injuries, character death, guilt, John was not so great a parent or husband, some paraphrasing of last chapter unbeta'd
Special shout out to @thoughtslikeaminefield who helped immensely on sorting out the backstory for this chapter too, way back when I started outlining this thing.
Series Masterlist
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Sam settled on some old school soul music to start their road trip and Dean couldn’t even come up with a reason to complain. Aretha sang in the background and they headed east, the world was their oyster and all that. Dean held onto the small bit of smug satisfaction from the interview with Meg as the city disappeared behind them. She really wanted him to crack, but he hadn't and that gave him some hope for going home.
They veered north for a bit and continued on I-40 until they hit Flagstaff. Dean liked the mountains, the air was infinitely better than LA and there was something about spending the holidays where it got cold that made sense. Unfortunately, it was just an overnight stay. How they managed a room in the first hotel they tried, he’d never know. He just shuffled in with his duffel bag and his ball cap over his now sleep-sloppy hair. There was a player-piano in the lobby and Dean had the fleeting thought about how Cas was spending the holidays.
Maybe he’d try and leave him another message, it had been months.
Sam called Madison after dinner and Dean decided to check out the amenities in order to not have to watch Sam get all goopy. Dean hadn’t packed a bathing suit, but a gym’s a gym even if it’s just three treadmills, a stair climber and free weights. So, he jogged for a little bit, watching whatever passed for news. He forgot his earbuds in the room and it really wasn’t worth going back for, he was finding his groove even without music as a buffer to the world around him.
After a solid 5k, Dean stepped down to stretch. Which worked out because a couple in their fifties came in just as he started some curls, leaving the treadmills open for their evening stroll. They talked about their family, the wife explaining what she got each of their grandchildren and where they were supposed to be on which day. Perfectly normal people conversation, but something about it made Dean sad, so he tried to tune them out and focus on his reps.
Part of his life after Cain and Alistair was a loss of gym time. Sure, he could work out at home or even do laps around the neighborhood, but it wasn’t the hours in the ring or at the bag or with a jump rope full-body-punishment that he had worked himself up to. It was also a lot more peaceful, less reactionary. And Dean decided he would find a balance between stagnation and self-destruction. Twenty eighteen was just around the corner afterall.
Dean got back to the room in time to shower and crash. If they wanted to push it, they could make it to their Dad’s place the next day. But neither of them were in a hurry, even in Sam’s fuckboy Charger it was nice to be on the road together. Dean took the first stretch towards Albuquerque, but Sam called it in Santa Fe. He had thought ahead and booked them a hotel instead of chancing it again, which surprised Dean for some reason. Sam had gone and gotten to be responsible while Dean was busy fishing himself out of professional purgatory.
“You talk to Bela?” Sam asked as they waited for their pizza to be delivered. 
“Uh, she texted me that she landed at Heathrow, but not really. Why?” Dean asked after taking a sip of his beer.
“Wasn’t sure if you guys were doing the whole gift exchange thing,” Sam shrugged. “Madison made me wait until after we get back to give her hers.”
Dean chuckled. “I don’t want to know what you’re giving her, alright?”
Sam rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the innuendo. “Won’t people be asking about what you got her?”
Dean hadn’t really thought about it. “I guess I could ask Trouble for some ideas, see if she thinks it’s necessary we post about it. I don’t know, I was kind of hoping of forgetting about the whole thing until New Year’s at Elizabeth’s, you know?”
Sam leveled Dean with a glare. “You know Dad is gonna ask to meet her.”
Dean set down his beer. “Well it’s a good thing she’s halfway across the world then.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Mom loved that show,” Sam said thoughtfully.
He was right. Dean had completely forgotten about why he’d recognized Bela the first time they’d met at your housewarming party way back when. But, yeah, Mary had watched ‘Red Sky in the Morning’ every Tuesday night after she put them to bed. Once Dean reached junior high, he was able to persuade her to let him stay up and watch too.
“I can’t believe it was on as long as it was, it was fucking awful,” Dean said playfully.
“Yeah, but it was her escape,” Sam added gently.
Dean took a long pull off his beer. “I guess so.”
When Sam went to meet the delivery driver, Dean turned on the television, banking on some sort of Christmas special to take his mind off memory lane. They ate quietly, letting last minute sales commercials drown out their thoughts. Tomorrow they were going home, or as close to it as they had outside of LA. Dean felt lopsided over getting to see Adam, having to navigate his dad, and tiptoeing Kate’s well-meaning but invasive nature.
But that’s family for you, nothing more important than that.
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Dean rolled over on the couch, something had woken him up and he was too hungover to let it win. But it didn’t stop, a trilling sound coming from his pants pocket, fuck, it was his phone. He cracked one eye open and checked the caller id.
He closed his eyes and answered. “Morning, beautiful.”
“Dean Winchester?” a harried voice asked, decidedly not Jo.
“Yeah, listen— there’s been an accident. Jo and Y/N were T-boned on Hound Drive last night. Can you come to the hospital? I just came home for a change of clothes, but I’m heading back there now.”
Dean sat up, liquor and a headache dulling his reflexes. “Ellen? What are they saying?”
“She’s in the ICU. I— we need you there.”
 Terror flooded Dean’s system, churning with a relentless guilt. Jo wouldn’t have been out so late if it wasn’t to see him. He swallowed. “Uh, of course. Do you want me to drive you? I can be there in ten minutes.”
“I’ll pick you up. I’ve got my truck, the roads are still a mess.”
“Right, okay, I’m at Dad and Kate’s— do you–”
“I’ll be there soon.”
“Ellen? Be careful.”
“Don’t you start young man.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
Ellen hung up.
Dean stumbled into the bathroom and threw up. He didn’t have time for a shower. Instead he grabbed his shaving kit and threw on a fresh layer of deodorant and brushed his teeth. He pounded three Advil with the water from one of those flowery Dixie cups Kate kept in a plastic dispenser on the counter. He couldn’t look at himself in the mirror, he knew how bad he must look. He stomped back into the living room and swapped his sweaty flannel for one that smelled neutral from his duffel. Adam showed up as Dean was shoving his boots on.
“Dean? Can I put on cartoons?”
He didn’t jump, Dean didn’t get scared of six-year-olds in footie pajamas. He was just on edge, was all.
“Knock yourself out,” Dean said.
“Where are you going?” Adam asked, stealing the afghan Dean had left on the floor.
“Uh, friend of mine had an accident, so I’m heading to the hospital. Can you tell Dad? I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“You can tell me yourself,” John’s voice pressed in behind Dean as he came in from the kitchen, mug of coffee in hand.
“Dad—,” Dean looked at his father, a man who had been on the road cheating on his mother for years. The same mother who died in a fire because John couldn’t bother to make sure to keep the electrical in their shitty double wide up to code. “It’s Jo. Ellen’s gonna take me to the hospital. Dad, I—”
John’s entire stance changed. “Go. Call when you know something. I’ll send Sammy when he’s up, he’ll know what to do.”
They both knew Sam couldn’t stop whatever was happening, but he’d keep Dean from causing a scene.
A car honked in the driveway.
“I gotta go. Thanks,” Dean brushed past his dad without even a glance at Adam.
Dean wouldn’t let Ellen drive, even hungover he trusted himself behind the wheel more than a desperate mother. She only pretended to argue before sliding across the bench seat and letting him in. The roads were a mess. In the thirty minute drive to the hospital, Dean saw another two cars in the ditch. Though, it was clear now in the morning sunshine, everything was blinding in its whiteness.
“Listen, you shut up and keep your head down. Let me do the talking,” Ellen warned him as they approached the reception desk.
“Hi, I’m Ellen Harvelle, I’m here to see my daughter Joanna? This is her fiance.”
Dean squirmed, but nodded at the nurse who looked at him like she wanted to reach over and hug him. “Of course, right this way.”
She led Dean and Ellen down a hushed hallway, the beeping of machines and huffing of ventilators the only sounds escaping the doorways as they passed. Dean looked around for a trash can, the painkillers in his stomach threatening to come back up. Ellen took his hand and pulled him into a room. 
Jo was hooked up to more machines than should have fit in the tiny room. Her hair was matted with blood and she was drowning in the hospital gown. Her beautiful face was swollen and red, the bruises still forming where she hit the passenger side window— or maybe that was the dashboard, Dean couldn’t tell she was so misshapen.
“Oh, Jo,” Dean’s voice broke. He stopped himself from saying anything as the nurse talked, but all he wanted to do was sob.
 He didn’t realize he had let go of Ellen’s hand until he was clenching the rail along Jo’s bedside. Ellen stood on the other side of her, carefully brushing the hair out of Jo’s beaten face. Her one arm was framed in a metal fixator, skin angry from where the bone sliced her open from the inside. Her leg was in a brace, but at least that meant those bones were more salvageable.
“What happened?” Dean said eventually, unsure of when the nurse left. He eyed the machines tracking Jo’s heart rate, but he wasn’t sure if the readings were good or bad.
“Someone was driving on the wrong side of the road— couldn’t see the lines and Y/N swerved to miss them, they spun out and the other car didn’t stop. They took her to surgery– her right knee was shattered.”
“Jo took the brunt of it,” Dean stated the obvious, still too terrified to reach out and touch Jo. She was suddenly so very fragile.
Ellen sniffed.
“They are watching for internal bleeding before they’ll operate. Her brain—," Ellen couldn’t finish.
“Hey,” Dean rushed around the bed and pulled Ellen against his chest, finally giving his hands something to do. “They’re doing everything they can.”
“It’s not enough,” Ellen argued.
“I know,” Dean agreed, squeezing her tighter.
Ellen pulled back and wiped her eyes, muttering to herself about going soft. Dean needed to give her a moment, hell, he needed a minute to catch his breath. He told her he was going to find coffee and she told him they had a waiting area down the hall. He nearly ran out of Jo’s room.
He checked his watch, it was just after ten o’clock. And as exhausted and hungover as Dean felt, he was pretty sure Ellen hadn’t slept at all after closing the bar. He wondered if she’d even made it home before getting the call. He found the coffee maker and pushed a button for something hot and thin and caffeinated. He wondered if Y/N had passed a breathalyzer, knowing how much Jo had been drinking didn’t make him certain her driver was much better off.
He was gonna be sick again.
He left the paper cup on the grate and fell into one of the stiff plastic chairs around the small table. He put his head between his knees and breathed, resting on his elbows. Dean counted the flecks in the white linoleum squares beneath his feet.
Nothing made sense. They were just getting started. Last night there was the impossible giddiness of seeing her in person after so long and now the unabashed horror of her mother sneaking him into the hospital as her fiance so he could see her before…
She was eighteen-fucking-years-old and he was going to lose her.
And it was all his fault.
He stared at the floor until he couldn’t anymore. The coffee was nothing more than a passing burn on the way to his knotted stomach. But he couldn’t stop the tears and he wouldn’t go back to Ellen until they were dry, she needed him to be better than that. When he couldn’t cry anymore and after he used his last single for a pack of peanut M&Ms, Dean went back to Jo’s room.
Ellen was asleep in an ugly mauve chair with her hand clutching Jo’s good ankle over the thin hospital blanket. Dean found another blanket from a CNA and tucked it around Ellen’s shoulders. He stood guard, through Ellen’s brief nap and the three o’clock shift change, even after Sam came by with lunch but left because he wasn’t allowed on the ward.
The seizures started around five and Ellen and Dean were asked to wait outside. Before six, she was wheeled away from them into emergency surgery and by seven she was gone. Dean had to hold Ellen back from slugging the surgeon. He caught her when she finally sank into reality, and somehow Dean found more tears.
Nothing felt real, least of all Dean himself.
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Adam looked Dean in the eye and grinned.
“Get over here you little shit, I told you to stop growing the last time I saw you didn’t I?” Dean hugged his youngest brother hard, thumping him on the back as he rocked from foot to foot. “Good to see you, man.”
“You too,” Adam grunted out before Dean could release him.
Then came John, waiting for Dean as he walked through the front door. They didn’t say anything, just gave each other the once over and went in for the hug. John held him tight until he cleared his throat, stepping away from the vulnerable moment. Sam came in with his bags and hugged Kate first, who had been waiting in the hallway to the kitchen.
“Sammy,” John said, holding out his arms.
“Hey Dad,” Sam hugged with genuine warmth on his face, Dean never thought he’d see the day. But time does things to a person, and forgiveness was always Sam’s superpower.
“You boys hungry? I can reheat dinner, I know you’ve been on the road, wasn’t sure when you’d get in,” Kate offered as Dean went in for the obligatory hug. She had colored her hair, instead of her natural blonde it was a mature auburn, covering the gray and giving her a different air.
“Don’t worry about us, we can scavenge for something later,” Dean assured her. “I like your hair.”
That startled her. “Oh! Thank you, yeah I just figured I’d do something different for winter, you know.”
“Don’t she look good? I told her redheads are feisty,” John teased, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Gross,” Adam called on the way to the basement, where Sam had headed down to watch him finish his game.
“Beer?” John offered and Dean gladly accepted.
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Arriving three days early was pushing their luck, Dean knew that, but there was nothing keeping him in LA. And after the novelty of catching up and last minute shopping in the tiny downtown of Mills’ Crossing, there wasn’t much more small talk to be had. 
Naturally, John started it. But it was over Sam that had Dean’s hackles up first. They were sitting down for a late lunch, having gone to church as a family for the first time since Kate and John got married when John made a comment about it was good to see Sam’s forearms ‘healthy’. 
What he meant was he was proud of Sam for kicking his habit, for staying clean. What John didn’t know was that Sam was so good at hiding it, Dean had to check between his toes before he finally got him into rehab the last time. Seven years since Sam had kicked it and John still needed to point it out.
The jam session that night seemed to clear the air. Adam had decided he was a drummer sometime after Dean and Sam’s first platinum album so John built him an entire soundproof room in the basement to go wild. Which meant the Winchester men were a full four piece, if they got to pick their parts. Dean abstained from playing lead because it was John’s house after all, but the old man’s hands weren’t what they used to be. And that gave Dean a little bit of satisfaction.
They rolled through the classics, even playing a couple of Phantom Traveler’s songs that didn’t rely too much on the keys. Dean made John sing though, laughing when he made up his own lyrics.
They ended the night with a drunken, almost punk rendition of Jingle Bell Rock after which Kate shut the lights out on them and told them to go to bed.
Christmas Eve was boring, Dean had gotten stir crazy and kept checking his phone. He knew you had gotten in the night before, but he couldn’t justify trying to hang out while you had such little time with your family as it was. Sam gave him a look and they started playing poker, teasing Adam that he needed to know every version of the game if he was gonna hold his own one day. 
Kate wiped the floor with them all.
They had eggnog and exchanged one round of gifts before going to bed, no expectations of Santa Claus or any set wake up time scheduled. It was just another day. Dean barely slept, anxiety churning inside him. He tried meditating. He even prayed, but God, who was understandably busy that night, didn’t save him. Because he woke up with a bug up his ass and, naturally, his father was the first one to point it out.
“You kiss your girlfriend with that mouth?” John asked after Dean cursed at Adam’s obnoxious ringtone.
“Do a lot more with it than that,” Dean muttered before he could stop himself.
“Dean Winchester,” John snapped as if Dean was still sixteen, still living under his roof.
“Oh, come on, kids in college, he’s heard worse,” Dean griped, going back to his coffee.
It all went downhill from there. Naturally, Adam got the lion’s share of gifts. Sam and Dean didn’t need anything, but it was so uneven it looked like John and Kate didn’t even remember they were coming to visit. Meanwhile, John’s plasma screen had arrived two days earlier and Sam and Dean were tasked with installing it in the living room midmorning.
Nothing says family time like manual labor and micromanagement.
Dean started drinking before Kate had taken the ham out of the oven. And while Sam wasn’t exactly keeping track, Dean felt like he was asking for whatever bitchface he got next. He just couldn’t stop himself once he started snarking.
Adam was telling them about the musical composition class he had finished and how he had written something for a string quartet. 
“Our new keyboard player went to Julliard, you should send it to him,” Dean said off the cuff, before shoving some venison sausage in his mouth from the snack trays Kate put out.
“So you upgraded from Cas officially now?” John asked suspiciously.
“Dad, Cas left the band last spring, of course we made it official,” Sam cut in. John already knew this.
“I know, I just hoped you boys would work it out.”
Dean laughed darkly. “Nothing to work out. Dude left, we moved on.”
“And why did he leave exactly?” John goaded Dean.
Dean rolled his eyes, John was one to talk. He had pissed off half of all musicians between the Rockies and New Orleans before he hung it up.
“Let’s call it the Winchester temper and leave it at that,” Dean smiled without teeth, then popped more snacks into his mouth.
“Yeah, cuz the Campbell blood held only saints,” John muttered.
“Dad!” Sam admonished.
“That’s fucking rich! Talking about her when she’s not here to call you on your shit. I fucking punched Cas, alright?! You happy?! And who, DAD, taught me how to do that? Huh? Winchester temper. Not Campbell. That one was all from you.”
John stepped into Dean’s space, but spoke to Sam. “Sam, take your brother outside for a walk to cool down before dinner.”
Sam grunted in confirmation.
“Watch how you talk to me in my own home, Dean. Or I’ll show you a Winchester temper,” John said lowly. “You understand?”
Dean rolled his shoulders and looked his father in the eye. “Who exactly paid for this house again, Dad? Yeah, I’ll talk to you how you deserve it. I’m out of here.”
Dean felt Adam watching from the corner as Kate pulled John out of the kitchen and into their bedroom to give him a piece of her mind. Sam nodded at their younger brother, silently thanking him for holding down the fort as Dean stormed out the front door.
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The Roadhouse was blissfully the same, with only a handful of beaten down cars in the parking lot. Dean had spent enough Christmases at bars or taverns throughout his life, but now he just wanted something that felt like home to get through this tightness in his chest. What they found inside was something altogether more special.
Ellen’s entire face lit up as they walked in, an empty plate in front of her and Garth manning the food line. Dean got his hug in first, but Sam took his time asking about what was going on. Then you were there, and Dean felt a hot shame creep up because he was this close to falling into old patterns. And that wasn’t how he ever wanted you to see him. He zipped his lips, pleading with himself to get a handle on his temper already.
He felt you breathe him in, the truth was never hard for you to suss out. And yet Dean held on, needing you close, being stupid and selfish as ever.
They took their free meal and ducked into a corner, watching as Ellen played angel to the downtrodden of Boone county. Slowly, Dean was able to set his shit aside. With Sam talking about anything and everything across from him; he accepted his resentment for his father, his frustration at himself and the stupid fucking feelings he had for you. It all seemed much more manageable when faced with people who had to get over much bigger obstacles with so much less. There was one more thing he promised he’d do while he was home, now that he’d visited Ellen. And he double checked that Sam was still good to go with him, to be his chauffeur.
They helped clean up, though Ellen moved a mile a minute and did tasks faster than she could explain them. And then Ellen was handing you off like a Christmas present, one that Dean couldn’t ever accept. 
Ellen said her goodbyes and left Dean standing in the parking lot without much of a guess on what you wanted to do next.
“I guess we better get going,” he said, asking Sam more than anything.
Then Sam reminded Dean about the cemetery and a new wave of guilt seeped into Dean’s stomach. When it came to Jo, you had first dibs. She was your best friend and Dean’d be damned if he’d visit her without you getting a chance to too. As macabre as it was, he felt he owed it to you.
You looked like you were going to be ill.
“Maybe we should ask her if she wants to go,” he told Sam, searching your eyes for permission at the very least.
You took your time with the idea, but turned him down. “If it’s okay, would you mind dropping me off first? I know it’s in the other direction.”
Dean felt you sinking behind a wall the further they got from the Roadhouse, you asked questions and made conversation, but you weren’t really in it. He probably shouldn’t have brought up Jo, but with Ellen and Christmas and the Roadhouse, she was already everywhere anyway. 
They let you out at your parents’ and headed back across town. The streets were almost empty with the sacredness of the holiday. The cemetery was decorated in pine wreaths and cheap red ribbons. The narrow paths were  silent beneath their feet. Dean had thought he knew what he wanted to say when he decided to take this little side quest to see Jo.
What he said once Sam was safely back inside the Charger was something else entirely.
“So, I’ve been better. Not like I’m bad now, but I’ve been doing actually better. I was a mess for a long time. And not just from you, but a lot of shit. And last year, I guess earlier this year really, I kind of imploded. I started hurting people, like actually hurting them and justified it to myself somehow. Then I pushed Cas away from helping me, after breaking his nose. And well, the bands a lot different now. But we’re still doing it. 
Look, Jo, I know you wanted me to live my dreams and see the world. Things I always wish you could have done. But sometimes dreams are regular everyday things, like bringing home pie or having somebody to say goodnight to. And I haven’t let myself have dreams in a long, long time. But I think maybe I’m starting to again.
And I just need you to know that I’m gonna be okay. And I am gonna do what I can to keep your people safe, because they’re my people now too, you know? You gave me another mom and a best friend without even meaning to. And we all miss you like crazy. But, we’re okay. Merry Christmas, beautiful. I  hope the angels pull out all the stops up there.”
Dean exhaled, his nose thick and eyes stinging in the cold air. He wiped his face and looked at Jo’s name one more time before turning back towards the road. Sam waited until Dean was buckled in before asking, “you good?”
“Yeah, man. Let’s get back before I cause more of a sensation,” Dean said, not meeting Sam’s eyes.
“Okay,” was all Sam said.
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Chapter 15: Rubato
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Jo: Sorry. He has a habit of making bad jokes in tense situations
Dean: It was a good joke…
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shinelikethunder · 11 months
Bela/Dean and Dean/Jo for ship bingo hehe
someone else requested dean/bela, so let's do dean/jo!
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and by "only in AUs" of course i mean "only in eric kripke's secret Make It Worse spn where they don't know they're half-siblings"
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blondie20000 · 3 months
Bad Lady - Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
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"Put me down Winchester!"
"Sorry sweetheart I can't do that."
Dean was out on a solo hunt. Dean was out on a solo hunt. He suspected he was being followed. He eventually confronted his stalker and discovered it was none other than Jo Harvelle.
Their meeting, well, let's just say it wasn't a pleasant greeting.
They immediately argued. Jo defended her reasons for being out on a hunt while Dean argued on why she shouldn't be here The conversation ended with Dean hoisting Jo onto his shoulder and carrying her across the car park into the motel room.
Jo demanded to put down, she banged her fists on his back and screamed out loud but Dean ignored her. Now he has found her he wasn't letting her get away.
Once they reached the motel room Dean lifts his leg and kicks the door shut.
"Alright if I put you down promise you won't run?" Dean asks.
Dean saw Jo's eye roll in the mirror.
"Promise." She said.
"Yeah I don't buy it."
"For fuck sake Dean!"
"I need you to mean it. If you try to escape I will catch you and the next time I catch you I will have no choice but to put you in cuffs."
She gaped at that.
"That's kidnapping."
"No it's actually me saving your ass."
"Saving your ass you mean."
Dean would rather avoid the older Harvelle's wraith.
Dean forces a smile.
"Our ass then."
"I don't need saving."
"Promise me you won't run."
Few moments later Jo sighs.
"Okay." She said. "I'll stay."
She nods.
"You got it."
Satisfied with the answer Dean carefully lies Jo down on the bed. Jo goes to sit up but Dean raises his hand.
Jo scowls.
"I'm not going anywhere asshole." She sits up and glares at him. "Just making myself comfortable. Is that a problem?"
"Uh no."
"You sure? You want to reconsider those cuffs? You are already treating me like a prisoner so..."
"Jo." Dean said sounding tired now.
Jo folds her arms and pouts at him. If this situation wasn't serious Dean would have found that quite adorable.
She's cute when she's mad.
The hunter then shakes his head. He gets his phone out of his pocket and begins scrolling through the contacts.
"You gonna call her?" Jo asks.
"I have to Jo."
"Damm." She laughs. "You really are scared of her."
"No." Dean quickly says. Jo raises an eyebrow. "Well..." Dean smiles sheepishly. "Your mom can be a bit um...intimidating."
"A bit?"
"Okay a lot! Jo if I don't tell your mom she is going to kill me."
"If you don't tell her she won't know."
"Oh believe me she will find out. That woman has eyes in the back of her skull."
Jo couldn't argue with him on that.
"I'm your responsibility now." Dean continued. "If anything happens to you it's on me."
"Responsibility?" Jo became enraged by those words. "The Hell? Dean I can take care of myself I'm not a child!"
"I know but..."
"You were out hunting on your own. Doesn't that class as irresponsible? Broke the most crucial golden rule."
"I have experience."
"The most experienced can still get killed. Why do you think I was following you? I wanted to be there in case you needed back up."
"That's very thoughtful of you but as you can see I'm fine. I don't need your help."
Jo mutters "Ungrateful son of a bitch." As Dean pops open a beer and takes a swig from it. He angles the bottle in her direction. Jo takes the bottle and gulps it down. She sighs and wipes her mouth before handing it back to him.
"Cheap." She pulls a face. "Don't know how you could drink that stuff."
"Not everyone gets the luxury of living in a damm bar."
Dean takes another swig and sits down in a chair.
He takes several deep breaths finding the courage to make the phone call. Dean had to admit he is nervous about talking to Ellen. He wouldn't be surprised if her shot-gun came through the phone.
"Where's Sam?" Jo asks.
Dean lowers his phone and frowns.
"Sam, where is he?"
"Oh um he is at Bobby's...I think."
"You think?"
"Yeah I'm sure he is."
Jo leans forward. Concern started to show on her face.
"Dean, are you guys okay?"
"Just peachy."
"Dean." She repeated her voice firm.
Dean gives her a look. He looks exhausted. Circles under his eyes due to lack of sleep, he is pale and lost some weight.
"Jo." Dean's eyes are wide silently pleading her to drop it. "I don't want to talk about it."
Part of Jo wanted to push him, demand for answers but another part of her felt she should give the older Winchester his space and wait until he is ready to open up. Weighing her options Jo decided to go for the latter. If she did push him he will clamp up. Jo did also feel whatever is going on with Dean it is not her business to intrude.
Jo eventually blows out a sigh and nods.
"Okay Dean, we don't have to talk about it."
Both of them didn't realize Dean had his hand on her arm. When Dean finally acknowledged what he is doing he immediately removes his hand.
Dean stands up. He laces his fingers together and places them on the back of his head. He had his back to Jo now, facing the wall lost in thought. Jo hesitates and stands up. She walks over to them.
" I meant what I said earlier I was following you in case you needed help. I don't regret my decision because I can see you are not okay Dean. "
"You don't need to tell me. We are not gonna talk about it but I just want you to know that I'm here...alright? I'm a good listener." She then smirks. "One of the skills you pick up from being a bartender."
"Good listener huh?" He turns round with his arms folded. Amusement flickers across his face. "Any other skills you picked up other than serving drinks and cleaning table tops?"
"Oh you wouldn't believe Dean."
Dean smirks.
"Then show me."
The room fell quiet. Jo looks surprised by the sudden change of events. The request, the change in tone came out of nowhere.
Dean's cheeks turn pink. Embarrassed. He looks away and scratches his head.
"Sorry um...Forget I said anything."
"Pass on the opportunity to show you my skills?" Jo tries to lighten up the mood. "Or do you fear I'm gonna beat your ass."
"Beat me?"
"I did say I can take care of myself. Remember? I can surprise you. "
The couple found themselves getting closer. Dean looks down at her and raises his eyebrow.
"Nothing surprises me sweetheart. "
"Our lives are full of surprises."
Jo presses against his body. Dean's dick twitches at the contact.
"You know." Dean said trying to regain some control. "I can't let you get away with this. Sneaking out on a hunt." He tuts at that. Jo opens her mouth. "While I understand your reasons." Dean quickly cuts her off. "It is still bad what you did. You know what happens to naughty girls?"
His arm snakes around her waist.
"They get punished." He growls in her ear.
Jo gasps as Dean smacks her ass. She looks up at him with wide eyes.
"You almost killed it." She coughs. "Almost... You ruined it at the girl part. You completely disregarded what I just said."
"My apologizes...my lady."
The smirk he gives her sends a spark through her.
It wasn't long before he smacked her ass again.
This sent Jo stumbling into his chest. She then feels his hard on against her.
Jo didn't have to look to know her panties are now soaked.
His smirk grows as if he is reading her thoughts.
"Right." He said.
Dean sits down with Jo over his lap. He pushes her jeans down. While he did that Jo kicks her boots off. He plays with the hem of her panties. Grinning when he touches her wet pussy.
"So naughty." He purrs.
"Good is boring." Jo teases feeling herself grow into this game.
"Hmm." He hums.
Once the panties are removed Dean trails his fingers along her ass. He grasps an ass cheek and squeezes it. Jo bit back a moan as the squeeze quickly turns into another slap.
"Fuck!" Jo cursed as she is met with several more slaps.
The hunter chastised her on her actions. He keeps asking for an apology but Jo wouldn't give in. She carries on teasing him, secretly enjoying this side of the older Winchester. Dean Winchester is a gentle soul always soft and caring especially around his friends and family so seeing this dominant side of him felt refreshing and thrilling!
Seeing how defeated he looked earlier Jo thought Dean needs this, he needs this sense of control in his life. His Dad's death, Sam, the hunting life it is all weighing heavily on his shoulders he looks close to breaking. If this bit of fun is going to give him a escape from reality Jo will happily give it to him.
Not only Dean needs this but Jo needs this too. Her overbearing Mom is driving her insane. Jo wants to be free, making her own choices. The real world sucks. Everyone needs that escape to the fantasy life now and then.
She arched her ass in his face and groans when he shoves his finger in immediately hitting a soft spot.
"Shh." He shakes his head. "You are still on naughty step." He nuzzles his face into her hair. "Such a bad lady."
He pulls his finger out and quickly goes in again. Another finger goes into her pussy. Jo grits her teeth to stop herself from screaming as he fucks her from both sides. She feels his erection under his belly. Her body rubs along it as he moves her with his fingers.
Fingers out, smack on the ass, fingers back in again. It soon became a repeated pattern.
"Sorry yet?" He asks.
Jo smiles. Her hair falling over her hair. The sight of it made Dean growl. He pushes her hair back and shoves a wet slicked finger inside her mouth.
She can taste herself on him. With a hum Jo bites down on his finger causing him to pull away in shock.
"Fuck you!" She grins.
"That's how you wanna play it." He says.
She smirks.
He goes faster.
He flips her on to her back and slides his tongue in between her folds. Jo cries out as his tongue goes deep inside her. He licks her up and down, hits all the sensitive spots. His other hand holds her ass giving it a squeeze now and then to remind her that their circumstances haven't changed.
Jo moans with delight. His name slips out of her mouth. She curses at that but Dean happily grins and soon gets more begs and pleas from her.
Soon Jo spills herself all over him. He licks up the cum slowly each stroke already sending her over the edge. He grips her thigh daring her to go again. A blush creeps her cheeks when she realizes another orgasm is coming.
"No." He stops her. "Sorry first."
The heat is building inside her. Worse than before.
Dean shakes his head.
"I had my taste of you." He said. "So no urgency on my part. You however..."
Her legs shake.
"Yeah." He shrugs. "Oh well."
He grasps her thigh. His eyes bore into hers. Jo is trembling now.
After several moments Jo takes a deep breath.
"What was that?"
"Sorry." She admits. A tear streaking down her cheek. Dean smirks. Victory danced in his eyes.
"Apology accepted." His finger circles her entrance. "You can go."
She did. She let it all out again. Dean smiles.
"Good girl."
The hunter then gasps as Jo wraps her legs around his head.
"Not." She laughs.
She increases her strength. Dean is surprised how someone so petite can give off so much power.
"Good...girl. Dean we just talked about this."
With a cry, Jo sends them both rolling on the bed.
Feeling dazed Dean blinks. Before he could react Jo grabs him by the collar of the shirt and pins him down on the bed.
"You bitch." Dean tries to look pissed but failed
"I do love honesty." Jo smiles as her hand goes beneath his pants.
Dean shakes his head with amazement.
"You are something else."
"Compliments only get you so far."
Her hand cups his ball.
"So far." She repeats.
She squeezes it. He bites his lip to stop himself from reacting. She pulls his jeans down followed by his jeans. Her nails dig into his ass. His face screws up at that.
"Hmm." She smiles down at him. Her eyes shine with mischief.
"You were never sorry." Dean said.
Dean smiles. A genuine smile.
"I'm glad." He replies.
As Jo starts unbuttoning his shirt Dean asks.
"So is where you are going to show me your skills?"
"Uh huh."
Dean again shakes his head.
"Always the naughty ones."
Jo leans forward and kisses his lips. She raises an eyebrow at him.
"Good is boring." She echoes her words from earlier.
Jo goes down between his legs. She licks his length with her tongue. The first stroke sent Dean's head flying back against the pillow. He grips the sheets as Jo increases her speed.
A lump forms in his throat as Jo draws him in her mouth.
Okay maybe he does fear she is going to beat his ass now.
Jo smacks him.
Dean chokes at that.
And she did.
The End
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ncdover1285 · 8 months
Weekly Drabble #3
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@spnproshipbang Weekly Drabble Challenge
Word prompt - Painting
Dialogue prompt - "This isn't what it looks like."
Dynamics prompt - DeanJo
Sam walked into the library and heard noises coming from one of the rooms down the hall. 
“Hold still. It’s not supposed to go there!” There were several thumps followed by what he would call giggling. It was definitely Jo and Dean in one of the spare rooms. 
He decided to go check that they were okay, it wasn’t above them to be getting into some type of trouble.
Opening the door, he sees his brother with paint everywhere. Jo had on a white apron with streaks of paint everywhere as well.
“This isn’t what it looks like!” Dean shouted.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Some of my Ships
♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ Avalance (DC's Legends of Tomorrow) Bathena (9-1-1) Bellarke (The 100) Brettsey (Chicago Fire) Brettstead (Chicago Fire/Chicago PD) Britin (Queer as Folk [US, 2000]) Bughead (Riverdale) Burzek (Chicago PD) Chexton (Chicago Med) Darco (Degrassi: the Next Generation) Dawsey (Chicago Fire) Dean/Jo (Supernatural [TV, 2005]) Densi (NCIS: Los Angeles) Hammstead (Chicago Med) Jam (General Hospital) JaMax (General Hospital) JaSam (General Hospital) JoMax (General Hospital) Linstead (Chicago PD) LuSam (General Hospital) Mam (General Hospital) Manstead (Chicago Med) Maylene (The Tribe) McLilah (NCIS) McSwarek (Rookie Blue) MiFi (Burn Notice) Neric (NCIS: Los Angeles) Queliot (The Magicians - US TV) Ram (General Hospital) Rollisi (Law & Order: SVU) Samtrick (General Hospital) Sante (General Hospital) Saudia (General Hospital) Saxie (General Hospital) SCoop (General Hospital) Seblaine (Glee) Shangie (Private Eyes) Sperek (Criminal Minds) Stellaride (Chicago Fire) Tiva (NCIS) Upstead (Chicago PD) ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡
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fandomoniumflurry · 2 years
Tonight I will be posting something that has been two years at least in the making. It's finally finished.
Keep calm and carry on epilogue!
Chestervelle shall have their happy ending.
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castielsprostate · 9 months
having talented friends is so wild!!!!!! like. YOU!!!!!!!!!! YOU made THAT. YOU DID THAT?!?!?!?! YOU created!!!! THAT!!!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!! praise!!!!!!!! praise for one thousand years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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zombiegirldean · 29 days
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fathers make bad gods
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lawboysammyy · 4 months
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more spn text posts 😋
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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Canto
Chapter Thirteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Reader's OC family, Ellen, Dean/Jo, attempted Reader/Cas, Pam/Lee, Sam, Cole/Reader's sister and Garth/Bess
Word Count: 5009
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining. MORE BACKSTORY AHEAD, story takes place currently in Dec 2017, flashback to Jan. 2004 in italics, all towns mentioned are made up, I gave the reader the best dad in the world (you're welcome), underage drinking, talk of bar hook ups, car accidents, injuries, character death, guilt, stupid brother-in-laws, unbeta'd
Special shout out to @thoughtslikeaminefield who helped immensely on sorting out the backstory for this chapter and the next, way back when I started outlining this thing.
Series Masterlist
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You made your way through the harrowing process that was holiday travel, flashing your medical card at the TSA agent and going through the regular pat down deal before finally getting to your gate. It was mild in LA, but you brought your puffy coat with you on the plane because December in Nebraska was never that kind. It was also a free blanket once you reached cruising altitude.
You put your phone in airplane mode, popped in your earbuds and let yourself nap for most of the three hour flight home.
You didn’t go home often, your schedule never left you with much time off, especially over the last couple of years. Or, at least, that’s what you told yourself and how you avoided invitations from your family. Between the band and Bobby, all you would have to do is ask for time off and they would have given it to you, of course they would. But it’s not like they aren’t workaholics themselves.
The wind rattled the jet bridge as you made your way to the gate, dozens of strangers trudged along beside you as you felt the first hint of true winter air. You turned your phone back to normal settings and tried not to get caught in a young family’s way as you all followed the signs to baggage claim. You smiled as you heard the familiar buzz of the accentless plains’ speech in the surrounding conversations, you were really home.
You stepped out of the line of traffic to find a restroom and clear out the ridiculous amount of notifications you received while in the air. You had texts from both your mom and dad, your sister, Sam, Dean, Bobby and Ellen. You opened up the chat with your dad because he was picking you up and said you had landed and told him where to look for you because you knew he parked instead of waiting in the chaos of the arrivals area traffic.
You ignored your mom and sister because it was all wondering when you got in and you’d have time to reply on the drive home. You opened Dean’s message and it was a picture of a ‘Nebraska… the good life’ sign taken out of a car window. You sent a heart emoji and told him that you just landed, because no matter how tough he was Dean always complained about flying and you needed to give him proof of survival.
Sam’s message was a compilation of shots of Dean sleeping with random things propped on his head or shoulders, which meant Dean was probably driving the last stretch to their dad’s and Sam had been saving those for blackmail. You laughed, forgetting you were in public and rushed out a reply before saving them to your phone.
You read the message from Ellen but stopped yourself from fully opening it. You locked your phone and shoved it into your pocket. Right now nature’s call was more important than answering questions and you always had to be careful how you replied to your surrogate mother, she could always read between lines you didn’t know you’d drawn.
Twenty minutes later, you were greeted by a burly bear hug, compliments of your dad, that knocked the handle of your duffel out of your grip and rocked you on the spot. He smelled like engine oil and canvas with winter still clinging to his Carhartt, you held on tight.
“Glad you’re home, sweetheart,” he mumbled, breaking a way with a firm hand on your shoulder. “Got everything?”
He smiled his tight lip smile, where it was all in the eyes, and nodded. “Alright then, let’s get out of here.”
The ride home was uneventful, catching up, complaining about traffic, asking about the weather, all while you cleared through your messages and emails. You stopped for a late lunch and got the rundown on your older sister and four-year-old niece. 
“Any word from Cole?” you ask about the elephant in the conversation.
“Nothing she’s telling us. Figured you’d know more,” your dad sighed.
You tisk, “like she tells me anything.”
“Maybe she would if you called her,” your dad replied, eyebrows up and knowing.
You rolled your eyes, you and your sister were not close. After she got knocked up by a guy known for his charm, you pretty much never heard from her. You weren’t worried about her, she always had a tight friend group that was impenetrable. But when her husband suddenly dropped off the face of the Earth, you started to pay attention.
Your mom had generously kept you in the loop, whether you liked it or not.
You and your dad finished your meals and got back on the road. The town of Mills’ Crossing had roughly a population of one thousand people with enough villages and farmland surrounding it to make it feel bigger than it was. Your first trip to LA the summer before starting college was mind altering. Coming home was surreal, knowing everyone (to some degree) everywhere you went was almost alienating after so long living amongst droves of beautiful strangers.
You never sought that kind of attention.
Your parents lived in the same three bedroom ranch you grew up in on a quiet street with normal, working class people as neighbors. It was the exact opposite of your place now, where you were wedged in a neighborhood that was both overpriced and rundown and your neighbors came from every walk of life imaginable.
Luckily for you, you were charged next to nothing by LA standards of rent.
Your dad drove through town with the radio on classic rock, like always, unless he was in a mood and he put in a Maynard Ferguson cd or Tower of Power, blasting brass to wake up. Meanwhile, you took in all the things that had changed since you left, not that there were many. As you approached Hound Drive, a familiar apprehension crawled into your stomach, taking you back to a snowy night almost fourteen years ago.
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“Come on! They’re not going to be there all night, and it’s not like we can follow them to another bar,” Jo whined at you as you put on your makeup. She barely needed any, which always made you jealous. But you didn’t want to rush yourself and look like you were still in high school. Bela had taught you a lot about maintaining a strict beauty regimen during your first semester and you were going to put those lessons to good use. So what if you were late.
You primped your hair and took one last look in the mirror.
You drove to the Roadhouse in your ancient Buick LeSabre, which still had a cassette deck. But you had upgraded it with an adapter so Jo slipped a burnt cd into your Discman and turned up the volume, Phantom Traveler’s latest recording blasted through the old speakers. The open road and the entire world were at your feet.
“I can’t believe they’re still playing around here,” you said, letting the drum beat add to your excitement.
“Dean says they’ve had some nibbles from labels, but he won’t tell me which ones,” Jo confided.
“How often do you guys talk?”
“Enough that my mom got me my own phone line for Christmas,” Jo admitted.
You shrieked. “Girl, I know that bill has gotta be ridiculous.”
“Yeah, but I’m paying for it. And it’s worth it. Can’t be as bad as his cell bill.”
You giggled. “Which one is the one you want me to talk to?”
“Castiel, Cas, he’s the quiet one with blue eyes. Not the guitar player, that’s Lee. He’s been eyeing the drummer, so don’t get any ideas there. Trust me.”
You tried to picture who she meant from the handful of times you’d seen them play, but came up empty. The parking lot was packed and you pulled your jean jacket tight against the falling snow as you made your way to the entrance, missing the California weather you’d been soaking up since starting school. A wave of smoke and stale beer hit you as you stepped into the bar, an old jukebox filled the dim space and you tried to act like you weren’t too young to be there.
Jo navigated the crowd and you kept pace behind her, scanning your surroundings until you found a group of guys who towered over both of you at the pool tables. 
“Dean!” Jo called over the cacophony at a guy in a vintage leather jacket drinking a beer. He was even more hot up close, almost casual until he spotted her and his entire face lit up.
“Here she is!” he called, stepping away from a long haired guy to drag her in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“This Y/N?” Dean asked, holding out his hand for you to shake. 
You shook it like your dad had taught you, firm and with eye contact. “Hey.”
Dean cupped your hand in both of his before turning and tucking Jo into his side and gestured to the guy he had been talking to. “This is Lee, and that’s Cas, Pam’s around here somewhere. What are you ladies up to?”
You nodded at the other guys, older than any of your classmates, but still welcoming. You couldn’t have known that your life would change in impossible ways that night. 
         Jo challenged the winner of that round of pool and you mingled, not sure what to do with yourself besides tease Jo and try and seem aloof. Apparently, the band were out for a good time and even though you were driving, you accepted a beer from their pitcher when they offered. It was crappy, but it was free and you weren’t about to play prissy to get something that tasted better.
Around ten o’clock, Ellen spotted you and you gave her a hug and asked about her shift. She eyed Dean with suspicion as Jo flirted with her cue in hand. You tried to keep Jo’s mom’s attention away from the budding romance, but other customers were more effective than your rambling about California ever was. You left her to work and got suckered into a game of pool.
“Cas, please, teach this girl how to shoot. Explain the physics of it or whatever, because I can’t watch Sammy win that easy,” Dean begged his friend, who you had learned was the keyboard player.
Cas rolled his eyes and circled around the table to your side.
“Not exactly subtle are they?” you conspired.
“No, but Dean always tells me my people skills are rusty, so this is him playing wingman,” Cas admitted. “Here, you want to brace the cue on your left hand.”
“I know how to do it, I just really don’t care if I win,” you said out of the side of your mouth.
“I won’t tell if you won’t, but it will be a lot easier if you play it up,” Cas admitted in his low voice, knowing you both were stuck in this setup while neither of you were particularly interested in one another.
“So, what? I just let you put me in position, cop a feel?”
Cas’ eyes sparked with amusement. “I’m fine with verbal instructions if you’d prefer.”
“Nah, it’s okay, let’s give them something to talk about.” You winked at him and saw the blush creep across his cheeks with his gummy grin.
“If you say so,” Cas whispered, stepping behind you to guide your arms.
The rest of the night was a blur. You started drinking soda around midnight, knowing your parents would kill you if you came home smelling like booze, even if they couldn’t enforce a curfew on you anymore. But Jo could sneak behind the bar like the thief she was and everyone else was getting sloppier for it. Knowing Ellen, she was keeping tabs, but as long as she had an eye on you both, you knew you couldn’t get into too much trouble.
Sam wasn’t much older than you, but being in a band and astronomically tall gave him sway into the not getting carded club. He asked you about school and you told him as much as you could, though most of your classes were just prerequisites at that point. He seemed really smart and thoughtful, but maybe it was just because he was less lewd than Dean or Lee.
Jo held her own, like always, keeping the men on their toes like the bartender she had grown up to be. It was no wonder she had made friends with them when they played there after their dad begged Ellen to give them a place to play. Stopping back on their latest self-scheduled tour had just lined up for your winter break and Jo’s night off.
At some point, you lost Jo and when you tried to go find her, Lee dragged you back to the tables with a game of ‘Never have I ever’, they didn’t even tease you for drinking soda. Dean appeared out of nowhere and stole Cas’ beer, before a very flushed Jo rounded the table and deposited a half empty bottle of Jack Daniels for them to split. That earned her a chorus of praise, but something told you she had been off stealing bases instead of just booze.
You smirked at her and bit your lips. She just nodded at you and mouthed ‘later’.
Later came with Ellen kicking everybody out, warning you to get Jo home to bed before she could put her to work closing the place up. You huddled in your car as Jo and Dean had their goodbye in the parking lot, Sam honking the horn on an old Chevy for Dean to wrap it up. You hoped they had done just that, curiosity ate at you as your car warmed up.
Finally, Jo dropped into the passenger seat with her dimples on full display.
“Oh my god, dude!” you balked.
“I know! Shut up.”
“Tell me everything and then I’ll decide if I will!” 
Jo smirked and turned down the volume on the radio. “He is such a good kisser, Y/N, you have no idea.”
“Uh, I couldn’t have guessed! God, you were out there for like twenty minutes.”
You pulled onto the side street and increased the speed of your wipers, the steady snowfall had turned into a cascade and you really needed to see. Jo continued about her rendezvous with Dean in the men’s room and how he’d fingered her against the stall door. 
“Oh my god, Jo!” You were impressed, guys were always talking about this shit, but apparently it was worth it to Dean to see Jo squirm.
“He was so into it, like obviously, he’s a musician, he’s got good hands, but it was like he liked doing it,” Jo continued. “Ugh, he better call me before they leave town.”
“He will, he’s got it bad, even I can see that.”
She beamed. “Yeah? What did Cas say? Did Dean tell him anything?”
You threw your head back and laughed, feeling the tires slip on the unplowed road. You righted the wheel and checked your surroundings, slowing slightly to keep steady.
“Cas didn’t say anything about you two, but I could just tell, okay? Call it bff intuition, okay?”
You made the turn onto Hound Drive, three blocks from Jo’s neighborhood, feeling the way your backend fishtailed with even the most careful of maneuvers. Jo continued her story, talking about Dean promising to take her out, just the two of them, about how big the backseat was in his car. And just as you made her promise to be safe, headlights blared on the wrong side of the road. You spun left to avoid a head-on collision, but the other driver wasn’t slowing down and before you even fully stopped you were T-boned directly into Jo’s door.
You woke up to the sound of the other driver screaming at you if you were okay. You couldn’t move your right leg and Jo hadn’t woken up. There was glass and blood everywhere. And even though the snow had gotten worse, you couldn’t feel the cold. The paramedics told you it was shock, they wouldn’t tell you if your best friend was dead or alive.
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Your mom hugged you at the door, followed directly by your niece, Ada, running from the playroom shrieking your name. It felt good to be so welcomed, so loved. You held them both longer than they meant you to. Your sister gave you a sad smile, but hugged you too. And you told her honestly that it was good to see her. You hoped she meant it when she said it back.
You dropped your stuff off in your old bedroom and joined everyone in the living room where the Christmas tree was bursting with years of handmade ornaments. You could spot the new additions from Ada’s preschool. You wondered if you’d ever have little hands in your life to make macaroni art with. It wasn’t something you ever really thought about, but leave it to being home or the adorable company to stir up those nurturing instincts.
“Wanna play cards before dinner?” your dad asked, breaking you out of the daze of the tree’s lights.
“Obviously,” you replied and marched over to the pantry to fish out a deck and the coin jar.
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Christmas Eve was magical, carols on the old stereo and lots of snacks. Your aunts and uncles and cousins came and went, making sure to leave time for everyone to get to church for the candlelight service. Ada fell asleep in your dad’s arms before the closing hymn of Silent Night sent you all back home to await spiritual and material gifts.
You opened presents at the crack of dawn, you could tell your parents had missed having little kids to cater to with the amount that “Santa” brought that year. But you couldn’t blame them, the coffee was bottomless and breakfast was to die for. Nothing could beat home cooking.
Just before ten, you had your dad drop you off at the Roadhouse and you let yourself in through the employee entrance. Ellen’s smoky voice greeted you before you even made it into the kitchen, “here comes Trouble!”
“Merry Christmas!” You called back, smiling, she was the one who had given you that nickname in the first place.
She tossed the towel she was wiping her hands with onto the counter and held open her arms. You stepped in to hug her and a piece of your heart thrummed inside your chest. 
“It’s damn good to see you,” Ellen whispered, though nobody else was there.
“Yeah,” you agreed, still holding her tight.
Ellen pulled back and looked you in the eye, dark eyes full of wisdom and sorrow. “You doing alright?”
You nodded and sighed. “Same old, same old.”
Ellen hummed, still watching you. “Okay, if you say so. Why don’t you wash up and we’ll finish up these trays?”
Every year on Christmas day Ellen opened the Roadhouse for a free dinner. She sent fliers to the nearest homeless shelter, veterans outreach center and local churches. She served everyone, no matter what and whatever leftovers she ended up with, she left at the firehouse for the night shift to enjoy. The bar itself was closed, it wasn’t about money, it was about something bigger.
Whenever you were home for the holidays, you helped. It wasn’t much, just chopping vegetables and serving the people as they came through, but it made you feel good to be able to do something. To be able to be there for Ellen on one of the hardest days of the year was the least you could do. Your family never questioned you ditching them and before Ada was born, your parents volunteered sometimes too.
Something about this year, you were grateful for it to be just you and Ellen doing all of the prep work. An old radio played the classics in the corner and you helped finish the green bean casserole. You worked in comfortable silence, every once in a while answering questions that came up about life and the band. The one you didn’t want to answer popped up just as the last tray went into the oven.
“So Dean’s seeing your friend, huh?”
“Ellen,” you groaned. You did not want to lie to her.
“What? Is that a bad thing?” she prodded.
“No, it’s just weird talking to you about it, I guess.”
“Girl, I’ve heard more gossip than you could shake a stick at. I’m just checking in on you all. It’s not like I get updates all that often,” she finished with a flawless guilt trip.
“Yes, Bela and Dean are an item,” you said in a confessional huff, crossing your arms over your chest and waiting for the interrogation to begin.
Ellen hummed again and bit her bottom lip. “Well, I guess that’s something. She good for him? I know he’s been going through it again.”
“He’s been doing a lot better. Sam and Bobby got him a therapist,” you sidestepped beautifully.
“No shit. Huh.”
“And we’re ramping up for a new tour. New album is all done, just waiting for clearance from the label and that’ll be on the market in a couple of months.”
“I’m sure that’s great, but I’m worrying about you as individuals, not as rockstars and company,” Ellen smiled sadly at you. “You know that, right?”
You melted inside and nodded, letting your defenses down. “Yeah, I get that.”
“Okay, well, let’s go move some tables while everything cooks,” Ellen said, guiding you out to the main room of the bar and grill.
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The day became a whirlwind of small talk and easy smiles, faces you remembered but names you couldn’t really recall. Just after three Garth showed up with his wife Bess and little girl in tow to give you and Ellen a chance to sit down and eat yourselves. He had worked the bar through dental school and ran a small practice on the edge of town after settling down. He was always in a good mood and its genuineness thrived at the holidays. 
Ellen watched the small family fondly as she tucked into her mashed potatoes. “They’re expecting again, twins,” she confided in you.
“Good for them,” you said between bites.
A couple of older guys sat at the other end of the table, sipping coffee and talking about a mutual friend. They must not have had anywhere else to be and it made you mix of sad and proud that Ellen did this whole thing in the first place.
Nobody should be alone on Christmas.
“How are you doing? Still dragging your feet about putting more sandwiches on the menu?” you asked Ellen, changing the subject.
“Oh, I’ll do it eventually, maybe before the summer tourist season. I’ll have some more staff by then,” Ellen answered non committedly.
“But things are going good?” you pressed.
“Yeah, I mean, my back is still acting up, but can’t really complain,” she replied.
“You seen Cole around?” you asked about your elusive brother-in-law.
“Not lately, but I heard he wandered off on your sister, what a coward,” Ellen muttered.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see. He seems to get his mind on something and he can’t leave it until it’s sorted. Maybe missing Ada’s at Christmas will wake him the hell up,” you sighed.
Ellen gave you a knowing look.
“When do you want to head home? I usually wrap this up around five,” she asked.
“That works for me, no plans for the rest of the day, thank God,” you said before excusing yourself for the bathroom. The gentle croon of ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’ reverberated through the bar and the persistent ache inside you reminded you it still existed.
When you got back to the main room, Dean and Sam were there giving Ellen hugs and asking in hushed voices about what was going on. 
“You mean she didn’t tell you? I’ve been doing this for years, her too most years,” Ellen chided. 
“Hey, guys. Merry Christmas,” you said as they turned and hugged you in turn. Sam got to you first, hugging you to his chest with a quick clutch on the back of your head. Dean sauntered closer and you could tell by the look on his face it had been a hard day. You hugged him and could smell the whiskey on his breath, but trusted Sam to be the safe driver.
“You better eat now that you’re here, nobody gets served on Christmas, you understand?” Ellen laid out the law before corralling them towards the line.
Dean nodded and hid his face, shoving his hands in his pockets as you went behind the line to let Bess get off her feet. 
“Wow, Ellen, you’ve got all the fixin’s,” Sam pointed out.
“It looks amazing, thanks for letting us crash your meal,” Dean said softly.
She looked him over with her classic tough kindness. “Anytime, hon.--- Now don’t you worry about anything, let John rot in his own stubbornness, alright?”
Dean didn’t say anything, just hummed in agreement and turned his plate for you to add the gravy. You hadn’t thought you’d run into them since you were only home for a couple days, but something about being back and guessing what had been going through Dean’s mind made you feel oddly protective. And you couldn’t help but watch them both as they sat at a booth by themselves and ate in near silence. 
The remaining guests came through by themselves, occasionally two at a time. But just before Ellen was going to call it a young family came in with their three kids and little Gertie had somebody to play with as you dished up plates for them all. Ellen ducked into the kitchen for to-go containers, wanting to send some home with them before taking the rest to the firehouse.
Dean and Sam stuck around, wiping down tables and making sure everybody had a way to get to where they were going. Once Ellen had her truck loaded up, you turned to say goodbye to the boys.
Instead Ellen interrupted, “you’ll get her home safe? I’m wiped and would appreciate it.”
“Wha–I thought you were taking me?” you felt instantly guilty about pilling on to Sam and Dean’s Christmas.
“We got Trouble, it’s fine,” Sam answered over your head.
“Come here,” Ellen insisted, pulling you into another motherly hug. “Don’t forget to call me when you get back to California so I know you’re safe. That goes for you two, too!”
You held her tight and promised. “Love you.”
“Love you more,” Ellen replied, brushing the hair out of your face and thumbing your chin before pulling back to hug the boys.
You stood there next to Sam’s car and watched her pull out of the parking lot, the winter chill enough to keep you in the moment. 
“I guess we better get going,” Dean said to Sam more than to you.
“Yeah, did you still want to swing by St. Mary’s?” Sam asked quieter. Your mind spun on the idea of them going to church, but then you remembered what lay behind the aging brick building.
“Maybe we should ask her if she wants to go,” Dean said, looking you in the eye.
You swallowed and shook your head. “It’s okay, if you don’t mind dropping me off first. I know it’s in the other direction.”
“It’s fine, we’re not in a rush,” Dean answered for them both.
You climbed into the backseat, finding evidence of their cross-country trek strewn about. You pushed some wrappers off the seat and clicked your seatbelt. Sam turned down the music and double checked your parents’ address. Dean whisper-sang along with the radio while you asked them about their trip. 
It wasn’t a long ride, nothing in town was, but you hoped it was enough to even Dean out before going to see Jo. You told them you’d see them next week, double checked Dean would be back for the photoshoot to accompany his interview with Meg on the 31st, and that everyone would be going out for New Year’s afterwards. It felt ludicrous to be discussing LA excess after the humbling day you’d had, especially in the driveway of your parent’s home. Even if that was the life you all led, you didn’t want to look at it too closely.
“Alright, drive safe, talk to you soon,” you said, finally opening your door to find a familiar truck parked behind your dad’s.
“Tell your folks Merry Christmas,” Sam said. 
“Later, Trouble,” Dean added, watching you with something unsaid behind his gaze.
It turned out, Cole had shown up not long after you left, arms full of presents for everyone. And he and your sister had taken a walk to talk things out while Ada napped. Which was probably the only reason your dad hadn’t kicked him out on the spot. You sat down on the floor with Ada to open the gift Cole had brought for you while your mother’s favorite Christmas album played. 
It was a double sided picture frame, one side held Ada’s school picture and the other had a picture of the rest of your family from one of their camping weekends the previous summer. 
“I know you’re big time in LA, but figured you probably have a desk or something to put that on,” Cole said shyly. 
You felt the heat behind your eyes, but you wanted him to know where you stood, squarely on the fence about him still. “Thanks, I know just where to put it. Look at that big girl, huh, can’t believe it.”
“I am gonna be fibe Auntie Y/N. I’ve been big a long time already,” Ada said firmly.  You couldn’t help but laugh and hug her little shoulders. “I know, babygirl, I know.”
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Chapter Fourteen: Pomposo
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Jo: That was the worst thing I've ever done
Dean: Really? It's a pretty good day for me
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winchestergifs · 5 months
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5.10 Abandon All Hope Written by Ben Edlund Directed by Phil Sgriccia Original Air Date: November 19, 2009
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blondie20000 · 11 months
Saturday Night- Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle
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It was Saturday night at the Roadhouse. The place was packed with customers. Hunters from all over America came to the Roadhouse to enjoy the uplifting atmosphere and to share their stories regarding the hunts they have been on. The hunters are competitive when it comes to the stories they all determined to be the one who has the best story.
Jo rolls her eyes when she sees one hunter raise his shirt to reveal a scar that went across his left breast.
"Fucker that one was." The hunter scoffed.
"Ah yeah well one son of a bitch caught me right here." The other hunter replied as he goes to remove his belt. Before he could remove it Jo comes over and raises her hand at them.
"Hey Ryan no one wants to see your ass." She shakes her head. "This place is not a strip club."
Ryan cracked a grin.
Jo again rolls her eyes.
"Just keep it from the waist upwards okay?"
"Sure darling although I will say you are missing quite a treat."
Jo eyes him up and down.
"Says the person who is wearing size small jeans." She raises her eyebrow. "Not much there to see then I guess."
Another hunter chokes on his drink. Ryan blushed pink as Jo laughs and returns to the counter.
"Not much of a view even from here." She again laughed.
The short stocky hunter looks down at his little, thin legs and goes from pink to red with embarrassment.
"Must be a little scar then." The hunter next to him laughed.
Ryan shoots him a glare as he sits down and accepts defeat. Jo chuckles as she turns round and serves another customer. While she filled the glasses she glances over her shoulder and spots the older Winchester Dean picking up the empty glasses. She looks him over and smiles.
Now that is a view.
When Dean turned round Jo quickly returns her attention to the drinks.
"Here you go." She says as she hands two beers over.
What Jo didn't know was that Dean also has been eyeing her up whenever she had her back to him. His eyes lingered on her ass as she bends over and picks up a grate.
She wore tight jeans tonight revealing her perfectly fine petite figure. She also wore a dark green crop top showing off her belly button. Jo reminded Dean of one of those girls from Coyote Ugly he can imagine her standing on the counter and singing and dancing to the music.
An image of Jo swaying her hips to the music appears in Dean's mind.
Slow, sexy, hot.
Dean shakes the image out of his mind and carries on working.
When the time came to lock up Jo went behind the counter and rang the bell.
"ALRIGHT GUYS YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" She yelled over the noise.
The hunters gulp back their drinks and start to make their way out of the bar. Dean had to escort some of the drunk hunters out. Jo stands by the door and waves at the hunters.
"Thanks for coming! Stay safe don't get into any trouble yeah I'm talking to you Morris you don't want Mom on your back...Yeah you better stay on your best behavior hmm..." She laughs. "Alright see you soon bye bye." Jo closes the door and locks it. "Ah." She sighs and runs her hand through her hair. "What a night."
"I can't believe you do this every night." Dean shakes his head with disbelief. "My first shift and I'm already tired."
"Don't fall asleep yet Dean we still got to tidy up." Jo tosses a broom over to the hunter. "Sooner this is done sooner we can call it a night."
Dean catches the broom and nods.
"On it."
The tidying up took a while. The hunters are messy they never clean up after them. Food, spilled drinks and cigarettes are scattered everywhere. At one point Jo pulled a face when she found vomit in the sink.
Just great.
When Jo looked away Dean stared at her. When Dean looked away Jo stared at him. They continue to eye each other up both of them admiring what they saw. Jo then blushed when Dean caught her staring she ducks her head behind the table and pretends to focus on cleaning the chewing gum. Dean smirks to himself but decided to not comment on it.
Dean walks over to the pool table and finds Ash passed out on it. He goes to wake Ash up but Jo stops him.
"I wouldn't bother that pool table has become his second bed spends more time there then his own room. We just leave him to it."
"When Ash is out he is out you won't hear from him until the morning."
Dean shrugs.
"Alright then."
"Wanna help me with these crates?" Jo asks.
Dean picks up the crates and follows Jo. They go into the storage room and put the empty crates down. Jo jumped slightly when she nearly collides into Dean's chest.
"Sorry." She says. Jo looks up at his board chest. She swallows and laughs nervously. "This is a small space."
"It is."
"No idea why Mom chose this for the storage."
Jo tried to move but Dean was in her way. His form blocked most of the entrance.
"Its quite tight." Dean replied sounding awkward.
"Yeah." Jo nods. "You're right." She clears her throat. "If I can just..."
She moves but Dean also moves with her. She moves to the other side but Dean also goes to the other side. Jo huffs an annoyed sigh. Dean gives her an apologetic look.
"Its okay just umm...Step back please."
Dean did the opposite. Instead he came forward.
"You look a little flushed?" He said pretending to sound concerned.
"Its quite warm in here."
"And you are sweating too."
"Like I said its warm in here."
"I wonder why?"
Jo saw the smirk form on his face. She had to stop herself from smiling back at him.
Damm Winchester.
"This place is not gonna clean itself up come on!"
She gestures to the door.
Dean finally stepped out of the room. Once everything was tidied up and ready for the next day Jo turned off the lights and went upstairs.
She took a sneak peak into the guest room and saw Dean removing his shirt. Jo held her breath as Dean flexed his muscles. Just then Dean turns round. Jo quickly goes away from the door.
Shit shit shit!
As Jo was about to walk off Dean pokes his head out and smiles.
"Enjoying the show?"
"I didn't see anything." Jo quickly replied.
He grins.
"I was just about to get to the good part."
"I don't care." Jo folds her arms. "Maybe next time close the door."
Dean looks at her pink cheeks and smirks.
"You liked what you saw."
"Goodnight Dean."
Dean's face suddenly turned serious.
Jo turns her head and frowns at him.
Dean steps forward.
"You don't have to do this." He says.
"Do what?"
He closed the space between them. He tucks a stray of hair behind her ear. Jo sighs.
"I know you can feel it too."
His hand moves to her cheek. Jo steps away from her.
"I can't...We can't."
"So you are not denying it?"
Jo looks up at him. She looks into his green eyes that stared right into her soul. She bites her lip then few seconds later she shakes her head.
"I bet you say this to all the women you hook up with."
"You are not like the other women Jo." Dean said his voice sincere. "You are much more than that."
Jo's heart rate picked up as Dean's hand returns to her cheek.
"You are amazing." He nods. "You are a freaking badass and I...I can't stop thinking about you...you are always on my mind."
You are always on my mind. Jo thought.
Her heart flutters as Dean leans towards her. His lips inches away from hers.
"It is your choice." He whispered. "And I will respect your decision."
Jo raises her hand and places it on his cheek. They stared at each other for several moments. Then Jo leans forward and brushes her lips against his. Dean immediately responds and kisses her back.
The kiss started of slow and tender then it become more heated and passionate. Dean presses Jo up against the wall and hungrily kisses her. She moans and pushes her tongue in and rolls it along with his. Jo then bit down on his lip. That sent a shudder through the older Winchester. Eventually they both break away from each other needing to catch their breath.
Shortly after Jo takes Dean's hand and leads him into her bedroom. Dean paused at her bedroom door.
"Are you sure?" He asked his voice quiet.
Jo nods.
"I'm sure."
"What about your Mom?"
"She's not here right?" A smirk forms on Jo's lips. "We got the whole place to ourselves." She raises her eyebrow. "You are not gonna chicken out now are ya?"
Dean grins.
Within a few strides Dean wraps his arms around Jo and lifts her up from the floor. Jo wraps her legs around Dean's waist as he carries her to the bed. He then gently lies her down.
He kisses her belly button and rolls his tongue along her exposed flesh. Jo shivered at the touch. Dean then tugs at the top demanding for it to come off. Jo smiles and removes the top. Dean climbs on to the bed and continues to kiss her body.
"This needs to go." He mumbled against her.
Dean swiftly removes the bra and discards it to the side.
"That's better." He smiled.
Jo turns her head to give him better access. Dean sends a trail of kisses along her neck all the way down to her breasts. He latched on to one of her nipples and sucks hard at it. Jo moans. Dean then bites down on her other nipple causing her to cry out.
"Fuck!" She hissed.
He gives her a smirk followed by several kisses along her stomach.
His hands then go on her belt. He removes the belt and quickly pushes down her jeans. Jo kicks the jeans away.
Dean grasps the hem of her panties. He then looks up at her.
"Are you sure?"
Jo nods.
"Yes." She said her voice trembling slightly.
This is one of the things Jo liked about Dean. Other men would be eager to get inside her but Dean however made sure that she was okay with this he wanted them both to be on the same page with this. Dean respected her, treated her as a equal.
He is not like any other man. Jo smiled to herself.
Dean Winchester is a sweetheart.
Jo loved him for that.
This time Dean slowly pulls down her panties. He held his breath as he takes in the view.
Jo laid on her back exposed and naked. She has removed her layers for him she has opened the door and let him in. Dean felt honored to have this opportunity with her. He meant it when he said she wasn't like the other women. Jo is a strong, independent woman who Dean loved and respected. She made him laugh and they are a good team whenever they work together. He wouldn't change her in anyway. To Dean, Jo Harvelle is perfect.
That is why Dean planned to make this a special night for her.
Dean gently strokes her thighs. He breathed in her scent as he again kisses her and shows her how much she means to him.
"So beautiful." He whispered in her ear.
Jo blushed at the compliment. Dean smiles at her reaction.
She can be so cute.
Dean then lowers himself until he is facing her vagina. He runs his finger around her folds and teases her entrance. Jo grits her teeth.
"God damm it Dean!"
"I aim to please." Dean smirked at her.
Jo suddenly gasps as Dean sticks his finger inside her. Another gasp escapes her lips as Dean sticks another finger inside her. The hunter started to thrust her with his fingers. He pumps her harshly and enjoys the sweet sounds that came spilling from her lips.
Jo arched her back and began panting his name. She squealed as Dean picked up the pace. Sweat poured down Jo's face and her legs shook uncontrollably. She kept calling out his name with both happiness and pleasure.
"Dean...Dean oh God yes...YES!"
Dean enjoyed her reaction. The way she said his name was like music to his ears.
Eventually Dean removes his fingers. Jo whimpered at the loss of contact. Dean slowly licks his fingers in a seductive manner. He then smirks at Jo's tormented expression. He can see this is killing her.
"Don't worry I shared some for you."
He puts two of his fingers up against her lips. Jo opens her mouth and welcomes him inside her. She then sucks on his fingers. She can taste the saltiness from the cum and feel his rough skin rubbing against her tongue.
Jo takes the fingers out of her mouth. She rests his wet hand against her warm cheek. Jo narrows her eyes at him and her lips form into a wicked grin. She then turns and kisses his hand followed by a series of kisses along his jaw down towards his chest.
"Someone has been working out." She grinned at his abs.
"The monsters like to keep you on your feet." Dean replied.
She chuckled at that.
"Which one wears you out the most?"
"I don't know every hunt I've been on is pretty much fucking exhausting."
"I have some serious competition then."
Jo gently pushes Dean down on the bed. She climbs on top of him and smiles down at him. Dean looked surprised by the sudden change of position.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
Jo kisses his cheek.
"I'm all in. You?"
Dean smiles.
"Always babe always."
Jo brightened at that.
Jo moves her hands to his waist and begins to remove his jeans. Dean's breathing picked up as Jo slides her hand down his boxers. She brushes her fingers against his manhood. Her touch caused him to tense up. Jo pulls his boxers down and marvels at the sight of his dick.
Wow. He's huge.
"Damm Winchester how do you keep that hidden?"
Dean shrugs and gives her a smug smile. Jo scoffs and shakes her head with amusement.
She then wraps her hands around him and starts to stroke his length. Each stroke sent a jolt of electricity through him. Dean felt so alive right now.
"Jo." He moaned her name.
With the cock still in her hand Jo positions herself on top of him. She then slowly leads him inside her. Both of them gasp as he goes inside her.
Jo starts to rock on him. She picks up the pace as her confidence grew. Dean picks up his hips and meets her with each thrust. He holds on to her waist and supports her all the way.
"That's it that's it babe you got it." Dean praised her.
Jo soaked up the praises he gave her. In exchange she gave him tons of kisses. Each kiss showed how happy and grateful she was to do this with him. Jo trusted Dean. Right now Dean made her feel safe and secure. She also felt empowered she cherished the strength that he transferred on to her.
Jo felt the fire reach the bottom of her belly. She knew she is close with Dean's tight expression she guessed he is close as well.
"Dean I need to..."
"Same." Dean said reading her mind. He reaches out ans grasps her shaking hand. "We'll do it together."
The warmth in his green apple eyes made Jo weak to her knees. Seconds later she lets out a cry and lets it all out. Dean follows shortly afterwards. He abruptly turns over and spills all over the sheets. Dean then groans and flops his head back on the pillow.
"Fuck." He cursed.
Jo takes several deep breaths. She wipes the sweat from her brow and shakes her head.
"Damm." She said to herself.
Dean opens his arms towards her. Jo accepts the invitation and snuggles into his chest. He wraps his arms around her.
"I'm beat." Dean laughs a little. "Got me good there Jo."
She gives him a goofy grin.
"I did tell you before I am excellent shooter."
Dean again laughs. He leans forward and kisses her hair.
"This is nice." Jo said quietly.
"It is." Dean agreed.
She turns her head towards him.
"So what now?"
Dean strokes her chin.
"Its up to you." He answered softly. "Like I said before I will respect your decision."
She kisses him.
"Such a gentleman." She teased him.
He kisses her back.
"I know." He said with a cocky grin.
The humor vanishes from Jo's face. She sighs heavily.
"Give me time to think it over okay?"
Dean nods.
"Take all the time you need."
Ash abruptly wakes up and nearly hits his head on his table.
"Wha..." He glances at the clock. "Oh." He coughs and scratches his armpit. "Morning already?"
"Ash." Jo waves at him from the counter. "Breakfast."
"Okay just give me a sec."
Ash quickly checks himself in the mirror before joining the others at the table. Dean is cooking while Jo is sat at the table.
"Morning Ash." Dean greets him.
"Morning Dean." Ash nods to him. "Jo."
"Dean is making pancakes."
"Oh great." Ash sits next to Jo. "Love me some pancakes."
He rubs his hands and waits for his plate.
"Here you are."
Dean puts the plate in front of Ash. Ash thanks him and begins to pick up his knife and fork. He then noticed something when Dean went to give Jo her plate. Jo immediately turns pink in the face when Dean's hand accidentally brushes against her arm. She smiles awkwardly at him. Dean gives her a small nervous smile before going off to make more pancakes.
What the Hell was that about? Ash frowned.
Jo happily cuts into her pancake and starts eating it. She hums with delight.
"Someone is in a good mood." Ash says.
Jo shrugs.
"Pancakes are good."
"Jo nobody is ever in a good mood in the morning."
"And nobody ever sleeps on the pool table every day." Jo replied.
"I'm just having fun." Ash raises his eyebrow. "Did you have some fun last night with Dean?"
Jo chokes on her orange juice.
"Uh." She wipes her mouth with a tissue. "What...um...What do you mean?"
"Oh God." Ash's eyes widen with realization. "You didn't."
Jo looked confused.
"Did what?"
"Oh boy." Ash waves his arms around. "In here you did it in here!"
"Your Mom is gonna kill you..Hell she's gonna kill all of us!"
"Ash!" Jo hissed at him.
Ash went silent.
"Nothing happened." Jo glares at him. "Understand?"
Ash laughs.
"You think she won't find out?"
"She won't."
"Oh she will. Your Mom has like this sixth sense when it comes to things like this trust me she will find out. I don't wanna be here when that happens Hell no."
Jo sighs heavily. Ash looks at her with curiosity.
"So are you and Dean like a thing now?"
"I don't know." She admitted her voice quiet.
"Oh well umm I don't know if this will help but I think you guys would make quite a cute couple." He smiles sheepishly. "You always had something there between the both of you it was only a matter of time before you umm did the deed." He shakes his head. "You could have done it in the motel down the road not here God..."
"Ash seriously?"
"And my pancakes are gonna get cold." He stabs his fork into the pancake and bites into it. "Perfection Dean perfection." He said with his mouth full.
"Thanks Ash."
Jo pinched the bridge of her nose.
Dean sits down opposite and frowns at her.
"You okay?"
Jo smiles.
"I'm good."
Ash snorted. Jo glares at him. Ash mouths "She will find out." Before returning to his food.
Ellen and Sam arrived later in the afternoon. They all hugged each other.
"How was he?" Dean asks.
Ellen smiles and nods at the younger Winchester.
"Good as gold."
"Just made some burgers." Dean says.
"Great I'm starving."
"Sammy I made you your rabbit food as well." Dean calls over his shoulder as he goes into the kitchen.
Sam rolls his eyes and follows his brother.
Everyone talked about general stuff as they ate. Jo told Ellen about Ryan last night. Ellen laughs and shakes her head.
"Crazy son of a bitch."
"They like to show off." Jo agreed.
Once everyone has finished their food Dean takes the plates and begins to wash them in the sink. Ellen joins him with two bottles of beer in her hands.
"Have to say Dean you outdid yourself with this food. Nice job."
Dean accepts the bottle and smiles at her.
"Thanks Ellen."
Ellen takes a swig from her bottle. She then leans on the counter.
"If you ever break my daughter's heart I will kill you."
Dean's eyes widen by her sudden change in tone. Ellen gives him a stern look. The look she gave him made Dean gulp.
Shit she knows.
Dean puts the bottle down.
"I would never hurt her." He says.
Ellen slowly nods.
"I know."
Dean saw a ghost of a smile go across Ellen's lips. She then places her hand on his arm.
"I got my eye on you Winchester."
Dean wasn't sure if the older Harvelle was joking or not. Ellen does a salute with her bottle before joining the others for a game of darts.
"She knows." Dean whispered to Jo.
"Shit." Jo glares at Ash. "Was it you?"
Ash raises his hands.
"Didn't come from me I told you...you can't keep nothing from her."
"What did she say?" Jo asks.
"I think she's okay about um us." Dean nods and smiles nervously. "Well she also threatened to kill me but umm..."
He laughs. Jo curses to herself.
Damm it Mom.
"I'm sorry Dean."
"Its okay your Mom is just looking out for you."
"Dean." Ellen raises a dart. "Me vs you?"
Dean swallows.
"Go on Dean." Sam grinned.
Ash nudges Dean with his elbow.
"Good luck." He says.
Dean laughs.
"I think I am gonna need it."
Dean again swallows as Ellen hands him the darts.
"May the best one win." Ellen smirked.
Dean looked scared. It amused Jo how much her Mom scared him.
As Dean takes his place in front of the board Ash leans towards Jo and asks.
"So now your Mom knows...Have you made a decision yet?"
Jo snorted as Dean cautiously moves past the older Harvelle.
"Depends if he survives."
Ash chuckles.
"Good point."
"On a serious note..." Jo smiles. "I think I will consider it."
Ash smiles at her.
"That's good to hear. I'm happy for you guys."
Jo beamed at him.
"Thanks Ash."
She nudges him in the arm in an affectionate manner. Ash returns the gesture.
Later Dean returns to his seat. Jo smirks at him.
"You look like you seen a ghost."
"Your Mom is more terrifying than a ghost."
Jo laughs.
"So..." Jo gives the hunter a shy smile. "Fancy umm going out tonight? Mom is giving me the night off."
Dean brightened at that.
"Has to be local otherwise Mom will hunt us down."
"Oh trust me I do not plan to get on her bad side. Hell no."
"There's this nice Mexican restaurant." Jo suggests.
Dean nods.
"I'll pick you up at 8?"
Jo grins.
"Hey Dean." Ellen calls out. "Fancy another round?"
Dean forced a smile.
"Sure Ellen."
But in his head Dean mentally groans.
The End
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acecroft · 23 days
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