#Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez
comment-exchange · 10 months
304. What We Have Right Before (Shetland)
Title: What We Have Right Before Us
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49008226/chapters/123641908
Platform: AO3
Creator: GreyGullHaven
Work Type: Fanfic
Fandom: Shetland
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Duncan Hunter/Jimmy Perez
Word count: 1274
Warnings: M/M relationship
Number of comments: 1
Completion Status: One shot complete
Short summary/description: The Dad and Stepdad relationship has always been an interesting balancing act. Duncan and Jimmy have navigated those waters for years. But is there more bubbling under the surface? Can they be more than the dad and stepdad? Is it possible? It is time for them to finally have that talk and find out!
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adaptationsdaily · 1 year
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SHETLAND (2013 - PRESENT) Douglas Henshall as Jimmy Pérez & Mark Bonnar as Duncan Hunter
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shetlandfics · 10 months
How Shetland accidentally became all about the Shusbands
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when I first started watching shetland, it took me entire season to realize perez and duncan arent together. The chemistry was screaming husbands.
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chrissiewatts · 2 years
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SHETLAND (2013-)  | 7.01
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i think my favourite jimmy/meg moments in shetland were that bit where they hugged for no reason? or, you know, raised a child together? or where she lived with him for several seasons? or when they cooked together in their shared house or that bit where he gave her ALL his life savings to start a business just so she’d stay on the islands or - *takes deep breath* - possibly the time where he put his whole CAREER on the line to keep her out of jail and then she literally went to the station and turned herself in just to keep him out of trouble and then WENT TO PRISON for him? wasn’t that amazing? what a well-written ship i’m so glad they’re canon. wait
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greygullhaven · 10 months
What We Have Right Before Us
New Shetland Fanfic! Hot off the Press!
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The Dad and Stepdad relationship has always been an interesting balancing act. Duncan and Jimmy have navigated those waters for years. But is there more bubbling under the surface? Can they be more than the dad and stepdad? Is it possible? It is time for them to finally have that talk and find out!
Please read and would love to know what people think of my first Shetland fic :D <3
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justkellme · 1 year
So I’ve had time to sit with it and I still think it would have been way better to use Jimmy going to live with Duncan off Shetland as way to get that all tied up nicely. Because guys the CHEMISTRY
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That has got to mean something when you call your BFF and daughter's other father the name of your wife.
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Jimmy is looking to the future, and starting to realise he should maybe be listening to his heart rather than his head
Written for day three of Shetland Fic Fest 2023 for the prompt "season 7 fix-it" because it had to be done
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greenapricot · 11 months
For the wip ask game, I obviously want to know more about ALL of these, but I've got to go with werewolf duncan/winged jimmy (Shetland) because I am very intrigued 👀👀👀
According to my notes this is set in the same universe as Wolf at the Door (in which James is a werewolf) but it's not a crossover, and Jimmy isn't actually winged. The premise is that though there are no large land mammals native to Shetland, there are werewolves, especially in certain outlying islands with close-knit communities that have been protecting each other for centuries.
During certain times of year lycans come from all over the world to gather on those remote islands (mostly unbeknownst to non-lycans) and one night Jimmy hits a wolf with his car (if wolves are too injured they can't turn back to human right away).
At this point it's really just a bunch of notes and a few lines of dialogue that aren't necessarily connected to each other, but I do love the idea and the angst potential. Here's a snippet:
“That’s not a dog,” Duncan says. Jimmy’s having a bad night, this dog that Duncan is claiming isn’t a dog is having an even worse night since Jimmy hit it with his car hard enough to stun it. He’s not in the mood. “Oh, what is it then, a horse?”  “No, Jimmy, it’s— she’s a wolf.” “There aren’t any wolves in Shetland.” Duncan shakes his head. “Not that kind of wolf,” he says, eyes imploring, as if he’s divulging a secret he doesn’t want to let on. But that can’t— Jimmy looks towards the sad creature on the kitchen floor then back to Duncan. “Lycan?” “Aye.” Duncan nods, looks away. “And you know this because?” Jimmy has to ask but he already knows he doesn’t like the answer. “I can smell her.”  Jimmy sighs and runs his hand over his face. “Duncan.”  Duncan shrugs, eyes glued to the floor. “Sorry.”  “How long?” “Twenty years give or take?” Jimmy sits down in the chair behind him as if his strings have been cut. “Fuck. Twenty years? So is Cassie?” “Lycanthropy isn’t sexually transmitted. But no, I was bitten while Fran was pregnant.”
Ask me about my wips
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shetlandfics · 8 months
Shetland series 4 through Tom Morton's slash goggles
Shetland-based journalist Tom Morton hates Shetland (the tv show) but also ships Duncan and Jimmy.
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mywingsareonwheels · 2 years
Comments on “Shetland” season 7 now it’s full aired
Here be spoilers
So first of all, the things I liked:-
- above all: the Lloyd subplot and it’s resolution and why Jimmy left. That was powerful as fuck, and beautiful, and perfect to Jimmy’s character, and a gorgeous bit of subversion for a cop show. He left the police on his own terms, and in order to save an innocent (and awesome!) Black man from the US criminal justice system and general injustice. I loved it, and their scene in the cell was magnificent. <3 I can forgive a lot that I didn’t like about the season for this, because it was the best possible way that Jimmy - whose compassion and recognition of the humanity of others has always been one of the best things about him - to exit the police and the show. Choosing what’s right above what’s legal. Also I really, really liked Lloyd. <3 I hope he has a fantastic life in Norway, or wherever he chooses to settle.
- the scenery continued glorious, obviously.
- Tosh’s character development, and her being left in charge. <3 <3 <3
- Sandy getting to be competent! Billy getting a bit more to do!
- Rhona coming back. <3
- the hugs!
- the wee wallet thief. <3
- by the end of the series I really did care about Connor’s family.
- that first scene between Jimmy and Duncan was good.
Things I did not like:-
- ugh, Meg. I didn’t like her (she came across as desperately callous at times, especially, in wild contrast not just to Jimmy but to most other characters), I didn’t like how she was written, I didn’t like that we never really learned anything about her interests, and above all I hated the Designated Heterosexual Romanceness of it all. I never got the impression that she and Jimmy were particularly into each other, let alone massively in love. The final scene was embarrassingly poorly-written and neither actor seemed that convinced by what they were saying. And no I really am not saying that just as a Jimmy/Duncan shipper! I knew a het romance ending was likely, I just wanted some actual fricking care and attention given to it being a good and convincing romance with actual things in common and chemistry. It’s not like Jimmy’s not had at least some with potential female romantic partners before! Asha especially. That Meg got the family theme music that’s only been used up to now for Cassie and Duncan after, what, 3 extremely lacklustre dates, was just insulting.
- and honestly, would it have been so bad if Jimmy had left the profession and had one final scene with Cassie at the end, bookending the show? Het romance is not the definition of a happy ending or of emotional resolution.
- almost no Duncan, and almost no Cassie. I know there were practical reasons for this (Mark getting double-booked due to the pandemic timing changes; Erin having mostly left acting as a profession). But they both could have been *mentioned* far far more. Jimmy’s family has always been one of the best and most interesting things about him. Cassie was the most important person in his life prior to this season, and Duncan his best friend and someone he was willing to go to prison for in season 6. Why didn’t we get at least Jimmy’s end of a phone call to Duncan to reassure him after the caravan explosion? Why didn’t the two scenes with Cassie have more emotional content? UGH.
- so little Cassie and the total misfiring of the Meg arc meant that well-written female characters were in frustratingly short supply this season, Tosh and Connor’s mother aside. So much more could have been done with Connor’s sister and her wee goth friend, e.g..
- just generally, Duncan was done dirty. After all his growth and changing for the better, that’s how the show leaves him?! After that beautiful arc that resolved in season 5? I mean life isn’t always fair, nor does fiction have to be, but... it feels like he’d redeemed himself and then got wildly punished anyway. And then just ignored.
- the eco-terrorism plot was frustrating in the extreme.
- so much more could have been made of the Shetland folklore angle of things and I really hoped it would be.
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greydawnrising · 11 months
I've finally gotten around to seasons 6 and 7 of Shetland and...maybe it's just the shipper in me, but it feels like they introduced Meg simply because Jimmy and Duncan were getting a little TOO close.
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philleegirl · 2 years
Some thoughts on Shetland s7e1. Or at least on what my mama called the Soap Opera-y bits. (Ie, the best bits)
The back of the neck shots! Beautiful throwback to that menacing scene with Donna at the kitchen counter staring daggers into Duncan's neck.
Also, that first scene! The awkward but loving looks between them. And still co-parenting Cassie, even though she is all grownup. I love them both calling each other out on their bullshit, too.
Even though he knew that it could turn the tribunal against him, Jimmy still had to defend Duncan. Also, I love the way Jimmy says Duncan Hunter.
Tosh looks so incredibly happy and settled and peaceful. (It is really nice that the time jump means that Allison doesn't have to wear a pregnancy belly after having to hide two pregnancies.)
Seems so weird seeing Jimmy alone in the house.
The Billy and Jimmy moment was so cute!
Okay, Meg definitely knows that there is something between/important about Jimmy and Duncan. Otherwise you don't suggest going to Duncan's bar for a first date! Plus, you don't not at least go for a hug from a guy you have been chasing that hard. Also, I think the only reason Jimmy took her out is that Duncan made him promise to do it. And the "So fucking stupid" was addressed towards Duncan and himself for going along with it, but of course that is just my shipper's belief.
Love Donnie taking the baby to Duncan's like he is used to being there, but Donnie if you hurt Tosh, we will hurt you!
Okay, Donnie, you are slightly off the hook, maybe even more than slightly.
Meg is right about him not wanting to get hurt, but she doesn't get that he is pining for Duncan and their former life.
Finally, why did Jimmy give Sandy such a sad look about the body? Is Kate Kilmuir in this series?
Not enough Duncan
Definitely not enough Cassie
Too much Meg (sorry I am biased)
Lovely amount of Billy, but could be more
Happy Tosh is amazing, but can we find out the baby's name please?
Killing James off was a cop out. Sorry, but it was.
And how the feck is Sandy still a cop?!?!
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thursdaysbagman · 2 years
Would like to announce I have sold my soul to Jimmy Perez and Duncan Hunter
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