kierancampire · 1 year
I just went to give my electricity reading and it has jumped up SUPER high from last time, to the point E.on made me verify i did it correctly. I'm so scared about how much they are going to charge for this, but i dunno my electricy jumped up so much from last time? Like, that's my meter to show i did it correctly, my gas only went up by 1 number, yet my electricity by about 160?
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For instance, that's past month, i dunno how my electricity shot up so much in one month?
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bdpst24 · 2 months
A zöld jövő és 25 millió forint a tét az E.ON Föld bajnokai pályázatán
A zöld jövő és 25 millió forint a tét az E.ON Föld bajnokai pályázatán
Óvodai és iskolai közösségek fenntarthatósági ötleteit várják Az E.ON Hungária Csoport második alkalommal hirdeti meg „Föld bajnokai” elnevezésű pályázatát, melynek célja a gyerekek környezeti fenntarthatóságra nevelése  A pályázatra gyerekekből, tanárokból vagy szülőkből álló iskolai és óvodai közösségek jelentkezését várják, akik elkötelezetten tennének a szebb, zöldebb jövőért  A legjobb…
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E.ON Sonntags-Matinée ART TALK
Der angesehene Düsseldorfer Fotograf Robert Freund und die in Amerika bekannte Künstlerin Hildegard Christina Risse folgten der Einladung der Presseagentur TEXTSCHWESTER Düsseldorf und nahmen an der ersten Kunstveranstaltung des Jahres 2024 teil – dem ART Talk in der E.ON Hauptzentrale in Essen. Dieses Foto zeigt die in Amerika bekannte Malerin Hildegard Christina Risse gemeinsam mit Fotograf…
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eurekadiario · 9 months
E.On, NextEra, Antin… Así huyen de la inseguridad jurídica española las grandes empresas energéticas
Al igual que ha hecho Ferrovial, muchas empresas del sector renovable han hecho las maletas.
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El fiasco de las primas otorgadas al sector de las energías renovables sigue desarrollándose. Esta semana hemos conocido que la justicia británica ha autorizado el embargo de varios bienes y activos del Reino de España, entre ellos la indemnización por la catástrofe del barco Prestige o la sede londinense del Instituto Cervantes. Pero estas medidas excepcionales son solo el comienzo de un proceso que puede extenderse y agravarse en los próximos meses, puesto que las empresas e inversores afectados tienen claro que el gobierno de Pedro Sánchez insistirá en incumplir las resoluciones de los arbitrajes internacionales, manteniéndose de tal manera como un gobierno a la altura de regímenes como el venezolano.
De momento, la AIREF estima que las indemnizaciones derivadas de procedimientos ya resueltos ascienden a 1.175 millones de euros. Sin embargo, puesto que hay cerca de una veintena de laudos pendientes, la cifra final puede situarse en el entorno de los 2.000 millones. No sorprende, pues, que los inversores internacionales se lo piensen dos veces antes de invertir en un país lastrado por la inseguridad jurídica que genera la política económica del gobierno.
No es de extrañar, pues, que muchas de las empresas de referencia en el ámbito de las energías renovables hayan optado por hacer las maletas y huir de España, de igual forma que han hecho compañías de otros sectores como Ferrovial. Los tres ejemplos que siguen son ilustrativos del problema que estamos enfrentando:
- Entre los procesos que se están dirimiendo, hay un reclamo de 600 millones de euros que se corresponde con la denuncia presentada por la alemana E.ON. Se trata de una de las principales compañías del sector energético y protagonizó un sonado proceso de OPA a Endesa. La firma abandonó el mercado español en 2014 y solo mantiene actividad testimonial en nuestro país, limitada a un pequeño proyecto en las Islas Canarias.
- Otra firma de gran tamaño que dejó de operar en nuestro país a raíz de este fiasco fue NextEra. Se trata de una firma estadounidense que genera ingresos por más de 18.000 millones de dólares, emplea a casi 15.000 trabajadores y figura entre las 200 empresas más grandes de Estados Unidos, según la Lista 500 de la revista Fortune. NextEra hizo las maletas hace nueve años y no ha vuelto a invertir en suelo español. En su caso, la compensación pendiente de pago asciende a 290 millones de euros.
- También ha replegado su presencia en nuestro país el fondo de infraestructuras Antin. Fundado en París, en el año 2007, tiene una cartera de activos bajo gestión de más de 30.000 millones de euros. En su caso, las denuncias presentadas contra el gobierno de España resultaron en el reconocimiento de una compensación de 110 millones de euros que también sigue pendiente de pago.
Todo esto explica lo ocurrido el pasado mes de noviembre, cuando el ministerio de Transición Ecológica puso en marcha una subasta para la instalación de 3.300 MW de potencia fotovoltaica y eólica. De esta cifra, solo se cubrió un ínfimo 1,3%, dejando prácticamente desierto el proceso y poniendo de manifiesto la espantada generalizada que ha provocado la inseguridad jurídica española entre las empresas e inversores del ramo. De modo que, más allá del discurso verde del Ejecutivo, la cruda realidad es la de un país que espanta a las principales compañías del ramo.
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bauerntanz · 2 months
Die Stromwende zahlt sich aus.
Die #Stromwende zahlt sich aus. Doch die Stadtwerke #Lingen müssen günstiger werden.
->Die Stromwende zahlt sich aus <- Auch wenn große Versorger und einige Stadtwerke, darunter leider auch die Stadtwerke Lingen, die Erhöhung der Netzentgelte nutzen, um die Strompreise nicht zu reduzieren sondern in Kürze gar zu erhöhen, beweist der Strom-Markt derzeit etwas anderes: Auch heute (16. Februar) gab es wieder sehr niedrige Strompreise im Großhandel. Im Tagesschnitt waren es 6,11…
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Christoph in a new ad for e.on!
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christophfanalways · 4 days
Christoph Waltz in the new E.ON video - English version!
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boiboiperson · 4 months
FELLAS there is a video from phase 4 of Murdoc talking about that Gorillaz × E.ON advert and there's an amazing quote where he goes "Thing is, these days, I'm not just a feminist. I'm an environmentalist too! Yeah!" It's fucking beautiful but I CAN'T FIND THE VIDEO ANYWHERE DOES ANYONE KNOW IT PLEASE I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEES
OML I FOUND IT it's a promo clip you can find it near the end of a complination of all of the mocap interviews of that phase
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pugpugpusheen · 6 months
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Concept cover art for gorillaz x e.on
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convertgrapeling · 2 years
Don't Pay UK has set another target date for people to stop paying energy bills - this time it's 1 December. This action is intended to target the unaffordable cost of energy in the UK which is expected to lead to fatal consequences this winter.
Last time Don't Pay UK attempted to organise this, it was really frustrating that so many people spread false information, so here's a basic FAQ:
(1) What about people on prepayment meters who get cut off when their credit runs out?
For this reason, people on prepayment meters are not being asked to take part in this action.
(2) What if I'm not on prepayment meter, but my energy company cuts off my electric or gas when I stop paying?
Energy companies give people multiple chances to pay. It's extremely rare for them to cut people off, and the more people stop paying the more they will struggle to respond. In any case, they cannot cut you off without giving you 28 days after the payment was due, offering you a prepayment meter, trying to arrange a payment plan and going to court for a warrant. All this takes time, and people regularly extend that time by submitting new meter readings because then they have to recalculate the bill. There is safety in numbers and the action does not go ahead unless a lot of people sign up.
(3) Will it work?
It worked with the Poll Tax in the 1980s. Non-payment campaigns have the power to be more effective than protest, because of the direct financial consequences. And we already know that companies like E.On were concerned about this campaign costing them cash, cos they wrote to the government complaining about it. But in any case what do we have to lose?
Sign up here:
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bdpst24 · 2 months
3000 gólyapár fészkelhet idén az E.ON oszlopain
3000 gólyapár fészkelhet idén az E.ON oszlopain
Az év madarát költőládák kihelyezésével védik Új gólyafészek-tartók kihelyezése, fészek-kikönnyítések, a megrongálódott fészkek javítása és madárbarát hálózati burkolatok – így teszi biztonságossá a gólyák költését az E.ON A ragadozók – egerészölyvek, baglyok, héják – is előszeretettel használják a szigetelt oszlopok nyújtotta magaslati kiülőpontokat A legnagyobb Pest megyei hulladéklerakónál,a…
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Thursday already? I am buzzing for my weekend. How about you? Have I got big plans? Of course not but I’ll be just as happy doing sod all!
Had another brilliant day on campus yesterday. I love my Wednesdays! The students are such good fun! Having said that, I put on a good show and leave the place exhausted! We’ve got a three-week Easter break now. “We’re going to miss you!” said one of my students. Who the hell says that? I felt flattered. It made me smile. What’s my secret? Debate. Good students enjoy a good debate.
The front page of yesterday’s Standard read, “Shock rise in inflation.” Who was shocked? Were you shocked. I certainly wasn’t shocked! My grocery bill on Tuesday was £101 and I came out of the supermarket with nothing! Mick Lynch finally got his boys and girls an improved pay offer, but will it keep up with rising inflation? Unless somebody sorts out this country, Mick may have to organise another strike? And my friends at e.on next have told me that my energy bill is going up again. What a surprise! Months ago, I told you prices were going up again in April. According to Twitter, OFGEM is “Britain’s independent energy regulator, protecting consumers by working to deliver cleaner, cheaper homegrown energy.” Do you feel protected? I certainly don’t! Like the BBC, another organisation in the pocket of the government.
As my friend, Dr. Louise Raw commented yesterday, “… no trace of the lovable, bumbling schoolboy act now.” As former Prime Minister Boris Johnson began shouting at the Privileges Committee, we could all see he was rattled. ‘White privilege’ is being able to do what the f*ck you want and being able to get away with it. Cheat, rob, steal, even kill, white privilege allows you to get away with it, and some people get very upset when their white privilege card doesn’t work for them. Who’s paying Boris’s legal fees? You and me. Despite the fact that he’s earned £5m from speaking engagements in the last 12 months, tax payers are footing his legal bills. He laughed in our faces as P.M. and he’s still doing it. Let’s hope for a proper resolution!
Check out a good film on Netflix called ‘Hustle’. Adam Sandler is a huge basketball fan, so I’m sure he was thrilled to make a movie with real basketball players. Ladies, try not to fall in love with the lead star, a real basketball player called Juancho Hernangómez, though I’m sure you will!
Today, I am going for a walk in my local park. It might not sound like much but, last term was so busy, I literally didn’t have the time or energy to do something I love to do. Tomorrow’s forecast is rain but 13 degrees is not cold, so I will be out and up and down those hills.
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?) I love you all.
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chinto · 2 years
What is the purpose of the U.K energy price cap
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The UK energy price cap was introduced in January 2019 and was designed to protect 11 million households from being overcharged for their gas and electricity. The cost of energy had been rising for several years, and the price cap was meant to ensure that prices didn’t continue to increase at an unsustainable rate. 
The price cap was also designed to increase competition in the energy market. By capping the prices that energy companies could charge, it was hoped that new and smaller energy suppliers would enter the market, leading to greater choice for consumers. 
The price cap has been controversial, with some critics saying that it doesn’t go far enough to protect consumers and that it will lead to higher prices in the long term. 
Energy price cap update schedule
The price cap on energy bills is usually updated every six months, based on the UK energy regulator Ofgem’s estimates of the costs faced by energy suppliers. The price cap only limits the price charged per unit of energy, not the overall bill a customer pays, which depends on overall use.
Past price cap increases and their amount
The first default tariff cap in January 2019 was £1,104, before it fluctuated over time and reached £1,277 by October 2021. In April 2022, this rose to £1,971 and the latest forecasts suggest it will increase to £3,582 in October 2022 and £4,266 in January 2023. Ofgem will now set a new cap every three months instead of every six months due to the rapid rate of change in costs. This means that prices could rise more quickly, but it also means that in the future.
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This dramatic rise has several reason 
 First, wholesale energy prices increased significantly from mid-2021 (meaning energy suppliers had to pay more to buy gas and electricity). This was due to growing global demand post-lockdown and other supply issues relating to gas in particular. 
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine inflated prices further as Russia cut gas supplies to European countries, who are themselves trying to reduce their reliance on Russian gas. Wholesale gas prices are now ten times higher than they were a year ago.
What's the effect on customers?
Energy price rises may make it difficult for some people to afford to keep their homes at an adequate temperature, known as fuel poverty.
E.on UK suggests that one in eight households are struggling to pay their bills and this number could rise to 40% by October when the new price cap kicks in.
The NHS has warned that without further government action to limit price increases, growing numbers of people will see their health worsen.
What might bills look like in the future?
The typical bill under the existing price cap is £1,971 a year, or £2,017 for the 4.5 million households with a prepayment meter.
The rise in October to £3,549, or £3,608 for those on pre-payment meters, is an 80% increase.
Analysts at Cornwall Insight forecast further increases in January, when the price cap is updated again. They say the typical bill will then be £5,386 a year and that more rises will follow.
However, Ofgem says predictions of future price cap levels are "very uncertain".
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 Here is how UWA Utility warehouse manages the energy price cap situation
In the wake of the largest energy price hike in a generation, UW is a sustainable multi-service provider that takes care of its customers.
They guarantee to beat the Government's energy price cap calculation by up to 5% , which will save customers over $20 million this year alone.
No matter if you are new to UW , or have been with them for years, they promise to keep their prices lower than the price cap.
In addition to energy , UW spread its costs across a number of essential household services.
Customers of UW can take advantage of great broadband , mobile and insurance deals.
They are offering customers the chance to beat the price cap and fix their energy prices until july 2023.
They are offering a fixed price energy tariff , available with the purchase of two or three other services , that will cost the typical customer $2,850 a year or $2,450 including the government rebate of $400.
The U.K energy price cap is designed to relieve the burden of higher energy costs for U.K households and small businesses, and help the U.K government achieve its goal of cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy. Through the energy price cap, U.K households and small businesses will be able to save about £100 per year on their energy .
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geoparduc · 2 years
És akkor így estére feldúsítottam a mai nap fejleményeivel
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blogdeinstalatii · 11 days
Promoție E.ON: Schimbă-ți Centrala Termică [Primești Detectoare Cadou]
Te-ai gândit vreodată la confortul și siguranța casei tale? E.ON Life vine cu o ofertă care îți modernizează sistemul de încălzire, dar îți asigură și protecție maximă.   În acest articol, descoperim împreună cum schimbarea centralei termice prin E.ON Life nu doar că îți eficientizează consumul de energie.  Dar vine cu un bonus pentru tine: detectoare de fum și monoxid de carbon in promotia…
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madarashirek · 13 days
Az E.ON ahol tud, segít – például Pápán a gólyáknak a fészekrakásban
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