#Fritz Binder
thebarroomortheboy · 25 days
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Along with producer Leon Schlesinger, other members of the Warner Bros. animation studio played the live-action roles: writer Michael Maltese was the security guard, animator Gerry Chiniquy was the live-action director, and manager Henry Binder was the stagehand who tosses Porky out of the soundstage. With the exception of Schlesinger, all voices were dubbed over by Mel Blanc.
YOU OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES (1940) | dir. Fritz Freleng
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aliorsboxostuff · 11 months
bob Floyd x male reader who is quiet and intimidating, only to silently become a guard dog to him
idk I haven't slept, hope this makes sense
OOOOOH THIS TURNED OUT SO NICE TBH I love grumpy x sunshine sm :(( it's such a cute trope uGHHH and writing this was such a trip lmao I loved how it turned out tbh thanks so much for the idea!! so I hope you all do too!
Note: Reader is regarded as Panther for his callsign. The fic is in a 3rd POV.
Tags: Robert Floyd/Male Reader, Bob x Male-aviator!Reader, sunshine x grumpy!!, Robert Floyd, Natasha Trace, Bradley Bradshaw, Jake Seresin, Halo, Fritz, Yale, Rest of the Dagger Squad, Maverick, Iceman, Penny, Meet-cute, First meeting, Fluff, Implied smut, kissing, making out, getting together, separation, slight angst, time skips, NOT TOO MUCH THO!, No use of Y/N, slight OOC, Background Icemav, Background Sereshaw, Background relationships, i don't know shit about fighter pilots, only did small research lmao
Bob met Panther, a dark-eyed individual who never even glanced in his direction. But that soon changes when he finally gains his friendship and the two hit it off, flying through a healthy relationship, a falling out, and a reunion. 
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The first time Bob met Panther was in basics. Panther stood a foot taller than him, with dark eyes that were only focused on the board whenever they were in class. Due to his height, Panther was situated in the back, just two rows behind where Bob usually sits. A suffocating dark air seems to always follow the man, making his classmates, including Bob, avoid him most of the time. It doesn't help that the man barely talks, it's a miracle they even knew his Callsign. 
They say he got it after someone from his old crew saw him in the middle of the night, outside of the building, with glowing golden eyes. Paired with his big build, Bob hopes the Callsign story is nothing but a rumor of some drunken crew that stumbled his way and saw Panther that night. 
It was a usual Wednesday. His class has departed to spend their lunchtime while Bob makes his way to the cafeteria, reviewing the lesson plan inside his head. While he was too engrossed in his little ramblings, he hadn't realized he bumped into someone waiting in the line in front of him. Bob immediately stops and rubs his nose which took the burn of the bump. 
“Sorry!” He quickly musters, realizing he had to incline his head in order to meet the person's eyes, and much to his surprise, it was Panther. The man raised a brow and fixed Bob with a stare that made the shorter pilot gulp. Suddenly, Panther shrugs and turns back around, as if to brush off an insignificant bug. Now that is a treatment Bob is familiar with, so he’s back to looking down into his binder while waiting for his turn.
After obtaining his lunch, he looks around for his usual table, on the far end of the large room. He smiles to himself as he spots it vacant and makes his way to his place. As he sets his tray down, a similar noise follows. Bob raises his head to find Panther, he was the one placing his tray in front of Bob. His eyes widen, panic settling in before he hears the tall man in front of him speak. “Is… this seat taken?”
To hear Panther's voice was a rarity, the man only spoke in class if their instructor specifically asked him to answer. He sounded… Timid—Far from what Bob’s expectation was. The brunette stumbles on his words, finding his voice to answer the man in front of him. 
“N-no, go ahead,” Bob manages a welcoming smile, well, he hopes it was welcoming. Panther nods, and takes his seat and so does Bob. He puts aside his binders and readjusts his glasses, a nervous habit. He finds himself looking at his tray of food, then back to his books, then to the blank table. Bob doesn't know what to do with his hands. Awkwardness surrounds both of them.
“I see you took notes of today's class,” Panther was the one who broke it. 
Bob perks, before he sheepishly nods. “Yeah its, uh- good for review,”
“Do you think… You can explain some stuff to me? I didn't really catch today's lesson…” The taller man looks to his side, then scratches the back of his neck. Behind his glasses, Bob’s eyes lit up, before he smiled and nodded, his hands already on their way to open one of his many binders.
That was the start of Bob's and Panther's friendship. He admits, he never had the best experience with his peers. Most of the time he’s left alone or is only noticed whenever they have a question, no one ever truly became close with Bob. No one’s ever picked on him, that would be childish, but then again—If you pile some humans filled with testosterone in one shower room, there's bound to be some name-calling or stink eyes. Bob has had his fair share of it, never taken it to heart, even if some days it hurts more than it looks. 
But ever since Panther spends his lunch with Bob, the other guys have chosen to leave him alone, even in the shower rooms. No one ever laughed behind his back again, those whispers whenever he was in class or passing by has also disappeared. Panther has spent the better half of his day sticking to Bob, being by his side, going where Bob is going, and only separates when they have different schedules or if he was waiting for his own turn in the rec room while Bob is in training. 
It’s been a couple of months since their initial meeting now. Bob and Panther are well into their flight training program, and are currently leading in their class grade. Two of the best in their class, with Bob having a couple of scores above Panther. 
The clock barely touched 8 PM. Panther was lounging about in Bob’s room, with his roommate being somewhere in the city, no doubt getting drunk between girls, Panther was free to roam in his best friend's room. Bob is currently on his bed, reading something from a textbook while Panther was doing nothing in particular on the floor, his long limbs strewn about. The only thing illuminating the room is the stripes of moonlight and the dim light of Bob's bedside lamp. 
“Hey Bob,” Panther calls from the floor. Bob hums. “Ever thought of getting into Top Gun?” 
Bob tilts his head slightly. He closes the textbook, putting his glasses aside before leaning on the edge of his mattress. “Maybe. Why?”
“Nah, just thought if you wanted to, you could,” Panther grins up to a confused Bob.
“What's that supposed to mean?” The brunette smiles, strands of his fringe falling into his eyes. 
“You’re smart. Smarter than all of us in class, not to mention you’re a half-decent pilot,” Bob chuckles at that, now fully leaning down to meet his friend's eyes. Panther smiles up at him. “I think you’d make it into Top Gun.”
While Bob doesn't have his glasses on, Panther's smile is just as warm, feeling it seeping into his skin. “You smile more around me,” 
Panther’s smile faltered slightly, before he suddenly sat up, supported by his arms behind him, and then they were inches apart. Bob’s eyes widen, finding how close his friend is sitting, he can practically breathe him in. The brunette blinks, swallowing a lump. “That day, the first time we talked, why did you choose to sit with me?”
Panther’s lips are parted slightly. “I just… I knew you weren't as shit as the others,” 
Bob huffs a laugh and Panther mimics it. “Really?” 
“Yeah, plus…” Panther leans closer, his voice drops into a whisper. “You were the only one worth talking to,” 
It happened so slowly. Bob closes his eyes before he feels the man's lips on his, trusting himself wholly to Panther. He feels himself being pushed, his hands scrambling to wrap around Panther's shoulders before he pushes Bob onto the bed and he climbs in himself, lips never parting. He presses and presses, until Bob's lips part and he feels Panther's tongue slips in, which makes Bob groan between their breath and pants. Bob finds himself laid beneath Panther, feeling his friend's hair between his fingers, the solid weight on top of him calms his pestering anxiety. He’s shared a kiss or two, and dated some girls and one boy, but has never gone as far as making out. But despite it all, Panther's mere existence on top of him, caging him in, soothes his worries, and is willing to follow Panther into the long night.
He’s lucky his roommate came back late because he had to kiss Panther goodbye as he sneaked back into his room, not before he heard the man groan from outside his doors; something about his roommate asking questions about last night, which made Bob laugh. 
Before Panther left, they had woken up in each other's arms, Bob had the best sleep he’s had in years. Panther was playing with Bob’s curly morning hair, before the more petite man groans and reaches numbly for his glasses, at which Panther laughs and hands it to him. Once he situated his glasses, he finds himself looking at the man on top of him, a soft smile between those addicted lips. “Morning,” He said.
“Mornin’” Bob drawls, turning to face Panther. He smiles, before pressing a kiss to Bob's temple, which Bob closes his eyes upon feeling it. Instead of pulling back, Panther stays there.
“I hope this isn't a one-time thing,” He mumbles into Bob's curls. The brunette blinks, before he pulls back to meet Panther's eyes. 
“It isn't.” So serious, so sure of his words. Bob was famous for his hesitation, for his timidness in front of his peers, but this. This, he’s confident about. 
Pather’s blank stare breaks into a smile, before he dives back in and smothers Bob with kisses, pulling him right back into his arms, and they spend the rest of the dawn just like that. 
Bob graduated on top of his class. Pather follows just behind him, but despite it, they’re both worthy of their wings of gold. 
After their graduation ceremony, after the pictures and congratulations from instructors and family members, and awkwardly meeting Bob’s cheerful parents and myriads of siblings, after meeting Panther's own family, the two finally manage to sneak away. Panther pulls Bob into the back of his Land Rover, the shorter male giggling as his boyfriend smothers him in kisses.
“I’m so proud of you,” Panther smiles, pulling back from his grinning boyfriend. Bob's glasses are askew, a wide smile on his lips. He can feel himself blushing, the steady heat spreading through his cheeks, which makes Panther lean back in to kiss him again. 
They both ended up in the back seat of Panthers Rover, entwined with each other, breathing in lungfuls, a smile on both of their lips. Bob leans to bury himself deeper into Panther's chest, feeling the warm skin beneath his fingertips. Panther hums, his arm pulling Bob closer. His other hand examines the small wing, it reflects the night's shine. 
“What now?” Panther sighs, pocketing the golden wings then turns to his boyfriend. Bob's brown eyes shine with the moonlight. 
“I don't know,” The brunette looks out of the car’s window. “Get assigned a squadron,” 
It would be the next step in their career. Panther has learned that Bob would be aiming to get into Top Gun, and he would be following Bob if he could, always one step behind him. 
Panther turns to face Bob, the aviator picking at his finger. He slowly entwines his fingers with Bob’s, making him glance up to meet Panther's eyes. The taller male softly smiles, moving a stray hair from Bob's eyes. “Wherever you go, I’ll follow,”
Two weeks after their Uranium mission, the crew has decided to hang out in the Hard Deck before some of them get shipped out into another deployment. Rooster was busy with Hangman, the two have been getting along ever since Hangman saved Rooster and Mav’s lives. They hung at one of the back tables of the Hard Deck, a bottle of beer in each other's hand. They’re standing awfully close, which makes Phoenix raise a brow.
“Let’s hope they don't break each other's heart again,” Bob snickers, picking at his cashews. 
“You don't want to take care of Roo?” 
“God no, you're lucky you weren't there for the first time,” Phoenix’s face scrunches in disgust, which makes Bob laugh. The WSO has been sticking with his pilot for most of their leisure time, mostly because he didn't know where else to go. Bob supposed he’ll follow where his next mission took him, or hope Cyclone is merciful and put him and Phoenix on the same crew. 
Coyote and Payback are playing pool, along with the others, sometimes cheering one of them on or laughing at a joke or quip the group would say. Maverick said he couldn't join the crew, something about spending his day with Iceman, which they all completely understood and cheered in their group chat. It's a particularly slow day for the Hard Deck, not a lot of patrons on this sunny Wednesday. Penny was conversing with another patron, and overall calming noon washing over Fightertown. 
The doors of Hard Deck chimes open. Bob and Phoenix are engrossed in their conversation, and despite standing on the other side of the bar, they did not recognize the customer that came in. A tall man on his peripherals is the only thing Bob notices before Phee makes him laugh and he’s back to ducking. 
“Hey there, I'm looking for a Bob Floyd?” 
The familiar voice almost gave Bob whiplash as he turned his head. And he thought he'd lost him…
The man in question walks past the bar and finds the familiar and comforting blue of Bob’s eyes. The pilot stands from his stool, taking shaky steps toward Panther. 
The last Bob ever heard of Panther was years ago, before his first deployment as they were assigned their own squadron. Bob was devastated that he wouldn't be getting the same squadron as Panther did, but with reassuring parting words, Panther promised the younger pilot that they’d meet again, one way or another. Since then, Bob has been moving from one deployment to another, meeting new people and squadrons, and experiencing different pain and happiness in his life. He got into the Top Gun program, and he met his current friends. He met Phoenix, Rooster, Fanboy and the others, but despite it all he had hoped to somehow see Panther again. 
He never considered the man to find him.
“Hey,” Panther's smile is just as blinding as he remembers it. He gives Bob a once over, spotting the outfit Bob is wearing, before he chuckles. “Never changed, huh?”
Bob follows his laugh, finding the courage to reach out to hold Panther's wrist, which makes a steady blush rise to his cheeks. Panthers laugh stutters before he clears his throat and scratches at the back of his neck.
“And you never changed too,” Panther's eyes widen a bit, before he breaks into a smile, which makes Bob grin. He brings himself to stand closer to Panther, having to crane his neck to meet the man's eyes. 
“How did…” Bob's question falters, but luckily still understood Panther.
“I found you? Well, word travels fast when you are on the same mission as Captain Maverick,” Panther smirks. Bob laughs, realizing the recent fame the crew got ever since they spent their time with Mav. If you were taught by the legendary Maverick and were on a successful mission alongside him, the story definitely travels fast.
Though, Bob's brow furrows again. “But how did you know I was here?”
“I have my sources,” Panther shrugs, making Bob pat his arm. He's still supporting those muscles that made Bob’s head spin. Bob blinks, trying to hide away his blush by suddenly pulling Panther into a hug, which makes the man laugh and wrap his arms around the shorter pilot. Panther shakes from the laughter as he rests his chin on Bob's head. Bob melts at the sound of the familiar heartbeat, the warmth Panther exudes. 
The two move apart when they suddenly hear the sound of clapping, only to find Hangman walking towards them. “Is that the Panther I see?”
Bob tilts his head, before he feels himself being shifted to stand beside the taller man. “Hangman,” 
His jaw slackens. He has never seen Panther revert back to the stone-cold gaze he once wore back in basics, not even when Bob made a mistake that Panther rightfully got angry about. Yet, right now, he has that exact face while facing Hangman. 
“I never thought I’d see the day when you're back in Fightertown,”
“Never thought I'd see your douchey-ass here again,” Panther retorts. He stands much taller than Jake, though he still has his bite despite the height difference, seemingly unbothered. Jake leans over to look behind Panther's broad shoulders, finding a confused Bob. 
“You knew him?” Jake smirks.
“We were in basics together,” Bob nods, his hand slowly reaching for Panther's arm, patting it softly. “He’s my friend,” 
Panther takes a breath, before sighing and moving aside, turning towards Bob with a frown. “Sorry, my bad,”
“It’s alright, I'm fine, Panther,” Bob smiles, pushing stray strands behind Panther's ear affectionately. 
Unbeknownst to them, the rest of the crew, including Jake, is currently looking at the two with wide eyes and jaws on the floor. Bob wasn't particularly open to touch, in fact—The only people that ever hugged him were the selected few in the Dagger Squad. Phoenix was normally seen with him, and even then she kept her distance with the backseater. And to the extent of Hangman's knowledge, the Panther he knew back in his Fighter Squadron days was a reserved and quiet guy, mostly intimidating with his height and build, but usually kept it to himself.  To see the usually scary man being so touchy with a usually not touchy-feely guy is, to say the least, odd. 
The two spent the rest of the day catching up. Bob has learned that Panther took a different route than aiming for Top Gun, and instead got deployed at some places to teach classes, the main reason why he hasn't been able to visit Fightertown. He also learned the second that he got a whiff of information that a squadron, led by Maverick, has done a successful mission and is still in Miramar, Panther booked the first flight to San Diego. He wasn't expecting to find Bob, he was hoping. 
Panther ended up listening to everything his friend dumped on him. He knows Bob doesn't easily talk, only in short replies, so he’s happy to find him still so accepting to share his life with Panther. He learns about the Dagger Squad, how he's apparently close with Maverick now, and his experience throughout the death-defying mission. Panther, regardless of it all, was glad he had Bob in one piece instead of being invited to the aviator's honorable funeral. He’s proud to hear Bob making new friends, meeting new people, and is especially interested in meeting Phoenix. 
“Oh wait, let me use the toilet, be back in a bit,” Panther places his Whiskey down, patting Bob's back as he heads to the toilets.
Phoenix immediately corners her WSO, sliding up next to him. She stares him down, bewildering Bob. “Who’s that guy and what's his deal?” 
Bob takes a second to blink. “Im- Panthers my friend,”
“He seems more than a friend, Bob,” He knew he was safe with Phoenix. He knew he was safe with everyone, because they aren't like the old folks who glare at any two guys standing too close for comfort. Hell, they have Rooster and Hangman who are currently dancing around each other. But for Bob to tell Pheonix his ‘once boyfriend’ was a bit challenging for him. But he trusts her, and she worries for him. 
“He’s my… Old Boyfriend? We never broke up, but-”
“He left you?”
“No! Phee please,” Bob sighs, readjusting his glasses. “ We got different squadrons and went our separate ways, honestly, it's a miracle he ever found me,” 
The aviator looks down at his glass, the water reflecting his longing gaze. Bob smiles. “I never stopped loving him,” 
Phoenix leans back, away from her backseater. Her eyes find the deep pools of Bob’s blues, having known him well enough to see past his usual awkward demeanor. The pilot huffs, before she looks past Bob and then stands. “I’m sure he feels the same,” 
She passes Bob then, not before patting his shoulder, then walking away. Panther passes by the pilot, the shorter lady giving him a knowing look which makes Panther's brows crease, but he takes his seat again, already turning to face Bob. 
“That’s Phoenix?” 
“Heh, yeah,” Bob answers into his glass as he sips. Panthers swivel back around, finding Phoenix next to Hangman and an unknown man who supports a great porn stache. Panther manages a small smile, to which Phoenix responds with a nod. 
“I like her,” Bob laughs.
It was well over closing hour when Penny finally pushed the crew out of the Hard Deck door, saying something about reporting them to Maverick if she had to, which made all of the squad rush out and into San Diego’s cool evening. 
Some piled into Fitz’s car, Halo went with Phoenix on her bike, Hangman is already in Roosters Bronco, which left Bob alone with Panther. The two stay on the bar's porch, watching their friends stumble into their respectful vehicle. Bob spotted the guys fighting over who drives Fitz’s car even though the only sober one was Yale at that point, which made him laugh. Halo was already clinging to a sober Phoenix, clearly babbling about something. 
Throughout the night, Panther has gotten into conversations with the squad. Hangman even offered him a match at pool, which he demolished, leaving Jake to wallow his way to Rooster, so he learned the name of the pilot with the sick stache. Panther felt welcomed amongst them, their sense of family palpable. He finds himself smiling most of the time, which freaked Jake out. And it seems they're on a first-name basis now, which Bob greatly appreciates. 
They watch as their friends pull out of the parking lot, some blasting music, others oddly calm which bothered Bob. He hopes Rooster won't actually break Jake. 
After the dust has settled and their rear lights are far off into the distance, Bob releases a sigh, smiling to himself.
“So, Bob,” Panther turns to him, making Bob tilt his head to match. “I have my Range Rover,” 
“Still the same old?” 
“The one my aunt gifted me, yeah,” Panther laughs, which makes Bob grins. He suddenly grew quiet, looking down into Miramar’s sand instead of meeting Bob. The shorter man furrows his brow, something churns in his gut. Before Panther opens his mouth, Bob beats him to it.
“I don't-” Bob takes a breath. “...What are we?” 
At that, Panther smiles easily. He reaches for Bob's hand, holding them, drawing small circles on the back of the pilot's hands. “I’m your boyfriend, if you’ll take me,” 
Then he brings Bob’s chin close, pressing his lips against him, and it’s back to basics. Back to the old dorms where Bob felt a surge of euphoria. Where he could finally let his walls be undone by the man he trusted the most. He’s missed this. Missed the easy slide of their lips, the comforting scent of Panther, the way his hand slots between the man's broad chest, how Panther pulls him closer by his hips and suddenly he’s weightless. Bob smiles into their kiss, happy to finally regain his spot between Panther's arms. 
Requests are opened! Reminder to reblog!
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Title: Carry (2022 rewritten)
Summary: A visit to a local convention goes wrong when Donnie gets overstimulated. Now it’s up to Leo to get to him and get him home
For: Helle.Horse who helped me proofread all these!
Characters: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, Splinter
Warnings: Overstimulation, Meltdown
Leo is undeterred when he turns from the novelty drink booth and sees the snack court filled with cosplayers, hipsters, and exhausted parents. He’s been going to conventions since before he could blink, so Leo quickly finds a path between the giant catbus, the five stormtroopers, and twelve vloggers talking into their phones. He weaves his way through the crowd until he catches sight of Raph’s waving hand at a corner table. “Nice spot, hermanos! Upwind of the nerds and the least amount of stains,” Leo exclaims before dumping the hotdogs, nachos, sandwiches, food, and drinks all over the table. He snatches up the large novelty cup that looks like an upside-down Jupiter Jim helmet before Donnie can take it, “Nope, sorry, Don-Tron. I called dibs.”
“Fine, whatever, I hope it was expensive.”
“Oh it was! Thanks for treating me by the way!” Leo tosses Don’s wallet back to them. They juggle it between his hands before glowering at Leo as he takes his place by Donnie. “Did you get your autograph from the Rupert Swaggert Celebrity Impersonator of the Rupert Swaggert Celebrity Impersonator,” Leo asks Mikey.
“Yeah! Just before he got into a fight with the original Rupert Swaggert Celebrity Impersonator! It was awesome!’ Mikey hugs his new autographed (slightly torn) photo to his chest before he takes out his autograph binder and places it in its new slot. While not part of the official circuit, New York Not Comic Yes Con was a pop-up convention they had heard about a few years ago. With no warning or flyers to announce it.
The con would randomly appear in back-alley hotels and convention centers and draw in nerds like moths to a flame. How they managed to have any vendors at all with such short notice (Donnie's convention algorithm gave them five hours notice at best) was beyond him, but it was full of reclusive celebrities and rare items that made Leo drool in his sleep. Finally, Raph stops chugging his walking taco and, after choking a moment, gasps for air. “Alright, men, we’ve hit the Sci-Fi Alley, the Fantasy Alley, and the Sci Fi Fantasy Alley. What’s next on our list Dee?”
Donnie, who had been counting through his wallet and shooting glares at Leo, pulls up his tech gauntlet, “Well, there’s always the Fantasy Sci-Fi Alley. And the Science Fantasy Fictional Alley. There are a few celebrities I signed up for ahead of time, you’re welcome, but there’s also Artist alley, and the Hot Gazpacho and Cold Soup live show cook-off in three hours.”
“They’re doing that again,” Leo asks. “Last time they let those two in the same convention, they-”
Before he could finish, Mikey put a hand over Leo’s mouth, “We don’t speak of it.”
“ANY WAY, it's a full schedule. We have time for a quick bite, but we gotta get back to the floor again. So, men, consume!”
With the ferocity of middle-aged coyotes attacking a pre-black Friday sale, the brothers dived back into their food. It was only after Leo tore into his fifth Korean hotdog that he noticed a distinct lack of movement from Donatello. Instead, his brother had pulled off his headphones, twisting the ear clasp and making minor adjustments. ‘You ok, Dee,” Leo asked, “Are your headphones on the fritz?”
“Yeah, they’ve been acting up ever since Yokai Mart,” Donnie looks them over, “I've fixed them in every way possible, but they keep malfunctioning at the worst time.”
Leo sits up more, looking back to the convention and its sea of noise and overstimulation, “Um, do we need to head home or..?”
“Don't you dare. New York Not Comic Yes Con only pops up once a year, and I’ll be Splinter's hairy elbow if I miss it.” Donnie gives the headphones one more twist and puts them back on. He must have noticed the concerned look on Leo’s face since he rolled his eyes, “If you’re really concerned, you can rub my shoulders. I got shoulder-checked by a Boba Fett cosplayer an hour ago, and I’ve lost feeling in my neck since then.”
“No problem!” Leo stuffs the last of his food in his mouth and scoots closer, his fingers already set to work on rubbing Don's neck. Despite Don’s nonchalant attitude, the soft shell visibly sighs and relaxes more, which is enough to let Leo know he’s doing a good job, and he focuses on that for a few minutes.
Until Mikey suddenly spits out his milkshake and points back into the convention, “THE DIRECTOR OF JUPITER JIM SAILS THE SEVEN GALAXIES IS HERE!!!”
“WHAT NO WAY!” Leo turns to see a Convention helper putting up a new sandwich board. He immediately jumps up, picks up the signal (despite the worker shouting after him), and runs back to the table to read it better. “Steven Stephen Steinburg is doing autographs in five minutes?! He never shows up to conventions! Last I heard, he was sky diving into volcanos to do research for his next film!”
“I heard he was going undercover as an undertaker for his next big movie, Undercover Undertaker!” Mikey reaches over and yanks the sign for him to show Raph, “We’re going, right? We have to! No one has seen him in public in twelve years! Not since he got into that fish slapping fight with Marcus Moncreif!”
As Raph goes to answer, there's a loud and distinct “A-HEM” that comes from the other side of the table back to Donnie. Who reaches up and waves off Leo’s message, “In case you forgot what I told you exactly twelve minutes ago, we have a packed schedule. That is when the line to the Jupiter Jim screenings opens up. They're supposed to be showing the entire Jupiter Jim prequel movie with two minutes of never before seen footage that will forever explain the toe sock debacle. And I warned you before we got here that every time you break the itinerary, I get to pick the next movie we watch, and so far, I get to pick three,” Donnie says with a smirk so villainous Draxum would be proud.
The three looked at each other in a mild panic, knowing Donnie had just bought the “science of socks, a twenty-part series” he was dying to watch. But, as usual, in a true crisis just like this, Raph and Mikey look to Leo desperately for a solution. Leo, always having a plan, gives them a grin and a wink, “How about this, Don, two of us wait in line for the screening, and the other two go meet the director?”
Donnie gave him a hard look. Despite his grin, Leo felt bad for breaking the schedule so often. Conventions were not always the most manageable landscape for Donnie to traverse. Especially one that gave them no real time to prepare for, and breaking the schedule only added to that stress. Finally, Donnie lets out an overly dramatic sigh, “Ok, fine. I know this is important to all of you, and whoever stays with me with will complain, looking at you Leo, so how about I’ll hold our spot and you three can go-”
Raph hops to his feet, “THANKSDEEYOU’RETHEBEST!! Mikey! Periscope mode to find us the most direct route to Steven Stephen Steinburgh!” Mikey scrambles up Raph’s shell and holds his hands to his eyes as binoculars.
Leo looked at his brother, “Remember Dee, if you need us, text us. Ok? Let us know if something goes wrong with your headphones.”
Donnie rolls his eyes and brings up his tech gauntlet, “Puhlease, even fritzing, my headphones are at 76% performance capacity. But if you don’t bring me back a cool gift I’m picking out the next eight movies-”
“Thanks hermano,” Leo yells as he stuffs his souvenir cup back into his backpack and runs after his brothers, barely managing to wave back at Don before he hurries not to lose track of the others.
One thing to be said about conventions was that no matter what was going on, there was going to be a long ass line. But, thanks to Mikey’s expert periscoping, they could find the fastest route through the convention and see the new ‘Stephen Steven Steinbugh’ sign just as it’s set up, putting them only twenty places in line behind the front.
But Leo quickly sidesteps to keep another stormtrooper from stepping on his foot, ‘OW! Hey Mikey, you think you can share the perch or-” But Mikey had already given him a devilish grin and laid across Raphs shoulders like an evil cat, ‘Ok, you brat.” Leo says with no venom but smacks at Mikey’s foot.
“Hey!” Raph gives him a light elbow jab, “He got there first. So suck it up like a big turtle.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Leo tilts around to peer at the time, then back to the line, “Do you think we’ll make it back to the movie in time? It wouldn’t be fair to Donnie to hold our spot the entire time.”
“Yeah, if he gets inside before we get back, he should see it without us. But we have an hour, so it should be ok?” Raph glances at him with an expression Leo recognizes a mile away, “I mean, I know he’s capable, but-”
“As long as he has those headphones, he’ll be ok.” Conventions had always been a big source of family fun in their family because they didn’t need disguises. Splinter had taken them to conventions ever since they were little, but because of the noise level, Don hadn’t always gone with them. During those times, Leo would stay home with him and have their own fun (or Leo would bug him so much that Donnie would beat him up with a pillow). But Don’s noise-canceling headphones allowed him to enjoy the conventions to the fullest without being stimulated or overwhelmed.
As the line shifts forward, Leo feels his phone vibrate in his fanny pack, but it’s already stopped by the time Leo pulls it out. Flashing the screen to see three missed calls from Donnie and frowns, “Hey guys, check your phones real fast and tell me if you have a missed call from Dee.”
The two of them look at him, confused, before they do as they are told, ”Yeah, from a minute ago,” Mikey says, holding it out for Leo to see. Raph has the same thing. But, of course, it wasn’t exactly a secret that conventions didn’t have the best cell service, and it could have easily been a buttdial.
Without hesitation, Leo steps out of line, “Guys, I’m going to go wait with Donnie and check on him. If you can, get Stephen Steven to sign my Jupiter Jim Gym Towel,” and he starts at a quick pace. Ducking and dancing around cosplayers, his phone vibrates again, but before he can answer it, the call drops again, and he doubles his speed. He recounts the path back to the screening section and picks out the long line. Usually, it wouldn’t take too long to pick out a giant, green, soft-shell turtle, but come on. They were at a sci-fi convention. They had seen twelve turtle cosplays on the way to get pretzels. Thankfully, Leo saw his brother near the front of the line, before a teenager with gauges that would make the turtle tank tires jealous, and behind Eda, the Owl Lady cosplayer. His brother was jabbing furiously at his gauntlet, his headphones hanging off his forearm. His eyes were drawn in a panic that would have sent Leo spiraling if he hadn’t taken a deep breath and taken Donnie by the shoulders, catching his attention, ”Don, what's going on? What’s wrong?”
“Hey,” the guy behind him snaps, “No cutting!” But Leo ignores him, and thankfully Don does too. His brother’s gaze was a mile away, wrapped in stress lines, and at first, Leo was not sure if Donnie even noticed him when he went back to jabbing at his gauntlet.
But he started stuttering a response, “S-something went wrong. I-I tried adjusting the-the volume, t-trying to fix them, but-then they started letting out this loud noise and I-I couldn't take it. N-now there’s nothing but noise and-and-and-and-,” Donnie desperately tries to blink away his now rapidly filling tears, “I can't breathe-”
Leo opens his mouth to say something, anything of comfort that he knew would be hollow against Donnie’s now overstimulated mind, when the guy's voice speaks again, “Hey spaz, if you’re going to cry, get out of line.”
The red slider pivots hard, his fist twisting the teen’s shirt up tightly and yanking him close so that the now terrified teen could only see into his eyes. “If I ever see or hear you talking about my brother with anything lacking the same dignity you would give someone without a disability, I will send you so far into the earth, not even the Devil will be able to find you.” Leo released the teen. In his panic, the guys already white complexion fades to ghost-like. Once Leo drops his front, the guy takes several steps back out of line before turning and taking off like he expected Leo to chase him down.
It takes Leo a moment to come back, and he takes a single deep breath. He turns his attention back to his trembling brother, who now has his hands clasped on the sides of his head. It's then Leo notices that the headphones hanging around his neck are faded. After a moment, Leo realizes they’re giving off a high-pitched noise that immediately makes him wince and hover his hands by his head. Before Leo can try and discern what's wrong with them, they give off a flicker and an audible electric spark. Leo quickly reaches forward and takes them off Don’s neck, not that Don notices. The blue brother is unsure how to turn them off and stop the noise, so he wraps them up in one of his convention t-shirts. Leo quickly puts them in his bag before they can hurt anyone. “Dee come on, let's go,” he says as he raises his hand, but Donnie shakes his head furiously.
“NO. I said I’ll wait, and I’ll wait-”
“You matter more than a stupid screening, Don.” Leo tries to recount himself and forces himself to take another breath before stepping back to Donnie. He gently puts his hands on Don's shoulders to ensure he has his attention, but not necessarily his eye contact (which he knows can be difficult for Don in situations like this). Unfortunately, Leo is more than painfully aware that Donnie is shaking so hard he could pass out. “Dee, I won't make you go. I won't take that autonomy away from you. But if you want to go, it's ok.”
He doesn’t rush Donnie for an answer. Instead, Leo forces himself to have patience through willpower alone. He had made the mistake of taking the decision away from Don regarding his mental health and meltdowns and promised not to do it again. Even if it hurt to see him struggle. Thankfully no one behind them in line is complaining or trying to move around them. Whether out of respect for the situation or fear, Leo was going to threaten them, too; he didn’t know. But Don finally looks up to him again and gives a small, barely noticeable nod.
Leo tries not to look too relieved. “Ok, bud, let's get you some air,” he says, wrapping his arm around Don's shoulders, who in turn leans heavily against him. It was far quicker to get out of the convention than it had been to get to Don in the first place, despite the fact they were not going against the tide of conventiongoers. But when they finally reach the cold New York night air, Leo first moves Donnie off to the side and out of the way of people entering the convention. As soon as they're out of the way, Donnie drops so fast Leo’s afraid he’s actually passed out. But instead, Donnie is now in a crouched position with his hands rubbing at his face. Leo quickly squats next to him, “Don, hands, hands. Remember what Dad said. Do something with your hands.'' Leo puts his hands out instinctively but stops himself from restraining Don’s hand. Thankfully Donnie starts fluttering his hands instead. When Leo’s phone starts ringing, Leo moves to kneel in front of his brother. If only to shield him from the scrutiny of people passing. He presses the back of Donnie’s head, so his face is safe in the crook of Leo’s neck as his free hand pulls his phone out and answers, “Raph?”
“Hey, what happened? Is Dee ok?”
“Don’s headphones are malfunctioning and he’s having a meltdown.” Leo gives Don a small, supportive half-hug.
“Should we come to you? We can meet you.”
Leo goes to answer but feels Donnie shake his head. Question answered. Leo starts rubbing Don’s shell, “No, Donnie wants you guys to stay and have fun. I’ll take care of him.”
There's a pause on the other side. Leo can only imagine Raph’s crestfallen face looking at Mikey's. He knew how much Raph struggled to let someone else take care of his brothers, and he knew there was a good chance Raph would ignore him. But after he sighs, Raph says, “Ok. Keep me up to date, and just look out for him. Ok?”
Leo allows himself a smile for the first time since Donnie’s failed phone call. “Of course,” he says before hanging up.
The voice is so alien and unlike Don that, at first, Leo is sure it’s someone else watching. But the voice came again, “I-I was so careful. I checked th-three times. B-But it still failed.” Don’s body tenses, his shoulders trembling like weakened floodgates before a hurricane of emotion, “I was careful,” his voice cracks as he hides his face again. Seeing his usually boisterous, loud brother so small was painful. Leo takes a few minutes to simply hold him and comfort him before he tips Donnie’s head down to rest his forehead on Leo’s shoulder and speaks quietly, “Dee, is it ok if we go home? We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I'll do whatever you want.”
Don nods quickly, which is more relief than Leo wants to admit. He takes Donnie gently by the shoulders and guides him back to his feet. Don’s movement is so slow, but Leo doesn’t have the heart to rush him. “Do you want to ride on my shell,” he asks. When Leo gets another nod, the blue turtle turns, crouches down, and waits for Don to climb up with his forearms wrapped around Leo’s collarbone. Had Don been more aware of what was happening, he would have beaten the back of Leo’s skull for robbing him of his dignity. But when Leo stands back up, he feels Donnie curl up with his face hidden by the back of Leo’s neck as a small sob escapes him.
Leo tilts his head back to touch Don’s for a moment before he sets off.
The walk home doesn’t take nearly as long as Leo expects, but it is still too long for his liking. The sooner he got Donnie home to a more familiar space, the better. Through creative thinking, Leo can slide down the ladder by placing a foot on either side of the ladder and using one hand to hold one of the sides and go down. (Actually, he would have been more impressed if he hadn’t been so intent on getting Donnie home.) Halfway home, Leo feels Don squirming and takes it as a hint to set his brother back on his feet carefully. He waits to see what Donnie will do, but when nothing happens, he reaches around and wraps one arm around the purple turtle’s shoulders, his other hand holding Don’s, and Leo guides him along.
When they reach the lair, they see Splinter at the entrance with one of Donnie’s hoodies and a worried look on his face (Raph must have called him ahead of time). When they’re in eyesight, Splinter hurries forward and takes Donnie’s free hand, “Purple, are you alright?”
Donnie looks at their father, and his eyes swell with tears again. He falls on his knees and presses his face into Splinter's robes, weeping long held-back pain. Splinter looks at Leo and hands him the hoodie. In turn, Leo kneels to wrap it around Don’s shoulders. Despite his desire to be more active, Leo steps aside and heads to the kitchen to ensure he’s not an audience member of Don’s low point.
He starts setting up tea, and as he waits for the water to heat up, he sits at the kitchen table. He pulls out his souvenir cup and looks over Don’s headphones. He didn’t have the trained eye that Donnie did with electronics, but he was good at picking out details. Before he could discern anything, the headphones spark, and a jolt shoots up Leo’s fingers forcing him to drop them in shock (pun intended). “Hey,” Leo snaps, looking at the headphones as though the turtle expected them to retaliate again. ”That's NOT what you’re designed to do,” he snarls. Leo picks up the novelty cup and washes it out just as the kettle starts whistling. He mixes some tea, and it's not until he pours the water into the cup that Leo notices his own trembling hands. The turtle flexes his fingers and lets out a small sigh before heading back towards Don’s room, where he had seen Splinter guiding him. He steps to enter when he hears, “Dad, I said I didn't want to.”
“I know Donnie, but I thought after tonight you might reconsider.”
Leo blinks. He knew better than to eavesdrop, but unfortunately, it was in his nature to snoop. So, he leans closer to the doorway and listens, “I thought you said you wanted to give me a choice in the matter,” Donnie questions with a bit more hint of his sass, but not enough to cover the pain in his voice.
“It is still your choice. I will never force you to do something you’re not comfortable with or ready for,” Splinter pauses, “Leonardo, stop being the busybody and get in here.” Oops. Too tired (and too ‘Leo’) to feel shame, Leo steps in with his tea. Donnie was sitting on his bed, wrapped in a weighted blanket, wearing his hoodie as Splinter sat by his side, holding his hand. Splinter looks to the cup and turns back to Donnie, guiding his face to look at him, “Please rest. If you need me, let me know. I love you,” and he gives him the smallest of pecks between Donnie’s eyes before standing up, “I’ll let Red and Orange know you two made it home ok.” Double oops. Yeah, Leo had forgotten to do that. Now that his adrenaline was fading, his sense of humor was coming back in full swing. As Splinter passes him, he pats Leo on the forearm, “You did good, my son. Thank you.”
Leo, who typically survives on validation alone, can only manage a weak smile as he pats his father���s hand in return before Splinter disappears towards the kitchen. The two were now alone.
Donnie quickly scrubs his eyes on his sleeve, but Leo does not indicate that he saw the movement as he sits on the edge of Donnie’s bed. “Made you some tea, bud,” he hands the cup to his brother, to which Donnie gives him a puzzled look, “I cleaned it out, and I owed you a souvenir, right?”
Donnie looks at it again. “I mean, I did pay for it,” he says before sipping from it, “Thanks.”
“No problem. Is there anything else you need? I can leave if you want,” Leo offers, though he’s hoping Donnie will tolerate his presence a moment longer. Donnie sips from his new souvenir cup, thinking, “Um, actually, the weighted blanket isn’t helping, can you..” he lets it drift off.
With a smile, Leo squirms around until he’s sitting behind Donnie. “Tell me if I squeeze too tight,” he says as he hugs Donnie tightly from behind. Though Donnie was the most touch-intolerant brother, it was discovered early on that pressure was one of the main things to help him lose stress. It worked the same way a massage worked for Leo, or a warm blanket worked for Mikey. And even now, Leo feels Donnie lean back against him, and some of the tension leaves his body. “How are you feeling,” Leo asks.
“Tired. Drained. Embarrassed. The usual.” Donnie sips from his tea, giving his new Jupiter Jim Novelty Cup a slight smile that Leo pretends not to notice. “Sorry, you had to leave the convention because of me.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Leo says, tucking his chin over Don’s scalp to further his role as a pressurized armchair, “There were way too many Bakugo cosplayers this year anyway.” He pauses for a few seconds, waiting to see if his weak joke had any effect, but Donnie just sips from his cup, and Leo decides it's time to ask, “What were you and Dad talking about?”
“He,” Don pauses, “He wants me to go to therapy.”
“I…” Leo pauses as well, “oh.”
“He thinks I’ve been having a harder time lately and that talking to someone who isn’t as close to our situation might help. He was going to ask Hueso if he knew any Yokai therapists I could talk to, but….” If Donnie is trying to hide the resentment in his voice, he’s not trying very hard, “What no one seems to get is that it’s been a rough couple of months. And I’m not ready to lay on a couch and pay someone to tell me I have superiority issues or drug me up.” Finally, Donnie twists to meet Leo’s eyes, “You think I should go,” he says in a tone that dares Leonardo to agree.
“I didn't do anything! I’m just trying to be a living weighted blanket!”
“You didn’t have to.”
“I’m not-” Leo takes a deep breath. Then, to buy time, he squeezes Donnie tighter and rests his chin on Don's shoulder, “At least he’s giving us a choice.”
Donnie blinks back at him in surprise, “Us?”
“Yeah, Dad's been trying to talk all of us about going to some sort of counseling of some sort. He thinks it has something to do with, you know, the never ending insomnia. And the anxiety might have something to do with it, but I don't know. He might be reading too much into this. He only raised us and sees things about us no one else sees.”
For a moment, the two sit in silence. Leo hugs Donnie an inch tighter and rests his head against Donnie’s, who does the same. “Dee,” Leo starts, “I’ll make a deal with you. A twin pact. I’ll think about going to therapy if you think about going to therapy. Is that fair to you?” Leo’s not sure what to expect as an answer, but Donnie nods the best he can with his head leaning against Leo’s.
“Yeah fine, we’ll get a professional to tell us which one of us is more screwed up.”
Despite himself, Leo smiles, hugging Donnie as tight as he can, saying, “Deal, but it's definitely Mikey.”
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apprehensivities · 4 months
fritz has a massive sweet tooth, and as such, he's compiled a neat and tidy binder full of dessert foods that he regularly refers to whenever he's feeling like having a lovely pastry, cake, or other sweet treat. however, his absolute favorite has to be the humble apple strudel - it reminds him of his home, and he's committed the whole recipe to memory because of that.
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sadesluvr · 1 year
Random question, but how would the cast of TNP react if Y/N came out as a trans man?
Hey Anon, thanks for the ask! :) I’m not trans/non-binary/genderfluid etc so I had to make this kind of general!
Cassidy: You all know by now that she has complete ‘a little confused, but she’s got the spirit™️’ energy😭 At first she might mourn the loss of her ‘gal pal’, but you’re still her best friend, and she’ll do anything for you! She’ll definitely use her allowance to get you binders, recommend the best places to get haircuts etc, and anything fashion-wise that can help you in your journey! There’s no doubt she’ll threaten and blacklist anyone who is rude to you. Always reminds you how hot you are.
Michael: Completely supportive! He’s bi/pan for a reason, so it’s definitely not something that will affect your relationship. He felt a similar feeling in his sexuality, so the two of you would bond over the feelings of ‘otherness’. If you feel any discomfort/dysphoria about your genitals, he simply won’t bring up sex until you feel comfortable. He and Cassidy are total gems <3
Gabriel: Similar to Cassidy. Very chilled about the whole thing! Is 100% willing to lend you basketball uniforms - they’re loose and hide the figure - to combat any dysphoria. The photo that comes to mind rn is this:
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He’s totally just like “This is my bro, and we ball,” (You’re an honorary team member now). His mom is a totally hippie so she’s all about mindfulness and stuff, and would send you to her if you’re dealing with any mental issues :) Both he and Cassidy have the Herculean task of explaining everything to —
Fritz: 💀
There’s two trains of thought here: Dating or not. If you come out whilst you’re dating, I can’t lie and say he’d be very understanding about it. He has: “Noo don’t transition ur too sexy haha” energy:
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His family is very traditional and religious, and he’s as hetero as they come, so you’d have to call it off :/ (You get Michael though, so it’s not really an L) However, one good thing about Fritz is that he’s very loyal, and he’ll keep you on his radar as a friend. You’ll get a “Wassup dude,” when he sees you and will tell his teammates to back off if they pick on you.Pre dating (when he has the crush): He’d feel weird about it and probably just stay out of your way.
Clara: The SWEETEST. She also had a very sheltered background (she was literally born in the 40’s) but she’s very open and progressive. Again, she’s just happy that Michael has a friend :) and will always check up on you to make sure you’re okay. She wouldn’t treat you any differently tbh, and she’d pass down any old clothes that you might need. She knows a thing or two about struggling with body image (this ask came just in time, I’m writing a prequel short series soon that’ll touch on this) and can definitely empathise with you on that part :’3
The Emily’s: Also very sweet and understanding. Charlie is literally like “I’ve always wanted a brother”, and though you’re just a family friend, she’ll totally see you in that way! Henry is pretty much the safe haven for ‘misunderstood’ kids (See: Michael) and would treat you the same; checking up on you and also educating himself!!
Elizabeth/Evan: Evan loves and thinks ur cool you regardless :)
Now, Elizabeth is going to be confused, and maybe a little offensive at first (but not bigoted) - “But you’re a GIRL”/“Boys DROOL” etc - but honestly, she’ll understand as time goes on and literally won’t care. As long as she can paint your nails, and you can still play with her, she’s cool with it. She also feels special because she’s one of the only girls now, and she abuses this power to the fullest. Will absolutely cut someone for speaking wrong about you. (She’ll break them ankles and shins 💅)
William: Would just compare you to Michael tbh. He’d be more accepting than Fritz, but I don’t think he’d totally get ‘it’. Though, if you worked at the pizzeria, I can see him making a nice new name badge for you as a subtle way to help you feel better in your journey. He’d always say “Do correct me if I’m wrong,” about issues related to your transition, because he wants to be respectful.
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raducotarcea · 5 months
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fdspodcast · 9 months
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🎙 S1E1 - Maxime Alard, machiniste 🎙
Pour ce premier épisode, je suis ravie de recevoir mon ami Maxime Alard, machiniste. Dans cet épisode, Maxime nous parle de sa passion pour le métier de machiniste, en expliquant les différentes tâches qu'il accomplit et les particularités de son travail; en faisant un petit détour par ses débuts dans le milieu, où il a dû passer par la case régie !
On va aussi discuter de l’industrie du cinéma d’aujourd’hui, de James Cameron, de Fast & Furious, de James Cameron, des vieux films et des films cultes, et… de James Cameron, aussi.
Si tu es intéressé.e par les coulisses du cinéma et souhaites en savoir plus sur le travail d'un machiniste de prise de vue, viens vite écouter cet épisode de FDS ! 🤗
Memories of Murder, Bong Joon-Ho (2003)
The Game, David Fincher (1997)
Mank, David Fincher (2020)
Fast & Furious, Rob Cohen (2001)
Jumanji : Bienvenue dans la jungle, Jake Kasdan (2017)
Jungle Cruise, Jeaume Collet-Serra (2021)
22 Jump Street, Phil Lord et Chris Miller (2014)
OSS 117 : Le Caire, nid d'espions, Michel Hazanavicius (2006)
Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre, Alain Chabat (2001)
La Ligne Verte, Frank Darabont (1999)
Les Petits Mouchoirs, Guillaume Canet (2010)
Titanic, James Cameron (1997)
Avatar 1 & 2, James Cameron (2009 & 2022)
Buried, Rodrigo Cortés (2010)
Harry Potter à l'École des Sorciers, Chris Colombus (2001)
High School Musical, Kenny Ortega (2006)
Cloverfield, Matt Reeves (2008)
REC, Paco Plaza et Jaume Balagueró (2007)
Le Projet Blair Witch, Daniel Myrick et Eduardo Sánchez (1999)
Douze Hommes en colère, Sidney Lumet (1957)
Douze Hommes en colère, William Friedkin (1997) - remake
Les Raisins de la colère, John Ford (1940)
Citizen Kane, Orson Welles (1941)
M le Maudit, Fritz Lang (1931)
The Lighthouse, Robert Eggers (2019)
Sueurs Froides (Vertigo), Alfred Hitchcock (1958)
The Last of Us, HBO (2023)
Chaîne Youtube Studio Binder
Bonjour à tous et à toutes, et bienvenue dans ce tout premier épisode de La Feuille de Service. Je m’appelle Alix Desoomer, je suis réalisatrice et assistante mise en scène, et je suis aussi la créatrice de ce podcast. Pour cet épisode inaugural, j’ai le plaisir d’accueillir mon ami Maxime Alard, machiniste, qui nous parlera de son parcours et de son métier; on va aussi discuter de l’industrie du cinéma d’aujourd’hui, de James Cameron, de Fast & Furious, de James Cameron, des vieux films et des films cultes, et aussi… de James Cameron. (j’avais pas précisé, je crois.) Bonne écoute !
ALIX : Bonjour Maxime, comment vas-tu ?
MAXIME : Ça va et toi ?
A : Ça va très bien, merci. Merci d’avoir accepté mon invitation pour ce podcast qui j’espère plaira aux gens qui l’écoutent, et qui te plaira à toi aussi…
M : Oui !
A : J’espère que l’expérience sera intéressante !
M : J’ai trop hâte.
A : Tu vas nous parler de ton métier, qui est machiniste,
M : Oui.
A: Machino, comme on dit.
M : Machiniste de prises de vues !
A : Ouh là là là. Mais d’abord, est-ce que tu pourrais te présenter en quelques phrases ?
M : Oui, je m’appelle Maxime, je viens de Toulouse, ça fait 8 ans maintenant que je suis monté à Paris pour bosser dans le cinéma. J’ai commencé par 5 ans de régie, et là ça fait un peu plus de 2 ans que je fais de la machinerie.
A : Et sur quels types de productions tu travailles ? Est-ce que c’est des clips, des séries, de la fiction… ?
M : Tout. J’ai pas de … Enfin, globalement quand on fait les métiers du cinéma en général on bosse sur tout : pub, télé, clip, cinéma. Après ce qui va faire que tu bosses plus dans un domaine que dans l’autre, ça va déjà être tes goûts. Si par exemple tu veux pas du tout faire de pub, que ça t’intéresse pas et que tu veux faire que de la fiction, y a aussi une histoire de réseau. C’est-à-dire que moi aujourd’hui j’ai des copains qui font que de la fiction parce qu’ils ont pas de réseau dans la publicité ou inversement. Moi, j’ai réussi, c’est un peu du hasard aussi bien sûr, à avoir du réseau un peu dans les deux, donc je fais autant de la pub que de la fiction, et ça me va très bien.
A: Et du coup, comment est-ce que t’en es arrivé à faire le métier que tu fais ? Vu que tu faisais pas machiniste avant, et ça fait pas si longtemps que ça finalement, que t’es dans ce métier-là en particulier, avant tu faisais autre chose. Donc, est-ce que tu peux nous parler un petit peu de comment tu en es arrivé là où tu en es aujourd’hui ?
M : Mon parcours depuis le début ?
A : Allez !
M : C’est un peu long, mais…
A : Mais c’est pas grave.
M : Moi, assez tôt j’ai voulu bosser dans le cinéma. J’ai voulu faire une école de cinéma, comme beaucoup, dans une école publique. Sauf que les écoles publiques, à cette époque-là il y en avait que quatre en France; il y en a peut-être deux de plus maintenant. Je suis arrivé à une époque où le cinéma commençait à devenir beaucoup plus accessible, enfin en tout cas on se rendait compte que ça devenait beaucoup plus accessible; donc beaucoup de candidats et très peu de places. J’ai pas eu ces concours-là, écoles privées trop chères… Des écoles privées y en a plein, c’est 10 000 euros l’année sur trois ans si tu vas jusqu’au diplôme; j’avais pas du tout les moyens et je voulais pas m’endetter et faire un prêt pour aller là-dedans. Et puis mes parents ne voulaient pas, n’avaient pas forcément les moyens, tout ça. Donc je suis monté à Paris en me disant “ben je vais, à l’ancienne, rentrer et aller démarcher les gens, discuter, vu que je suis quelqu’un de très sociable”. Et j’avais fait beaucoup de jobs étudiants, des métiers alimentaires disons qui me plaisaient pas forcément mais qui étaient pas affreux, qui payaient pas si mal; donc je me suis dit “vas-y je fonce, je vais à paris, je tente, et puis si ça marche pas je reviendrai à Toulouse et je ferai ces métiers-là, tant pis quoi”.
A : C’était quoi que tu faisais par exemple ?
M : J’ai été vendeur à Castorama, j’ai fait de la restauration, j’ai fait éboueur… Et donc du coup je suis monté à Paris et j’étais allé à la Cité du Cinéma, parce qu’il y a plein de boîtes de prod en plus des studios là-bas, enfin à l’époque parce que ça a un peu changé maintenant. Je travaillais su l’exposition Harry Potter, j’étais hôte d’accueil. Et en fait, le fait de bosser directement dans les studios et près des boîtes de production ça me permettait de rencontrer des gens. Soit des producteurs qui venaient, parce qu’il y avait une petite cantine où ils venaient des fois manger là-bas, ils connaissaient l’expo donc tu rencontrais des gens, tu discutais; puis de fil en aiguille j’ai sympathisé avec des gens à qui j’expliquais mon projet de vie, ce que je voulais faire, et qui m’ont mis sur des tournages de clips. Alors, pas rémunéré tu vois, mais moi ça me permettait de mettre un pied à l’étrier, de voir ce que c’était un plateau de tournage, de comprendre ce que c’était un métier. Je me souviendrai toujours de mon premier jour, où on m’a dit “Ben voilà, tu feras tel métier (donc régisseur), tu viendras tel jour à telle heure” et puis moi j’arrive les mains dans les poches, je suis prêt à faire. Et y a le réal qui vient me voir (c’était un petit clip où tout le monde mettait la main à la pâte) et qui me dit “T’as la feuille de service, t’as la bible, t’as ci, t’as ça, t’as fait ci, t’as fait ça…?” Moi je suis “Bah, non, j’ai pas tout ça…” Lui il fait “bah, on peut pas travailler du coup.”
A : Oui mais c’est pas à toi de faire la feuille de service…
M : Oui mais c’était plus est-ce que je l’avais sur moi pour savoir quelle séquence on faisait, à quel moment, tout ça; et moi ben j’avais rien, j’avais pas de stylo, de carnet, j’avais pas de… J’étais là “Ben euh non j’ai pas tout ça…” Du coup voilà, vraiment, direct, il m’a mis le nez dedans et ça m’a permis de comprendre ce qu’était un tournage et comment ça fonctionnait. Et sur ce film-là ça s’est bien passé avec la régisseuse générale, qui m’a mis sur un autre projet, là j’ai rencontré d’autres gens qui m’ont mis sur d’autres projets… Très rapidement en fait j’ai rencontré des gens qui étaient étudiants dans des écoles de cinéma, qu’elles soient publiques ou privées, et qui faisaient leurs films de fin d’études ou de fin d’année et qui avaient besoin de régisseurs. Et moi j’avais réussi à me faire un petit nom dans ce milieu-là parce que la régie, dans les écoles de cinéma, c’est faire à bouffer en gros. Tu fais le repas du midi, et t’aides un peu à faire des courses ici ou là si il y a besoin mais rien de plus. Là où le métier de régisseur professionnel va faire des autorisations de tournage, va gérer beaucoup de choses autour du tournage et pas juste s’occuper de la bouffe.
A : Ouais.
M : Et quand t’es étudiant en école de cinéma et que tu payes 10 000 euros l’année, tu veux pas faire des salades de pâtes.
A : Ben non. (rires)
M : Tu veux toucher à la caméra, tu veux poser des lumières, … Et donc du coup ça arrangeait bien tout le monde qu’un petit gars veuille bien faire tout ça.
A : Veuille bien faire des salades de pâtes, donc tu as des recettes incroyables de salades de pâtes ?
M : Oui, ben j’ai arrêté, j’ai pris ma retraite, mais j’ai eu une époque ouais où j’en faisais pas mal (rires). Je comptais plus mes heures, j’avais des grandes marmites à la maison et je faisais des kilos et des kilos de pâtes… Et donc voilà, pendant 8-9 mois j’ai fait que ça, ça m’a permis de rencontrer plein de gens, mais j’avais pas le sentiment de bosser dans le cinéma.
A : Puis t’étais pas payé surtout, sur ces trucs-là.
M : J’étais pas payé, j’étais inscrit à la fac pour avoir les bourses et avoir un peu d’aides financières, mes parents m’aidaient de leur côté mais j’était compliqué. Et je commençais un peu à baisser les bras, à me dire “bon ben c’est marrant tu fais des tournages mais tu fais de la bouffe, quoi.” Alors, rien contre la bouffe, les cuisiniers sont supers et en vrai les cantines de cinéma c’est trop cool. Je pense que c’est un métier que j’aurais pu faire aussi. Mais c’est pareil, c’est des gens qui sont équipés, qui ont des camions, qui ont du matériel, qui font de vraies belles choses et qui sont pas avec les moyens du bord à faire de la bouffe un peu naze, quoi. Et donc je m’étais dit : ”Ben je vais peut-être arrêter là parce qu’en fait ça marche pas, j’y arrive pas…” et au moment où j’allais vraiment abandonner et me dire “Bon ben je vais rentrer à la maison parce que c’est trop compliqué”, on m’a appelé sur un film. Alors c’est un peu compliqué mais c’est plein de gens qui me connaissaient, que j’avais rencontrés en discutant. Il y a une personne que j’avais rencontré qui s’est retrouvée sur ce film-là en tant que stagiaire, et le prod cherchait un régisseur pour ce film-là, et vu que c’était un film hors annexe, donc très mal payé…
A : Tu peux expliquer deux secondes ce que veut dire “hors annexe” ?
M : Oui, en fait dans le cinéma il y a des conventions et donc y a convention USPA qui est pour la série et la télé; et il y a “Annexe 3”, “Annexe 2”, “Annexe 1” qui sont en fait des.. Comment expliquer ça ? Selon le budget du film, tu peux prétendre à un certain salaire en fonction de ton poste.
A : Hm-hm.
M : Et donc, un film qui est Annexe 3 et qui a moins de budget qu’un Annexe 1 te paiera moins. Il y a aussi des films qu’on dit “hors annexe”. Je sais pas si c’est vraiment… Enfin si, je pense que c’est légal, mais c’est un peu compliqué parce que c’est un peu tu t’arranges avec la prod sur plein de choses. Et là en l’occurence, j’étais pas payé un tarif qui est dans la convention collective et qui est le minimum syndical, tout ça. Mais bon, quand tu débutes et que t’as pas d’argent et qu’on te propose d’être payé…
A : Et que tu sais pas trop exactement comment ça se passe.
M : Et surtout je savais pas vraiment ce qu’était une convention, comment ça marchait…
A : Voilà, c’est ça…
M : Moi on me dit “Ça te dit de faire un film et tu vas être payé ?”; j’étais là “Bah, ça fait un an que je fais des films et que je suis pas payé donc évidemment que je suis chaud”. (rires). Et donc je me suis retrouvé sur ce film-là qui est le film Hostile de Mathieu Turi, et c’est un film de genre qui s’est tourné dans 3 pays et moi je devais être régisseur général sur la partie France. Alors, euh, j’étais régisseur général, c’était vraiment mon poste, j’étais chef de poste et je gérais une équipe de 3 personnes, mais euh… C’est, comment dire, c’était très simple parce que la prod avait déjà mâché la moitié du travail et que finalement je faisais un peu ce que je faisais sur un film étudiant dans la logistique, en un peu plus poussé, parce que la prod avait déjà mâché le travail et parce que le budget ne permettait pas de faire des folies. Donc c’était quand même, relativement… À cette époque, j’avais 21 ans à ce moment-là, j’allais sur mes 22, on m’aurait proposé le poste de régisseur général mais sur un long-métrage qui est dans la convention, qui est annexé et qui est très bien produit, euh j’aurais fait couler le film parce que j’avais pas les connaissances pour. Mais là, ce film-là, vu que j’étais guidé par les producteurs ça s’est bien passé. Donc j’ai fait mon premier film payé, premier long-métrage, premier film qui est sorti au cinéma…
A : Et donc au bout de combien de temps ?
M : Au bout de un an. Ça faisait un an que je faisais du bénévolat.
A : (rires) Ça fait plaisir.
M : Oui, de fou ! (rires) Et donc, là ça a très bien marché. Derrière sur le CV tu mets “régisseur long-métrage”; et tout le monde est là “Ouais, c’était pas un vrai film…?” Si, c’était un vrai film, c’était plus facile que sur d’autres films mais c’était un vrai film ! Et donc bref, ça m’a permis de prouver aux gens, à tous les régisseurs généraux qui bossaient à Paris, que j’étais capable, que je savais faire, que je connaissais les plateaux, que j’avais fait de la fiction. Et donc, après, petit à petit, on m’a appelé et j’ai fait mon petit réseau de régisseurs. Donc j’ai fait de la régie pendant cinq ans. Au bout de trois ans j’étais passé régisseur général. Donc là j’étais chef de poste sur de la pub, de la fiction, de la série, sur plein de choses. J’avais mes équipes. Quand je suis passé chef j’ai eu une grande période où j’ai fait beaucoup de web. Donc, Golden Moustache, Studio Bagel et Webedia. Donc avec tous les Youtubeurs, McFly et Carlito, Squeezie et compagnie. Longtemps j’ai fait ça et puis j’ai voulu changer pour plein de raisons, notamment financières. Parce que la régie c’est le métier qui paye le moins bien. Alors ça paye très bien… Enfin, c’est compliqué en fait. Ça dépend du milieu social duquel tu viens. Moi j’ai grandi avec des parents qui touchaient le SMIC, alors j’ai pas été malheureux, j’ai eu tout ce que je voulais; mais quand t’es régisseur, même si tu fais beaucoup d’heures, et que tu gagnes plus que ce que tes parents gagnaient à la même époque, tu te dis “Super, je gagne très bien ma vie”.
A : Ouais, ouais.
M : Chacun aura son avis là-dessus mais tu gagnes bien ta vie. Tu fais beaucoup d ‘heures, par contre.
A : Tu peux vivre correctement, quoi.
M : Oui, oui. Et surtout à Paris, moi je vivais très bien. J’avais mon appart, je payais mon loyer, je sortais, je me restreignais pas et ça se passait bien. Et donc, du coup, pour des raisons financières parce que les autres métiers, notamment machinerie ça paye beaucoup mieux, tu fais moins d’heures, c’est beaucoup plus encadré : on est syndiqués, y a une convention, tout ça; donc c’est beaucoup plus… Ouais, tu te fais moins “arnaquer” et c’est plus difficile d’entrée. Parce que la régie ça demande quand même des connaissances, quand tu parleras avec un régisseur sur ce podcast il t’expliquera plus en détails; mais ça demande beaucoup de volonté, et un peu de connaissances, alors que les autres métiers demandent beaucoup de volonté et beaucoup de connaissances. Et donc, du coup, “tout le monde peut faire de la régie” s’il y met de la bonne volonté et s’investit.
A : C’est un peu le poste dans lequel les gens commencent quand ils sont pas du tout…
M : Oui c’est ça. Alors que d’autres métiers demandent quand même des connaissances et des compétences plus approfondies. Tu peux prendre un mec dans la rue et tu lui dis “Viens faire de la machinerie”, il va te dire “Ben c’est mignon mais comment ça marche…?” Alors que dans la régie tu peux dire “Viens faire de la régie, faut que tu fasses ça, ça, c’est très simple”, et faut lui expliquer mais, ce que tu vas lui demander de faire il va pouvoir le faire de suite.
A : Ouais.
M : Alors qu’en machinerie, si tu lui dis de faire un truc va falloir lui expliquer, lui montrer comment fonctionne chaque outil, c’est très spécifique; pour qu’il puisse le faire, donc c’est plus technique.
A : Après, ce qui est cool dans la régie aussi c’est que t’as pu vraiment observer les corps de métiers, voir un peu ce qu’ils faisaient et apprendre sur le tas.
M : Ah oui, complètement. En plus, tu vas souvent chez le loueur pour échanger du matériel et en récupérer donc tu touches, tu commences à apprendre les noms, tu sais à quoi ça sert, pourquoi c’est là, donc oui t’apprends plein de choses. La régie, c’est hyper formateur. C’est un peu l’école militaire mais ça t’apprend vraiment des valeurs, une façon de travailler très rigoureuse qui est importante dans plein de choses, autant dans ce métier-là que dans la vie. Et donc, du coup, j’ai eu envie de changer et de faire de la machinerie. Et le Covid est arrivé. Ça a un peu été une chance pour moi parce que ça a foutu un peu le bordel dans le milieu du cinéma et de la production audiovisuelle, qui a fait qu’on s’est retrouvés, à la fin de l’année 2020 avec une pénurie de techniciens, parce qu’il y avait trop de tournages en cours. Entre les tournages retardés, les tournages annulés, les tournages qui étaient prévus à ces dates-là; ça a foutu un énorme bordel…
A : Ah oui, je me rappelle qu’il y avait une histoire comme quoi les loueurs étaient vides parce que tout le matos était sorti, et…
M : Ouais c’était affreux, il y avait de la sous-loc’ de partout c’était n’importe quoi. Mais bon, ça a fait que j’ai un chef machiniste, qui est aujourd’hui mon chef attitré de… De la vie.
A : (rires)
M : Un chef machiniste qui était avec un ami à moi machino, qui étaient à deux sur un long-métrage, ils avaient besoin d’une troisième personne et tous deux avaient leur réseau épuisé parce que tous leurs collègues machinos étaient pris. Et ce chef a dit à mon porte “Si tu connais un jeune qui sort d’école, qui veut apprendre; même s’il y connaît rien tant pis on le formera mais il nous faut un gars.” Et il a dit “Ben si, je connais !”. Il m’a appelé.
A : Et toi ça faisait déjà un petit moment que tu étais intéressé pour faire ce métier-là.
M : Oui, ça faisait plus d’un an que je voulais faire de la machinerie et que je touchais un peu ou que j’avais fait de la machinerie sur du clip ou du court-métrage. Donc j’avais touché un peu au matériel mais en fait, vu que c’est 3-4 jours ici, puis tu fais rien pendant six mois puis 3-4 jours par-là, y a ce truc un peu de… T’oublies ce que t’as appris.
A : Mm-mm.
M : Déjà, t’apprends pas beaucoup parce que c’est quelques jours, c’était tellement bref, t’as mis tellement de temps avant de t’y remettre que t’as oublié. Là, faire un long-métrage c’était huit semaines où tous les jours t’as la machinerie dans le front et go, go, go. Donc j’en ai chié parce que vraiment, apprendre un métier sur le tas comme ça; et c’est ce que je disais quand j’expliquais la différence entre régisseur et machino, c’est que… Je suis arrivé hyper confiant en me disant “Les plateaux de cinéma je connais, j’ai été chef de poste, ça va être de la rigolade, faut juste que j’apprenne le nom de chaque outil et puis ça roule”. Et en fait non, c’est des attitudes très différentes sur in plateau. Parce qu’en plus en régie t’es pas sur le plateau, fin y a régisseur de plateau mais t’es autour, t’encadres un tournage. Là t’es vraiment au milieu des acteurs, de la caméra, de la lumière… Partout où je me mettais, je gênais.
A : Ah ouais...
M : Soit j’étais dans la lumière, soit j’étais dans la caméra, soit j’étais… Je gênais le passage, enfin c’était un enfer. Tu dois être à l’affût de tout ce qu’il se passe autour de toi, parce que le métier fait que si un électricien sort un cadre, il faut que toi tu récupères une gueuse pour mettre sur le pied, pour…
A : Attends, pause. Une gueuse, c’est… ?
M : C’est un sac de sable. (rires)
A : Un sac de sable pour empêcher les choses de tomber.
M : Voilà, donc en gros ils mettent un cadre qui va faire 2m par 2m sur un pied, et toi tu vas mettre du poids sur la base du pied pour éviter que ce cadre prenne le vent et se renverse. Et ça c’est rarement un électricien qui te fait “Eh, Maxime ! Je vais mettre un cadre faut mettre une gueuse !” C’est toi qui as une vision périphérique, tu vois un cadre qui bouge sur le côté, tu vois qu’il va sortir, tac tu vas chercher des gueuses et tu le poses. Et sauf que ça c’est pas un réflexe que t’as initialement. Enfin, ça comme plein d’autres choses hein, c’est un exemple parmi des milliers. Et moi j’étais toujours à contre-temps. C’est à dire que je regardais autour de moi, je voyais rien de particulier, et puis y a toujours mon collègue ou mon chef qui me disaient “Maxime, là, Maxime, là”. J’étais là : “Ah, putain” et c’était mon collègue qui le faisait à ma place. Et en fait moi je courais et je faisais rien.
A : (rires) Tu courais de pied en pied avec tes gueuses ?
M : (rires) C’est ça, je voyais un truc à faire là-bas mais je le voyais tellement en retard par rapport à d’autres gens, que quand j’allais pour le faire c’était déjà fait en fait. Et ça a été deux semaines affreuses, enfin pas affreuses parce que ça a été formateur; mais deux semaines où j’ai galéré et où vraiment j’étais épuisé mentalement, parce que c’est hyper dur de rester… Fin moi aujourd’hui c’est naturel et j’y pense plus mais à cette époque-là il fallait que je me dise “Concentré, concentré, concentré” et pour la première fois de ma vie je me suis couché à 20h30 de mon plein gré. Pas parce que j’avais fait soirée la veille et j’étais en gueule de bois ou quoi, vraiment, j’avais bien dormi, j’ai fait ma journée 8h-18h; 20h30 dodo parce que j’étais cuit !
A : Ouais…
M : C’étaient deux semaines hyper intenses pour moi. Et après, petit à petit, tu t’habitues et tu rentres dans le moule. Après ce film-là, l’avantage c’est que je m’étais fait plein de potes; parce que tu sais, je te disais, j’ai un relationnel qui est… Déjà dans la régie le relationnel, l’humain c’est très important; mais en plus de ça c’est quelque chose que j’ai toujours fait naturellement dans ma vie. Et donc j’avais plein de potes machinos à qui j’avais dit “Ben moi je veux faire de la machinerie, tu veux pas me former ?” Et ils voulaient pas, parce que c’est compliqué… Tu sais, tu pars sur une pub Chanel pendant trois jours, face au client il faut que ce soit carré, quoi.
A : Ouais, c’est ça…
M : Tu peux pas te… Si t’as pas un mec qui est officiellement stagiaire, tu peux pas faire “Ah si, c’est un de mes gars. Bah il sait pas faire mais je vais lui apprendre !” Tu vois, ça marche pas… Tout le monde, sans méchanceté, voulait pas me prendre, en me disant “Désolé, c’est compliqué, tout ça…”. Je fais ce long-métrage, je leur écris en disant “Je viens de faire 8 semaines de machinerie intensive…”
A : “Je suis formé”.
M : Ouais.
A : “Je peux poser des gueuses sur des pieds, c’est bon !” (rires)
M : (rires) “J’ai plein de trucs à apprendre mais je sais poser un rail, fin déjà je connais le matériel globalement. Je sais poser un rail, je sais me servir d’un slider, et monter certaines grues, je sais faire ci, je sais faire ça. J’ai les bases, enfin j’ai même plus que les bases, j’ai de très bonnes bases.” Et donc, du coup ça les a chauffé et puis ils m’ont appelé sur des pubs et ça s’est bien passé. Donc en fait, j’ai très rapidement eu un réseau qui m’appelait et qui me faisait bosser parce que c’étaient des gens avec qui je bossais quand j’étais régisseur, qui étaient devenus des amis et qui du coup voulaient bien bosser avec moi. Donc, mon changement s’est fait assez facilement et assez rapidement. Parce que, le réseau. Mais de toute façon dans ce métier-là c’est la base de tout. Voilà ! Donc là ça fait deux ans, un peu plus de deux ans que je fais de la machinerie.
A : Et tu aimes bien.
M : Je vis ma meilleure vie.
A : (rires)
M : J’adore. C’est drôle parce que j’en parle beaucoup notamment avec les anciens, qui eux sont fatigués. Ben, après ils ont connu aussi une évolution du cinéma assez importante que je ne saurais expliquer parce que j’étais pas là il y a trente ans, mais… Eux sont fatigués, ils en ont marre, ils ont envie d’arrêter. Ils ont des enfants, ils font entre guillemets tout pour pas qu’ils deviennent intermittents du spectacle parce que c’est trop galère…
A : Puis surtout, en plus… Enfin, tu parles à des machinos je suppose ?
M : Oui, aussi éléctros, caméra mais aussi machinos.
A : C’est des métiers qui sont quand même un peu physiques, enfin je veux dire c’est fatiguant, tu restes pas debout à rien faire ou t’es pas assis à un bureau toute la journée. T’es vraiment tout le temps en train de…
M : C’est pire de rester assis à un bureau toute la journée. (rires) C’est trop chiant.
A : Ah oui, c’est sûr, bah sinon on serait pas dans ces métiers-là, hein !
M : Mais ce que je veux dire, c’est qu’ils sont tous un peu.. Tu sais, ils ont tous envie que ça s’arrête et ils conseillent à personne de… Limite, ils essaient de faire fuir les gens : “Non venez pas, venez pas c’est affreux”. Mais moi j’adore ça, j’adore ce métier, j’adore être sur des plateaux de tournage parce que tu rencontres des gens tout le temps… Et puis tu sais tu te fais des potes que tu revois plus après dans la vie de tous les jours pour mille et une raisons, et puis un an après tu refais un tournage, ils sont dessus et t’es “Ah trop cool, ça fait plaisir de te revoir”… Enfin, c’est trop bien. Tu rencontres des gens tout le temps, tu vas dans des endroits différents tout le temps, des endroits interdits au public auxquels tu ne serais jamais allé en temps normal… Enfin, il y a tellement de choses et c’est hyper enrichissant et… En général on fait des semaines de 40 heures, 50 heures et on peut en faire 60, 70, 80 selon les projets.. Mais c’est vrai que quand tu fais une semaine de 80 heures t’as pas vraiment de vie.
A : Non. Mais t’as la vie sociale du tournage, quoi.
M : Ouais c’est ça, moi en tournage je me dis pas “C’est le boulot”. On se marre, il se passe plein de choses, on fait plein de trucs différents tout le temps. Je dis pas que j’ai envie de faire ça toute ma vie parce que j’adore sortir, aller dans les bars avec les potes, aller en boîte, les vacances, les weekends tout ça, mais… Je sais pas, au boulot je me sens pas au travail. Juste, je kiffe, c’est trop bien.
A : Et tu penses pas que dans, 20 ans, dans 30 ans tu seras pas comme ces vieux-là… Enfin, (rires) c’est horrible comment je dis ça !
M : Ces vieux qui râlent !
A : Ces vieux cons… Non, mais tu seras pas comme ces plus vieux de la vieille on va dire, qui sont un peu soûlés, qui sont fatigués, qui en ont marre…
M : Peut-être, je sais pas. Je pense qu’aussi le physique va beaucoup jouer. Quand j’ai été formé on m’a bien appris… Tu sais, moi le petit jeune dynamique qui veut tout faire et qui veut montrer qu’il est vaillant, qui porte plein de trucs sur les épaules… Tout de suite on m’a dit “Oh là, oh là, calme-toi…”
A : “Tu vas te cramer…”
M : Ouais voilà. “Tu portes pas des trucs lourds tout seul même si t’en es capable, c’est pas la question, c’est pas un concours de force. Ça on prend à deux, ça on prend à trois, ça tu peux faire tout seul, ça sert à rien de se faire mal”. Très vite on m’a expliqué plein de choses sur comment entretenir son physique et pas se tuer le dos au bout de dix ans de métier et arrêter, quoi. Donc on fait quand même très attention à ça, et peut-être, je sais pas. Quand j’y réfléchis y a aucun autre métier qui est un peu similaire à celui-là et qui me plaît. Enfin, moi je pourrais pas être dans un bureau.
A : Puis, c'est vrai que je pense qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'équivalent. C'est vraiment une sorte de microcosme spatio-temporel hyper particulier, le monde du ciné et de l'audiovisuel.
M : Ouais. C’est pour ça aussi que personne n'y comprend rien. Enfin, en dehors, du statut intermittent… Moi, on me pose plein de questions : “Et la retraite se passe comment ? Et tu peux faire ci, tu peux faire ça…” Mais inversement, moi le régime général, euh… Quand les gens me parlent de RTT, moi je suis là : “Super, tickets resto, je sais pas ce que c’est.”
A : (rires)
M : Mais voilà, donc tu vois c’est un peu… Parce que je m'y intéresse pas aussi, hein, je pourrais, mais c’est vrai que ça ne concerne pas et du coup… Mais non honnêtement, peut-être que le métier pourrait me saouler, au bout d'un moment pour mille et une raisons, mais la liberté que t’as à côté de ce métier… Je pourrais me dire, arrivé à un certain niveau, enfin dans vingt ans, je pense que j'aurais un réseau tellement énorme de connaissances…
A : (rires)
M: Non, mais parce que ça se développe, ça grandit forcément…
A : (rires) Je serais tellement, mais, wow !
M : Non, je ne parle pas de moi, de mes capacités, mais des gens que je connaîtrais, parce que forcément, tous les jours, tu rencontres des nouvelles personnes sur les plateaux, donc, forcément… Sans dire qu'on devient potes et c'est des amis, mais juste des connaissances; que j'aurais toujours autant de boulot, si ce n'est plus. Et donc je pourrais peut-être me dire: “bon, là, j'en ai marre, je gagne bien ma vie, je ralentis et j'accepte moins de tournages”, et donc, du coup, j'ai beaucoup plus de temps à moi, et donc, comme ça, voilà. Aller sur le plateau c'est une tannée, mais bon, c'est deux mois, puis c'est fini. Après, je me prends un mois de break ou je fais ce que je veux. Donc, je peux me permettre ça. Là où quelqu'un qui bosse en entreprise, il a cinq semaines de vacances par an. Bon, il y en a qui ont plus, moins, moi, je veux pas généraliser, mais on fait une moyenne. Et eux, je vois ma mère, elle a cinq semaines, ça la saoule, elle attend que ça que ses vacances arrivent. Moi, ce n'est pas le cas, aujourd'hui, c'est même presque l'inverse. J'ai envie de bosser et quand j'en aurai marre ben je pourrai être dans ce mood-là aussi de “ça me saoule d'aller bosser”. Mais je n'aurais pas une semaine à poser en juin.
A : Ouais.
M : Non, ben là je prends deux mois, juillet-août, j'ai pas envie de bosser, je bosse pas. De toute façon, j’ai mon statut et je fais mes heures renouveler mon statut, et on y retourne quoi. Donc, au pire des cas, si vraiment ça me saoule- et honnêtement je ne pense pas, je pourrais réduire. Et prendre plus de temps pour moi et moins au travail, quoi.
A : Parce que aussi, t'es pas payé non plus la même chose selon le projet sur lequel tu travailles, comme tu disais tout à l'heure.
M : Ouais.
A : Parce que je sais qu'il y a des gens, ils font trois pubs dans le mois, donc ça leur prend pas forcément beaucoup de temps, puisque les pubs, c'est pas sur des semaines que ça s'étale.
M : Oui, ça dépend des pubs; mais en général oui.
A : En général, c’est quelques jours, tu vois; donc t’en fais plusieurs par mois, mais tellement bien payé en général que t'as pas forcément besoin de travailler plus que ça, et après, t’es tranquille, quoi.
M : Oui, si tu veux… Après il faut avoir un bon réseau, pub. C'est ce qu'on appelle des planques, mais… (rires) Si t’as un bon réseau dans un certain domaine, avec certaines personnes… Oui, ça peut aller très vite.
A : Et du coup, on a un peu survolé ça. Est-ce que tu pourrais un petit peu plus expliquer en quoi consiste ton métier exactement ? On a parlé de gueuses et de pieds... (rires)
M : En gros, la machinerie c'est tout ce qui… Nous, on est en corps de métier qui est très lié à la caméra et à la lumière, et on s'occupe de toutes les installations. En gros, enfin, le gros du travail, c'est faire les mouvements de caméra. Donc, que ce soit installer un rail de travelling avec un chariot de lit pour faire ce qu'on appelle des travellings donc des mouvements linéaires. Ou des grues, ou des accroches voiture : accrocher une caméra sur un capot de voiture; accrocher une caméra sur un plafond, pour faire un topshot, plein de choses. En fait, notre métier, c'est de pouvoir permettre à la caméra et à la lumière d'installer leurs projecteurs ou leurs caméras là où le réalisateur et le chef opérateur veulent les mettre. Donc, on arrive dans un lieu, quel qu'il soit, et on nous dit: “Là on veut que le plan ce soit ça, la caméra c’est comme ça depuis telle hauteur ou tel endroit” et donc, nous on place la caméra. Donc si c’est un truc qu'on peut faire simplement à l'épaule : à l'épaule; si c'est un mouvement qui demande de monter en hauteur, de monter très haut et de redescendre : ça sera sur une grue. Ça va être à nous, après les repérages, en fonction de ce que nous demandent le réalisateur et le chef opérateur de dire: “Bah, il nous faut tel objet pour faire ça, tel outil de travail”; est-ce qu’il nous faudra une grue, est-ce qu’il nous faudra un bazooka, est-ce qu'il faudra un chariot de lit, peu importe. Et on met ça en place. Pareil pour les lumières, si le chef opérateur veut simuler la lumière du soleil, pour ça il faut que le projecteur soit tel endroit et que c'est un endroit dans un coin d’un mur, j’en sais rien, un plafond… Ben, à nous de voir si on peut fabriquer une structure pour accrocher le projecteur là-haut, pour pouvoir permettre de faire la lumière que veut le chef opérateur. Et après, il y a aussi cette notion de sécurité de plateau, où si un un électricien sort, comme on le disait, un cadre avec un pied, ça va être à moi de le sécuriser pour pas que celui-ci tombe. Pareil pour la caméra, s'ils sortent des… Par exemple sur une voiture, on va mettre ce qu'on appelle des teradeks- des émetteurs- sur le toit de la voiture pour que ça puisse connecter sans fil avec le système de mise au point ou le retour vidéo, etc. Et ça, ça va être à nous de le sécuriser, pour pas que ça tombe de la voiture pendant que la voiture roule. Plein de petits détails comme ça, quoi. Donc c'est de la sécurité de plateau, mais très spécifique à ce que les autres départements mettent en place pour le plateau. Ce n'est pas de la sécurité de, euh… C’est pas moi qui vais gérer la traversée de route s’il y a des voitures.
A : Ça, c'est la régie. (rires)
M : C’est la régie (rires). Non, parce qu’il y a cette déformation de dire: la machinerie est responsable de la sécurité du plateau- c'est vrai et pas vrai. Donc c'est vrai pour des trucs spécifiques, mais…
A: Ben, t’es responsable de la sécurité des équipements, en fait.
M : Oui, c'est ça.
A : Est-ce que, euh je sais plus si tu l'avais fait mais t'avais pas dû passer le permis poids lourd aussi ?
M : Si. Ce n'est pas une nécessité, mais c'est très apprécié. En général, on fait nos enlèvements matériel. Dans la majeure partie des cas, ce sont des poids lourds parce qu’on a du matériel qui est très lourd et que les tous les véhicules jusqu'au permis B n’accueillent que jusqu’à trois tonnes cinq. Donc, trois tonnes cinq, ce n'est pas suffisant par rapport à la quantité de matériel qu’on prend donc nous on passe le permis poids lourd pour avoir des capacités de charge jusqu'à douze tonnes. Donc, c'est pas du tout obligatoire. Mais c’est comme un régisseur avec le permis, c'est comme les électros avec le poids lourd, enfin plein de choses... C'est pas du tout obligatoire, mais c'est quand même pas mal nécessaire. Donc, si tu l'as pas… Enfin quand j'ai commencé dans le cinéma, je sais que j'ai- j'ai eu des boulots un peu grâce à ça. Ou des gens bien plus qualifiés que moi, n'ont pas pu faire le projet parce qu'il fallait absolument un mec qui avait le poids lourd; et où moi, même si j'étais qualifié mais avec beaucoup moins d'expérience, on m'avait pris parce que je l'avais le permis, quoi.
A : Okay. Donc, t’en as un petit peu parlé aussi; mais est-ce que tu pourrais un tout petit peu plus expliciter en fait, comment t’arrives sur un projet ?
M : C'est le réseau. Le réseau de fou dont je veux parlais tout à l’heure. (rires)
A : (rires)
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stlascl · 2 years
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They set forth on this quest and meet up with others with the same goal in mind, to kill Vladi Zarth and take down the Dark Alliance. Download Dragon Ball Z Sagas ISO ROM for Nintendo Gamecube to play on your pc, mac, android or iOS mobile device. Download MS Saga - A New Dawn (USA) ROM / ISO for PlayStation 2 (PS2) from Rom Hustler. Apparently, the killer, whose name is Vladi Zarth, leads a group called the Dark Alliance, trying to take over the world. Tristan and Fritz begin on the quest, after obtaining the RGM-79 GM and Zaku I, to avenge the loss of their orphanage and caretaker. They begin the story by obtaining a RGM-79 GM from the G System and end up battling a Zaku I from the get-go. Along the way, he will assemble a party of loyal allies and discover a dark conspiracy. Seeking revenge and answers, Tristan sets out to find out why his home was attacked. But the happiness is ended when mysterious new weapons known as Mobile suits lay siege on the orphanage and kill its occupants. A young boy named Tristan (Trush in the original Japanese version) lives happily at an orphanage with his best friend, Fritz. Humanity began to rebuild society as best they could and called the apocalypse the "Great Fall". However, tragedy struck soon after and an apocalypse gripped Earth. Mobile suits can also be custom painted either as a whole or by individual pieces.Īt the peak of society, humanity created a complex machine system the Glory System (Known by all as the G System), an amazing technology which could create any machine so long as there were plans for it. Due to the lack of structured mobile suit development history, Mobile suits normally incapable of using beam weaponry such as the Zaku II are capable of using beam rifles and sabers, while lighter units are capable of equipping heavy equipment without the need for additional stabilization. Certain special attacks require minimum numbers of weapons, or specific types. Weapons can be hand-held (rifles, sabers) or mounted (Gatling guns, shoulder cannons). For example, the legs of a Dom can be applied to the body of a Gouf, while the Wing Binders of the Zeta Gundam can be equipped to the Nu Gundam in place of its Fin Funnels. Outside of battle, Mobile Suits can be modified by swapping parts, which also usually changes the appearance, altering coloration, which is purely cosmetic, and changing weapons and shield items.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Evan/Gregory, Sammy and Jeremy (MCI Victim): Demiboys (he/they), “boyn’t”, looks cis
Charlie: AFAB Genderfluid with gender apathy, doesn’t really care what she’s called: “dad i want to chop off my tits” “cool” (they/them, fine with she and he both but pls switch it up, leans towards feminine pronouns a TAD bit more, in Alive!AU Evan gets her a binder)
Andrew: Transmasc agender disaster as hell (neopronouns +they/them but he is ok on occasion)
Gabriel: AMAB genderfluid, parents dont give a shit abt whatever tf his gender is and just want him to get good grades and be raised well lol: wants to grow his hair out so he can get dreadlocks
Fritz: Always went by ‘he/him’ their entire life and was very uncomfortable at being assigned to strictly masculine traits/pronouns, experienced heavy cisnormativity but AMAB enby as hell (they/them, please dont call them ‘he’- their spirit in the afterlife mad af bc “THEY CALLED ME A BOY”) has always wanted a buzzcut
Cassidy: Demigirl, “girln’t”, also looks cis- ABSOLUTELY gets a half-bob buzzcut/pixiecut 
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ner-runi · 3 years
I Need to Feel
Pairing: Fives x fem OC!medic (Brynn - nicknamed “Tiny” cause she SHORT)
This is also in first person POV—not entirely sure how that will play in, but I figured I should let y’all know💕
Rating: E 18+ ONLY
Warnings: mention of alcohol abuse, trauma, OC has a prosthetic forearm/hand, smut, inappropriate use of ARC Trooper pauldrons i.e. oral (f recieving), unprotected P in V sex (wrap it up y’all), if I missed anything please let me know.
Word Count: 1.3K😳
Background Info: Ok so this happens within a MUCH larger work so a little bit of background: This takes place shortly after the Battle of Lola Sayu, aka The Citadel. The explosion that took Echo is also how Brynn lost her hand. Brynn is trying to cope with the “death” of Echo, and Fives is there for her. 
Feedback is always welcome! 😁
“Shut your damn mouth Fives,” I hiss into the ARC trooper’s mouth, “Stop talking and just fuck me.”
“Brynn…” he responds, breaking away from my desperate hold, “Brynn, you aren’t in your right mind.”
“You have my consent and I’m sober for the first time in days. Just,” I take a deep breath, “let me feel something other than pain.”
           After Lola Sayu, if you were to ask any other member of Torrent, I spiraled. Echo is my first real loss after the clusterfuck that was our defense of Rishi Station. In the end, it was only Echo, Fives, and I. I had no one else, I survived with no one else. So why not seek out a quick distraction with the final person I have closest to me? 
“Please, just one more time for my piece of mind,” Fives grabs my wandering hands from his armor. I am brutally reminded that I can only feel from one of them, my cybernetic fritzing once again as I get any sort of worked up. This Maker-forsaken thing will piss me off to no end. 
“Fives, you are all I have left. Beginning to end, I’ve had you by my side,” My eyes cant downwards, tears beginning to brim over my eyes, as I force the words in a single, desperate breath, “I may not be a whole, complete version of myself, but I need to know that I can still feel something other than pain and loss. Do your favorite medic a favor.”
Driven by desperation, I lock eyes with the ARC trooper in front of me as I push him further into my desk in the medbay. Grasping the back of his neck and bringing him down to meet my lips, I manage to maneuver him to the edge of the desk before further driving my weight into the fully kitted ARC. Fives collapses against the durasteel frame and I follow him down, moving to straddle his thighs without breaking my desperate kiss. Feeling the codpiece on his armor catch the seam of my blacks, I stifle a moan before knocking the contents of my desk—my datapad and a few other bits of flimsi, onto the floor. 
“Gods, Fives please,” I practically beg. The ARC trooper grasps the back of my thighs before flipping us over.
“You want what you want mesh’la,” Fives gives a lopsided grin, “Just promise you won't fall in love with me,” he finishes with a quick wink.
Deft fingers move to the band of my blacks, grasping them before pulling them down over my knees. After my pants hit the floor, Fives makes quick work ridding me of my blacks entirely, leaving me in only my chest binder and my comfortable, regulation underwear. 
“It could be sexier, I know,” I tell him hastily, “But this isn’t supposed to be sexy. Now fuck me within an inch of my life.”
Fives replies with only a grin before he places my thighs over his pauldrons, pressing his face into my aching core. 
“Stars, darlin—you always smell so sweet. I know you taste even better.” Fives barely pulls my underwear off my legs before latching his lips over my clit, roughly tracing his tongue over the bud.
“Fuck, Fives!” I shout as I throw my head back against my desk. I thread my fingers into his curls, moaning at the feeling of his tongue over my folds. 
Fives pulls his lips from my center, sucking so hard an audible pop sounds as he looks me in the eye.
“Don’t act surprised Tiny, you created this.” Fives shoots me another smirk before setting off to remove his armor pieces. I stare at the meticulous routine set before me, marveling at him as inch after inch of tanned skin is exposed to my wandering eyes. I stand back up to the ARC trooper, forcing him to look down at my wide eyes. 
“You’re Force-damned right I did. And will never regret it.” I whisper at him before placing my palms on his chest. Curling my fingers, I lightly drag my nails down his torso as I lower myself onto my knees before him. I feel him shiver under my touch when my hands reach his hip bones.
“Ah ah ah, mesh’la. Tonight is about you,” he stops me from raising his hard cock to my lips. Bringing me back up to my feet, the ARC trooper drags my body closer to his bare chest. I feel Fives’ calloused hands down my arms, reaching to my side to release the concealed zipper of my binder. The fabric drops from my body and Fives continues to inch his warm hands further down my body. 
Rough hands find the soft flesh on the back of my thighs and Fives whispers in my ear, “Jump, sweet thing,” he nips at my neck as he moves to press me against the chilly durasteel wall. 
When my legs wrap around his narrow hips, I feel him, achingly hard against my center. Smooth thrusts bring the head of Fives’ cock against my swollen clit before catching at the opening of my soaked core. 
“Just like Rishi, sweetheart,” breathless words ghost over my ear, “Take me like I know you can.”
With one slow thrust, Fives buries himself in me. He chokes on his moan and my eyes roll into the back of my head. The familiar stretch of his cock does more than my fingers have in weeks. The tension rises low in my belly, consuming my body in a few deep thrusts. I have a fleeting moment of thanks that I am not on my feet, because I would surely be unable to support myself. Digging my nails into the meat of the ARC trooper’s shoulders, I throw my head back towards the wall. 
“Look at me sweet girl,” Fives brings one hand up to caress my jaw, angling my head towards his sweet honey eyes, “Fuck Brynn, you’re doin’ so good for me.” His hand leaves my face to snake between our hot bodies. 
“Maker Fives!” I keen as his free hand makes contact, rolling my clit between his calloused fingers, “Fives, I want to feel cum you inside me.” The tension begins to crest, my walls clenching around Fives’ deliberate thrusts.
“I can feel you. Cum for me, sweet thing.” With his words I feel my pussy clench down on his rigid cock, milking the ARC trooper for everything he’s got. My head rolls back again as Fives continues to thrust into my spent cunt. His grunts send shivers down my neck and he thrusts one final time, deep into me. His hot release fills me— I lock onto the feeling and abandon everything else. 
Against the wall of the medbay office, Fives rests his forehead on my shoulder,
“Maker, I always knew you’d be the one to forever make a mess on my cock.”
I reply breathlessly, “I taught you everything you fucking know. Back on Rishi you’d just be cumming in your blacks. I taught you—never forget that. “
Fives laughs at my admission, “Was that distraction enough?” Bringing my cybernetic hand to his lips, he lays gentle kisses against the metal, 
“Fives, you have no fucking idea.” 
“You know I got more where that came from.” He smirks while raising his eyebrows suggestively.
My head finally feels clear as Fives pulls himself out of me, the pain of loss no longer at the forefront of my mind. I maneuver him towards the cot against the back wall,
“Stay with me tonight?” I ask, “Please?” When I fall onto the stiff cot, I turn to see Fives bringing over our undergarments.
“I’m all for sleeping naked with you, but we probably shouldn’t scar Lyra so soon in her tenure with the 501st.” He pulls up his grey boxer-briefs over his hips and I stifle a giggle as I put my binder and underwear back on.
“Thank you for reminding me that I can still feel the good emotions, Fives,” I say, laying down on Fives’ chest.   
I only hear a mumble of Mando’a before succumbing to the sweet pressure of sleep.
Tagging who I think would enjoy ❤️
@rowansparrow @djarrex @truechaoticneutral @writingbylee
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Ninjago rewrite AU footnotes (part 1/???)
Jotted these down so then I could get a clear image of the AU.
Mentions of child abuse, death, running away, body horror, mental breakdowns, improper binding, etc.
Nothing is explicitly written out but jotted down.
Mentions are started with an asterisk -> *
Read with caution.
Before the First Spinjitzu Master, Ninjago actually functioned fine without him.
There were the Goddess sisters:
Bala, Goddess of Light and Unce Goddess of Darkness who ruled the realm.
With them was the council of Elemental Gods.
Colenei, God of Earth.
Jaewhorl, Goddess of Lightning.
Kaibrai, Goddess of Fire.
And Antizan, God of Ice.
There are other gods much like Nyan, Goddess of Water. And Mourwund, God of Wind. Candyre, Goddess of Heart. Skyligne, God of Amber. etc.
They used to grant their powers to the people of Ninjago, those with the ability to use their powers were called Elementals, but an Elemental Master had to be well known and experienced in their practice.
As the FSM came into Ninjago to escape the First Realm, the Gods found their powers were easily absorbed by the FSM, and in their panic began taking their powers away from their chosens. Only a select few were able to retain their powers despite being near the oni/dragon being.
These remaining Elementals were the new Elemental Masters, and to keep their powers from being entirely lost, they began passing them down to their next of kin/successors since the Gods wouldn't grant them anymore.
This is why there is no Master of Wind after Morro died.
About the Cast
Season One/Two: Cole and Zane are 19, Jay and Kai are 18, Nya is 15, and Lloyd is 11.
Cole (gay) had a crush on Jay (straight?) first.
Then Zane (Bi) joined and started flirting with Jay (straight!?)
Kai (Pan) joined and flirted with Cole which upset Jay (straight???)
Cole and Zane then got flirtatious and confused Jay (STRAIGHT!?!??)
Then Kai and Jay made out.
Jay found out he was Bi. Very Bi.
Kai is FTM trans. He realized it after sending Nya off to her school dance, and he tried to reminisce about an old dress that belonged to his mom since he stopped going to school long ago to raise Nya and run the smith shop. He never got to go to a school dance and wanted to know what it felt like.
*But wearing the dress resulted in having a meltdown and he chopped off his long hair (that was down to his waist, he cut it to his shoulders).
*Kai (before season 4) bound his chest with wrapping (he does not have any clue how bad that is) and the others find this out after Kai collapses in battle due to breathing issues.
Jay later fixes this (during the break between season 3 and 4) by buying Kai binders, and also subtly hinting to saving money to help Kai get top surgery.
*Kai and Nya's parents are dead. Dead dead. When Krux tried to take them hostage, they fought back and the village found their bodies on the edge of Ignacia's forest border.
Nya escaped Garmadon because she unintentionally used her water element to turn the lava she was tied over into stone. She also slipped from her ropes and took the fire dragon (Flare) when Garmadon tried to subdue her.
Nya as Samurai X is always going to be her thing. Water powers or not, you gotta rip the suit from her cold, dead hands (and then Kai's live, flaming hands).
*Jay lost his left arm at about 13 years old, he was trying to find a scrap piece for an invention he was making back at the monastery. The pile he was climbing on was unstable and collapsed, a metal sheet slicing his arm right off.
While his parents were quick to dig him out, they couldn't find his arm and were forced to take him to the hospital to seal his wound.
This arm was found later by Jay and Co. when he was trying to find closure with his injury and by luck found the severed arm.
They cremated it as a send-off of sorts.
Jay knows he's adopted. He found out by accident when moving things around in his parents' home and found the paperwork and the suite key/address to Fritz Gordon's home.
He hid it in his room and he's been scared to talk about it.
Cole hates absolute silence, Jay hates loud, overstimulating sounds. They both work well together since they balance out their sensory issues.
Cole was originally named Colin Bucket. His mother's maiden name was Brookstone. He changed his name to Cole Brookstone and ran away at 11.
*Cole found out his mom died after 3 weeks. Lou didn't tell him and he missed the funeral, the service, the burial.
Cole was bitter with Lou from then on.
*Cole ran away after his big fumble where he landed on his face, failing to do the triple tiger sashay and broke his nose. He basically cried himself off the stage while his dad yelled at him to come back.
He hid at an old friend's place until he came to the idea of running away. (sneaking in my OC)
Candyce Wrapper runs a family bakery with her remaining family member, her sickly father.
She was the one who helped Cole hide from Lou and gave him the bakery's leftovers before he left and she never saw him again.
Eventually, they do reunite as Cole has to come back for the fang blade in the talent show. Candyce later gets to talk more to Cole when Lou is captured by the Serpentine.
When the Ninja joined the talent show, they didn't go to Lou.
They instead joined as FantasySpin.
Kai played the guitar, Zane the violin, Jay and Cole danced to the music. The song played for their performance was Cafe 1930.
When Lou and Cole talk, Lou is still in hot water for neglecting/abusing Cole.
Lou later (somewhat) redeems himself as he snatched the blade off the fang cup before the Serpentine stole it. He gave it to Cole so the Ninja could hide it, then was kidnapped by the Snakes.
Zane's AI was built on a Dating Sim (YES I AM USING THE DATING SIM AU).
His memories are saved day-by-day in save files. The save files are displayed as visual novels and very, very anime-styled.
Corrupted save files can be very dangerous to Zane's mentality. They either have to be carefully patched up through computer help or semi-rewrites. The only other option is to delete, and Zane tries not to do this.
Jay's usually the one to help Zane with the corrupted save files.
He has done the "awful" act of altering some memories in the act of fixing them.
Not outright changing the course of the day, but adding dumb tidbits that didn't happen like Kai having a hair full of bows, Cole breaking out into song, Nya eating a spoon, etc.
*The ninja found out that Zane was an android when a goon sliced his stomach open. Instead of the expected guts spilling everywhere, oil and wires came out.
Kai threw up, Cole fainted, only Jay froze in shock before rushing to help Zane.
Zane spiraled as the revelation brought up his original memories/save files that were "deleted" by his father.
He ran away to Birchwood forest and encased himself in ice, unable to stop his mind from collapsing. Jay was the only one to keep up, chasing after him, and tried everything to free him.
*It came to ripping his prosthetic off, using it as a lightning rod, chipping out the Shirukens of Ice to get them away from Zane, electrocuting himself, getting skin ripped from touching freezing ice, and eventually collapsing from the cold.
Kai and Cole had to pry Jay off Zane's prison and run from the extreme snow/lightning storm that was summoned at the time.
That section of Birchwood Forest is forever in that stormy state.
Lloyd eventually came to help Zane, and together they got to Dr. Julien's old home and Zane found his blueprints before rushing back.
Lloyd is the chosen Master of Light. Bala, Goddess of Light, knew that something awful was coming due to past events. And considering that now the FSM is dead and Wu and Garm are destined to die...
The Gods chose Lloyd since his legacy would ensure a new age of peace in Ninjago.
Lloyd gets possessed by the four elemental Gods at times when he or the Ninja need help.
This possession is half the reason why Lloyd runs away from Darkley's. He can't control when it happens and most of the time he up and leaves without anyone noticing.
Antizan possessed Lloyd when he went to help Zane.
*The Ninja take in Lloyd after Pythor tries to kill the kid.
*Lloyd has several panic attacks at first when he messes up around the Bounty, but the guys never scream or hit him like he fears they would.
*The Ninja terrorize Darkley's after Lloyd told them about how he was neglected/abused by the staff.
*Zane didn't like the idea of doing any of it first, but after Lloyd shared a particularly nasty memory about getting locked up in a closet, splashed with dirty water until he got sick- Zane's guilt basically went from idk if I could do this... to I WILL BURN THIS PLACE DOWN WITH THE STAFF INSIDE.
And they didn't stop until it was shut down and the Ninja celebrated by vandalizing the abandoned academy.
Lloyd got treated like a freaking prince when he was taken in.
Cole used what skills he learned over the years to help Lloyd train, and also dances with the kiddo whenever possible. He loves dipping Lloyd cause the kid's hair flies all over the place.
Jay taught Lloyd to build things and use scrap metal to make art pieces. Also, Jay introduced Lloyd to Ed and Edna as their new grandson and the Walkers lost their mind thinking Jay got a girl pregnant.
Funny enough they thought the mother was Nya; Jay later jokes that it was Kai that gave birth to Lloyd.
Zane teaches Lloyd academics and how to start channeling his elemental powers. Ironic that it's Zane that Lloyd had to save from the ice, and now Zane is teaching him how to control his power. Okay dad-
He also helps in the kitchen and can make a mean wonton soup.
Kai teaches Lloyd the basics of maintaining a home and how to haggle. It's funny cause Lloyd gets to fight a stall seller for candy and he can get away with it.
Lloyd also learned about Kai being trans and wants to be supportive!
Lloyd gained the nicknames L and Loni.
The ninja always remember to give Lloyd a bedtime story and a goodnight kiss. If they don't, then Lloyd will climb into their bed and screw with them until they do it and carry him back to his bed.
After defeating the Overlord, Lloyd dyes his hair black/brown to avoid attention from people.
Extra tidbits
*When Zane's father died, he too died right then and there. No Samukai to whisk him away to a maroon island prison. Zane's first memories past getting his old ones erased were seeing a dead man that he didn't know.
Falcon was found in Dr. Julien's home after Lloyd and Zane found it, and Zane went home with Falcon (and the Cleaning Bot, and the Robo-Cat) tucked under his arms.
They're the monastery pets.
Echo Zane was also found there, incomplete as Dr. Julien was trying to build Zane a brother before he became deathly sick.
Echo was also brought back and fixed by Kai and Jay.
It was he and Falcon who protect the Monastery and kept it from being destroyed by the Serpentine.
Nya was the one to find the Destiny's Bounty while building her Samurai X base and used it as a storage place until the Ninja needed a way to get to Ouroboros to save Lloyd.
Misako left Lloyd at Darkley's because at first, it was a safe place. But after rumors spread about Lloyd being there, dubious figures/ devout Garmadon followers flocked there to manipulate Lloyd.
*It was only after learning that Lloyd lacked his father's evil did they lose interest and start abusing the boy.
Misako was the one to be taken by Samukai (cause Garmadon knew his followers were after her) and marooned on the island prison. What he didn't know was that Misako didn't have Lloyd with her.
When Garmadon gets to the Dark Island, he brings back the Bizarros and turns them (with his new energy granted by the Overlord) into faux Oni.
Since Garmadon is a direct child of the FSM, the Bizarros' Oni forms were actually mixed with Dragon and caused their appearance to be more colorful.
Sketches of the Bizarro Oni
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When they were brought back, they quickly ran off to do their own thing. They did not want to die again.
They eventually take over Dareth's Dojo-later Boba Bar and run the karaoke club.
During Zane's death period from Season 3 to 4, Zane reunites with Dr. Julien in the Departed Realm and finds out that during his childhood- Zane fell into a river and almost died.
Dr. Julien could've let Zane drown/get short-circuited but "I couldn't bear to see my son die." and he dove in after the android; Causing him to catch a deathly chill that eventually took his life.
The reason he erased Zane's memory was so Zane wouldn't live with the guilt of getting his father sick.
During Zane's death period, the remaining Ninja felt they couldn't stay together. It didn't feel fair that they still had each other but Zane was gone.
Jay still hosted the TV show, but his job after that was working with his parents to sell needed material to Cyrus Borg.
Cole maintained the Monastery with the help of Echo and rebuilt parts of it after the Serpentine attack from Season 1 (the repairs were slow at first since they had to train/rescue Lloyd).
Kai went back to his family shop and got the place going again, he didn't want any of the greedy land buyers stealing his family home.
Lloyd lived split custody in a way: Staying with Jay in his apartment, Sleeping over with his adopted grandparents' (Ed and Edna), Back at the Monastery with Cole and Echo, Spending a lot of weekends with Kai, and then with his dad and mom in their forest Monastery.
Jay, Cole, and Kai got back together cause they were miserable without each other. They did so just before the Tournament of Elements. They didn't even fight Lloyd when he came to convince them to come back, they just cried in their son's arms and hurried with packing their bags.
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movie-magic · 3 years
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How the Marvel Cinematic Universe Chooses Its Heroes!
“With Shang-Chi and the rest of Phase 4 on the horizon, Kevin Feige opens up about how Marvel chooses the characters that will headline the MCU.”
“The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become one of the most valuable storytelling properties in the world and it’s done so not always by betting on the most popular characters. This was certainly the case with Iron Man, the MCU’s first proper installment, which centered what was widely considered to be second-tier Marvel character at the time. In his book The Big Picture: The Fight for the Future of Movies, film historian Ben Fritz explains that Marvel originally intended to open the MCU with Captain American, but that plans changed when focus groups of children chose Iron Man as the character with the coolest abilities and weapons, and therefore the toy they would most like to play with. More than 15 years later, looking forward to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings the next era of the MCU, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is opening up a bit more about how the entertainment company chooses the characters who will become the MCU’s next heroes.”
“Feige spoke to Men’s Health for their latest cover story, touching on the misstep that was casting Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One in 2016’s Doctor Strange, and diving into the MCU character selection process. According to the interview, Marvel has a binder full of “great characters who could make great movies regardless of how famous they [are]” that has existed since the MCU’s inception. Feige said that the earlier filmic success of Blade, which was far from one of Marvel’s most popular comics, taught the MCU decision-makers an important lesson heading into the franchise.”
“That sort of proved early on that it wasn’t about how famous the character was,” said Feige, “but about how great their potential was for becoming a cool movie, or series of movies. And Shang-Chi has had that potential for so long.”
“Now that the MCU is heading into a new era post-Endgame (Phase 4 begins with Black Widow), there’s room to expand the MCU stable in new and interesting ways—and hopefully without making the kinds of cultural appropriative missteps of a movie like Doctor Strange. Shang-Chi has been on the MCU’s radar for a while, and presumably is a character/comic in the aforementioned binder. The film has been in mostly passive development since 2001, when Blade director Stephen Norrington signed on to direct an adaptation, but, prior to that, in the 1980s, Stan Lee tried to make an adaptation happen with Bruce Lee as the star. After the success of Black Panther in 2018, Marvel fast-tracked the development of Shang-Chi, hoping to capitalize on underserved audiences with a connection to and/or interest in Asian and Asian American cultures in the same way Black Panther did with African and Black American cultural influences.”
“With Shang-Chi, the MCU is obviously hoping to court China, currently the biggest box office in the world (and with an increasing and somewhat worrying influence on Hollywood decision-making). “It’s about having a foot in both worlds,” Feige told Men’s Health. “In the North American world and in China. And [star] Simu [Liu] fits that quite well.”
- Den of Geek
Which Marvel characters would you like to see headlining their own MCU films in the future?
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9 · Introduction: In The Footsteps Of Frankenstein · Michel Parry · in 17 · The Colossus of Ylourgne · Clark Ashton Smith · nv Weird Tales June 1934 56 · The Last of the Daubeny-FitzAlans · Arnold Harvey · ss 1976 59 · The Dancing Partner · Jerome K. Jerome · ss The Idler March 1893 66 · Moxon’s Master · Ambrose Bierce · ss San Francisco Examiner April 16 1899 76 · Dr. Karnstein’s Creation · Donald F. Glut · ss Tales Of Frankenstein 1976 91 · Almost Human · Robert Bloch · ss Fantastic Adventures June 1943, as by Tarleton Fiske 111 · Count Szolnok’s Robots · D. Scott-Moncrieff · ss Not For The Squeamish, London: Background Books 1948 126 · Herbert West—Reanimator · H. P. Lovecraft · gp Home Brew February 1922 (+5), as “Grewsome Tales”; From The Dark, ss Weird Tales March 1942; The Plague Demon, ss Weird Tales July 1942; Six Shots By Moonlight, ss Weird Tales September 1942; The Scream Of The Dead, ss Weird Tales November 1942; The Horror From The Shadows, ss Weird Tales September 1943; The Tomb-Legions, ss Weird Tales November 1943 158 · Pithecanthropus Rejectus · Manly Wade Wellman · ss Astounding January 1938 169 · The Dead Man · Fritz Leiber · nv Weird Tales November 1950 198 · Iron Man · Eando Binder · ss Future #28 1955 215 · The Monster At The Movies - A Checklist Of Frankenstein Films · Michel Parry
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raducotarcea · 11 months
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