baki-tiene-un-simp · 11 months
Hey, it's me again, really liked your last hc about mumon and musashi, sorry if it's too much for these characters, they are my favorite along side others but thas not the case.
Could you please write retsu, mumon, musashi, baki and sukune(if you don't know who he is he is basically a sumo fighter from baki)with a very shy and small realder that is a belly dancer and perfoms for big crouds and audiences.
Thank you for writhing these headcanons, they allwyas surpass my expectations :)
A kiss on the cheek
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I still don't write for Sukune, just because I don't know how to write about him yet 💕 Thank u so much for reading.
Situation: Shy and small reader that is a belly dancer / Lector timido y pequeño que es bailarín de vientre
Characters: Baki Hanma, Jun Guevara, Mumon Katsuragi, Musashi Miyamoto and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
His jaw dropped for the first time, was everyone seeing the same angel he was seeing? It was something new, a halftime show at a competition he attended, so he was in the front row.
The movements of the S/O stole his breath, he was a little embarrassed to pay so much attention to the movement of their hips, but he simply couldn't take his eyes off them. The sequins that shone with colored lights, the ruffles tied around their waist that floated with every movement, and the elegance with which their hands danced along with their figure, was something he had never seen before.
He came up to the end of the halftime event, when the S/O had already left to freshen up and take a break. Baki didn't know what else to say besides that he really liked the presentation, the S/O nodded silently without looking directly into his eyes with a slightly heated face.
You imagine two embarrassed teenagers trying to talk to each other when everyone notices that they like each other, yes, that's what the scene looked like from the outside.
The S/O was probably the first to escape, while Baki was still trying to make his brain work again. He smacked his face in regretting not having said more, something better.
He is preoccupied with thinking about the S/O the rest of the event, if he's lucky and fast enough he might look for them again to talk to them, maybe ask for their number too.
Baki really liked S/O, he thinks they're so talented and cute, he's a little sorry that they're so shy, but that won't discourage him at all.
Jun Guevara.
He saw the S/O during one of those big presentations and he was simply enchanted, the way they moved, the hypnotic eyes that focused on no one in particular and that outfit that seemed to make them glow in the light. Just captivating.
Movements so well-groomed and elegant that they only called him to look, just gorgeous.
He approached as the show came to a close, he braced himself to receive a flirtatious or even arrogant personality, the S/O was a beauty he was willing to put up with a lousy personality for.
Big was his surprise when the S/O looked at him shyly as he mentioned how dazzling they looked on and off stage. They thanked with a small voice and tried to escape Jun's gaze.
"Is that a timid little thing we have here, hm?" he chuckled when the S/O shrugged without looking back at him, they seemed smaller than they already were.
He let the S/O go before overwhelming them too much, but not before introducing himself in a nicer way, he would try to attend their next performance to have a better chance.
Jun thinks they're cute, just that shyness and dazzling performance of them is refreshing. He wants to see them more.
Mumon Katsuragi.
He's a bit cheeky in his look, the S/O will definitely notice him in the audience. He just thinks they're awesome, it sure took a lot of effort and their practices being able to do those kinds of moves.
His favorite part is the dress, the sequins and ruffles make the outfit sparkle under the artificial lights magnificently. The S/O seems to be covered in gold.
He's probably the one to start the standing ovation, no one was slow to follow because it was definitely a great show.
He sneaked to the back so he could see the S/O, waiting for them in the hallway with a small bouquet of flowers as a gift. He perked up as soon as he saw them come out of the staff room in a different outfit, second show, he guessed.
"You were amazing out there," he says with an easy smile, offering the gift. The S/O embarrassedly accepts the flowers and thanks for the compliment, Mumon watches as he cringes in on themselves in pity.
Mumon is calm and nice to create a good atmosphere with which the S/O would be comfortable, he makes them laugh and tries to make them enjoy his company.
Mumon thinks that S/O is just beautiful, their shy personality gives them a different air, he tries hard to be friendly and not bother them so they can connect with each other.
Musashi Miyamoto.
The S/O can DEFINITELY feel Musashi's gaze on themselves, and who can't?
Musashi watches almost engrossed in the dance they do, all the glitter, music and colors spinning to give S/O a fantastic atmosphere that makes their performance hard to ignore.
He walks through event security like it's nothing, just because he wants to get a closer look at this flashy person after he's disappeared backstage.
The movements replayed in Musashi's mind like a lucid movie, every twist and turn he witnessed etched into his brain.
The S/O shifted uncomfortably under the samurai's watchful eye, the man having cornered them as they stepped out of the staff area, stuttering when they asked if there was anything they could do for him.
Musashi cocks his head and watches them closely, making the S/O more nervous, only to let go of the comment "you're cuter up close".
Musashi probably doesn't understand why they are so nervous after his words, he was being sincere, what's wrong with that?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi and the dojo students took him to see the show, he wouldn't have gone on his own. He watches over the entire show, especially when the S/O comes on the scene.
He gapes throughout the dance, the lights glowing in bright colors bouncing off the S/O's body and attire throughout the dance. The students of the dojo note how his eyes do not stray from the S / O.
S/O's movements were so hypnotic and well-cared for that he couldn't help but wonder how long it took them to achieve such impeccable movements.
He ignores the teasing of his companions at the end of the show when they imitated his expression, Retsu would be a little more focused on getting flowers.
He went to see the S/O with flowers in his hands, the others also accompanied him, and he praised the act of the S/O as soon as he saw them. He saw them laugh nervously as they accepted the detail, "I want to congratulate all the effort you surely put into your dance, it was incredible"
S/O stuttered with gratitude at Retsu's words, and the complicit looks of the karate fighters, before saying goodbye to him to return to their duties.
Retsu was captivated by the impressive presentation of the S/O and by the cute embarrassed expression they made when he praised them, he really hopes that their paths will cross again soon.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Se quedó con la boca abierta la primera vez, ¿acaso todos estaban viendo al mismo ángel que él veía? Era algo nuevo, un espectáculo de medio tiempo en una competencia a la que asistió, por lo que estaba en primera fila.
Los movimientos del S/O le robaban el aliento, le avergonzaba un poco el prestar tanta atención al movimiento de sus caderas, pero simplemente no podía apartar la mirada. Las lentejuelas que brillaban con las luces de colores, los volantes amarrados a su cintura que flotaban con cada movimiento y la elegancia con la que sus manos danzaban junto con su figura, era algo que jamás había visto antes.
Se acercó al final del evento del medio tiempo, cuando el S/O ya se había marchado para refrescarse y tomarse un descanso. Baki no supo que más decir además de que le gusto mucho la presentación, el S/O asintió en silencio sin mirarlo directamente a los ojos con el rostro un poco acalorado.
Imagina a dos adolescentes avergonzados tratando de hablarse mutuamente cuando todo mundo nota que se gustan, sí, así era como se veía la escena desde afuera.
Probablemente el S/O fue el primero en escapar, mientras que Baki todavía trataba de hacer que su cerebro funcionara otra vez. Se golpeó la cara al lamentarse por no haber dicho más, algo mejor.
Está ensimismado pensando en el S/O el resto del evento, si tiene suerte y es lo suficientemente rápido podría buscarle otra vez para hablarle, quizá pedirle su número también.
A Baki le gusto mucho el S/O, cree que son tan talentosos y lindos, se lamenta un poco que sean tan tímidos, pero eso no lo desalentara para nada.
Jun Guevara.
Vio al S/O durante una de esas grandes presentaciones y él simplemente quedo encantado, la forma en que se movía, los ojos hipnóticos que se concentraban en nadie en particular y esa vestimenta que parecía hacerle brillar bajo la luz. Simplemente cautivador.
Movimientos tan bien cuidados y elegantes que solo lo llamaban para que mirara, simplemente precioso.
Se acercó cuando el espectáculo llego a su fin, se preparó para recibir una personalidad coqueta o hasta arrogante, el S/O era una belleza por la que estaba dispuesto a soportar una pésima personalidad.
Grande fue su sorpresa cuando el S/O lo miro con timidez mientras él mencionaba lo deslumbrante que se veía dentro y fuera del escenario. Agradecieron con una voz pequeña y trataron de escapar de la mirada de Jun.
"¿Es una cosita tímida lo que tenemos aquí, hm?" se rio cuando el S/O se encogió de hombros sin devolverle la mirada, parecía más pequeño de lo que ya era.
Dejo ir al S/O antes de agobiarlo demasiado, no sin antes presentarse de una forma más amable, procuraría asistir a su siguiente actuación para tener una mejor oportunidad.
Jun cree que son lindos, simplemente esa timidez y lo deslumbrante de su presentación son refrescantes. Él quiere verles más.
Mumon Katsuragi.
Es un poco descarado en su mirada, definitivamente el S/O lo notará entre el público. Simplemente cree que son impresionantes, seguro que les tomo mucho esfuerzo y practica el ser capaces de hacer esa clase de movimientos.
Su parte favorita es la vestimenta, las lentejuelas y los volantes hace que el traje brille bajo las luces artificiales magníficamente. El S/O parece estar cubierto de oro.
Probablemente es él quien inicia la ovación de pie, nadie tardo en seguirlo porque definitivamente fue un gran espectáculo.
Se coló a la parte trasera para poder ver al S/O, le espero en el pasillo con un pequeño ramo de flores como obsequio. Se animó tan pronto como les vio salir de la habitación del personal con un vestuario diferente, segundo espectáculo, supuso.
"Estuviste increíble allí afuera", él dice con una sonrisa tranquila, ofreciendo el regalo. El S/O acepta las flores con vergüenza y agradece por el cumplido, Mumon ve como se encoge sobre sí mismo por pena.
Mumon es calmado y simpático para crear una buena atmosfera con la que el S/O estuviera a gusto, le hace reír y procura hacer que disfrute de su compañía.
Mumon cree que el S/O es simplemente hermoso, la personalidad tímida que tiene le da un aire diferente, se esfuerza por ser amistoso y no molestarle para que puedan conectar entre los dos.
Musashi Miyamoto.
El S/O DEFINITIVAMENTE puede sentir la mirada de Musashi sobre sí mismo, y ¿Quién no?
Musashi observa casi ensimismado el baile que hace, todo el brillo, la música y los colores que giran para darle al S/O una atmosfera fantástica que hace que su actuación sea difícil de ignorar.
Él atraviesa la seguridad del evento como si no fuera nada, solo porque quiere ver de cerca a esta llamativa persona después de que desapareció tras bambalinas.
Los movimientos se repetían en la mente de Musashi como una película lucida, cada movimiento y giro que presencio se grabaron en su cerebro.
El S/O se movió incómodo bajo la atenta mirada del samurái, el hombre le había acorralado cuando salió del área del personal, tartamudeando cuando le pregunto si podía hacer algo por él.
Musashi ladea la cabeza y le observa de cerca, poniendo más nervioso al S/O, solo para dejar ir el comentario "también eres lindo de cerca".
Probablemente Musashi no entienda por qué están tan nerviosos después de sus palabras, estaba siendo sincero, ¿Qué hay de malo en eso?
Retsu Kaioh.
Katsumi y los alumnos del dojo lo llevaron a ver el espectáculo, él no hubiera ido por su propio pie. Está atento a todo el show, en especial cuando el S/O entra en escena.
Se queda con la boca abierta durante todo el baile, las luces brillan en colores llamativos rebotando en el cuerpo y la vestimenta del S/O durante todo el baile. Los alumnos del dojo nota como sus ojos no se apartan del S/O.
Los movimientos del S/O eran tan hipnóticos y bien cuidados que no pudo evitar preguntarse cuanto tiempo le tomo conseguir movimientos tan impecables.
Ignora las burlas de sus acompañantes al finalizar el espectáculo cuando imitaban su expresión, Retsu estaría un poco más concentrado en conseguir flores.
Fue a ver al S/O con flores en manos, los demás también lo acompañaron, y elogio el acto del S/O en cuanto le vio. Le vio reírse nerviosamente mientras aceptaba el detalle, "quiero felicitar todo el esfuerzo que seguramente pusiste en tu baile, fue increíble"
S/O tartamudeo con agradecimiento ante las palabras de Retsu, y las miradas cómplices de los karatecas, antes de despedirse para regresar a sus obligaciones.
Retsu estuvo cautivado por la impresionante presentación del S/O y por la linda expresión avergonzada que hizo cuando lo elogio, realmente espera que sus caminos se vuelvan a cruzar pronto.
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anamon-book · 6 months
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ゲバラ日記 チェ・ゲバラ、仲晃・丹羽光男=訳 みすず書房
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antifatabi · 1 year
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ruthimages · 6 months
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aitan · 2 years
“Bisogna essere duri
senza perdere la tenerezza.”
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Oggi il Che avrebbe compiuto 94 anni.
Gli dedico questa mia poesia in forma di fresella.
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pyxisbr-blog-blog · 5 months
Livros Antigos, da série "Entre sem bater".
Os livros antigos trazem todas as perguntas e as respostas.
Mas as novas gerações só querem saber do que pode "dar certo".
#LivrosAntigos #Entresembater #AntoniodeGuevara #Guevara
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romanticswamp · 1 year
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The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
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world-of-lang · 2 months
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transporterzafer · 1 year
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#che #guevara #france #bourges https://www.instagram.com/p/CoyAa1RogrU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 10 months
Hey, I know that i've already asked agood amount of hc but could you please make an hc for retsu, musashi, mumon, sukune and jun with an S/O that was almost killed by someone like their enemy or something (like a very graphic and bloody injuries that are basically exposing the bone or the whole body is basically fully bruised) but they get to the hospital and they are in a coma and they wake up after 3 to 6 months or so moments before their S/O is umpluged from the life support and everyone thought that they were basically dead.I would like to know about their thoughts, feelings and plans after they thought they were going to lose their S/O and their plans for the future, also what they would do the person and how would they react to their S/O coming back and some aftermate.
Thanks for having the patience to deal with so many asks.
Heres a kiss for my FWACCOF(Favorite Writer And Content Creator Of Tumblr)
P.S.(I know that this kind of reads "fuck off" but I liked the acronym so I'll let it stay)
Hope you have a nice second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year/life/eternety.
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Situation: Baki's men's train of thought when an enemy attacks their S/O. / Tren de pensamiento de los hombres de Baki cuando un enemigo ataca a su S/O.
Characters: Jun Guevaru, Musashi Miyamoto, Mumon Katsuragi and Retsu Kaioh.
Jun Guevaru.
"These months have been exhausting without them, so stressful how everyone seems to go on with their lives while I feel lost because they didn't react, but they have finally come to their senses. They have opened their eyes and looked at me after so long, I really missed those beautiful eyes.
Who could even think of hurting you, mi amor? What kind of monster could hurt you, mi ángel?
I must make sure that your house is protected so that this incident does not happen again. A couple of my men could regularly hang around there just to keep the perimeter clear, I'll be with them anyway so I can protect them. Oh how I've missed you…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"It's ridiculous to take it out on someone who can't defend themselves, what logic is there in attacking others when the target is me? The discomfort in my chest hasn't disappeared since they were attacked a couple of months ago, now that they woke up I felt less… Uncomfortable, but that feeling is still there.
Is it some kind of desire for revenge? Revenge doesn't taste so bitter, besides, I'm satisfied when I use my katanas on the offender. I don't understand what happens.
I don't understand how they are still here either, their slow breathing and their lack of mobility during these months only gave me an image of what I thought was the future, I don't know how they managed to come back to life, but I will stay with them until they can explain it to me…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"They opened their eyes, heaven has finally heard my pleas, maybe God got tired of hearing me cry at night to get them back to me. I stopped myself, I wanted to jump on them and kiss them as if I hadn't seen them in years, but I I held back; her condition is delicate and I must be careful.
The doctors haven't stopped talking about her treatment and diet from now on, that old cookbook I found at her house should help me a bit. They probably don't mind me staying at their apartment, I spend most of my time there and they need help right now.
I have to go home before them, I have to clean and change the sheets so they can rest as soon as they get out of the hospital, maybe they want to eat something after a long time? Probably, I'll take care of bringing today's dinner so that I can regain my strength after all these months…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"They are fine, they are fine, they have finally woken up and just in time, just when I lost hope of one day being able to see their eyes looking at me once more. If only I had been by their side when they needed me most, maybe if would have paid more attention to their surroundings they would not be here, they would not have suffered as they did.
The wounds have healed, but they need therapy and periodic checkups to make sure they are better. Maybe I should ask them to move in with me so that I can take care of them properly during all the remaining time of recovery and therapies, that would also allow me to be around for them when they need to do something and their injuries do not allow it.
A good diet is also vital, it could supply the pantry with foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, meat and fish, reduce sugar and bad substances for a period of time. The tea is medicinal, surely they will manage to calm your discomfort and help you sleep. I should take out the inflatable bed and offer them my bed, the important thing is that they are comfortable and rested…"
Versión en español.
Jun Guevaru.
"Estos meses han sido agotadores sin ti, tan estresante como todos parecen seguir sus vidas mientras yo me siento perdido porque tu no reaccionas, pero finalmente has vuelto. Al fin abriste los ojos y me miraste después de tanto tiempo, realmente extrañaba esos hermosos ojos.
¿Quién podría siquiera pensar en hacerte daño, mi amor? ¿Qué clase de monstruo podría lastimarte a ti, mi ángel?
Debo asegurarme de que tu casa esté protegida para que este incidente no se repita. Un par de mis hombres podrían pasearse regularmente por allí solo para mantener el perímetro libre, de todas formas estaré junto a ti, así que puedo protegerte. Oh, como te he extrañado…"
Musashi Miyamoto.
"Es ridículo desquitarse con quien no puede defenderse, ¿Qué lógica existe en atacar a otros cuando el objetivo soy yo? La incomodidad en mi pecho no ha desaparecido desde que fue atacado hace un par de meses, ahora que despertó me he sentido menos… Incómodo, pero ese sentimiento sigue allí.
¿Será alguna clase de deseo de venganza? La venganza no tiene este sabor tan amargo, además, quede satisfecho cuando use mis catanas en el causante. No entiendo que sucede.
Tampoco entiendo como sigue aquí, sus lentas respiraciones y su falta de movilidad durante estos meses solo me dieron una imagen de lo que creía era el futuro, no sé cómo logro regresar a la vida, pero me quedaré a su lado hasta que pueda explicármelo…"
Mumon Katsuragi.
"Abrió los ojos, el cielo al fin ha escuchado mis súplicas, quizá Dios se cansó de escucharme llorar por las noches para que me lo devuelvan. Me contuve, quise saltar sobre el y besarles como si no le hubiera visto en años, pero me contuve; su estado es delicado y debo tener cuidado.
Los doctores no han parado de hablar sobre el tratamiento y la dieta que debe seguir de ahora en adelante, ese viejo libro de cocina que encontré en su casa debería ayudarme un poco. Probablemente no le moleste que me quede en su apartamento, paso la mayor parte del tiempo allí y necesita ayuda justo ahora.
Debo volver a casa antes, debo limpiar y cambiar las sábanas para que puedan descansar tan pronto salga del hospital, ¿quizá quiera comer algo después de mucho tiempo? Es probable, me encargaré de traer la cena de hoy para que pueda reponer fuerzas después de todos estos meses…"
Retsu Kaioh.
"Está bien, se encuentra bien, al fin ha despertado y justo a tiempo, justo cuando perdí la esperanza de algún día poder ver sus ojos mirándome una vez más. Si tan solo hubiese estado a su lado cuando más me necesitaba, quizá si hubiera puesto más atención a su alrededor no estaría aquí, no hubiera sufrido como lo hizo.
Las heridas han sanado, pero necesitan terapia y revisiones periódicas para verificar que están mejor. Quizá deba pedirle que se muden conmigo para que pueda cuidarles debidamente durante todo el tiempo restante de recuperación y terapias, eso también me permitiría estar cerca cuando necesite hacer algo y sus heridas no se lo permitan.
Una buena dieta también es vital, podría abastecer la despensa con alimentos ricos en vitaminas y nutrientes, carnes y pescados, disminuir los azúcares y sustancias malas durante un periodo de tiempo. El té es medicinal, seguro que lograran calmar sus molestias y les ayudaran a dormir. Debería sacar la cama inflable y ofrecerle mi cama, lo importante es que est�� cómodo y descansado…"
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anamon-book · 6 months
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ゲバラ・革命と死-知られざる青春と闘いの記録 横堀洋一・編 講談社 表紙撮影=近藤彰利、装幀=岩本正雄
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zanephillips · 8 months
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GABRIEL GUEVARA My Fault/Culpa mía (2023)
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soyalexnajera · 9 months
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Today Wendy Guevara makes history as the first trans woman to win the mexican version of Big Brother (with celebrities) and I think it is truly historic in a country that is so transphobic and also it's one of the countries with the most trans feminicides in the world :(
She suffered from abuse when she was younger, she was also a sex worker
She really opened up the conversation about trans people here in Mexico fr, i hope mexican society changes for the better and becomes more acceptable about trans people in general 🏳️‍⚧️💙
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clownbanana · 1 year
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bud-blooming · 1 year
"Cuando el alma dice por favor ya no más ... Y mi cuerpo empieza a temblar de ansiedad, ya no más por favor"
- DG
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