#Haachama mentioned
sirwogbog · 7 months
For those who don’t know Kian is a smaller vocal synth producer who’s been making absolute bangers for over 4 years.
They’ve made a variety of songs that range form different moods but they all slap and they commonly see themselves venturing into slightly darker or spookier topics. Including COEXIST, that vocal synth song that kinda blew up during Haachama’s peak horror arc. And with that they made this little Halloween collection.
The point of this post is to say,
Listen to Their Shit, It Fucking Rocks.
They deserve more eyes, or more appropriately ears, on them. And hey their music has given me a lot of joy, hopefully it can do the same for others, even if it’s just the maybe handful of people that’ll see this.
Guts also still goes hard.
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dlljs · 6 months
Hololive Clip of the Month: November 2023
November saw the return of Haachama, the Hololive Sports Festival in Minecraft and the debut of HOLOSTARS English -ARMIS-, as well as other great moments. Here are mine and @maverycreates' top 5 Hololive moments from November 2023.
In 5th place...
Ollie gets told to shut up by Ririka during Kiara and her shark tank stream
(Clip by 📺@Rickchama, feat. Ichijou Ririka, Kureiji Ollie and Takanashi Kiara)
In 4th place...
Nerissa gets Advent to say "Hi baby girl", but Bijou does this...
(Clip by 📺@GomiSimpington, feat. Shiori Novella, Koseki Bijou, Nerissa Ravencroft and FUWAMOCO)
In 3rd place... 🥉
Towa gets Bijou to repeat Japanese words to tease Chloe and Shion
(Clip by 📺@GomiSimpington, feat. Aki Rosenthal, Murasaki Shion, Tokoyami Towa, Sakamata Chloe and Koseki Bijou)
In 2nd place... 🥈
Kronii really doesn't like being called "Mother"
(Clip by 📺@SashimiClips, feat. Ouro Kronii)
And finally, in 1st place... 🥇
Marine goes to the toilet while still wearing her Mocopi trackers!
There really was no contest for this! 😜
(Clip by 📺@JShayTranslations, feat. Inugami Korone and Houshou Marine)
Lastly, we have an honourable mention. Mumei played a fangame called Nameless, inspired by her original song "mumei". The ending of the game was really touching for her, and she silently wrote a heartwarming message for her beloved fanbase.
(Clip by 📺@SashimiClips)
Thanks for reading. See you next month!
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poisoned-sugar11 · 5 months
Need to yell about Haachama since I've started rotating her in my brain again. Her music fucking slaps. She has eaten spiders multiple times. Her cooking could probably kill a man. Her horror series/lore emotionally devastated me. She somehow managed to foreshadow said lore by covering Echo even though she hadn't even started planning it at that point. I've been a fan of her so long that "Haachama chama~" has become a vocal stim that I just constantly chant. She hosted a fansong contest that led to some of the best songs I've ever heard being made based on her lore. Her persona for a good chunk of her career was revealed to be an entirely separate person who then got replaced by Haachama via some brain bullshit. She made Haato (the previously mentioned old persona) eat hair mixed with either spiders or cockroaches I forgor. She somehow thought that Frankensteining her body and Haato's head together would let them coexist and this isn't even the part where Haato actually died. The persona that hololive management gave her was literally just a generic tsundere anime girl who she then turned into this. Haato is just completely fucking gone even though the hololive website still lists her instead of Haachama. More vtubers should have fucked up lore like this I think.
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vtuberconfessions · 1 year
Rules (for submitting confessions):
1. No gore or anything violent
2. Do not use LGBT-phobic or ethnic slurs
3. Add a trigger warning when discussing something serious or mature content (i.e, allegations, thirst-posting)
4. I will allow submissions of confessions and asks regarding drama, however there will be a limit to how much will be posted after a certain while, so it doesn't take up 90% of the submissions posted
Rules (for shilling Vtubers, AKA submitted candidates for Vtuber of the day):
5. No shilling ANYTHING related to current Vshojo, Wactor, Project/Production Kawaii, Vreverie or Nijisanji/Anycolor/VirtuaReal talents (charzu was posted before I decided to add Kawaiipro, and I will not take it down unless she does something shady herself) Here's a list of the Blacklisted vtubers so far:
Here's a list of reasons as to why the agencies on there are blacklisted:
6. Vtuber you shill MUST be over the age of 18
7. Vtuber you shill MUST have already debuted and consistently post content (no pre-debut, long hiatus, or graduated vtubers)
8. If any Vtuber you or I have shilled and has been posted ends up having allegations of sexual assault, grooming, inappropriate behavior, etc, please let me know, and the post will be hidden until they can be proven false, or deleted entirely and have their current and future identities blacklisted from the blog
9. You MUST provide a link to the main platforms they stream on. If they mainly only stream on one platform a lot more compared to the other, then it's fine to submit only that
11. Content creators who had a large following and created content LONG before they started using a vtuber model under the same name (i.e, JaidenAnimations) do not count
10. PNGtubers don't count, only L2D or 3D Vtubers
12. No mentions of a vtuber's past life when shilling. Be it my post or someone else's ask. Especially if they are a graduated corpotuber. The reason being because it's important to focus on their current achievements than their past ones, and because it could be disrespectful if they graduated for controversial reasons.
This account is 16+!!! My likes contain tumblr-friendly lewds and there will be strong language used occasionally!
Mute "#mod posts" & "reblog" for non vtubers otd or confessions
Mod uses She/Her pronouns
You may refer to Mod as "Alice"
Mod has very controversial opinions on certain things she will try to keep away from this blog, but just know she doesn't identify with the left or right, both are annoying in their own ways
Mod's oshis are (stars are kamioshis for the corpo group or branch):
(Hololive EN)
Gawr Gura, Takanashi Kiara ⭐️, Hakos Baelz, Nanashi Mumei, FuwaMoco, Nerissa Ravencroft, and Shiori Novella
(Holostars EN)
Gavis Bettel ⭐️, Goldbullet, and Machina X Flayon
(Hololive JP)
Houshou Marine, Haachama, Takane Lui, Inugami Korone ⭐️, Nekomata Okayu, Ichijou Ririka, and Usada Pekora
(Holostars JP)
Minase Rio⭐️
(Nijisanji EN)
Rosemi Lovelock ⭐️, Petra Gurin, and Maria Marionette⭐️
(Nijisanji JP)
Igarashi Rika ⭐️, Hyakumantenbara Salome, and Kaburaki Roko
(Phase Connect EN)
Pipkin Pippa ⭐️, Tenma Maemi, and Ashelia "Lia" Rinkou
(Phase Connect JP)
Kaminari Clara, and Ayase Yuu ⭐️
(Idol HE/Genesis)
Nikki Rei ⭐️
(Idol EN)
Rin Penrose ⭐️, and Roca Rourin
Matara Kan ⭐️, and Henya the Genius
Shiki Miyoshino, Sara Nagare, and Ami Amami/AmiAmi aka Phoebe ⭐️
(Misc Indies/Smaller Corpos)
Ryugon Daimonji ⭐️, Yumemi Tobira, Misumi Harawatsu, Charlotte Suzu ⭐️ Penelope Wiseman ⭐️, Liora Walkryia, Serina Maiko ⭐️, Kou Mariya, Vee-Sensei, Ky0resu, and Sayu Sicronisity
(Note: I enjoy a lot more vtubers than these, these are simply the ones who are my absolute favorites)
Also, if you're an anti or hate vtubers fuck off. Vtubing was built on weeb culture, which includes lolisho, and you have no right to call yourself apart of the community.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
If you’re a Hololive fan, odds are you’re already familiar with HoloCure, a fangame inspired by Vampire Survivor and some other games which aren’t as well-known. I’ve been playing it entirely too much these past few days, and I want to give my strategic tips on it.
General Advice
Strafe! Some weapons (including almost all starting weapons) fire in whatever direction you’re facing. If you hold down the Z button, you lock your facing as you move in any direction. This is almost an essential skill; it lets you attack while retreating or running around the enemy in a circle. I know this sounds small, but it’s a big deal. (And I am bad at it.)
You generally want to move around big groups of enemies. Since you’re faster than most of them, this causes them to clump up into one big mob that can be wiped out with a nice AoE or special attack, or at the very least which is not surrounding you. It also means that the XP, food, Holocoins, etc that drop will all be in one area, not scattered to the four winds.
I mentioned special attacks a couple sentences ago. Each character has a different one, ranging from a damage buff to a healing tree to just getting beeg and smooshing enemies. However, they are not unlocked at the start of the game! You need to play through the first game or two to earn “HoloCoins” to buy special attacks as an upgrade. I recommend taking the special attacks as your first upgrade—they’re a core mechanic, and pretty much your only available tool for keeping big mobs in check.
You usually want a decent mix of attacks. An aimable attack or two to focus on big bosses, some long-ranged homing weapons to reduce the number of enemies that reach your screen alive, some short-ranged AoE for crowd control, etc.
Most weapons are backloaded—their high-level upgrades provide more than their low-level ones. By contrast, most items are a bit frontloaded.
If you can barely see the enemies because your attacks are in the way, you’re on the right track. If you can barely see your attacks because the enemies are in the way, you’re in trouble.
Specific/Spoiler Advice
In this game, predictable enemy patterns spawn at predictable times. Knowing what to expect can help you to prepare. If you’re one of those people who hates being spoiled, stop reading here. (Or, you know, at the phrase “Spoiler Advice”…
In general: Enemy spawns can be put into four or five categories.
The first three minutes of the game only have weak enemies—basic shrimps, deadbeats, and a shrimp miniboss. Traps at this stage are pretty loose and easy to evade. It’s a chance to get familiar with your basic weapon and collect the first, most basic parts of your build.
The rest of the first half is pretty consistent. A new miniboss every couple of minutes, a mob of enemies slowly increasing in number and variety. Two notes: Watch out for IRyStocrats (the fairy-looking things) and Thicc Bubbas (nightmares with hats), who are pretty fast for wanderers. Also, if you have two minibosses on screen at once, you’re probably falling behind the power curve.
The first true boss, Fubuzilla, is a bit of a wake-up call—especially if you’ve been relying on horizontal weapons.
Shortly after (or possibly during) the Fubuzilla fight, the only enemies that will spawn are Baerats. The good news: They’re small, weak, and fragile. The bad news: They’re numerous, and since they’re small, they can be hard to hit. The best survival strategy is to make your immediate surroundings inhospitable to all forms of complex non-VTuber life, for instance with BL books or Haachama’s cooking. Having a lot of ordinary attacks and decent healing should work, too. Don’t bother aiming.
Then, Kronies start showing up (alongside more Baerats). The Kronies have more of those dense trap patterns—nothing you’ve seen before, just more difficult variations of familiar patterns. Also, the first of the really big minibosses, King Clock. Other than that, it’s basically like the first half.
The Q Segment is pretty distinctive. Shrimps to the left of me, deadbeats to the right, here you are—stuck in the middle with me. This segment goes on for about two minutes, with the bosses showing up halfway through, so if your Special Attack isn’t charged when it starts, don’t fire it off until the bosses show up. Keep an eye out for each side’s riot police, who forms dangerous trap patterns.
When the owls and apples start showing up, Q is over. Things go back to normal for a bit.
18 minutes in, miniboss-sized worms with Sana’s hair start showing up, followed by slightly smaller versions of the clock and apple sapling minibosses. They start spawning in such huge numbers that they’ll form a giant mob, stretching across the entire screen, save one bit in the middle where you’ve cleared them away. This, in my opinion, is the real final boss.
At 20 minutes, that dense mob vanishes, replaced by a giant Smol Ame and a horde of Cursed Bubbas. But it’s a very thin horde, compared to the mosh pit you just faced.
In Stage Mode, defeating Smol Ame ends the game. In Endless Mode, you run around hunting Cursed Bubbas just long enough to make me wonder if the rest of the game was just this. It was not.
I’ll post a character guide later—writing a couple paragraphs per character gets pretty long.
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
July 28, 2022
Mayuzumi Kai
Commencement Speech
I’m not sure about the first VTuber graduation I witnessed, but the first VTuber graduation that impacted me was Izumo Kasumi. 
The first time I knew Kasumi was in the original Nijisanji Quiz Tournament, but the second time was in the draft of the 2020 Koshien. It was odd to me that second time, because by then Kasumi had already graduated, and as they were talking about her, it felt odd. And that was the first time that I really experienced the odd feeling of the ephemeral nature of the VTuber.
This thought came back when this year’s koshien draft happened and I shook my head when Mayuzumi gave the go to use him as a character, and therefore would be the last ‘appearance’ of him as a member of Nijisanji. I didn’t realize how important Mayuzumi Kai was.
In one of his last collabs, Mayuzumi and Yuuhi Riri talked about Izumo Kasumi, since they were part of a group that was central to Mayuzumi’s lore. And Mayuzumi said, ‘Unlike Kasumi, I’m trying to not leave things behind as I graduate.’
But by his sheer presence, Mayuzumi Kai is leaving behind far more than what most other VTuber will ever leave behind. He thought he could finish his living funeral stream in one go. It went for 24 hours and featured 96 guests, from all over the VTuber industry.
That’s because Mayuzumi Kai was one of the most vital members of Nijisanji. He was the overseer, he had good knowledge and soon connected to pretty everyone in the industry. And his dry humor and wit and his brilliance waving together stories and ideas was instrumental in building the groups and ideas for many people across the industry. There is no other story-maker than Mayuzumi Kai, who can make up a world featuring 100+ people while peacefully playing Animal Crossing. If Natsume could write a book and get it made into manga before the second volume is even published, I’m sure Mayuzumi Kai’s novel would have become an international bestseller and be made into a AAA Hollywood movie.
I’m sure he could do that after he graduates. I won’t be surprised if I hear the famous ‘dou-mo’ when the new Hollywood sensation pops up, sweeping both the box office and the Oscars.
But perhaps I’m selling too hard on him. Even if Mayuzumi Kai was just a little-known VTuber from a little-known company, he would still have been something special. He was instrumental in providing the balance of comedy, giving the right amount of sanity in the oddball world.
He was quiet and demure, but he was often the funniest man in the room. His ideas were just the right amount of outside thinking, nothing too wild like Haachama’s COEXIST arc, but still something unique and special nonetheless. And his ideas were things that could only be done by him, someone who had the knowledge and expertise to pull things off.
He really was a one-of-a-kind and Nijisanji truly will be different without him. Nijisanji needed someone like Kai to hold the group together, without him, Nijisanji is heading to the great unknown. The signs are visible now, VTA, Salome, and the burgeoning English branch, but who knows what the future without Mayuzumi Kai would bring.
Goodbye Mayuzumi Kai. Thank you for everything and may your next life be great as now.
P.S. - Looking back on his lore, I think it was clear that Mayuzumi Kai did not think this was going to be a big thing, and that he would be such a big part of the VTuber world. He auditioned because it looked fun and he had an idea… I wonder if the rumors are true, they actually want to return with a different avatar, where they can be more comfortable as a regular streamer… perhaps the compounding of the Salome theory makes me think that way.
I think Gibara also thought so too. I’m mentioning her since a lot of other people are, including Akina in a particularly tearful moment, so she’s on her mind, and also the fact she is reincarnating… which means two of the biggest graduates in Nijisanji ‘returned’ about two weeks of each other, as if they all realized VTubing was going to stay.
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gemstone-gynoid · 1 year
was the grey haired anime dude suspended?
theres two grey haired anime dudes i know. nagito komaeda or vesper noir
vesper noir got a slap on the wrist 2 weeks suspension due to some undisclosed internal blemish.
coco and haachama got 3 week suspensions for mentioning taiwan before hololive severed ties with chinese corps. and coco got back to streaming for a while before leaving to be indie then vshojo. and haachama has continued to be the continuously evolving strongest vtuber.
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all definitely true memes
i'll be looking forward to vesper streaming again. i absolutely vibe with him. and his taste in games is great.
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kyousukebei · 4 years
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veeranger · 2 years
idk how you can say hololive handled the taiwan incident well unless you’re completely uninformed which i have to assume that person is. it basically directly led to coco leaving the company and left haachama on an indefinite hiatus that lasted months and by her own account only ended when coco and kanata were able to talk her into returning. not to mention the fallout cost the jobs of all six members of hololive china who were literally uninvolved in the incident and were just chalked up to unfortunate collateral damage. like it’s surely the most poorly managed disaster in hololive history.
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tomatomagica · 2 years
Who are your favorite hololive girls?
i love sooo many but here are the ones i actually somewhat regularly watch: Marine, Pekora, Noel, Luna, Okayu, Korone, Kanata, Nene, Suisei, Miko, Haachama, Subaru, Choco-sensei and Watame
special mention goes to Coco and Rushia who aren't in hololive anymore, now I'm just watching archives u_u
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theshabozengine · 3 years
I don't watch Vtubers but I want to fuck that orange haired girl you keep posting. Also why is it sad she is graduating? Shouldn't you be happy she is getting her diploma? Education is important
Her name is Kiryu Coco.
"Graduation" in idol-speak means "leaving the company", be that because of being thrown out ("forcibly graduated" like Aloe or Hitomi) or just deciding that enough is enough.
Kiryu Coco was the VTuber that really pushed for Western involvement, since she came from America originally before moving to Japan to get more in touch with her roots. Without Kiryu Coco, the entire Hololive English branch wouldn't exist since it was her suggestion for it to be made. She also adores the community, often highlighting shitty memes they make and used to have a little news show where she would summarize everything that happened that week in idoling. Coco was also a ride-or-die bitch and stood up for her friend Haachama when the Chinese were bullying the fuck out of her because she happened to mention that a good portion of her viewership came from Taiwan. On her little news show, she brought up Taiwan and mentioned that she too had a large amount of viewers that watched from Taiwan (fun fact, Chinese fucks use Taiwan in VPNs and stuff to get around things. The 'Taiwanese viewer-base' was most likely just Chinese people using VPNs and such being retards.).
Because she stood up for her friend, both her and Haachama were suspended from Hololive for a while, while Cover the company behind Hololive tried to damage control. When they saw that there was nothing they could do to change the minds of fucking idiots who shit themselves over the mere mention of the word 'Taiwan', Cover cut their entire Chinese branch of idols and supposedly did their best to protect Coco and Haachama.
Eventually upon her return, Haachama still got a bit of hate, but the slimefucks realized it was a genuine 'mistake' and cut her a bit of slack. COCO, however, did so intentionally and with intent and they couldn't let that slide because they're retarded subhuman filth. Coco was bombarded with hatred and just so much evil that she had to basically sequester herself off away from the rest of Hololive as a whole.
She wasn't welcome to do crossovers, her news show was canceled, she wasn't allowed to appear in any of their 3-D skits, it was horrible the way she was treated. She did her absolute best to hang in there and even fought back against the Chinese as best she could, but then suspiciously things started to tilt towards the Chinese's favor. A red was made a Mod and started banning Coco's regulars, resulting in her crying on stream and her housemate Kanata having to console her, Cover made public comments towards them to try and get them to stop, it was a whole shitshow. After all this, Coco still tried to hang on, but...
Now she has chosen to leave Hololive. On the surface it appears to be mutual, but a lot of people theorize (please note this is people guessing and nothing has been said about whether its true or not from either Cover or Coco) that Cover made her life at Hololive so insufferable that she essentially had no choice but to quit. The truth of this matter will most likely come down to if they attempt to re-open the Chinese branch, where it will be incredibly obvious that they allowed Coco to be harassed until she just broke. No one knows for certain why Coco is leaving other than Coco, but it is a said affair none-the-less.
On a more personal note, Coco was my absolute favorite VTuber, and though she wasnt the one that introduced me to the concept (that would be Kizuna Ai who has her own entire list of drama associated with her), she has always been my favorite. The fact that she could stay so strong in spite of all the evil thrown her way made me love her even more, and it just hurts to know that we won't be able to see her anymore as our beloved dragon. Obviously she has her own personal channel, which according to some might be a reason she has to leave (again, nobody knows and this is a guess from certain parties that she didn't want to delete her personal streaming channel where she has another VTuber avatar and Cover basically gave her an ultimatum), and I'm obviously going to support her over there, but it'll sting a bit not seeing her interact with her friends over at Hololive. I don't think she's even allowed to show up in Kanata's streams once she's gone, and they're fucking housemates.
Overall, and I'm fairly sure that you were joking with the question but I thought I'd answer anyway, it's just an extremely sad situation especially since her fuckin birthday just happened. It hurts, it sucks, and I'm crushed we weren't able to protect her smile. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.
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dlljs · 2 months
Hololive Clip of the Month: March 2024
Sorry for the wait, everyone. March saw the Hololive SUPER EXPO and 5th fes, as well as 3D lives from Kronii and IRyS, as well as other great moments. Here are mine and @maverycreates' top 5 Hololive clips from March 2024.
In 5th place...
Anecdotes from Nerissa's appearance on Speak of the Devil
(Clip by 📺@DailyDoseofHololiveEN, feat. Nerissa Ravencroft & Ironmouse)
In 4th place...
Everybody keeps falling while working on Fauna's world tree
(Clip by 📺@Sakasandayo, feat. Ceres Fauna, Shirori Novella, Koseki Bijou & Nerissa Ravencroft)
In 3rd place... 🥉
Raden goes crazy and starts asking money from a female fan
(Clip by 📺@HololiveClips, feat. Hiodoshi Ao, Otonose Kanade, Ichijou Ririka, Juufuutei Raden & Todoroki Hajime)
In 2nd place... 🥈
Korone unleashes a massive sneeze on an official stream
(Clip by 📺@JShayTranslations, feat. Shirakami Fubuki, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu & Inugami Korone)
And finally, in 1st place... 🥇
Haachama Googles "mpreg" and gets mindbroken!
(Clip by 📺@NinjaZombieCh, feat. Akai Haato)
Our honourable mention goes out to Kiara playing Spinfrog and discovering that it was made by a KFP and has Hololive references. Kiara broke down upon hearing that her streams helped during development. It's very heartwarming.
(Clip by 📺@Kowkarot)
Thanks for reading, see you next month!
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carnival-phantasm · 4 years
from what ive heard, coco mentioning it at all was a covert diss against the same people whod dislike-bombed a video where haachama mentioned taiwan. both of them lost streaming rights on bilibili over this which just honestly seems kinda petty for a government to do, specially when all they're doing is pulling the data from a private company that does list taiwan as a separate country (AKA its not even their fault)
Wait, Coco and Haato can no longer stream on bilibili because of that? Wow, that's stupid.
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twinfoxtails · 3 years
Haachama chama~ Is your mind haachama chama too, Fuyuki?
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“... Honestly, I don’t think anyone could have a mind like that. Haachama-san is extremely creative, not to mention twisted in a way if she wants to. But she’s actually a really good person!”
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“So no, my mind isn’t really haachama-chama.~ But mine’s Fuyuki, haha!”
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fujoshiwarrior · 3 years
a lot of people say their ire toward vtubers is because of idol culture but i pretty much never see those people actually touch on the shitty things that have happened like the entire situation with mano aloe, mel getting stalked, coco and haachama getting suspended for just mentioning taiwan and leading to others getting harassed by chinese fans, etc and cover corp doing little to nothing about these things. and i'm only talking about hololive because people seem to think vtuber = idol when...hololive is the only vtuber 'group' that does idol stuff and the rest of them like nijisanji, voms, and vshoujo are just streamers (and most of hololive is. just streaming)
and when people do bring up specifics, its just things like "they act like big moe sexual woman babies and everything about it is fake" when most, if not none of them...act like that at all. most of the persona is their real personality usually just with a faked voice and quirks here and there. which leads me to think its less about 'idol culture' and more about buying into fetishized and sexualized ideals of japanese women and thinking the only reason they could possibly want to be a streamer is to pander to male viewers and not because they actually like video games
do fans of vtubers infantilize and fetishize them? yes and its weird and annoying. am i saying most people who have a burning hatred for vtubers do the same thing? also yes.
td;lr for better or for worse vtubers are just streamers who use anime avatars and ham things up a little bit and people make a way bigger deal out of it than its worth
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
July 2, 2021
HoloServer Quarterly Report
Usada Constructions - Buy
To understand the current position of UsaKen, we must look to its history. At first, UsaKen was a joke, a riff on Majima Constructions, a potemkin company only existing to serve the whims of the founder and CEO. Pekora’s project was sophisticated and massive, her pranks simply legendary. But out of the blue, Moona enters. The mutual awkwardness worked in their favor, in fact this will be a prevailing theme, what might seem like a highly dysfunctional group, actually turns the whole thing into strength.
The Rabbit and Moon theme didn’t hurt them either, and the idea of Usada Construction as an actual entity enters the public consciousness, especially as a point of comparison to the fledgling Akukin Constructions… although it could be said that Akukin was the remnant of Hololive Resistance in some sense. This led to the initial expansion with the hiring of Coco and Kiara… but again this was more of a joke, a fleeting thought before UsaKen was about to come on its own.
It was the Akukin Relay that really set the ball rolling. Not only did we have the fortuitous event of Kanata accepting a position in UsaKen before finding out she did get a callback from Akukin, it spurred Pekora into focusing on Minecraft, especially her gaming plans were dirtied by corporate pressure. Pekora started small, with her misbehaving cannon and putting out her petty anger onto Noel, but soon Pekora unveiled her grand plan, Pekoland, and immediately set out to organize the company as a whole.
By now, the company was fairly-sized. It added Botan and eventually Towa into the mix, although Botan is still technically an affiliate and Towa first came with revenge, before using the company as an opportunity to learn how to be evil. Now the company measured seven strong, although they were quite disparate, having members from all three branches and across three generations. This was quickly noticed and a discord server was made in response, which led to another group project immediately after Pekoland, which was already a pretty big project. Combined with Coco’s final innovation, the Summer Festival became an even bigger project in the end.
And it would be odd to think this would end soon. There’s an actual structure to things now, people can communicate and build on ideas and the whole thing seems pretty democratic, even with its autocratic start. And Summer Festival brought UsaKen into the center of Hololive narrative. UsaKen is now the de facto face of HoloServer, and perhaps even Hololive itself. People look at the former loner as the master organizer. Things only look up from here, which is worrisome, but there’s enough in UsaKen that I’m less worried than usual. UsaKen will always come out stronger in the end.
Akukin Constructions - Buy
Meanwhile, Akukin completely collapsed. It felt like Aqua would return from her Apex marathon, but it turns out prior and prep for the solo concert meant a month break is what she needed, therefore Akukin was without a leader for one more month.
Lamy and Nene managed with their own projects, but the rest kind of fell apart. But the Summer Festival changed all that. Just as Akukin Relay signalled Pekora a restructuring was needed, Summer Festival meant Akukin had to show up. So, the skit continued. During the Akukin Relay arc, the mysterious yet feisty boss with two second-in-command who actually runs the thing scheming and fretting was a hit, with a hint of blackness in its blasted scaffoldings. Now, the blackness is very much apparent. Aqua cannot let the failing company go, and has become vicious. Considering Marine's past, this works to their favor. Lamy and Nene would be their own thing. Roboco and Mel would pop in now and again. As for Iofi and Aki… well, I’m not sure.
Choco, which I deemed the liaison for Shiranui, which has a contractual relationship with Akukin, now liaisons for Oozora Group as well. Choco might be the next important person just because of that connection factor. Akukin might be a contracting company now, although Aqua would not be happy about where they stand now.
Oozora Group - Hold
I know that Oozora Constructions, now Oozora Group, is not a publicly traded company anymore, but I still suggest holding onto that now-worthless piece of paper. The problem with Oozora Constructions was that its story went nowhere. Korone’s house was interesting, but it rarely had an ending, since it required Korone to cooperate and that’s usually an awkward thing at best. Her other projects were half-baked, and most importantly Subaru never really had that recognition. She wanted to build a company but others laughed at the prospect. So Rushia lost faith and moved to UsaKen. Oozora was tanking before it started to fly. But Matsuri took grace and joined Oozora, at which point it became a group. It’s not like Matsuri and Luna, the other employee, haven’t been together, and Subaru was called Matsuri by Sora, so why not?
In the last report, I said Matsuri is more like a government employee than a free agent, and indeed it seems Oozora Group now acts like a governmental organization, with building a police station being the first undertaking after restructuring. This is actually not bad. Public utilities are dearly needed in HoloServer anyways, and Subaru acting as a public servant removes the desperation in her actions that would make interactions much more friendly and interesting. By falling, Subaru might have turned a corner.
Tangent - Using an extended analogy, when the age of giant reptiles was wiped out by a meteorite, there were small survivors, which we now know as birds. So, it looks like Coco’s legacy would also be held by birds, holotoris to be exact. To explain why, let’s look at the current functional part of Coco. Coco is the bridge that connects East to the West, not just in terms of language, but also in culture and mores. In that way, holotoris nicely distributes this responsibility. Subaru might be the best JP member after Haachama in terms of English comprehension, and she is quite cognizant of recent foreign perspectives as well… so she could be a good future ambassador. For Reine, her Indonesian teaching stream reminds me of Coco’s early streams. And Kiara’s Holotalk has been the counterweight to Coco’s meme review since it started… Not to mention, these three are the most extroverted of their respective branches.
Shiranui-Elite Conglomerate - Hold
SEC is an organization of my own creation, but it’s a useful one, because it fits the current situation well. To sum up, Elite Construction was starting to fall apart as Minecraft activities waned, one of the replacements was GTA V, and the three major players were Miko, Flare and Suisei. Their collab together was probably the highlight of the last quarter and gave us a bright spot during a time of troubles.
As Minecraft activities increased, due to PekoLand and HoloID mall and Mel and Roboco popping in and out, the connection before was starting to bore out in Minecraft. Shiranui was originally a contracting company, working with Akukin for example. Therefore it had a family business type, indeed the only other employee was an honorary one given to Flare’s wife, Noel. But a series of interactions with Polka and Choco led to this master and apprentice relationship, which was a major hit.
Flare, pardon the pun, was always the black sheep of the Hololive Fantasy. While the other four have something to stand out and something to back the flash (Pekora draws with her laughter and manic behavior which is backed up by her earnest shyness, Rushia draws from her yandere metal screams which backed up by her sincerity and fragility, Noel draws with her upper assets and ASMR which is backed up by her erogaki silliness and her charming singing, and Marine draws from her horny nature which is backed up by her wit and almost motherly wiseness), Flare never really landed a character. Indeed, Flare is a straight man through and through. Not quite a tsukkomi like Subaru or Kanata at times, since there is not that retorting arrogance the two can exhibit, as people call, Flare was your comfy older sister...
But the Western audience and this Polka relationship changed that. In the West, the fatherly figure has more of a distinct and prominent role, and Flare can emulate this pretty well. A dad is grounded and serious, but can be silly and childish at times. But the silly and childishness does not undercut his serious nature… and that goes well with Flare (perhaps even more so than Calli, who is on a goofier side of things). Therefore Flare could finally breathe and express herself. And the introduction of Miko and Suisei brings the crew into full focus. They are reminiscent of early UsaKen, except while UsaKen was disparate, SEC most closely resembles… well, a D&D party. With your typical silly arguments and trials leading to growth and so on.
Adding Marine or even Nene might disturb this. Flare is fine with the size and I am too. It’s not like there are any real pickings left anyway. Shiranui-Elite conglomeration have a long journey ahead of them, but a brighter future that goes along with it too.
Haachama Construction - Sell (but buy Watasheep)
It was inevitable. Haachama/Haato thing was not going to be settled soon. Haato barely finished the Coexist arc, getting the Anno disease in the process. It was pretty clear that the Haato/Haachama thing became overblown and unfitting to what Hololive was now.
But this leaves us with Watame, and Watame is in an interesting position. Watame is between a lot of companies now. With Shiranui-Elite, she is part of the four heavenly lords, and as Watasheep, she does the delivery of Menya Botan and KFP, both part of UsaKen, who inadvertently cornered the fast-food business. And she is part of the 4th Gen, who has come much closer due to the departure of Coco.
Watame has always made the safe choice, she revolutionized the server with her excellent Janken machine, but it was Kanata who became the seller. Watame might choose to leave herself out, since her Minecraft streams are kind of meant to be relaxing. The reason she deliberately chose to level her field, instead of building the sign outwards like the rest of the signs. So, perhaps nothing comes of this…
OkaKoro Constructions & Shirakami Forestry - Buy
This wave of HoloServer was so large that even the rarer visitors felt a need to visit. Flare has reached out to Okayu, who has pointed out the reason for her absence was the loss of her basement and Korone has followed interest in the server as well.
Fubuki returned to finish her massive sakura tree, of course she acts alone, but she has been increasingly open to hiring people, but it’s not sure if this will become reality. Perhaps if Akukin finally dissolves, there would be enough workforce…
Kureiji Constructions - Buy
Ollie had a roller coaster of three months… Like a burnt fuse, Ollie has had several physical problems… that didn’t stop her from doing math streams (there are precedents Yashiro and Gwelu being good examples) and returning recently with late contributions to the Summer Festival. Reine has been helping on the side as well…
Free Agents - Sell
There is not much of this category anymore. Anya is the One who does not play Minecraft, in fact her demeanor is quite different from anyone else. Ayame not only has been gone from Minecraft, she has been gone, period. She really just returned to streaming after about three weeks? Risu is the only one remotely available, but she has the gene of OkaKoro, which does not induce work ethics in Minecraft, no matter how skilled she is. (Her roller coaster MLG is still one of my favorite clips)
Overall, 2021 Q2 was the best of times and the worst of times. There was a lot of big progress and a lot of setbacks as well. It’s a deeply uncomfortable but adventurous position, as it always has been for HoloServer and HoloPro as a whole. Next quarter will be further accomplishments and further challenges, and the company and the personalities and the audience will bear it through it all, as they always have.
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