#Hans-Georg Gadamer
ieidolon · 2 months
"Play fulfills its purpose only if the player loses himself in play. Seriousness is not merely something that calls us away from play; rather, seriousness in playing is necessary to make the play wholly play. Someone who doesn't take the game seriously is a spoilsport."
- Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (1975), Chapter 2
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aschenblumen · 1 year
Pese a todo su carácter definitivo, un poema no es más que una palabra pensante en el horizonte de lo no dicho. Lo que lo distingue es el hecho de estar siempre también en el horizonte de lo indecible. Siempre es la totalidad lo que quisiéramos entender, tal como nos la dice el tono del poema y que, como seres pensantes, nunca somos capaces de decir. Así, un poema es siempre un diálogo, porque mantiene constantemente la conversación con uno mismo.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, «Poema y diálogo. Reflexiones en torno a una selección de textos de Ernst Meister» en Poema y diálogo. Traducción de Daniel Mejías y Juan Navarro.
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weil-weil-lautre · 2 years
I still believe that I am right to claim that we must rigorously deny the possibility that human life can be lived without a future. For, as I see it, it is a distinctively human fact that we must always keep the future open and with it new possibilities. ... It is true that we cannot see paths and solutions in advance, and yet we must ask ourselves if there will not always remain new possibilities.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, The Enigma of Health, 80-81
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«Si meditamos detenidamente por un momento qué es lo que queremos decir con arte y de qué hablamos cuando hablamos de arte, resulta la siguiente paradoja: el llamado arte clásico que tenemos a la vista es una producción de obras que, en sí mismas, no eran primariamente entendidas como arte, sino como configuraciones que se encontraban en sus respectivos ámbitos, religioso o secular, de la vida, como una ornamentación del modo de vida propio y de los actos consiguientes: el culto, la representación del poderoso, y cosas semejantes. Pero, desde el momento en que el concepto de “arte” adoptó el tono que para nosotros le es propio y la obra de arte empezó a existir totalmente por sí misma, desprendida de toda relación con la vida, convirtiéndose el arte en arte, es decir, en musée imaginaire en el sentido de Malraux, desde que el arte no quiso ser ya nada más que arte, comenzó la gran revolución artística, que ha ido acentuándose en la modernidad hasta que el arte se ha liberado de todos los temas de la tradición figurativa y de toda inteligibilidad de la proposición, volviéndose discutible en ambos lados: ¿es esto todavía arte? ¿De verdad que eso pretende ser arte? ¿Qué se oculta en esta paradoja? ¿Acaso el arte ha sido siempre arte, y nada más que arte?»
Hans-Georg Gadamer: La actualidad de lo bello. Paidós, pág. 59.  Barcelona, 1991
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dreams-of-mutiny · 8 months
Abandon all hope?
But, can any man really live without hope?
(Dante Dante Alighieri, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Óscar de la Borbolla)
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bygone · 1 year
MICHALSKI, Krzysztof. Logic and Time. An Essay on Husserl’s Theory of Meaning. Translated from the Polish by Adam Czemiawski. Translation revised by James Dodd. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. Pp. 106-114. 106 CHAPTER TWO DIGRESSION: CONSCIOUSNESS AND LANGUAGE Let us return yet again to the question which is our main concern: thequestion regarding the source of meaning. As we now…
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anaxerneas · 1 year
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I've gone back to this short, intriguing, and difficult contribution to The Philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer a few times. Even though I'm not familiar with the "unwritten teaching" of Plato I can tell that this deals with themes of presence and absence, appearance and being. Among other things, there's the consideration of how there can be false or misleading appearances if appearance and being go hand-in-hand, if what actually is can in fact show itself as it is. I found the example in the endnote more helpful than the use of all those subscripts in the main body of the article, though.
Prufer doesn't mention Derrida but I feel like some of this can be understood as a partial rebuttal to what he has to say about the "metaphysics of presence", how we do find an early example of Western philosophy giving both presence and absence their due in Plato's unwritten teaching.
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Tradizione, il vero significato da rifare nostro
Oggi nella Chiesa ci sono due visioni della “tradizione”. Quella classica e quella della teologia moderna, influenzata da Gadamer e ormai dominante, che vede la tradizione come una reinterpretazione continua. Ma solo la prima è corretta e la Chiesa ha bisogno di riscoprirla. Continue reading Tradizione, il vero significato da rifare nostro
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dipnotski · 11 months
Hans-Georg Gadamer – Felsefenin Başlangıcı (2023)
İlk Yunan düşünürlerinin incelenmesi her zaman için Gadamer’in felsefi çalışmalarının merkezinde yer aldı. Ünlü filozof, hermeneutik yöntemini ilk Yunan düşünürlere, nevi şahsına münhasır bir şekilde uyguluyor. Bu önemli eser, ilk kez Almanca olarak yayınlanan 1988 ‘Napoli Dersleri’nden oluşuyor. Kitap boyunca Gadamer, Platon ve Aristoteles tarafından aktarıldığı şekliyle Yunan düşüncesinin…
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nunc2020 · 2 years
Julian. Erstaunliches, wenn nach mehreren Generationen von Juristen aus diesem Geisteskorsett ein Physiker hervorgeht. Gestern Abendessen, der Szientist am Tisch. Diskussionen um die Frage, wie Erkenntnis entsteht. Verstehen und Erklären. Bitter macht der Bedeutungsverlust der Geschichte und der Texte.
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fieriframes · 2 years
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[Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Philosophical Apprenticeships, tr.]
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bakaity-poetry · 1 year
"Gadamer on Hegel: Self-Consciousness"
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fierifiction · 2 years
Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Philosophical Apprenticeships, tr. J. T. Giddens, 1878 T. Stoddard, Gadamer, vol. 3,, p. 2 Stoddard, Thomas Treaty on the Worship of God, p. 30 (1781) Trouble, The Theotokos, vol. 8, no. 1 Turks, The English of the Middle Ages 2nd ed. H. M. G. Wood (1644) William and Mary D. Stoddard, Thomas: The Letters of G. C. M., vol. 1, p.
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weil-weil-lautre · 9 days
For as triumphant as the march of modern science has been, and as obvious as it is to everyone today that their awareness of existence is permeated by the scientific presuppositions of our culture, human thought is nonetheless continually dominated by questions for which science promises no answer.
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Philosophical Hermeneutics, 107
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ieidolon · 2 months
"In this respect, historical objectivism resembles statistics, which are such excellent means of propaganda because they let the 'facts' speak and hence simulate an objectivity that in reality depends on the legitimacy of the questions asked."
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method (1975)
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dreams-of-mutiny · 1 year
The Romantic desire for a new mythology...
― Hans-Georg Gadamer
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