tri-ciclo · 8 months
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libriaco · 4 months
Dormire, forse
Si disse, quasi allegro, che non c'è felicità possibile se non in casa propria e al difuori del tempo [...] Questo, e dormire.
J. K. Huysmans, [Là-Bas, 1891] L'abisso, Milano, SugarCo, 1990 [Trad. A. Galli Zugaro]
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weirdchristmas · 9 months
You ever get obsessed with something totally out of character? I'm on like my seventh novel by Joris-Karl Huysmans in the last couple months. Ya know how much I cared about 19th century French novels in... the rest of my life? About as much as I cared about learning French, which was nil. Yet here we are...
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noovorous · 2 months
Beetles that des Eseeintes would keep:
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Zopherus beetles would enable him to realise the project he attempted with a turtle with far greater success. Those beetles are frequently used in Mexico as living brooches, fake jewels glued onto them as well as a chain to pin to your clothing. Jean des Esseintes would definately glue some semi-precious stones to their exoskeletons and then enjoy a terrarium full of shining creatures. Perhaps he'd even wear one as a brooch.
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Musk beetle (Aromia moschata) not only glimmers like a piece of stained glass in a cathedral, it also emits a musk like scent. That little gentleman is born a dandy already clothed and perfumed.
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Madagaskar Giraffe Weevils (Trachelophorus giraffa) would be in eyes of many decadents a delightful display of unorthodox beauty. They move in a manner more reminescent of a clockwork toy than of a living creature and I think this appearance of artificiality would be so alluring to aesthetes and decadents.
With that being said I'm afraid a beetle collection in hands of duke des Esseintes would share the fate of his flowers, that is die of neglect as soon as he experiences his next period of malady.
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helplessly-johnlocked · 11 months
asking chat gpt open ai how to live a decadent, hedonistic, morally ambiguous, homosexual life: a guide
me (2 am): how can I imitate Holden Caulfield, Des Esseintes, Henry Winter and Dorian Gray?
chat gpt:
It's important to note that the characters you mentioned - Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye," Des Esseintes from "Against Nature," Henry Winter from "The Secret History," and Dorian Gray from "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - are complex and often flawed individuals. While they may possess certain captivating qualities, it's crucial to approach their behaviors with caution. Instead of aiming to imitate them entirely, consider exploring certain aspects of their personalities in a healthy and responsible manner. Here are some suggestions:
1. Holden Caulfield: (he's here to balance things out)
- Embrace a critical mindset: Like Holden, develop a discerning eye and a willingness to question societal norms and expectations.
- Seek authenticity: Strive to be true to yourself and resist the pressure to conform. Value genuine connections and sincerity in your relationships.
2. Des Esseintes:
- Cultivate a refined taste: Like Des Esseintes, develop an appreciation for art, literature, and beauty. Explore different art forms and indulge in aesthetic pleasures.
- Foster introspection: Take time for introspection and self-reflection. Delve into your thoughts and emotions, allowing them to shape your understanding of yourself and the world around you.
3. Henry Winter:
- Intellectual engagement: Follow Henry's example by actively pursuing intellectual pursuits and engaging in deep discussions with others. Foster a love for knowledge and critical thinking.
- Loyalty and camaraderie: Like Henry, develop meaningful connections with friends based on trust, loyalty, and shared interests. Embrace the value of genuine friendships.
4. Dorian Gray:
- Appreciate beauty: Like Dorian Gray, develop an eye for beauty in the world around you. Cultivate an appreciation for aesthetics, whether it be through art, nature, or other forms of beauty.
- Self-reflection and self-improvement: Engage in self-reflection and strive for personal growth. Seek to understand your own strengths and weaknesses and work towards becoming the best version of yourself.
Remember, these characters are fictional and often grapple with significant challenges and moral dilemmas. It's important to approach their traits with caution and to prioritize your own well-being and ethical behavior. Seek a healthy balance between the admirable aspects of these characters and your own values, and remember to embrace personal growth and responsibility in your journey.
there you go, now we're all ready to embrace Oscar Wilde's legacy <3
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chtulhuu · 1 year
C'était, en quelque sorte, un adieu câlin qu'exhalaient ces lieux abandonnés où il avait égoutté de si mélancoliques heures.
En rade – J.-K. Huysmans
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c01n · 2 years
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philoursmars · 8 months
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Bon, n'étant pas très mobile, difficile de créer des posts avec de nouvelles photos. Je reviens donc à mon projet de présenter l'intégralité de mes photos, projet interrompu à l'année 2017. Je vais donc essayer de clore cette année 2017. Et elle sera close par Marseille aux vacances de Noël.
Ici le MuCEM:
Jan-Cornelisz Vermeyen : "La Prise de Tunis par Charles Quint" - Bruxelles, 1550 (Visiblement, le monsieur au gros derrière rose perdu la tête. Fort heureusement ,quelqu'un l'a trouvée et cherche à qui la rendre... Enfin, c'est MON analyse)
F-A. Cutileiro : Les 2 premiers vice-rois des Indes portugaises - Portugal, 1966
Jan-Baptist Huysmans : "Ogier de Busbecq achetant l'étendard d'Espagne à des pirates turcs"- Bousbecque, 1904
Lazzaro Tavarone : "Le doge Giacomo-Durazzo Grimaldi reçoit Don Juan d'Autriche à Gênes" - Gênes, 1585
Rolle (liste) des Turcs enrôlés sur les galères - Marseille, XVIe s.
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alexjcrowley · 10 months
Joris-Karl Huysmans life out of context
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c-etait-ailleurs · 9 months
La réalité ne pardonne pas qu'on la méprise ; elle se venge en effondrant le rêve, en le piétinant, en le jetant en loques dans un tas de boue !
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Là-bas
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Ave Gustave Moreau. Welcome back Carmelo Bene. Here you are, Nicholas Roerich. Skrjabin, Odilon Redon, Huysmans, I missed you. Come over, Remedios Varo! Fauré, Ravel, come. Rejoice!
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libriaco · 10 months
Polvere sei
«Bah! – fece Des Hermies – la polvere fa bene. Oltre ad avere il sapore di un biscotto antichissimo e l’odore appassito di un vecchio libro, è il velluto fluido delle cose, la pioggia sottile e asciutta che anemizza i colori troppo forti e smorza i toni violenti. È anche la buccia dell’abbandono, il velo dell’oblio. Nessuno la detesta, salvo quelli colpiti da un tragico destino e ai quali talvolta dovresti pensare.»
J. K. Huysmans, [Là-Bas, 1891] L'abisso, Milano, SugarCo, 1990 [Trad. A. Galli Zugaro]
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skyeventide · 2 years
not me discovering that Huysmans wrote a book inspired by Gilles de Rais and that it has some gorgeous covers
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murs · 2 years
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Huysmans à Sainte-Adèle
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#国立西洋美術館 リニューアルオープン記念「#自然と人のダイアローグ」展より。 #ボードレール や #ユイスマンス、#モンテスキュー を魅了したエピソードも残る #ロドルフ・ブレダン の代表作、「善きサマリア人」(1867年 #リトグラフ,チャイナ紙) From the #exhibition “In Dialogue with Nature”, commemorating the reopening of the National Museum of Western Art, in Ueno Park, #Tokyo, #Japan. The Good Samaritan (1867, #lithograph on chinese paper), a #masterpiece by #RodolpheBresdin, whose episodes have fascinated #Baudelaire, #Huysmans and #Montesquiou. (国立西洋美術館 National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgoddlIPFIA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chtulhuu · 1 year
Ce qu'il avait voulu, c'était l'éloignement des odieux détails, l'apaisement de l'office, le silence de la cuisine, l'atmosphère douillette, le milieu duveté, éteint, l'existence arrondie, sans angles pour accrocher l'attention sur des ennuis ; c'était dans une bienheureuse rade, l'arche capitonnée, à l'anri des vents, et puis, c'était aussi la société de la femme, la jupe émouchant les inquiétudes des tracas futiles, le préservant, ainsi qu'une moustiquaire, de la piqûre des petits riens, tenant la chambre dans une température ordonnée, égale ; c'était le tout sous la main, sans attentes et sans courses, amour et bouillon, linge et livres.
En rade – J.-K. Huysmans
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