wonderloste · 2 years
route b being a roleswap where the mc has to decide how to go about saving wonderland if they want to stay w/ someone they love is kinda sexy tho like darcy’s plans stay in place no matter what but the ultimate decision (on his route at least) ends up falling to them cuz once aleister learns that darcy IS the og alice it’s hee hoo bad JHBERNGJHBNN
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kimdokjas · 11 months
why you should read Mystic Prince if you enjoyed ORV
Mystic Prince / Prince of Myolyeong (묘령의 황자) is a fantasy and action-adventure manhwa with art & story by Aheuredal (아흐레달) and in my humble opinion, an absolute hidden gem. it's literally one the best manhwas i've ever read (among the top 2) and i've finally gathered my thoughts enough to try to articulate why i love it so much, and hopefully convince you to give it a chance!
here's the official summary on webtoon:
An immortal emperor rules the Kingdom of Yeol, a divine country blessed by gods with awesome powers. After a thousand years of peaceful rule, the time has come for a new emperor to be chosen. This is determined by a series of trials, in which twenty princes with special powers who have trained since birth must compete. As all princes of varying personalities and agendas gather to partake in the trials, intrigue and possibly even bloodshed seem all but certain. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the other princes, the Fourth Prince Jeok-yeon Ryu hides a secret he must guard with his life.
anyway i literally made a carrd for this, that's how much i care about this manhwa and i worked very hard on it!! you can find the carrd here*
(* also if you hate daily pass like me pls note that there's a fan translation as well! just keep in mind that some episodes have ost but you can find the links to youtube on the carrd as well. but if you enjoy it please do try to leave likes, comments, and a good rating on webtoon to support the creator!)
Mystic Prince is incredibly unique in terms of story and execution that i can't really compare it to anything else but here's why i think you'll enjoy it, especially if you also liked orv:
strong-willed MC who's not naturally skilled but works extremely hard
said MC is willing to suffer and hurt themselves to achieve their goals (aka kim dokja-esque tendencies)
seemingly cold and aloof ML with yoo joonghyuk vibes at first, naturally gifted and seems to look down on everyone
...but is actually head over heels for MC and just doesn't know how to express his feelings
ensemble cast of incredibly complex and well-developed characters with different personalities and motivations
MC seems a little dense at times but they have a tragic backstory that explains why they're Like That
incredibly bisexual vibes !! like literally off the charts
slowburn romance that is cooking up such a great meal
MC and ML have actually known each other for centuries
characters go through trials that involve risking death
extremely unique lore and world-building
i said ML before but there are actually multiple potential MLs with how much complexity all the character dynamics have
beautiful character designs (literally over 10+ within the main cast and they're all so unique)
evocative writing and heartfelt monologues that seem taken out of a book of pure poetry
narratively significant motifs of fire and water (à la orv's black/white and reader/protagonist)
profound and realistic depiction of the inner feelings and troubles that the characters go through
incredibly heart-wrenching original soundtrack! (actually made me cry)
some of the most gorgeous art i've seen in any manhwa (seriously pls just open the 1st episode and look at the first few panels)
[spoilers below for chapter ~10]
delicious gender fuckery
MC is actually cross-dressing afab (i personally hc them as genderqueer; korean doesn't have gendered pronouns but the official tl uses she/her pronouns)
bonus: they're built like a fucking tank (as seen here) like hello??? which is so refreshing to see for an afab MC
plus they're also canonically lacking in empathy but still deeply compassionate which again is really refreshing
i'm sure there's even more stuff i'm forgetting but these are just some reasons off the top of my head why i think this manhwa is so amazing
please do give Mystic Prince a chance, it's an absolute delight!! there are multiple beautiful covers but here's a couple of them, BE ART BAITED <3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and finally some of my personal reactions to Mystic Prince and also a note regarding the content warnings under the cut!
feel free to skip this part lol but personally when i look for recs, i love when people tell me their emotional reactions and how passionate they are about it! so if this tells you anything,
this is the ONLY manhwa to have made me cry so far (yes that includes the orv webtoon, but not the novel ofc) like actually ugly sobbing with snot and tears and everything lmao
(it's not all sad though! this manhwa will have you clutching your heart one moment and then cackling out loud the next)
and it's also the ONLY manhwa i've ever spent actual money on before the fan tl picked it up just so i could read the advanced chapters (i'm notoriously cheap so this says a lot imo)
and i'm not alone in this, every other comment on webtoon is people saying the exact same thing. the general consensus is that this is 100% a hidden gem (webtoon DP my behated why'd you have to shoot yourself in the foot like that)
also regarding the content warnings on the carrd: this was my first time making a list of cws (i don't think anyone else has made one yet?) and i was a little hesitant to add them, so i sincerely apologize if i missed anything!! if anyone else has anything else to add (cws or otherwise) then please feel free to send me a message and i'll be happy to edit it!!
(btw this was inspired by this post which is also a great summary for why u should read a cnovel called mist unlimited)
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incesthemes · 1 month
final thoughts: supernatural season 15
holy shit. i did it. i finished supernatural. i actually finished it a couple hours ago but i'm still having trouble processing it. i've been working at this for six months (but with a one-month break back in december) and i'm finally finished. honestly i don't think i really believed i would do it because shit this show is long, and i am not predisposed to enjoy shows like this. so this is a huge mark of pride for me, that i can finally say i did indeed sit down and watch all 327 episodes of supernatural :)
anyway all that to say i hated this season with a passion lmao, hasta la vista baby ✨
honestly i think i'll end up keeping this short because frankly most of my criticisms boil down to
how did you fuck up your own lore this badly
holy plotholes batman
this is so disrespectful and irreverent toward kripke's supernatural
nothing about this writing makes any kind of sense
well, that's convenient (in the most boring way imaginable)
so it's basically just a game of spin the wheel and see what it lands on.
the season started super weak; the concept was bad from the get-go and executed only to a mediocre standard, so i couldn't help but cringe my way through it. rowena's death was really well done, but her character was never well developed, in the same way most side characters on this show are never well developed, so while i appreciate the care that went into that scene it felt rather empty. it made me regret how poorly and inconsistently written she was. and yeah most side characters get this treatment—hell, cas gets this treatment which is why i don't care about him much—but she had such a provocative death scene that it had me lamenting that she didn't get a better foundation and better development. alas, that's just what it means to be someone other than sam and dean on supernatural.
after that was... the eileen subplot. i do really like eileen despite her being a rather flat and uninteresting character the way most women are on this show (y'know, kickass independent "girl power" women without nearly any other significant personality trait), but i really didn't appreciate the substantial pivot sam took from dean-focused to eileen-focused in this season. yes, season 12-14 did go to great efforts to make sure this wasn't The Sam And Dean Show anymore, but season 15 is so dramatically incongruous from even 12-14 that it just boggled my mind. the sam/eileen stuff was a major part of that, and it just didn't feel good because it was one more nail in the coffin with regards to how little the showrunners respected the foundation of the show (y'know, "the epic love story of sam and dean"). the only real salmondean moment in the entire season was the 7-minute incest speech in the finale—like what? i couldn't even properly enjoy that because of how poorly it was set up, thanks to the four seasons of retconning their relationship and making it less important to the series overall.
anyway all that to say, they had this massive sam/eileen subplot and then nothing even came of it. sam didn't even call to check if she was alive after jack resurrected everyone? he didn't meet up with her on screen even once? like if you're going to give him this season-long romance with someone other than dean, you could at least have the balls to commit to it. i find that just. godawful writing. eileen didn't have to be sam's blurry wife or anything, but he should have had some kind of resolution, literally anything at all, if we're meant to believe she's in any way important to him. c'mon.
more incongruous moments: dean got weirdly angry in this season. like what's with episode 17 man? there is nothing about dean in that episode that feels even remotely in character. from "jack's not family" to dean pulling a gun on sam, it all felt wildly overblown, way too melodramatic and sudden, and just not anything dean would do. yeah he's an angry guy, but???? this was too much, even for him. and the whole jack argument between sam and dean made me roll my eyes hard. because how do you expect me to believe that after all of the developments up to that point, that
dean wouldn't consider jack family. first of all that's stupid, dean drops the f-bomb on literally anyone he thinks is useful to further his goals. second of all it contradicts the bond they've formed since season 13, and it no longer fits with the parallel themes set up between sam, dean, and jack. it undermines what's been established, what's been developed, and what jack means to them on a thematic level. so so so stupid. cannot stress how dumb this move was. it just felt like the writers pulling out yet another OOC moment just so they can conveniently move the plot in the direction they wanted. so annoying.
sam and cas are equals in dean's eyes. like that's just hilarious to me. the last time cas died dean got sad for a little bit and burned his body on a pyre. the last time sam died dean committed suicide. these are not equal reactions. and sam and cas have never been equal to dean because dean always chooses sam over everyone, again evidenced in the series finale. so it was just hilarious for this one episode to pretend like sam and cas could ever be equal.
of course season 15 did really push a destiel agenda in the most unexpected and bizarre way. like wow, and i thought seasons 12-14 were a totally different show. no, season 15 is so much worse than that. i have absolutely no idea why they made the choices they did with this season, but they were not good, they routinely disrespected kripke's foundations of the show, and they ignored every theme ever laid out up until then. all for... what, exactly? so dean and cas can have a weird little non-romance together for 18 episodes only for them to slip wincest back in at the end? what's up with that? no like seriously, what were they trying to do here????
i told my friend this earlier, but i do think it's funny how cas's death speech is just straight-up factually incorrect regarding dean. i'm 100% fully willing to believe that castiel was blinded with lust by dean winchester that he simply made up some guy in his head who looked like dean. and that will be my headcanon going forth because wow it's shocking and funny as hell how much he got wrong while waxing poetic about dean. "you're the most selfless man i know" when kripke spent 5 seasons pounding it into our heads how fundamentally selfish dean (and sam, obviously, but the speech is about dean) is. girl what are you saying. dick so good he rewrote dean's basic character traits to be more convenient to him. i respect it truly i do.
anyway the finale. i hated it! to absolutely no one's surprise. a few days ago i wrote out what i thought would have been the most thematically cogent endings for supernatural. i knew what actually happens, obviously (hard to miss tbh), but my resolve on this front was only strengthened by actually watching it. yes the 7 minutes of incest were very nice and compelling, but... wow. this episode has some of the worst pacing i've ever seen in my life. dean died halfway into the episode? and the rest of that was... a sequence of short scenes that are too drawn-out to be a montage??? like there was no tension, no buildup, and no setup for what they did. it felt so lazy and underdeveloped, lacking any kind of poignancy or thematic cohesion. and then i had to watch TWENTY MINUTES of half-baked scenes of dean in heaven and sam growing old. i wouldn't have hated this ending so much if they had better pacing, i'm serious. like the outrage i feel is predominantly because of how badly it was written. the concepts aren't good, but they were par for the course. but TWENTY MINUTES OF MONTAGE. A MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH WITH NO EMOTIONAL BUILDUP, WHICH ACTIVELY CONTRADICTS THE THEMES OF THE SHOW. WHAT!!!!!!! WERE THEY THINKING!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i disliked that a little bit.
so overall i pretty much hated every part of this season and there were very, very, very few redeeming features sprinkled in. it's fine though! i'm fine. it's all over now :)
a few brief thoughts on the series overall: i regret ever speaking badly of kripke's supernatural; i didn't know how good i had it until it was gone. in hindsight, a lot of the seasons i thought were dogshit were actually not the worst things ever—i just didn't realize how bad bad could get. i know now. i will carry that knowledge with me forever.
dramatics aside, i honestly did enjoy watching the show. as much as i hated so many of the writing choices, the plotholes, the retcons, the way the writers just handwaved away anything inconvenient and rewrote characters entirely just to force them into the story they way they wanted them—it was still, like, fun. the agony was enjoyable (things masochists say). i think it helps that the fandom at large generally agrees that the writing is bad; it gives a sense of community and solidarity in the misery. there's no uneasy disconnect between myself and the rest of the fanbase, and that honestly does make all the difference. it's fun to suffer together, and i don't regret watching this show one bit :)
so with that said, here's my final ranking for every season:
season 1 (thematically strong, tight writing, incredible vision, truly foundational in its establishment of overarching themes, tone, and genre)
season 2 (such an interesting plot which builds on what was established in season 1. this is where the meat of the show is, where the heart is exposed to daylight as the chest is ripped open)
season 3 (well written, though disappointing in some areas largely due to kripke dropping the special children plot thus leaving a hole. not very noticeable due to the good writing, but still there. i'll never forgive them for killing off henricksen)
season 4 (this is the first real drop in quality imo, but it's relatively insignificant. the writing feels more meandering, and the tone shifts rather drastically away from the horror of its origin. the introduction of angels destroys a lot of the religious anxiety that formed the foundation of the show, but at the same time introduces a fantastic story about fate and doom)
season 5 (same as season 4, but with the flaws a bit more glaring. castiel's unclear motivations and underdeveloped shift in perspective are a major point of contention for me; i don't think it was handled well and could have been written better to make him a stronger character from the get-go, possibly allowing him to be a better character in later seasons instead of the conflicting mess we ended up with)
season 9 (the writing is atrocious, but the vision is so good. i still don't know how they managed that. they had such a great idea and they took kripke's supernatural and expanded on it in such a satisfying way. it drove me crazy! but holy shit the actual writing is so bad)
season 8 (i feel largely the same about 8 as i do 9, but i just think the writing was overall worse. it does get brownie points for having benny in it, though)
season 10 (boring. boring and paced so, so, so badly. the sole redeeming feature was how committed it was to its vision. it has the exact opposite problem as season 6 in that it has too little content to fill out the season. but god, the vision. you'll hear me waxing poetic about the season 8-10 vision on my death bed)
season 7 (it did a lot to pave the road for seasons 8-10 which i can't ignore. it also got itself fairly settled after the mess season 6 was and didn't try to bite off more than it could chew. i didn't love it, but it had a lot of moments that were provocative and interesting, and it provided pretty good setup for season 8. the writing was not good, but i think that goes without saying)
season 6 (introduced really interesting ideas, but tried to cram so much into one season that it failed to deliver satisfying payoffs for any of its setup. soulless sam was an interesting exception and really redeemed it for me)
season 12 (12 and 13 are about equal for me because i hate the plots, i hate the intense diversion away from The Sam And Dean Show, i hate the writing, i hate the concepts, etc etc. but they both introduce supporting characters which show off new and interesting sides to sam and dean: mary in 12 and jack in 13. it allows for focus to stay on sam and dean's relationship a little longer even though they're no longer generating any organic conflict between them, so i appreciate that at least)
season 13 (i fucking HATE the apocalypse world. that is my deciding factor between seasons 12 and 13. also i hate what they did to mary here)
season 14 (honestly an inoffensive season. i still hate the writing way more than anything else pre-12, and it doesn't have the benefits of a new character introduced to provide external conflict between sam and dean, so while it was relatively inoffensive it was also boring, lacking, and really obvious how little the writers cared about maintaining sam and dean's relationship as the emotional core of the show)
season 11 (the writing all things considered wasn't the absolute worst thing i've ever seen, if i'm being fair. on the other hand, i hated everything about this season conceptually, and i hate that it vouched for christianity as the ~one true religion~ which again undermines kripke's original series. this is me being petty and i'm okay with that)
season 15 (see above. oh but i'm honestly surprised it managed to surpass my ire toward season 11. like honestly it's impressive because i hold a massive grudge toward 11 which should have been insurmountable. a feat has certainly been achieved here!)
anyway. i said this wasn't going to be long but then i just kept on writing and writing. because that's what i do. i never learn 😔 i'll end it here then. i intend to go back and rewatch seasons 1-5 now that i'm finally finished, so i'm looking forward to that. i want to see if my rose-tinted glasses that i've been looking at kripke era with are based on reality or simply a longing to return to less terrible times :P
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 5 months
hii! i am in love with your works. i've read itysg(ainly) several times and cyanide twice T.T you deserve all the love, you've become one of my top 3 comfort authors <3
i have a quick question. do you have a compilation of your abyss lore somewhere? like how you can't cry in the abyss because the salt attracts the enemies (i sincerely hope that is from you and i'm not confusing it with someone else's T.T) uhh, cause i intend to base my research on it :) no issue tho if not
oh! no i don't think i have it anywhere, but it's no trouble to me to just- dump it all here, so-
i'll leave it under the cut, but tysm!! good luck writing and obviously feel free to tweak and change stuff to better fit whatever you're going for!
ok so- this is going to be about canon-genshin's abyss. the only difference between that one and cyanide's abyss is a lack of rhinedottir creatures, so.
i've always been torn between if the abyss is like- just a small area, like within a huge cave; or if it's its own entire realm altogether. like a whole other world, with its own continents and all that. it feels so limiting to make it only a cave, but it also feels a bit too strange to make it just- mirror teyvat. idk anyway,
under the assumption that it's not as big as teyvat but larger than just a cave, we could look at it like one large landmass surrounded by ocean
the moon spire is off one of the coasts, around the rainforest area
the easiest way to think about it is probably like minecraft's nether. like the overworld is all open sky and lots of biomes while the nether is all claustrophobic and with only a handful of biomes
i think it'd be cool if it's rainforest and badlands/savanna/desert. but not like sumeru- to me sumeru's rainforest is very much like the jungle in madagascar and the desert is like the sandbanks in africa. i think the abyss could be more like the amazon's rainforest, tighter, a lot less giant fantastical trees and more- 'where the fuck am i, i can hardly see thru the vegetation' sort of place. and the desert more like the usa's stereotypical cacti and tumbleweed all dry land and rocky cliffs.
since irminsul's roots have to be down there and i think the abyss is whacky enough to meld with whatever dimension irminsul resides in, then i think we could literally have massive petrified roots in the middle of the continent. like just- sprouting out of the ground and making this gigantic thing that you could theoretically see from everywhere if it wasn't so fucking dark. in cyanide here would be where the primordial one would've been sealed to in the original abyss, right in the center.
the rainforest area would be full of winding, impossibly deep rivers- like all of them deep like the mariana trench. wet mist hollows and just- general amazon rainforest inconveniences. if you've ever been there you know what i mean. i think it'd be even more fucked up if it doesn't rain, though.
the desert part would be a death sentence, hence why skirk sticks to the rainforest most times, esp while with childe
the area with irminsul's roots would be like a giant haunted forest/cave system, full of the only sources of natural light down there (some glowing moss and insects)
damp and wet-feeling but it's not water, it's abyssal miasma. like it all feels like a sauna. the temperatures would go from uncomfortably kinda-hot in the day to fucking freezing at nigth.
the rainforest feels even wetter but again, not water. everytime you breathe it feels like you have to force your lungs to take in the air. again, if you've ever been to a jungle or rainforest, you know what i mean.
the desert parts would be unbearably hot, but the heat would come from the ground itself, so you'd feel feverish the entire time - it'd be cool if the sands were obnoxiously red from high iron oxides to make it even worse. the more bearable places would be up on the rock cliffs and outcrops, but since they're the more livable places, that means most of the creatures are also up there. speaking of,
the rifthounds are in the higher areas of the rainforest, almost a tundra, bordering the roots, where the wolflord has its lair and territory. not edible bc they contain aluminum and other not-safe-for-humans metals, and also there's hardly any meat in them lmao.
the giant clay worm(s) lives underground in the lowland rainforest and nobody has really seen it, so it's a non-issue. it's massive, and the reason why the marshlands on a different side of the rainforest exist. i think it'd be interesting if nobody knew whether it's one giant one or multiple giants. also this would be the cause of quakes in the abyss, it's just whenever the thing moves there would be a tremble in the ground
steelclaw harpies are out in the rocky outcrops of the dessert, hence why you'd be forced to walk the superheated base ground instead of going up. if you've ever seen a harpy eagle, just think that but like- the size of a person, and a bit more dinosaur-esque.
the glass rain whale. kinda like the giant clay worm in that hardly anyone sees it, only when it rains glass over the sea (not the land) you can see it come out of the ocean and fly around. the meagre light of the moon makes it seem almost transluscent, like a ghost whale. it couldn't be the all-devouring narwhal bc it wouldn't make sense lore-wise, but it could be similar-looking.
pillar rats are- well, giant rats that live in the canyons and desert. they call them pillar rats because they climb up sheer cliffaces like it's nothing. also they can scratch through pretty much anything, and have very thick hides, so if you need warm clothes that's what you want to hunt
stonetusk hogs are the easiest animal to catch in the rainforest marshlands, but the meat isn't all that tasty. they're blind, like most other creatures. not that big. like- fucked up versions of genshin's boars.
praying goliaths are giant mantis-like mutant bugs that live in the rainforest. they're big big, like twice the size of a person big, and they're best avoided. you can tell where one passed through by the path of cut down vegetation they leave behind as they move, using their front legs as sharp scythes.
canyon rhinos live in both the canyons and the fog hollows. they're practically bulletproof, fuck-off ugly, and very dangerous. blind from overuse of moping ferns (that grow in the hollows) to hide the salt in their eyes. good food if you can catch them
wraith butterflies are around the water deposits and clay banks of the rainforest and always in the hunt for salt. they have sharp legs to perch on hosts and poisonous powder between their wings. yes they're the ones that make crying a bad idea.
stalkwalkers are the kings of the fog hollows and the reason why you don't go there if you're smart. i have mentioned plenty that they're physically inspired by made in abyss' turbinid-dragon (ryuuzazai?). basically a giant six-legged giraffe/seahorse looking thing. the stalkwalkers would have retractable harpoon-like stalks (stillettos) that they use to walk through the forest and to hunt. massive and blind, see through echolocation.
the concentration of abyssal miasma would be a lot more forgiving around irminsul's roots. basically everything is just better around irminsul's roots, but because it's so nice there, most creatures also go there, so no. the wolflord has set up camp nearby also.
it's dark. like there's no light besides the lackustre light of the moon and the glowing moss in irminsul's roots, so all creatures see through either abyssal miasmic sight or a form of echolocation.
you can't plant foreign crops, the soil won't accept it
most root vegetables aren't safe to eat. rooties are though
there's bugs that fuck with your sleep cycles to weaken you
the sand is black
there's almost no fish in the ocean, so it's not worth it to stay on the shores
it's also not worth it to stay generally uncovered from the moon's light bc it has a weird-ass radiation, like the sun.
i think that's all i had? there's probably some bits and pieces of other things about how the abyss filters the miasma and how all creatures evolved to use it since it's the only available energy down there, but i think that's been repeated enough in the fics hahah
anyway yeah! hope that's what you meant. if not oh well, it was probably about time i compiled it all,,
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sunrisetune · 1 year
(3) What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
(18) The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
(30) Biggest surprise while writing this year?
(Referencing this ask meme)
HELLO HEYYY thank you!
This is something of a reduced exercise bc I've posted five (5) short fics this entire year,, (at time of drafting this),, but nonetheless! x)
3 -- I like how "The Zee And The Lonely Sky' turned out. At first it was a collection of journal entries (guess what else was happening this year that helped inspire that p: ), but then I felt like it'd drag a bit and that,, like,, fleshing out my in-universe idea of how my two characters knew each other would be worthwhile. And it was fun \o/  Fallen London game... good.
18 - This is a much longer answer bc I'm going to take the liberty of rambling about a character in a fic whomst I haven't actually posted yet: Justice  x) For my WriMo this year I finally started a DA fic that I've been vividly daydreaming about for like a month but never actually writing, as you do (/jk). It's a post-DA2 into DAI redemption arc for our favourite SJ spirit W; or recovery arc, maybe. This is the summary I made for it in November:
Through an act of violence Anders and Justice were, finally, separated, though at cost to them both. Afterwards, Justice found their way back into the mortal world almost entirely by accident. But only almost. Possessing the still-living body of an elf woman whose mind is somehow missing, once again unable to leave the flesh and unrecognizable to anyone who'd known them before, the spirit makes a pilgrimage of sorts to Skyhold. Apparently there had been an attempt at peace that had gone horribly wrong, and the rising powers tipping the balance in the Mage-Templar War had congregated at the top of the mountain. Justice would join them. When Justice gets to the castle, she finds Hawke, because of course she does.
The idea of a personification of justice as an elf woman in the uhhhh wretched hive that is the rest of DA lore was interesting to me; and also specifically a retroactive / parasocial spite response to trivia I read, that before DA2 was made the writers were considering having Justice merge with Velanna but David Gaider thought that would've made her ""more annoying than she already was"". Fuck off, David I feel like there's a decent amount of fic where Friendship Route Anders and Justice are separated and Anders is for the most part written as being better off, while Justice is able to go back to the Fade, and then just??? Fucks off, I guess?? And is never really mentioned again, which I was not entirely persuaded by. So I decided to try and write something that follows Justice through being separated from Anders and surviving it and then having to, you know,, Deal With All That, especially while the war is going on, bc, like,, I’ve always read Justice’s and Anders’ actions in DA2 as both of them being scared. Justice is more afraid of becoming a demon than anything else, even non-existence,, and it happened; it very nearly cost him and Anders their life even before Anders literally asked Hawke to murder them after committing the worst act they’d ever do.
And while I am uhhh not entirely disposed towards a lot of what happened in Inquisition, I really liked Cole’s storyline of reverting from being a demon, and then having a choice on what he wanted to become; I thought that it’d be interesting to follow Justice down a similar arc.
30 - Does "shipping characters I didn't necessarily think about at first" count as s surprise bc if so, Awakening-Anders/Justice, which is at least partially your fault SYRUP :p I specify Awakening bc, not to get kind of maudlin in the middle of a cheerful ask answer about shipping, but unfortunately, Dragon Age (that's it that's the joke)
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jemwritesstuff · 2 years
Joey; the Legion x reader
I actually read lore for this lmao also this was supposed to be a soulmate thingy but i forgot abt it halfway thru writing and it just,,,,got left off
another notable thing is that this has literally been sitting in my drafts for better half of a year with me writing maybe a sentence a week so it’s really jumbled and probably makes no sense mostly but i decided i've already spent too much time worrying if it's “good enough” so i'm just gonna post it as is and edit later if i feel like it
content warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, reader is a smoker, alcohol, something akin to an anxiety attack described, I can’t write dialogue to save my life, again a surprise father figure, what’s a POV, I’m a part of a Julie needs rights in fanfic gang btw
word count: 3738 oops
Julie invited you to a party. You’d missed the last one (you’d slept through it but that would be a secret you’d take to your grave) so she insisted you come and meet the guy she’d been getting it on with. 
You’d heard about him - someone out of town who had come here to stir up chaos in his steps. Everyone seemed impressed by him but it was easy here in Ormond - new blood did always get the attention. 
You promised to go, though, and there was no backing out of it now.
It was just how you’d expected from a party Julie threw. The music was loud and based on the stench, someone had already thrown up in the bushes. You beelined to the kitchen to get yourself a drink hoping it would help you handle the rowdiest kids.
Meanwhile in the living room Frank was in the middle of telling a little story about his fucked up little life. Julie was enamored, and so were most of the other kids at the party, too. Joey, however, had a hard time focusing on his words. Bouncing his leg up and down in frustration, he ended up just observing the front door.
His eyes found you, hands in your jacket’s pockets and a visible scowl on your face. He was a little taken back. Mostly people came to Julie’s parties to either get shitfaced or laid but you only looked extremely annoyed to be here. Now that he thought about it, that’s just what you always looked like, especially in class. He’d seen you around tons of times and knew you as one of Julie’s oldest friends. Maybe you just didn’t like groups of people that much, otherwise for sure Julie would have forced you to take part in her parties and hangouts a lot more often.
That must’ve been it, he thought, since you had no trouble emerging from the kitchen just to plant yourself on the sofa right next to Julie. Joey was intrigued by your ways but he would never admit that to you and even less to Julie.
He awoke from his thoughts to Susie elbowing him to the ribs. 
“Hey”, you started, “I’m partly forced to do this-”
Julie interrupted you by snorting.
“-but since you people mean so much to Miss Asshole here, I don’t mind.” You told the lot your name and a little of how you’d come to know Julie, as your parents have been friends for a lifetime already. You were surely gonna tell an embarrassing story about Julie before she slapped a hand in front of your mouth. Laughs erupted all around.
“I’m Joey, nice to meet ya, officially”, Joey raised his beer bottle towards you.
“Yeah, I see you ‘round a lot. World history, right?” You questioned, a little pout on your lips.
“That and French”, he confirmed.
“Oh yeah, although I always sleep through French”, you nodded and chuckled. If common sense hadn’t gotten the best of Joey, he might’ve thought your laugh sounded nice.
“I know”, he grinned. Oh, if he’d paid attention to Julie’s intrigued expression rather than your smile.
You stuck around the group for the party. It was easy for Joey to smile. It was obvious how happy you made Julie by getting on easily with her group, and that was enough to make him happy too. He was certainly glad Julie decided to force you there that day. 
“I’ll go for a quick smoke”, you rose up from your seat, hands fishing your pockets for a lighter. Julie gave you a pat on the back and moved her legs to reserve you a seat. 
Before the gears in Joey’s head had turned all the way, he had already stood up and agreed to join you. He returned the nod you gave and followed you out the back door, leaving the deafening music behind.
He can no longer remember where the conversation started. All he knew was that he enjoyed talking about everything under the sun with you. He got to share his deepest thoughts without feeling like a burden or worrying about seeming unstable. You weren’t afraid to knock him off his pedestal either. It didn't take long for those smoke break conversations to become a custom. 
Joey liked his new job at the hardware store. It was easy enough, even with the owner’s ridiculous snow globe collecting. The rest of the Legion teased him about it, especially after they found out a certain someone also worked there.
You shared quite a lot of classes with him in school and whenever the rest of the Legion was unavailable, Joey hovered with you. You’d introduced yourself at one of Julie’s parties and after that wherever Joey looked, you seemed to be there. He didn’t know if he’d just never really noticed you before or if it was “destiny” or some other bullshit his older sister went on and on about.
Whatever it was, Joey didn’t mind. You were good company and didn’t give a shit about his bad habits and more than alarming pastime activities. You had a knack for creating havoc as well, maybe not as crude as setting theaters on fire, but no old woman downtown looked at you and thought to themself; “what a delightful young person” and that’s all that mattered to him.
The day everything changed was quite ordinary in its core. Joey left the building right when you were preparing for your shift. He came across you outside the employee’s entry, a cigarette in between your fingers.
“Lucky you”, you offered him a smoke, “I’m stuck here for the rest of the evening.”
His fingers brushed against the sleeve of your hoodie you had wrapped around yours so as to not freeze them off. “He fired me.”
You glanced up at him. He was pouting and the corner of his eye twitched just a little to tell you how annoyed he really was. Not even the bitter smoke leaving his nostrils seemed to calm him.
“I’m sorry ‘bout that”, you shook your head. You knew he’d stolen some things with Julie and the others but you’d always turned a blind eye. You never liked the owner anyway but you needed the money. 
He passed the cig back to you and zipped his jacket up. You could guess what he was thinking, which gave you an idea. “Y’know, Joey, I might be tired when I’m leaving work today. Might forget to lock the back door.” 
Joey found it hard to mask his surprise. The raised eyebrow solicited a smirk from you.
“Would be a real shame if that happened, you know there’s a lot of fuckers wanting to thrash that place up”, he said.
You winked at him through the puff of smoke.
You’d just exited the building when you saw Joey’s truck pulling up at the front, right outside the cameras’ view. It was dark out and you didn’t see the faces but it was safe to assume that along with Joey, there was Julie, Susie and Frank also in the car. 
You pulled your hood up to get even a little protection from the howling wind. They got up from the car, breaths crystallizing in the cold air. You approached them, trying to keep the fire from your lighter alive long enough to get the cigarette between your lips lit. 
When that didn’t work out, you just huffed and stuck both items back in your pockets along with your freezing hands. 
“Can you guys believe some inconsiderate fool stuck a safety pin in the back door’s lock so I couldn’t close it properly?” You faked an annoyed voice and barely succeeded in hiding your grin.
“Now that’s too bad”, Julie smirked and pulled you into her side for a half-assed embrace. “It’s good to see you.” 
“You too. Now y’all have fun in there but just don’t touch my locker. You wouldn’t wanna find out what exactly is in there.”
“Don’t worry. knowing you, it can be anything from rotten guts to a five year stash of chocolate and I wouldn’t wanna be tangled in your wrath in either of those scenarios”, Joey chuckled and patted your shoulder. 
Frank gave you a nod of recognition and Susie smiled and waved at you before they all started moving towards the building, hoods up and faces hidden with eerie masks. Deciding not to question it, you waved at their backs and started making your way back home.
Once the building was out of your field of view, a terrible chill ran up your spine. Everything seemed the exact same but the feeling persisted. Unlike the familiar one of being watched, was it accurate or not, this one was more… sinister. Malicious, even. Despite the horrible wind, a thick fog was closing in on you.
You kept walking - you knew the way home after all - but it was no use. You were dead certain everything around you was disappearing, the park bench was not there anymore and you couldn’t even locate the lamp posts. 
The fog was thick enough to cause you to lose your heading and make your head heavy. All you saw was gray, anyway, but this gray was purely unsettling.
In the end, the Fog consumed you, leaving no other way to go than forwards.
The Fog was indeed sinister and malicious.
At the start, everything was so confusing to you. Jeff - who you’d chatted with in school or seen at the music store - was there too, which by itself would’ve been a relief if he hadn’t aged over twenty years in a single night. He and the others - mainly Bill, whose company you’d joined at first just for the seemingly unlimited supply of cigarettes, helped you get a hold of “things”;  handling the pain, sticking your fingers into an endless array of machines, patching yourself and others up and distracting the killer long enough for your teammates to get stuff done.
Easy enough, you thought, I’ll just have to keep performing, how hard can that really be?
The answer: really fucking hard.
Especially after Jeff told you about the other people you’d known in your life, and how they coincidentally were on the other side of this fucked up endless game of cat and mouse.
You called him out on his bullshit - you had never encountered them yourself yet and there was no way that out of all the possibilities this motherfucking lovecraftian being had, it would take six people that knew eachother just to fuck with them some. 
Only when you fought for your life back in the familiar winter breeze of Ormond did you start doubting your own mind.
You had spent time at the lodge before and there was no mistaking it. As gray as ever, you thought, no power in the world would bring this shithole color.
It was hard for you to concentrate on anything that trial. Jake was obviously fed up with you fumbling the wires and sent you off to “roll in the snow or something”. Hell, with nothing better to do, you did lay in the snow. The illusion of cold was all around you but the snow felt like nothing. It had the texture, sure, but it didn’t melt in your fingers nor did the falling snowflakes actually touch you - they went right through you - probably didn’t even stay on the ground, just disintegrated and fell again time after time. 
Yui ran right past you - the ghost girl fresh on her tail - neither paying you any mind.
You’d been there for, what, a week at most, and you were already beyond fed up with all the antics of the controlling shithead you’d come to know as the Entity.
With nothing but hatred on your mind, you flung a handful of snow in the air and cursed. The crows flew away and the banging in your chest got louder.
With the conclusion of “nothing matters so might as well have fun dying” you decided to harass the Spirit off Yui to get something actually meaningful to do.
As expected, you didn’t make it but it was worth it seeing the rest of your team skedaddle out. 
Jeff had heard all about your heroic deed last trial but his mood changed once he heard Yui mention the Ormond. You hadn’t come back to the campfire after, so he decided to go find you. Seeing familiar places and faces had been a shock to him, too, and he’d hoped he’d had someone to help him through it. 
He found you at the edge of the forest staring straight ahead, deep into the ever changing woods. He sat next to you on the cold ground.
“I should’ve known it would be you.”
Jeff huffed and smiled at you warmly, only you didn’t look anywhere near him. “I know what it’s like. There’s not many of us that know their killer like we do.”
“Y’know, it’s not just that I know them”, you took a long breath. “Hell, I’ve been friends with Julie since we were in diapers. She- all of them became my family-” You managed to choke out before your voice gave out. It was getting harder for you to breathe and Jeff noticed it. You sat together in silence, him patiently waiting for you to calm down.
You cursed loudly, not paying any attention to the tear that had made its way down your cheek. 
Jeff patted your back and you didn’t have the energy to shy away from it.
You were still far from calm, muttering curses under your breath and smothering your face in your already damp sleeves. So, he decided to start talking.
“Y’know, after the night you five disappeared, news ran wild in school the next day. Most were sure that you’d just ran away together.”
He kept a small break.
“It was your closing and opening shift, right?” At your meek nod, he continued, “Yeah, no one found the body until after school was over. The next day was pure chaos. You were all suspects, you, especially. I hardly believed it. Arson is one thing, but I couldn’t believe that anyone but Frank could do something like that. Now, it’s clear what happened but when I was still young and naive, I kept thinking ‘no way, these are the people I’ve known for years, this can’t be happening’. And it’s not like I was good friends with any of you, really.”
At that, you gave a small laugh.
“I mean that’s the truth!” He smiled, too, “You all came by the shop a lot, and I did the mural at the resort but at school, all of us had better friends to hang out with. I never even went to one of Julie’s parties. That’s kinda why I moved away after high school; I couldn’t keep living in the town where my speaking acquaintances had been ruled down as murderers.”  
The silence was comfortable now. 
“Thanks, Jeff”, you sniffled and wiped the last of your tears away.
“Anytime, kid-” Before he even had the chance to finish, you had smacked him in the arm.
“We’re the same age, old man.”
That trial started out as any. You greeted Dwight and stuck your fingers into the gears with him. It didn’t take long for your heart to start beating faster.
When you finally caught sight of the killer through the corn, you could barely believe your own eyes.
You would’ve recognized that black jacket anywhere.
You scattered away from the generator as fast as possible, going the opposite way from Dwight.
Yui had talked you through about the logistics of going against “The Legion”, ‘stay separated, keep running and don’t bother healing each other up unless you really have to’, but, fuck, was it hard to be productive when you knew who was behind the mask.
He’d gone after Dwight, and it wasn’t long until you heard him yell. Your heartbeat picked up speed again.
“Keep running, huh?” You questioned as you watched him come after you. “No, I don’t think I will.”
Honestly, it was probably the dumbest decision you’d be making. 
Would he even know it was you?
Would he care?
Stopping dead in your tracks, your heart felt like it was going to give up any second.
He stopped, too. You were going to stare him down.
You recognized the knife. Fuck, you’d given him the knife. For his birthday, like what, three months ago? 
He was as stiff as you. The only sound you could hear was your own heartbeat and your combined, erratic breathing. The knife was lowered but it never left his grip.
“I should’ve known it would be you”, the voice is a bit muffled - courtesy of the mask - but undoubtedly the exact same voice you remembered.
“We heard of a newbie, stirring up trouble and always being half a step ahead”, he continued. You made no move, just looking where his eyes should’ve been. “I should’ve known it’d be you.”
He raised his empty hand towards you. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe. The silence was broken by a generator firing to life and he retracted his gloved hand back to his side. He quickly glanced that way before turning his head back towards you. You never would’ve thought you’d end up in this position. Staring straight into the eyes of a killer, your friend, and being guilty of the fear bubbling up inside of you.
“You should get to work.” It was a wonder your own voice didn’t waver. You just wished your eyes didn’t betray your inner thoughts.
He took another moment to think before answering.
“Come to Ormond when you get out.”
With that, he turned around, leaving to find your other friends, your teammates, no doubt murder on his mind. ‘When’, he’d said, you noticed. He never had an intention to hurt you - he’d had all the chances in the world.
You spent the trial in a haze barely getting anything done. As ridiculous as it was, it felt comforting to know he had the same problem. There was only a few hooks the entire trial and he didn’t dare look in your direction, even when you got caught in the open field, he just went the other way.
Back at the campfire, Ace took on the job of retelling the trial, of how he’d kept the “unruly teenager”, on his trail long enough for three generators to get completed. You decided to let him brag this time and wandered off into the surrounding woods. 
At the edge of the premises, you started doubting yourself. He was a killer after all, hell, they were all killers. You had no idea what to expect.
Joey had asked you to come there but would the others want to have anything to do with you? Worst case scenario, Frank would want to kill you. How’d Susie even get wrapped up in this, you wondered, she’d always been the warmest person in the room. You could hardly imagine her hurting anyone. And Julie; you’d always been there for each other but now, after being thrusted on different sides of a wicked game, would that change?
Before you had the chance to spiral further, footsteps woke you up from your thoughts.
He looked far more relaxed now, shoulders down and no bloodlust coating his veins. Still, expressions hidden away by the mask, knife tucked away somewhere.
You had no idea what to think. 
Neither of you wanted to make the first move.
“I heard it disfigures killers when they disobey or perform badly”, you started. A neutral statement but worry evident when reading in between the lines. The trial hadn’t been a good performance from him.
Before you could really even close your mouth, he had acted. In a fleeting moment, the mask was gone from his face. 
He was the exact same as you remembered him. You didn’t know how to feel. Would the other possibility have felt better? 
“Did you talk to Jeff yet?” He asked. You couldn’t read him anymore. Had you really been apart that long? You used to be able to tell what he was thinking from the little twitches in the corners of his eyes.
“Yeah, I…” Everything about the situation was wrong. Knowing what they had done, what they had been doing in this wretched place - your body was screaming at you to run but your heart disagreed.
“He told you everything, didn’t he?” He frowned, only slightly, but it was enough to tell you just how much he hated the thought. At least you could read that off of his face.
You nodded. “Are the others here?” You were glad your voice didn’t waver. Your hands were sweaty and trembling, so you stuck them in your pockets – hoping he didn’t notice. You wanted to see the lot again so bad but you were deathly afraid of how they’d treat you now that nothing was the same anymore.
He nodded. You stared at the resort in silence.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you, you know. I–” He started, before seemingly shutting himself up. His face said nothing but you knew it was bothering him, not being able to say it out loud.
You turned away from him and the resort. Your brain was scrambled and fried, heart beating like it was going to give up any moment, legs barely carrying your weight.
“I shouldn’t be here, Joey, I don’t- I don’t belong here anymore”, you managed to choke out.You didn’t hear his response, the ringing in your ears was sure to make you deaf. Your chest was tightening with every breath.
Warm hands guided you to sit on a rock. They were a nice contrast to the chilling tremor going up your spine. 
After a moment of calming yourself and evening out your breath, you opened your eyes – when had you closed them? – only to gaze straight into Joey’s soul. You knew what he was going to say before interrupting himself, what he was feeling, just from the little twitches around his eyes. 
The corner of his mouth lifted up.
“You’re always gonna belong here”, your name sounded far too familiar coming from his lips, “We’re not gonna abandon you, I’m– Listen, I’m not going to abandon you. Okay?”
You nodded. You knew he wasn’t lying.
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hirazuki · 3 years
Ooo I'm curious about your hot takes on the Inuyasha reboot after reading your tags 👀
Ahaha, where to start XD Idk if they are hot takes, but here are my thoughts in bullet point form for coherency, I couldn’t figure out how else to organize them. Under a cut, as usual, because it got lengthy... as usual :D
We are 13 episodes in, and I still have no idea wtf is going on or what the series is actually about. And yes, I’m aware that we didn’t know of Naraku’s existence or of the overarching plot until at least episode 16 of that series either and Inuyasha was still very episodic in nature at that early point too, but here’s the thing: Inuyasha did not build upon a pre-existing series. For better or for worse, Yashahime has certain expectations to live up to that the original anime didn’t, by virtue of its being a sequel. Unfair? Maybe, but tough; that’s what happens when you make a sequel. Additionally, despite us not knowing The Main Plot™ of Inuyasha until later, the basic framework for it was laid out clearly by... episode 2? I think? Find and collect the Shikon Jewel shards. Boom, done. Were there distractions or fillers? Sure, but you never got the sense that the characters simply up and forgot about the shards. Even in fillers, the shards often made some kind of appearance. With Yashahime, there’s like three potential storylines going on: 1. The most obvious: most of our main cast from the OG is missing; where are they? Apparently no one in-story cares! :D Inuyasha, who’s that lol. I’m all for a sequel focusing on the new generation with cameos of the old crew; after all, they already had their own series. But this is like... no one cares about them? No one talks about them? And the more characters go about not mentioning them, the stronger their absence is felt. Like, for instance, Kaede knows Moroha is InuKag’s daughter. Moroha grew up on her own, doesn’t know her parents. Kaede doesn’t mention them to Moroha, doesn’t even spare a passing thought about them for the audience’s benefit, Moroha doesn’t ask. Kagome’s family in the present day meet Moroha, recognize her as Kagome’s daughter and... say nothing??? Souta shows Towa Kagome and Inuyasha’s old photos, but doesn’t say a word to Moroha?! Like. It makes no sense. By people not even acknowledging their existence, it makes the fact that they are nowhere to be found even weirder. Also the new gen girls don’t care about their parents or finding out who they were/are... like, okay, it would maybe be in character for one or two of them, but all three don’t give a fuck??? 2. Kirinmaru/the rainbow pearls: Idk how familiar you are with the story, but similar deal with Naraku and the shards here. Kirinmaru is being set up as the villain, still a mysterious figure; our new gen trio is supposed to collect the rainbow pearls that... some of his henchmen have? Or he is after them? Or is that Riku? Unclear. ANYWAY the new gen girls often forget all about the pearls’ existence :D 3. Setsuna’s memories: Setsuna’s dreams have been stolen by the dream butterfly and they need to get them back, because without her dreams she has no memories and is unable to sleep. Cool! Finally a solid, easy-to-follow plot line! Except wait! Towa, who supposedly made it her goal to get Setsuna’s sleep back, forgets all about it! All the time! Like, none of them make an effort to look into this other than being like “oh yeah, know anything about the dream butterfly?” to random folks every now and then. The Inugang back in the day was putting some grad school level research towards their goals, just saying. It just feels like everything’s all wishy-washy and there’s nothing really solid tying the series together. People just remember shit exists when it’s convenient.
Character development is MIA. I’m not expecting ground-breaking char dev in 13 episodes (though I do know 12 episode series that were phenomenal in that regard), but like... I do expect the series to focus on building the dynamics between the main three characters. So far, the series is more focused on teasing the audience with glimpses and promises of the OG cast instead. The creators are using nostalgia and bait (esp of a certain pairing) to drive interest in the series, rather than developing the new characters as fully-fledged characters for their own sakes. 
Moroha is was the only thing I actually liked about the series. She is a little spitfire and you can somehow instantly see both Inuyasha and Kagome in her, while she also remains very uniquely herself; I have never seen such a successfully developed main pairing child in any series. She featured quite prominently in the first few episodes -- and unlike both her parents, she’s got a great memory and knowledge of lore -- where she balanced funny moments with badass fighting moments and being the token supernatural encyclopedia. It was great! And then... they’ve like... forgotten her. She’s been left behind so many times by the twins. She’s the butt of every joke. She’s become the type of comic relief that’s, well, insulting. More like a buffoon than anything else. And it’s basically all for the sake of giving the floor to Towa :/
Setsuna is okay. Not offensive, but unremarkable. She’s got her dad’s personality but like way toned down due to her different growing up circumstances, which is nice, but like... I feel she isn’t given any room to grow or breathe or anything. She’s also basically there as a device to enhance Towa’s development.
Towa... oy. I tried to like her, I really did, but she just doesn’t work for me. They set her up having a very Kurosaki Ichigo type deal with beating up bullies and getting into trouble at school and shit -- I’m fine with that. That’s cool. Esp if it’s linked to not feeling like she fits in bc she’s a hanyou? Awesome. Except once she travels back in time to the feudal era it’s all “Oh killing is bad you shouldn’t kill people” and “even though they attacked me I can’t possibly hurt them” and “you need to empathize and talk things out” and “friendship is magic” and shit. It feels like she had a personality transplant, it literally makes no sense. Her design is totally nonsensical too -- out of everyone at her school, she’s the only one dressed in a bright white suit? Do protags not wear the school uniform? Someone should tell Kagome lmao. She’s a pro at hand to hand, and she can absorb demons’ powers and fling them back at them like a personified Tessaiga, and she has a lightsaber sword, and she’s immune to miasma, and -- like... you get it. It’s too much. It’s way too OP for the type of universe that Inuyasha/Yashahime is set in. She’s hanyou for fuck’s sake; remember all the training Inuyasha had to go through? When he couldn’t lift his sword? When his sword attacked him? Sango, Miroku, Kagome, even Sesshomaru all had trouble with their weapons and had to work to become stronger. But Towa? Nope. Towa is straight out of the Yas Queen/Girl Boss manual, so she gets a free pass on everything.
UGH they are doing the VLD/bad writing thing where things happen (like, BIG THINGS) and none of the characters actually react to them. Or stuff happens and there are no consequences. No one ever talks about anything. It’s wild.
Everyone has amnesia!! :D People either don’t know or don’t remember anything or anyone. People who absolutely should know things all of a sudden magically don’t know them. Like, Kohaku -- traveled with an undead priestess, spent years in the company of demons, traveled with Sesshomaru... and yet had NO CLUE that Setsuna is Sesshomaru’s daughter or that she is hanyou, despite her living and working with his team of demon slayers all this time. Like... how, man. How. And Kaede! Don’t get me started. Since when does she perpetuate random demon-boogeyman type stories as facts? Demon children will kill each other in the nest so that only the strongest one will survive, therefore Setsuna must have killed Towa when they were infants. O_O What are they, sharks? Has she been hanging out with Kisame? Wtf?? And she’s speaking about Sess’s kids as though she doesn’t know him or anything about him, when she has had Rin under her roof all these years. It just makes. no. sense.
Things that happened in the original series are happening again now! Because that’s the best we’ve got, recycled plot elements wooo! No, but really, characters that died or things that were resolved in Inuyasha keep coming back. Why? What was the purpose of bringing back Kinka and Ginka? To have a foil for Towa and Setsuna as twins? Someone please tell Sunrise they can just create new characters. Like, it’s one thing to have call backs to the original or cameos, references, whatever. But like... this is entire (dead) characters and interactions.
No one knows how long it’s been since the original series ended. Fans initially heard 20 years from promo material, then “over 15″ and “10 years since” in-series regarding two different events, and now in a future episode summary we’ve gotten 18 years since Hosenki II gave Inuyasha the black pearl. But like, which black pearl? Because the one in Inuyasha’s eye doesn’t exist anymore, but Hosenki II had told Inuyasha that it would take 100 years for him to produce one. So, are we retconning that or where the fuck did it come from? Also, this doesn’t help one bit, it just confuses things even more. Back to the point, though, we have no coherent timeline or real frame of reference whatsoever, and I’m betting it’s in large part to keep the mystery of who is Sesshomaru’s wife going, as it keeps Rin’s age very vague. Everything is vague and mysterious in Yashahime, to the point where no one knows what’s going on, in fandom or in-story even. It’s kinda like how too much plot twist/shock reveal ruins a story, too much mystery does the same. It’s insane that both shippers and antis of that ship can lay equal claim that the “18 years since” announcement works in their favor.
tl;dr: Idk man, Yashahime is a clusterfuck of a series. Even if the mother of Sess’s twins is either of the characters I ship him with, I will still not like the series. There’s no saving this writing. Every episode feels like this:
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hi! i don't know if you accept hc requests, and if you don't, thats completely fine! but i was scrolling through your tumblr and saw you're autistic. so my mind went; you're autistic, i'm autistic, and we both stan shouto. so? autistic shouto! if you'd rather not do this i completely understand! if you do want to write some, i'd really appreciate it if you could include what his meltdowns are like, his special interests are, and other stuff autistic people know personally. thank you so much!
>>> i stg my anons y'all are *clenches fist* so good
first let's address the elephant in the room. shouto always knew there was something different about him but we all know that end**vor would never had let any of his kids get tested for disabilities. shouto had no fucking clue he was autistic until he got into highschool where a few of his classmates were loud and proud about being autistic and it kinda just,,,dawned on him. like "hey i do that sometimes" or "hey i relate to that a lot" and then he would ask questions, like "do you ever feel...?" or "do you ever just do this...?" and eventually he kinda just went "well shit, i think i'm autistic"
i think maybe at some point he brings this up to some of his closest friends in class, like midoriya and iida, and he's super nervous about it because the whole concept is new to him that "hey, i'm not crazy or weird, this is just how some people are and that's okay!" so they go to get him tested because he wants to be 100% sure (that's just how he is) and yep, he's autistic, and they're all just so supportive and welcoming and it's a nice thing to finally be able to place a name to all the things he experiences
and onto those experiences: his triggers and meltdowns. i feel like shouto has two different kinds of meltdowns—the loud and manic and all over the place ones, and the silent, unemotive, non-responding ones. the loud ones are more anger and panic driven, whereas the silent ones are the more sad and exhausted ones.
like say, all day his senses have been just on blast. he can't really do anything about it at the time, so he just deals with it until he finishes the day but then at the dorms, everyone's bothering him (not on purpose of course) and it just becomes too much too quickly and he just shuts down. like automatically he stops talking, doesn't respond, it's complete shut down mode and he just can't deal with anything.
or on the flip side, something's frustrating him, someone says something that makes him extremely upset, his day just goes to shit but more stuff just keeps happening and happening and he kinda just loses control of himself for a bit. it's pure rage just shouting and tears and it's a mess, and of course he doesn't mean it when he lashes out at someone but having meltdowns of that level can be so difficult to control. it typically ends with him in a puddle of tears which sucks but you know how it is (he needs his alone time anyway, recovering from a meltdown can be hell)
i also feel like some of his main triggers are not only the sensory-based ones, but also things like the sound of a teakettle whistling because of certain things that happened in his youth, or the sound of someone stomping around outside his door, because it reminds him of training, the calm just before the storm. there are a few more that a bit harder to combat, like maybe not his own fire but fire being used against him, or extreme heat suddenly out of nowhere.
oh my god i just thought of this but what if soba is his samefood? oh my god soba is 100% his samefood. it's listed as his favorite food but you know every single chance he gets he will choose soba over everything. also he is definitely one of those kids that cuts the tags off literally everything he owns. his clothes don't have tags, he literally rips them all off the moment he buys them.
as for special interests, i'm not entirely sure to be honest! i know in one panel of the manga sero mentions barrowing the next manga in a series from shouto, so that kinda implies he owns all of them, which could be a good canidate! like he knows literally every bit of lore for the manga and participates in online fandom for the manga and just let's it consume him because special interests are the best. or maybe he just really likes aquatic animals he just thinks they're neat and then BOOM! it becomes one of his special interests. can you imagine, someone in shouto's general vicinity says anything about an obscure aquatic animal and he, having accidentally inserted himself into the conversation, literally infodumps about how that specific aquatic animal lives in this type of environment, and how cool it is that it has these specific habits that a creature like it shouldn't possible have, and on and on. honestly his friends probably find it endearing because seeing him so engaged and interested in something he likes is a win for everyone
okay so you know how todoroki is notorious for taking naps and being tired all the time? he's just socially exhausted 100% of the time and permanently tired as a result. this boy really gets out of school and immediately takes a nap. he almost dozes off during lunch because food is good (soba, of course) but so is sleep. this kid really spends a decent amount of time thinking about what a fat nap he's gonna take when he gets to his dorm.
in all seriousness though, he probably does get super socially drained very quickly. some people have the capacity for all that socializing, but he is not one of those people. at most he can take a little more than an average school day before he has to have a few hours to himself to recharge, and if he doesn't get that chance he gets progressively more and more shut in on himself because that's just too much people, man.
he's maybe also someone that has trouble with social cues. he gets it, but at the same time he just doesn't pick up on them sometimes. he won't realize that someone is waiting for his input, or that someone is upset with him or why. he works on it a lot because living in a single building with nineteen other kids his age has taught him that, despite his best efforts, it's not going to be easy to just do that. his friends do nudge him along, just to help him out, and he appreciates it sometimes because honestly? social cues can be real hard to read.
that's really all i can think of at the moment, but if i think of more i'll be sure to make another post! thank you for sending me this wonderful, absolute godsend of an ask, i'm super sorry if it wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i tried my best! thank you again for your ask anon! <3
(also, never be afraid to send in hc requests! i'm not 100% certain i'll be able to answer all of them, but i'll try to answer as many as i can!)
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shoutscion · 7 years
Hey man, just busted through Star Signal Build 2. Good shit. If you don't mind me asking, how that whole project going? I'm not really up to date on a lot of stuff so I just felt like asking.
star signal 144’s on hiatus for now. the culprits are simple; the target scope was getting out of hand, i couldn’t find a way to enjoy the game personally and i was having a hard time working out how to tell a story through the systems i had in place which sounds bad, but bear with me, there’s a happy ending here
star signal’s original concept was that it would be a straightforward platformer with multiple routes, and eventually it mutated (mostly because of Snow’s evolving characterization) into a much more convoluted game about carefully attempting to, and then failing to, manage resources and constantly being forced to make detours in search of ammo, leading you to new interesting areas and challenges to solve to get the resources you need to carefully manage in order to actually get where you need to go. i love this newer interpretation; the problem is that- with the original story, which was more cave story esque, with a linear plot with a central theme and characters who are designed more for recognizability and standalone charm then they were for facets of the world building- the scope quickly became way too much for one person to handle. i actually tried a couple things to cut down the project (ie: trying to make the jump to 2.5d) (which more trouble then it was worth) but mostly just ended up falling further and further into the rabbit hole
i didn’t want to kill the project definitively because i have so many ideas for ways to make the game fun if not necessarily marry it to a narrative, but i also really genuinely enjoyed writing dozens of pages of lore and worldbuilding and backstory for Polestar that i wanted to maintain that, too. it became a ‘you can’t have your cake and eat it too’ problem. which sucks, because i hate cliches like that
so the solution was to split it: cutting the narrative aspect from star signal would free up the game to be the confusing labyrinthine clusterfuck i always wanted it to be, and cutting the platformy intricate gameplay aspect freed up the narrative to go to new places without contesting the gameplay or slowing down the pacing. the split was, originally, actually really clean; i intended on a complete rewrite of the script (partially because woo more worldbuilding, but also partially because star signal literally being two games felt tacky) but star signal’s plot had a pair of supporting characters who still sort of resemble their final forms
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those characters would be Gold and Silver
Gold and Silver, in the original star signal script, were somewhere between snow’s team rocket, snow’s supply line and snow’s closest 'friends’; they would represent most of the robot populace of Polestar in that they were just working to make life livable, keeping the lab sort-of kind-of running (as much as an exosuit with no pilot and an unmanned fighter with no hands could, anyway) and would turn up in strange places fixing up whatever the fuck to make an area feel more lively and less threatening. between the two of them they were sort of like a walking safe zone; if you saw Gold and Silver, you knew you could chill out for a second and maybe fill up on health and ammo before heading out the door and immediately getting lost again
in the eventual rewrite, Gold and Silver ended up sort of becoming Jack and Casie. the stories are different but you could still say the roles are switched: Snow is slated to make an appearance late in the game as a fellow adventurer slash merchant, part of a safe zone slow segment on a harrowing mountain pass
she’s still basically the same weird self-narrating recluse she’s always been
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she wears more clothes, i guess
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