derekgoffard · 2 months
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( this is a redraw of the first art I ever posted on here! 😭😭 Old ver is under the cut haha ^^; )
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I truly do not know what this style was but lol .... lord Lawrence really does look deadly scared in this doesn't he LMAO...he's shaking and everything....😭 SORRY LAD!
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soymilklatte001 · 10 months
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Doodles I made while high lol
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avintmich · 5 months
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Извините пожалуйста, я знаю что быстро переключаюсь с фандома на фандом. Но я честно люблю Джейкоба, поэтому надеюсь что вы поймёте <3
excuse me, I know I quickly switch from fandom to fandom. But I honestly love Jacob, so I hope you understand <3
I will never draw Jacob in his usual red plaid shirt. Maybe....
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ruru-me · 1 month
i saw someone post about their fan kids of the btd boys and i got up the courage to come and show my babies too. <3
Hertha (strade's daughter)
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Violet (lawrence's daughter)
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(Yes I'm going to die on this Hill, they're very much a girl's dad)
For now I'll leave these two here and do a post about ren's later (I absolutely don't regret the 5 kids I gave him lmao)
If u are interested I'll leave some doodles under the cut! (They're pretty bad quality shit but that's it)
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clownarndtwn · 2 months
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Howdy! I've been having a biiit of art block recently, so I decided to draw one of my FAVORITE Lawrence Cg's in my style! Enjoy <3
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hiskillingjar · 4 months
What do you think Strade, law, and ren would react to a bimbo type MC?
this is so fucking mean. how did you know i was into this??
ren 🦊
ren loves it. of course he loves it
mans is a cum brained hentai addict, of course he fucking loves you playing up to all his favourite tropes
he especially loves it when you pitch up your voice and coo and fawn over him. you sound like a little doll, it's just so cute!
(loves it even more when you do the same in bed and whine and squeal like one of his pornos lol)
cute outfits? skimpy clothes? an obscene amount of pink?? he'd love every second!! he loves high aesthetic anyway so he'd be more than happy to shower you with gifts so you always look pretty and perfect all the time
(and would totally want to pick out your outfits so that he could match lol)
he likes the heavy makeup too, especially if it gets messed up and smeared by tears, saliva, cum
he might even get a bit of a complex about it, especially if you played into the whole "tee hee i'm dumb and you're smart :3" part
like yeah actually, i AM smarter than you. you need me to look after you, don't you, baby? that's okay, you can just stay here with me and look pretty and enjoy being a dumb girl all you want ^_^
doesn't that sound so nice?
doesn't that sound so freeing, never having to worry about real life again?
awww don't fight me, babe, you just don't know any better!
lawrence 🥀
lawrence is. a little confused by it, honestly
like they know that you're playing this up. what are you trying to do? do you think i'm stupid, or something?
i mean law has kind of a complex about honesty, so they might be a bit. put off by you playing a role of some kind
besides, they want to break your brain by themselves. you doing it to yourself is no fun, is it?
in a brain break kind of circumstance though...
law would be super patient and take good care of you
your speech keeps slurring and you forget the words for things that should be obvious...that's okay though, they're there to help you. you don't need to think that hard when they're around
or maybe they'll just shut you up if it becomes too irritating, your dumb voice and your inability to even speak anymore. they have a pretty short fuse for that sort of thing
they might get a little tired of looking after a braindead doll, though...especially if some of your joints have been popped out
you'll just have to prove your worth in some way, the only way dumb dolls can...isn't that right, petel?
strade 🔨
yeah strade likes it a lot too lmao
he picked it up pretty quickly though
the way you were dressed at the bar, the fact that you so readily trusted a total stranger. takes someone pretty dumb to do that...
so he takes a good long time figuring you out back in the basement?
is this just an act or are you really as stupid as you seem?
but you moan and whimper so sweetly, your voice slurring, and your brain blurred faster than he could have ever imagined
he has to keep you on, even for a little while, just to see what'll happen
considering his standing as the world's worst sugar daddy, you can dress up however you want and he doesn't have a word of complaint about it
especially when you get so upset when he tears your clothes off and fucks up your makeup when he fucks you. it's really irresistible though, your whines are too cute to resist!
might develop a bit of an ego about it (nowhere near as much as ren though, who definitely pushes his luck and fucks with you when strade's not around) especially considering how well his audience responds when he pushes a pretty girl into her rightful place under him
you're not much fun as anything other than a living fuckdoll though. you're too stupid for any kind of conversation, and you don't react nearly as fun to pain as he wants
but not like you care, even if you had enough of a brain TO care
you'll be his doll whenever he wants you <3
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kettlekibble · 1 year
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ashkii-0 · 5 months
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(P.s Lawrence belongs 2 @gatobob )
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blood-and-mud · 6 days
Live, Laugh, Love Lawrence (help)
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I get these little obsessions over Lawrence every 4 month or so, so I'm here to share some random unfiltered thoughts and disappear again:
Lawrence's struggles feel exceptionally human to me. He feels like the realest person when it comes to being afraid to be preserved as a monster. (His crying fit after being called a monster is what lives in my head rent-free) He feels so human when he is afraid and nervous, it's ironic.
Even though he is a massive coward, I came to a thought that he isn't a lying type. Of course, he lies from time to time, but he seems to be painfully bad at it, and when it comes to telling the truth, he either doesn't want to admit it to the verge of a breakdown or just says as it is. Maybe it's stupidity and he's just accidentally honest, but I like this part of him.
Also, I sometimes wonder which particular situations brought him so much shame. I see shame splattered all over him. I know there were a lot of mistakes made by his own hands, but what was the first disturbing thing he did? Was it a mistake? And what happened before that? And after?... I guess I'll just keep wondering
I always considered the reason for his unstable state to be his fear of admitting to himself what he is and what he likes. He was neglected and outcasted his whole life, and I feel like he can't admit his dark desires to himself because it would mean they had a reason to. That he deserved it. What a frustrating situation, isn't it? I think his mind agrees, this is how you get sleep-deprived twitchy creeps with inability to emotionally regulate themselves.
For some reason, I think of the word "tender" when I remember Law. In some (maybe most) situations he is everything but tender, but I can't unlink this word from him.
Law would have greatly benefited from schema-therapy if he had the balls to face himself (and maybe was mortal :D)
I wonder if he ever bit himself to just see what happens (I'm sad 'cause he would have bit someone for sure if he wanted to)
I also involuntary realized he is involuntary celibates (or a certified incel). And even though I can get over the fact that stereotypes about incels being sexists aren't always true, Lawrence did worse things than just being a sexist. This thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth...
I wonder if he ever wanted to become a mortician. (He is the type of guy to enforce only hiring women though)
"The Consequences of imagination is fear"&"Drown me" by Junie & TheHutFriends are MC meeting Lawrence-coded IMO
PS. it's just a random pic to a random post.
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derekgoffard · 1 year
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I have no idea if this has been done before but 🚶
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soymilklatte001 · 8 months
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Felt like drawing some Halloween stuff >:3
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avintmich · 5 months
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catwewy · 1 year
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Pov, your new friend followed you home and refuses to leave the bathtub.
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unimo · 3 months
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I had a vision…🍦🍭
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hiskillingjar · 3 months
hi there! love your blog! have you ever shared voice hcs for strade, ren, and law? hope youre having a good day! <3
ren 🦊
i think he has a young-sounding voice, like even as he gets older his voice doesn't really give away how old he is
raspy? kind of like he's always talking out the back of his throat
A LOT of vocal fry. idk how to explain it
he'll, like, use a lot of, um, filler words? and, ya know, sort of just speak in a way that, like, really makes you question if he knows what the fuck he's saying.
the only point of comparison i can think of is ira glass, though his tone is a little more fox leaning
real talk, he sounds kind of faggy lol
he's kind of self-conscious of his voice, so when he does become fox, he makes a lot of changes to the way he speaks so that it's more practiced and considered. obviously slips up when he has the chance to though <3
law 🥀
they got the playstation cut scene autism. the twin peaks autism.
like, they've got the low, quiet, kind of monotone autism drawl
very breathy sounding, which goes with slow quiet of it
they have to...um, really annunciate to put...tone and meaning behind their voiceee, otherwise they kind of just...sound...a little detached...a little spacy...yeah...okay...
they sound like they're not listening to anything anyone is saying, and the fact they look so out of it most of the time (even without the drugs, their gaze is super spacy) doesn't help either
like almost the gentle, offputting kind of quiet of paul dano in prisoners but. lower.
they um and er a lot too, like, um, yeah...okay, uh, for sure...
there's a lot of power behind their voice though. like, they make themselves seem gentler and smaller most of the time, but in the case of being angry, it can really climb up in volume and intention
so you better listen to them when they're being nice and quiet...
strade 🔨
hehehehehe i've thought about this one sooooo much
obviously has a noticeable german accent, albeit not a super thick one. it's there.
doesn't have the best grip on english slang and does the bilingual thing where he'll be like "ah...what is the word for-" when he's having a scatterbrained moment
doesn't um or er that much though, he'll confidently say the wrong thing and get corrected on it (or not)
he'll talk in a way that is really really direct, but, ahm, kind of lilt towards the end, making everything sound like a question? and then, ah, spreche-SPEAK very knowingly, right?
a pretty medium-range voice, not super low or that demanding of attention in his regular tone. people want to listen to him because he's a friendly guy!
kind of like the original singer of oomph! hehehehe, pretty regular tone, definitely a fast talker too
laughs a lot <3 has a nice warm chuckle when he's in polite company, and he's like the best person to laugh at bad jokes
very good at keeping up appearances <333 he's a manipulative faker who looks and sounds totally normal in his rich neighborhood
and obviously can push his voice down to a growled threat or a shout, which makes his accent sound a lot thicker <3
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stinkykitty8 · 2 months
My babies. Basil doesnt like being touched but yoki wants to play 24/7
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