#I believe that Copia sometimes sees himself like that
cannibal-rat · 1 month
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Clown (Day 4)
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slavghoul · 10 months
Slav, since you are the all knower in the Ghost fandom, I was wondering what you think is gonna happen to Copia? Do you think there'll be a full on Papal change or do you think that there's gonna be some big change with Popia himself?
Well, ha, I'm not a soothsayer, just a humble observer and enjoyer of what Mr Ghost conjures. But if you want my opinion, I believe Copia's character arc has ran its course and there are no further avenues to explore. Since the Cardinal's debut in 2018, TF consistently indicated that the character would span 2 album cycles. He said his 'purpose' was to prove his mettle as a frontman to the clergy that eventually may allow him to be elevated to the status of Papa. That was the intent from the outset. Indeed he succeeded, he became a Papa. So where else to now?
Tobias throws in little hints about the future here and there, like the red cardinal bird in Square Hammer. Sometimes he drops morsels of info in interviews. I remember him saying an 'outsider' would take reign before Copia appeared, or joking about how he thinks the Cardinal would look better in facepaint shortly before he indeed earned his paint. Recently he said Copia knows his time is coming to an end, but he (Copia) is trying to ignore it, pretending all is fine. Chapters allude to that as well. You have Saltarian saying he knows when Copia's time is up. The ominous coffin scene. Heck, in one of the chapters you can hear a song that's called Hang the Pope. Coincidences maybe, sure. But that seems like a hell of a lot of coincidences.
I know for a lot of you Copia was your 'first' Papa, so it's hard to envisage a change, but trust me, seeing the transition play out in real time can be fun, albeit chaotic. Chances are you're gonna hate the new guy at first and everything will feel off, but once you get past that initial resistance, the process of getting to know him & navigating the new surroundings may start to feel akin to discovering the band anew. That's the cool and unique thing about Ghost and its ever-evolving nature, with each new iteration come fresh emotions.
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ramblingoak · 10 months
How about "you're gonna get lipstick all over me"? Choose your papa 🥰
Love u!
I want nothing more than lipstick marks from Papa. Any Papa. But for you I chose Copia 💙
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Papa Emeritus IV x GN Reader (gender neutral reader, sfw, just Copia being silly, 700 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
“Well?  What do you think?”
You couldn’t shake the stupid grin on your face as you watched your Papa strut around in front of you.  He had dragged you out of your office an hour ago under the guise of needing help with tour prep, but it had quickly become obvious that all Copia really wanted to do was show off.  Even so you obediently had sat down on the couch in his office to watch him move around the room.  When he turned to look at you expectantly you couldn’t help but mess with him a little so you crossed your arms and scrunched your nose up.
“Hmm, I’m not sure.”  His mouth fell open and you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing at him.  “Don’t you already have one of these?”
“Si, si but not in this color.”
“You needed another one?” 
“D-dolcezza!”  You wondered if anyone would believe you that Papa sometimes stomped his foot like a child.  “This is for the fans.”
“What about the blue one, was that for the fans?”
“Hmm and the red?”
It was Copia’s turn to cross his arms as he glared at you while you stared at him from the couch.
“People had been asking for the red to come back for a while, dolcezza.”
“Oh, have they?  I hadn’t noticed.”  You hummed and tapped a finger on your chin as you watched him mutter to himself in Italian.  “So now you needed a, what, silver one?”
“Silver?”  Copia looked about ready to throw a fit, holding his arms out while he glared at you.  “You think this is silver?”
“Isn’t it?  Wait, hang on.”  He watched you warily as you hopped up to wander over.  Copia held still as you walked around him, running your fingers across his shoulders.  “Ok, I’m sorry Papa.  It’s not silver.”
“Si, grazie.  Silver wouldn’t be very exciting so that’s why I asked for a go–”
“Brown is kind of boring though, don’t you think Papa?”
“Brown?!”  He looked down at his jacket and back up to you a few times before finally growling and advancing on you.  “Why you little brat.”
You shrieked when he tried to grab you around your waist, quickly moving away from him and stumbling back towards the couch.  He caught you right before you fell onto it, his hands on your waist helping to ease you down.  Copia climbed up after you, straddling your legs and leaning forward to make his eyes level with yours.
“Do you enjoy riling up your Papa, dolcezza?”
“Yes actually, it’s a lot of fun.”  He snorted, shaking his head while he straightened up.  You let your eyes wander over him, admiring how handsome he looked in his Papal paint and his fancy jacket.  “The gold is very pretty.”
Copia smiled and grabbed your hand to place a kiss on the back, his lipstick leaving a smudge of black on your skin.  
“You really think so?  It’s not too much?”
It always broke your heart a bit when he sounded timid, like he was afraid of your answer.  As if you couldn’t possibly be hopelessly in love with his stupid handsome face.  Still, it wouldn’t stop you from messing with him.  Just a little bit.
“No Copia, I don’t think three sparkly jackets are too much.”  You laughed when he growled and leaned down to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek.  “It’s not too late to get another.  Maybe a pink one!”  He planted another kiss on you and you reached up to rub a hand over your skin.  “Ugh, you’re getting your lipstick all over my face!  I have to go back to work, you know.  Not all of us can spend the day playing dress up.”
“I’m Papa.  I can do what I want.”  When you raised an eyebrow at him he let out that dirty chuckle you loved so much.  “You should take the rest of the day off.”
“Oh?  And do what?”
His eyes darkened as he gently took your chin in his hand, rubbing a thumb across your lower lip.  
“How about we see where else I can leave lipstick marks, hmm?”
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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emeritus-fuckers · 8 months
Hihi, what are you thoughts on the papas' s/o saying "let's get matching tattoos" and it being one of their lyrics? I didn't find if this had been done before so sorry if it has
Hope you like this :) I love this idea and it just makes me want to get a tattoo more (but I'm not at all good with needles lol) so I am gonna live vicariously through this :D - Nyx
Papas reacting to s/o wanting to get matching tattoos of their lyrics
As you ask him he pauses mid sip of tea and places his cup down. "Interesting idea amore."
"I havn't had a tattoo in years" he says with a wistful smile. "Why not! Lets show them I'm not too old for something new!"
He is flattered when you explain you want one of his lyrics even after all the music that has gone after him. He thinks you have very good taste to prefer his songs best.
All in all he thinks its an excellent idea he has a skip in his step on the way to get the tattoo and even more so on the way back.
He insists on opening a really special old bottle of wine he'd been saving to celebrate.
You expected him to be slightly more enthusiastic but he just grunts his agreement.
That is until he gets drunk at a party later and then he is wrapping you in his arms and placing kisses all over you. He tells you it's a brilliant idea and he can't wait to share this bond with you!
He is not at all shocked or surprised you wanted his lyric. Well of course you did.
He is very supportive of you as you get the tattoos. He is also really good with the aftercare post tattoo.
He makes sure to look after you first then himself.
He squeals at the idea and then hugs you tightly.
"Yes amore, a thousand times yes! I eh cannot think of anything better no? Everyone will see how much their Papa adores you and how much you love me!!"
He is also delighted you chose one of his lyrics (had you not he might have turned into a little bit of a diva).
He holds your hand tightly while you get the tattoos done. "It's looking really good amore, not as good as you though." he grins and kisses the back of your hand. He's hoping to kiss the pain away and take your mind off things.
He then goes back to the ministry and insists on showing everyone. He also runs to his brothers saying "Hey stronzo look how much my beloved loves me!! They have one too!!" he then drags you over and asks you show them your tattoo. He is very happy.
He makes happy rat noises "I would be honoured cara, I think its an excellent idea. Sì, its perfect"
He finds it hard to believe you want to use a lyric from his song, to have it permantly on your amazing body.
His whole face lights up when he finally does believe it. "I am the luckiest man alive to have you" he says with a grin leaning in to kiss you.
He makes sure to check all the reviews and find the best tattoo parlour. He is really supportive during it, he talks you through it and holds your hand.
He then spends the night afterwards lying with you and gazing at the matching ink. He kisses you softly and strokes your hair telling you how amazing you did today.
Old Nihil
He doesn't always hear what you say but at the mention of his song he suddenly sits a little straighter and his eyes almost seem to clear.
It brings back a glimpse of the man he used to be.
"Ooooh sibling, this is perfect" He full on grins and pulls you into his lap. "I am so glad to have found you. Now I am old enough to not mess this up."
He kisses you and tells you how happy he is to make his love for you permanent like this.
The entire time he's getting the tattoo he is just gazing lovingly at you and smiling. You are his whole world.
Young Nihil
This is the best day ever, I mean ever. He is so happy about this, his lyric, on your body forever!!
A way to remember the romance you two shared for the rest of your lives. A tattoo is forever, but you worry sometimes about Nihil, after the whispers you heard.
"Babe" he cups your face in his hand seemingly reading your thoughts. "I will never make that mistake again and this can be my way of showing you that." It's true you do see a different side of him, the man completely fell for you and shows you a depth to him that no one else gets to see.
He is a bit of a baby when they do the tattoo, it's more you supporting him through it.
But he is so happy when it's done and he insists on going out and drinking to celebrate. Also in his mind to help the pain "Honey come on it will help, I'm sore and you must be too"
Written by Nyx
Taglist: @ivyanddaisies @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lunarsromantichomicide @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @igodownjustlikeholymary @thatoddboy @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @randominstake
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dantesunbreaker · 6 months
hey! i love your writing so much :) it’s so week thought out and really true to each character without being stereotypical, i love it. this may be an odd request, but i was wondering if you could head canons for the Papa’s based on Slut! by Taylor Swift? You don’t gotta listen to the song, i just really love the “if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once” theme n like being slutshamed but really is just two people in love. either party can be the “slut” :)
"Slut!" Headcanons
I’m not sure if I responded with how you were expecting anon, but I hope you enjoy them! Also I wrote most of these after working from 6am to 2pm, and then going back to work 11:45pm to 9am the same night with only maybe two hours of sleep in between. So I apologize for any mistakes!
Of all the Emeritus brothers, Primo would have the least reaction to having a partner with behavior that is perceived as slutty
In all his years, Primo has seen and experienced it all. Why waste time by holding back what the body and mind wants to express?
Encourages you to wear however revealing of outfit as you desire, because Primo would never think to feel jealous of someone else seeing your beauty
Always enjoys your affection, feeling humbled and flattered that you are so openly forward about your attraction and love for him
Doesn’t care for the term slutshaming, because in his eyes there should be no shame in any of that sort of behavior
Primo also does not believe there is no shame when it comes to you, because he knows that the cause is from the love that you feel for each other
Of all the Papas, Secondo seems the most well equipped and or has the most experience being with a partner that society would view as being slutty
Being a party animal, he meets a lot of people that would be similarly viewed, and he has been with more than a few
More than happy to let you dress and act however you wish, as long as it is always him you are going home with at the end of the night
If you ever ask if an outfit is too revealing, Secondo will tell you so, but will insist you wear it. Let them see, if only to make them jealous of what they cannot have
Also won’t admit it, but Secondo loves the attention you give him. It keeps him feeling young whenever he is with you
Sometimes if Secondo gets too drunk, he is the one that will act like a slut, especially if you are in a nightclub
There are never any doubts about your love and affection for each other
It should go without needing to be said, Terzo is the slut in this scenario
The way that Terzo interacts with Omega on the stage is just a glimpse of how he interacts with you
Is not afraid to throw himself all over you in public, even in situations where he probably should not. Why should he ever hold back his feelings for you?
When you are out in public, Terzo will often make a show of throwing himself at you whenever the opportunity strikes. He loves it when all eyes are on you both
Happily wears the title of slut as if it were a badge of honor, always reminding you that it is all just for you. He is all yours
To everyone in the Ministry, you are both a set of happy love drunk fools
Sometimes however, Omega does have to reign Terzo in a bit to keep him from taking things a bit too far in public. They don’t need Sister Imperator on their case again
This poor man is so easily flustered, you will have him permanently trying to hide his bright red cheeks beneath his Papal paints
Getting him to admit that he loves seeing you in tight revealing outfits sometimes takes a bit of work, but it is so worth it to see the way he drools over you
Zero issues with other people seeing you in such outfits either, because he would never disrespect you in such a way or treat you as if you were his property. Plus, despite his awkward shyness, Copia is very secure in knowing that at the end of the day it is only him that gets to see you out of such outfits
It is such a foreign concept for Copia for someone to so openly show their attraction and affection for him that sometimes he will get a bit overwhelmed at times. So there may be times you have to dial it back a bit as to not break the old man
But to the same end, Copia is just as eager to similarly display and share his love for you so openly
Actually it is thanks to you that Copia feels the confidence to wear such skin tight lace up trousers, or even how he acts when up on stage
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brighteyedbushybrowed · 9 months
hello! How are you doing? I was wondering if you could do the papas and an angel reader? I feel like it could be super cute
I am slamming my bank card on the table. I freaking love the contrast of an angel with the Papas. The aesthetic of an angel walking the halls of the abbey? I'm here for it every day of the week. I've toyed a bit with angels and my own headcanons for angels in the Ghost universe so they may not be angels in the Christian sense, hope that's okay!
You are the most precious thing in the world to Primo (not including his brothers of course)
He first met you while he was praying to Satan in the prayer garden section of his gardens
He saw you first in your true form and he was awestruck by you, stunned by your raw beauty
And seeing you in the human form you take on so as not to frighten mortals just sealed the deal really
Dedicates a bed of flowers to you as a symbol of his devotion, though Satan is still his focus
Has spent countless hours admiring your wings and helping to maintain their feathers
Will delicately weave flowers and plants between your wing feathers for special occasions and events at the abbey
He calls you "mie piume" - my feather
If you hadn't appeared to Secondo in your true form, he probably wouldn't believe that you're an angel
He's not instantaneously awestruck like Primo
In fact, he's more intrigued and wants to study you at first
A lot of the time getting to know you is mostly him asking you questions about angels. You'll have to be stern and let him know that you're a person and not just a creature to be investigated and poked and prodded
Once you get closer, he's incredibly protective of you
Especially around the more feral ghouls that reside in the underground ghoul dens of the abbey
He has a little shoe box that he keeps somewhere safe containing feathers you've shed. He finds them to be too precious to let go
He calls you "mie dolce uccelline canare" - my sweet songbird
He's so fascinated by you
You know how adoring and completely and utterly in love Gomez is with Morticia Addams? That's Terzo with you
He's all delicate fingers and tender kisses along the span of your wings and where they join with your back
Takes the greatest care with you and will read up on wing maintenance
Terzo is admittedly a little intimidated by your true form, but he loves that part of you just as much as your human form
He draws and paints pictures of your true form a lot. You inspire him greatly and he wants to capture the beauty of a form that most are terrified of
Also protective over you, but knows that you're powerful enough to be able to defend and protect yourself. It's one of the things he admires the most about you
Calls you "mie colombe" - my dove
Oh lord he is SMITTEN
Copia gives no shits that you're an angel that's appeared before him in a Satanic abbey at the altar of the chapel
He would do anything for you. He vows himself to you, so long as he can continue his Papa duties and his devotion to the dark lord
Finds himself daydreaming about you often. Sometimes your human form, sometimes your true angel form. He is infatuated with both
You'll probably need to remind him that just because you're an angel doesn't mean you're a divine figure to be worshipped
He admires your wings and loves it when you cuddle at night and drape them over him like a protective blanket
You know that meme where it's like "I'd kill for you. Please ask me to kill for you" "No, Homie"? That's Copia with you
He calls you "mie amore preziose" - my precious love
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hypnoneghoul · 9 months
Hi Hyp, I'm currently scared for Copia and crying about it and I was wondering if we could get some kind of little Phantom comfort from Copia?
You can ignore it if you aren't feeling it but I thought I would ask anyway 💜
Phantom was shaking.
He, and all the ghouls, were already in costume, waiting to get on stage. The opening act has already finished, Copia's little pep talk too. They were just waiting.
And Phantom was shaking. His brain fuzzy as he fiddled with a pick.
Everyone in there expected to see Aether.
Most of them knew they wouldn't see Sunshine, Ghost's social media undercover agents, as Swiss called them, took care of it. With Aether it was a last minute situation.
Phantom had so little time to learn everything. Life Topside, his guitar parts. He was terrified.
And his brain decided to shut off now?
How was he supposed to perform, his first ever show too, when little? He wasn't tiny but he was still to small and-
What if he regressed further? What if he fucked up the first song? What if he fucked up all the songs? What if he tripped and fell on stage? What if he fell off stage? What if the fans didn't like him? What if-
"My ghoul?" Papa's voice made his racing thoughts come to a halt, aw hine escaping his mouth. The quintessence ghoul's head snapped in his direction, thankful for the dark lenses obscuring his big, teary eyes. "Everything fine? You seem like you're shaking."
"Uhm... Papa, I-" he started, voice cracking, too little words in his fuzzy head.
"Come with me," Copia said and reached out for Phantom's hand. He could do nothing but grip it too and stumble after the human.
They didn't walk far, just far enough for the rest of the ghouls and people running all around to not hear the two of them, "What are you scared of, little ghoul?"
"Papa, I- I don'- i's-" how did Papa know? Did someone tell him Phantom went small sometimes? Did he just notice? Was the ghoul that obvious?
"Shhh, deep breaths for me," Phantom tried, first one, two, inhales and exhales shaky. Copia nodded at him with a soft, proud smile after each one and soon Phantom could actually breathe.
"What are you scared of?" he repeated. Phantom did know the answer, it was very simple. Very embarrassing, too.
"Everythin'," the quintessence ghoul mumbled, shoulders slumped, head dipped so low his chin nearly touched his chest.
"Oh, my sweet, little ghoul," Papa cooed with a sad sigh. He opened his arms after a few heartbeats of silence, "Come on."
Phantom hesitated it was... it was Papa Emeritus IV, leader of the Church of Satan and he was... offering him a hug? This could not be-
"Come here, little one," he repeated, more sternly. Phantom looked up and saw nothing but comfort in his Papa's eyes. He gave up.
The ghoul all but fell into Copia's arms, they immediately tightened around him. He was... a good huger. Phantom had to hold himself back from purring, he felt so safe in Papa's embrace.
"I know you're a bit small now, yes?"
Phantom tensed, letting out a small whimper.
"It's okay," the human spoke quietly, "everything's going to be alright, my ghoul. You'll do your best, I know you will. And that is more than I, or everyone else, could ever wish for, yes?"
"Yes, Papa," Phantom whispered. It was hard to believe but... but maybe, just maybe, Papa was right and... and it would all be alright.
"Doesn't matter if you're big or small, you are a good ghoul. Everything will be alright. I believe you can do it, I believe in you."
"You... you do?"
"Absolutely, my little ghoul. I do now and always will," he chuckled, rubbing Phantom's back. "Now let's have some fun, yes?"
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papasmicstand · 1 year
My Writing:
Struggling to Procreate the Unholy Bastard (23 chapters/complete)
-You have been the Cardinal’s Prime Mover for two years and have yet to conceive. The elder clergy are losing patience. What lengths will you go to to secure the Emeritus line, and what will it cost you?
TW: Non-con, self-harm, character death, blood (see AO3 for full tags)
Tied As One Infernally - A Dracopia Story (7 chapters/ongoing/slow burn)
-Cardinal Copia is really struggling to be a vampire. He's disgusted by blood and by himself. Did I mention he's in charge of the infirmary? To combat his feelings he starves himself, or sometimes he is able to feed but purges later.
TW: Bulimia, anorexia, Non-con, blood (See AO3 for full tags)
The Celi-Bet (5 chapters/complete)
-The Papas undertake a ‘No Nut November’-esque challenge to raise money for the church. Will any of them make it?
TW: Abstinence, Failed abstinence (see AO3 for full tags)
The Devil's Lace (3 chapters/complete)
-An illness hits the band as they return home from the road. It’s lucky really, had it struck during the tour it would have been devastating. But it may take more than medicine to help the ailing musicians…
TW: Non-con elements, vomiting (see AO3 for full tags)
The Morning After (One shot/complete)
-It was the morning after the Spring equinox party and it had been epic. You shifted uncomfortably in the large bed, it felt like you were surfacing from a coma. What did you do? More importantly, who did you do?
TW: Non-con elements, infidelity (see AO3 for full tags)
Papa's Purple Pastrami (One shot/crack fic/complete)
-Papa takes out his pent up sexual tension on an innocent pastrami melt.
TW: Masturbation, sandwich defilement
Will you spill the wine? (One shot/complete)
-An embarrassing accident for Papa Emeritus III somehow devolves into in a smutty game.
TW: Piss (see AO3 for full tags)
Series - Cum-pletely Fucked - Unplanned Pregnancies in the Abbey
Part 1: You Get Me Closer to God... I mean Satan (One shot/complete)
-I offer you a virginal Cardinal Copia. He's madly in love with you and ready to be deflowered.
TW: Vomiting (see AO3 for full tags)
Part 2: Trifecta (One shot/complete)
-Copia had told you that the four Emeritus brothers had undergone a special communion with the dark lord, and that they would only be capable of siring children during Prime Mover rituals. You believed this because none of them had produced offspring, although they were all sexually active. And in Terzo’s case, extremely active... So, why are you in this predicament?
TW: Angry sex, vomiting (see AO3 for full tags)
Part 3: Vessel of Possibilities - A Choose Your Own Adventure with Terzo (4 chapters/ongoing)
-An encounter with Papa Emeritus III leads to a possibly life-altering decision for you. You are in control, so proceed as you wish.
TW: Unplanned pregnancy, abortion (see AO3 for full tags)
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cornflake2005 · 2 months
Rivers Flow Through Empty Canyons Sometimes | Chapter 7
Read here or on AO3
River woke up absolutely disoriented the next afternoon. He had one of those nights of sleep when you wake up not knowing where you were or if you slept for 3 hours or 3 years.
He could hear a lot of scrambling on the bus as he started to get a bearing of his surroundings. He checked his phone to see the time and realized he severely overslept. He had to be off the bus in one minute.
He scrambled out of his bunk and pulled out some clothes. He hurried back into the bathroom. He assumed no one would be using it since the bus was empty at this point.
He was going to get shit from Nihil for being late but he would get even more shit if he wasn’t presentable. He didn’t know why no one woke him up. He knew most of the ghouls on the bus despised him but not even Copia tried to wake him.
He quickly got himself undressed and into the fresh clothes. He also let his hair down to brush it out. He took some time to put it back in a ponytail though. It had to look nice and not rushed. He was going as fast as he could without looking like a mess.
He hadn’t eaten when he got back on the bus the night before and he couldn’t eat now but he just had to push through. He’d gone days without eating before, he could do this now.
He managed to make it off the bus in only five minutes and he looked presentable as well. He would take that as a win. But he could already see Nihil standing near the venue door, glaring at him. He didn’t know if he could take the shit show about to happen.
“You’ve finally decided to show up! You know, you have been acting out the entire time we’ve been gone!” There was a hint of tiredness in his anger. “Maybe I should have left you at home!”
River didn’t know what possessed him but right now, he couldn’t take this. He just walked right past Nihil and flipped him off on the way. He was caught off guard when his wrist was suddenly grabbed by his papa.
He didn’t have time to defend himself or even retaliate before he was knocked to the floor with a punch. Yes, Nihil was a frail old man, but he somehow always found the strength to hurt him like this when he was angry.
“I shouldn’t have ever treated you kindly! Now you think you can do whatever the fuck you want!” He was beyond pissed now. “I have never given a fuck about you! I will never give a fuck about you! You are a nuisance! I only keep you around because you’re useful!”
River looked up at Nihil and tried not to cry. He had thought those things before but he didn’t want to believe it was true. It hurt a lot hearing those words come from him.
He stood up and stared at Nihil as he tried to decide his next course of action. After a moment, he turned right around and started to walk off.
“Come back here right now! I have work for you to do!”
“Fucking do it yourself!” He turned back towards Nihil to glare at him before finally walking off for good.
He knew he was going to get it for this. He knew this was a horrible idea. He just couldn’t take it right now. It felt like so much was changing for him in such a short amount of time. He kept making mistakes and he felt isolated. He couldn’t even figure out how to properly interact with the ghoul he fell in love with…. The ghoul he fell in love with… Rain…
He needed to make things right with Rain and fast. He could go out and look for him now but he doubted that Rain would have time to talk with him. He couldn’t just sit around the whole time though. He had to find something to do.
He decided to go out and help the crew set up. He knew they could always use an extra hand and he had height which was also a big help.
River helped all the way to lunch time and, to spite his papa, he had something to eat. The venue had provided food from some nearby burger joint. He just grabbed one of them and walked out to eat alone. He couldn’t let Nihil catch him doing this.
He ended up walking back out towards where the buses were. He sat down against one of them and started to eat there. He took one bite and immediately fell in love with it. He had never tasted something this good. The few foods he was allowed to eat were usually quite bland. This was filled with flavor.
He was about to take another bite when he saw someone else approaching. He had to take his mask off to eat but he was about to put it back on. He would get in a lot of trouble if he was found out in the open without it on.
He relaxed when he saw that it was only Rain. He had no clue why the ghoul was joining him out here but he wasn’t gonna complain.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you” the other water ghoul sat down next to him. He was drenched in sweat and breathing a little heavy but he assumed they had a quick rehearsal or something like that.
“What for?” He was very confused at the moment. He got even more confused when Rain threw his mask to the side and climbed up into his lap.
“I’ve just been thinking about you… and what I want you to do to me…” he looked desperate.
“And what is it you want me to do?” He was trying to play it cool. He couldn’t believe this was happening right now. He had to be dreaming or something.
The other wasted no time getting into what he wanted. He shifted closer and started to kiss River. River didn’t try to stop him or anything. He was suspicious about what was happening though.
He kissed Rain right back, trying to keep the same pace as him. He started to feel all over the others sides, wanting to feel every single part of him. He let out a groan and he felt Rain starting to grind down on him.
He decided to give Rain more because it seemed like that was what he wanted. He felt around his sides until he found where his gills were. He started to tease them through his shirt. He was being gentle, not knowing exactly how much Rain could take when it came to his gills. Every water ghoul was different.
He smirked into the kiss when he felt the other shudder and let out a soft moan. He could absolutely ruin Rain if he wanted to.
He didn’t like doing this out in the open but if it was what Rain wanted, he wouldn’t complain. Rain was struggling to get his pants off because of how wet they were so River decided to try and help him get them off.
He stopped kissing him for a moment to make sure they were off and that’s when he realized how wet Rain already was. His pants weren’t just drenched in sweat. They were soaked in slick. That’s what made him realize what was going on.
He realized that Rain was in heat. Water ghouls tended to have their heats around the full moon when the tides were highest. Just like werewolves or, according to some uneducated men, when human women had their periods. His own heat would be starting soon as well.
He should have seen the signs sooner. The desperation, how out of it rain seemed. And there were also the telltale signs of a water ghoul heat. They got extra wet in every sense. Slick would be coming out like a damn waterfall and there wasn’t a moment they wouldn’t be drenched in sweat. They even got extra emotional which added tears into the mix of wetness
He knew he needed to get Rain to someone else, probably Copia so he could get some heat suppressors. If he didn’t then he wouldn’t be able to get through the show.
He wanted to keep doing things with him but he was desperate and in heat. He wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t just going to take advantage of him like that.
“Come on let’s get you inside to your papa” he felt bad when he heard the disappointed whine come from Rain. He had to do this though. He put his own mask back on and helped Rain get his on as well.
He could tell that Rain was a lot more out of it now. It was probably because he indulged in his heats desires and it was probably all that filled his mind now. He helped the other up and could already tell this would be a long walk.
He kept an arm around Rain’s waist to make sure he didn’t wander off and started to head inside. He was hoping it wouldn’t take too long to find Copia.
He felt bad for the smaller water ghoul. He could tell that he was suffering without any kind of contact or stimulation. That’s why he didn’t try to stop him when he started to grind against his leg as they walked.
Thankfully, it only took a few minutes to find Copia. He hurried over to him so he could deliver his missing water ghoul. He looked down when he saw the concern in Copias eyes.
“His heat started… he’s going to need to be on suppressors for tonight’s show” he wrapped his arm around Rain a little tighter. He had actually wrapped his arms around River and was grinding down on him hard. It only made him feel worse for the poor ghoul.
He wasn’t getting any pleasure from this at all though. He obviously knew what it was like to be in heat and he knew that Rain was very out of it. He was likely only doing this to get rid of the ache. And he didn’t mind that Rain was grinding against him to do that.
“I.. uh.. I hope he hasn’t been too much trouble” it was obvious the Papa was a bit concerned with Rain’s behavior.
“It’s fine. I don’t mind. Just get him some suppressors and get him to Dew as fast as you can” he scowled a little after he mentioned Dew. He wished he could stay with Rain through this but he knew that it was better for him to be with his mate.
“Thank you for bringing him to me, River” he sounded grateful. River was sure Rain had been missing for a while at this point.
“It’s no problem. And don’t worry, his pack will take care of him.” He let go of Rain and tried to direct him towards Copia. He was a little upset that he no longer had Rain in his arms. He turned around and started to walk off.
He was sure that Copia wasn’t used to this kind of behavior from his ghouls. He was new to owning ghouls and even newer to being trapped on a bus with them for hours at a time. There was a lot he had to learn and adjust to.
He had brought his burger in with him and he decided to make himself scarce until soundcheck. He found a quiet spot inside and ate his burger.
Once it was time for soundcheck, River finally decided to crawl out of his hiding spot. He could hear everyone already out there.
It took him less than a minute to get out there and he frowned when he saw the state that Rain was in. He was doing better and it was obvious that he was on suppressors but he was still clearly struggling.
He did his best to stay out of sight. He knew Nihil would be there at some point and he wasn’t ready to stop avoiding him yet. But that time never came. He never showed up. That was odd but he wasn’t gonna complain. He was probably off doing ‘more important’ things.
He could feel the tides pulling at him, an ache starting to form inside him. It wouldn’t be long until his heat started. And he would spend it alone just like every other time.
He decided to just observe everything going on until after the show. It was about time for Miasma again and he watched across the stage as he saw Nihil finally show his face. Except he didn’t seem to be doing well at all. It looked as if he was going to collapse just standing there.
He wanted to go and help him but he decided to stand his ground. He was trying to make a statement. He was trying to show that he wouldn’t just stand around and take shit.
He did watch his papa proudly but that’s when it happened. He watched Nihil collapse onto the stage. He didn’t care if he would get in trouble or not, he quickly ran over to him.
By the time he got there, he knew that Nihil was long gone and he wasn’t coming back. He fell to his knees next to him and held him close as he started to sob.
Then he felt something else. It felt like something was getting ripped from inside him… his pack… some of his pack had been sent back to hell. But it was too soon for that unless… unless they made some kind of deal with Nihil to have themselves sent back the moment he died.
He cried even harder. He wasn’t even paying attention to anything else going on. The next few minutes were a blur and he was suddenly on his way outside. He was filled with so many emotions. The strongest were confusion, sadness, and anger. But there was also fear. Fear of what would happen to him. No one in the ministry liked him. No one would want to take him in. It was straight back to hell for him.
He stumbled his way onto the bus and climbed into his bunk. He just continued to sob loudly. He could hear the others climbing onto the bus and he did his best to stay quiet but his sobs remained loud. He couldn’t help it. He was completely distraught.
He was hoping no one would disturb him but he knew that was never going to happen. Despite everything he has done, most of Copias ghouls showed him compassion.
He heard someone stop right outside the bunk and he wished he could’ve just disappeared. He heard his curtain open and he tensed up.
“Riv…?” It was Rain. Of course it had to be Rain who found him like this.
“Leave me alone, Rain!” He grabbed the curtain and quickly closed it again. He immediately felt awful about it. He didn’t want to make Rain upset but he knew the suppressors would be wearing off soon. He knew he would be overly emotional even if his heat wasn’t in full swing. And right on cue, he could hear sniffling coming from the other side of the curtain.
He felt awful now and he decided to let his grief overtake him. And he knew he wouldn’t be able to escape it for a while.
He had no idea how much time had passed while he was in his bunk but he knew it had to have been days. Everyone had come and gone from the bus multiple times. But he didn’t really pay attention to that.
Despite having yelled at Rain, he still came around to check on him every once and a while. But he never responded. He was even left food by the other water ghoul but he didn’t eat any of it.
He was exhausted and weak now. He hadn’t been eating and drinking and he was drying out quicker than normal from all the crying and from stress as well. It wouldn’t be long until his body gave out.
The bus had stopped and he was expecting everyone to get off but that never happened. His curtain was ripped open again and he let out a quiet whine as he was dragged out and picked up by Mountain.
He didn’t have the energy to try and fight against him. He could barely even comprehend what was going on. He felt freezing though and as soon as they stepped off the bus he snuggled into the earth ghoul’s chest.
He didn’t know where they were going or where they even were but he realized it was a hotel when they walked inside.
He must have dozed off at some point because he woke up in a bathtub. He felt a lot better now and realized but he was still filled to the brim with grief. He knew he had a long journey ahead of him.
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Some questions about the transition
What will happen to rain
Did anyone else help
Was most the only old ghoul who stayed for dew
Did the transition make dew meaner
Do the other ghouls know about it/copia
Did terzo feel bad
Did everyone hear the screams
Does Dew Drop resent aether for what happened
Sorry for the questions
Hi! Don’t be sorry I am so very actively encouraging questions! It helps me as a writer think about these things and also it’s just fun bc I get to share a bunch of my lore ideas!
What will happen to rain?
Good question, it’s not really known. Mist chose not to transition herself even after Terzo asked if she wanted to, and she is still ok. I think it honestly depends on a lot of factors, like I believe mist and rain will one day end up like the old water ghouls, but not anytime soon. Water was a very old ghoul and river and lake themselves were not super stable. Delta transitioned on his own anxiety and dew didn’t want the same to happen to him.
Did anyone else help
Purely transition wise? No. Only quints are allowed to work in the infirmary. Only their magic is allowed to be medical. But not transition wise? I think it was a whole pack thing. The other ghouls in the clergy stopped by to see what they could do for weeks.
Was most the only old ghoul who stayed for dew
Nope! Everyone cares a lot about him, I think mist is the only one who refused to leave though. She didn’t trust the process and genuinely assumed the worst, while everyone else knew he would be ok. But some of his closer pack mates ended up staying for a bit longer. Like ifrit and mountain and earth.
Did the transition make dew meaner
Not at all. I don’t think elements really change core aspects of your character, but maybe more of how you deal with emotions and stuff. So he’s absolutely not meaner, never really was mean. But it makes him a bit more volatile. He’s never been good with his emotions, and the trauma and new element can make him a bit prone to blow up a bit a times, but he’s working on it.
Do the other ghouls know about it/ copia
Absolutely, it’s not a secret. Dew isn’t ashamed of his past self and aether isn’t ashamed of what he did (though there’s complicated feelings on his end, but he’s not ashamed) it’s kinda just common knowledge at this point that dew used to be a water ghoul. I don’t think it’s brought up often though.
Did terzo feel bad
Yes but he doesn’t regret it. He feels worse for delta as he couldn’t stop him, and delta got the worst ending of what could happen, even though omega tried to help him. He feels bad for dew too but dew agreed to the process and he got to keep his ghoul, so he’s happy, though I think his pain sometimes eats at him, wonders if there’s a better solution.
Did everyone hear the screams
Everyone in the infirmary did. They didn’t last long, just the day the actual transition took place. I think ifrit and mist were the ones there for that. But if you’re also asking if everyone knows? Again I don’t think it’s a secret, but it’s not discussed openly. To any ghoul that came after him it’s kind of a “we know this was bad and we aren’t going to ask” situation
Does Dew Drop resent aether for what happened
Not in the slightest. Dew wanted this, and he loves aether. If anyone was going to do it he’s glad it was aether and probably wouldn’t have done it otherwise. In his mind there’s no one to blame but himself, but I also don’t think he regrets it, but he does have complicated feelings.
I hope this helps (:
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female reader takes copias virginity bc i hc him as a virgin <3
I hc him that way too, anon! I LOVED writing this, so thank you for requesting it!! 
And as always with anything Copia related that I write, I got carried away! I adore this man so much, it’s unreal.
Mirrored here on AO3.
Anyway, onto the fic! Enjoy!
NSFW under the cut!
“I know it is here somewhere… It has to be!”
You smiled at Copia, who was mostly hidden within his closet, occasionally throwing out an old shirt or another article of clothing onto the floor. “There’s no rush, Copia. We’ve got the rest of the evening and night to ourselves, remember?”
You were reclined back on the mattress on the floor, wondering if he had always slept without a bedframe. The two of you had been seeing each other for months, and at some point during that time, he had mentioned his old room. You had — at the time — teasingly said you would like to see it sometime, and Copia had apparently taken you seriously. And now he had an excuse to bring you down here: to show you an old photo album with pictures of him as a kid. You were not teasing anymore. You wanted to see those photos more than anything.
The only problem was that he could not find it. He had been searching all over the room for nearly twenty minutes now, and this was the third time he had gone through the closet.
“I would not have moved it anywhere else, so! That means it must be here, cara. Unless the rats did something… Bah! They would not do something like that.”
You tried to determine what he meant by that. Did he mean his rats ate it? Carted it off? From the state of one of the shirts that landed next to the mattress, his rats had definitely visited the closet once or twice.
“Does anyone ever come in here to clean? Maybe—”
“Found it!” Copia backed out of the closet with the thick album raised in the air triumphantly. He nearly tripped over a box but managed to catch himself at the last second. “I told you I would, cara mia.”
He plopped down next to you on the mattress, getting comfortable against the wall. You studied his profile for a moment, wondering if he realized just where the two of you were sitting. Despite the fact that you had been together for as long as you had, things remained fairly platonic. Sure, you kissed, held hands, cuddled, that kind of stuff, but whenever you tried to push for more, Copia would clam up and try to get away as fast as possible. Or, Satan forbid, he got aroused — which happened more often than he would probably like. The poor man would go beet red and backpedal away from you so fast sometimes that you worried he might hurt himself. The fact that when he was kissing you or feeling your hands on him aroused him as much as it did made you not worry that it was not because he did not want you that way. But you still wondered why he was so nervous. 
The fact that you two were even sitting on the same bed right now was a huge step, though you got the feeling he did not fully realize it yet.
“It’s not that I didn’t believe you. I just didn’t want you to feel rushed,” you said, not taking your eyes off his handsome face.
“I know, but this is important. I want to share this with you.”
He finally looked at you, and you could not help but give him a peck on the lips. He blinked in surprise but smiled. 
“What was that for?” he asked, the fondness in his gaze making you melt.
“It was a thank you for you being you.”
He kissed you back, letting his lips linger for a bit longer. “Then that was my thank you for you being you.” You two shared a smile before turning your attention back to the photo album. “Now, you promise not to laugh?”
“Copia,” you chided lightly. “I’m sure you were adorable.”
He opened the book to the first page. “You might not think so in a few minutes.”
You shook your head and snuggled up to him, getting into the best position to see the pages — and to be so close to your man. His warmth comforted you, but his cologne intoxicated you. It was a juxtaposition you were used to now but still craved. 
To your surprise, there were a lot of pictures, most of them taken by Sister Imperator, he explained. And contrary to what he said, you oohed and ahhed over his baby pictures, constantly telling him how cute he was with his “chubby little cheeks.” You could see him blushing out of the corner of your eye.
You ‘awwed’ even more at the pictures of him smiling toothlessly at the camera or making a funny face with a young Terzo.
“You seemed happy,” you commented.
“I was. For the most part. A lot was expected of me the older I got. I was not like what you see in these around most people.” He pointed to a polaroid of him sitting in the library, his nose buried in a book. “That was me most of the time. And look, there’s Alfredo sitting on my shoulder! He was a sweet rat…”
Despite these cute photos of him as a kid, you were not quite prepared for the pictures of the young man he grew into. You pointed to one in particular that had “Copia, Age: 18 — in his new vestments” written under it.
“Look at you!” you exclaimed. “So handsome… I bet you were giving Terzo a run for his money with the ladies.”
Copia laughed nervously. “Ah, sì… He has always had more success in that department than I ever have.”
You looked up at him and nudged him with your shoulder. “Hey, you’re doing alright now.”
He gently kissed your forehead. “Sì, I am now.”
As he turned to the next page, a photo fell out. He did not seem to notice until you picked it up… and grinned like an idiot when you realized what it was. 
“Uh, Copia? You mind telling me about this one?”
Copia’s eyes widened, and he quickly snatched the clipping away. “N-nothing! It is nothing, I assure you! I have no idea how that got in there!” 
He fumbled with the photo, trying to hide it away in the back of the album. You could not help but laugh. You had never seen his face so red before.
“Copia, it’s alright! It’s not like I’ve never seen naked women before. I’ve looked in a mirror once or twice in my life.” That did not seem to help calm him down any. He had since slammed the album closed and was breathing quickly, his eyes wide with panic. He jumped when you touched his arm. “Calm down, Copia. You’re going to hyperventilate.”
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
“Really, Copia, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I can see why you had that, though. She was beautiful. Who was she?”
He swallowed hard. “A-a sibling here. She had been a… model before coming here. Imagine my shock when Terzo showed me her picture in one of his magazines. I had already been infatuated with her. But then to see her like that? She, um… fueled my fantasies for a long time.”
You smiled a bit, pleased that he was opening up to you and comfortable enough to tell you this. A thought then struck you. “Wait, is she still here? Do I know her?”
He shook his head. “No. She was transferred to America a long time ago. Needless to say, I was crushed to see her go.”
“Did she know you liked her?”
Copia looked at you, wide-eyed. “No! No, no one knew. Except Terzo, I suppose, but he liked her, too. Most of the boys did. As you said, she was beautiful. And very kind to me.” He then looked at you shyly. “Just like you,” he admitted quietly.
He had always had a knack for making you melt… You kissed him sweetly in response. “You had enough courage to tell me that you liked me.”
He chuckled lightly. “I believe I blurted out that I loved you while trying to clean up the wine I had spilled on you.”
You sighed dreamily, gazing off into the distance as you recalled the memory. “It was so romantic.”
It might have been cheesy, but you truly felt that way, even if Copia had been embarrassed by the whole thing. You two had been dancing around each for months at that point, neither brave enough to tell the other how you felt. Then one day, after hours upon hours of working, he offered you some wine… and promptly spilled it all over you. But his confession and the kiss you two shared after that was worth having Sister Imperator yell at you for ruining your habit along with the dry cleaning bill you had to pay.
“Maybe to you, cara mia…”
You frowned. “Do you regret it?”
He looked startled. “What? No! No, that isn’t what I meant! I just… Well, I had hoped to be a little more… suave about the whole thing.”
“It was perfect, Copia. We’ll never forget it,” you said with a smirk.
“No, I suppose not,” he replied with a weak smile of his own. He looked sheepish again. “And I love you even more now than I did then.”
You stared back at him for a moment, tears pricking your eyes. Without another thought, you kissed him, pushing him back and moving to straddle his lap. You half expected him to stop you, but he pushed his hands into your hair instead, deepening the kiss. You moaned into his mouth as his tongue sought entrance into yours. This was new and different and everything you wanted.
Copia eventually broke the kiss with a gasp and rested your foreheads together, with you nuzzling his nose with yours. You could feel him already responding to both the kiss and the fact that you were sitting astride him. You so wanted to grind against him, but you forced yourself to keep your hips still, not wanting to do too much and scare him away.
“Please don’t stop now, Copia,” you quietly begged.
He stroked a gloved thumb across your cheek. “I do not want to stop,” he murmured. “I want to make love to you.”
You clutched at his shirt and pressed closer to him. “Please.”
“Amore mia,” he whispered, shaking his head and sliding his hands down to hold your face tenderly. “I have… I have never done this.”
You pulled back just a bit so you could look at him. “Never?”
He gazed back at you and shook his head again, his expression a mix of wariness and shame. “No.”
Oh, so that’s all it was… It was not that he did not want you after all. You sagged a bit in relief. This was something you could handle. “But it’s something you want?”
In response, he moved his hands to your hips and grabbed them, moving you against him so you clearly felt his erection pressing against the confines of his pants. You gasped at the feeling, now freely grinding down onto him. Copia groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
“I want it more than anything, amore. I want you,” he gasped on a ragged breath.
You kissed him again, intent to make him even more breathless and forget about his nervousness. He hummed in response, his hands hesitantly moving over you. You could hardly believe this was happening, that he was finally going to let this happen. He wanted you, and by Lucifer, he was going to have you.
Without warning, you sat back, pulled your shirt off over your head, and quickly removed your bra. Copia's mouth fell open as he lowered his gaze to drink you in. 
"You are far more beautiful than she ever could have been, amore mia…"
You smiled bashfully. "You haven't even seen all of me yet."
"I don't have to. I know no one will ever compare to you."
You took his hands and brought them to your breasts. "Touch me, Copia."
He took a shaky breath as you guided his hands on how you wanted him to touch you. Finally feeling his hands on you like this was better than you could have ever imagined. Even through his gloves, just knowing it was Copia tentatively kneading your breasts had you over the moon.
You tugged at his shirt. "Will you let me see you?"
Copia gazed up at you for a long moment before nodding. You stood, helping him up. Together, you undressed each other, both of you reveling in each new swath of skin revealed. You were thrilled that Copia was bold enough to touch you, to caress your shoulders and back with his now ungloved hands.
"I love you, Copia," you murmured, leaning into him, basking in the feeling of his skin against yours. You pressed a kiss to his chest. "So much."
His hands skimmed down your sides to your hips, pulling you flush against him. You could feel him trembling. He was so hot, almost like he had a fever, and his blush was creeping down his neck. "I love you, too, tesoro mia…"
You gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hands. You then laid back down on the mattress, reaching out to him. You could not help but let your gaze flick over him. He was gorgeous. "Come here, love."
Copia settled down beside you on the narrow twin bed, looking incredibly nervous.
“Why don’t we start out with just touching at first,” you said, taking his hand and placing it on your breast again. “Just like before, but don’t feel like you have to stay here. May I touch you?”
He swallowed hard. “I would not last.”
You smiled. “Okay. Then you can just touch me.”
Copia trailed his fingers down your stomach to the apex of your thighs and stopped. You shifted your hips impatiently, frustrated that he had stopped just short of where you wanted him. He then whispered your name, and you understood. Without a word, you took his hand and guided it between your legs, pressing his fingers over your clit.
His breath shook, and you saw his cock twitch out of the corner of your eye though you kept your gaze firmly on his face. You guided his fingers in circles over your clit for a moment before pushing his hand lower, prompting him to slide a finger into you. He pumped his finger just a few times before suddenly stopping again and pulling his hand away.
“Fuck,” he hissed.
“Did you almost cum?” you asked quietly. Copia nodded, his jaw obviously clenched. A shaky breath left you. “Do you want cum inside me?” you asked breathlessly, and he nodded even more frantically. “Alright, then come here.”
You tugged at his shoulder, pulling him on top of you, and his lower half settled between your legs.
“Kiss me,” you breathed.
He did, which seemed to distract him enough that he began to move instinctually. He began to nudge against you, guided by your hand. As soon as the head of his cock slipped inside you, Copia froze and broke the kiss with a gasp, his eyes screwed shut.
You gently squeezed his arms. “Please, don’t stop. Keep going.”
He nodded jerkily and continued to rock his hips, slowly but steadily pushing in further and further until he was fully seated within you, drawing gasps from both of you. He cursed and breathed out your name. You both needed a moment — though you suspected he needed more of one than you. It was somewhat surreal to feel him filling you, but it was everything you had dreamed of and more. But no matter how good it felt, you knew Copia would need a little more encouragement to get him moving.
“I know you know how to move your hips,” you murmured into his ear. “I’ve seen you on stage, remember?” He nodded, still not trusting his voice. “It’s mesmerizing to watch… So use those moves on me.” You tilted your head, so your lips touched his. “Fuck me like I know you know how.”
You worried briefly that you were pushing him too far too fast when he did not respond right away, but the sudden snap of his hips drove all of that worry away. You gasped out a moan, not expecting him to do that. He then did it again and again.
“Is this good?” he asked, slowing his thrusts down to a more languid pace, instinctively finding a rhythm he liked.
“Fuck, yes… Just like that…” You moaned again. “Oh, Copia…”
A whine left him. “Amore mia, you feel… so good.”
You smiled and kissed his cheek. “So do you.” You let your head fall back and began to lift your hips to meet his thrusts. “Fuck, Copia… faster, please!”
He grunted and complied. After how close he had been before just from touching you, you were mildly surprised he was lasting this long. But from his labored breathing and the way his thrusts were becoming more erratic, you figured he was close once more.
“Touch me again,” you said, taking his hand and pushing it down between you two.
“But I will cum,” he said shakily in a strained voice.
You laughed lightly. “That’s the whole point. Touch me, and I’ll cum with you.”
Copia whimpered and did as you said, only this time, he needed no instructions. His fingertips found your clit and began to quickly tease the little bud, heightening your pleasure tenfold. You cried out his name in response as you neared your peak.
“I need to cum, amore!” he whined.
“Then cum, Copia, please!”
“I cannot!”
You forced your eyes open. What did he mean? As you slid your hands over his sweaty shoulders, you realized just how tense he was. “Oh, Copia…” You grabbed his face and peppered it with kisses. “Relax, baby… There’s no rush, no pressure… It’s just you and me here. Just relax, take your time.”
He slowed his pace a bit, leaning back to look you in the eyes. You caressed his cheeks with your thumbs. “I am making you feel good?” he asked, the uncertainty in his voice making your chest ache.
You pulled him down, so he pressed his face to your neck. “Yes, Copia! Satan, you’re making me feel so good. Fuck!” You had been holding back for him, but you found that you could hold back no longer. “Copia, I’m— I’m cumming!”
The dam broke within you, and your walls pulsed around him. Copia gasped loudly, and a second later, with one last deep thrust into you, he came hard, moaning and grunting with each kick of his cock, the feeling of his seed spilling within you prolonging your pleasure.
Copia collapsed on top of you, panting and whimpering and clutching weakly at you. You could tell he was overwhelmed, unable to keep still. “Ti amo... Ti amo... così tanto, cara mia. Così tanto…” he whispered against your skin, his lips barely pressing kisses here and there.
He was being so soft and sweet, and Lucifer, you loved him so much. Wrapping your arms around him and holding him tightly, you kissed and nuzzled his cheek. “And I love you.”
The two of you laid there for a long while, unwilling to let the other go just yet.
“Are you okay?” you asked after several long moments, idly stroking his hair.
You felt him smile. “Sì. Is it always like that?”
“It can be.”
He sighed. “Then I cannot wait to have you again. Though next time, I… Well, I…”
You kissed his forehead. “You, what? What would you like, my love?”
“I would like to taste you,” he whispered.
You grinned in response. “I think that can be arranged.”
Copia raised his head. “You will tell me what to do, sì? To make you feel good?”
“Of course. And you’ll, um… let me return the favor?”
Copia’s cheeks flushed, quickly averting his gaze, but he nodded. “S-sì.”
You pulled him back down, cuddling him close. “Can we just stay here tonight? I don’t feel like walking all the way back to your other room.”
“My thoughts exactly, amore… Though, this bed is not very big. One of us might end up on the floor come morning.”
You chuckled. “Well, at least we won’t have very far to fall.”
Ti amo... Ti amo... così tanto, cara mia. Così tanto… - I love you... Love you... so much, my darling. So much...
If you've got any requests, send them my way!
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Have you done an HC or one-shot of Papa or the Papas comforting an s/o during a panic attack?
So I believe it might be very similar with this post I did...but just in case here's a bit more on the comfort side....
Primo is very in tune to his S/O's particular needs. He would respond after feeling out their energy and whether or not they needed comfort or space. To comfort his S/O, Primo would hold bring them out to the garden. Let them feel the light breeze and the touch of warmth from the sunlight on their skin. "Let the warm fill you my blossom, feel your life force flowing through you. You are one with Lucifer and he shall guide you in all things..." He would help them breathe through it and reground themselves. Afterwards brewing them some tea with ingredients meant to relax them, such as lavender and chamomile.
Secondo is very flustered by his S/O having a panic attack. He feels more helpless than them. After all he is not very good with his own emotions...so helping to regulate someone elses??? Well that's a heavy burden on his soul. He will do what needs to be done, as he always does, and despite his own internal panic would do everything to comfort them. This go to is to quietly hold them, foreheads pressed together as he calmly gives them words of affirmation. "You will be ok, Tesoro. Everything is as it should be." He would bring them back down by reminding them that they can get through it and that he will be there beside them the whole time.
Terzo's approach is very similar to Secondo's, but he is more grounded himself when things occur. If comforting is needed he will give support by tailoring it around the reason for the panic attack. For example of it has to do with something like his S/O being overwhelmed with work, he will drop everything to help them with it. "This is 'our' job now cara/caro, you will not have to do this ever again on your own, si?"
Copia is anxious seeing his S/O upset and panicking. He will comfort you by building you a bit of a bedding nest to snuggle in holding you close, kissing your forehead and reminding you that you will be ok. Sometimes seeing his S/O upset will cause his own panic. "But amore what if you get upset and I say the wrong thing and you hate me? How could I love with myself knowing I'd hurt you?" His S/O along with Gnocchi and Rigatoni will spend the evening helping Copia to calm down. 😅
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crowberry62 · 2 years
Papa's x reader Albino
Papas with a s/o who is albino
Papa nihil
Oh boy!
Papaw hasn’t been out of the main church since after the last performance of kiss the go-goat
How you meet is up to you but I think that your an assistant or a nurse who’s there for a check up
He thinks your the most beautiful person ever
He says that you were hand crafted by Lucifer himself
Will fight anyone who talks shit about you
I know I said he’d fight but in reality he’d fuck them up verbal
Papa emeritus i
He loves your eyes so much
Gets you the best sunglasses, sunscreen etc for you
Will smack a bitch
Believe it or not when he was younger he had very nice hair
He will style your hair so well
Papa emeritus ii
Helps you style outfits that look good with your hair and skin
He loves the way you look so much
He fuckin combust with how much he loves your look
You get top quality products to protects your hair, skin and eyes
Papa emeritus iii
He is know for is fashion sense
He helps you do your makeup(if you wear any)
Calls you nicknames like Snow White(not in a mean way if you ever ask him to stop he will)
Will straight up commit 1st degree murder if anyone talks shit about you
Cardinal copia/papa emeritus iv
Dumb bitches first thought is “like one of my rats?” (Once again not in a mean way)
Leave him alone he’s trying his best
Shows you his dick rats
Sees you as a blessing from satan himself
He does the best he can when helping with your skin and eye sensitivity
He can be a little dumb sometimes
This is my first time doing a x reader headcanon and I don’t know much about people who are albino. Please give me feedback and more request.
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max-uhhhh-talks · 7 months
More OC lore except she dies this time!
☆ Swiss killed the papas (hc i snatched from @lopsidedghoul and am expanding on). Swiss was introduced with the Prequelle era, 2018, when Copia became cardinal. Swiss is a multighoul, and the first of his kind to be summoned by the Clergy. It was unintentionally, they had been meaning for a ghoul of a different element but ended up with Swiss. However he was unique in his elements, and was allowed to stay under the conditions of Sister and Nihil. He was ordered to commit the act of killing Primo, Secondo, and Terzo in their silly little uno room and he did as told. 1.) Because he wanted to stay and 2.) He had no connections with any of the papas, and was easily capable of carrying out the task. His one job after that (besides regular work for a ghoul under Copia's reign) was to not tell anyone he was the one who did it.
Fast forward a bit, and Swiss and Starlight start becoming close little by little. One of the things that sticks out about Swiss to Star is how his scent is so familiar to her, she's gone years not knowing why. How it can bring a sense of comfort to her but sometimes she can't stand to be around him, something about him makes it painful for her sometimes and she's never known why.
Swiss would come to find out that Starlight was Primo's ghoul for 46 years, and that they were extremely close. He finds out she had entered the room shortly after the papas died and caught an unfamiliar scent in the room. It was a ghoul, but not one she'd ever come into contact with. Swiss knew it was him, but he couldn't say anything. Leading to a few years of guilt that only became more unbearable to deal with, especially when as the years go on, starlight shows the others more and more of her memories she had shared with Primo via photographs. Paired with the visits to the basement Starlight has with him sometimes to see Primo in his glass coffin, it's a lot for Swiss to keep to himself.
Eventually, not too long after Copia's retirement from Papacy, Swiss is unable to keep the secret anymore. On one of their visits to the basement, Swiss breaks down in tears and apologizes for something he hasn't yet told Starlight. The commotion is enough to draw Sister to the room, where she had been near at the time. It's then that Sister uses this as an opportunity to finally get rid of Starlight. Copia's reign was the only thing keeping Star on the surface after Primo's death and now that Copia's retired, Star doesn't have any reason to stay. Sister reveals that while Star had known Sister was the decider in the papas' deaths, Swiss was the one who carried it out. Sister then orders the death of Starlight, by Swiss' hand and he has no choice but to obey. He "kills" Starlight, rather reluctantly, and is ordered to not tell anyone he did so
The Clergy announces Starlights death as a suicide, using the fact she was present in the room of the papas' caskets to cover up what really happened. Even though technically it's only half true, as Swiss wasn't able to kill her himself, he only held the knife while Starlight basically did the job for him. But they just say it was a case of "her wanting to be with primo again" and everyone just believes it because yeah it makes sense without knowing context behind what really happened
☆ @lopsidedghoul also wrote a little something on the aftermath of this, centering around his own oc so check that out if you'd like! (Tw/// mentions of blood, sh, cannibalism)
☆ Again, art of Starlight can be found here
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
In fics, the papas always refer to reader with Italian pet names SOOOOO what's their reaction to reader absolutely butchering the Italian language back to them
Papas reacting to their s/o messing up an Italian pet name
He assumes it's just an issue with his hearing and fully believes you said it correctly.
It takes a few times before he realizes that it's not actually an issue with his hearing.
But he loves the fact that you tried so much that he doesn't correct you on the one specific pet name you chose.
It kind of becomes his own little inside joke with himself.
He absolutely will start mispronouncing the pet name as well, as to see you smile.
Will hush down anyone trying to correct you just because he thinks you're adorable.
If you ever somehow find out, he will honestly admit to his "crime".
He'll try to justify it, saying that you trying to impress him was so heartwarming he couldn't bring himself to correct you.
"I just didn't want to discourage you, il mio fiore. I apologize if it seems like I was trying to deceive you."
He's just so genuine you can't even get mad at him.
You have earned the privilege to be grumpy for a few days, though.
Furrows his brows and tilts his head at first, asking you to repeat what you said. He's silent for a while, trying to figure out what the hell you're trying to say.
It takes him a good minute before he slowly says the pet name correctly in a questioning tone.
And then you start blushing, apologizing and feeling like an idiot.
He chuckles, patting your head.
"It's alright, amore. Papa appreciates you trying so hard."
Kisses your cheek before playfully pinching it.
He encourages you to keep trying Italian words and offers to teach you the language.
You better believe me when I say he's like a guard dog to your self-confidence.
If anyone tries to correct you or make fun of you, he will scare the shit out of them just by looking at them.
They'll apologize so fast, just to avoid his wrath.
He will sometimes call you the messed up pet name just to tease you a bit.
Terzo gets a blue screen on his mind. For two reasons.
First of all, what the fuck was that word?
Second of all, awww, his babe tried speaking Italian!
The very second he realizes what you meant, he starts gushing and fawning over you.
He only realized because you tried to copy his Italian accent.
Terzo would absolutely pick you up, repeating the disaster you said fondly as he hugged you tightly.
From now on, that is how the word is pronounced and nobody gets to say otherwise.
Will correct people who say it correctly to use your version.
Somehow gaslights half of the Ministry that this is how you're supposed to say it.
He will get smacked by Secondo for this.
Will also whine to Primo that Secondo smacked him.
They might be in their fifties, but Terzo and Secondo act like children around each other.
He will later come to you to boast how he withstood violence for your love.
He's so dramatic and you love that about him.
He looks so confused you actually feel bad about it.
As soon as you start apologizing and saying that what you did was stupid, he'll grab your hands, squeeze them in his and assure you that you didn't do anything wrong.
He's gonna blame himself instead, saying that it's his fault for not understanding.
You both take a few minutes to figure out what you were trying to say and then he will help you say what you wanted.
He's the only one to correct you instead of accepting what you say right away, mostly for your sake. He doesn't want you to get bullied because you mispronounced something!
He's very proud of you for trying and he will tell you that!
No matter how busy he is, he'll take at least a few minutes a day to teach you a bit if Italian.
An absolute sweetheart about it, too!
Old Papa Nihil
Looks at you, furrowing his brows in confusion. Genuinely has no idea what you just said.
This dumbass might actually ask if you're having a stroke.
Does not understand why that made you upset and continues working.
You have to act dramatic as hell before he asks what's wrong. You have to explain it to him before he blinks a few times as realization hits him.
He apologizes, opening his arms to you so he can hold you.
Gives you puppy eyes.
"You're not mad at me, are you? Come on, you can't be mad at Papa."
He's gonna offer to get you lessons. Will try his best to be a bit more attentive.
He's a very unique case of a hopeless simp and a fucking oblivious idiot.
Young Papa Nihil
"... What...? You... You know what? Okay."
Gives up, doesn't even bother trying to understand. He's got enough bullshit to deal with already. He's not gonna try.
Will reluctantly help you if you go around pouting.
"Okay, fine. Get your hot ass over here, Papa's gonna teach ya." He says begrudgingly, pulling you onto his lap.
He gets impatient easily, so he might act like a little kid, rolling his eyes at you and groaning dramatically.
He decides to teach you just for the sake of his own sanity so he doesn't lose his shit when you mess up.
Makes it a stripping game. You mess up, you take something off. You get it right, you get to undress him.
Will fuck you afterwards, no matter if you learn or not.
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ghoulish-endeavors · 1 year
The cardinals secret
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Whispers flooded the halls; as you walked by you could hear a group of sisters. "The new cardinal is so weird", "Yeah i heard he keeps rats too, gross!", "Haha have you saw him? He looks like a rat!" They suddenly waved you over, "Sister y/n, have you saw the new cardinal!?" said sister Eva, giggling a bit; "Nope i haven't saw him, he's been here only a day, what about him?" you said, raising an eyebrow. "He's so weird!! And he looks like a rat, plus i've heard he keeps rats as pets." She said, gagging, to which you shook your head at.
"So have you talked to him?" you said, looking to the side; trying to find a way out of this uncomfortable situation. "No ew! I don't wanna be close to him!" Eva said, while sister lily also piped up; "he also cant even speak a sentence without stuttering!" she said giggling.
"Well, i haven't even saw the man yet, plus who are you to judge him without even talking to him? Why don't you two find something to do, rather than standing in the hallways being useless like you usually are." You said, voice laced with harshness; "You guys are my friends, but satan, you two are terribly mean sometimes." You shook your head and began walking back down the hallway to where you were going; you had to go meet primo in his office to bring him a paper his brother had given you.
As you were watching your feet while you walked you slammed into someone, shaking you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see a cardinal which you had never seen before; before you could say anything he apologized profusely.
"Im s-so sorry sorella, M-mi dispiace!" He said, scrambling to pick up the documents which had scattered to the ground when the collision happened. You quickly got down and helped him.
"No worries cardinal....?" You said smiling, collecting papers and holding them to your chest. He looked at you, eyes wide, then remembered to answer you.
"O-Oh! Cardinal copia, and you?" He stammered out, standing back to his feet. You smiled softly at him, and stood, handing him the documents you had collected. "Sister y/n, you're the new cardinal yes?" You said, reaching for his hand and kissing his cardinal ring.
His face burned bright red, "Si si, eh beautiful n-name." He mentally slapped himself, really beautiful name? No wonder everyone thought he was a weirdo, but you were beautiful, the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He shook himself out of his thoughts, mentally scolding himself. You giggled at the shy man and studied him, his side burns, pristine mustache, and that nose. You licked your lips at the sight of him, and to be honest, you wanted him bad.
Far behind you down the hall, sisters Eva and lily watched in horror at your interaction with the man. "Is she being nice to him." Sister lily said, scrunching her nose in disgust. "Yes I believe she is, that stupid rat man is probably in pure bliss at someone like her talking to him." Sister Eva snickered.
"Well cardinal I have a paper I must deliver to Primo, ill see you around im sure!" You said, pressing one more kiss to his ring and heading off. The cardinal watched you leave for a minute before scurrying back off to his office.
It had been a couple of days since you had saw the cardinal, but rumor had it the man almost spent all of his time
working. You had been curious one day while walking the halls at night, you came to the halls that held the upper clergy's working spaces and wondered whether you should go and check on the man.
You decided you would, but before you did; you went to the kitchen to grab him something to eat. You quickly grabbed a couple of snack cakes and a water for him, and headed off back down the hall. You came to his office and sure enough the light was on underneath the door. You knocked on the door, hearing scrambling and then a rushed "Enter!".
"Cardinal! I brought you some snack cakes and water, have you ate?" You asked walking in the room, to which the cardinal had a puzzled look on his face.
"Eh, no i have not, but eh, what are you doing here?" He said, wringing his hands together; no one at the abbey had been nice to him so far, to be completely honest you're the only sibling to have willingly exchanged words with him.
"Why do you mean why am I here? I wanted to see you, i told you i would see you around. Plus I know you work almost all the time." You said walking over to his desk, handing him the stuff you had brought him.
"Sooo, cardinal, i had a question.." you said going around to sit on his desk. He cleared his throat, "Ehem, eh yes what is it?" He took off his biretta and set it on his desk.
"Can i help you, relax a little?" You jumped down off the desk and ran your fingers down his arm. His breath hitched a bit, "How did you intend to do that?"
You strattled his lap, "Is this okay?" you said, looking down at him. "Eh, u-um, w-well, y-yes." He said looking at you with wide eyes, face rivaling his red cassocks color. "Good I wanted to give you a scalp message." You said smirking, knowing exactly what you were about to do.
You leaned up, grabbing his head and pulling him towards you, your breasts right in his face while you ran your fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp. The cardinal was so worried, he felt like a total creep not knowing where to put his eyes, and panicking as he felt his cock began to stir in his pants.
You smirked as you felt his cock stir against you, "Oh cardinal your hair is so soft, are you okay?" He nodded his head, nose accidentally bumping your breasts, "Im so sorry sorella!" He said, feeling like a total pervert. He panicked as he felt his cock get rock hard at the contact, to which you gasped at. "Oh cardinal something huge is pressing against me." You said smirking, he gasped as he felt you roll your hips against him.
"Oh cardinal," you said letting go of his hair, allowing him to sit back up to look you in the eyes. His face was beet red and he looked like he was trying to advert your piercing gaze. "Cardinal can I ask you another question," You said, cupping his face with your hands. He could feel precum leak out of his cock, feeling like a total weirdo because of it, little did he know that was your entire intentions. "S-si, anything sorella." "Can i kiss you?"
He gasped, nodding his head, slightly panicking because he had only kissed one other person in his 50 years of life. You slowly leaned in, moving your lips against his; he sighed as you pressed your tongue in-between his lips, the kiss was messy and unpracticed, but was too good. Finally you both separated, panting and looking at each other in the eyes.
"Can i ask you another question?" You said, panting, to which the cardinal nodded his head at, "Are you a virgin?"
The cardinals face went bright red, obviously embarrassed at the question. He slowly nodded his head, avoiding all eye contact with you. You bit your lip and smirked, "Wanna change that?" you said, rolling your hips down onto him. He gasped, not knowing what to do.
"S-si, very much so.." He said, looking up at you, nervousness present in his eyes. You smirked and grinded your hips down onto him, making him let out a moan. "Cardinal, can i make you feel good?" You said, slipping out of his lap to which he naturally parted his legs to make room for you.
"S-sorella, I-I dont know for sure what I am supposed to do, please forgive me.." He said, looking down at you, worry and lust in his eyes as he rubbed his hands on his thighs. "Shhhh, you dont have to do anything, just feel and watch." You said smirking at him, beginning to undo the bottom buttons of his cassock. Getting the hint, he began to undo the top buttons and finally the vestment was off, revealing sinfully tight pants that hugged him in all the right places.
"Cardinal, if you ever wanna stop just tell me and it will stop immediately, i don't wanna make you uncomfortable." You said, running your hands up his thighs and squeezing his hand. He nodded, "Please continue sorella," he breathed out, nervousness present in his voice. You smirked at him, and began to undo his pants, slowly pulling the zipper down.
To your surprise, the innocent cardinal didn't have briefs on, and you gasped. You pulled down his pants fully to reveal his cock. He was big, huge even, its always the quiet awkward ones you thought to yourself. "Cardinal, oh my satan you are huge! You havent used this thing ever!?" You said smirking at him, collecting the precum at his tip and tasting him. His blush became more apparent as he gasped and shook his head.
"Sorella, just a fair w-warning, i will not last. Mi dispiace." He said looking down at you nervously. "Shhh, its okay, just feel and dont worry." You said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You spat on your hand and began to stroke him leisurely, causing him to buck his hips. You then removed your hand, causing the cardinal to whine from the loss of your touch. You then began to run your tongue up and down his shaft, watching the cardinal squirm and whine above you, his freckled face burning bright red. "Y/n per favore," He whined pathetically, bucking his cock against your lips.
You smirked and gave his thighs a reassuring squeeze. Finally- finally, you took his tip into your mouth, tonguing at his slit which coaxed a long groan out of him. You began to take him inch by inch, not being able to fit all of him in your mouth, you began to stroke what you couldn't. He was a moaning mess of Italian and praises above you, hands clawing his thighs to try to keep his composure. Unfortunately for the cardinal your mouth felt way too good and he was approaching his end embarrassingly quick. "S-sorella, I-i am going to cum, c-cazzo!" He said as you popped off of him, causing him to let out a whine. You began stroking him with your mouth open, waiting and wanting to be covered in his cum. You smiled and batted your eyelashes at him as he came, and satan his load was big. You thought it would never stop as he came in your open mouth, on your face, on your habit and in your hair. You stroked him through his orgasm, and finally let go; you looked up at the man who was panting and who's eyes were wide with embarrassment.
"Sorella, I am so sorry, I covered you in my cum." He said, panting as he looked down at you; "That was the plan Copia," you said smirking as you took your finger and collected his cum on it, sucking it clean. Copia looked down at you in awe, "Cazzo, sorella, i-im sorry for cumming so quickly." He said nervously, redoing his pants and helping you to your feet.
"Cardinal youre absolutely fine, but..." You said, wrapping your hands around his neck, coming back down to straddle him as you pressed your lips against his ear; "How about we see how fast you can make me cum?" You giggled as you heard the mans breath hitch. "A-ah, sorella, h-heh, I-i would love to, but you know I have never d-done this type of thing before. P-please forgive me if I make a mistake..." He said, once again adverting your gaze and embarrassingly looking to the side.
You grabbed his face and turned his gaze back to you, slowly you grabbed his hand and brought it down to cup your mound through your panties. "Feel this, feel how wet I am for your my dear cardinal? I dont think you could make a mistake." You said, nibbling on his earlobe; your words caused the man to let out breathy sigh; "Sorella, would it be too bold of me to ask you to come back to my room to continue our activities... This office is not the best place to eh- fuck in." He said, as he let out a nervous laugh. "Cmon cardinal, you lead the way," you said, jumping off his lap.
Quickly the cardinal led you to his room, taking out his key and allowing you to enter first. His room was gorgeous and a lot bigger than your own, you smirked as you heard the cardinal enter behind you and lock the door. He led you to his bedroom, looking at you with wide eyes as he stood in the middle of the room, not sure where to go from here. You approached him, and put his slightly trembling hands on your hips.
"Cardinal," you said as you got on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, "Undress me." You smirked, as the cardinal gasped, slowly he moved his hands to the back of your habit, slowly undoing the zipper. With wide eyes he watched the garment fall down your body and pool at your feet. His cock twitched in his pants, beginning to harden again, despite his recent orgasm.
"Cardinal, you know staring is rude.." You said giggling as the man stuttered out an apology, you giggled, "I prefer hands on activities," and with that you took the cardinals hands and placed them on your breasts. You looked at the cardinals face turn bright red, as you removed your hands from his, which remained unmoving.
"Can I sorella.." he said nervously, you nodded your head profusely, encouraging him to squeeze and explore your body. You gasped as he squeezed one of your breasts, while his other hand found the curve of your ass. "Mmm, copia your hands feel so good, I think they would feel better if there was nothing between the leather of your gloves and my skin though." Copia blushed once again, and brought his hands to the clasp of your bra; after fumbling with it a bit, the garment was removed and copias jaw went slack. "Tesoro, you are a sight for sore eyes." He said, as he moved his hands around to fondle your breats again.
You quickly pulled him back towards the bed until your knees hit it, and he was on top of you. "Cardinal while I do think you look handsome in your cassock, I believe you're over dressed." You said, as you tugged at his collar. He stood and began undoing his cassock, finally removing it and then starting on his pants. You bit your lip, knowing he had no boxers on underneath it; Finally undone, his cock that was hard once again, sprung out and heavily hung between his legs. He returned to you, hovering over you, heterochromatic eyes staring in yours. He hesitantly initiated another kiss between the two of you, it felt electric as your tongues moved in sync with each other, both of you moaning into it.
You entangled your hands in his hair, and he began to break the kiss and make your way to your neck. Gently sucked and kissed at your neck, at first he acted unsure, but once he heard your whimpers and moans it gave the cardinal more confidence. "Cardinal, touch me please," you whined, as he sucked on a particular sweet spot that made your toes curl. He stopped, looking at you; "What do you want me to do?" He panted, "Eat me out."
His face became a dark shade of red, as he slowly began to get on his knees. You sat up into a sitting position and looked down at your cardinal, who was on his knees for you. He slowly took his shaking hands, and grabbed the sides of your panties, slowly pulling them down, watching with wide eyes. He finally got them off, and he just stared at your glistening cunt, his mouth was open and you saw his cock twitch at the sight.
He looked up at you, as you entangled your fingers into his hair once more, encouraging him to get on with it. He slowly brought his face towards your cunt and licked a long stripe from your slit to your clit. You whimpered and watched him intently as he went to town, the man was a fast learner, and he learned quickly what to do. He sucked and nibbled on your clit, which caused your to buck into his face; after he was satisfied with his work there, he moved down to your slit, gently pushing his tongue in, while his nose expertly bumped against your clit. As he gained more confidence he wrapped his arms around your thighs and brought you towards him. You were a whimpering mess of his name and curses, as you entangled your fingers in his hair, he ate you faster. "Fuck, fuck! Copia, just like that, j-just like that. Im gonna fucking cum!" He looked up at you, watching your face as you released your juices all over his face, and he didn't stop until your began to squirm from over stimulation.
The man pulled away, and shyly looked up at you, "W-was tha-that okay.." He said nervously, to which your mouth hung open at his question. This virgin 50 year old man had just given you the best orgasm of your life, and he was asking if it was "okay". "Copia, You just gave me the best fucking orgasm of my entire life, and you're asking me if it was okay!?" You said, pulling him to his feet and back over on top of you. His face shyly turned red again, "Yes it was okay! It was perfect, fantastic, amazing, do i need other words of affirmation to describe it to you?!" Copias face heated up and he smiled, "I just had to make sure sorella, that i didnt leave you unsatisfied." "Well copia, im not satisfied completely yet," you looked down towards his rock hard cock that was leaking profusely on your leg; "I haven't got to bounce on your cock yet."
He gasped as you flipped the two of you over, so you were now on top of copia. He watched intently as you straddled his stomach. You got up on your knees and positioned yourself over copias cock, as copias hands flew to your hips. You slowly grasped his shaft, and slid it through your slick folds, before slowly pushing down onto him. Copia let out a whine that soon turned into panting and whimpering. You were in the same boat as him, as whined and writhed trying to get used to his size.
Finally you had him in to the hilt, and while you were panting and whining trying to adjust, the poor cardinal was trying not to cum right there on the spot. "Y-y/n, cazzo! Im not going to last, im so sorry." He whimpered, "You have nothing to be sorry about copia, a-ah, just feel." You slowly began to rock your hips against his cock, beginning to bounce up and down. You both were a mess of whines, and each others names; the cardinal began to move his hips along with yours, causing your both to moan. "A-ah, fuck! Sorella, I-I cant, Im going to cum, cazzo!" He panted, "C-Cardinal, c-cum inside of me, fill me with your seed, u-use me, fuck!" Your words made him cum right then and there, his cock twitched inside of you as he filled you with his seed. The tension that had been building in your stomach snapped too, and you came with a scream of his name; both of you riding your orgasms out until over sensitivity took over.
Slowly you rose off of his soft cock, and laid your head on his chest, the both of you content until you couldnt stand the sticky mess of your fluids dripping out of you. "Cardinal.." you said, "Yes sorella?" "Can we take a bath? Im sticky and sweaty, and a bath with you sounds nice." You said kissing his neck, "Si, lets."
Authors Note- This is kinda based off of To catch a cardinal by Copias-girl. ALSO check that series out ITS SO GOOD!
Thanks for reading!!
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