#doing his sheningans
cannibal-rat · 28 days
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Clown (Day 4)
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microwave-core · 2 months
Two for two on Leon posts written in the middle of the night where I promptly flop back into bed. I just think Leon has a lot of ship potential. I don't even ship characters much, I don't really ship Leon with anyone in particular, but he's got good matchs.
Like. You have Sonia. Classic setup of childhood friends who drifted apart from one another and reconnect years afterwards and find there is definitely some spark between them. (I also wholly believe that the two "dated" when they were kids, but because they were kids they didn't understand romance and just forgot about it entirely. Didn't even hold hands because ew cooties.)
And you also have Raihan. And it's like... they're rivals, what more should I say. It's not even a "bro you're making our esteemed rivalry look gay" situation, they can just so easily mesh as rivals AND bfs with minimal bending of canon.
Those are obviously the most popular two (unless I'm really out of the loop), but then you have the smaller ships that you don't see as much that still just work. Like, I don't see much of Leon and Piers together, but they work. Perfect human sunshine and brooding vampire combo. I can't think of the actual phrase to use but I think that gets the point across.
You could pin him up with Kabu, sure, Leon can get down with the foxy grandpa. Fuck it, you could put him with, like, Meloney, and it would be fine. He deserves to be with a milf, as a little treat. You could ship him with fucking Wes from Pokemon Colleseum for the Nintendo Gamecube and it would seem understandable. He would do that, your honor, keep scrolling.
idk i'm tired night
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nagy-bari · 8 months
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dancer au with:
talented but a bit 'rough diamond' Yor struggling to find her balance in loosing herself in the arts and being accepted among her peers (the usual low self esteem she has to fight and the wish to be 'normal')
a bit on the edge of a burnout, a bit bitter 'could have been' teacher Melinda shaping Yor into everything she couldn't achieve in her prime, while trying to spare her from all the psychological hardship she had to go through, cause new times, new ways and all that jazz
some high dancing tournaments and championships with healthy dose of solo acts and dances that call for partnering up with ace of everything Loid of all people (que some stuttering mess from both side for different reasons in turns)
a bit of frenemy bonding with Fiona over being overachievers and exceptional in different parts. a lot of jealousy form Fiona cause even if firstly Yor was more on the brute strength of movements (even though that was suggestively captivating in itself) she has an easier time charming the audience, while Yor envies Fiona's confidence and pokerface.
a tiny bit of envy from the ever perfect Loid as well cause the treatment Yor gets from her teacher/mentor is something he wished for a long time (even though he should have just asked Sylvia to lighten up a bit)
slow burn kinda cause it's more on the relationship of mentor/student focus (plenty angst with the old methods vs. the wish to make something spectecular, the usual unsure Yor sheningans and Loid being a bit on the 'welp, i'm plenty used to being the best don't wanna start learning to be second now- ah well' )
aiming for happy end, if not a bit bittersweet ending.
Oh and Frankie is there as well. pretty good dancer if a bit too goofy but sticks to stagehand and lights/music work around practice and championships. Gets plety of fun out of seeing Loid stumble around Yor as well as trying to get Fiona to lighten up if only a little.
Yuri also working stagehand/technitian cause he loves to see his sister shine. and if he can help put the spotlight on her (literally) he's happy and feels more accomplished than ever. (actually pretty talented dancer himself but thinks the only one deserving to be on stage is Yor - a lot of possible arguing with Fiona, and plenty opportunity for a bit of 'maybe someone else can get a chance to be in the spotlight-NOT! ONLY SISTER' side comedy)
Anya and Bond are probably on Loid and Sylvia's side of the story. not really sure what to do about them but they are there for support fluff and chaos.
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prideofcelestia · 2 years
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❝ when diavolo learns that you miss your pet cat back in the human world ❞
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« characters - diavolo, barbatos »
« gender neutral reader »
« scenario »
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i. their sadness is distracting!
Tapping the table impatiently with a faraway look in his eyes, Diavolo finally said, "Do you think [Name] is sad here in the Devildom?"
Raising an eyebrow ever so slightly, Barbatos finished pouring the tea and thought for a moment before replying.
“I don't believe so, my lord. They seem content for the most part. Then again, you can't summon them here without explanation and expect them to not feel homesick. Hmm... now that I think about it, I heard them talk about being sad because they left their cat back in the human world.”
Slamming his fists on the table and standing up abruptly, Diavolo uttered a ‘What’ before sitting back down and appearing lost in thoughts.
“Barbatos, can I ask you to do me a favour?”
Bowing before him, the butler looked into the demon prince's eyes and replied, "Of course. That’s my job, Young Master.”
Diavolo sighed in relief. Now he had the secret to see a smile on your face. Probably.
He couldn't wait.
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ii. does the soft mewl make your heart dance?
“Diavolo? You called me here?”
Your voice made the demon prince leave his work in favour of holding a conversation with you.
“Just the human I was expecting to see haha. Yes, I have something for you.”
You wished you could be infected by his enthusiasm but you felt too calm for that. The restlessness that plagued your spirits was overpowering and left you tired. It was difficult to explain so you didn't bother putting it into words. Instead taking a seat, you waited for the surprise. You were excited to see the latest sheningans that the prince had in store.
The sounds of soft, familiar meows made your head turn sharply when Barbatos entered with your beloved pet.
“[Pet name]!” You yelped in joy and ran to the demon. The butler quietly transferred your baby to you and took a few steps back to offer you space. 
The twinkle in your eyes as you rewarded both of them with your winning smile made the demons in the room exchange a gratifying look.
Barbatos looked at you for a long time and made only one comment.
“That's the first time I've seen you smile so freely.”
His tone was soft but held depth. Sadly, it was drowned in the sea of happy mewls — a fact that Barbatos was only too well aware of.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
same anon as the dad Zhongli ask! ahh seeing the cute doodles gave me more ideas they were adorable! (the kid with little horns and chubby cheeks ahhhh)
- Admiring the other adepti because they look so stoic and powerful so they want to be like them! Zhongli lets them sit on his lap on not-so-serious meetings and they try to act like them (they are too young to understand a thing, but seeing them puff out their cheeks and fighting sleep because meetings are boring is always fun to witness, the adepti cooing at them on secret as to not hurt their pride)
- Zhongli teaching them how to do their eyeliner like his! and Guizhong puts pretty hairpins and flowers on their hair
- Venti (or I should say Barbatos) being a menace is so clever. Morax running after him because he steals them away flying is a common sight on archon meetings
- He shows up out of nowhere like "hey kiddo there is a festival on mond wanna come" and takes them away (he is considerate enough to leave a note, he doesn't want the living fossil he has for a friend having a heart attack)
- ("stop kidnapping my child" "I'm not kidnapping them!")
- we know Zhongli loves to talk about his memories, I just KNOW that he tells the traveller (the kid is likely a teen/adult by this point, I don't know how adepti age) their childhood stories with a fond smile and they get SO embarrased by it because they finally had the mighty and divine vibe they wanted as a kid and now Paimon is making fun of them for their childhood sheningans
- (Zhongli doesn't get why they get embarrased like ???you were an adorable kid??? there is nothing bad with sharing it with the world!)
- seeing them during the game events gets him so nostalgic. He clearly remembers the helpless little child he found that day, wide eyes filled with tears after their parent's death, now all grown up and strong. He is so proud about the person they have become, and he knows their biological parent would be too
based on this ask–
Anon I just love your ideas 😭 it fits so well with their character narratives ahiskjfhdieu Zhongli is just the grampa father figure of my dreams. I will gatekeep this ask forever if I could.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 4 months
Knock knock the prophet of chaos reader comes to spread the world of his aeon now let's see on what sheningans he gets into this time
Well image this heiboi even when circus poses trailblazer but this time tries poses the reader who's brain is not only the most chaotic thing that xainzhou alainece will ever expirienc but readers aeon puts their steralorn on prohpehts of chaos as form of protection.....is this good idea to do probably not is this chaotic idea.....YES!
so hou hou with mr.tail with xueyi trailblazer(let's say Stelle) and rest of the part sees a fricking heliboi jumping out of readers body completly traumatized by what their seen and reader just innocently ask is there any bobas tea shop nerbay
@zardas75 I have ZERO clue on what you're trying to suggest other than one thing: Huohuo (+ Mr. Tail), Xueyi and Trailblazer getting traumatized and Chaotic Reader traumatizing everyone and everything.
As much as I like ur idas of Prophet of Chaos!Reader, I am also feeling rather burnt out seeing similar ideas to this :') Im so sorry, but I don't think I'll be accepting them anymore. STILL A GOOD IDEA. JUST WANT TO MAKE IT CLEAR. THE GHOST REBEL LOVES THIS, JUST NO ENERGY 😭😭😭😭😭
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Number 23 and 5 of headcanon prompt with Barbatos and Lucifer. 💙❤️
Sorry for the wait, I got caught up in the secret santa events ^-^
Here are the headcanon prompts
5- Love language headcanons
When it comes to giving his prefered love language is quality time. He is a busy demon and between his duties as Diavolo's right hand man and his brother's sheningans there isn't a lot of time he can relax.
Despite all of that he tries to find little ways he can spend time with MC. Listening together to cursed records, the occasional date and spending time together while he's working.
Just MC's presence alone is enough for him. They don't even have to speak, just be there. Both him and MC often find themselves in his study room, him doing paperwork and MC usually doing their homework for RAD.
I would say that words of affirmation is another one of his love languages, just to a lesser extent. While in front of other people he may not he the most vocal he is not afraid of telling MC how he feels in private.
He still keeps some sense of pride, but it's easy to tell he is being genuine.
This love language really shines when he is drunk he sends a bunch of messages about how much he loves and appreciates MC
When it comes receiving his prefered love languages are acts of service and quality time.
With all the stuff he has to put up with, he really needs an MC to help. Just them bringing him coffee and reminding him to sleep and eat means the world to him.
When he tends to focus so much on finishing his work that he forgets to eat and sleep. At that point coffee might as well replace the blood in his veins. He really appreciates an MC that can make his life just a little bit easier.
Forcing reminding him to eat and sleep, bringing him coffee, making sure his brothers don't cause too much trouble. These little things mean the world to him.
He also loves when MC comes into his study room just to hang out with him. Sitting in silence and doing their own thing counts as quality time, at least to him.
23- Jealousy headcanons
He thinks h is above feeling jealous of others. MC belongs to him, that much is clear. He let them know that the moment they made a pact with him.
So when he finds himself trying to one up whoever tried to flirt with MC, he justifies it by telling himself 'he is just showing them how it's done' of 'just showing MC how much better he is than them.'
A/N: This reminds me of the chat where Lucifer invites MC to go for a drive after the previous day they went out on a drive with Mammon and Asmo.
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He will deny being jealous. He will play it off as him 'just putting them back into their place'
5- love language headcanons
Done here
23- Jealousy headcanons
He is not one to easily get jealous, let alone show it.
He is someone that doesn't trust and let's his guard down easily, especially to the point of getting into a relationship. Just the fact that he got into one with MC speaks of the volume of trust he has in them.
Still, he isn't immune to occasionally getting jealous. Especially when he has to stay by Diavolo's side so he can't do anything about it.
In those cases he just resorts to intimidating behind everyone's back. Barbatos can be quite terrifying. Just a few words here and there and an intimidating smile is more than enough to get anyone off MC's back.
He will do all of that while keeping up his perfect butler act. Those are his feelings alone, he considers he doesn't need to make a scene because of those.
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ellaspore · 2 years
On Kinnporsche, humour and the fragmentation of the self
A lot of people have found jarring the tonal shifts in Kinnporsche and have found the comedic moments out of context.
I would like to put forward the notion that what Kinnporsche is really asking us to see for the most part in those scenes is the humour and not the comedy.
A little preface, I am using these terms based on the meaning given by Italian writer Luigi Pirandello in his essay "On humour".
He defines comedy as the "perception of the opposite", what we find funny at first glance, the first layer of interpretation; humour is instead the "feeling of the opposite", when we dig under and understand the deeper reasons for why a character is acting in that peculiar way. (You can find at the end of this post his example, it is the best way to understand what I mean)
This requires an effort in the part of the audience to use their empathy and critical analysis to perceive the reality underneath the surface and functions in highlitghing the contrast between what is perceived at first and the underlying reasons. It should leave the audience feeling a sour taste in their mouths.
Pirandello proposes that "comedy and its opposite lie in the same disposition of feeling"; this means that comedy and tragedy are the two faces of the same coin.
Porsche is the one of the characters who is often portrayed in this kind of humouristic way. The most glaring examples are
- the whole episode 2 sheningans
- the whole fear of ghosts in episode 8
- the seduction scene in episode 9
- the boyfriend reveal/the bodyguard replacement in episode 11
All these scenes are used for laughs if we interpret them at face value, but if we delve deeper in the narrative these are the moments where Porsche is feeling insecure, where his feelings are obfuscated and not really clear even to him.
These are all moments that if we, the audience, exercise our empathy we can pass from the perception of the opposite(the comedy) to the feeling of the opposite(the humour) and the contrast that is created is bittersweet and disorienting
What the audience needs to do is shift their stance in regards to the scene/the character, this way they will find that while it’s the comedy that conceals it is the humour that reveals (if you look deep enough to get to humour)
Because we already have the knowledge of the character, it is our responsibility to use empathy and perceive the underlying reasons beyond it
We should really move beyond the superficial impulse to laugh because, if the character has the required depth(here I would argue Porsche has it), and we use our critical analysis(that does depend on the individual), we will begin to see what a narrative that is essentially smoke and mirrors is hiding.
Also, and I know this will test the unfortunate souls who are still reading this post but bear with me a little more. Pirandello's conclusion in his essay is that what humour reveals is the fragmentation of the self. And again, I would argue that this is Porsche's case. Porsche's whole self is fragmented because he has lost his sense of self identity and he has not yet regained it.
Right now who is Porsche really? Is he the brother? The boyfriend? The bodyguard? The lover? How does he think of himself? Has he made peace with what he has become? How is he perceived by others? Does everyone see him as he is or as what they want him to be?
The answer to these questions remains yet to be seen, and so the only way forward is humour for him.
“I see an old lady whose hair is dyed and completely smeared with some kind of horrible ointment; she is all made-up in a clumsy and awkward fashion and is all dolled-up like a young girl. I begin to laugh; I perceive that she is the opposite of what a respectable old lady should be. Now I could stop here at this initial and superficial comic reaction: the comic consists precisely of this perception of the opposite. But if, at this point, reflection intervenes to suggest that perhaps this old lady finds no pleasure in dressing up like an exotic parrot, and that perhaps she is distressed by it and does it only because she pitifully deceives herself into believing that, by making herself up like that and by concealing her wrinkles and gray hair, she may be able to hold the love of her much younger husband–if reflection comes to suggest all this, then I can no longer laugh at her as I did at first, exactly because the inner working of reflection has made me go beyond, or rather enter deeper into, the initial stage of awareness: from the beginning perception of the opposite, reflection has made me shift to a feeling of the opposite. And herein lies the precise difference between the comic and humoristic.”
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troubleshade · 1 year
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Cover No. 4: Troublemaker
Song: Come with me now by Kongos
Never would Chiisai dreamt about to grow that fond to four teenager. She even paused her search for a way back home on most of the days. But here she was, watching over them the best she could and spending time with the boys.
Mike was the first of the four who cracked her hard shell and just invite himself into her life. He was curious about Chiisai's weapons and how she knew to parcour and fight that chaotically. What impressed her the most in the beginning was his determination and persistence to take his time to visit her regurarly or follow her around the city on her patrols. After some time Mike brought one of his brothers (or sometimes all of them) to her too.
And after a while only then the pancake turtle realized she will see these four boys more often in her apartment. So she took her time to truly get to know all of them. Her biggest achievement (she's most proud and flattered of it) is the moment where the boys had called her "big sis" for the first time.
She shows Mike some fighting techniques and how to use a knife in combat. And of course setting the rules when to use it so he wouldn't cause too much casualties. In exchange he showed her how to bake and tell her everything about his favorites series and their counterparts. He tried at some point to teach her how to skate but she declined it.
Chiisai cracked the code how to interact with Don after the "Forbidden question"-Incident ("What the hell is a Fnaf?"). She started only listening to his ramblings, frequently asking him about it. It was more a "Question - Answer" exchange but it was the start they both needed. When his brothers were out to something he don't like to do, Chiisai would occasionally go along with him to kill the time. He was the first of them all who get taught how to parcour (Mike envied him for that and was offended towards Chiisai for three whole weeks). They only start with small heights but it was good enough progress.
Raphie was another teenager she needed more time and patience to know him better. The reason for it was maybe his attempt to attack her on their first meeting (it ended with him in a headlock under her arm). But unexpectedly he was the one who just joined Chiisai when she was realxing under her sunny window. She asks him frequently what he is currently drawing or about his day. Red spars with her (she goes sometimes easy on him) especially when everyone else is just a nuisance to him. The boy once stood on her door in the dead of the night because of a fight with his brothers. She let him stay overnight to sleep on the couch.
Lee was the most difficult to warm up with her. To find some common ground was a challenge. It mostly ended in some conflicts. Chiisai needed to learn that he would not turn off his "protective brother"-Mode around her on their first visits. He eventually come around after finding out she reads fanfictions. Chiisai began to read his works too. They more exchange small talk or new ideas for sheningans against their counterparts. He learned from her how to picklock doors (of course only for emergencies when they got locked up somewhere, not for any other reason...).
Universe AU boys belongs to @xxlea-nardoxx
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Miss Raven giving the biggest sigh of her life because of Rollo(?) and Sebek giving her the S T A R E S like, she already puts up with so many sheningans (hint: J word) can't she just have a normal life for once???? This is too much for her poor birb heart
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[It looks like this has turned into an ongoing series 😅 so I'll post the related posts in order: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4]
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When Miss Raven leaves NRC for the symposium thinking she'll get a break from the usual shenanigans, only to run into even more shenanigans off-campus... 😅
“Whatever are you tense for, young Crowley? You’re as stiff as a tree stump. Fufu… Don’t tell me, are you the type that is afraid of knowing the unknown?”
“N-No, I’m not!! It just feels like someone’s staring at me, and I don’t like it. Aren’t you bothered by it, Malleus-senpai?”
“Not at all. We have been extended an invitation to learn of a new school and the culture of the surrounding city. It would be best if you do not allow fear to squander this opportunity.”
(And in the background of Malleus and Raven’s conversation, you’ll just hear…
“... You’re a troublesome one, aren’t you?”)
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***ADDENDUM*** (since I had this queued to post before part 3 came out; there are spoilers for Glorious Masquerade part 3 below the cut):
xbksvsuwjss I wonder how Rollo would feel knowing that Raven is someone who wasn’t capable of magic before (since she was had the body of a regular bird), but then willingly subjected herself to tough circumstances in which she was able to turn human and learn how to use magic 😂 Let’s be honest though, he’d probably hate it and not understand why she made that decision.
Aaaand now she also has to deal with magic sucking flowers and Rollo monologuing about eradicating magic 😶 Fun trip. Reeeeal fun.
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prctty-birdie · 2 years
Happy Halloween!🎃✨
May you meet Death today?
Made for the one and only @toguchindraws , hope you like it!
(got a bit carried while writing and finished doing three whole different versions about your prompt; also got a bit too long, I guess? Sorry for any mistakes; I tried my best to make sure everything is right and make sense, since it`s been a while I`ve wrote something other than essays in english.)
Part of the 2022 Hellcheer Gift Exchange, hosted by @helloween-gift-exchange
Tags: Scared mortal, Otherworldly chauffeur, No Vecna, The Mummy(1991) elements used, AU where death have diferent servants to take souls into the afterlifes, Egyptian Mythology, Eddie is Anubis, Chrissy can see the other side, sheningans ensue, Mentioned Abusive family, Chrissy make a new crazy AND powerful friend, Jason is going to places.
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“When darkness falls across the land, the world turns upside down, in a mysterious lullaby;where death, his angels and other devils are all wandering out here  just waiting for lost souls.....”
Christine "Chrissy" Cunningham or as her boyfriend Jason calls, "Chris" always has some kind of "other side" problems. She could see when a kind of shadow with no actual form, started following people and when this happened; a few days or even a month later (just once, the most long and successful witnessed by her) the said person would die.
She started seeing them after her grandfather, by mom's side, passed away.
At just the age of eight years old, remembers vividly how in peace he looked, when he closed his eyes and the shadow came out by the wall on the side of his bed at the hospital; just stretched his hand in the direction of his body and a second later with a blink, disappeared and the machinery started beeping.
The following days passed like a blur, she remembers telling her mother about this and she didn't care; probably thinking this was just her daughter`s imagination and when her grandpa's funeral happened she saw more of these shadows gluing themselves into the adults steps. Gradually, she started seeing them more often to a point where predicting bad things happening around became easy as breathing.
When turned fifteen, she noticed there were some kind of dogs or wolves as they seemed to look, with various sizes just as big as cars and little as sheeps, with dark red glowing eyes. They could see her staring and usually would just sniff at the direction she was walking by , but never exactly bothered to come close or chase….
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Well, this was her year of graduation and everything was running smoothly - thank you very much - except today, for three single-headed and weird facts:
Waking up to a crow screeching in her window, he had red scarlet eyes and let out a scream before flying to somewhere;
Missing the bus to school;
Suddenly and without a thought accepting a ride from this dude who could be a psycho killer by the looks and his expensive car (a damn Chevy Bel Air 1955 Black and Chrome, that she only knew because of mr. Richard Harrington; who lives ten blocks away driving one around when he's on town)
Well, maybe this was supposed to be her bad day; the Universe surely loves her to make this happen! anyway, she trailed off in thought until hearing the dude at the driver wheel (to whom she didn't trade a single word with since entered the car, could swear was some kind of vampire by the pale-white skin tone and didn't even introduced herself) started speaking in this low and bewitching voice.
- Miss Christine Cunningham, what a beautiful day; don`t you agree?- his voice sounded kinda emotionless while eyeing her with a knowing smirk- guess I wasn't supposed to be here to take you. - Chrissy`s head started ringing a bell at this sentence and she almost broke her neck, turning her head too fast to look at him entirely - But my curiosity just took the best of me, I guess…
At this moment he stopped in front of the school and looking through the window, there was no living soul walking around with also a weird mist, blocking some spaces of the outside view. Which was surely weird because she saw the bus passing by and right that her house is the last stop, before the bus goes directly to school and the mist was just weird; surely there weren't any drop in temperature and the sun was shining very bright today when leaving home.
Maybe this was her year of death and not the perfect-graduation-before-marrying-her-high school-sweetheart, but at least was going to be happy very far from her abusive mother and ignorant/absent father kind of freedom. Except for the fact she traced her brother's fate and will let him suffer the same twisted shit as her. It's too late to regret now, she can only pray that some other biggest force helps him.
The man started laughing (this cute half sweet and funny, kind of) and she may have or may not hold her breath; while lost in thoughts waiting for him to recompose himself after getting out of her own head.
- I'm sorry - he says with a shining and charming smile,before turning to look at her (maybe she went crazy today, but his eyes were a red scarlet like the dogs but with a gleam of knowledge like the crow at her window this morning, at least for a second seemed). With a blink his eyes were this chocolate brown, but the gleam stood there, he seemed to devour every detail of her avidly. He just offered his hand to her and when she went for a handshake, he took her hand making the way to his lips and leaving a little kiss at the back - I`m sorry - he seems to say this word way too much - my lady; but how impolite of me, to not present myself correctly to such a sweet woman as you! - he still held her hand, but the compliments and too formal way of speaking made her heart beat faster, with a little bit of red showing on her cheeks.
 - I am Anubis, guardian of the underworld and one of death's angels…
 - WHAT?!?- Chrissy just bursts out, before containing herself and now scared with all her being. While the supernatural being in front of her just seems to enjoy her reaction and waits patiently for her to calm down.
- Exactly what you heard, my lady; - she still can't believe this dude looking like a rockstar, seemingly to just have got out of one of those magazines such as Rolling Stone is THE egyptian God of underworld and afterlife. Well, it's just like this old saying: “Never doubt a bad event, cause things tend to get way worse; faster than a blink of an eye”. Maybe she's just hallucinating the whole thing? She pinch her leg and yep, this hurts and she's surely awake.
 - Okay, so…. What exactly do you want from me? I mean, I`m just a mortal as you can see and I don't exactly have anything to offer out of the ordinary. - he raises his hand as a signal for her to stop speaking.
- Lady Cunningham, I know you; I've heard enough from the shadows, so many stories of you to just make me curious enough to plan, want to come out of my house and meet you personally. My subordinates are amazed by the fact you can see them and always wanted to come closer and speak with you; but that`s explicitly against our most ancient and important rules. I deeply apologize on behalf of them, if they ever scared you or even chased you around; they just didn't know what to do or how to react to you seeing them, unlike all the other people.- he never let go of her hand while speaking and seemed disappointed after speaking about this essentially -  But, even breaking the rules death gave us and all,  I'm here to also make an offer….. - he looks directly to her like there`s nothing except her soul and could read her deepest secrets without even thinking too much.
She is still scared, not only because he's an egyptian god but because the world out of this space seems to have stopped the clock of time and is very empty. 
- Eternity is something so boring, especially if you can't be seen by other people; so, what I want to offer you is very simple: you can spend some time and keep me company, when you're free from your obligations and in return I can give you rides to anywhere, at anytime - and there it was, the glint but this time; seems like some kind of trap or especially making a deal with the devil himself in exchange for her soul. - So, what do you say?
Well, this wasn't exactly what she had in mind when he offered a ride to school (more like a murder, to be more exactly). But at least he seems to be good even being a powerful god and seems lonely. Well at least she wasn`t trading her soul for some crap and maybe even win a true friend (who knows?);
- Deal. So I can pet the dogs,crows or whatever they are now and they will not try to kill me? - He tried to mask his laugh with a cough and it didn't work.
- By Ra`s sunglasses! PLEASE, tell me you didn't try to pet any of them - he teased softly and humorously.
- Yeah, I did when I was nine, but it was JUST once!- Chrissy tried to hide her joyful smile and failed- So, you have a deal and I want to know, how will you contact me? and if we're gonna hang out, we`ll need a new name for you. Anubis is weird for literally anyone, except if it's a dog- he seems concentrated and trying to find an answer to both questions. Then he seems to remember something, searches his pockets, until he finds a ring inside his jacket and asks for her hand again with a gesture.
-Have you ever heard the story of a place called Hamunaptra?-she shakes her head in a silent “no” - It's an ancient city; now it's buried and forgotten in the Sahara sands; used to be my domain and was called the City of the Dead, used to be the house to my bracelet; An antique necropolis which was the final rest to pharaohs and their families. - he puts a golden ring with the format of a scorpion, with a jackal head with his sting ready to attack, in her middle finger - this is a little copy of my bracelet, with it you can summon me or go to any place where I am. - he gives her a little proud smile, while she just admires the ring and traces its form with the fingertips; before putting her own hand in chest and enjoying this warm feeling of matter to someone. But she fastly snaps out of her short trance to ask:
- What about your name?  we`re still stuck here. - sounding a bit impatient and worried, he just shakes his hand dismissing her worries. 
- Well, that's the easiest part; you can choose any name you want and it's fine with me. - she then remembers why she thought he looked a bit familiar, he seems almost identical to this man….but what was his name? Oh, yes! Eddie Van Halen. She snaps her fingers after remembering this. He stares at her like she's plotting some miraculous plan and waits for her to say something.
- Okay, so you`re gonna be Eddie. An old friend who lives in Chicago and is moving to Hawkins? - she looks at him to confirm and he nods a short “yes”.
- Sooo….- she tries to think of something else, like a thank you. But remain silent and just discard this thought. - See you tomorrow afternoon after cheer practice? - she smiles happy and he does the same.
- Yes,surely my lady! - he answers kinda excited - Oh! and I almost forget, just touch the sting of the ring three times and I will come as fast as I can to where you are. - he says, shaking his head a bit. He then snapped his fingers and smiled like a little kid, who just did something without the parents knowledge. - Now, you`re ready to go to your class and back to everyone, before they just panic.
With this, just as the world was waiting for a command to come back to normal. The sun shines once again softly against her face and all the mist slowly dissolves herself into thin air. She just lets out a heavy sigh of relief and opens the door, gets out and closes. Before going into the school building, she turns one last time and sees Anubis, or better, as he would be called now ; “Eddie” with the passenger window now open, sending a short goodbye with his hand. After she does the same, he yells:
- Say goodbye to Jason for me! - he uses his hand as a megaphone -  because he's literally not going to live enough to see tomorrow comin` - and as fast as he can; he just rolls up the window again, turns to the exit of the parking lot and goes away. While Chrissy is just standing there, in shock, not having processed the last sentence he just dropped on her; while watching the black Bel Air getting smaller in the distance and slowly thinking:
[As weird as this can be, I think we're gonna be great friends and well… I can deal with this shit after all]
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Little did she know, after all;
they become much more than just friends….
Allies, Lovers - Soulmates.
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angedemystere · 6 months
Norse Retellings - Sigyn and Angrboda
A/N: This post has been sitting in my drafts for almost a year, but my opinions are the same. At some later date I might reread The Witch’s Heart to reassess.
I’m jotting down some thoughts I’ve mulled over after finishing Cat Rector’s The Goddess of Nothing at All. It’s a retelling of the Norse myths through Sigyn’s perspective, making tweaks here and there to the stories on the grounds that some details were altered in the later accounts to make her husband Loki more of a villain and herself more of a clueless or complicit bystander. 
Reading this book naturally reminded me of Genevieve Gorchec’s The Witch’s Heart. It does something similar but with Angrboda, Loki’s other wife or mistress, depending on how you interpret their relationship. In that book, she’s definitely Loki’s wife. Both books choose to make a wife/lover of Loki into the protagonist, and I’m not sure which version I like better. They each have their pros and cons, but my biggest problem is how similar these characters are despite being from different races and different parts of the Norse myth narrative.
Both of these leads deal with three major issues or arcs: 
self-discovery or actualization
being in a relationship with Loki 
protecting their children
You can see how sharing not one but three of these can make them seem so alike. There are, fortunately, finer details that distinguish them a bit. 
To start, they initially have different motives. Sigyn in GoNAA wants a title to make her a “real” goddess, but Odin has denied it to her for flimsy reasons. She’s so desperate to win his favor and feel empowered that she recruits Loki as her teacher in seidr in exchange for getting him out of exile from Asgard. Angrboda in TWH escapes the Aesir after being “executed” by them to live a peaceful, solitary life. This is complicated by her amnesia, which leaves her uncertain of her own identity. I think Sigyn’s motive makes her more proactive than Angrboda in the beginning. 
However, Sigyn’s drive for a title falls by the wayside as she gets wrapped up in Loki’s sheningans and, later, the trials of raising a family. I suppose it offers commentary on how, no matter how much Sigyn wants recognition for herself, her story is more about Loki and her children. The ending promises a bit more for her, so there’s that. 
For Angrboda, she isn’t as proactive until later in the story, and it’s still only tangentially related to discovering her identity. Like Sigyn, her arc gets swallowed up by Loki and her children. But Angrboda’s real disadvantage is that she has little involvement in the other Norse myths apart from the ones about her children being taken by the gods and her giving Odin information about Ragnarök. This means she hears more about things than participates in or even witnesses. Sigyn has more to do, so more of the myths directly impact her. Rector also tweaks the story about Angrboda and her children (Hel, Fenrir, Jormungandr) to let Sigyn be more involved, which Gorchec does not do in TWH. 
Rector has more success with Sigyn as a protagonist because she’s willing to play around with details from the myths and cast it as the “true” story (or at least Sigyn’s version of things) so that Sigyn can have a greater presence. Gorchec keeps more closely to the original myths, apart from making Angrboda also be Gullveig, Heid, and Hyrrokkin. As with Rector’s Sigyn, these changes allow Angrboda to participate in a few more incidents in Norse myth. I wish she had been willing to take it even further, especially when revealing Angrboda’s backstory beyond the hints we get. Whereas Sigyn’s concern for her family ultimately overshadows her personal ambitions, which in itself can make sense as a character arc, Angrboda’s search for her true identity never disappears but also doesn’t gel with her concern for her family. These two desires keep interrupting each other for attention in the narrative. 
All that said, Sigyn and Angrboda in their respective retellings are portrayed as, for lack of better words, the “better” partner to Loki. Angrboda in GoNAA is little more than a witch with a vendetta against the Aesir; that’s the only reason she partners with and has children with Loki. This actually makes her more interesting in my opinion. She does care about her children, but she sees them as tools for revenge, too. Sigyn, by contrast, becomes a more nurturing mother to Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr (and Sleipnir) despite not being biologically related (and feeling betrayed by Loki). 
Sigyn in TWH ... well, we don’t have much to say about her except what the original myths suggest. She’s Loki’s faithful wife, but she’s understandably appalled by his relationship with Angrboda. She seems naïve and lashes out at Angrboda for being Loki’s “mistress” with monstrous children. While Angrboda never meets Sigyn’s sons, she too takes care of Sleipnir for a time. 
In short, Rector and Gorchec are not interested in making the “other woman” more likable than, or even as likable as their heroine. It makes sense, but this contributes to the “sameness” these retellings share. Sigyn and Angrboda are both well-meaning women who fall in love with Loki, love their children, are betrayed by Loki, fall out of love with him, then come to forgive him by the story’s end. They and the “other women” start out disliking each other but develop begrudging empathy. 
I think, in the end, while the protagonists could stand to be more uniquely developed beyond familiar “heroine of myth retelling” tropes, Rector is more successful at lending texture to her rendition of Asgard and the other worlds, which definitely doesn’t stick with Viking-Age technology or atmosphere. I rather wish Gorchec had allowed Angborda to interact with more characters, even if they had to be original. I like her portrayals of Skadi and Gerd, but we could have seen more of the giants to better understand their culture and how the perceptions of the Aesir could have been skewed. I prefer the more faithful “ancient” vibe of The Witch’s Heart over the anachronistic world of The Goddess of Nothing At All, but it needed more concrete depth and dimension, not just teasings. Same goes for Angrboda herself. Our leading ladies can be more complicated.
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iden-summers · 1 year
Hades tropes I'd like to read (more) about
Orpheus being deeply in love with Zagreus and Euredicy
Zagreus identifying as part plant/nymph and thinking of a name for underworld nymphs with Euredicy
Domestic fluff in Asphodel, Zag playing the lyre, Euredicy cooking, lot's of singing and love in the air with the three of them
Zagreus weirdly attracting all sorts of animals because he smells like blood (snakes, butterflies, bats,...)
"Blood and Darkness" (zag in Erebus)
The seven types of love (+the eighth one, Mania)
Zag and Hades only really getting to talk as equal during sparring
Chaos watching everything their shield can see, including everything Zag does in his room when he takes it there
Skelly talking with the infernal arms
poly sheningans with Zag
Hypnos the size queen™
Hermes and Zagreus translating what Charon is saying to someone who can't understand him
Persephone attending an arena battle in Elysium and giving Theseus a reality check
Ares, calming down whenever he speaks to Zagreus
Dionysus, feeling lightheaded and clear with Zag
Aphrodite, being all exited about Zag's great capacities at love
Hermes, actually writing letters for Zagreus even though he always reads them out loud anyways
Artemis, feeling understood with Zag and telling him all about plants and animals from the surface
Shades being afraid of Zagreus
Zagreus sitting down with Tisiphone to teach her speaking (her own name and some simple words she could need)
The Olympians underestimating Zagreus (or some of them at least) until they slowly realize he is sharing the bed with Death and Punishment.
What did Dionysus do, on the feast? (Zagreus. He did Zagreus.)
Thanatos recovering from his trauma caused by Sisyphus (+Zag punching Sisyphus when he finds out about it)
Anthropomorphic Chaos.
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shprka · 2 years
22, 35, 42 not getting rid of me that easily, and also i loved your previous answers!!!!!!💖💖 Please 🙏👍😍
Thank uu again!!
22. Who would be a lovey dovey drunk?
You would think Steve but I think it's Billy! When he's really drunk and had his share of wild sheningans he's tired, almost falling asleep, Steve taking him home, that's when his sweet side comes out and he's starting to giggle, twirl his hair, kick up his feet and tell Steve how cute he is amd that he wants to kiss his lips and look at his pretty eyes and wake up every day next to him. Then few mins later he's out cold and Steve huffs when he has to help Billy out of his sinfully tighy jeans and boots. But Steve loves these little.moments and cherishes them, even though Billy never talks about them and Steve's not even sure Billy remembers his boy being so sweet. But Steve makes sure to be sweet in return to a grumpy hangover Billy the next morning
35. Who is ready to throw hands for their partner?
Billy, of course. Violence is his first answer to everything. And while he learned through the years it's not the best answer he still wouldn't hesitate to slap a bitch for his boyfriend. He's always ready to do it too, like "Please let me end this asshole 🥺" and Steve, completely in love with this dumbass, is like "No 🥰". Billy is Steve's guard dog lool
That being said, the one and only time Steve was the one to first throw a punch at someone from Billy was that one time with Neil Hargrove and Steve didn't think before he punched the man and broke his jaw with the most murderous quiet calm expression ever*
*which most likely turned Billy on in the weirdest way
42. Who likes to kiss the other all over while the other can’t stop giggling?
My hc is that Billy, happy Billy that doesnt have his guard up which doesnt happen often, giggles. Like the cutest giggles with a cute snort thrown in
So of course when Steve is in a silly mood he loves to kiss Billy's face all over which makes Billy giggle until he can't breathe.
Billy is so pretty to Steve all the time but hes the prettiest when hes all relaxed and calm. His baby blue eyes shine, his freckles are super cute when there's a bit of a flush of hapiness on his cheeks, his lashes thick and pretty, his lips pink and glossy and his nose scrunches adorably. Steve cannot even begin to describe how unhinged he feels about how pretty his boyfriend is so he tackles him down onto the bed, grabs his face and kisses all the things about Billy's face (read: his whole face) that he adores and when Billy giggles, it spurs him on just to hear those cute sounds again
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supervisormeero · 1 month
Hi hello I'm here for the uhh otp asks can I get a 30 with a side of 3 cause I think clothes sheningans are cute ok bye
3. Do they wear each other's clothes?
This is a one-way street, I think, because Dedra is tiny. Syril is also tiny, but I don't know if anything of hers would fit him. Plus, I think her wardrobe would be very plain — she doesn't strike me as someone who spends many credits on obtaining the latest fashions. As long as she has her uniform, I think that's all she needs.
Would Dedra wear anything of Syril's? Publicly, I don't think so. (Publicly, there's an Imperial dress standard to uphold.) Privately, I think she'd occasionally dig out the jacket he was wearing when he rescued her on Ferrix, especially if he's off-planet. She'd never tell him or wear it in his presence, but it'd provide contentment and comfort.
30. Your OTP gets to pick each other's outfits. What are they wearing?
HA. Dedra doesn't care enough about what Syril wears to answer this question. I can't see her investing much thought into his wardrobe, so she'd probably just pick whatever he usually wears on a daily basis and be done with it.
Syril picking Dedra's outfit... I think he'd be torn between something he knows she'd like (a tunic or uniform/suit-type option, no exposed skin, practical) and something he'd love to see her in (a formal, tailored, sharp-looking dress that'd make her a magnet for every eye in the room). He'd coordinate their outfits so they complement each other's, and he'd probably sew them himself.
Send me OTP asks!
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heart-star · 7 months
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When he got the chance, Sonic tells Bluey & the others about his story and friends.I think sonic Prime happens before frontiers so the last moment before what we haven't seen is when he said "goodbye" to Tails which i see similar to the ending of the Flat pack episode of Bluey, then i think he might've been wandering slower than his usual, not knowing what to do since even Eggman took a vacation.Sonic eventually met Shadow & Silver again and the 3 had some comedic sheningans until in some cafe or restaurant they meet Karen, the cat from from Smg4 or someone similar and the same personality, as predictable she & Shadow had an arguing love story and Silver thought this was a proof that Shadow was his ancestor since Karen has the same fur color as Silver and would also explain the interest towards Blaze.After some more time, Sonic leaves alone even those 2 and goes to his house to see his stuff from the various adventures until the tech made by Nine (a variant of Tails from Prime), he puts those in to see if they do something even with the paradox prism fixed and moved to a safer place and he gets accidentally warped again in other worlds.That's how he met Bluey and would probably meet other versions of himself and more crossovers.
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