#I would like to say that this book LITERALLY changed my brain chemistry
the-s-exy-squad · 10 months
That goofy little moment when you hear a song and the lyrics spiral into a very sad and heartbreaking au of AFTG and when your brain was done, you started actually crying.
But like what if Andrew never got sent to Easthaven to detox?
He would still be in that stupid induced mania and in a “silly goofy mood” and think the whole thing is funny or at the very least it seem that way to other people, and he’d start pushing literally everyone away even Renee.
What if Aaron saw Andrew’s happy go lucky attitude and deep down he knows it’s the meds but it doesn’t stop him from wondering if it is JUST the meds or if he actually finds the situation funny, and he felt so bad and guilty about it that he started doing drugs again? Andrew gets mad at him over the drugs but bc the mania he isn’t seen *as mad* and looks like he’s just taunting Aaron over actually killing a man and doing drugs again.
Nicky sees the both of them spiral and that pushes his guilt induced depressive episode even farther and he starts wondering about how none of this would have happened if he stayed in the closet and on good terms with his parents . He stops calling Erik as frequently claiming to be tired and exhausted from practice and school but that was only partial truth.
Neil Sees Andrew breaking down over it bc he sees things about Andrew that others don’t and he doesn’t know why (bc demisexuality and yk the “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t blow you” hasnt/might not even actually happen.) but his heart is shattering at it. His reason for staying wasn’t just the Exy and the only other reason was falling apart and through his fingers and he didn’t know how to help. He’d start to heavily debate running again and gets so so close to doing so if he didn’t actually do it.
Allison sees Aaron’s addiction again and how Andrew seemingly doesn’t care and is seeming to be urging him on and after Seth really triggers her.
Renee is trying to be supportive of Andrew but can’t figure out a way to get through to him without pushing him too far bc the meds. She starts to feel like despite everything Andrew still doesn’t care about how much she cares.
Kevin sees all the chaos and knows that Riko won. He got exactly what he intended by paying off Drake to be at the Hemmicks’ house that night and having him demand the Hemmicks’ ensure the twins are there. He starts drinking more and stops caring about exy bc his life is over. If not literally, at least in that regard, which to him is the equivalent.
Matt seeing Aaron start using again gave an influx on the urges of restarting which made him pull away from the team. He’d go to class and practices but lock himself in his room otherwise to try and minimize that urge and if his roommate was there he’d go sit in the lounge at the court.
Dan was with him throughout it and refused to let him pull away from her but she started to realize that the shit with the ravens was too much and there was no way they could beat them. She starts questioning her self worth and starts thinking abt all the misogynistic things she’s heard.
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candiedblueberries · 1 year
kinda funny how the hyperfixations that have permanently changed my brain chemistry are the most problematic ones 😭
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bropunzeling · 7 days
☕️ fav fantasy books/series and what makes them so good and so For Jess. bonus for thoughts on what makes a less good fantasy fall flat
oh Boy okay alright!!!!
fantasy series i love/are excellent/peak For Jess: radiant emperor duology by shelley parker-chan (point: is it fantasy or just historical-ish fiction with some supernatural elements? counterpoint: i fucking love it and this is my list). the lumatere chronicles by melina marchetta. the daevabad trilogy by s. a. chakraborty. queen's thief my beloved!!!!! piranesi aka one of the best novels i read in 2020. tortall series by tamora pierce (but protector of the small quartet is the best of them).
honorable mentions: the raven tower by ann leckie; sharon shinn's elemental blessings series isn't like, as sharp as the top tier, but i really enjoy every reread; earthsea (but mostly the ones about tenar); it feels like cheating to say discworld but again: my list; the divine cities by robert jackson bennett; the stravaganza books were not quote unquote good but they did change my brain chemistry when i was 13; goblin emperor books (but more witness for the dead bc u kno me, i love a murder mystery). lotr would be here except i read them all once as a 6th grader and have yet to return. i still need to read the oleander sword but the jasmine throne kicked ass.
ok what is the unifying factor here lol. strong world building is very important i think; a real sense of a distinct place and culture/mix of cultures rather than Generic Medieval European City. there was a really good post going around that was like, where does the food come from (aka have you thought about how all of this actually works?), and a lot of these series think about Where Does The Food Come From. differences in cultural norms among different groups within the world AND from the audience. plots strongly rooted in politics/the inherent people-ness of people rather than everything relying on magic (not to say i don't love me some magic/divine plaything stories!!!! but they hit so much harder when the conflict comes from a place of innate human foibles). a dash of wonder and the inexplicable. if an answer is needed, it fits in the schema of everything else, but you don't feel the author trying to answer literally everything (when an author is sweating to show their work u can tell imo). most of these have at least one set of people where i want to see them kiss on the mouth, but most of the time that is not the Point; the best fantasy for me treats romance as a subplot/b-plot where it informs the stakes but is not the stakes itself. and ur basics of a good book in general: good writing, good pacing, et cet er a!
what makes them fall flat? world building inconsistency; new magic springing up because well, the author NEEDED it (aka those moments when you can see the seams lol); when the romance is the a plot (sorry but romantasy = not for jesses!!!!!); i think also authors get tripped up both by not planning ahead enough AND planning ahead too much when doing series (if you get a deal for one than one book you should have more than one book's worth of material; however if you can’t change and move then you can be stifled! see ursula le guin revisiting the gendered magic of earthsea in tehanu years later, or tamora pierce going oh shit there are normies in tortall in protector of the small). also this is a ME thing but i fuckin hate purple or twee prose. fantasy does not mean break out the thesaurus.
sorry for the novel. im gonna think of like six more books as soon as i post this
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malinaa · 8 months
tagged : @hmsharmony ty jennifer this was SOOO hard oh my god like. genuinely agonized me for days to think about what to choose but it was SOOO fun tho <3 tagging : @rosesau | @evcndiaz | @pendrgcn | @gayarthur | @the-tenth-arcanum | @oretsev | @wherepoetsdie | @bellamyblakru | @ryekat & anyone else who wants to do it !!! rules : list your top 9 books obviously. i cheated a little and put series as as one option because that's just who i am as a person. most of these i chose at random from my 5 star reads from the past few years btw
1. percy jackson and the olympians (series) by rick riordan
i was never a big reader in elementary school—or at least not to the extent that my classmates had been. my sixth grade english class required us to bring a personal book from home for silent reading and i stole my brother's spine-cracked copies of pjo and brought them to class. i finished the whole series in less than a school week (i had to scramble to the library to pick up another series because the single novel should have lasted me at least three weeks). pjo literally kickstarted my love for reading as a hobby and i truly don't know how to state the importance it had on my little ten-year-old brain fr
2. on earth we're briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong
i have never read a book more beautiful in prose and so uncommonly human than this. there's just something so incredibly heartbreaking knowing this whole book is the narrator's letter to his mother who can't read! like what the fuck
3. alone with you in the ether by olivie blake
this came as a surprise to Me when i first read it. i meandered through the first quarter, loving the writing style but feeling disconnected from the characters until the Church Hand Scene™ and it was hook, line, and sinker at that point (i have since come to love the disconnectedness in subsequent rereads, knowing that the feeling was the Point). i have read this book four (4) times since i read it first last year. LAST YEAR!!! olivie has like... fundamentally altered my brain chemistry or something because i feel like everything i have written since having read this book has been somewhat influenced by it.
4. much ado about nothing by william shakespeare
what can i say! this is theeeeeee romcom ever. i have watched so many adaptations of this play, read it countless of times and can recite some iconic lines, and still the banter between benedick and beatrice is sooo elite. cannot be topped!!
5. a place for us by fatima farheen mirza
fun fact: seed rec'd this book to me and has been reccing it to anybody who would listen. the prose is so lush and melancholic. it's one of those books where nothing Really happens, but you feel Every Emotion Under The Sun and you're just like. altered by reading it
6. the song of achilles by madeline miller
obviously.... OBVIOUSLYYYYYYY this had to go here. if i had two nickels for every greek myth retelling i read during school that fundamentally changed me etc etc u get it. i read this as a junior in high school when we, yet again, had to bring a personal book to read durin class. i think at that point of my life, i've never read something that tragic yet so beautiful at the same time and now i am always looking at the beautiful and tragic in media. so! there u go! brain cells rewired and whatnot!
7. the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo
this is funny because i . technically did not rate any of these books 5 stars i'm sobbing. but like, considering the fact that my url is what it is and the way i always have them in the back of my mind, it's no wonder that i put them here. i have such an odd attachment to these books and these characters. i had copies of these books since their release but didn't touch them until ... before the sab tv release which is so fucking funny. like i don't know what i would be like if i read this as a t(w)een. i would've been so fucking insufferable ngl
8. when my brother was an aztec by natalie diaz
i actually read this for an assignment and had to write a report on it and i had SO much fun doing it. diaz plays a lot with hunger and her imagery is literally unmatched. i think about the way she contructs sentences and am filled with such envy. my beginning sentence for my paper was a nod to her style (though i failed miserably). it was: "in a paradoxical sleight of hand, hunger feeds in natalie diaz's debut." she is just. so fucking good at words i need to CHOMP on it
9. sharp objects by gillian flynn
you know the thing where you see a really popular author for a really long time and they have their work adapted to the screen and it's so good but you still haven't read their actual writing? yeah, that was me with gillian flynn (specifically about gone girl). i read gone girl, i read sharp objects, i read her short story the grownup, i'm currently reading the last novel of hers that i haven't read, dark places, and flynn is just so... incredibly good at constructing harrowing stories. it's no wonder why all three of her novels got adapted to the screen! her prose is so grounded. vivid. there's this ease to her writing that, whenever i concurrently read another novel, i always find the other piece to be lacking. i slink back to flynn's prose and immerse myself in her awful, human worlds.
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livvyofthelake · 1 month
it was the raven cycle btw. i was reading the raven cycle. keen eyed readers may have noticed though that that was obvious from the fact that i kept saying i was from the state the books took place in and very critically the raven cycle takes place in virginia. and you all know i’m from virginia because i don’t shut up about it because i love being from virginia… anyway just updating everyone on what i’ve been reading. i didn’t want to talk about it because i don’t like feeling like i’m disappointing people by not really loving something they love or i like it the Wrong way or people expect me to think certain things about it that i don’t think. basically i didn’t want the weight of expectations that comes with consuming incredibly tumblr popular media i just wanted to read some books on my own and form my own opinions and my own like or dislike for things… well i mean lydia heard it all but that was only because they’re the one that started this. hold on
Tumblr media
that was me forming a conclusion that the books must be bad because they were popular on tumblr. sorry but to me that was a natural conclusion you people have atrocious taste most of the time… anyway as we all know one of my favorite things to do is to passionately declare i won’t be doing something and then a week or two later i do it. march was hard. and well in my noble quest to get into audiobooks i have to say these were huge. shoutout to will patton he was slaying serving and eating… i literally talk to myself in his kavinsky voice all the time he ate that shit up!! anyway. sorry specifically to tee and helena who i basically told to fuck off about it when they would see me logging these books on storygraph. as i said i only didn’t want to talk about it because i don’t like being the “it was fine” guy to anyone else’s “it literally rewired my dna and changed my brain chemistry forever” and well tee i’ve seen you say things about adam parrish before. so i may have been a little off putting at the start but that was only to set expectations lower than the ground
and i still am not going to post about any of it i genuinely do not want to be involved in fandom for the raven cycle please don’t make me… we are not the same i don’t even fuck with those gay people like that… like i guess if you really want to you can ask me about the series but don’t expect fandom level stuff to come out of my response <3 love you all ok bye
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Lock, I'm very interested in reading your Chrollo fics but I know nothing about him or hxh... Is there anything I should know about him or the universe before diving in?
honestly ?? i'd just dive headfirst into hxh. i prefer the 2011 version and would suggest watching that one. what i'll say about hxh is that it's my favorite story of all time, across any book, movie, tv show, video game, or whatever; hxh reigns on the throne of my heart. it changed my brain chemistry. i literally cannot recommend it enough. there's no further reading i can think of. checking it out without being subjected to any spoilers seems like the best method to me.
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thealogie · 4 months
I was overcome by a strange impulse and decided that now, the year 2024, was the time to discover for myself what all that Twilight fervor was about. Very funny experience. Packed with many of my favourite indulgent fanfic tropes and quite a few ideas laden with very real dramatic and thematic potential. However the execution is so bad <3 The writing is sooo clunky and repetitive and often conveys the opposite of what seemed to be her intention. Like some of its good elements would for sure have triggered moral panic in their ideal form and other elements would suck ass no matter what because her secret long game was to merk the transgressive elements in service of crafting a conservative nuclear family. But many many of the #Problematic bits happened on accident, on account of her doing it bad <3 It is also no less bad than so very many books out there, and if I read it as a young teen before I discovered I could get all the good stuff except better from your average gay fanfic it would have changed my brain chemistry and I would be unable to fully shake it to this day.
Fortunately I am a 28-year-old quality fanfic enjoyer. I am deeply untouched and I understand every reaction anyone has ever had to this book.
I tried to read it when I was 12-13 and all my friends were obsessed with it and literally couldn’t finish it I thought it was so bad. Now I would just have fun and laugh the whole time even if it’s bad because I’m a pretty chill adult but as a kid I was strict about my taste (some would say pretentious but I salute younger me being That Bitch)
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impossibletruths · 7 months
I cannot fucking believe ive actually found your blog holy fucking shit i dont even know whether you still like really use it anymore or not but i really hope youll see this ask at some point and i know this makes no sense right now but i promise i shall explain
so i would like to begin by saying that the last time ive seen your blog was like 3 whole fucking years ago or 4 or smth like that and you were one of my favourite fanfic writers when i was into the goddamned fucking magicians (yes big yikes i know) your haircutting fic with eliot and quentin post monster unironically still lives in my head rent free years later whenever i remember that the magicians existed at some point like that one fic changed my brain fucking chemistry at the time i read it i fucking swear
anyway anyway moving on with the explanation back then you were also into mdzs which i had NO idea what it was nor did i really care to find out cause i was deep as fuck in my hyperfixation and THEN a bit later after my magicians hyperfixation went down the drain it just so happened that a shitload of the people i was following or mutuals of mine got really into mdzs in that period of time (might have been popular during that period i dunno) so i looked into it a bit right and i saw that its complicated as fuck and theres books tv series manhua donghua movies and so many fucking things i was like hell fucking no god thats a lot
so ANYWAY FLASH FORWARD YEARS FUCKING LATER yesterday i was looking for something to watch right and guess fucking what unironically out of the goddamned motherfucking depths of my subconscious comes out "mdzs" now i didnt even fucking remember what that was at this point in time so i looked it up AGAIN found out about it AGAIN and then STARTED FUCKING WATCHING IT and NOW literally RIGHT NOW im on the last fucking episode of the first season of the donghua and out of absolutely nowhere it just hit me over the head that YOU PERSONALLY are literally the sole reason why i got into this fucking thing YEARS LATER you somehow got a stranger into a new hyperfixation YEARS after they had last even seen your blog
so anyway ive been literally tracking down your blog for thr past HOUR i tried searching for you on tumblr ao3 AND google and i was just gonna give up and then somehow i actually FOUND YOU and again i have no idea whether youll even see or read this but i literally just wanted you to know that you SOMEHOW gave someone from years into the future a fucking hyperfixation which is wild and very very funny and that i am personally fucking victimised by you because my heart cannot fucking take this shit like god fucking damn
anyway god this was long if you ever see this i hope youre doing alright i dont know whether youre still writing or nah but please know that i always highly enjoyed your works when i read them and i still hold the same opinion about how amazing your writing is even now years later and yeah hope youre fine and your life is good cheers take care of yourself
omgggggggg honestly congrats on the sleuthing and I'm honored you remember the haircut fic (fuckin' rip the magicians pour one tf out). Sorry to snipe you multiple years into the future with the MDZS bug but I hope you enjoy it!!
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wrongcaitlyn · 1 day
Do you have any fame aus or anything else that inspired you for the dear reader series?
no fame au's, unfortunately :( i am a BIG fan of fame au's, however, so i do have some recs! but the inspiration for dear reader was largely just me listening to my music and forming an au around it - one playlist turned into two, which turned into seven, which turned into 16, etc - and then i had a full au plot in my head😭
but for recs!! i bookmark pretty much every fame au i read just because i love them so much. they're definitely my niche i just cannot stop putting these people on red carpets - and it's always been this waySDKJF
you'd be paranoid too (if everyone was out to get you) by harrowhark is a catradora fame au (popstar!catra) and it was one of the first fics i ever read on ao3 and literally changed my brain chemistry. now this was like 3-4 years ago, so it's been a while since i've read it, even though when i was in my shera hyperfixation i re-read it like six times i think - if you ARE a shera fan, i would 100% recommend this one, i still remember how incredible it was! did it inspire the dear reader-verse specifically? no, they're very different in terms of plot/characters, but i feel like if i'm talking about fics that inspired me this one's essential😭
everyone wake up new jinx album just dropped by Drindrak is similar to the first one in that it is a fame au that just made me love the trope so much, even though it is much more crack than angst, unlike you'd be paranoid😭it's an arcane fic where jinx... becomes a popstar? except it's like, set in runeterra and vi is still in jail and all of that. like. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE ITSKDF i swear i just love a good crack fic every now and then, and this did it WITH fame?? i love. and so yeah, looking back on it, i actually do think it inspired dear reader a bit in the way that jinx was absolutely chaotic (will i ever stop on the jinx nico parallels? i wrote a goddamn solangelo timebomb au already but i'm still going to be pointing it out)
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea) by stargirltv is a solangelo fame au!! and i know that i already rec'd it. but like. you have to know how much i LOVE this fic and though, once again, the plots are pretty different - but also similar in the sense of the character dynamics! so yeah tbh i'd say i probably did, unintentionally, take a lot of inspo from this, just because i do love it so much, and it was one of the only fame au's for solangelo that i had read (i've read much more now, ofc, seeing as i stalk the fame and social media tags like a hawk)
and then the last thing i feel like i have to mention when talking about the inspiration for this fic is the book, red white and royal blue. i think i mentioned in the first chapter of talk your talk's end note that this entire au?? started off as a rwrb crossover in my head. nico's age was calculated with alex's in mind. will going to college at nyu was because i originally planned for alex and him to idk meet at a class or smth. cecil was originally a law student (another ironic thing for a child of hermes, and yet i ended up making him work towards cyber security lmfao) just so he could somehow become friends with alex. i was fully emerged in this universe where somehow these friend groups collided, and i fully orchestrated nico as a popstar just so that they'd have double the fandoms to go crazy about it. so does it really have to do anything with rwrb in terms of plot?? no, but alex and henry are entirely to thank for this!!!😭
i know that i kind of took a bit of a strange route for a popstar au in talk your talk so it doesn't really match the usual trope? like person is already famous -> meets someone, either famous or not -> fight to get together bc of the press -> some sort of leaked photo of them -> they choose each other in the end. and dont get me wrong, i will eat up that trope any day, but i do really like what i did with talk your talk! i love any form of fame au, and so it's always just fun to see different spins on the common tropes :)
thank you for the ask!!
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quietwingsinthesky · 19 days
"stop voting for gabriel gabriel is Not cool he’s a dork" tbf, my definition of "cool" has never seemed to align with what others consider "cool". my definition of "cool" usually requires some level of autism around dinosaurs and/or animals in general (GODS I love weird animal trivia and Jurassic Park did something to my brain chemistry my dad taking small child me to see it in theaters was a Mistake) which none of the archangels seem to display much of. the closest is Gabe with the little dog in his first ep.
(Jurassic Park example, actually. Alan Grant is the coolest mf in that movie and I'm p sure it's supposed to be Malcolm.) "look at how that dude dresses! how he acts! so cool!" "fascinating, but what is his favorite Star Trek series." I'm too autistic to understand whatever constitutes "cool" conventionally I guess. Hannibal is fine I like him but Will, with his dog obsession and deep desire to be Left The Fuck Alone, and then becoming unhinged over the series? very cool of him.
"this angel is a tyrant in favor of the apocalypse" deeply uncool. "this angel is a hedonistic coward that likes to victimize abusers" well, the bar is pretty low… (which isn't to say I think that deeply uncool (imo) character trait makes them a bad character in general, I just can't associate them with "cool-ness".)
oh but also? "any excuse to think about lucifer being a slut #literally let me run a train on him until he’s mindbroken. that would fix him." ur right ur so right and it's very sexy of u to say.
(godfather voice) You come into my house, on the day my daughter's to be married, and you ask me to accept not only raphael slander, but ian malcolm slander??? HANNIBAL SLANDER??????????
no, no, it's fine. i see all these guys as pretty equally weird and autistic. i mean, ian malcolm is described as a rockstar of a mathematician for a reason, this is his Thing, you know? he thinks flirting via explaining his mathematical theory is hot. i'm really not sure you could claim he's not fascinated by the dinosaurs, given that they're his vehicle to prove his theory correct, that he's the one in the book who takes note of their population growth and figures out that the park is going to get out of human control very quickly. (as far as I remember, it's been a few years since i revisited it.) sorry wait this isn't ian malcolm defense squad time. and we don't have time to get into hannibal lmao.
BUT. i will not be accepting raphael slander ever forever. incorrect. they lay out their reasoning for the apocalypse very clearly in 5x03, how they have watched every monstrous thing that has occurred in human history and only been able to come to the conclusion that god has to be dead, because otherwise he couldn't have allowed it to happen. the apocalypse is a promised escape from pain. and then, of course, castiel's resurrection in the s5 finale alongside the apocalypse being cancelled tells them only one thing: that god is alive and he just. let all that shit happen. let it happen to the world, let it happen to raphael. now, gabriel is dead, michael and lucifer are in the cage, god is still mia, and castiel. it doesn't actually matter what castiel believes because he's become the face of all of that. it's an impossible position to be in, and archangels are, as a rule, not very good at changing course. raphael is alone, and raphael has decided to self-destruct. i just wish the writers actually gave a shit about them so they could have leaned into what is one of the coolest arcs of disillusionment with god and grasping at any measure of control when the one stable thing you've based your whole life on has been yanked out from under you.
and gabriel is deeply uncool. that's the point! he's not a hero of the people, taking out evildoers in funny ways. he's a deeply petty, incredibly self-serving asshole who still carries the belief that, as an archangel, he gets to decide what's right and wrong, who lives and who dies, and how much pain he gets to cause them before they do. he's all for the apocalypse until it starts messing with his things. his eventual stand against lucifer isn't righteous, it's a dozen insults lashing out as his older brother, trying to hurt him as much as he possibly can because lucifer hurt gabriel first. and he dies because he is still too much like lucifer. he's still playing the same tricks lucifer taught him to. cause what's the apocalypse but a much larger version of gabriel's game, right? one angel who decided humanity as a whole was rotten and needed to be wiped out against another angel who has spent the past few centuries taking out his issues on whatever jerk crosses his path. like, really, the difference is that lucifer is out to get Results. gabriel likes fucking with people, but he doesn't want the status quo to change because that would mean no more people to fuck with.
first and foremost, gabriel is a dickhead whose shots sometimes hit their mark. i love him so much, he's so awful.
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callsign-relic · 2 months
how abt 4, 12, 15 for mr. lewis smith/lewis bravern/bravern? a babygirl of many names and sizes
(no robot boobs today. im currently doing a rewatch and im still blown away by how they somehow got a perfect balance between being funny/satirical and being genuinely emotional) -cgk
No worries that is totally understandable 😌 it’s insane to me too HAHA. Sometimes you can be a show about coming back to life as a giant super robot for your boyfriend while also being about having the courage to push through even the impossible all at the same time and I love the show for that HAHA
But as for the ask game…
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I feel like the obvious answer for this is Transformers HAHA, but let’s think about it in terms of Lewis as when he’s a human too!! I feel like he would be so hyped to learn about these transforming aliens and their fascination with humanity. Despite his smaller size in comparison to them, he would try to keep up with them on any important missions as well. And as Bravern, it goes without saying that he would fit right in HAHA
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I’ve mentioned it before, but you can take the headcanon that Lewis was into size difference himself before he became Bravern from my cold dead hands, HAHAHA. I just find it so cute to imagine that, alongside his dreams of being a fantastical hero, he also wanted to be literally larger than life all the while. I think it would make sense, considering how many Tokusatsu/sentai shows have their protagonists grow gigantic when using their powers. I feel like baby Lewis saw that and it changed his brain chemistry like it did for me so long ago too HAHAHA. So when he became Bravern and suddenly grew to 30 ft tall, Lewis was fucking ecstatic. God idk imagining Lewis when he was human and had any moments alone, pretending he was giant, watching his step throughout a tiny city, is so adorable to me idk HAHAGA it’s canon in my heart
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
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thebroccolination · 5 months
Here are some questions for my favourite writer. You don’t have to answer all of them, of course!
As a fanfic writer how do you feel when your work gets translated into another language? In what ways do you think it’s different from situations when some well-known book is translated into other languages and such translations are supervised by the publisher? And how would you feel if a longer work of yours got translated? Like Muse or Fireproof.
Thank you for being my inspiration and safe place! Me discovering you earlier this year has literally changed my life.
Happy New Year!
This is such an absolutely lovely thing to get in my inbox??? :''')
First of all, thank you, really. It always elevates my whole brain chemistry health whenever someone enjoys the stories I tell, so thank you for saying so. The "safe space" comment in particular really humbled me, as well as the life-changing bit. I don't even know what to say except that I'm honored I could provide a feeling like that. I hope you're doing well now, and that you've had a year that made you more resilient than before and kinder to yourself in new ways. <3
For the questions: I love when people ask to translate my work! I only wish I could read the translation as well because everything that goes into it, from word choice to grammar to syntax to humor, fascinates me. I always try an auto-translator to try and get the gist of how they translated certain lines or dialogue, but of course that's not the same thing as having a fluent or native understanding of both languages. Still, it's an incredible feeling knowing that someone would volunteer hours of their time to translating something I wrote. :')
I'm not sure how the translation process works with publishers, but that'd be interesting to find out one day! I do know from interviews that some translators have the opportunity to work closely with the writer as they translate, so that might be a major difference. As it stands now, most of the time I'm just asked permission, and then when it's finished I add the link to the AO3 page. It'd be fun to see the thought process behind those choices, as well as learn some interesting things about some new languages. :)
Oh, god, MUSE would be a nightmare to translate just because of the length. My friend Rachel is in the midst of podficcing it and even that's a gargantuan undertaking, and that's just the narration side! Translating would take twice as long, I feel??? I'd be blown away if anyone ever did it. Fireproof wouldn't be as bad, but man, I've translated short Japanese fics into English before and that took ages, so I just have enormous respect for translators.
Happy New Year, Anon! :')
Thank you for sending me something so interesting to ponder, and for making me smile first thing in 2024. <3
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gaykingslayer · 1 year
Thoughts on Will? I know you talked about him plenty already but I would love to hear some unpopular opinions/headcanons/thoughts you haven't gotten to talk about in general
this man literally altered my brain chemistry and I'm 100% sure that if I had never read RA I would be a whole different person. Cracking open those books at the age of 9 unleashed all that pent-up autism and I was so so unhinged about him and that entire series. I wanted to be him so badly and gods I tried to be, took up archery, my parents gave me knives and I shamelessly walked around with that ranger cloak my mum sewed (fun fact on Helloween I always go as a ranger because its the only costume I own). Yes, I was the Weird Kid, but my love for that man gave me the confidence to be obsessively weird about anything I liked. And I'm so happy about that because otherwise, I think I would be so hobbyless and afraid to be cringy about anything. In other words, I love him.
I made my trans!will headcanon clear a bunch of times already so we're going to dive into my headcanon for that headcanon.
I like to think that as time passed and will got more comfortable in his identity that he stopped cutting his hair short. He cut his hair short because it made him feel more connected with his masculinity and it felt like something he needed to do because it was something a lot of men did. So when he started growing it out he was finally at that point that he realized that he doesn't need to go out of his way to change things he liked just because other men were doing it (HE LOVED HIS LONG HAIR!!!). In my heart, his hair got almost as long as Alyss's and he cut it off after she died because she often brushed, braided or tied it back for him and having to do it himself was too painful. Will rocked an almost bald head for a while before he started growing his hair out again, but he never let it get too long.
When john said will is short he meant it. That man is not taller than 165m (5'4) and it's a fact because I said so.
One of the headcanons I live most fiercely by is that will was a fucking mean asshole in the TRR. I know it's a children's book and all but I feel so robbed of will being mean. I've 3 wips set in TRR (ish) and I love making him say stuff that would have you laying awake at night staring at the ceiling if someone said that to you. Why isn't he so tired of being nice, why doesn't he want to go apeshit???
for unpopular opinions...this might get my homo card revoked, but I actually don't like hill. *sirens go off, bombs fall on my house, my family is dead*. The concept is nice but I'm just way to obsessed with willys to see him with anyone else. I do like myself some hill content but I'm happy john doesn't do gay people because I don't think it would've worked in canon.
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iamthecomet · 6 months
i saw your reblog- you’re a lotr fan?!
those are my all time favourite movies. like, nothing tops that trilogy for me. i can quote a major monologue from every movie i am insane over them! they are a go to with my family, i used to curl up with my parents and we’d watch the extended editions, my uncle would put them on when he babysat my sibling and i. oh the memories 🥹 i rewatch them every couple of months. and i sob when i finish return of the king. every. damn. time.
i don’t actually have anything substantial to say, i just love finding more Tolkien nerds lol. i did a book report on return of the king in eighth grade and i own a replica of arwen’s necklace!
anyways, i hope you have a lovely day/night/whenever you see this 🖤🖤🖤
YES! I love LOTR. I know probably every line to the original trilogy. and I also cry every single time I watch ROTK. I saw it for the first time when I was like 9 or 10 (right after it came out) and it changed my entire brain chemistry and I have never recovered. I was majorly obsessed with Legolas for several years. He was all I thought about. LOTR was definitely the first fandom I wrote fanfic for (and did anything with). I posted it on FF.net when I was like...11 (people did not like it, big surprise there) but it all just means so god damn much to me still. I read the Silmarillion last summer which was not super fun, but really rewarding.
We can talk about LOTR literally ANYtime you want. My partner suggested watching the trilogy again the other day and now I can't get the need for it out of my head. So I'll be doing that very very soon. They're such comfort movies for me. ♥
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theboarsbride · 11 months
6. COURAGE - What's the last word you had to google the definition of?
15. ENERGY - What song inspires you most?
33. MIND - What book would you most want to forget so you can reread it for the first time?
6. Oooh... I haven't really needed to look up a word in a long time, but I DID look up the meaning of 'slurry' recently lmfao......in relation to uhhhhhhhh bodily horrors in Temperance & Mr. Wyrm heehee
15. This is kinda hard because a lot of songs inspire me! But I'd say the one that's been the most inspiring me lately has been If You Were a Woman and I Was a Man by Bonnie Tyler! It's hard to pinpoint exactly why it's so inspiring, but it has a feminist theme that I love to draw vibes from for my female protagonists! (also the song is just really great lol I love it a lot)
33 - OOH!! Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber or Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia! Both of these books (and authors) literally changed my brain chemistry as a writer and I fucking froth at the mouth for these books!!!!!! Like the underlying horror? The Gothic vibes? Lush and beautiful writing? HELL YES!!!!!!
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
Chalk! Did you watch the trailers for GMMTV 2023 - 🧋
No, not yet, what happ -
JIMMY and SEA and AOF.
Jimmy set up like rough trade (for GMMTV values of rough trade), and prickly Sea having his barriers worn down by some charming asshole he can't resist, and a soupçon of delicious misunderstanding and angst to complement the sweetness that this pairing already has shown the receipts for, and their freckles oh my god, did everyone notice the freckles on both of them in the beach scenes? The freckles are killing me already.
(Please, gods of bl, having laid this before me, do not allow it to be fucked up in the ways it's so easy to do with a disability storyline. Please. Also surely this one will not get stuck in development hell, not with Aof involved + the proven ability of Jimmy and Sea to pull advertising dollars hand over fist, right? RIGHT?)
OK, so.
:adds at least one thing to the list of things to watch next year ALREADY:
:adds another thing to the list of things to definitely watch next year:
Because if any single one of the 15 properties that Neo Trai seems to be attached to actually makes it out next year, PLEASE gods of bl, let it be that incendiary toxic clusterfuck of a messy mess that Only Friends looks like it's going to be. I kind of want to inject this one straight into my veins. I can't tell you what joy it would bring me to watch this kind of fuckery for weeks on end, not to mention the way it's going to pull out yet another facet of Neo's acting, and getting to watch him and Force together would be jam. Killing another bird with this same stone, this would give me a chance to see ForceBook in something other than Enchanté, which I've been wanting to do, because bts footage from that show led me to believe that I actually might like Book, it was only Theo who was like nails on a chalkboard (the only good thing Theo ever did for me was make his dom, played by Jimmy, fly over from France to officially turn his brat over to Akk). And I do not think A Boss and A Babe is going to be the one that's going to do it for me. Meanwhile, I've literally never seen Khao or First in anything yet, so I have no dog in the fight on that front. But is ... is that Chang from Bad Buddy being pathetic at Neo? Mark, is that you? (Come to think if it, didn't I also see you in the background of Last Twilight?) Last but not least, Boston? What are you, kid, some kind of knockoff Theerapanyakul?
And. And!!
:adds one more thing to the list of things to definitely watch next year:
MILK PANSA, MY BELOVED. Starring in straight-up identity porn, one of my favorite tropes. If you think I'm not going to be all over 23.5, it's like you never met me. First of all, lol, OK, I will suspend my disbelief - this show's official baloneyum can be that MILK PANSA could possibly be overlooked like this. Anyway. I have no doubt that Milk and Love will continue to have fantastic chemistry, I just hope the script will do them justice. Love was fantastic as Pa in Bad Buddy proper. But please, gods of gl, on this outing, can we NOT have any kind of horrible whiny "I'm so faaaat" storylines like the one that absolutely shut me out of Magic of Zero 10 minutes into Zero Photography. Please.
Some other thoughts:
I. OK, I'm going to be honest and say that while Dangerous Romance looks like the kind of delightful hot mess of a relationship that I quite enjoy, AND it will be nice to see this guy Chimon people talk about, AND I definitely want to see Perth again, because I really did love what he did with Ae in Love By Chance, I also rolled my eyes at the school setting - I know, I know - and also, I cannot absolutely guarantee that somewhere in the back of my brain I wouldn't be halfway watching this as a couple of AU Waikorn expies. OK, that last bit might be a feature, not a bug. Altogether, anyway, I feel like this one is most likely to be the one that I intend to wait and marathon once it's completely aired but then can't actually wait for, so I end up watching week-by-week. It may depend on what kind of hype shows up on my dash and what else I'm already busy watching at the time.
I've never seen the original Our Skyy, so I have no emotional attachment to this second one, so my biggest reaction is that this looks like a premise that easily could go wrong, so fingers crossed that doesn't happen, and ALSO I'm kind of vaguely amused at the way GMMTV seems to be using this as the jingling keys to draw everyone's attention away from the fact that other than this, they appear to be completely hetereosexualizing Ohm and Nanon this year. Also are ... are they actually Pat and Pran in this? Are we sure? Because I suspect that's going to get everyone excited, but I would kind of have to laugh if they turn out to be Tess and Tun, and monkey paw gives us the Tess and Tun backstory.
I'd feel better about Hidden Agenda if they hadn't put the guitar right there in the trailer - come on guys, we know it's going to happen but there's no need to rub our faces in it - and although this looks nicely messy with bonus disaster bisexuals, I don't have enough existing investment in anyone here to automatically follow them to it. If and when this happens, it will likely be a marathon watch at some point when it's completed airing and I'm at loose ends.
I can almost but not quite figure out what Double Savage is about, and between Ohm's and Perth's acting I'd probably watch this if I had all the time in the world, but I don't even have enough time to watch all the queer content I want to watch, so I fear this one will fall by the wayside for me. Maybe a marathon once it's all aired and I have a week off? Same goes for Midnight Museum - I like the aesthetique, but again, I already have a list like my arm of things to watch, and some of it is stuff that I would need to watch before I have any emotional investment in Gun, who I've literally never seen in anything yet, other than his cameo in Vice Versa. Wednesday Club and The Jungle both seem to be going for a kind of edgy vibe that I'm not feeling right now - sorry guys, you've got include some messy toxic gays (see: Only Friends) to pull me from this angle, I think.
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