#I’m so tired of that trope
glittter-skeleton · 4 months
I get the main audience for Hazbin are young teens but can we please not do the “good client” trope with Overlord!Husk Huskerdust AUs please. Like we didn’t do it in the show, thank fuck. Can we please not do that in fandom
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Ok but— feigned compliance turning into real obedience
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abaroo · 2 months
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I realised I had to refine Ceroba for my au…
In the cowboy swap au, Ceroba is actually the Sheriff and leader of the Feisty Five. Clover is still the Deputy and goes by “Lucky Star”. He loves hanging around town with his Mama ☺️. I haven’t come up with a cool cowboy name for Ceroba yet, although she probably wouldn’t use one :/
Cowboy Swap Masterpost
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
i do not want to dig a hole but i am too much of a laura bailey pc enjoyer to not make this post so:
selfishness ≠ a lack of kindness 
selfishness is a theme that has come up with all of laura's main campaign pcs. that doesn't mean that her characters are always making selfish choices or that they don't care about the rest of the people they're with or that they're not good. it's just that, for the most part, the first thing they're thinking of when they take action or make choices is themselves. 
in jester and vex both it is more typical and obvious selfishness. vex's developed because she needed it to keep herself and vax alive and as safe as possible and it grew into a behaviour that she had to actively work to avoid. it's evident in her greed, her theft of the broom, her reaction to her own death which relied heavily on i'm okay/i survived to which keyleth reminded her that she wasn't the only one who had to witness and reckon with her death. in jester's case, she grew up in an environment that literally trained her to make every decision based on two things - her mother's opinion and her own. so, when she's out in the world without marion for the first time, her choices are those that will benefit her and her actions are those that consider her own thoughts and not really many others' (aside from the traveler's). 
it isn't a criticism of either vex or jester to say that they are characters who act selfishly. in fact, i'd argue that to claim otherwise does a great disservice to exactly how immense both of their character arcs are. because the nuance of both jester and vex is that they are selfish, and they also hold extreme room for self-sacrifice and empathy. vex is much more brash than jester is, and jester is much more trusting than vex, but both of them are characters who begin with selfish impulses who grow with them. neither ever truly shed those impulses, but they use them in new ways, typically transforming them into impulses towards things that are in the best interest of the party. 
you may have noticed the lack of imogen in this post about laura bailey pcs and that's because of two reasons. one, we are an unknown amount of time into her story, i can't analyse her development the same way i can vex and jester's. two, imogen's selfishness isn't the blatant quasi-self-aware selfishness that we see in things like jester complaining about her lack of money to caleb or vex stealing a broom. instead, imogen's is very internal, like a lot of laura's character work with imogen. it is a bit similar to jester’s in the sense that it comes from a lack of awareness moreso than vex’s practiced behaviour, but imogen’s is a lot more tied to inherent beliefs she has about the world and the people in it.
as a consequence of her powers, imogen sees people's thoughts as their entirety, she holds it above their actions to be the truth of who they are - to act against what they think or to say something that doesn’t cohere with what they’ve thought is akin to lying, so for her to act empathetically is to act in tandem with what someone else’s thoughts are, not how they act, which is typically not all that wanted. the same as vex’s greed and jester’s naivety, this is a trait that makes narrative sense and it’s one i find quite compelling, especially when read in the vein of someone struggling through trauma that has made them assume that the world is against them. imogen’s cynicism is coherent cynicism, i can’t say that in a similar situation i wouldn’t have the same predisposition towards the world.
the part that is particularly self-interested comes in if you look at how imogen has actually been treated in the campaign (quite well) in comparison to the cynicism that she’s developed from her past (something that speaks to a world out to get her). certainly, a bunch of shitty things have happened to imogen in the time we’ve known her, but the same can be said for everyone in bell’s hells and pretty much everyone in exandria at this point in time. but, in a fight to save the aforementioned world, imogen’s focus was getting her mother back on her side. which, while very consistent with her character and a choice that i enjoy, is a very selfish one. the fun thing (to me, obviously) about imogen is that she has, more than most, an insight into the opinions of others and she also tends to seek others’ opinions out and genuinely engages with them and supports their choices. but she still very much acts towards what she thinks is best. it’s one reason i enjoy looking at the dynamic between her and orym as one between foils, as orym tends to be stalwart in his beliefs and doesn’t care too much for other’s opinions if he’s already sure of his own, but his actions tend to favour collaboration and protecting others.
as i mentioned earlier, imogen is a harder case to look at because she is still in the process of her story. however, the circlet is clearly influencing how she interacts with the world and in the wake of the solstice, the hostile reaction towards ruidusborn people has started to become more and more apparent and i’m interested to see what route that ends up leading imogen down and how it will influence her relationship with the rest of bell’s hells. (for better, i think, based on recent conversations, but if it's for worse i will be just as seated and excited).
all of this is just to say, please stop assuming that claiming a character has a trait you think is a bad one is criticism or a hate post. in light of the fact that i know that people who don’t believe this will continue to not believe this, i’ll encourage anyone confused about the ability of a character to be good and kind and selfish all at once to look to what the text itself says, specifically scanlan’s words to pelor when asked what vex means to him:
“Her name is Vex, and she is greedy and mean sometimes, and she can steal a lot. She’s a little bit not the greatest person, but her flaws highlight everything that is right about her, which is she does all these things to protect her friends and her family. She would give her life for any of us and for anyone who was truly in need. And she’s not perfect but she’s the most perfect of all of us.”
would you look at that... an ability to be a multitude of things, some in conflict with one another. i know that's hard for fandoms to believe, especially about female characters with agency, but i promise its true!
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sparkerinparadise · 11 days
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shima-draws · 8 months
Also another thing about Luffy—the fact that he’s normally super chill and laid back and not much can faze him and it’s really hard to make him mad…until one of his friends gets hurt. Then he goes off the RAILS
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doomed2repeat · 2 months
False advertising is bad UNLESS it’s Netflix overhyping Debling to pull in all the casuals and then paying him dust in the actual series, moving on quickly and not even taking him seriously for a second. Like I actually need some of these fans to be disappointed this season not gonna lie. I don’t care if y’all like the season, I care if EYE like the season and I have no use for Debling in my Polin season at all. If the season ends with most of the audience screeching because Colin didn’t grovel enough, or they didn’t get to see him act jealous enough, or Debling wasn’t the good guy they jumped on the bandwagon for, I’ll literally be over here:
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automaticsoulharmony · 3 months
Strong believer in the “take every Tim and Jason fic trope possible and replace Jason with Helena”
Over time those fics grate my bones more and more each day
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thatonezodiacfan · 3 months
just once I would like to see something other than “big villain and small sidekick, small sidekick fails to do something, therefore big villains beats them up/take out anger on small sidekick” just once I would like to see the big villain proceed to beat up everyone else in the room to relieve stress and then pat the small sidekick on the head and make them pancakes
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theshadowrealmitself · 9 months
With the new fionna and cake show out (whooo!) I am once again thinking about the “saving someone from magic corruption” trope, and usually afterwards it’s all about the one who was corrupted coming to terms with everything that had happened to them
But what I would really, really like, angst-wise, from that trope, would be an outsider’s pov
So like, this person has known this corrupted person for awhile and helps them out, and is so excited to have saved them, and they’re so excited that this person who’s been corrupted for as long as they have known them finally gets to live an uncorrupted life
And they do!! And it’s amazing!! I mean, yeah, there’s gonna be after effects from the whole thing, but being uncorrupted is 1000000% better for them
And the other person is so happy for them, or at least…wants to be, and well, they are in a way, they’re happy that this person is living a better life and isn’t corrupted anymore, but they just thought that after everything was said and done, that it would’ve felt like they had saved the other person, but instead it just feels like they’re mourning them
And fuck, they can’t say that out loud, “oh I miss corrupted you” “oh I’m mourning corrupted you,” “it feels like you died,” like how fucking terrible would that be to say?? And they really don’t want corrupted them back, at all!!
It’s just that their personality after being uncorrupted is so different, it feels like interacting with a new person (especially if uncorrupted them doesn’t have any memories of being corrupted and doesn’t recognize the other person), so it feels like that person they knew for so long is dead because everything familiar about them is gone, but they refuse to say anything like that out loud because they don’t want to make their friend feel upset about getting better, so they just smile and celebrate with everyone else
They’re even the one who gets rid of the corrupting artifact when it seems like it might be once more corrupting that person, refusing to ever let it hurt their friend again, not even hesitating for a second, but rather than it feeling like a triumphant win, it feels like a goodbye, and they feel even shittier for feeling like that
Idk, I just want more of that outsider angst, but rather than it being like “I liked corrupt you better,” I want it to be more like “even if I like this uncorrupted version of you better, I hate that it doesn’t actually feel like a version of you, and I just want to feel like I actually saved my friend when I look at you instead of seeing a stranger, and I feel like shit for not adjusting to this better when it should be more about how you feel” if any of that makes sense to y’all
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messrsbyler · 2 years
jonathan knows about mike’s feelings for will
based on this post, i just want to add this
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we know jonathan prefers to observe than to engage with people, and he must be good at reading people at this point, seeing past what they want to show and into what they really are.
now, we know jonathan has kept a close eye on byler in season 4, and based on his heart to heart with will at the pizza place we know jonathan knows not only that will is gay but also that he has feelings for mike. BUT are you really going to tell me that someone like jonathan, who is used to watching from the distance and pick people apart, has watched mike and will’s interactions and only knows about will? i think OP is right on the money. i think jonathan must know mike is at the very least confused about how he feels about will. i mean jonathan for sure saw those lovey dovey looks mike was throwing at will, c’mon!
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seeing not only will lie about the painting but also mike smile dropping when he heard el commissioned it, something will didn’t see because he was looking away?
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jonathan looking at will when mike gives the flowers to el
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this is literally byler in s5 getting jonathan’ed
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batbirdies · 2 years
Just putting out there that I think posts making fun of other people’s fanfiction because of the tropes and tags they use and putting screenshots up with the names and titles whited out… is still pretty rude??
It’s just preferences. And you just look super pretentious by thinking your own preferences are somehow superior.
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
some people are way too comfortable comparing timothee chalamet to rats and reptiles. like let’s use our big brain for a second and think about why that’s not okay.
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roseofcards90 · 2 years
Nothing fills me more with such rage than seeing Nemona get watered down to an obsessive yandere with no depth to her character like the goku jokes are better and right there to use man
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devilishdelights · 6 months
now m just thinking abt trans woman lucifer and how it just fits and makes me feel so many things.
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littledemondani · 9 months
how about if we don’t like a certain trope/kink we, i don’t know, not talk shit on it or the people who write them?
just food for thought.
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