rotorarc · 5 months
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BING BONG NBANG BANG ITS DONE! I’m so sorry for the wait BUT! Behold art of the baddest girls of all! For @bunny-fair
While it took me A W H I L E I’m thankful for the experience with @secretsolenoid-revived
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Currently playing Icewind Dale 2 Romance mod and I somehow keep offending Jaemal and have to apologize to him to resume the romance Q_Q Like, he’s my least favorite of the three anyway... but I don’t want to have to choose just yet. In my memory I didn’t have to choose until chapter 5, but even then I kind of found a workaround (but i stopped playing at that point so i never found out if it actually worked (I stopped playing because my poor young heart couldn’t handle the pain of Jaemal wanting to leave))
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proffbon · 8 months
Me: I like it when romancable characters have established sexualities and preferences. Makes them feel more autonomous in the game's world.
Me as soon as I can't romance that one straight guy in the party:
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sovonight · 1 year
why is it easy to get a physical copy of bg2 in its original box with map included for $20 but the complete bg1 equivalent will run you at least $40
anyway i now have the aforementioned physical copy of bg2
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lunastrophe · 2 months
Drow Lore 🕷️ Drow Phrases from IWD2
Some drow phrases from Icewind Dale 2 with translations, collected from two drow sound sets for player characters.
Lines from these sound sets are mainly in Common - er... English - with an occasional addition of Drowic word or short phrase.
Drowic in IWD2 is sometimes gramatically confusing, at best, or plainly incorrect, at worst. I guess that game creators just did not care that much 😅 Still, it generally makes sense - at least it is not as nonsensical as some of Viconia's lines from BG1 and 2.
🕷️ Phrases in drow language from IWD2 sound sets, with their in-game translations :
Aluve ust - I go first (aluve is apparently translated here as "I go", "I leave" instead of more lore appropriate "I / we leave you", a typical farewell)
Bautha tan - Dodge this
Elendar - Continue
Elghinn ulu darthiir - Death to traitors
Ish zhah usstha ilindith - It is my goal (usstha used here is apparently a variant of more appropriate ussta - "my")
Plynna usstha velve - Take my blade (plynna - apparently from plynn - "take"; plynna - made-up imperative variant...?)
Rothé iblith - Bovine crap (bullshit)
Usstan elgga dos - I will destroy you (elgga - apparently from elgg - "kill", "slay", "destroy"; made-up future simple variant...? Meh, whatever)
Usstan quartha dos elghinnan - I order you to die (quartha - apparently from quarth - "order" or quarthen - "ordered"; elghinnan - from elghinn - "death")
Usstar ilindith zhah ussta ilindith - Your goal is my goal (usstar - incorrect, should be dossta - "your", or at least something similar)
Usstar quarth? - Your orders? (usstar - again, incorrect, should be dossta)
🕷️ Nice detail - both drow voice sets have unique lines when a character is made a party leader. In such case, a female drow is (ominously) pleased:
Usstan tlu valsharess? Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! (For non-drow heathens: "I am to be queen?" Patented evil laughter as per humans)
In-game translations of drow lines in IWD2 appear in dialogue window like this, preceded by "for non-drow heathens" 🙃
When a male drow is made a party leader, on the other hand, he is suitably bashful about it:
I... I am not fit for such a role.
Also, male drow refers to the player / party leader as ilharess ("Matron Mother"), while female drow uses the term jabbuk ("master").
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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nattosushi · 28 days
Baldur's Gate 3 Original character: Isela Kiraed
Basic background
Name: Isela Octavia Kiraed (her middle name is an obvious reference to the default name of Tav)
Race: Human
Age: 24
Profession: bard
Religious affiliation: Oghma
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Additional notes
Right now, I feel that I don't have enough information about her as to determine an alignment. As I am interested in the possibility of pairing her with Gortash, she would probably be a neutral alignment, since I don't see her as being an evil character.
Obviously, I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 yet, so I don't have a very good grasp of her character and her reaction in regard to the events of the story. Unlike the previous OCs, Isela is more of a rough concept.
The unusual spelling is actually not my attempt of making her name a bit more unique. I wanted to call her Isla, but I actually have a friend whose daughter is called that, so I feel a bit weird in using that exact same spelling. However, I really want to use the name so upon discovering that Isela is an alternative and obscure spelling, I decided to use it.
I have written a few Baldur's Gate 3 fan fiction and these stories totally discard the timeline by having the events of Baldur's Gate 3 only about two decades after the second game. However, I had the idea for a story where Tav meets Dahlia (this was before I borrow Lumina from Dark Urge Diaries) and so I needed to create a Tav that exists in the correct time line. Since I had the crazy idea of having my BG2 OCs being related from IWD2 OCs, I thought I could try and do the same. The result is that Isela is a few generations related to Elena and Dahlia.
Relationship with the Kiraed family
Isela's paternal grandfather's paternal grandmother (4 generations ago- not including Isela) is actually the cousin of Dahlia and Elena's maternal grandfather, as her father (5 generations ago) and his father are siblings, which her father being the younger son.
The said grandmother actually married a noble and the family was fairly well off as middle class merchants. However, Isela's grandfather would be interested in the family ancestry and discovered that he is actually now the one that is the heir to the family name (which long lost any meaning). As a result, he would change their last name to Kiraed.
Isela grew up rather comfortably off, with both her father and grandfather being fairly successful merchants. While her brother decided to enter the family business, she would decide to follow her dreams of being a bard. Despite the rest of the family being in Athkatla, she would travel to Baldur's Gate, where she would find some success by performing in taverns, as well as the occasional odd jobs now and then.
Isela would play the harp and have some skill in archery, which she usually rely on. She does have some very basic skill with swords wielding, but it is only a last resort. The reason for her instrument is because I like the AI images of her playing the harp so much more then the lute. And since it has to be a portable instrument, that is why it is a small harp. As for her being able to have some weaponry skills, given that she is a young woman travelling and living alone, she would definitely need some sort of protection.
Possible pairings
If I actually am choosing for myself, then I would choose Gale. However, I find Gale to be a surprisingly difficult character to write due to the way he speaks, and I also think it would be more fun to write about a more surprising pair (or it is just because I really like Gortash after Raphael, who is already appearing with Dahlia in my Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 multi-chapters). I don't know why but I want to work with the idea of a normal Tav and Gortash. It would be a bit like my pairing of Dahlia and Raphael. The other is a special exception for the evil character, and the exception need to realise and understand this.
I am also of the group that believe Gortash has a very intimate relationship with the Dark Urge, so this would be something that has to be addressed. It goes beyond the normal boyfriend still thinking about his ex due to the nature of the Dark Urge. It will almost be a sense of feeling that you would always end up being seen as not good enough.
The illustration
Isela is meant to have red hair like her ancestors, and as I said, she actually ended up playing a harp because the AI image generated for lyres were much nicer. I ended up including two images of her, because I feel it is almost a sense of before and after. The watercolour sketch is her preparing for her actual performance, which is then the digital art image. I think another reason that I felt so is because the dresses actually seem rather similar.
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silentgamepls · 1 year
Icewind Dale 2 Ending
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soul-spices · 2 years
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❀✿💜❀✿ "You're as soothing as darkness." ❀✿💜❀✿
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glutamic-acid · 4 years
Rizdaer romance:
Stage 1: oh so you won't show me some gratitude? It's ok I'm helping you without expecting anything in return 😊
Stage 2: this poor puppy has been abused and mistreated and I WILL put an end to this 😤
Stage 3: We are married but none of us is sure when exactly it happened
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terryarquett-blog · 5 years
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ничего в то время не знал, про эту фичу. просто по приколу собирал всех жмуриков в процессе игры, так велело мне мое геймерское сердце, и ссыпал в инвентарь одного из персов-рабов) а оно вот оно как.
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omg i just discovered infinity explorer. how did i ever live without it?? how did i not know this existed until now???? over are the days of having to reload or replay to see all the dialogue options >:)
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flavioximenes-blog · 3 years
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✊ Força, determinação e amor definem ! 💕 Elas Merecem todo amor, respeito e dedicação todos os dias! ❤️ Amos vocês mãe e vó. Feliz dia Mulher! 🌹 #DiaInternacionaldaMulher 💐 #IWD2 (em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMLSoTXHPSd/?igshid=pzmnmrekcyps
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motylapodkowa · 6 years
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Day 2 of OC Kiss Week! This time my character Zaissa and Rizdaer from Icewind Dale 2
Day 1 is here Practice sketches
And if you came up with an idea for Fai I’m interested (here you can find out what I’m talking about ;))
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icewind-dale · 7 years
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Heroes of Targos #6
Marvoril Fylaeneiros - Lawful Evil Aasimar Necromancer, Age 30
With a dignified smirk and the deliberate ruffling of his collar, MARVORIL proudly proclaims that he is a graduate of a distinguished magical academy in central Cormyr, where he specialized in the magical school of Necromancy. He claims that the art of magically manipulating the energies of life is often misunderstood and mistrusted, and blames such views on ignorance. He is determined to make light of the profession by showing that such arts can be used for good, and is often the first to point out that many clerical arts are nercomancy by nature.
Marvoril declines to share much of his past beyond his academic achievements, and assures you that his intentions are quite noble. Though he is rather haughty and dismissive of his ‘lessers’, his claims of furthering the image of necromancy in the eyes of the common man seem legitimate enough. However, you cannot deny the feeling that the aasimar is hiding something about his past or his motivations.
It should be noted that the symbol of Ilmater is visible as a birthmark on the right side of his face despite heavy scarring on the area, indicating that his celestial heritage comes from a daeva or angel in service of the Crying God.
The enigmatic, noble necromancer Marvoril is the support spellcaster of the Company of Mysteries. As his title implies, he specializes in the manipulation of life energies and the raising of the dead. He also is quite proficient at creating magical barriers and defenses for himself and his companions.
Though his celestial blood implies a deep-seated predisposition for goodness and virtue, Marvoril more often comes off as haughty, dismissive, and pretentious. He is convinced of the higher role of law and order, and dislikes the ‘barbaric’ living situations of the Ten-Towners in the north. Still, he seems true to his cause of furthering the name of necromancy in the eyes of the common man. It is suspected that if he is indeed a virtuous person as his heritage would imply, it is hidden beneath his less kindly traits.
His difficult personality quirks make him somewhat hard to deal with, and his practiced magical arts lead to mistrust within the group. Magnar in particular dislikes the man and does not trust him in the slightest, and while Grace respects his magical potency, their differing heritages are a point of tension between the two. Lucian, in his drive to see the best in everyone, believes his intent, and despite his dismissive view of her, Mori likes to try to cheer him up in her own time. As expected, Ophelia thinks little of him, and talks to him perhaps the least of the entire group.
Unbeknownst to the party, Marvoril’s intentions in the north are far more personal than they would inspect; Marvoril is a product of the demon Belhifet’s schemes thirty years prior. The cult using the worship of Ilmater as a front for their devious plot devised a plan to create a ‘prophet’ of Ilmater, forcing a ritualistically bound daeva to conceive an aasimar child with the blood of Ilmater himself.
Unfortunately for the cult, the intervention of the Company of the Even Hand, under the command of the paladin Varius Wintergaze, put an end to their plans. A lone cultist was able to escape with the young Marvoril to Cormyr, where they raised the child alone to perhaps fulfill the cult’s goals at a later date. However, upon telling Marvoril of his birth when he came of age, the cultist met an unfortunate end when the young aasimar killed him out of anger. Marvoril finished his education, and then proceeded to venture north to stamp out the successors of Belhifet, and to rid himself of his unwanted destiny.
In combat, Marvoril focuses on defensive magic with the occasional evocation spell, and falls back to a club or throwing dagger for personal defense.
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shaydh · 6 years
I am really sorry for such a question but... Can we create a drow character in Baldur's Gate (1 or 2) without mods?? I didn't play it yet but i want to in future (I will for your V i swear he's the only reason why i live now thank you)
No you can’t, sadly! I’m not sure if there are mods, the only thing I did was use EEKeeper to increase my magic resistance to match Baeloth and Viconia. At least I didn’t have to deal with XP penalty...
Also thank you so much ;U; I’m happy you like my boy!!
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silentgamepls · 1 year
Icewind Dale 2 Part 39
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