#Infected Beasts (Creatures Made From The Demonic Aura)
Is It Over Now...?
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now it’s over- well- the prowler rampaging thing- but who knows maybe it is truly over for now. unless a certain someone didint hear that roar....~
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“i... I doN’t... kNow....” he says, he and susan staggering out away from the cliff now that they were all the way at the bottom of it. the dust and smoke was settling, but there seems to be no one in sight. then again that was just the smoke and fog messing things up... susan spotted something as her tail twitches a bit
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the toon rex barked slightly, huffing and rumbling as she nudges alpha, pointing with her snout as the former ink demon looks over, seeing the smoke clearing up enough to see all the creatures on the floor.... well almost all of them, the smaller crawler wasn’t around, but it’s muffled screams could be heard as a low rumbling growl soon echoed, as prowler crunched on the entire upper half of the smaller crawler, before swallowing it up hole, the dust settling to reveal..... well... this...
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somehow he was in his original form again, possibly due to the large explosion and energy he released was just enough for him to unleash his true power. steaming and growling as he looks around, steaming before seeing the other crawler, who was now roaring at him in anger, lunging at him to avenge it’s fallen, but the demon roars and piercing it’s entire body with just a single punch, creating a hole in the adult crawler’s body, growling and clicking as a sick grin formed around his face, before throwing the crawler back into the lake, letting loose a roar as his aura spiraled. glaring over to see kawa and the loch crawler charging towards him, he roars loudly and prepared himself. Kawa and the loch crawler both screeched in anger as despite their injuries and exhausted bodies, they attempted to attack prowler, before they both got their heads smashed in by prowler’s fists, the demon roaring as he knocked away kawa, before firing out a large powerful ray at the loch crawler, screeching as it crashes back into the water with a loud cry. he growled, steaming as he grunted, before glancing over to the lurker tyrant, roaring loudly at it as the two circled eachother, before ramming into one another, prowler roaring as he was much more taller now than the other, easily punching it away, growling and snarling, his spines glowing. before getting stopped by the glider. The flying creature was suffering a lot of burns and injuries but. it screeches loudly, flapping it’s massive wings as it attacked prowler, attempting to stab it’s talons into prowler’s inky like fur. kawa recovered enough to lumber up and grab onto prowler like before. though not fully since she was heavily damaged but. she still had a good hold on prowler as the demon roared, his body glowing and flashing as alpha and susan raised a eyebrow “wHaT’s HApPENiNG nOW...” he muttered to himself as the gigantic lurker tyrant rammed it’s tusks into prowler’s body, the demon roared but he didint seem to react much, even as the three were putting as much pain into him as possible he just wouldn’t budge. before roaring loudly as he releases a shockwave, knocking back the glider and paralyzing the lurker tyrant, kawa roared out but held on for as long as possible. The Demon roars loudly, his body flashing before his goopy jagged spines flashed rapidly, before roaring as he fired out a dozen or so rays out of his spines, piercing into kawa as she roars out loudly in pain, before being blown and blasted into the lake with a loud splash, prowler roaring as he stumbles, groaning and panting, his ink steaming and wisping as he grunts, looking around before yelping as the glider bashed into him, growling as he snaps at it, watching it circling him as the glider screeches, flying straight towards him as prowler would narrow his eyes and scoff, before focusing right onto the other, before swinging his massive powerful skull like tail around, bashing into the glider as the barbs gored out it’s body, but the whack was too powerful to that the glider went flying, screeching as it crashes into the cliff just as alpha and susan ran off far enough as chunks of the cliff flew and crashed to the ground, prowler snorting as his whiskers twitched, staring as the glider groaned weakly, lifting it’s head up before a chunk of the cliff fell down onto it’s head, yep that was also out of the count. now all that was left was.... The Large Demon Huffed, worn out and exhausted but he had to finish this up. turning around to glare at the fusion that finally recovered from the shockwave, the tyrant snarling as prowler grunts, staring as he snorts, the two glaring and huffing as they circled one another, growling and snapping their jaws at eachother before they both roared and ran at eachother, the earth shaking as alpha and susan nearly fell onto their backs and such as the two massive monsters slammed into eachother, prowler roaring loudly as he bashes his fists into the tyrant’s skull, causing it to rear back and roar out in pain, before the two started punching eachother, the fusion roaring as it jabs it’s tusks into prowler’s arm, neary breaking the entire arm before being slammed to the ground. Prowler lets out a loud roar, clutching his damaged arm, as his body glitches and steams, growling before roaring as he waited till the tyrant got back up, before roaring as he suddenly charges at him, the fusion growled and roared, also charging, going to pierce him with it’s tusks once again, before prowler grabbed it BY the tusks, catching it off by surprise as the monster roared, trying to break free as prowler growls, gripping onto the tusks, before letting go of the right one and jabbing his entire fist into the fusion’s ribcage, hearing it’s loud pain filled screams as prowler growls, his damaged arm glitches as he gripped onto the tusk he was still grabbing onto, while his fist plunged deeper into it’s ribcage. with so much force that he could muster with a loud roar he tore off the tusk, as the lurker tyrant lets out a loud roar in pain as prowler started jabbing the tusk onto the top of the fusion’s head, both alpha and susan’s eyes widened at the entire display as prowler kept plunging his fist deeper inside as he began punching the tusk deeper into the skull, the fusion gagging and choking, before with a loud screech, prowler tore out a large chunk of the fusion’s ink, while lodging the tusk into it’s skull for good, as he fired out a plasma ray, blowing chunks off of the fusion’s neck as it choked, stumbling, before falling down with a heavy thud. Alpha and susan were nearly frozen at that, jaws dropped and everything as the demon slowly turned around, his spines glowing as he grunted, dropping the large chunk of ink to the ground, before letting loose one final roar in the air in victory. but also announcing his return as the roar echoed everywhere, his aura spiraling before it was silenced. prowler groaning before his eyes dimmed to near black, falling onto the ground with a heavy thud as his body steamed and started melting...
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anthonylora · 4 years
Play by Play
Welp, I hope the collective over at @flashfictionfridayofficial​ are proud of themselves (they should be, they’re awesome!). Their prompt has made me write something with silly Yu-Gi-Oh! vibes to it, which I love. Thanks for that and the banner!!
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Irros was not a good Shapeshifters player. And yet, the demigod had accepted Ar’garath’s suggestion to make that the trial that would determine the fate of his lover’s soul. Big mistake.
He stared at the board state and winced as a cloaked skeletal figure ran its scythe through his knight, slicing it into ribbons. He tossed a glare at the shadowed part of the room where his rival sat, nearly invisible save for a slitted pair of red eyes. The only evidence that Ar even had a physical form was the arm he extended into the light to make his moves. And even then, it cast a dark, wraith-like aura.
“It’s your turn,” the demon said, his guttural voice echoing around the room.
“I know,” Irros muttered, noting that his voice barely carried to his own ears, much less across the table.
He studied the grid and stared at the multicolored beads in his hands. They had both started with a dozen shapeshifters each, but Ar had already executed a deadly combo involving a ninja and three reapers.
“Reapers go wherever death takes them,” he had said before commanding his ninja to move and assassinate Irros’s wolfman. Upon its death, the reapers teleported across the simulated battlefield and joined the ninja in annihilating half of Irros’s units.
The next few turns didn’t fare much better for him. He’d taken out the ninja and one of the reapers and managed to shift his remaining creatures into lifeless zombies. The undead had no souls, so there was no danger of a second reaper assault, but he feared it was already too late. He had five units left to Ar’s nine.
He could do it, though. He had to. For Avery. He drew a bead from his bag and rubbed the smooth stone between his fingers. A squishy texture and faint odor passed through his brain. He had drawn a slime stone. A plan hatched in his mind. He inhaled. Please let this work.
He placed the bead on the table and pressed down on it. The wooden surface rippled as it absorbed the glass pellet. “I’ll move my green and blue zombie ahead two spaces each and shift them into slimes.”
Ar’s eyes gleamed as the two units hobbled forward and melted into a pair of useless looking blobs. “That is your play? I thought you wanted to save your lover, not give them away.” Before Irros could respond, Ar’s half-spectral hand emerged from the shadows, the blood-red claw of his index finger pointing at the slimes. “Reapers, clean up that trash. Shadowfiends, follow along and kill the two nearest zombies.”
The reapers moved forward, each with an irregularly large shadow trailing behind. They cut the slimes down when they got within range, causing them to melt into puddles that stretched across a segment of the field. Next, the fiends were allowed to move and attack. Their ability to merge with the shadows allowed them to hitch a ride with the reapers and double their movement. But when they emerged from the ground, they were covered in slime mucus. They stretched their limbs, trying to escape the coating, but couldn’t manage to break the hold. They were bound in place.
“What did you do?” Ar asked.
“Slimes are weak, but malleable, Ar’garath. When shifting, they get a hidden property of my choice, and I settled on Sticky. Your reapers and fiends aren’t going anywhere.”
Static filled the air as Ar swore in a non-vocal language that had died eons ago. If he disliked that, he’d really hate what was about to happen next.
“It’s my turn now. And since you have a group of defenseless units, I can activate my zombies’ horde mode.”
“What?!” Two hands emerged to slam the table. Irros swore he could almost make out a snarling face leaning forward in the dark half of the room.
The demigod’s three remaining zombies lumbered forward, ready to bite and tear at the enemy units. Ar’s creatures tried to fight back, but only got more trapped in the goo. Chaos flooded that section of the field as the zombies wantonly tore through the four bodies.
“And there’s more: while your reapers are considered undead and can’t be infected, the same can’t be said for your fiends. Or should I say, my fiends.”
The dust settled. The ooze was gone, and so were the reapers. The zombies stood and mindlessly rubbed their bloated bellies. The fiends, however, shuddered in place with entire chunks of flesh missing and a throbbing yellow glow, indicating that they were now Irros’s pieces.
“Y—you dick!”
Irros cackled. It was always a good sign when Ar used more conventional swears and insults. “It’s a tied game now.”
The demon growled and eyed his remaining units. He hadn’t bothered shifting any of them yet, so they were in their default mannequin-like state. It’d take a few turns to transform and position them for a proper attack, meaning Irros had the advantage. Go Ir.
Ar set three stones down. “I’ll offer two of my own creatures as a sacrifice to merge the remaining three into one being. Angel, pyro, and lizardfolk combine to make giant dragon.”
Two of his units faded into dust. The remaining three melded together and grew until it created a scaly, winged beast that covered the entirety of Ar’s side of the field.
“It’s your turn, godling,” he said.
Irros sighed. He pulled another bead from his bag. Something that big would be able to destroy his creatures in one attack, but it would take a few turns to charge up. He had time. He gripped the glass stone, feeling a wet and scaly energy. Great, he drew a mermaid. One breath from the dragon and her skin would dry out. Just as useless as the rat, elven archer, and lawyer already in his hand.
But he made it this far. He could make another comeback and save Avery. Right?
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self-loving-vampire · 4 years
List of Undead: Part 1
To start the list, I will write about and score templates. For those who don’t know, templates are something you apply to an existing creature, modifying it. They are versatile in that they can be applied to a variety of monsters and NPCs.
For example, you can apply the skeleton template to humans, ogres, and more to create a variety of skeletons of different sizes.
Some templates also have variants, which I will also attempt to cover. Variant templates have “CR Adj +” rather than just “CR +”, meaning they increase the CR of the existing template. Template variants are not scored separately, a single score at the bottom marks the template plus its variants.
Warning: Extremely long.
Misc Templates with 0 CR Adjustment
*Necropolitan (Libris Mortis, CR +0): Beings who have undertaken the painful Ritual of Crucimigration to become undead.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 6/15.
Misc Templates with +1 CR Adjustment
*Spellstitched (Monster Manual 2, CR +1): Undead that have been fortified through arcane means. Their bodies are rune-covered and they can use Conjuration, Evocation, and Necromancy spells.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Orcus-Blooded (MM5, CR +1): This template requires the sacrifice of good-aligned creatures. An avatar of Orcus then appears and bathes the petitioner with black, tarry blood poured from a golden chalice. The creature grows goat-like horns and unholy powers.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Phantom (MM5, CR +1 or +2): Phantom creatures can become incorporeal.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
Ectoplasmic Creature (Bestiary 4, CR +1): Suffering and hateful undead formed from ectoplasm. Formed from spirits that are not strong enough to become ghosts or spectres. They are not incorporeal, but can temporarily phase through solid matter.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 10/15.
*Husk Vermin (Drow of the Underdark, CR +1 or +2): The carapaces of vermin, now animated by evil spirits. Drow make use of them.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Tainted Minion (Heroes of Horror, CR +1): A mortal transformed into a horrific undead servant of evil. They are humanoids or monstrous humanoids who died while seriously tainted, most often people who died as a result of said taint.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Evolved Undead (Libris Mortis, CR +1): Intelligent undead that survive for 100 years or more have a small chance of evolving and gaining new powers.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Gravetouched Ghoul (Libris Mortis, CR +1): These ghouls are believed to be the remains of particularly debauched cannibals who have been touched by the God of Ghouls. They are similar to normal ghouls, but more powerful.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Hooded Pupil (Libris Mortis, CR +1): A giant drawn to necromancy, often found serving an “apprenticeship” under more powerful undead. They can drink blood.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 6/15.
*Necromental (Libris Mortis, CR +1): The undead remains of an elemental, now twisted an evil.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
*Swarmshifter (Libris Mortis, CR +1): Undead granted the unholy power to become swarms of various types.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
*Curst (Monsters of Ferun, CR +1): The remains of a creature doomed to live in torment by a powerful curse.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
Plagued Beast (Bestiary 5, CR +1): Born from animals infected by the demon plague, which they now spread.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
Spore Zombie (Bestiary 6, CR +1): Vermin infested by sinister fungal spores, often those of a Fungus Queen. This fungus animates the vermin as an undead creature that spews damaging spore clouds.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 6/15.
Undead Lord (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR +1 or +2): A particularly powerful undead that commands others of its kind.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 9/15.
Frostfallen Creature (Jade Regent: The Hungry Storm, CR +1): Frozen undead that generate intense cold but are vulnerable to fire.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
Corpsespun Creature (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR +1): Undead created from the victims of Corpsespinners. They appear as webbed zombies full of spiders and capable to spray them from their mouths.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 9/15.
Dread Ghoul (Advanced Bestiary, CR +1): Strong ghouls that can command others of their kind.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 6/15.
Soulless (Rappan Athuk, CR +1): Living creatures whose souls have been separated from their bodies by a demon lord.  They are amoral and immune to fear, critical hits, and effects that target souls. They also gain a weakening abyssal stare.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Ghoulish Creature (Dragon Magazine 307, CR +1): A ghoul template.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
Mummified Creature (Bestiary 4, CR +1): Mummified creatures are like mummies, but retain their intelligence, memories, and other abilities. They are slower than before, but gain a frightening aura and the ability to reduce their victims to dust.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
Floodslain (Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, CR +1): Creatures drowned in flash floods. They can summon spectral waves to strike at their enemies and have a touch that drowns creatures by forming water in their lungs.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetic: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 11/15.
Misc Templates with +2 CR Adjustment
*Huecuva (Fiend Folio, CR +2): Undead creatures raised from paladins, clerics, monks, and druids who have failed their vows and died without receiving atonement. They retain dim memories of their former lives and dwell in desecrated shrines and temples mocking their former beliefs.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Swordwraith (Fiend Folio, CR +2): The animated body of a mercenary so dedicated to a life of war that the battlefield calls for them even in death.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Sepulchral Thief (Cityscape, CR +2): An evil thief who died in the middle of planning or executing their greatest theft (or similar criminal activity).
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Umbral Creature (Libris Mortis, CR +2 or +3): Shadowy creatures who bestow the chill of non-existence. They look like creatures from the Plane of Shadow, but are not actually native to it.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
*Ghastly Creature (Dragon Magazine 307, CR +2): A ghast template.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
Ravener (Bestiary 2, CR +2): Ancient dragons who made themselves undead to reject death. They now hunger for and consume souls, using them to power both their supernatural defenses and their spellcasting.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 12/15.
Graveknight (Bestiary 3, CR +2): Undying tyrants that rise from the most nefarious warlords and disgraced heroes. They use the same equipment as they did in life, but warped by their resurrection. A graveknight’s essence is tied to their armor, which reforms them if they are destroyed. They can summon phantom mounts and command lesser undead, among other powers.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 12/15.
Mummy Lord (Bestiary 5, CR +2): Mummy Lords typically have cleric levels and are intelligent. In addition to stronger mummy powers and cleric spells, Mummy Lords also rejuvenate and have access to blasts of burning sand, mastery over undead,
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 7/15.
Animus Shade (Bestiary 6, CR +2): Formed when a creature dies from psychic injury and the unconscious parts of their mind live on. They appear as distorted and wretched versions of their former selves and have access to various psychic powers.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 8/15.
Siabrae (Bestiary 6, CR +2): Desperate druids sometimes turn to blasphemous rituals to become the corrupt Siabrae in hopes of defending the natural world.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
Gallowdead (Dungeons of Golarion, CR +2): A criminal or traitor executed by being hanged on the end of a hooked chain. They rise as undead who serve those who condemned them.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
Haunted Construct (Shattered Star: The Dead Heart of Xin, CR +2): A haunted construct with spell-like abilities, some bonuses, and vulnerability to positive energy.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
Dread Mohrg (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): Mostly just a stronger mohrg.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Shadow (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): A pool of darkness and negative energy that commands lesser shadows and can now teleport.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Wight (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): Mostly just a stronger wight.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
Blood Knight (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): Blood knights are the damned souls of fierce warriors who died in a particularly bloody manner. Cursed to walk the earth until their warlike ways lead to their destruction, blood knights seek always to fight and conquer. A blood knight wears the armor it died in, but its body is gone, wholly replaced by blood. The blood knight’s blows leave wounds that do not close, and its own blood is poisonous.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
Misc Templates with +3 or more CR Adjustment
*Death Knight (Monster Manual 2, CR +3): Gods of death are the typical creators of death knights, martial champions of undead. They ride nightmares, control undead minions, and have various powers.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Wight (Savage Species, CR +3): Wight template.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Dread Bodak (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): Stronger bodaks with a death wail and a more immediately lethal gaze.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 9/15.
Dune Mummy (Entombed with the Pharaohs, CR +3): A mummy without a frightening appearance or mummy rot. They can turn those they kill into dust and ash.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 4/15.
Bleeding Horror (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR +3): A horrific undead created by an evil, blood-seeking weapon. They search for blood to feed the weapon that created them.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 8/15.
Deathleech (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR +3): Spawned by an unhealthy interest in the necromantic arts or perhaps a lifetime of proximity to significant necromantic energies, the deathleech is the bane of living creatures. Driven by an insatiable hunger for death, these malign horrors stalk the living, preying on the weak to boost their own power through foul and twisted means. Deathleeches are most often powerful necromancers, liches, or other intelligent and powerful undead. However, other creatures have become tainted with these evil powers from time to time.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Allip (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): A stronger allip now with a dominating trample that can be used to order suicides.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetic: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Blood Knight (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): Stronger blood knights that can leave their bonded armor as a pool of slithering blood.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Devourer (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): Stronger devourers with greater powers.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Mummy (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): A mighty mummy with a lethal tomb breath that creates juju zombies and inflict greater despair.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 8/15.
Dread Poltergeist (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): A poltergeist able to kill through its frightening image and illusions.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Spectre (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): Mostly just a stronger spectre.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 6/15.
*Bodak Creature (Dragon Magazine 307, CR +4): A creature turned into a Bodak by absolute evil.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Wraith Sovereign (Advanced Bestiary, CR +4): A greater wraith with a cold aura.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 7/15.
*Wraith (Savage Species, CR +5): Wraith template.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 12/15.
Misc Templates with Variable CR Adjustment
*Hivenest (Dungeonscape, CR as group consisting of base creature and as many of the base swarms that are released during hivedeath): This template combines a Large or larger undead, plant, or construct and a Diminutive or Fine vermin. When the monster is destroyed, swarms are released based on the monster’s size.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
Meat Puppet (Rathan Attuk, CR Varies): Boneless, skinless corpses with simple abilities.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetic: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 7/15.
Skeleton Templates
Skeleton (Bestiary 1, CR varies): Animated bones of the dead. They are mindless automatons but have the instinctual cunning to use weapons and armor.
*Fiery/Lightning/Frost Skeleton (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +1/2): Skeletons with minor elemental powers.
*Nimble Skeleton (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +1/2): Simply a more agile skeleton.
*Soldier Skeleton (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +1): Typically raised from mass battlefield graves. They have some fighting skill as well as the ability to cooperate with each other.
*Vicious Skeleton (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +1): Skeletons that have claw attacks and a mindless need to disembowel the living. Clawed creatures can be raised as vicious skeletons if covered in beast blood at the time of creation.
Bloody Skeleton (Bestiary 1, CR Adj +1): A gore-covered skeleton that is significantly harder to destroy. It even reforms after destruction under most circumstances.
Burning Skeleton (Bestiary 1, CR Adj +1): Skeletons surrounded by an aura of flames that harms adjacent creatures.
Acid Skeleton (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR varies): Variant skeleton that oozes acid. Dread Shadow (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): A pool of darkness and negative energy that commands lesser shadows and can now teleport. Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 10/15. Dread Wight (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): Mostly just a stronger wight. Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
Exploding Skeleton (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR varies): Skeletons that deal minor damage from sharp bone fragments upon death.
Four Armed Mudra Skeleton (Carrion Crown: Trial of the Beast, CR varies): Also called whirlwind skeletons, they have four arms and the ability to fight with many weapons at once.
Host Corpse Skeleton (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR +0 with the swarm counting as a separate creature): Skeletons used to host a swarm of vermin or tiny undead creatures that they release from their bodies.
Multiplying Skeleton (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR +1): A multiplying skeleton reassembles itself into smaller skeletons when it is destroyed. As these smaller skeletons are themselves destroyed, they continue to multiply into even more skeletons.
Skeletal Champion (Bestiary 1, CR Adj +1): Skeletons that retain their intelligence and may gain class levels.
Skeletal Champion Magus (Classic Horrors Revisited CR Adj +1): Variant skeletal champions that use spells.
Dread Skeleton (Advanced Bestiary, CR +1): Stronger skeleton.
Skeletal Archer (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR +0): Skeletons who retain some skill in archery.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 9/15.
*Skeletal Dragon (Draconomicon, CR halved with a minimum of 1): Created via Animate Dead and similar to a normal skeleton. They are mindless and lose many of their powers.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
*Revived Fossil (Libris Mortis, CR depends on HD): The reanimated remains of ancient animals or monsters that were fossilized.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 6/15.
Exoskeleton (Bestiary 6, CR varies): Animated vermin carapaces that can be created by necromancers or spontaneously by negative energy. They are as mindless as in life, but significantly more hostile as undead. Some exoskeletons become haunted and gain intelligence.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Bone Creature (Book of Vile Darkness, CR +0): Like a skeleton, but intelligent. They can’t arise from Animate Dead, but can come from the Create Undead spells, or from awakening a skeletal creature. 
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 7/15.
Paleoskeleton Creature (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR varies): An animated fossil skeleton capable of permanently turning its victims into stone.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetic: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 7/15.
Zombie Templates
Zombie (Bestiary 1, CR varies): Mindless animated corpse. Zombies are slow but tough and easy to create.
Fast Zombie (Bestiary 1, CR Adj. +0): Exactly what it sounds like.
Plague Zombie (Bestiary 1, CR Adj. +0): Zombies that spread Zombie Rot, a disease that turns victims into zombies if they die while infected. They also explode into an infectious burst on death.
Void Zombie (Bestiary 2, CR Adj +1): Zombies created by Akatas. They are Fast Zombies with a secondary tongue attack that drains blood.
*Bloodthirsty Zombie (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +1): Savage zombies that can drain blood. Rise from applying a drop of vampire blood to a corpse before raising.
*Diseased Zombies (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +1/2): Used by necromancers as disease carriers, exposing victims to filth fever.
*Unkillable Zombie (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +1): A tougher zombie that regenerates.
Dread Zombie (Advanced Bestiary, CR +1): Stronger zombie.
Spellgorged Zombie (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR varies): Spellcasters humiliated by being turned into undead that store spells for their rivals.
Alchemical Zombie (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR Adj +1): Zombies created through alchemy rather than necromancy, slightly more resistant to positive energy.
Brain Eating Zombie (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR Adj +0): Zombies that spawn and eat brains to prevent resurrection.
Cursed Zombie (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR Adj +1): Zombies created by a curse, which they can now spread.
Gasburst Zombie (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR Adj +1): Zombies filled with poisonous gas.
Relentless Zombie (Classic Horrors Revisited, CR Adj +1): Stronger fast zombies that can climb and track by scent.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 10/15.
Juju Zombie (Bestiary 2, CR +1): An emaciated, leathery zombie. They are faster than normal zombies and retain some intelligence.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 1/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 6/15.
*Zombie Dragon (Draconomicon, CR halved but with +1): A dragon animated by Animate Dead or by a Vampiric Dragon. They are much like other zombies.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5.
Grade: 8/15.
*Corpse Creature (Book of Vile Darkness, CR +1): Like a zombie, but intelligent. They can’t arise from Animate Dead, but can come from the Create Undead spells, or from awakening a zombie creature.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 8/15.
Zombie Lord (Bestiary 4, CR +1 over a zombie of the same level plus class levels): A zombie that retains intelligence and skills. Unlike normal zombies, they are not constantly staggered either.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 11/15.
Slime Zombie (Tome of Horrors Complete, CR varies): A zombie created to hunt for the olive slime that created it. It spreads the infestation.
Mechanics: 1/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 4/15.
Ghost Templates
Ghost (Bestiary 1, CR +2): When a soul is not allowed to rest due to some great injustice, real or perceived, it may come back as a ghost. They can be of any alignment and rejuvenate when slain.
*Haunting Ghost (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +0): Ghosts tied to a domain that they haunt, using terrifying illusions and suggestion magic to keep others away.
*Sagacious Ghost (Libris Mortis, CR adj. +0): Ghosts with vast stores of knowledge, akin to an undead library. Depending on alignment, they may offer their knowledge freely or at a dire cost. They essentially have a Lore ability like a bard’s Bardic Knowledge ability.
*Frostfell Ghost (Frostburn, CR adj. +0): A ghost a variety of new cold-themed abilities, including some involving Coldfire.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 12/15.
Dread Ghost (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): A stronger ghost that may have a wide variety of new abilities depending on its life and the circumstances of its death.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 12/15.
*Ghostly Dragon (Draconomicon, CR +2): A draconic ghost that will never rest until it can regain its looted hoard. They function much like normal ghosts, but retain access to some draconic abilities.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 11/15.
*Ghost Brute (Libris Mortis, CR +2): When an animal, plant, or other such creature lacking the necessary charisma to become a full ghost dies, it becomes a ghost brute, lamenting its misery for eternity. Their souls are often linked to a companion they had. They can be a betrayed paladin’s mount, the lonely pet of a murdered child, or a slain druid’s animal companion. These creatures now haunt the world until their masters can properly join them in the afterlife.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 12/15.
Vampire Templates
Repeatedly-Drained Vampire Spawn (Monster Codex, CR -1): Creatures overfed on by vampires. They are generally weakened and in bad health, but are a bit more resistant to energy drain.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 10/15.
Addle-Minded Vampire Spawn (Monster Codex, CR +0): Creatures who have been dominated by vampires for so long that they begin to lose their sense of identity. They have weaker wills but react unpredictably to mind-affecting effects.
Mechanics: 2/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 4/5. Grade: 10/15.
Vampire (Bestiary 1, CR +2): Powerful and sexy undead that feed on blood but are weak to sunlight, among other things. They have a variety of supernatural abilities, including mental domination and the ability to turn mortals into their spawn.
*Moonbane Vampire (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +0): A vampire slowed by moonlight.
*Persuasive Vampire (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +0): A vampire who can use Suggestion instead of its dominating gaze.
*Psychic Vampire (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +0): A vampire that feeds on mental strength, even just by being near its victims.
*Savage Vampire (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +0): A feral vampire with more of a focus on physical strength rather than sexiness.
*Swarmform Vampire (Libris Mortis, CR Adj +0): A vampire that transforms into a swarm of bats or rats instead of a single specimen.
*Savage Vampire (Dragon Magazine 348, CR +2): A different kind of savage vampire with the same idea.
*Shadow Vampire (Dragon Magazine 348, CR +2): A stealthy vampire capable of summoning shadows and assuming shadow form, among other things.
*Terror Vampire (Dragon Magazine 348, CR +2): Vampires that love horror and feed on fear, gaining various frightening powers.
Dread Vampire (Advanced Bestiary, CR +3): Basically a different flavor of Vampire Lord.
*Vampire Lord (Online, CR Adj +3): An even stronger and more ancient vampire that is practically unkillable.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 5/5. Ease of Introduction: 5/5. Grade: 15/15.
Penanggalen (Bestiary 3, CR +1): A vampiric monstrosity that appears normal during the day but its head flies off at night to seek blood. They are created when a spellcaster (usually female) abandons their mortality and cast away all feelings other than cruelty. They create Manananggals when they slay female humanoids with their blood drain.
Mechanics: 3/5. Aesthetics: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 8/15.
*Half-Vampire (LM, CR +1): The spawn of a vampire and a mortal, having a few vampire powers but none of the weaknesses. If you are playing Pathfinder you can just use the Dhampir playable race.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Jiang-shi (Bestiary 3, CR +2): A “hopping vampire” with a prayer scroll affixed to their brow that grants them various powers.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 9/15.
*Vampiric Dragon (Draconomicon, CR +2): A dragon anchored to a hoard like a vampire is to a coffin. They share many traits with normal vampires, with some differences.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 10/15.
Nosferatu (Bestiary 4, CR +2): A more savage, less romantic vampire that cannot create spawn and can turn into a swarm. They are far more ancient and rare.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 1/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 6/15.
Vetala Vampire (Inner Sea Bestiary, CR +2): “Psychic vampires” who possess both corpses and living bodies, paralyze with their claws, and drain prana.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 3/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 9/15.
Lich Templates
Lich (Bestiary 1, CR +2): Powerful undead necromancers who cheat death by creating a phylactery to guard their soul. Liches are gradually reborn after death so long as their phylactery remains intact.
*Lichfiend (LM, CR adj. +0): A rare variant, an Outsider (usually a devil or demon) that achieves lichdom.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 11/15.
*Dracolich (Draconomicon, CR +3): A vile draconic lich that rules over lesser undead.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Dread Lich (Advanced Bestiary, CR +1 if applied to lich, otherwise CR +3): Stronger liches whose necromancy and evil spells are automatically Empowered and whose touch slowly turn creatures into dust in addition to paralyzing them. They are aspiring liches who discovered an even greater path to lichdom.
Mechanics: 5/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 1/5. Grade: 10/15.
Forsaken Lich (Carrion Crown: Shadows of Gallowspire, CR +2): A failed lich whose soul is trapped both outside its phylactery and outside its own body. They are surrounded by uncontrolled magic and an aura that creates frightening illusions of their environment.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetics: 4/5. Ease of Introduction: 2/5. Grade: 10/15.
Moss Lich (Advanced Bestiary, CR +2): A traumatized, feral undead that has devolved emotionally following its death surrounded by vegetation. They are locked in a cycle of death and regrowth. They rejuvenate from seeds, regenerate when in contact with fertile soil, infect targets with magical spores that grow into vines, and have stronger plant-based spells.
Mechanics: 4/5. Aesthetic: 2/5. Ease of Introduction: 3/5. Grade: 9/15.
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JSAB Superhero AU Fanfic: Shattered Heart
I’m sorry for delaying Grey Area and Feeling Blue again, but I hit a bit of writer’s block with those two fics, so I made this as a gift for @small--crcle instead.
I noticed that the mun of that blog was feeling down, so after days of procrastinating, I finally finished this thing and edited it to a coherent state. I hope this helps...
This is a direct followup to Duality, so I suggest reading that fanfic first.
Warnings for slight horror themes.
Even heroes can be broken. Villains as well.
New Game learns this the hard way one night, facing off against what should have been an easy opponent.
It had been an accident, a classic case of wrong place, wrong time. One minute, King was there, perfectly fine, and then… he wasn’t.
Neither of them could have seen the corruption coming for them. Some new villain had popped up, a tainted beast which spread its infection by touch. It was stained a blood red, coated in shards of its past victims. It wasn’t even much of a shape anymore, twisted beyond recognition.
New Game knew exactly what happened to the poor shape. They’d just gotten unlucky, had stumbled across a power that, much like all the other night-triggered abilities, was twisted and wrong. The powers had nothing to do with morality; some shapes were fortunate enough to keep their minds… others, not so much.
The mutated shape had been a trapezoid, a normal citizen of Treeangle city, just like all the other villains had once been. Blixer had seen the shape around a few times, during the day, of course, just milling about, going about their life like any other law-abiding person. One wrong move, one mere brush with corruption, had turned them into this beast, which was nothing more than a mess of broken horns and claws, fueled by nothing more than pain.
The creature fought blindly, swiping at whatever crossed its path without rhyme or reason. For a while, New Game held his own against the beast, realizing early on that he couldn’t touch it to fight back. So he focused on the defensive angle, hoping that he could buy enough time for the innocents to escape.
This could very well become his last fight, at least as himself. He moved in a cautious, watchful fashion, afraid that one wrong step would end with him corrupted. His smile was strained, his teeth taking on a jagged, fanglike appearance as the being was pushed to his limits. He couldn’t dodge forever, and the moment he slipped up, it would be over for him.
Unfortunately, that moment came much too soon. Perhaps if he’d stepped to the right instead, he’d have avoided crashing into a fleeing passerby. Unaware of the danger their hero was in, the running civilian didn’t stop to help New Game; they kept going, blindly dashing through the streets in hopes of escaping with their own life, careless in regards to the fate that would soon befall their hero.
New Game’s heart rate skyrocketed, his eyes dimming in glow as he stared up at the looming monster, the corruptive demon whose influence would soon bring about his end. He braced himself, unable to move correctly for the stinging pain in his leg. It was too late to flee.
In the next moment, the city would have yet another threat to deal with, its only hero having fallen to the curse...
He shut his eyes tightly, preparing himself for the inevitable, mentally apologizing to Blixer for the pain he put him through… he heard a sharp crack, and then… silence.
A series of sharp, pained gasps broke the stillness, and New Game dared to open his eyes, his entire form shuddering with fear. His heart dropped as he saw a familiar shape standing over the shattered remains of the monster, a shape whose cyan glow cast an aura of both protection and danger, depending on who looked upon it.
The terribly familiar being had a crown of wicked horns. He wore formal clothes, as if he were going to dinner and not a battle. He carried no weapon, for a single blow from his corrupted claws could reduce a shape to shards. New Game knew that confident, cool aura all too well, and he couldn’t stop the tears that welled up in his eyes as the King stood before him, defending him from the beast.
His eyes glistened with a tranquil fury, which faded as he laid his gaze upon the fallen hero. New Game could already hear the series of fearful questions that would surely follow.
“Are you alright?” he expected to hear.
However, all the King could utter was a choked warning, his tone strangely harsh.
“Get out of here,” the cyan villain hissed. His gaze darted from his hands to New Game, yet his eyes were distant, foggy...
He’d reduced the creature to fragments in a single blow, just another testament to his deadly power. Nonetheless, the beast would win, a rash of scarlet already spreading across the King’s hands.
The King of Chaos faltered, then all New Game could see was Kubix, fearful for his life and for once, clueless as to what to do. Kubix dropped to his knees, unable to support himself as the red curse spread, crawling up his arms and tainting his hue.
New Game stammered, “What are you talking about?” He found himself shakily standing, hugging himself, already feeling as Blixer, deep within his soul, began to wake up. His voice quavered with a paranoid fear as he continued, “It’s over, right?”
“Run, Blixer.” King only used that name in emergencies. New Game’s heart rate eye skipped a beat. “Don’t look back… I don’t want you to see me... like this…”
The antihero took a hesitant step back, his horns drooping. He watched, fearful, as the scarlet infection spread, blossoming over what was once a cyan shape. Before his eyes, Kubix’s horns were becoming spikier. His claws sharpened, looking more like deadly talons, sparking with angered power. It was just like what happened to the trapezoid. A single touch was enough to spread the curse. Within moments, a simple shape would be warped into a beast.
Yet… New Game refused to believe it. He voiced his denial, “What are you-”
Kubix cut him off with a strangled scream, “Go!”
Kubix’s hands tensed, his claws crackling with that red energy. New Game couldn’t tear his eyes from the corruption, hoping dearly that the King could fight it off. But the cyan being only drew in on himself, his form seeming to crumple under its own weight, and suddenly he was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily.
Whatever change had taken hold was about to worsen, and soon, the red corruption would take another victim… New Game staggered back, wanting to flee but not quite willing to abandon King.
“I can’t just leave you here!” he screamed. He heard something snap loudly, and he winced, tears stinging his eyes. “I can fix this! Just hold on…”
Kubix interrupted him with a wordless holler, and New Game thought he heard more of a growl than a yell.
His eyes were hidden from view, but New Game could see a threatening red glint overtake his father figure’s gaze as he breathed a last, raspy plea, forcing the snarl out of his words, “Don’t… let me hurt you…”
Eyes wide and teary, New Game broke into a run, already able to feel his control slipping away, his mind becoming inundated with Blixer’s terrified thoughts.
His leg ached in protest, and the alter ego felt a few shards break away, his ankle nearly snapping from the sheer force of his footfalls. Each step sent a wave of hot agony rushing through him, not to mention the pain that burned in his core: the pain of betrayal.
It had only been about half a minute when New Game heard the the terrifying roar behind him, tears now streaming freely from his eyes as he turned a corner, hoping dearly that he’d find somewhere to hide. He couldn’t fight Kubix, he just couldn’t.
New Game’s control finally slipped when his leg gave out, sending him crashing to the ground in a pathetic, sobbing heap. Blixer snapped into consciousness, the physical changes caused by his alter ego slowly receding, leaving the powerless shape without any defense. His once brilliant pink glow went dead, and he was hit with the horrible reminder that it was night, and that he was just a child, lost in the city with a monster tracking him down.
He sat up, trying to find somewhere to hide as he realized he’d hit a dead end. His powers were waning, and soon, he’d be completely helpless once again.
His sight faded into darkness as he lost New Game’s night vision, and he was left, helplessly clinging to his sense of hearing to detect whatever threat might come to him. Shuddering uncontrollably, Blixer felt his heart skip a beat as he heard heavy breathing, knowing that it wasn’t his own, for it was much rougher, deeper…
A faint red light caught his attention, and he snapped his gaze towards the glow, fearful of the source. He heard heavy, approaching footsteps, tensing as the red light drew closer, glinting against the windows of the buildings framing the alleyway.
The breathing suddenly cut off with a sharp growl, the monster giving a frightening snarl as it drew closer.
Anxious, Blixer tried to summon his claws, feeling his heart race, desperate for New Game’s power. He reached deep within his soul, but no matter how he searched, all he could feel of the being’s presence was an intense terror, like a distant, pitiful spirit. Blower could barely summon up the energy to move, let alone something to defend himself, like a cannon arm or some sharp claws.
He internally screamed; of all the times for New Game to falter, now was the time that would get them killed.
The beast didn’t slow its advance, creeping forward until Blixer could see a wicked claw reach forth. Each talon was like a ruby-shaded dagger, leaving gouge marks in the building walls just from the light pressure of leaning against it.
Suddenly, the corruption showed itself fully, revealing itself to be a serpentine beast with a helm of horrible, twisted horns and a sneer full of terrible fangs. Its snakelike form was lined with daggerlike, bristled spines, which each looked sharp enough to impale, to shatter.
Blixer’s breath caught in his throat, but he forced himself to speak. His voice was firm, yet nervous.
The beast replied with a snarl, drawing closer, glowing an angry red.
Repeating himself, trying to force the shudder out of his voice, Blixer called, “Kubix!” His pink hue became pallid when there was no response, and he found himself scrambling back, until his back was pressed against the wall of one of the buildings lining the alley. “Kubix, please…”
He wasn’t even sure if this thing was Kubix; for all he knew, another citizen could have been pulled into the chaos, unbeknownst to him, but if the terrifying hunch he had was anything to go by, this had to be the King.
It had no traces of blue on its body, although the young shape could see little scraps of satin fabric- Kubix’s jacket- hanging from the hooked spines along its back. Its eyes were wild and cruel, glowing with a bloody red light, yet as Blixer kept talking, he could see a spark of recognition in its gaze.
“You don’t want to do this… snap out of it…” Blixer’s voice wavered. His entire form was quivering, his horns drooping as tears ran in rivulets down his face.
Much to his horror, the beast raised a deadly talon, preparing to strike. He braced himself, losing hope. Squeezing his eye shut, Blixer murmured a final plea, his hope for survival diminishing. He covered his face, form shaking with quiet sobs, his voice escaping him in a breathy tone, “Dad…”
Abruptly, the monster halted, staggering back. A startled hiss escaped it, its ruby gaze flickering, almost in confusion. Its serpentine body coiled a bit, its spines bristling. It eyed the shape before it with an almost concerned gaze, tilting its head.
A low, yet nonthreatening croon escaped the beast, and Blixer dared to open his eye, his shaking beginning to subside. He looked up, barely able to see past the tears. The beast had faltered, still stumbling back, staring through him with a hollow, haunted gaze.
Blixer took a risk, acting on a tentative hope, then reached out. “King?” His hand was inches from the creature before it drew back, its spikes rising again.
An almost fearful whimper left it, and it, lowering its head in what seemed to be shame, began to retreat, its stare never leaving Blixer.
The young shape watched, ensnared in his own anxiety, as the monster backed away, as if he were the threat. He wanted to reach out again, to see if, by some miracle, his guardian was still in there somewhere. Yet his fear kept him motionless, his frantic breaths being the only thing that told of the fact that he was still alive, that he hadn’t perished from the terror.
It wasn’t until the monster turned, finally breaking into a dash to depart, its glowing eyes fading in the distance, that Blixer’s petrification broke. All at once, the tense aura dropped, an incredulous, almost relieved feeling washing over him. He sat there, absolutely taken aback by his sheer luck, before a few brave tears dared to well up in his eye. They blurred his vision, and when the shape blinked and took a breath, the emotional dam broke.
Shattering stars… that was Kubix. Blixer let out a bitter, broken laugh, a single syllable of, “Heh…”
His voice cracked like his leg had, and he, hugging himself, began to attempt to stand, leaning against the walls for support as he muttered to himself. His leg felt like fire, but it was nothing compared to the ache in his heart, which blossomed from his core, making his entire being hurt.
Even New Game was despaired, and Blixer felt the being’s perpetual grin falter, like what had occured was so wrong that a universal constant had been broken. In a way, it was. King had never harmed him; after revealing his true identity to the pink shape, he’d never threatened him, either. Over time, the two had even come to a truce in their respective work.
Because of the nature of his powers, King couldn’t help but hurt people. It was an uncontrollable factor of his soul; but... he never raised a claw to his son.
The corruption changed that, all from one mistake, one wrong move.
Blixer had no idea how long he’d been walking. He continued blindly, just trying to get away from the city. His leg was aflame with pain, but it was easier to dwell on that than to focus on Kubix. He didn’t look up until he’d reached the little bridge leading to the suburbs, watching as the few cars raced by. There was a little bike trail on one side, and since no one in their right mind would ride bicycles at night, especially in this city, Blixer figured it’d be safe to walk along the edge. He’d done it before, in way worse conditions. The only difference now was that he had nothing to go home to.
The minutes blended together, and Blixer found himself feeling drowsy, his eye fogged over. He mentally checked on New Game, only feeling a slight bitterness when he focused on the being.
The alter ego’s voice huffed, like a whisper on the wind, laced with sadness, “There’s no point. Kubix isn’t coming home.” New Game’s tone dropped, his voice breaking. “He’s dead.”
Blixer snapped back automatically, “He’s not dead!...” He trailed off, shaking his head. He looked at the streets below, trailing his hand against the railing of the bridge. “It’ll… it’ll be fine… We can sort this out in the morning, and maybe Kubix will be okay…”
A moment of tense silence passed, and Blixer sighed, quickening his pace. He began to feel like someone was watching him, so he focused on the road, watching his surroundings with a cautious eye.
Internally, he heard New Game give an apprehensive, “Watch out…. Something’s following us.”
Blixer nodded, looking down at his hands. There was a slight flicker of pinkish light as his fingertips sharpened, filling with a volatile energy. It was just powerful enough to harm, but not to shatter or otherwise get him into any trouble.
Whatever was behind him would just be in for a rude awakening if they thought they could get the drop on him. It was probably some petty thief, either that or some half-witted crook who thought a kid would be an easy target. Blixer didn’t carry much money with him, anyway, and he doubted the competence of any minor criminal who dared act at night, when New Game was on the prowl, ready to skewer any villain in a fifty mile radius.
Of course, Blixer could barley access his powers now, let alone “skewer” anything, but the villains didn’t need to know that. He was sure the monster had scared them all off, anyway.
He sensed that whatever was following him had sped up, tensing. He hoped that it wouldn’t have to come to this…
Suddenly, he swerved, thrusting out his claws to catch whoever was behind him. His hand met red, stinging spikes, and he recoiled, eye going wide as he processed the sight before him.
He’d been followed by a villain, alright; the worst villain of all. The monster that had once been Kubix towered over him, glowering down at him with a hollow stare. Its red eyes shone brightly in the night, although it was too dark for the rest of the creature to be seen, save for when the occasional car passed by, lights flaring.
Blixer had cracked off one of the beast’s spikes, although it didn’t look too inconvenienced, concerned with watching Blixer, almost guarding him.
For a moment, he cradled his injured hand, hoping that the mere brush wouldn’t do the same to him that it had done to Kubix… then he met the eyes of the red creature, and he felt his tension drop, replaced with a feeling much worse.
A bitter realization made the pink shape’s stomach do flips, and he almost backed away, before he laughed again, breaking eye-contact with the beast. He’d seen that intelligence, that thoughtful, cautious gaze, many times before. Never had he ever seen such sapience in the most corrupted of monsters, so only one thing could be possible.
“You… you’re in there, aren’t you?” His voice was soft, barely heard over the sound of distant traffic. The monster lowered itself… himself… to be at eye level with Blixer. The young shape felt tears well up in his eye, and he took a shaky step forward. “Kubix…”
The corrupted beast let out a low, sad croon, unable to speak but desperate to convey his sentience. He was still conscious. He was sorry, he failed to protect his son. Whatever the red corruption was, it had a tight hold on his soul; it had filled him with a mindless rage that was worse than anything his natural corruption could do. He was afraid that his mind would slip once again, an he wanted to warn Blixer to stay away, no matter how much it hurt. He couldn’t say anything, however, so he just reached out, pulling Blixer close in a shaky, tentative embrace.
Blixer limply allowed himself to be hugged, before he returned the embrace, quivering. He buried his face into Kubix’s shoulder, unable to stop the long-awaited sobs from spilling out. His emotions were a mess; he was a mess.
Kubix had suffered, all because he chose to flee. All because he couldn’t just fight back and let himself be corrupted for the greater good. Kubix had jumped in front of him, although it wasn’t his job to be the hero, and it ended with him becoming a monster, powerless to stop the transformation.
The guilt made Blixer’s heart shatter, and he sighed shakily, blinking the tears from his eye.
“I’ll fix this…” he whispered. He didn’t quite believe it himself, but he had to assure Kubix. “We’ll reverse this somehow. We’ll fix you.”
Kubix only whimpered sadly, the red shine in his eyes lessening.
Blixer, wanting to fill the silence, kept talking, desperate. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t save you…” He tightened his hold, afraid that the red beast would lose his mind again if he faltered. He squeezed his eye shut, trying to stop the tears. “I… I promise we can fix this…”
In that moment, Kubix seemed so fragile. Something deep inside Blixer broke at that realization. Suddenly, his whole worldview shifted. Even the seemingly indestructible could be broken. Even the King... could be usurped.
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storm337 · 5 years
"I'm not going to hurt you" with Dark and the Host?
@septic-dr-schneep   Your Dark is my favorite. Have I mentioned that before? 
The sphinx plodded wearily down the hallway, loose chains rattling from its ankles and neck. Blood dribbled from its various wounds, soaking its tan hide and tainting the gold streak in its thick black mane. Limp wings were drug on either side of its skinny frame, painting the floor rust like a lazy brush. Dry cracked nostrils flared and Dark winced at the sight of puss and blood leaking from sodden filthy bandages, barely clinging to the creature’s face. The monster growled softly, head swaying side to side, jaw locked shut by the device cutting deep into its cheeks and neck. Disoriented, sickly, disgusting, the creature trudged forward, pulled by some invisible string, some unforeseen idea in its clouded fevered brain.
Dark approached slowly, clipped footsteps and straightened back. The creature froze as he neared, the smell of its rot overwhelming. Dark had to blink stinging tears out of his eyes, wrapping his aura fiercely around his body to protect him from the foulness of the sphinx. Its growl began to build, getting louder as Dark got closer. Despite its malnourished state, it was still a large being, its neck and head stretching above Dark and tilted down. Its nose twitched but Dark wasn’t sure if could smell him over the blood trickling down its cheeks. A large glob of congealed…something slid off of its face and plopped loudly on the ground, splattering the small space between them. It was disgusting. It was wretched.
It shared his face, the face of all of the egos, the face of his friend.
It was the Host, suffering and barely standing before him, a warped horrid version of his friend, but his friend nonetheless.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Dark said slowly, making sure that each word rang out clear and loud over his aura. It swept over his body, rushing past him to coil around the Host, gingerly sliding through his fur and laying itself across his wounds. The sphinx tensed, ears twitching, head swaying to the side as he tried to track the movements of the wispy feelings. Without his narrations, he was truly blind, unable to tell what was before him, what was touching him, where he was. His vulnerable state was only made worse by his infections and open wounds.
Dark felt something like pity in his chest, in the place where his heart should be, and stepped forward. The sphinx crouched, hunkering in on himself, shoulders hunched and too long claws extended. He growled in warning, and when Dark ignored it, raised his paw to swipe at the air between them. It was the wrong move, however, as the Host wasn’t able to support himself on only three paws. His back left leg gave out first, buckling under him, and then the rest of his body followed. Dark stiffened as the large cat went crashing to the ground with a wet thud, whining deeply. His chest heaved, desperately sucking in air, struggling to lift his suddenly heavy head. The demon stepped up to the beast, bending over to gently put his hand on the creature’s nose. The Host went still, every atrophied muscle rigid, tense, waiting- scared.
“I’m not going to hurt you, my friend,” Dark restated, running his fingers up the bridge of the Host’s muzzle, petting the only clean patch left on his face. It seemed to calm the beast, which laid his head down on the ground, body going limp as the last of his strength left him. Dark’s aura laid across his body, wrapping him in a shadowy shroud, cool against his heated skin, a chilled balm over his burning wounds. The Host whining pitifully, heady beginning to fill with static and a soft ringing, wiping his barely structured thoughts and emotions to the side. He felt….safe.
“I am going to help you.”
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zippdementia · 7 years
Part 31 Alignment May Vary: Ever Deeper
This post takes us to the second part of the tombs. My group is fast approaching the end and has gotten ahead of the posts a bit, so I’m going to not be as descriptive as the last post, in order to do some catching up here. See the map below for reference of movement around the tombs.
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Cursed with a Purpose
Having cleared the trap in hallway 23 and having explored the rest of the tomb, room 24 is the next destination. I’ve made some changes throughout the tombs to better fit the high level of my party and some of the changes between 3.5 and 5th edition. For instance, last post I talked about the Mindrot Thrall in the fungal room. In the original campaign, this room is simply filled with violet fungus, a plant monster. Using this monster would have not really challenged my players nor would it have delivered (I feel) on the promise of the room’s premise, that you will be dealing with some serious infection in here. So I used the Mindrot Thrall to keep to the nature of an encounter, but with the added element of a risk of disease.
Similarly, room 23 was designed to be a fight against a couple stone guardians, a last minute drain on the party before they encounter the dungeon’s mid-boss, but it is not a very interesting fight and not one that would be enough of a challenge for my players to keep them engaged. So I turn once again to Tome of Beasts and keep to the nature of the original while putting in something a little more interesting:
This room is tall, with vaulted ceilings. A set of large double doors is set into one wall and next to it and across from it are two gigantic statues, one of a stout dwarven warrior, the other of a fanged wyvern, snarling at you with claws raised. Surrounding the staute of the warrior is a small treasure trove of weapons, over a dozen of them lying there in a pile. Karina, with your detect magic, you can see that three of them are putting off an aura of magic, as is the statue near them.
Tome of Beasts has a Guardian Statue that I borrow and tone down a little bit to make it not too deadly for my players. The big piece of it that I’m interested in is this interesting mechanic that activates when metal weapons hit the guardian. Its body is magically magnetized and players have to succeed on strength rolls after hitting it or lose their weapons.
Because I get bored with just using encounters to take pot shots at player’s health points, I am using the Statue Guardian here to accomplish something else. It is clearly a creature that is resistant to regular damage and so those three magic weapons laying around its feet become very enticing to pick up and use. But two of them are cursed, only the third is a normal magic weapon: 
The Weeping Moon +1 Magical Scimitar, requires attunement, cursed When the person attuned to this scimitar deals the final blow to any creature, or when they roll a 1 or a 20 on an attack roll, they begin to weep blood and are blinded for 1d4 rounds. The attack does not have to be with this weapon in order to trigger this effect. The Weeping Moon was the scimitar of a desert prince who murdered his brothers in order to claim the throne of his land for himself. Afterwards, distraught with his actions, he cursed himself to cry tears of blood for the rest of his days, so that he may never forget the sadness of slaying his own kin. This scimitar bears the prince’s mark, that of a crying moon.
Battleaxe of the Brave +1 Magical Greataxe, requires attunement, cursed While attuned, the bearer must use only this weapon to attack when making a melee attack. The bearer will never use a shield and he must start his turn by using a movement action to move within 5 feet of an enemy or as close as possible. While he is attuned to this weapon, he is immune to fear. This mighty axe is shaped so that it looks like the blades are erupting from screaming mouths. Barbarian Kings of old passed down the secrets of forging these axes through their descendants, with strict instructions to never reveal the secrets to any that were not of the bloodline. These instructions were magical in nature and when eventually one of the bloodline betrayed the secret, the power of the axe turned to a curse, forcing those who wielded the axes to dive directly into combat, where many of them died against impossible odds. It has become a badge of honor to wield one of these axes for a long time, as it shows that without a doubt the bearer has survived the greatest odds.
Runic Spear Magical Spear, requires attunement by a class that can cast magic While attuned, the bearer gains one extra level one spell slot. When used against Demons, the spear gains +2 to attack and damage. This spear is covered in archaic runes and designs. It and its fellow spears were forged by the Wizards of the Brotherhand of the Crystal Star during the Magi War, when the demonic Helghast infiltrated the lands of men and disguised themselves in positions of political power throughout the land. These weapons were instrumental in scrying the demons out, as they could not abide even the touch of the cool steel.
I liked cursed weapons which trade power for pain—forcing players to change strategies or work around status effects in order to keep using these power house weapons. The purpose of these weapons is to mix up our game a bit, force them to think differently about combat, and also to potentially make one of my more fighter-focused characters (Abenthy as a Fallen Paladin or Tyrion as a Battle Bard) to drop their shield. Both of them have ended up through a fortunate combination of magic items with high ACs, and this is part of an unobtrusive strategy to lower this just a bit to make some of the upcoming fights a little more even sided.
Interestingly, they almost skip the fight altogether! When they first encounter the Statue, Tyrion casts dispell magic on it, and it critically fails the save, sending it into a torpor for ten minutes. They could, at this point, skip the magic weapons or grab them and run to the next room, but I play a very gritty fantasy game with a lot of potential danger and the players have taken this to heart. It’s a cool moment: in-character, they decide that the risk of moving on is too great, and they fear that the weapons may set up another trap, so they leave the area, take a long rest, and then return. This time, the dispell magic spell fails and they are forced to fight. They win by taking the magic items and using them, ultimately becoming cursed as above: Tyrion grabs the axe, Karina takes the scimitar, and Abenthy takes the spear. Tyrion, in particular, sees a cool character change because of this, more on that coming.
Overall, it’s one of those awesome times where the players are as wary as their characters and the result is a melding of player reaction and character reaction. The decision makes sense, then, not as a meta-decision made by players trying to break the game but as characters reacting to a situation that feels like it contains very real danger of death.
Vulnerability is something I like in Dungeons and Dragons. As a player, it was part of what kept me connected to my in character, because I was feeling the same trepidation they might feel wandering into an unknown forest/dungeon/haunted castle/what-have-you. I’ve tried to maintain that feeling of vulnerability in my games even as the characters have leveled. It’s a tough balancing act: you don’t want your players to feel forever powerless, as if levels don’t matter, but you don’t want them to feel like gods curb-stomping every dragon they come across, either. The challenge has to increase as they level or else the game (at least its combat) becomes bland and predictable. It’s like a video game: the hardest levels are often at the end.
I try to keep that balance by throwing in a mixture of enemies from various CRs and by creating overly hard fights with some easy outs to be discovered (like Dispell Magic to quell the statue, or the traps being used against the Skele-Pede). My philosophy is that a fight should never just be easy to roll your way through. It can be made easy by intelligent and clever use of character abilities, though. Because isn’t that the point of leveling? Not that you outclass your opponents by nature of being a higher level but that you gain skills and abilities that give you more options in combat, thus allowing you to outclass your opponents by nature of what you can do (like Karina’s use of Cloak of Darkness, or Abenthy casting magic weapon on his sword to bypass resistance). At least, that’s what I think makes leveling interesting. Increased damage and all that is already built into the system, but it is the abilities and new tactics that I think make the game stay interesting. A higher level game should get more complex, perhaps even more deadly, as the players take on greater and greater threats and have to use everything at their disposal to conquer them.
As for seeing how far they have grown, well, I have a scenario planned after this dungeon for the players to truly see just how far their levels have actually taken them, when they are tested against some old foes... but let’s keep that secret for now.
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Dead Asleep
This room is covered in runic scribings, dwarven writings etched into the walls. A large stone dais in the center of the chamber bears an ornate sarcophagus, and three huge stone chests are placed around the walls. The chamber is extremely cold, however, and frost clings to everything. The chill goes right down to your bones, filling you with a vague unease.
The final room of the false level of the tomb is room 25. Here, Haggemoth has trapped the soul of a Dwarven warrior to act as guard to his real tomb and to make anyone who makes it this far believe that they have defeated Haggemoth and claimed his treasure! Unfortunately for them, the treasure is fake—bits of rusted iron and copper and bronze set with a powerful illusion spell to appear to be +2 and +3 magic weapons, shields, and coin. The scrolls are all rotted blank parchments, similarly illusioned, and the potions are rancid vinegar. The Dwarven Warrior is under a geas to not speak his true name and to force back all who would come here. In the tomb’s history, no one has yet made it this far, and so the warrior has been asleep for a very, very, long time. He is not happy at being awoken, which entry into the room does.
His first action is to use his terrifying howl to age the characters with pure fear. This is an “interpreted” version of the ghost’s ability out of the Monster Manual: it frightens the players if they fail the roll. Now, if the players fail the roll by too much, then they age rapidly. I love DnD 5, but I miss a couple things from Pathfinder, like touch attacks, and ability score hits. As a pathfinder player I remember nothing struck terror into me quite like having an ability score drained (not least because of all the math it forced me to redo on my character sheet). One thing I do love about 5th Edition, though, is that it leaves itself open to interpretation in many areas. Like, what does aging actually do? Well, I decide it does ability score damage: -1 to all ability scores for every certain amount of aging inflicted. And as it happens, Tyrion and Abenthy both fail the roll, Abenthy almost critically so.
“Oh father below,” Abenthy says, invoking his devilish dad, as he stares at that critical one.
Now that Tyrion has his Battleaxe of the Brave, he is immune to fear effects, so he is safe from this aging. But they watch as Abenthy suddenly ages forty-five years in a moment and his stats drop by two for each ability score. The players spring for an inspiration die to reroll the save and this time... well, Abenthy is still frightened, but the aging effect doesn’t occur. It shakes everyone up, though, which is perfect for a ghostly encounter. A moment later, the dwarven spirit rises from the sarcophagus, a vengeful spirit tasked with defending this place, and attacks them.
The battle is nicely cinematic. The ghost uses its flight ability to hover out of reach and pass through objects while still trying to frighten the companions into submission and drain their life with his icy touch. Karina uses her scimitar and her height to slice at the ghost as it flies over her. Tyrion uses his magic and leaps all over the place, getting in strikes where he can. And Abenthy uses his magic spear as a javelin, throwing it and briefly impaling the spirit against a wall as the magic of the spear locks him briefly in the material realm.
Ultimately, despite the rough start to the fight, they defeat the ghost without too much trouble and believe that they have accomplished their goal and beaten Haggemoth!
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Stairway to Hell
... of course, they haven’t. Karina is the first to question the deed: “That ghost had a beard,” she says. “Haggemoth didn’t. He was known as the beardless dwarf.”
“Maybe he regrew it as a spirit,” Abenthy says.
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Karina answers.
Moments later, Tyrion finds the secret passage behind one of the chests and the stairs heading deeper. It is not an easy roll and frankly I’m glad the players make it, because the other option is they cart all that loot back to the entrance of the tomb where it all turns to rust and dust and then they have to walk back in.
Seriously, in that case I might have just had Xaviee find the tomb entrance instead. Or called the adventure over and moved on to the next phase of the adventure. I like the story behind these false tombs, that they are the ultimate trick to turn raiders away, but in practice it’s not very satisfying, at least not for the main quest dungeon. I didn’t like it in Tomb of Horrors, either. At best, the players feel like they beat an underwhelming dungeon and final boss. At worst, they leave, and then have to travel the dungeon again—either frustrating, if it repopulates with monsters, or pointless, if it doesn’t.
In any case, the players move on and descend. Behind them the door closes shut and locks them in the second part of the tomb. They have left behind some of their weapons and armor, trading them out for the +3 and +4 shields and armors and weapons they found. Of course, these are actually just rusted pot metal disguised to look like magic items, and they will find this out soon enough to their dismay during their first combat in the lower half of the tombs. This is a trick I’m okay with—for one thing, it rewards caution. Had anyone thought to “identify” the items as they took them, they would spot the trick. And if they stopped to think why +4 weapons might be guarded by a relatively weak guardian, they might be more wary. But it is also very in character to take the items. I suspect Abenthy’s player may even have caught on to the trick, but as he has said a few times in the adventure, “Abenthy is not very bright.” He plays him accordingly—gullible and singleminded to a sometimes severe fault.
As they descend, Tyrion suddenly hears a voice whispering his name. He turns to the others and asks if they said something, but they just look at him strange. Xaviee, still with them, asks what he heard, but Tyrion just shakes his head. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, a passage extends to the north and the south. And coming from the south, Tyrion hears the call again. This time, he chases after the voice, ignoring the calls of his companions to halt or come back.
His chase brings him to a door, a door which emanates an aura of power and which is carved with runic devices and (his bardic training easily translates them) warnings in multiple languages. It’s a big “DO NOT ENTER” sign. Tyrion kicks open the door and strides into a strange room.
The room is small, and unnaturally silent. At the north end of the room is a crystalline case containing some kind of parchment, while to the south there is a huge hunk of obsidian, taller than a man, floating within some kind of magical circle inscribed on the floor in adamant. In the center of the room is a small pedestal upon which sits a brass bell hanging in a wooden frame. A small mallet is chained to the bell’s frame. 
Karina, Xaviee, and Abenthy soon catch up. They try to shout at Tyrion to come out of the room, but their voices will not sound in the soundless room. 
“We need to pull him out,” Abenthy tells Karina. She agrees and goes in. Tyrion is standing by the crystal case, looking intently at the scroll inside of it. Karina sees it and her eyes go wide, as it is written in infernal. “It is a contract,” she tries to say, but of course her voice will not work here. But she is right: she has recognized the writing of a demonic contract between Haggemoth and a Herzuo demon by the unpronounceable name of Uhr’khcorgh’hyacch’kc.
Tyrion is already moving. He goes over to the table and strikes the bell with the mallet. It shatters the silence spell in the room with the bell’s sharp DING, which continues to echoe around the room but which is quickly drowned out by the horrendous screams of rage coming from the obsidian. Karina clasps her hands over her ears and screams at the halfing: “TYRION! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
In answer, Tyrion steps up to the magical circle and casually wipes away a chunk of it. There is a mighty crack and the obsidian shatters. Something black and ponderous emerges with a smell like all the garbage in the world was trapped with it in the rock for a hundred years. It bellows...
But Tyrion smiles, and then he pronounces the unpronounceable name. 
The others are not sure exactly what happens next. The half formed demon grabs Tyrion in huge hands and lifts him. Xaviee draws his sword. Abenthy steps forward. Karina backs away, back towards the crystal case. And then the shape is gone, Tyrion is kneeling on the floor inside the magic circle, and there is a smell like sour sulphur in the air. Karina looks back at the case and sees with horror a new name being added to the contract: Tyrion.
In truth, my player has just won a mental battle with the Herzuo, forcing it to lend him its power. This is part of a planned multi-class that Tyrion wished to do, becoming a Bard/Warlock. As it happened, the inner sanctum of Haggemoth included an optional room with this demon encounter. It is supposed to be something the players have to work hard to get into, and then should avoid like the plague after finding it. It is more there for fleshing out the setting and history building of Haggemoth than as a prize—more on that next post—but it is such a good fit for where my player wants to go that I commandeer it for the level up purpose. The mental battle I improvise on the spot, and it is mostly a set of wisdom rolls. Looking back now, if I were to do it again, I would actually have the players fight the Herzuo to have to subdue it, or at least weaken it enough for Tyrion to conquer and force to do his bidding. That would be more dynamic. But at the time, I decided I didn’t want to impede his progress at all towards a level up and anyway Herzuo have the bad habit of making a party very dead, even one as strong as my players. A couple unlucky rolls and he would have them, especially as the armor they are wearing is secretly rusted junk. Except Karina, who kept her Mithril Chain Mail shirt. Abenthy still has his blackguard armor, too, but his shield is gone, discarded in favor of a +4 tower shi—well, it’s actually a big pot lid, but he doesn’t know that.
In any case, now that Tyrion has joined them in a level up, the party moves on, heading back north along the passage until they come to a set of massive double doors, doors that can only be opened with a certain key taken from around Raiden’s neck, which he himself stole from the Tomb of Udo the Grey.
The doors to Haggemoth’s inner sanctum open for the first time since he himself closed them, ages ago. And far away, in Ottoman Dock, the curse on Zennatos is lifted and the old adventurer suddenly sucks in a breath of fresh air and realizes that his strength will return to him, at last.
Next time, the conclusion to the mystery of Haggemoth, and the beginning of the end.
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Who That Big boy in the town?
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//short answer- just a fusion i still need to design cause my brain is coming down with ideas now heh. but as for the long answer well- read it yourselves folks
Alpha huffs, staring at the first creature that arrived, rumbling a bit as he stares... clenching a fist “iT lOoks Like THe LurKEr... A fuSIon OF pOOR gRaNT, sWeEt iNnOCenCE SHaWn, sAmMY laWeReNCe, THe ScReaMEr, And THoSE foUR dAmn dEmONS..” he says, grumbling and sighing as he rubs his forehead
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“BuT... it HaS tRAitS oF thE inK TyrAnt ToO... IT lOokS so Big... JeSus CHriSt...” He says, seeing the large sharp grey looking tusks on the gigantic lurker tyrant. said tyrant grunts and snorts, staring at prowler as the demon stared back, growling and huffing, steaming slightly as the two tyrants glared down at eachother, before the 6 of them all screeched and charged towards prowler, the demon roaring as he charged towards them all as well, the full intent of unleashing his wrath and rage upon them all and then the chaos really happened, the glider would fly around, gliding in the air, and then diving down, slashing across prowler’s body as it roared out, and then next. the crawlers would attempt to ram or claw into prowler’s tough inky hide, but they got easily kicked off, the loch crawler was a bit more successful. clawing and biting onto him, roaring and coughing as he steams and glitches a bit, he easily swung them off, roaring louder as he and kawa rammed their heads into eachother like bulls, snorting and blowing steam before prowler roared and blew her away with a strange oscillary looking wave of sounds,  stumbling backwards as he grunts, before looking over. The Gigantic Lurker Tyrant Rammed it’s tusks into prowler’s chest, causing the demon to rear up and roar loudly in pain, punching and slamming his claws into the tyrant’s head rapidly, before blasting it away slightly with a unholy ray, he coughs, staggering, before coughing as the glider slashed into his face with it’s talons, he snaps his jaws, roaring, before being pounced on by the much smaller crawlers, even having one of his arms bitten onto by the loch crawler, roaring as he still tried to fend them all off. letting loose a deafening booming roar as kawa clamped her jaws around his neck as the gigantic lurker tyrant pierced it’s tusks into him yet again. Alpha and the other two watched in a bit of fear, before the former ink demon turns around to look at lizzie “lizzie! go back to the lodge! now! it’s not safe!” he said, as the ink wyvern grunts and huffs, tilting her head “doN’t QueStiON me JusT Do it GO AND GET HELP!” he says, as the ink wyvern grunted, before nodding as she then flew off away from the two, susan whining as she nudges alpha “d-DOn’t WorRY giRL he’lL-” he glitches as he screeches, holding his chest as he stumbles, knelting down, before freezing up as prowler’s pain filled roars echoed as alpha stared in shock “oH... oH nO.... NoT AGaiN...!” The Demon panted, holding his now missing two arms from the entire left side of his body, coughing and steaming as he grunted, stumbling as his body was melting “u...urgh.. not now... please we... we can’t...” he tried to speak, before groaning as kawa grasped onto him, keeping him stuck there while the glider snarled, flying down and piercing it’s talons and jaws into him, the two other crawlers roared and lunged onto him, biting into his ink and digging their fangs into his skin, the loch crawler snarled, staggering up and charging forwards, and clamping it’s jaws around his neck, he roared and stumbled, struggling to stay up as he screeches out as the lurker tyrant rammed it’s tusks into him rapidly before digging them deep into him, coughing and nearly foaming out a dark red looking liquid that looked like both ink and blood... they were actually winning. prowler couldn’t believe this... he... his eyes glowed as he growled weakfully. not again. he’s not letting anyone beat him EVER! again, his body started glowing, growling as his tails thrashes around, roaring loudly into the air as he made sure these dumb creatures won’t escape his hold, his ink melted as it made sure to keep them stuck there, the creatures all screeched in surprise, trying to break free as prowler’s body started glowing purple and blue and green rapidly, growling and roaring as he was acting like a ticking time-bomb, alpha’s eyes widened, before ducking himself and susan underneath a few bushes as prowler unleashes a powerful explosion along with a roar, engulfing him with the others as the blast caused heavy strong winds to appear, alpha and susan falling off the cliff, rolling down all the way to the bottom as they screamed.the other creatures roared out in agony and pain as they too got engulfed into the explosion’s smoke. all while prowler’s roars were still echoing, before... it got quiet..... Alpha and susan groaned as they staggered out of the bushes that broke their fall. alpha coughing as he glitches, nearly falling back down as susan whined, nudging him as he coughs, his red eye dimming slightly “o...Ow.... WaS... THaT it....?”
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is there anyone else that prowler wants revenge against?
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ya want a list? cause there’s a lot he wants to give payback too lol
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“i... I doN’T Know But... MaYbe... TheRe WaS oNE cReAtuRe thAT actuaLLY beaTEn pROwleR twICe. THiS. bIG pARasITc LooKing lOCh crAWleR dEmOn raPTOr thINg... PReTTy stRAnGE oNE. IT’s A She THOuGH. We gAve hEr THe NICkNaME oF Kawa, SIncE sHE. lOokeD lIKE thE coLORs OF tHE riVEr...” he says, unaware that the lake nearby was bubbling and rippling
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“OTheR thAN THAt.. TheRe WaS thIS sNaKE raPTor. BiGgeR tHAn anY RaPTor We CaME aCRosS... gAVe PRowLEr THe SAme CHeSt ScAr I gOT... IRonicALLY tHAt saME raPtOR sAveD us From beING fOods For PARaSitEs. hEnry GavE hIM THe NaME blAIR. siNCe IT rEMindEd Him of SOmeONE he USeD to Work With IN THe aRmy...” he says, huffing before hearing a low echoing gurgle in the lake, blinking as he glances over from the cliff they were on. prowler stops his surrounding scans and huffed, glancing over to the lake, before something pretty big emerged out of it. even bigger than both prowler’s current form. and that massive tyrant, his eyes widened before he soon glared “ah... you again.... great.... it’s like a damn party here....”
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Kawa snarled and hissed, swaying her long tail as the eye around it steamed and brightened, she lumbered out of the lake, growling and snarling at the others, but mainly at prowler. she was in the middle of hibernating and recovering from the kokua event that happened long before lanky messed up everything. she still had a few scars from that encounter as he grunted, roaring loudly as the six inky messy creatures all roared loudly at prowler. the corrupted demon grunting and glared “i need a damn vacation...” he says to himself, backing away further. he really wished he still had his alpha call ability. he didint want to fight anymore but. he grunts. he’ll have too if they won’t leave him alone.... he huffs, his eyes glowing brightly as he grunts, glaring at all of them, two extra arms growing out of him as he now has four arms, he could form two more arms but. he already wasted enough energy. he didint need to waste anymore power....
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What Kinds Of Creatures That... uh in a way was created by prowler's demonic aura? or whatever it was that infected the toons in your toon town?
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a bunch of creatures were made over-time as the infected aura in the toon city began to infect the survivors. the ones mentioned here are the only known ones that the gang knows about but who knows. there could be more...
“uH... JEeZe THat’S kINDa ToUGh oNE...”
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“thErE wErE a FeW i KneW oF. proBABly mORe. BUt THe fiRst tYpeS of CReATUrES madE FroM proWlEr’S deMOnic aUrA wErE gLidErS. biG WInGEd LOoKing CrEaTUrEs. THey’rE a BirHGT puRPle COlOR. CAn’T mISs THem... NoW Uh-” as if on cue. he hears a loud screech, blinking as prowler and the strange massive looking tyrant stopped walking towards eachother and looked around, prowler glancing up and grunting as he sees something big landing down with a gush of wind “great.... more annoyances.....”
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the Glider roared and screeched, flapping it’s wings as it’s eyes glowed and twitches, it’s long barbed and featherly looking ink tail thrashed around as it snarls at prowler, croaking slightly as the reformed demon grunts and scoffs. snorting a bit as alpha was just. watching with a few twitches “M... aS i wAs SaYiNG. thE NeXT i KnOw Of ArE. cRaWleRs. THe MorE coMmoN LiKE cReATurEs FUlLY maDe From tHE mORe MaRIne LooKing TOoNS. THey THrIEve IN waTEr BUt it’S nOT UncoMmON FOr SOme OF tHEm to be On laND-” as if on another cue the earth began shaking, a couple of feet away from the massive looking tyrants. a fully grown crawler emerged with a loud screech “OH COME THE FUCK ON” alpha ranted as he pulled his own horns
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the Crawler in question was followed by a smaller sub-adult variant of the crawler, both them hissing and screeching a small bit as they came towards the two, the glider snarling as it’s wings flapped slightly, prowler grunting as he looked at the four ugly creatures, growling and scoffing as he backed up, steaming and clicking “really... this is so not going to be fair for me.... and i used up a bit of energy trying to keep these two bastards inside me...” he says to himself, grumbling as alpha glances to lizzie and susan, before huffing as he rubs his forehead “As I wAs SaYing BeFORe... THeRe’S anOTHeR suB SpeCieS of SOrTs OF thEse CRaWleRs, cALleD lOCh cRawLErS, thErE mORe BiGgeR aND stRonGEr THan thE NoRMal braNCH BUT thEY lIVe MOStly UndeRwAteR... I WOn’T be sO SUpRisEd IF-” As if again on cue the lake nearby started to twitch and bubble “AS IF IT COULDN’T GET ANY DAMN WORST!” alpha ranted as he screamed into his hands, susan and lizzie just blinking rapidly as they huffed and groaned.
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the loch crawler bursted out of the waters, landing right near to the other massive tyrant, roaring at prowler as the demon grunts, huffing and snorting “now five against one.... this is a great fucking week for me aint it.... what else is there gonna be in for me before this gang-up happens...” he says to himself, grumbling as he glared at the other monsters, this.... might be bad for him... but who knows. he did survived getting nearly killed by a pack of ink snake raptors in the past. he could take on five creatures. four of which were done by his own corruptions and aura.
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ITotP Short- Melted Beasts And Demons
A.N: Soooo seems like i've been pretty busy with stuff, im glad i had the time though to try and finish one of these shorts after i did the comic, also rip shawn cause of mercy killing oof- either way i think my writing style has improved a bit, what do you all think hm?  corr as always belongs to @core4lost also now i only have two shorts left to do i feel pretty happy to almost be done with these as i can work more on chapter 5 ---------- It was possibly early in the morning now in the abandoned Joey Drew's Studios As deep down in the inky abyss in a almost safe house like area way down in the studios, the retired animator named Henry yawned as he stretches a bit, he had just woken up from his recovery after that long and exhausting battle he had with the ink demon a day ago, he wondered if that attack killed the ink demon, he shouldn't get his hopes up, he sighed as he looked over at bendy and corr who were sleeping next to him as he softly smiled and rubbed in between bendy's horns as the hooded demon emitted a soft purr like sound and snuggled closer to his creator as he smirked a bit and rolled his eyes, he looked at the mirror as he could still feel the pain he had gotten from the ink demon, the two pierces in his body, the torn up face which was healed up now thanks to the ink in his toon form, but there was the idea of THAT raged like state he was in when he saw the ink demon was going to use the knife, he didin't know what came over him one moment he was a human then the next he was a 'toon' and NOW during that fight he became... something else, the retired animator sighed as he rubbed his head still feeling the bandages as he makes a scoff and gently got up not wanting to wake up both bendy and corr, he heads to the bathroom and begins unwrapping his bandage checking his head concussion, it reopened thanks to that fight he had with the ink demon as he sighed "should of known..." he said to himself as he rewrapped it with a new bandage, he doesn't want to risk getting more infected now thanks to the ink's curse, he makes a pondering thought as he wondered what else he could do in that toon like form.  Meanwhile The Ink Demon was trying to get used to his new body as he moved around using his new glowing 'eye' socket he got from the now decreased grant, he flexed his claws a bit as he grumbled and cracked his neck still feeling the bones aching but not sooo much "wEll tHaT's oNe GoOD tHing this nEw BodY haS..." he said as he now doesn't have to feel his bones aching and cracking so much as he stretched his back a bit his spine emitting a pop! sound as he grumbled rubbing where his wound on his head was "GoTtA aDmiT, ThAt oLD maN SUrE paCkeD a PuNCh" the ink demon said to himself as he grunted "bUt I'll GeT bAcK aT hIm, I alWaYS dO" he said as he makes a grunt like grumble as he sniffs in the air his glowing eye widening slightly as he snarls "ThAt ThiNg AgaIn?! I thOugHt I mAdE suRe To HaVe It STaY dEaD foR 2 dAys.. UrGH bLAstEd JoEy" he said as he growled, looks like he will have to again 'save' the old man and demon from that thing, he couldn't afford having that creature stop his plans, but still he needs to wait, his plan is working, not in the way he planned it to be but it was slowly working, he will just have to bide his time and stall it a bit more, he has to make sure that creature will stop interrupting his plans as he growled. Henry got back to his room to find bendy awake but not corr, he smiled tiredly at henry and waved "hey there bud, you okay?" the retired animator asked him as bendy nodded "i still feel my back burning... but it doesn't hurt as much anymore" he said as henry nodded "good, im glad" he said as he makes a low thoughtful sound "Wanna see if there's anything to do?" Henry said as the toon nodded making a yawn as he got up tucking corr in as the small demon slept soundly with a small smile as bendy smiled a bit "sleep tight little bro, ya need it..." he said as he went out the room with henry, they two bumped into lacie who was gathering stuff for shawn's condination as the infected toy maker's situation was getting worst every day "henry, I know you just woke up and all but shawn is getting worst by the minute, we need to get him some medications but we're almost out" she said as henry nodded "tell me and bendy where to go we can get it" he said as the toon nodded he didn't want anyone else to die by his or anyone else's hands. lacie gave the two a small map and told them where to go, the two headed out as they pulled out their weapons for safe keepings "you know you can transform right?" henry said as the toon nodded "yeah... i just don't want too.... i... i don't like turning into those forms.... even THAT one" the toon said talking about his unstable form as henry makes a sympathetic look and patted his shoulder "bendy you've been getting more and more control ever since you've been using it longer, but if that's how you feel then i won't pester you about it" he said as the toon smiled "thanks..." he said as henry smiled back "no problem bud, now come on, let's hurry and find that medication for Shawn" Henry said as the toon nodded and headed on more, as they walked they began to feel a familar feeling that they were being watched, "a bit too early to already feeling paranoid..." henry said as the toon nodded as he clutched his revolver closer to him as they walked on, unaware to them an familiar beast was watching them, the same creature that attacked them before and attacked them when it was in it's second form, thanks to joey's magic and it's own demonic powers it was able to be revived before the 2 days were up and it already became an new form, this was now it's third form and despite it not having anymore legs and just a melted malformed dragonoid like beast it was still powerful it will have to wait before ambushing henry and the toon by said spot as it lumbered off elsewhere.  Henry and bendy soon found the room they need to be but there was bad news, an old face was there "oh great... him again" henry said as the ink demon lumbered around trying to look for something, both the retired animator and toon hid as the ink demon walked out the room making an groan like sound as his glowing eye dimmed as it looks around snarling in annoyance a few times before walking off while opening up a ink portal and going into it. bendy and Henry wasted no time in rushing to the room and slamming it shut until they need to go out, they start to search cabinets, shelves, and even dressers but couldn't find the medication that Lacie was talking about, bendy noticed a safe "hey Henry!" he said as Henry looked over to see the toon shot off the lock with the revolver "was that really worth it?" he said as the toon gave a sly smirk "what?~ I'm a demon at heart causing a bit of trouble is in my blood hen!" he said as the retired animator makes a chuckle "alright alright see what's in there" he said as bendy looked through the safe finding again another orb as it floated around Henry as the retired animator makes a pondering look as the orb went into his 'tie' as it started glowing a dim blue, he makes a shrug and saw bendy pulling out a strange bottle that said "temporary Vaccine For Ink Corruption, Made By Joey Drew" he read It outloud "guess joey made something for himself if he ever did get a infection from the ink like that... anywho it's close enough! but we only have enough in this bottle for one person and that has to be Shawn" he said as Henry nodded "right, come on then bud, let's get going" he said as the two headed out the room unaware of the danger there about to face. the two marched on still feeling a bit wary of everything like something will jump out at them in the last moment but nothing had come out at them, it was strange, yet a bit wondering, where searchers and other ink based creatures still sleeping? henry shivered at the thought of some of those creatures act like reptiles as the two kept walking, meanwhile back in the safehouse shawn was coughing and wheezing as ink slowly starts to drip from his head as everyone was waiting for henry and bendy to come back, corr was hiding behind the couch as he peeks over making a whimper like sound as he wondered where the two were, shawn started hacking as his hands start to become inkifed as his mouth became almost crooked as he stumbles before falling down having a seziure as lacie and norman tried to stop him from letting the ink take over "fight it shawn come on! it's what grant would of wanted!" lacie said as the projectionst makes a concern screech and held down shawn with ease as his robotic hand was stronger than his other more inky but real hand. boris looked at the clock as allison makes a sigh "oh where are they....." the angel said as the wolf whimpered a bit "who knows...." he said sadly as they kept waiting. with the ink demon he was having not a grand old time trying to find this creature "EitHEr Im gOinG lITteRaLLy bLinD, oR He'S goTtEn bEtTEr AT hIding His auRa FrOm M E" the ink demon said snarling and roaring a bit as he punches the wall grunting as he felt the studio started to have a mini earthquake from that as bendy and henry stumbled a bit feeling the vibration as the two look around quickly as the creature took that as a time to ambush as it emerged right in front of the two roaring and swatting away henry and slamming bendy to the wall "GAK! HENRY!!" the toon cried out as he had dropped his revolver, henry got up and glared "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HIM!!" he said as the creature looks and laughs lifting up the toon and slamming him repeatedly on the wall as the toon had enough and transformed straight into his berserker form as he roared and lunged slashing and punching the creature as he makes a snarl and went all out on the berserk demon as henry watched slowly getting the realization that this was the same creature they saw before and after, it seems to have gotten stronger though, a lot stronger as the demon makes a painful snarl as his arm was leg was ripped off as he makes a groan as he hovered in the air before being grabbed tightly as he snarls out in pain. Henry glaring and pulling out his weapon and started firing away the bullets barley making the creature flinch as it growled as bendy struggles to get himself free as he makes various clicking nosies in a cry for help as the ink demon's horns twitched hearing the clicking noises in the ink as he makes a alerted snarl and starts to follow it.  back in the safehouse corr's horns perked a bit also hearing the clicking noises as he looks around making sure he wasn't being watched as he slowly makes his way out the safe house before running as fast as he could as he hears the clicking noises getting louder and louder as he turns the corner before his pie-cut eyes widen he saw henry and bendy were very hurt by this awful creature as it makes a howl of laughter as it squeezed the demon tighter as he then huffs and throws the berserk demon through a weak wall as the berserker demon fell through the wall as he makes a echoing roar as henry's eyes widen "BENDY!, N O!!!!" he said as the retired animator instantly turns into his toon form as he tries to get to bendy who was still falling as he was again swatted by the creature as he growls as his arms to axes as he makes a glare "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR DOING THAT TO HIM! DO YOU HEAR ME?! P A Y!" he said as the creature howled with laughter as Henry ran at the creature in pure anger as corr hid in fear from seeing Henry angry and seeing bendy being thrown away. the wounded berserk demon makes a low growl as he wakes up slowly as he looks around inspecting himself as he saw how wounded he was, he had multiple gashes around his body his shirt almost ripped off completely, his jeans were more torn and ripped as he saw his arm, legs and part of his tail were ripped and destroyed as he inspects his face he had a axe head stuck into the eye socket as he growls and notices he was impaled on a sharp spear like pipe as he emits a low grunt and first got the axe head out emitting a loud snarl as he worked on yanking the spear out of his ribcage he did this several times before finally yanking it out as he roars in pain and uses his good arm to held his side as it was oozing ink he had to fix himself, and fast as he starts to crawl looking around his surroundings as he seem to be in some sort of junkyard like area as he makes a low grunt as he looks at the litter bodies of failed corpses of clones, ink and other sort of objects and creatures, the wounded demon found himself a arm, a boris arm as he stares at the clawed bandaged arm and hand as he snorts and picked it up putting it on where his right arm would be as he slowly adapts to the new limb as he searches around for a leg as he found a failed bendy leg as he snorts and uses it to replace the one he lost, he found his foot was the only thing destroyed from his good leg as he grunts and finds a shoed foot as he grunts and wipes off the ink from it seeing that it was a brown ripped tap shoe just his size as he inserted the new foot into the one where he lost his foot as he stands up struggling to stay balance as he eventually did as he looks around seeing his severe his body was as he saw his wings and spines were gone the impact of the fall and the damage.  he Took must of made them ripped apart he did'int care he needed to save Henry and the others he had too he found a belt shoulder and putted it on him as he growled and looked around before noticing a old lost one just sitting in the corner it had a eye just for him as the berserk demon limped his way over as he grabs the lost one as it weakly struggled with him as he pulls out the eye and stumbled about before placing it inside the empty socket as he then starts to snarl out as he stumbles his seals slightly glowing as he almost forgot about them as he roars out in pain as he starts to transform again not to his unstable form but to what he gathered from the limbs he starts to gain a new form his height increasing to about 13 feet tall as he snarls his trademark smile was replaced with a fanged grin for good as he grunts and looks around seeing his changes as he tilts his head, his horns perked when he hears the sounds of a fight happening above as he glares no time for him to get used to this new form he had to save Henry and the others before it was too late for them. Henry gets slammed right back to the ground as he got back up holding his arm as the toon turned animator was already getting tired despite even using his own monstrous version he still was getting overpowered by that creature it seems almost nothing would stop it, just then as the creature was going to grab henry and finish him off a loud snarl was heard as something cutted off the creature's arm as it makes a loud roar as henry was picked up and placed back onto the ground as the now retired animator looked up to see "bendy?!?!?!" he said as the frankenstein like demon nods slowly as he turns around growling lowly at the creature who stared in shock that the demon was still alive, none the less it growled and tried convincing bendy to join him as he sees how different the demon was now when suddenly the demon roars in anger shouting at him "N O! ! ! ! !" he said as he attacks the creature as the creature roars in surprise as it was quickly getting overpowered as both corr and henry watched in wonder as how adapted bendy seem to be in that new form already as the creature snarls in pain and agony from each blow but eventually the creature overpowers the demon as he growls and as the fight went on he had to use up all his energy as he reverted back to his toon form panting as all three looked up to see the creature glaring down at them with a low growl.  as the creature raises it’s claws to finish them off when suddenly a piercing pain rang out through the creature as it roars loudly as it looks to see that it's chest has been impaled it looked behind to see alpha who was also melted but also very big as he grinned and laughed madly as he drags the creature into the inky river it claws at the ground begging for their help as the three only stared as the creature snarls and gets dragged off into the inky river as they all watched. henry looked at bendy who was tired and then looked at corr who hugged bendy "i though you died!" he said as the toon grinned weakly and patted corr's head "hey now, it'll take more than that thing to keep me down, im a tough ol demon" he said as he struggled with getting up a bit as the three started to head their way back, along the way henry stopped as he felt something was up "hold on......" his eyes widen "GET DOWN!!" the three ducked as something lurched above them and misses as it fell to the floor, henry was the first to see it as his eyes widen "oh god no....." corr looked up and gasped as he covers his mouth, bendy stares in shock "s....shawn.... oh god why..." he said as the malformed now inky shawn who was a melted bendy with a crooked smile as the malformed melted bendy makes a low gurgle like roar and lunges as corr dodges and henry drops his axe as he was pinned to the ground as he struggles "c-come on shawn! fight it please! please!" he said as the malformed melted bendy makes a loud roar as it kept trying to get at henry as he struggles as suddenly the malformed melted bendy lets out a snarl in pain as it was hitted by the axe as it fell to it's side as bendy kept smashing the malformed shawn with the axe ignoring the cries of pain the malformed shawn was giving as bendy held back his tears as he kept hitting and hitting until he felt henry grab a hold of him "calm down bud! calm down it's over!" he said as bendy shakes and drops the axe before sobbing and hugging henry as henry comforted him "shhhh... it's okay... it's alright" he said as he stares at the corpse now of shawn in pity "he needs proper burial.." he said as the toon nodded as corr came out of hiding helding back tears as they stared at the dead body of the malformed melted bendy that was shawn as henry picked him up gently and began walking. when they made it back to the safehouse they saw that they already knew, there was nothing to say as they watched henry dig up a grave and placed shawn into it "im sorry this happened to you shawn... you did'int deserve this..." he said as he sighs and closed the grave as they stood in silence bendy was the one that was quiet the most he seemed to be thinking as he walks off, corr was about to go to him but he gets stopped by henry "no corr... he needs time to think" he said as the small demon nods a bit sad now but he understands that the demon needs his space. bendy sat in his room just staring of looking at himself in the mirror as he closed his eyes as all he could see was the begging face of the malformed shawn crying for help as the demon letted his tears shed "...god..... why....just why..." he said as he burries his face in his knees as he tries going to sleep.
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