introspect-la · 4 months
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aoki-lab · 7 months
青木淳退任記念展 雲と息つぎ ―テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会 番外編―
Retirement Exhibition of Jun Aoki Clouds and Breaths -The Exhibition as Temporary Renovation extra edition-
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●会期: 2023年11月18日(土) ‐ 2023年12月3日(日) ●開館時間:10:00 - 17:00(入館は16:30まで) ただし、最終日12月3日は16:00まで(16:00からは小金沢健人によるパフォーマンス) 会期中無休/入場無料 ●会場:東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館 ●主催:東京藝術大学美術学部、東京藝術大学美術館 ●企画:東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科建築専攻青木淳研究室(青木淳、笹田侑志、秋山真緩、大岩樹生、佐野桃子、三輪和誠) ●協力:菊地敦己、小金沢健人、中村竜治 ●会場設営:studio arche (甲斐貴大)  ●グラフィックデザイン:小原七海 ●問い合わせ:050-5541-8600(ハローダイヤル) ●Dates : Nov 18 (Sat) - Dec 3 (Sun), 2023Open throughout the session period ●Hours : 10:00 - 17:00 (Entry by 16:30)*Dec 3 until 16:00 (Performance by Takehito Koganezawa starting from 16:00) ●Place : Chinretsukan Gallery 1, 2F (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts) ●Admission : Free ●Organizer : Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts; The University Art Museum ●Planning : Jun Aoki Laboratory, Department of Architecture, Tokyo University of the Arts (Jun Aoki, Yushi Sasada, Mahiro Akiyama, Mikio Oiwa, Momoko Sano, Kazutaka Miwa) ●Collaborators : Atsuki Kikuchi, Takehito Koganezawa, Ryuji Nakamura ●Venue Setup : Studio Arche(Takahiro Kai) ●Graphic Design : Nanami Obara ●Inquiry : NTT Hello Dial: 050-5541-8600
 2019年度、東京藝術大学美術学部建築科教授に着任しました。2023年度をもって定年に達するため、最初から、5年間という時間の限りを強く意識しての就任でした。    その 5 年間で、日頃、「建築」について考えてきたことを、学生たちに伝えていきたいと思いました。  建築とは、私たちに先立っていまここに存在している環境に対して、想像力をもって働きかけ、私たちの存在の基盤である環境そのものを揺り動かすこと、と考えてきました。どういう方向に揺り動かすはそれぞれの自由です。肝心なのは、一見、盤石の存在に見える目の前の環境もまた、それぞれの意志によって改変できるし、またそうすることによって、私たちは「自由」になれる、ということです。    そのことを、実践を通して伝えられたらと思ったのでした。    私の研究室に所属する大学院1年生たちに、そのことを目的としたプロジェクトを行なってもらうことにしました。それが、「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」でした。    建築科の大学院入試は 9月に行われます。したがって、最初の大学院生を受け入れたのは、2020年度からでした。2023年度に大学院生をとると、彼ら彼女らが修士 2 年に進級したとき、すでに退官になってしまっていますので、2020年度、21年度、22 年度の 3年間だけ、大学院生をとるつもりでした。    「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」は、3回で完結するひとつの企画でした。    展覧会とは作品を見てもらう/見にいくためにつくりあげられる一時的な環境です。作品の内容がよく、それがうまく伝わると、よい展覧会と言われます。そして、ほんとうによい展覧会だと、作品と環境との境が溶け合い渾然一体となって、そこを訪れ、時間を過ごすその体験そのものが、私たちの内のなにかに働きかけるものです。    この事態を、環境の側から見れば、すでにここに存在し、私たちの存在の基盤である環境がなにかによって改変され、その環境が私の固まりかかった存在を揺り動かしている、ということになるでしょう。作品が不要というのではなく、作品という項を仮に括弧にくくった見方をすれば、という話です。    「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」とは、このような視点で、いまここに存在している環境に働きかけ、一時的に、それを一定の方向に変えてみせることであり、それはまさに、日頃、建築について考えてきたことと重なっていました。      「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」を企画し、実践しなさい。    この課題に対して、2020年度の大学院1年生たちは、東京藝術大学上野キャンパス・正木記念館を対象として、そこに置かれた備品を配置し直すことで、その空間が持つ特質を強調しようしました。タイトルは<シン・マサキキネンカン>、企画・実践は、荻野紗、齋藤悠太、藤井雪乃、山田寛太でした。(担当教員は教授・青木淳、助手・澤田航。)    2021年度の大学院1年生たちは、渋谷駅前の桜丘フロントビル 1 階の「SACS 渋谷」を舞台として、現実の渋谷の街さながらに、展示を構成する個々の要素が独立した搬入/設営/搬出という動きのなかにある状態をつくりだしました。タイトルは<鳥は泳ぎ続ける>、企画・実践は、大貫友瑞、河上朝乃、高井爽、松井一将でした。(担当教員は教授・青木淳、助手・笹田侑志。)  2022年度の大学院1年生たちは、有楽町駅前の新有楽町ビル B1F「旧理容室」を起点として、手渡されるインストラクションを手掛かりに、有楽町の表と裏を訪ね歩くことで、普段とは異なる街の顔を浮かび上がらせました。タイトルは<HAPPY TURN>、企画・実践は、月ヶ瀬かれん、仲野耕介、見崎翔栄でした。(担当教員は教授・青木淳、助手・笹田侑志。)  これで、3 回の「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」が完結するはずでしたが、とある経緯があって、2023年度も大学院生をとることになりました。  そこで、退任記念展として、その大学院1年生たち(秋山真緩、大岩樹生、佐野桃子、三輪和誠)と、番外編としての「テンポラリーなリノベーションとしての展覧会」を開くことにしました。  今回だけは、学生たちの自主企画・実践というのではなく、青木、笹田が前面に立つので、番外編としました。  とはいえ、これもまた、建築というものがつねにひとりの個人に帰属できないように、青木個人の、あるいは青木と笹田の「作品」としての展覧会ではありません。建築は、ひとりの個に収斂していくものではなく、外に向かって広がり、ばらけ、にもかかわらず、一貫した「質」を保つものです。  そのことをはっきりさせるために、何人かの「外部」の人に開こうとしています。  グラフィック・デザイナーの菊地敦己さんには、「キャプション」という側面から関わってもらいます。  アーティストの小金沢健人さんには、「パフォーマンス」という側面から関わってもらいます。  建築家の中村竜治さんには、もうひとりの建築家として関わってもらいます。
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metodologica · 1 year
Los perros lloran más cuando se reencuentran con sus dueños
Los perros y los humanos claramente tienen un vínculo especial. Pero, ¿los perros, como los humanos, producen más lágrimas cuando están inundados de emoción? Un nuevo estudio publicado en Current Biology, que puede ser el primero en analizar esta pregunta, dice que, de hecho, los ojos de nuestros compañeros caninos se llenan de lágrimas. De hecho, sucede regularmente cuando se reencuentran contigo.
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“Descubrimos que los perros derraman lágrimas asociadas con emociones positivas”, dice Takefumi Kikusui de la Universidad de Azabu en Japón. “También hicimos el descubrimiento de la oxitocina como un posible mecanismo subyacente”.
Kikusui y sus colegas hicieron el descubrimiento después de que uno de sus dos caniches estándar tuviera cachorros hace 6 años. Notó que, cuando su perra estaba amamantando a los cachorros, algo cambiaba en el rostro de la perra; hubo lágrimas. Esas lágrimas no caen como suele ocurrir en los humanos, pero sí provocan lágrimas en los ojos.
“Eso me dio la idea de que la oxitocina podría aumentar las lágrimas”, dice Kikusui.
La oxitocina, explicó, se conoce como la “hormona del amor” o materna. Los investigadores también sabían por observaciones anteriores que tanto los perros como sus dueños liberan oxitocina durante las interacciones. Entonces, decidieron realizar un experimento de reunificación y ver si hacía llorar a los perros.
Primero, usaron una prueba estándar para medir el volumen de lágrimas de los perros antes y después de reunirse con sus dueños. Descubrieron que el volumen de lágrimas aumentó cuando volvieron a estar con el humano familiar y no con una persona que no conocían.
Cuando agregaron oxitocina a los ojos de los perros, el volumen de sus lágrimas también aumentó. Ese hallazgo respalda la idea de que la liberación de oxitocina desempeña un papel en la producción de lágrimas cuando los perros y su gente vuelven a estar juntos.
También pidieron a las personas que calificaran las imágenes de caras de perros con y sin lágrimas artificiales y resultó que las personas dieron respuestas más positivas cuando vieron perros con los ojos llorosos. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la producción de lágrimas de los perros ayuda a forjar conexiones más fuertes entre las personas y sus perros.
Kikusui dice que los hallazgos fueron una sorpresa. “Nunca habíamos oído hablar del descubrimiento de que los animales derraman lágrimas en situaciones alegres, como al reunirse con sus dueños, ¡y todos estábamos emocionados de que esto fuera una primicia mundial!”
En este caso, parece que los perros producen lágrimas en situaciones que los humanos considerarían “felices”. Todavía no han probado si los perros también producen lágrimas en respuesta a las emociones negativas. Tampoco saben todavía si los perros lloran cuando se juntan con otros perros. Esperan saber si esta respuesta también tiene una función social en el mundo canino. Pero, por ahora, dicen que parece tener claras implicaciones para el vínculo perro-humano.
“Los perros se han convertido en socios de los humanos y podemos formar lazos”, dice Kikusui. “En este proceso, es posible que los perros que muestren ojos llorosos durante la interacción con el dueño sean más cuidados por el dueño”.
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Ref.: Kaori Murata, Miho Nagasawa, Tatsushi Onaka, Nobuyuki Kanemaki, Shigeru Nakamura, Kazuo Tsubota, Kazutaka Mogi, Takefumi Kikusui. Increase of tear volume in dogs after reunion with owners is mediated by oxytocin. Current Biology, 2022; 32 (16): R869 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.07.031
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vlyapewi · 3 years
[Drawing] Courier/Hakobiya x Cutthroat/Satsujinki - Akudama Drive
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"Go For It Courier!"
I hope you like it and sorry of there is any mistakes ^^
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ayuvogue · 7 years
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今日の撮影はこのイケメンお二方と😋💕やはりさすがのゴールデンコンビでした🙌 #KazutakaNakamura #YusukeKawakita #Photographer #Hairmake
Ayu just completed a photoshoot! Kazutaka Nakamura has shot a number of magazine spreads and album covers for Ayu, including her most recent album, MADE IN JAPAN.
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sakugabooru · 5 years
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School Watches Assassination Classroom
School watches Assassination Classroom by TheSteinsGateFormula
Ritsu travels twenty years into the past to try to undo the apocalypse, but due to an unforeseen error, the whole of the third year of Kunugigaoka Junior High School has been brought along for the ride and are now trapped in a time-bubble for three days...things weren't off to a great start.
Words: 716367, Chapters: 54/54, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Watching the future and trying not to mess up the timeline
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Korosensei, Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Kayano Kaede, Okuda Manami, Kataoka Megu, Isogai Yuuma, Maehara Hiroto, Takebayashi Koutarou, Sugino Tomohito, Asano Gakushuu, Sakakibara Ren, Araki Teppei, Seo Tomoya, Koyama Natsuhiko, Terasaka Ryouma, Mimura Kouki, Okajima Taiga, Kanzaki Yukiko, Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Class A OC's who have personalities, Main Campus Students needing a de-brainwash, Nakamura Rio, Ritsu, Fuwa Yuzuki, Hara Sumire, Yoshida Taisei, Muramatsu Takuya, Ono Kensaku, OC Teachers who got pulled into the ride, Kimura Masayoshi, Sugaya Sousuke, Yada Touka, Okano Hinata, Hayami Rinka, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Hazama Kirara, Shindou Kazutaka
Relationships: Irina Jelavić/Karasuma Tadaomi
Additional Tags: Character Study, Original Character(s), Characters React to Fandom, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Comedy, Apocalypse Prevented, These kids have to learn how to get along, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Characters React, Spoilers, Anime/Manga Fusion, Characters watch their own show, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24225712
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irraydiance · 4 years
Assassination Classroom Masterlist
For people that have trouble finding the Assassination Classroom translations on this blog, you can find the masterlist for all of it here. This post is just a copy-paste of the actual masterlist page but I figured I should pin this post since tumblr allows us to do that now.
Answered questions
Master tag (all translations)
Class 3-E Name Chart
Karma’s favourite food?
Korotan D excerpt (summary)
Some of the (new) colour illustrations
Breakdown of second semester final exam scores
Valentine’s Memorial + Ranking
Class 3-E
E-1 ➤ Akabane Karma
E-2 ➤ Isogai Yuuma
E-3 ➤ Okajima Taiga
E-4 ➤ Okano Hinata
E-5 ➤ Okuda Manami
E-6 ➤ Kataoka Megu
E-7 ➤ Kayano Kaede
E-8 ➤ Kanzaki Yukiko
E-9 ➤ Kimura “Masayoshi” Justice
E-10 ➤ Kurahashi Hinano
E-11 ➤ Shiota Nagisa
E-12 ➤ Sugaya Sousuke
E-13 ➤ Sugino Tomohito
E-14 ➤ Takebayashi Koutarou
E-15 ➤ Chiba Ryuunosuke
E-16 ➤ Terasaka Ryoma
E-17 ➤ Nakamura Rio
E-18 ➤ Hazama Kirara
E-19 ➤ Hayami Rinka
E-20 ➤ Hara Sumire
E-21 ➤ Fuwa Yuzuki
E-22 ➤ Maehara Hiroto
E-23 ➤ Mimura Kouki
E-24 ➤ Muramatsu Takuya
E-25 ➤ Yada Touka
E-26 ➤ Yoshida Taisei
E-27 ➤ Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery (Ritsu)
E-28 ➤ Horibe Itona
Personal history pages
Class 3-E
E-1 & E-2 ➤ Akabane Karma & Isogai Yuuma
E-3 & E-4 ➤ Okajima Taiga & Okano Hinata
E-5 & E-6 ➤ Okuda Manami & Kataoka Megu
E-7 & E-8 ➤ Kayano Kaede & Kanzaki Yukiko
E-9 & E-10 ➤ Kimura “Masayoshi” Justice & Kurahashi Hinano
E-11 & E-12 ➤ Shiota Nagisa & Sugaya Sousuke
E-13 & E-14 ➤ Sugino Tomohito & Takebayashi Koutarou
E-15 & E-16 ➤ Chiba Ryuunosuke & Terasaka Ryoma
E-17 & E-18 ➤ Nakamura Rio & Hazama Kirara
E-19 & E-20 ➤ Hayami Rinka & Hara Sumire
E-21 & E-22 ➤ Fuwa Yuzuki & Maehara Hiroto
E-23 & E-24 ➤ Mimura Kouki & Muramatsu Takuya
E-25 & E-26 ➤ Yada Touka & Yoshida Taisei
E-27 & E-28 ➤ Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery (Ritsu) & Horibe Itona
Takada Chousuke, Tanaka Nobuta, Araki Teppei, Koyama Natsuhiko, Seo Tomoya, Sakakibara Ren, Shindou Kazutaka, Kunudon
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Cover of A BALLADS 2 photographed by Kazutaka Nakamura
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Two More Baseball Brawlers Join the Cast of Tribe Nine TV Anime
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  Two additional baseball brawlers have been announced for Tribe Nine, an upcoming TV anime based on the mixed media project created by Too Kyo Games, Kazutaka Kodaka, and Shuhei Yamaguchi about gangs of young people who square off in "extreme baseball" matches for control over their Neo Tokyo turf. The new cast members are part of the Taito Tribe, including:
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    Yuichi Nakamura as Yajirobe Ueno.
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  And Daisuke Ono as Hanafuda Sakura.
    Set in Neo Tokyo, Tribe Nine follows the adventures of various "tribes" of young people who play XB ("eXtreme Baseball") matches. Against this backdrop, Haru Shirokane, a boy who came from across the sea, aims to grow stronger because he is always being bullied. He meets Shun Kamiya, the leader of the Minato Tribe - which is said to be the strongest in Neo Tokyo - and the two bond over their love of XB. However, soon all of the tribes are under threat from the mysterious Tenshin Otori, the self-proclaimed king of Neo Tokyo, and the members of the Chiyoda Tribe, who wish to conquer all...
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    Tribe Nine is directed by Yū Aoki and features animation production by Liden Films. The series is scheduled to begin broadcasting in Japan in January of 2022, and it will also stream in the United States via Funimation.
Official Tribe Nine Twitter feed (@tribenine_tokyo)
  Copyright notice: © Akatsuki Inc. / Tribe Nine Production Committee
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Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
By: Paul Chapman
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ultraericthered · 3 years
AssClass Cast Evaluation
Korosensei - Best teacher, best character
Tadaomi Karasuma - Team Dad, badass pro with a badass voice
Irina Jelavic - Professor Bitch, she’s inept and bitchy and we love her
Nagisa Shiota - Precious Femboy, kind but skilled, uncertain of his future and possesses a hidden bloodlust due to his horrible home life
Kaede Kayano - Best Girl, is hilarious and a delightful little ray of sunshine until she drops the act and becomes a scary psycho killer
Karma Akabane - Smiling sadist who screws around with people, appears edgy but is actually real chill and a nicer guy than he lets on
Tomohito Sugino - Baseball Boy, has friends in high places despite being in E Class and seems to have an unrequited crush on Kanzaki
Manami Okuda - Poison Nerd, cute glasses-wearing wallflower who’s not that into having to hurt or kill people despite being good at it
Hiroto Maehara - Outdoorsy Carrottop Playboy, not much else
Sosuke Sugaya - Gray haired and artsy savant, not much else
Yukiko Kanzaki -  Beautiful Class Idol who’s actually a hardcore Gamer Girl and a hangout junkie, both guys and girls crush on her
Meg Kataoka - Studious, serious overachiever tomboyish girl who tends to act as everyone’s big sister and is real skilled with weapons
Touka Yada - A Very Tricky Lesbian, close friend to Kataoka and (in the manga) a personal protégé of Professor Bitch
Hinano Kurahashi - Outdoorsy Carrottop Playgirl who’s an animal lover and even finds creepy crawly insects to be cute
Rinka Hayami - Stoic Sniper Girl, often partnered with Chiba.
Ryunnosuke Chiba - Stoic Sniper Boy, often partnered with Hayami
Hinata Okano - Tomboyish athlete, not much else
Yuuma Isogai - He’s Prince Charming! and a natural born leader
Ryouma Terasaka - Bullying Punk With A Heart Of Gold, was a cruel, uncaring jackass at the start but he grows into a true friend
Takuya Muramatsu - Terasaka’s Goon #1
Taisei Yoshida - Terasaka’s Goon #2
Kirara Hazuma - Creepy Goth Delinquent Girl, Terasaka’s Goon #3
Kotaro Takebayashi - Literally Joe Kido from Digimon Adventure
Sumire Hara - Chubby but tough and friendly girl, not much else
Rio Nakamura - Hilarious Pervy Troublemaker Girl who loves to tease others, especially Nagisa, and gets along well with Karma
Kouki Mimura - Generic Guy/Cannon Fodder, nothing more
Taiga Okajima - Pervy Guy who’s always serving as the Buttmonkey
Masayoshi Kimura - JUSTICE! That’s his real name. Not much else.
Yuzuki Fuwa - 4th Wall Breaking Manga Fangirl who’s still a Manga Fangirl even when the series is an anime rather than a manga
Ritsu - Adorable Self-Aware AI chick, largely just comic relief
Itona Horibe - Korosensei’s “little brother”, a surprisingly adorkable edgelord who fits right in with Terasaka’s gang of hoodlums
Gakuho Asano - The Big Bad Principal of Kunugigaoka, a creepy yet magnificent foil to Korosensei and the best villain in the series
Gakushu Asano - The Big Bad Principal’s Son, Karma’s archrival
Teppei Araki - Pretentious Know-It-All in Asano’s Big Five
Ren Sakakibara - Charming Poet in Asano’s Big Five
Natsuhiko Koyama - Ugly Teenage Mad Scientist in Asano’s Big Five
Tomoya Seo - Vulgar Piece Of Shit in Asano’s Big Five
Kazutaka Shindou - Star Baseball Player, becomes E Class’ Mole
Nobuta and Chousuke - Kunugigaoka’s resident Bulk and Skull
Kunudon - Asshole School Mascot, out of a job now (hooray!)
Lovro Brofski - Bitch’s Russian Mentor, was dead until he wasn’t
Red Eye - Damaged War Vet Hired Gun who Korosensei reformed
Smog, Grip, and Gastro - Not-So-Bad Bad Guys hired by Takaoka
“Reaper” - Failed protégé of Korosensei, fails to live up to the hype
Shiro/Kotaro Yanagisawa - A Completely Sick, Twisted, Evil Bastard
Hiromi Shiota - Nagisa’s Mom, a narcissistic abusive parent who Should Not Be Allowed Around Kids EVER
Aguri Yukimura - Korosensei’s Lost Lenore who Deserved Better
Sakura Kiyashiki - Miniature Sakura Haruno who crushes on Nagisa
Matsukaka - Elderly Headmaster with great reactions to shit
Asano’s Former Students - Poor Bbys :(
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daily-shimonohiro · 3 years
°•Seiyuus featured in the blog with Shimono °.•*
Akesaka Satomi
Amamiya Sora
Amasaki Kohei
Aoi Shouta
Aoi Yuki
Asakura Momo
Asanuma Shintaro
Ban Taito
Chiwa Saito
Eguchi Takuya
Fukuen Misato
Fukuyama Jun
Hama Kento
Hanae Natsuki
Hanazawa Kana
Harada Hitomi
Haruno Anzu
Hatanaka Tasuku
Hayami Saori
Hayami Show
Hidaka Rina
Hikasa Yoko
Hino Satoshi
Honda Yoko
Horie Shun
Horikawa Ryō
Horiuchi Kenyuu
Inada Tetsu
Inoue Marina
Ishii Kazutaka
Ishikawa Kaito
Ishikawa Yui
Kaji Yuki
Kakihara Tetsuya
Kamiya Hiroshi
Kaneda Tomoko
Kanemoto Hisako
Kato Emiri
Kawanishi Kengo
Kawasumi Ayako
Kayano Ai
Kimura Ryohei
Kito Akari
Komatsu Mikako
Komoto Keisuke
Kondo Takashi
Konishi Katsuyuki
Kugimiya Rei
Maeno Tomoaki
Mariya Ise
Masuda Toshiki
Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Midorikawa Hikaru
Misaki Kuno
Miyamoto Katsuya
Miyano Mamoru
Miyata Kouki
Mizuhashi Kaori
Morikubo Showtaro
Murase Ayumu
Nagatsuka Takuma
Nakahara Mai
Nakamura Shugo
Nakamura Yūichi
Namikawa Daisuke
Nishiyama Koutaro
Nojima Kenji
Ōgame Asuka
Ohashi Ayaka
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Ono Daisuke
Ono Kensho
Otsuka Akio
Ozawa Ari
Saitō Momoko
Saitō Sōma
Sakakihara Yuki
Sakura Ayane
Sakurai Takahiro
Sato Gen
Satō Takuya
Seki Tomokazu
Shimazaki Nobunaga
Sugita Tomokazu
Suzaki Aya
Suzuki Chihiro
Suzuki Momori
Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Taketatsu Ayana
Taneda Risa
Takahashi Hidenori
Taniyama Kishou
Tatsumi Yuiko
Terashima Junta
Terashima Takuma
Toki Shunichi
Tokui Sora
Tomatsu Haruka
Toriumi Kōsuke
Toyonaga Toshiyuki
Tsuda Kenjiro
Tsujitani Kōji
Uchida Maaya
Uchida Yuuma
Uchiyama Kouki
Uesaka Sumire
Yamaguchi Kappei
Yamamoto Kazutomi
Yamamoto Maria
Yamashita Daiki
Yasumoto Hiroki
Yonoga Tsubasa
Yusa Kōji
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newsintheshell · 4 years
Così parlò Rohan Kishibe, in arrivo a dicembre una miniserie live action
Lo spinoff de Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo sbarcherà in tv con la trasposizione di tre storie.
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NHK ha annunciato la produzione di una miniserie live action di tre episodi ispirata al manga “Così parlò Rohan Kishibe” (Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai o Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan) di Hirohiko Araki, spinoff del più celebre “Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo” (JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken o JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) con protagonista Rohan Kishibe, il famoso fumettista di Morio-cho introdotto con l’arco narrativo Diamond Is Unbreakable, interpretato per l’occasione da Issei Takahashi (Takashi Hayashida nel film live action di Un marzo da leoni) .
Il primo episodio sarà basato sulla storia intitolata “Il villaggio dei milionari”, contenuta nel primo volume del manga, edito in Italia da Star Comics; il secondo episodio sarà basato sul racconto breve “Kushagara”, tratto dal romanzo scritto da Ballad Kitaguni, mentre il terzo episodio sarà la trasposizione di “D.N.A.”, il capitolo contenuto nel secondo volume del manga. 
A dirigere l’adattamento per la televisione è Kazutaka Watanabe, che segue la sceneggiatura curata da Yasuko Kobayashi (sceneggiatrice della serie anime de Le Bizzarre Avventure di JoJo). Le musiche sono invece ad opera di Naruyoshi Kikuchi (Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt).
Per quanto riguarda il resto del cast i nomi confermati sono:
Kyoka Izumi: Marie Iitoyo 
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Ikkyu: Fuga Shibazaki
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Jugo Shishi: Mirai Moriyama 
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Mai Katahira: Kumi Takiuchi
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Taro Hirai: Tomoya Nakamura
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Dal manga sono stati tratti quattro episodi animati, rilasciati fra il 2017 e il 2020. Il primo OVA è stato proiettato in Italia da Crunchyroll, in occasione del Lucca Comics & Games 2019.  
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Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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ayuvogue · 3 years
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First look at A BALLADS 2 covers! The single cover was posted to Ayu’s instagram. Given there will be five editions in total, we can assume there will be four additional covers revealed.
She also posted a still preview from what looks like a new PV. The cover photos is credited to Kazutaka Nakamura, who previously shot covers like Love songs and MOON/blossom. The maybe-PV is credited to photographer Kazuyoshi Shimomura, who most recently directed the “ohia no ki” PV. He also is the photographer behind her iconic A BEST 2 covers among others.
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Edit February 21, 9:31 to correct photography credits.
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misakolove · 7 years
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AAA  Misako Uno’s first digital photobook, will be delivered on June 14th for a limited time! 
Women magazine『CanCam』will be celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, have decided to release its first digital photobook series「CanCam Digital Photo Book」! The first installment will be released on July 14th with AAA’s Misako Uno「MISAKO UNO IN OKINAWA」. Photos taken for the August CanCam issue (released on June 23rd),「Misako Uno, talk in Okinawa」, that could not fit the pages, became unused and tearfully cut from the CanCam magazine. With enthusiastic feedback from fans, staff members said “somehow we have to release these photos…!”, two hot ideas occurred at the same time, in accordance to Uno-san’s birthday on July 16th, we hurried up to deliver it!
Working on the photoshoot was Kazutaka Nakamura, the photographer who Uno-san has a great amount of trust since the photobook『Bloomin’』was released in 2016. The photos released this time were chosen one-by-one by Uno-san herself, there is also a special handwritten message by her. The publication will be for two months until September 22nd, if you’re interested we recommend you pre-order it.
kindle https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B073RBQW6G honto https://honto.jp/ebook/pd_28585839.html …
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Everyone's Gone Crazy!
Everyone's Gone Crazy! by YvyTee
"Okay," Kayano slams her hands on her desk. "Anyone notice Class A acting weird?" "YES!" Maehara yells. "Thank God it's not just me. They're acting so weird." "Yeeeees," Okano groans. "Like what." The class agrees with nods and bewildered looks because Class A has been acting..... Odd. Unusual. "Heh," Karma scoffs. "It's not just the A Class." 3-E freezes. "Wha...?" Isogai starts, eyes wide. "Haven't you noticed? It's not just the A Class. It's the whole main campus," Karma says. "Class A, B, C, D, the senpais, even the senseis. They're all acting the same." "No," Nakamura whispers, horrified. "Yep," Karma pops his lips to the sound of the last letter. Okajima thumps his head on his desk. ~~~~~~~ Nobody expects to see Asano standing in front of them. His face is troubled. "Shit," Yoshida breathes. "You too?" Asano's eyebrows raise up. "They're acting similar regarding you, also?" "Fuck," Itona deadpans. ~~~~~~~ Or, the fic where everyone can't stop loving and doting on 3-E and Asano, and they suffer in embarrassment and shock.
Words: 2311, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Class 3-E, Class 3-A, Class 3-E Teachers, Akabane Karma, Asano Gakushuu, Korosensei, Kayano Kaede, Nakamura Rio, Karasuma Tadaomi, Okuda Manami, Terasaka Ryouma, Kanzaki Yukiko, Chiba Ryuunosuke, Hayami Rinka, Sakakibara Ren, Kataoka Megu, Okano Hinata, Hazama Kirara, Kurahashi Hinano, Okajima Taiga, Muramatsu Takuya, Sugaya Sousuke, Yada Touka, Fuwa Yuzuki, Mimura Kouki, Kimura Masayoshi, Takebayashi Koutarou, Koyama Natsuhiko, Araki Teppei, Shindou Kazutaka, Ono Kensaku, Tsuchiya Kaho, Tanaka, Shiota Nagisa, Irina Jelavić, Horibe Itona, Sugino Tomohito, Ritsu, Grip, Gastro, Smog, Lovro Brovski, Isogai Yuuma, Yoshida Taisei, Seo Tomoya, Maehara Hiroto, Hara Sumire, Yukimura Akari, Asano Gakuhou
Relationships: Class 3-E & Class 3-E, Class 3-E & Class 3-E Teachers, Class 3-E & Irina Jelavić & Karasuma Tadaomi & Korosensei, Asano Gakushuu & Class 3-E, Class 3-E & Main Campus, Class 3-E & Assassins, Asano Gakushuu & Main Campus, Asano Gakuhou & Asano Gakushuu
Additional Tags: Everyone Loves 3-E, And Asano, Class 3-E as Family, Parental Karasuma Tadaomi, Korosensei is a Dad™, or a mom™, Karma: Evil. Mischief. Devil., Asano: Manipulation. Glares. Fake Smiles., Isogai: Dirt Poor, Main Campus: Loving and Doting, Class E and Asano: wtf
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26983192
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