#Kim Sae Byeok
yemme · 4 months
The Underrated Asian Show of 2023
QueenMaker (2023) ~ Actress Kim Hee-ae portrayal of being a Fixer (Hwang Do-hee) for one of Korea's prominent families is a thriller. It is 'Scandal' wrapped up in a stellar cast of proficient actors. When I say proficient I mean Proficient... Seasoned Actors... Marinated. This cast is your favorites Idol in the industry. This series is an acting class, pull up a seat. Who controls the narrative the world sees is Do-hee skill set. She's the only sleeping dog you should let lie before she takes your entire existence. The most underrated series of 2023. When you see actors in their 50's getting a check with a story line like this make some noise and praise them. Western World get to watching. I pray they will have a Season 2. The acting is everything. Netflix. (Korea) (x)
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KIM AH-JOONG as Jung Sae-Byeok in GRID 그리드 (2022) dir. Lee Khan
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stuff-diary · 1 year
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Movies watched in 2023
Broker (2021, South Korea)
Director & Writer: Hirokazu Kore-eda
God, Hirokazu Kore-eda is seriously one of the masters of modern cinema. His movies are as simple as they are brilliant. He knows how to find beauty in the smallest things, and his films always leave me with a warm feeling, even if they're usually sad and/or melancholic. The characters and societies he portrays in his work always feel so real and genuine. It also helps that he knows how to pick one great cast, as clearly shown here. In fact, this particular cast is so f**king good that I can't even pick an MVP, they really are that good. There's not a single line or facial gesture that doesn't feel natural and real. I had been looking forward to Broker for so long, and it actually ended up being even better than I expected. This is certainly one good way to start the year.
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 9,1 Benim buanım: 8
Drama: My Mister
Hangul: 나의 아저씨
Director: Kim Won-Suk, Kim Sang-Woo
Writer: Park Hae-Young
Episodes: 16
Date: 2018
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Lee Sun-Kyun, IU, Park Ho-San, Song Sae-Byeok, Kim Young-Min,
2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 1, 2019
Best Drama
Best Screenplay (Park Hae-Young)
Öncelikle bu diziyi nasıl anlatmam gerektiğini bilmiyorum. Neden güzeldi, neden izledim tam olarak ifade edemiyorum. Dizinin konusu ; Park Dong Hoon(Lee Sun-Kyun) 40’lı yaşlarında bir adamdır. Okuldayken alt sınıfında olan Do Jun Yeong(Kim Young-Min)'un emri altında bir yapı mühendisi olarak çalışmaktadır. Do Jun Yeong, Dong Hoon'un eşiyle yasak ilişki yaşadığı için ondan kurtulmak ister. Şirket içinde ise bir güç savaşı vardır. Kendilerine zorluk çıkarttığını düşündükleri müdürleri iftira atarak kovdurmaya çalışmaktadırlar. Park Dong Hoon isim benzerliğinden bu oyunların içine çekilir.
Ji An(IU) ise 20li yaşlarında, yıllarca ailesinin borçlu olduğu tefecilerle uğraşmış, bir kaza sonucu ailesini savunurken tefeciyi öldürmüş. Tefecinin oğlu ise hem babasının ölümü için intikam peşindedir hem de ailesinden kalan borçları almak için baskı yapmaktadır. Ji An ise borcunu ödeyip artık tefeciilerden kurtulabilmek için insanlara şantaj yaparak para almaktadır. O da kendisini bir şekilde Dong Hoon’un çalıştığı şirkette şirket oyunlarının içinde bulur.
Bundan sonrası çok yavaş, sakin, karanlık ilerleyen bir dizi. Ruh çözümlemeleri, karakter analizleri ve hüzünlerin ince ince işlenerek anlatıldığı bir hikayeye sahip. Senaryo akışı nedeni ile olaylar ve durumlar çok fazla dram içermese bile karakterler zırıl zırıl dramatiklerdi. Çirkin, sessiz ve fedakar bir tip olan Dong Hoon’un, hep haksızlığa uğramış bir şekilde yaşamaya çalışan Ji an ile yolları kesişince ortaya enteresan bir ikili çıkmış.
Bir suçun koşullarına göre değerlendirilmesinin önemini ortaya koyarken, haklıyı haksızı birbirine harmanlıyor. Dizi; bütün sustukları içinde kalan, ölüden farksız yaşayan, ezilenlerin, hor görülenlerin yani hak ettiği hayatı bir türlü yaşayamayan bir sürü insanın bir araya getirilmesinden oluşuyor. Herkes mutsuz. Herkes haklı, herkes haksız. Bitmek bilmeyen bir döngü içerisinde fare tekeri gibi dönüyorlar.
Dizinin başlarında boğucu havası nedeni ile elim bir sonraki bölüme gitmiyordu. İlerleyen bölümlerde ise neden sevdiğimi anlamadan ama çok severek izlediğimi fark ettim. Bu kadar donuk bir karakter canlandırılmasına rağmen hem IU hem de Lee Sun-Kyun çok başarılı performanslar sergilemişler. Hikaye bize mutsuz olmak için şanssız olmanıza gerek olmadığını söylüyor. Bir tarafta ailesinden gelen şanssızlıklar yüzünden zor bir hayat yaşamış ve yaşamaya devam eden bir kadın varken, diğer tarafta okumuş meslek sahibi, iyi bir evlilik yapmış bir adam var. Ortak noktaları ise mutsuzlukları.
Baştan sonra kadar ikili arasında herhangi bir aşk hissine kapılmadım. Bilmeden birbirlerine olan destekleri beni çok etkilemiş olsa da, romantik bir hikaye bekliyorsanız çok yanılırsınız. Bu dizi biraz kitap okumak gibiydi. Yavaş yavaş karakterleri tanıyarak, her sayfada yeni cümlelerle içinize işleyen ve elinizden bırakamadığınız bir kitap. Bir durumu, bir duyguyu, hayattan bir kesiti anlatıyor.
Sanmayın ki ana karakterlerimiz dışında herkes mutlu. Bu hikayede mutlu kimse yok. Dong Hoon’un kardeşleri, biri boşanmak üzere, biri yönetmenliği bırakmak zorunda kalmış işsiz. İkisi birlikte bir temizlik şirketi kuruyorlar. İnsanların pisliklerini temizlemelerini anlatırken satır aralarını öyle güzel doldurmuşlardı ki… Kardeşlerin yakın arkadaşı olduğunu düşündüğümüz kafe işleten kadın karakterin yalnızlığı, o kadar güzel anlatılıyorduk, o kadar sarılmak isteyerek izledim ki, anlatamam. Dükkanın arkasındaki odada yaşamasına rağmen sırf bir yere ait hissetmek için dükkanı kapatıp eve yürüyormuş gibi sokakta tur atması ve dükkana geri dönmesi çok dokunaklıydı.
Senaryoda seslere ayrı bir özen gösterilmiş. Bu durumdan da kaliteli bir iş çıkmış ortaya. Dizi müzikleri içinde aynı şeyi söyleyebilirim. Seslerin hemen arkasından, sahne geçişleri çekim teknikleri gibi detaylarda aynı güzellikte devam ediyor.
Karakterlerin birbirlerinin hikayelerini öğrendiği sahneler çok etkileyiciydi. Her ikisi de bir diğerinin hikayesini başka birinden dinleyip, kalpleri ile anlamayı başarıyorlardı. Dizide hiçbir abartı yoktu. Cenaze sahnesi, büyükannenin Dong Hoon’a yazdığı not, Dong Hoon’un tefeci ile kavga sahnesi bence dizinin en etkileyici sahneleriydi. Aslında hikayede aşk olmaması beni hiç rahatsız etmedi. Aksine hoşuma gitti. İkili arasında sadece derin, buruk, sağlam bir bağ vardı.
Hiçbir hareketin tek bir doğru cevabı yoktur. Mutluluğu kucakladığımız gibi mutsuzluğumuzu da kucaklamak gerekir. Birine dayanmak, birinin bize dayanmasına izin vermek birçok şeyin çözümü olabilir.
İşte böyle bir diziydi.
Woorim Ko - A million roses
Raven Melus
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wvsteria · 1 year
{ closed starter for @devilsmenu​ ; kim jihyo & kang sae byeok }
sae byeok walked through the doors of the haunted house with their hands in their pockets. it was hard to scare them. that’s why they’d become a secret service agent in the first place. they were always calm under pressure. people would jump out an sae byeok only blinked at them. they were nearly getting bored. “why’d i even come in here?” they asked out loud to no on in particular, not really caring if they were heard. 
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lyrics365 · 1 year
Beautiful My Life
어김없이 겨울이 오면 추워진 탓인지 쓸쓸해지고 괜스레 나이를 먹는 것 같아서 어른스러워져야 할 것 같아 나는 어린데 어리지 않아 꿈은 많은데 가끔은 벅차 그럴 땐 나와 함께 같이 걷자 맘은 급한데 몸이 안 따라줘도 오늘보다 내일이 더 나아지면 되니까 우리 모두 I love my friend I love my weather I love my everything 그냥 매일 즐길래 I love my friend I love my weather I love my everything 그냥 매일 즐길래 행복이 별거 있겠어 평소와 비슷한 시간에 일어나도 내 표정엔 비장함이 담겨있어 내년엔 이걸 하고 저걸 하고 요걸 하고 그걸 하고 혼자 버킷 리스트를 적어놔 꾸밈없이 기대가 돼 꿈에 가까워지는 기분이야 oh 기분도…
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noteverticali · 2 years
Le buone stelle - Broker: cinema lieve ma capace di virare al dramma
Le buone stelle – Broker: cinema lieve ma capace di virare al dramma
Nella Corea del ventunesimo secolo due contrabbandieri di neonati esercitano la professione. I due uomini vengono in possesso di un bimbo lasciato da una giovane madre poco convinta. Dopo aver parlato con la ragazza, i tre cominceranno a girare per il paese alla ricerca della miglior coppia di genitori offerenti. Una poliziotta zelante e la sua compagna sono sulle loro tracce. Le buone stelle –…
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Ra Mi-ran, it turns out, is a Handsome boy cycle prospect..."Many fans want to do my Daughter-in-law" ('Okmunson')
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Special Delivery
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Special Delivery    [trailer]
A young woman, who is a normal junkyard employee, secretly works as a delivery clerk that deals with unusual delivery requests.
The car chases and car stunts are great. And Park So-dam plays her role well. But as it frequently happens in South Korean action movies, there's also a good amount of rather brutal violence which I refuse to get used to. It feels especially misplaced here since a young kid is used to create emotional drama and bonding throughout. A movie trope I dislike in the first place. So overall it's a mixed bag.
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kaythedumb · 28 days
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As of now, I mostly write OC fics for Asian media like dramas and movies with the exception of Street Woman Fighter 1 and 2. There are some outliers, but I'll mostly focus on these fics. I'll also mention the dynamics in the relationships to see what attracts.
NOTE that some of these haven't been published yet. However, I do intend on going through with all of these concepts at my own pace.
These fics can be found on my wattpad account local_garden!
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• Bad and Crazy
° Boss Yong x fem!OC (boss x righthand)
• All of Us Are Dead
° Choi Nam-ra x fem!OC (introvert x extrovert/opposites attract)
° Han Gyeong-su x fem!side!OC (friends)
• Ballerina (2023)
° Jang Ok-ju x fem!OC (partners in crime ?)
• Squid Game
° Kang Sae-byeok x fem!OC (opposites attract)
• Pyramid Game
° Myung Ja-eun x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Sung Soo-ji x fem!OC (partners/friends to lovers)
° Kim Da-yeon x fem!OC x Seo Do-ah (exes + opposites attract)
• Alice in Borderland
° Ryohei Arisu x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
° Yuzuha Usagi x male!OC (established relationship)
° Shuntaro Chishiya x fem!OC (Frenemies)
• Sweet Home
° Lee Eun-yoo x fem!OC (opposites attract)
° Cha Hyun-su x fem!OC (monster x human)
° Park Chan-young x fem!OC (friends to lovers)
• Gap The Series
° Lady Sam x fem!OC (boss x subordinate/office romance)
• The Uncanny Counter
° Do Ha-na x fem!OC (grumpy vs. sunshine/partners in fighting crime)
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
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esoterium · 7 months
top 100 characters statistical "which character" is similar to yours personality quiz
**picking five characters i know to add to the list while i take a couple!!*
Nomi Marks (Sense8): 83%
Marianne (Portrait of a Lady): 83%
Inej Ghafa (Shadow and Bone): 83%
Salvatore Romano (Mad Men): 82%
F o x M u l d e r  (T h e X - F i l e s): 82%
Torvi (Vikings): 82%
Baby (Baby Driver): 82%
Ally Maine (A Star Is Born): 82%
Marie Kreutz (The Bourne Identity): 81%
Riley Blue (Sense8): 81%
Elisa Esposito (The Shape of Water): 81%
Buck Vu (The OA): 81%
Alice Cullen (Twilight): 80%
Abby Sciuto (NCIS): 80%
Ben Hargreeves (TUA): 80%
Andy Dufresne (The Shawshank Redemption): 80%
Floki (Vikings): 80%
Rogue (X-Men): 80%
Amanita Caplan (Sense8): 80%
Juliana Crain (The Man in the HC): 80%
Ola Nyman (Sex Ed): 80%
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy): 79%
Neo (The Matrix): 79%
Ariadne (Inception): 79%
Guinan (Star Trek: TNG): 79%
W i l l G r a h a m  (H a n n i b a l): 79%
Bonnie Bennett (TVD): 79%
Monica Dutton (Yellowstone): 79%
Sam Button (The Perks): 79%
Frenchie (The Boys): 79%
Robin Buckley (ST): 79%
Marianne Sheridan (Normal People): 79%
W a n d a M a x i m o f f  (WandaVision): 79%
Violet Parr (The Incredibles): 79%
Luna Lovegood (HP): 78%
Nymphadora Tonks (HP): 78%
Trinity (The Matrix): 78%
Jasper Hale (Twilight): 78%
Toni Topaz (Riverdale): 78%
Kalinda Sharma (The Good Wife): 78%
Han Lue (Fast & Furious): 78%
Amélie Poulain (Amélie): 78%
Maeve Wiley (Sex Education): 78%
Cassie Thomas (Promising Young Woman): 78%
River Tam (Firefly): 77%
Omar Little (The Wire): 77%
Morpheus (The Matrix): 77%
William H. 'Shakespeare' Hill (This Is Us): 77%
Jonah Byrde (Ozark): 77%
Chris Washington (Get Out): 77%
Lane Kim (Gilmore Girls): 77%
Céline (Before Sunrise): 77%
Ada Shelby (Peaky Blinders): 77%
Jonathan Byers (ST): 77%
Benjamin Button (TCCBB): 77%
Heloise (Portrait of a Lady): 77%
Lily Iglehart (Sex Ed): 77%
Naomi Nagata (The Expanse): 77%
Hester Prynne (The Scarlet Letter): 77%
Remus Lupin (HP): 76%
Maeve Millay (Westworld): 76%
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1): 76%
Rosalind Walker (CAOS): 76%
Storm (X-Men): 76%
Hernando Fuentes (Sense8): 76%
Dr. Sean Maguire (Good Will Hunting): 76%
Mozzie (White Collar): 76%
Kinsey Locke (Locke & Key): 76%
J o h n W i c k  (John Wick): 76%
Ekko (Arcane): 76%
Albus Dumbledore (HP): 75%
Inara Serra (Firefly): 75%
D'Angelo Barksdale (The Wire): 75%
Janis Ian (Mean Girls): 75%
Damian Leigh (Mean Girls): 75%
Dom Cobb (Inception): 75%
Michael Scofield (Prison Break): 75%
Jughead Jones (Riverdale): 75%
Darlene (Mr. Robot): 75%
Wyldstyle (The Lego Movie): 75%
Nairobi (Money Heist): 75%
Penelope (The Odyssey): 75%
Aunt Polly (Peaky Blinders): 75%
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds): 75%
Joyce Byers (ST): 75%
Will Byers (ST): 75%
Angela Montenegro (Bones): 75%
Maleficent (Maleficent): 75%
Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game): 75%
Jules Vaughn (Euphoria): 75%
Viktor (Arcane): 75%
Suzuha Amane (Steins;Gate): 75%
Natalie (Yellowjackets): 75%
Jyn Erso (Rogue One): 75%
S i r i u s B l a c k  (HP): 74%
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride & Prejudice): 74%
Black Widow (MCU): 74%
Paul Smecker (Boondock Saints): 74%
Ciri (The Witcher): 74%
Kurt Hummel (Glee): 73%
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staydandy · 1 year
Grid (2022) - 그리드 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Earth has survived catastrophic solar winds under the protection of the Grid, its planetary defense shield. Kim Sae Ha, a Bureau employee, encounters a murderer. Jung Sae Byeok, a detective, is dispatched to arrest the murderer. While in pursuit of the fugitive, she witnesses an unbelievable phenomenon: the founder of the Grid - a ghost from the past - has reappeared after 24 years, just to disappear again before her eyes. But why is she abetting the fugitive? This is a thriller that pursues the mysterious truth behind what saved humanity from an apocalypse. (MDL) AKA : Zero
Whumpee : Kim Sae Ha played by Seo Kang Joon
Country : 🇰🇷 South Korea Genres : Action, Thriller, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • This is one of those shows that is almost over-convoluted. To be honest it completely lost me towards the end, I gave up trying to understand. • It's not really a whumpy show. A few good scenes towards the end, but that's about it.
Episodes on List : 4 Total Episodes : 10
*Spoilers below*
02 : Kim Sae Ha is in a fight
07 : Cuts into his own arm to implant a chip … in a fight, face scratched
09 : Choked
10 : Stabbed with a piece of rebar, collapses, bleeding heavily.. passes out … hit in the back of his head with a wrench, collapses, passes out *in both instances, the rebar & the wrench, he presumably dies from the damage, but both times he is saved somehow with the time-travel, so that's why I didn't mark it as a character death.
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xoteajays · 8 months
japanese/korean media
alice in borderland
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name: kira shǔwěi nezuo / the dormouse ship: shuntaro chishiya faceclaim: havana rose liu summary: kira moves to japan to get away. the overbearing nature of her parents becomes too much and running feels like the only options. she lives for nearly five good years in japan, gets a job and makes friends, then it happens. in the flash of an eye, she's alone in the middle of a nearly-empty tokyo and left to try and survive by winning games. the beach is a ridiculous place and everything she'd expect out of danma hatter. at the very least, it's somewhere to call 'home' until she can get back to her real one. she'll even deal with the 'princess' title the residents give her.
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name: kantora koma / the card solider ship: suguru niragi + daikichi karube faceclaim: yuki yamada summary: forever the second son, the spare. that was how koma had always felt. no matter what he seemed to do, he was never good enough for his father. to say it twists him is to say the least about it. he, at least, has friends he can lean on - until he doesn't. in the blink of an eye, everyone around him disappears. arming himself, he does the only thing he can: survive through these games and hope that the people he cares most about can do the same.
[ fics mixed in here ]
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name: ryuka minamoto / 'ryuko' ship: yoshiki murayama faceclaim: yeule summary: the only daughter of ryukai minamoto of the kuryu group, ryuko lived a sheltered life. home-schooled and secluded from society beyond kuryu, she had few experiences to speak of. to her father, she was hardly a daughter and more of a playing chip for him to use to get ahead. when the son of kuryu's leader returns, minamoto sees it as his chance to get in with the boss and offers his daughter's hand in marriage. when ryuko can't dissuade her father from his decision, she does the only thing she can think to do: run away and hope her old childhood 'friend', norihisa hyuga, will help her.
[ fic here ]
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name: hinami ship: takeshi faceclaim: yuri tsunematsu summary: hinami was abandoned at the entry of nameless city when she was barely 10. she had a newly amputated shin, no medication, and now no parents. surely, they expected she wouldn't survive the night. what her ex-parents didn't know was that there was a bunch of kids already left at nameless city who were quickly determined to save her. swept up under their wings, hinami grows up into the fastest female traceur within nameless city's walls and she's determined to steal the overall top spot from p. that's easy enough, what's difficult is trying to find the words to explain her feelings to her best friend, takeshi.
[ fic here ]
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name: yui sakuragi ship: cobra faceclaim: mio imada summary: the leader of oya kou's sister school, ojou kou, yui is insistent on proving herself as more than just a pretty face. when oya starts making friends with the rest of the sword gangs, she expects to follow suit. when time passes and she sees not hide nor hair of any of the other gangs, she's pissed. meeting up with the leader of sannoh goes badly when she fumbles on her introduction, so instead, she intends to face them all together and find out why they were being excluded. what she didn't expect was that oya kou's leader, murayama, was behind their exclusion and the rest of the gangs didn't even know ojou kou existed!
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name: shizuka ibaraki ship: hiroto amamiya faceclaim: ayaka miyoshi summary: shizuka has been yui's second-in-command for years now. the even stronger muscle to the shorter girl, backing her at every turn. when yui insists on confronting the sword gangs over their exclusion, shizuka is right there with her. the only solace she gets from the drama of ojou versus sword is at her bartending job, a place frequented by none other than the amamiya brothers.
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squid game
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name: na-eun kim ship: sae-byeok kang, prev. the salesman faceclaim: seo soojin summary: Na-Eun Kim was a poor poet, falling quickly into debt of her own and her family's medical debt. When offered a chance of riches beyond belief, she quickly joins this strange game back in 2017. Joining the Squid Game company after her win, she works as a square-mask without complaints until she sees a familiar face in the 2021 games. Saebyeok matters more to than the games, and saving her quickly becomes Na-Eun top priority.
[ fic posted here ]
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gummywormowl · 1 year
Dislyte KR Voices (updated*)
(*updated to the day i post this. anyone announced afterwards will not be included on this list.) This is essentially a repost of my last KR voice list. The names in bold are ones announced afterwards either through their twitter or the KR site. 
On another note, KR server set to go live on the 29th if any of y’all are curious :)
Bai Liuli, Melanie - 김다운 (Kim Doun)
Drew - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon)
Freddy - 한만중 (Han Man-joong)
Jacob - 장서화 (Jang Seo-hwa)
Li Ao - 최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu)
Unky Chai - 한만중 (Han Man-jung)
Alexa - 이용신 (Lee Yong-shin)
Asenath - 이샛별 (Lee Saet-byeol)
Chloe - 박고운 (Park Go-woon)
Djoser - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon)
Heng Yue - 김다운 (Kim Doun) (same as Bai Liuli and Melanie)
Kaylee - 이새벽 (Lee Sae-byeok)
Li Guang - 김예림 (Kim Ye-rim)
Long Mian - 최현수 (Choi Hyeonsu) (same as Li Ao)
Meredith - 강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom) 
Mona - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong)
Ren Si, Taylor - 김신우 (Kim Sin-woo)
Xie Yuzhi, Xie Chuyi - 가빈 (Gabin)
Abigail - 김보나 (Kim Bo-na)
Ashley, Zora - 강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom) (same as Meredith)
Biondina - 김채하 (Kim Chae-ha)
Brewster, Everett - 윤용식 (Yoon Yong-sik)
Clara - 이용신 (Lee Yong-shin) (same as Alexa)
Donar, Li Ling, Triki - 정재헌 (Jeong Jae-heon)
Elliot - 홍승효 (Hong Seung-hyo)
the Fatum sisters - 방시우 (Bang Siu)
Gaius - 석승훈 (Seok Seung-hoon)
Hyde - 박상훈 (Park Sang-hoon) (same as Djoser)
Jin Yuyao - 이명희 (Lee Myung-hwi)
Jiang Jiuli - 김진홍 (Kim Jin-hong) 
Lucas - 심규혁 (Shim Gyu-hyuk)
Narmer - 김솔 (Kim Sol)
Ollie, Tevor - 서정익 (Seo Jung-ik)
Ophelia - 김예림 (Kim Ye-rim) (same as Li Guang)
Raven, Tiye - 여민정 (Yeo Min-jeong) (same as Mona)
Tang Xuan - 신범식 (Shin Beom-sik)
Unas - 최낙윤 (Choi Nak-yoon) (same as Drew)
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wvsteria · 2 years
post event starters call!
can double as a starter/plotting call. 
for the after effects of the ball or whatever really! 
if we do a new thread here, then most likely we’ll end the event thread (a swap-aroo if you will)
( 3 / 5 ) audrey rose | sarah jeffery | descendants | 22 | not aware
prince phillip ( @papcrrings​ )
daphne blake ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
erica reyes ( @irongcld )
( 1 / 5 ) dani powell | aurora perrineau | prodigal son | 32 | aware
malcolm bright ( @mccnlighht )
( 1 / 5 ) tara carpenter | becky g | scream | 19 | not aware
zed necrodopolis ( @hiddenpxpercuts​ )
( 2 / 5 ) bucky barnes | sebastian stan | marvel | 32 | not aware
mark sloan ( @papcrrings​​ )
matt murdock ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
( 4 / 5 ) arya stark | bailee madison | game of thrones | 19 | not aware
sansa stark ( @mgrhee )
cersei lannister ( @withinthem )
catelyn stark ( @papcrrings )
robb stark ( @skyfcll )
( 3 / 5 ) missandei | nathalie emmanuel | game of thrones | 33 | aware
rhaenryra targaryen ( @mgrhee )
drogon ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain )
blathers ( @mvsicinthedvrk )
( 2 / 5 ) reva sevander | dewanda wise | star wars | 28 | aware
leia organa ( @mcrcki )
ezra bridger ( @skyfcll )
( 1 / 5 ) bail organa | adam rodriguez | star wars | 30 | aware
leia organa ( @mcrcki )
( 2 / 5 ) emily fields | cassie steele | pretty little liars | 25 | aware
spencer hastings ( @viicnna )
hanna marin ( @mccnlighht )
( 1 / 5 ) ekko | jonathan daviss | arcane | 20 | newly unaware
noah czerny ( @mvsicinthedvrk​ )
( 1 / 5 ) laenor velaryon | jordan fisher | house of the dragon | 24 | not aware 
eddard stark ( @svnlvght )
( 0 / 5 ) kiara carrera | madison bailey | outerbanks | 22 | newly aware (and now a vampire)
( 1 / 5 ) jacen solo | jacob elordi | star wars | 27 | not aware
winter celchu ( @skyfcll​ )
( 3 / 5 ) rue | celeste o’connor | the hunger games | 20 | not aware
eurydice ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain​​ )
katie gardner ( @svnlvght )
katniss everdeen ( @nightwhispcrs )
( 2 / 5 ) kang sae byeok | jung hoyeon | squid games | 25 | not aware
ji yeong ( @mccnlighht​ )
kim jihyo ( @devilsmenu )
( 4 / 5 ) pietro maximoff | jesus castro | marvel comics | 29 | aware
emmeline vance ( @svnlvght )
stephanie tanner ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
loki laufeyson ( @mischiefxmuses )
lorna dane ( @devilsmenu )
( 2 / 5 ) america chavez | herizon guardiola | marvel | 23 | aware
james sirius potter ( @svnlvght​ )
azari t'challa ( @devilsmenu )
( 6 / 5 ) alaric saltzman | andrew koji | the vampire diaries | 34 | aware
rebekah mikaelson ( @viicnna )
elena gilbert ( @mccnlighht​ )
mabel pines ( @mccnlighht )
hayley marshall ( @ofxbloomed )
katherine pierce ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
alec lightwood ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
( 1 / 5 ) willa lykensen | chandler kinney | disney’s zombies | 20 | aware
addison wells ( @youllalwaysbemyporcelain​ )
( 6 / 5 ) roxanne weasley | zendaya | harry potter | 21 | aware
dora tonks ( @mgrhee )
nancy thompson ( @withinthem )
anne wheeler ( @viicnna​ )
ginny weasley ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
fred weasley ( @svnlvght )
fleur delacour ( @mischiefxmuses )
( 3 / 5 ) cindy berman | emily rudd | fear street | 25 | not aware
marco del rossi ( @hiddenpxpercuts​​ )
reggie peters ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
noah foster ( @devilsmenu )
( 4 / 5 ) lucas sinclair | keith powers | stranger things | 23 | aware
eddie munson ( @recklcssabandon​​ )
maxine mayfield ( @hiddenpxpercuts )
henry creel ( @mischiefxmuses )
jamie/nine ( @devilsmenu )
( 5 / 5 ) rachel green | haley lu richardson | friends | 27 | not aware
joey tribbiani ( @jessiwrites )
marta cabrera ( @svnlvght )
monica geller ( @nightwhispcrs )
carrie bradshaw ( @viicnna )
ororo munroe ( @rainbowmuses )
( 5 / 5 ) rosita espinosa | lindsey morgan | the walking dead | 31 | not aware
aerith gainsborough ( @hxartbreaker )
daryl dixon ( @ofxscavengcrs )
siddiq ( @mgrhee )
andrea harrison ( @withinthem )
glenn rhee ( @softsliders19 )
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