dank-meme-legend · 5 months
“The expectations are always rising, goal after goal after goal. Is that why winning feels like compromising? / Everything under control.”
—“Under Control”, How To Dance In Ohio - The Musical
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iintervallum · 18 days
ive been listening to the grotto and 1) it's really good, the production is something that stuck out to me immediately and i was pretty much hooked in after listening to the first two episodes
2) the concept of endangering yourself to view a hallucination of your ex just reminds me of twilight, i now half wonder if there will be sparkly vampires appearing in the near future of this show/j
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starsoftheeye · 6 days
TMAGP Live Reaction - Ep 13
This probably won't be a regular thing since I usually listen to the new episodes on my way home from school, but I wanted to do it today and no-one can stop me
Aw this dedication is so nice, reminds me of how I used to sign off on social media when I was younger
omg samcelia date samcelia date
they're so cute omg
"she also said that you dont know how cute you are" alice dyer youre not fooling anyone
i wanna hear what this interaction sounded like between alice and celia
"nobody, i'm mysterious" this isnt gonna come back to haunt us im sure
omg samcelia dating reveal already
"wild couple of years after i moved here" does this mean that celias way of coping with being dropped in a different universe was to just fuck... iconic
either that or jack got brought along with her and shes just covering it up. or jack has some mysterious origins that we dont know about
omg a horror protagonists with loving, alive parents wow
i was not expecting sam to be this relatable oh no
sam :(
oh no an "incident"
alice :(
i love celia just being "i know we're on a date and thats great and all but what do you think about the Horrors"
ofc you know theyre real you lived through the apocalypse
ah hello lena and gwen
ah gwen is learning about the consequences of delivering a random address to a living mr blobby knockoff
ooh are we gonna get some exposition
yes we are
these are our Fears i presume
you work in the government responsible for discarding peoples experiences and traumas gwen you werent exactly one of the good guys to begin with
guys i dont think shes gonna sort it
hold music?? hello?? do we recognise this voice?? needles??
i cannot understand what the name of this company is but i do not like them
the autoresponder sounds so cunty who are they i must know
oooh a scottish guy we love a scottish guy
"i pay your wages" sounding ass. telling the autoresponder that youre the highest investor in a gambling app isnt the flex you think it is dude
i think if a website that directly involves the handling of your money does "weird background checks" and has a "janky interface", staying is less of a feat of loyalty and more a feat of stupidity
oh this guy does nfts for sure
are you allowed to blame the warning you didnt listen to for the consequences?
oh his friends suck too
damn all jokes aside i feel bad for this dude
ohhh so is this like the dice where things can only get so good before they go terribly? or is it like a "when your life gets bad your money goes up" thing
ah its the second option
tbf if its not against the law its not against the law
this guy is the definition of "20 pounds is 20 pounds"
suddenly i dont feel as sorry for this guy
i have a sneaking suspicion that this guy did not get his money
oh nevermind
Ooooh he got pished
Alice really out here dissing every kind of date I've ever been on
oh no :(
sam no :(
sam apologise please
shes right tho youre in the wrong place if you don't want weird
alice :(
this is why a polycule would fix everything
alice i love you
sam i love you but you deserved that
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wander-wren · 3 months
as i do my fifth full rewatch of tristamp i’m going to make a list of my favorite details in each episode. the ones i always wait for and have to restrain myself from talking over when they happen. starting with the first three:
ep 1
vash’s little “need a hand?” joke i’m sorry it’s silly
mmm the plant light reflections on vash’s sunglasses tastey
the first shot he takes at the cluster bomb with the low angle and the sand and his jacket blowing…..we all know it. chefs kiss
THE MUSIC IN THE DUEL TOO idk anythinggggg about music i could not even tell you what instrument that is but the little. mmf. higher pitched louder four or five notes. it makes my brain happy
i should spontaneously learn to video edit and make this a compilation so i can just have it
you already know i have to mention vash dodging bullets at point blank range BUT ALSO i don’t think we give enough love to the casual flipping the guy over his shoulder. love love love
ep 2
vash’s. little. noises. in the chase scene. need i say more
does roberto call vash a puppy in this episode? he must there’s no time for it in the other two. it’s silly
we need more tomas rides i could watch them ride toma FOREVER its so pleasing to look at and the thump of the steps is good
ftr this is dub but the nebraska family have some REALLY funny lines. “he’s using rocks, our worst enemy!!!” and “haven’t you any pride as a gunman?” “eh, not really!” killed me
that slow-mo shot where vash is shooting nebraska’s bullet is so good. and iconic. i have it on a sweatshirt lol. while i’m thinking about it, shoutout to vash’s little glove w only two fingers bc i’m obsessed with it
and his gay little earring but we all know about that
ep 3
eg the mime’s little entrance is just interesting to watch. why his body move like that. i just like looking at him. what a weird specimen
i really meant to just point out smaller details but ugh, wow, i love when vash jumps on his cage and points his gun at him like “that’s enough” OH HE’S SERIOUS. ETHAN I WOULD LISTEN TO THE MAN
nai being barefoot and walking in the blood is so. so.
“does their praise cure it? the loneliness?” is something i’ve talked about before but it KILLS me i feel threatened i feel like a tiny animal i am Unsafe with this man. we could talk about whether he’s talking about vash or himself there too but that’s for a different post
i can’t even say anything about the entire second half bc every bit of the destruction of jeneora rock is soooooo
vash releasing tonis’s worms. the fact that the worms survived at all really
“how can you smile at a time like this?” “because i don’t deserve to cry” WAHH
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thefringespod · 3 months
Finally got smart enough to make my #AudioDramaSunday list ahead of time so I wouldn't forget anything for once! We're gonna start today with the newest Magus Protocol episode which was phenomenal. Cole Weavers wrote this one and I just adore his writing. Also: Augustus is here 👀
Early access for the newest ep of @souloperatorpod was this week and y'all have a TREAT waiting for you tomorrow. Tot continues to astound me with her many talents and we also get to meet a new character who I'm already in love with
@tellnotalespod has brought us back to Julia and Riley who are overworking themselves (especially Riley. Let them sleep.) I love getting to hear from them in these mini eps but they DO make me want to shake Leo even harder Leo please talk to your friends please
@camlannpod episode 2 released this week and my gods it was so much fun. A blend of deep and emotional scenes and comedy (I'm still thinking about "The CW lied to me") I love every character with my whole heart and have been loving all the theories on tumblr about the show
New @innbetween was so sweet I love hearing the Lowlifes become actual friends. Phoebe thinking that everyone wanted her to leave squeezed my heart so hard and everyone insisting she stay because she was the one that they wanted for the quest??? Just so so good
@somewhereohio has once again knocked me flat with this episode. The worldbuilding around Jasmine and what's going on with her memories is incredible! I am an Orange Splice stan 1st and person 2nd. Also the Nadia/Alex scene breaks my heart because I know how they end 😭.
New Technomancy Project was SO GOOD!! And I was FUCKING RIGHT!!! I said this before but I love having all of them play Belial's game this time around and I don't think there's a single EPO agent who didn't make me cry this ep. The Technomancy Project continues to kick ass
Caught up on last weeks @thesiltverses and gods it fucked me up (affectionate) B Narr does such a fantastic job with Faulkner. I love him. I hate him. I want him to get whats coming to him & I want to protect him from it at the same time. B's performance knocks me flat every time
There was another special episode of @wakeofcorrosion this week featuring the Fringes' very own @totcoc0a and @taytayheyhey! I will never forgive them for what they did to my heart <3 Shaun Pellington wrote a killer script and deserves none of the blame even if it did break me
Continuing to make my way through the Storage Papers this week and episodes 13-19 were VERY good. I said "Nope, don't like that" out loud multiple times while listening to 19 which is the exact reaction you want from a horror pod.
This isn't a new episode listen but @wpwcpod has announced their existence and cast and im SO FUCKING EXCITED!! Not only do I love CL Hendry's writing but it will also feature the Fringes' very own Ollie Bannerman and @chainofbeing Cai Gwilym Pritchard I'm so hyped
Also not a new episode listen but Athan (creator of The Grotto) has announced that his album is coming out on March 29! If you've listened to The Grotto then you know Athan writes killer music. And if you dont listen to the Grotto: DO IT GO LISTEN RIGHT NOW ITS SO GOOD
Here on the Fringes we're preparing for the second half of the season! Episode 19 is available RIGHT NOW at patreon.com/PineTreePods and will be available to the public this Wednesday! Also gearing up to finish the last 3 episodes of season 3 which I'm super excited for
And over on @forgedbondspod the first half of the show is written! The cast has been thrown into a discord and has access to scripts now which is super exciting, I can't wait for yall to hear what's going to come from the first 24 eps
And that's all for this week! It's a long audiodrama Sunday post but there's just. So much good stuff going on. Every day I'm so grateful to exist in this audiodrama space and to share my work with yall <3
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hooked-on-elvis · 2 months
A song that grew on Elvis' liking, completely changing its rhythm before he decided to officially record it in the 70s.
Lyrics written by Johnny Mercer with music by Rube Bloom.
Elvis' version of "Fools Rush In" was first officially released on the album "Elvis Now" on February 20, 1972. Recording date: May 18, 1971. Released peak chart position: #43 Pop, #45 Country. RIAA status: Gold.
This is a 1940's popular song. It has been recorded many times over the years, including by Frank Sinatra, Julie London, Etta James, Brenda Lee, Doris Day, Dean Martin and many other singers before and after Elvis' recording in 1972, but the major hit was Rick Nelson's version, released in 1963. And here is where things get interesting.
You can listen to Nelson's recording below, which is pretty much similar to Elvis' cover on the rhythm and pace of the tune. I gotta say the echo on the voice channel in Nelson's recording doesn't please me much. It's a fair good recording, sure, but Elvis' one... it's dreamy! Like, I dare you not to fall head over feet in love with it.
According to "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" book, by Ernst Jorgensen, Elvis was familiar to this song since the 60s, at least. And the best part is: He recorded the song back then during non-professional home recordings, on June 1966. Unfortunately the song is not fully sang but it's enough for us to see the rhythm is completely different from the official recording Presley came with in 1972. It's jazzy, soothing and peaceful, certainly inspired by one of the 40's versions of the song, such as Billy Eckstine recording released in 1947:
It was common for EP to decide recording his favorite songs, so it's great "Fools Rush In" came as a personal choice for his official recordings.
Chapter 10 - "1966: HOW GREAT THOU ART":
Singing and playing music with friends had always been a part of Elvis’s home life, but lately it had taken a new turn. Red West had bought two semiprofessional tape recorders for Elvis to use in producing demos, and Charlie Hodge had topped touring with country music veteran Jimmy Wakely and moved into Red’s Hollywood apartment to go to work for Elvis again full-time. Red was writing a lot of songs, and Charlie sometimes helped in overdubbing the demos he was putting together. They got Glen Campbell, then working as a session musician, and paid him twenty dollars to play guitar on some of the demos. Sometimes Red and Charlie would take the tape recorders over to Elvis at Rocca Place and the trio would lay down tracks, alone or with whoever else was around. Not surprisingly they turned often to their favorite gospel numbers — "Show Me Thy Ways", "He," "Hide Thou Me," "Oh, How I Love Jesus," or "I, John," another song Elvis would eventually record. Other times they simply tried anything that caught their fancy, from old standards like "Fools Rush In" and "It’s A Sin To Tell A Lie" to more contemporary material — "Blowin’ In The Wind," "What Now My Love," and "500 Miles." Often they dug into old country standards, and sometimes they even got Elvis to sing along on Red’s new tunes. In the intense yet comfortable atmosphere of collaboration with friends, Elvis had found an alternative to the endlessly tedious soundtrack recording process; at home he could work away at the music he loved, and that in its own rough way made a truer musical statement than anything he was likely to do under the employ of a Hollywood movie factory.
It's curious to me how Elvis leaned to Rick Nelson's 60s upbeat version of the same song himself sang in the 60s, instead of going with its more calm, 40s swing-era sound when he decided to turn "Fools Rush In" into an official recording of his own. In spite the fast-pace sound of the 1972 recording, Elvis carried the same passion in his voice he had on the 1966 home recording. Both versions sound like EP's pleading someone's love wholeheartedly. Probably his choice to go with the 60s version of this tune when covering it officially was a financial decision, thinking about the hit Rick Nelson's version was and also considering how the music in the 70s was no longer meant for "fools in love" confessing their deepest feelings in that fancy, elegant manner, more than it was better shouted from the top of its lungs for the whole world to hear - that's exactly how the 1972 Elvis version (inspired by the 60s version) sounds for me. Unafraid, prideful, rather than a secret spoken under one's breathes like the 40s versions sounds like (which I'm not complaining at all… it's beautiful anyway). Either a soothing ballad or a fast-pace tune, in general, "Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tread)" is a touching, encouraging, lovely song. ♥
I personally prefer the 70s version released by Elvis, but what about you? Which "Fools Rush In" version did you like best?
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lifmera · 2 months
First off,How are you,I hope you are well!
I just came across your blog and IT'S SO CUTE?? The pink???? It was like a magnet,i couldn't resist leaving an ask!
Anyways! Could I pretty please have a Hazbin hotel matchup?
My name is Nina (I also go by Weewoo),I'm a Bisexual demi-girl (she/they) with a slight male preference!
Personality wise,I'm rather childish- Energetic,and I try to be fun- I try to be kind to everyone,I love making friends! I guess i could add that I'm an ENFP? (If you wanna use that!)
For likes,I like bright and pastel colors (If I dress in black and white,something is wrong-),plushies,drawing,writing,people (that I know or that I feel a good vibe with),noise (as long as it's not overwhelming).
I love all types of music,too! I can't dance n'or sing well,but i enjoy those. Who cares if you don't know how to do things well? As long as you enjoy it,you can learn!
I guess I could add that I like lazy days. As long as I have people with me,staying at home is a yes. (Though I'm not against going outside sometimes.)
I hate being in silence and alone :( but I also hate crowds,because there's so many people I don't know it makes me feel alone,you know? Also being an outcast in an event,or a discussion,I wanna participate!!
My love languages are quality time and physical touch. I want to give quality time so that I get physical touch,you see the link?
I hope that's not too much info! I do talk a lot ^^''
I hope you enjoy writing this,and that you have an awesome day! Don't forget to drink and take breaks!
Stay proud!
-Nina <33
Honestly… i couldn’t choose in between her or Emily…
But i think i’ve got it!
I’ve decided to pair you with…. CHARLIE!
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- from the first moment she met you, she LOVED YOU!!
- she herself doesnt dress in much other than red, but she LOVES pastel colors!!!
-Charlie would LOVE to hangout with you!! She’d think you are super fun!!
-She’d love you and beg you to become part of her staff, she thinks that NOBODY could ever dislike you
-even though you may not sing or dance well.. (according to you!! Maybe you can) SHE’D LOVEEE to do it anyways!
-Charlie feels the same way!! She hates silence, and will include you in EVERYTHING. even if you dont want to!
-Charlie would want you to write her stories, and she’d love if your ead them outloud! Just like the story about her
-I see your correlation!! Charlie would always spend time with you! And if you ever asked her to hold your hand or so more PDA she’d 1000% go running out of her way to do it.
-Charlie also loves that you dress in non depressing colors! She’d always compliment what outfit you wore that specific day!
-Charlie would enjoy any music, and she’d love to listen to anything with you as long as its a way of spending time with you. 🩷
-Lazy days are a huge plus to charlie! Especially if she’s been having a bad day :(. Like the one ep where find finds out about vaggie! She’d love to cuddle and just stay in bed and watch movies!
THAT WAS ENOUGH INFO LOVE!! I love it when people talk cus i do too 🩷
I hope this was enough!
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K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Rolling Quartz 🎸
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Rolling Quartz is the fourth band I’ve covered here, and the first girl band, which is very exciting! They debuted in 2020, with five members: bassist Arem, guitarists Iree and Hyunjung, vocalist Jayoung, and drummer Yeongeun. They aren’t exactly K-pop, but instead a blend of that and k-rock. Here are my credentials: I’ve been a fan of Rolling Quartz for a while now, after being recommended their excellent cover of Dreamcatcher’s Good Night, and though I know they’re not that popular (and so this review is more for me than other people), I thought it’d be fun to do to break up the SHINHWA epic.
Blaze was their debut, and what a debut it is! Coming right out the gate with a blistering, half-minute-long guitar riff, inspirational lyrics, and Jayoung’s signature husky contralto. From this first song, they immediately stand out from the crowd: besides playing instruments, having a grungier style and music video, and dabbling more in rock, their music also feels more personal, probably due to the fact that they weren’t assembled by a company but instead formed on their own and have the power to write their own songs.
Delight starts out quieter than Blaze, though it doesn’t stay that way for long. It keeps the inspirational lyrics, with a slower, more minimalistic opening that feels like it’s holding its breath until the song explodes in rock bliss. It’s a masterclass in pulling back and rushing forward, and keeps you guessing—in a good way. This was never one of my favorites as a casual listener but I’m pleased to say this changed my mind.
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Holler starts with the somewhat haunting call of “Holler, holler, holler”, befitting of the MV’s vampiric inspirations (especially Jayoung’s awesome dress), and the chant repeats again in the post-choruses as a break from the established build ups. It’s definitely reminding me of a Taemin song, with its seductive creepiness, albeit based on far more of a rocky vibe than is usual for him. Overall, I like this one more this time too!
From the EP, Fighting, I liked the crisp guitar riffs of Higher and of course their excellent cover of Dreamcatcher’s Good Night...but my favorite would have to be Azalea. Adapted from an old poem protesting the Japanese occupation of Korea, it’s the true definition of an anthemic, passionate, head-banger, and I hope one day (Hera willing) I’ll get to experience its incredibleness in concert.
One is a collaboration, and goes more of a teen-movie-soundtrack-pop-punk route; as one comment I saw said, “it sounds like it could be from a Monster High movie.” Which is absolutely not criticism, by the way; though I don’t think that One is as good as tracks like Blaze, Delight, or Azalea, it’s a fun break from the darkness and makes me want to relive my younger teenage years (though maybe not all of them, let’s be honest here).
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Nazababara is their return after a while, and goes a much sunnier, brighter route, making it feel less like a political anthem and more like one for a night out for friends. I love the segments with less instrumentation in the pre-chorus so that the vocals have time to breathe, and of course the short “you got me, got me” bridge was a highlight too. It’s a short song, but a memorable one.
Sing Your Heart Out is a b-side, but it was given a music video so I’m treating it like a single. It’s harsher in sound and darker in tone than Nazababara, and more true to their usual sound. The guitar riffs are as sharp as ever, and have a great sense of build in those pre-choruses, before the chorus appears to smash everything out of the park. It definitely had me banging my head, especially during that great guitar breakdown and outro.
I’m A Loner isn’t a usual Rolling Quartz song in many ways; it’s both a collaboration with Nam Do-hyun, and an OST. But, it retains their staples of driving beats and Jayoung’s strong voice with those sharp guitars that propel it forward. I hadn’t actually heard this song before this deep dive, but I ended up liking it. I wish it had more of a cathartic end to its great build-up, but otherwise it’s pretty good.
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Fearless takes a more EDM-based approach to its rock, for another banger, this time choosing something I normally dislike: an “I’m-so-cooler-than-you” song…and yet, they pull it off! That guitar solo was perfection and I couldn’t resist the urge to dance along with them as they played their instruments in the rain (which I hope they didn’t have to film more than once).
Reminiscence is their most recent single, and though it starts with a sharp snare drum, its first verses are actually a quite straightforward ballad, made unique by the ever-present power in Jayoung’s voice. But of course, since this is Rolling Quartz, it soon becomes a power ballad worthy of single status, and manages to be incredibly captivating despite its music video only being them playing their instruments in their studio, and it actually became one of my favorites of theirs. Also, I had no idea that Jayoung plays piano, so that was a fun surprise.
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I’m glad I did this! I knew I would have a great time, but it was still a fun ride. I forgot how few songs Rolling Quartz actually has, but when every one of them is so high in quality, I can’t really complain. I learned a lot more about them as people too, watching some interviews and behind the scenes content and having some good laughs along the way.
My Top 5 songs are Blaze, Azalea, Nazababara, Reminiscence, and Fearless, with Sing Your Heart Out as an honorable mention. Rolling Quartz gets a 9 out of 10 from me, the same as The Rose did, which isn’t surprising at all. I don’t think that there’s a single song of theirs I don’t like, and very few that I don’t love. They’re remarkably consistent and incredibly talented, and I can’t wait to see what they do next!
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Next time, we’ll finally be finishing the SHINHWA deep dive, so stay tuned. Tschüss!
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rabbitsrams · 4 months
laundromat -- mikasacus x reader
i have a huge crush on mika (have for a while tbh) and ever since he mentioned the intimacy of being at the laundromat together in the newest ep of music posting, i had to write this. mika ily <3
just fluffiest of fluff <3
wc: 844
laundry day was upon you, and it was something you often dreaded.
because you didn't have a car, you have to lug your big bag of clothing for fifteen minutes to the laundromat right by your apartment building. it was if you were santa claus with his gigantic sack of toys sans sleigh. but it is what it is.
you go every other saturday right when the laundromat opens its doors (7 a.m.), a time when no one else is there. you always have the machines to yourself and you like being able to have some alone time in the early hours of the day.
one of the owners, june, a sweet old lady who's been there for at least fifty years, holds the door open for you as you roll your laundry bag inside.
"g'morning june..." you yawn.
"morning dear, want coffee?" she says, walking over to the counter. a pot of coffee is steaming with your usual mug right beside it.
"yes please, thank you." you roll your laundry bag to your designated machine before going to the counter to prepare your usual cup.
with your headphones in and playing the first song of some album you've been vying to listen to, you begin to load your clothes into two of the machines. once the cycles begin, you turn the volume up and bob your head to the beat, liking the sound of the song.
unbeknownst to you, someone else enters the laundromat. he's got a basket of laundry in his arms, headphones over his ears and a black mask over most of his face. a white cap covers most of his dark hair, but some of it curls out underneath the hat. he notices you by the machines before going to the front counter. june immediately goes to help him.
you can sort of hear june talking over your music. figuring she's on the phone with her grandson as she normally is, you pay it no mind. you start humming the notes to a familiar song on the album as you move your clothes to the dryer, unaware that the guy is loading his clothing into the washing machine to your left.
you turn to get your second load, jumping in surprise at the presence of the tall man. your phone clatters to the ground, your headphones disconnecting from the charger port and playing the song you were listening to. "oh christ, i'm so sorry." you mutter as you pick the phone up and pause the song.
"you're totally good, don't worry," he replies. his voice is deep and calming, and his aura seems very calming. "was that tyler the creator?"
"oh! yeah. i'm, um, listening to igor right now. i usually like to listen to an album or two while i'm here. new to me, usually." you chuckle softly, a soft blush coating your cheeks.
"oh, cool! tyler's one of my favorite artists, you'll love igor."
"i really do so far, i'm actually on, uh, puppet, right now."
"that's a good one," he nods. his eyes crinkle slightly as he smiles under the mask. "i'm alex, by the way."
after you finish putting the rest of your clothes into the dryer, you and alex talk for a bit. you find out he's new in town, actually having just moved into your apartment complex, last week. he tells you about the new job he's going to start that upcoming monday, and about his other creative endeavors. you tell him about your life as well, and he listens earnestly.
"hey, um, do you wanna listen to the rest of the album with me? we can share my headphones or something..." you take out one of your earbuds and wipe it with your sleeve before offering it to him.
"oh... yeah, sure!" he takes the bud and places it in his ear. he has to lean down and move closer to you so his bud won't fall out. you try not to practically swoon because of how close you are to him.
you start the song over and he immediately starts tapping his foot to the beat. you can tell he's listened to the album a lot before with how excited he is to talk about the tracks. and it's not just because his eyes sparkle and look really pretty when he's excited.
you end up staying for an extra hour. your laundry is all done but alex's isn't, and you don't want to pass up the opportunity to talk to him more.
he's so easy to talk to, such a kind and sweet person. he offers to drive you both back to your apartment building so you won't have to carry your laundry all the way back.
in the car you end up giving him some song recommendations from your favorite artists. and when you're in the elevator, you exchange phone numbers. he gets off a floor below you and you exchange silent goodbyes. the elevator barely goes up when your phone dings softly with a message from 'alex🧡'
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iguessitsjustme · 3 days
Deep Night Ep 1 Thoughts
I tried to start watching this about two hours ago but then my sister called and then I had to run to the store for some pain meds. They really should invent a me without a headache. Anyway I got my meds, a cake, and about a million beverages so I guess it’s time to start. Episode 1: Headache Nation under the cut because boy oh boy did I ramble
Oh this is only 8 episodes? I thought it was 12. This works for me. I do love a good solid 8 episode long show.
*eats pickle* damn they got aerial boys. More of this everywhere please?
Already obsessed with the music. Do you know what gets me every time? Strings. Just listen to the build up they do. Ughsjsjskdjwkd I love string instruments
WHO sings this opening??? I am OBSESSED with their voice. 
Oh to be a beautiful lady in a skintight bodysuit doing aerial tricks by a giant window in a very yellow room. I might be in love with her. I don’t care if she ends up being evil or something. I love her. 
I know its not exactly the same but every time I hear host club I think of them:
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Boy take the cookie! Free cookie! I wish I was a hot boy in a BL that was being offered homemade baked desserts. I just remembered I bought a cake. I must pause to go get a slice or I won’t be able to forgive my man for this:
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Do I see…a ql character…with glasses???? Gonna need to add this boy to my spreadsheet. Anyway he better keep them. No one spoil me. 
Wait I have the opportunity to do something very funny. To me and to only me. I also bought a bottle of sparkling cider. The best non alcoholic beverage. So I’m gonna drink this straight from the bottle while these boys are stuck getting drunk with actual alcohol at this club. Okay note to self. In the future, open the sparkling cider over the sink. Why are you more adept at opening champagne?
Ooohhhh rivals. Academic rivals. All these business statistics are too much for me. But I’m intrigued. I actually think these two would make good business partners. Perhaps. Could be wrong.
I should probably start learning names. So far all I know is Japan. And also that he’s my favorite. *eats chip*
The music is trying to tell me things are serious but I don’t care enough yet for things to be this serious.
Oh a grandiose staircase. I want a grandiose moment on those stairs. But I want to be wearing sweats and be as unserious as possible. Those stairs have obviously seen far too many serious moments. Those stairs need to see some whimsy. 
I do not think I like Khem. At least not yet. I like Japan and Khem’s mother. I bet Khem will grow on me. But right now he kind of irks me. 
Did Khem show up to this club in a cardigan??? Are cardigans fine at clubs? Where can I find that cardigan I want it.
I am OBSESSED with Khem’s necklace. I am not a big jewelry person but this necklace is absolutely working for me. I mean look at it! The way it rests on his clavicle (I think thats what it is don't look at me) but it draws your eye down to his chest where the shirt under his cardigan is hiding his body but the unbuttoned top button of the cardigan is wanting to show more. Maybe cardigans ARE club attire. But only with that necklace and only on this boy. 
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Why does this woman want Khem to live with her? I hope the show helps her remove the stick up her ass. Though I’m not sure the actress can pull off the stern character she’s portraying. It makes me take her a little less seriously and I don’t know if that’s intentional or not. 
Ah I see some fantasies ARE universal. Someone remind me when I’m done watching to reblog gifs of this kiss. Also want to point out how much I love the music in this scene. The whole thing absolutely and incredibly gorgeous. Actually obsessed. Stunning. Everything stunning.
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I would like to give Japan a hug actually. 
I’m in love with Khem’s mother. Outta my way gay boy I’m about to become your step parent. 
Me vs. street noise. Who wins? The answer is street noise. Every time. Not even hiding in my hoodie helps.
The GUFFAW that came from me when they show Khem as a valet? Oh they say traffic assistant. I am in LOVE with his mother. 
Either these shows need to stop showing me food or I’m gonna need to make a trip to Thailand because that looks so good. 
These sound effects are SENDING me.
Damn right boy. Get paid. Get that bread. I love him. 
A LAPSIT? In the very first episode? More likely than you’d think. 
This soundtrack reminds me of the Life is Strange soundtrack at times and that is my favorite game soundtrack of all time. 
Okay episode 1 done. I really enjoyed it despite all of the interruptions I dealt with. Time for episode 2! I do not know if I’ll watch more than the first 2 episodes today but I am very excited to keep going. 
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facewithoutheart · 9 months
Shuffle Tag! The ADHD Version where I tell you when and why I’d skip a song…
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag ten other people
Thanks for the tags @sillyunicorn, @cutestkilla, @prettygoododds, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, & @iamamythologicalcreature
I’m cheating btw and I’ve put my songs on shuffle but I’m only counting the ones I wouldn’t immediately skip:
1. Bottom by Tool (I’d try this one out but likely would skip fairy quickly; I keep trying to like Tool’s full discography but basically I love Lateralus the album and the song Sober)
1a. Dream of You by Jazz Emu (I liked one of their silly songs on TikTok and impulse added the whole album but I just don’t enjoy it and am too lazy to search and delete.)
2. Queen Bitch by David Bowie (another song I’d try to get through but I’m sorry Bowie fans I just struggle and would probably skip eventually)
3. Mona Lisa by The Lonely Island (would listen to it in its entirety, singing along like the lyrics aren’t “Mona Lisa you’re an overrated piece of shit”; I am obsessed with this movie and this song and now it’s in my head)
4. Your Boyfriend Sucks by The Atari (I would listen up until the part where they talk instead of sing because that part annoys me both in sound and content but I wouldn’t be able to resist listening to at least part of this song for the high school nostalgia)
5. The Ghost Inside by Broken Bell (50/50 chance of me listening up until the chorus and skipping bc I don’t really know this song or making it through the whole thing; it’s peppy so I might finish it)
6. Oh Klahoma by Jack Stauber (would probably play this in most of its entirety, especially right now because this gives me such Fall vibes and I am hurting for cooler weather)
6a. Passenger Seat by Death Cab for Cutie (instant skip; sorry ‘bout ya Transatlanticism but I like very few of your songs)
7. Schism by Tool (100% would listen to this song in its entirety, scream the lyrics, probably close my eyes while singing, “Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion,” which I know by heart y’all, no faltering, I know the pieces fit because I watched them fall away, mildewed and smoldering, okay I swear I’ll stop. Remember when I said I liked Lateralus??)
7a. Red and Black from the Original London Les Mis Soundtrack (sorry Broadway I listen to, like, three songs from this soundtrack and I’d nope out of this song asap)
8. No Such Thing by John Mayer (ok I know he’s a total dick but this song is a banger and I’ll scream the lyrics while thinking of my friend from high school sharing this song before a swim meet, all of us listening in on her burnt CD that she played on a portable player, because a) it’s a sweet memory and b) she’s since passed and I love that this is one of the ways I get to honor her)
9. Monuments and Melodies by Incubus (shit this is one of the few Incubus songs I don’t know very well; I’d probably listen curiously for a few minutes then skip onward hoping my shuffle will take pity on me and play another song later that I’m more likely to know)
10. Love Is Colder Than Death (EP Version) by The Virgins (would play for half the song before getting annoyed it’s different than the album version)
Tagging five peeps @skeedelvee (look I failed the three-skip game!) @tea-brigade (give me your songs I know they’re good) @palimpsessed (hi I miss you) @stardustasincocaine (are these unhinged? Please please) & new friend @best--dress (hi show me your songs?)
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autisticandroids · 1 year
cliff notes:
- everybody loves a clown notable miss from john shiban. NOT a good ep
- i've rewatched bloodlust so i have less thoughts, however: hey amber benson and rachel miner have kind of similar voices huh 😳🥴
- oh so children shouldn't play with dead things is about the THEMES huh. love it when dean came back wrong ❤️ he's a walking corpse ❤️
- i liked simon said :) you can tell it's the first edlund because of its charm and also because it has zero grasp on consent whatsoever. sam worrying that maybe he's eeeeevil didn't even harsh my mellow that's how much i liked this ep
- i didn't hate no exit actually! the misogyny is unpleasant but the shakeup of jo being there is honestly worth it. it's really fun to see them actually hunt a case with someone else, not hurriedly inducting a terrified civilian or like, working with their dad, or teaming up for a big season ender, but just busting a normal-ass ghost with another hunter. the only other time that's happened so far is in home with missouri and it was also really good there. i would also like to have lingered a little more on the idea that john caused bill's death by screwing up. i was thinking earlier about dean saying that john doesn't make mistakes or leave hunts unfinished in something wicked and how crazy that is, the kind of deranged deification it points to. i think that would obviously have changed due to dean's new perspective on john but i would like to see it play out please. i want to sit with that, to watch him process it. oh well you win some you lose some
- HUGE fan of the usual suspects being a human perpetrator that fucks. also i wish the theme of salmondean being on the run from law enforcement had stuck around for longer in the show it was like so good. also: liked the cop lady
- crossroads blues: finally some listenable music instead of the butt rock crap this show normally pays through the nose to license. the first half is really solid, the artist who sold his soul in particular is really compelling and i wish we had spend more time with him. the creature design of the hellhounds is of course absolutely stunning, a great example of spooky spn minimalism, but my favorite part was actually the cold open where we see that from the outside, the person being ripped apart by hellhounds appears to simply be having a seizure. the guy who sold his soul for his wife was nothing though. i know it's about themes but they should have saved the artist instead. that guy's lackluster performance makes the whole back half of the episode worse, although dean interacting with the crossroads demon is INSANE. she calls him edible <3
- and lastly croatoan. i really liked it :3 it's very funny that they're worried about sam being evil when dean is just straight up murdering people. he came back wrong <3. sarge is also a standout side character for the season. his whole meeting with dean, the "what's going on with everybody" part, is like, just really really fun and a standout for me. also dean's craziness... yes babygirl kill yourself about it. they managed to cram both the sibling crazy and the general crazy into one bottle quite succintly
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erporo · 2 months
hi erporo !! we don't interact but ur art is super sick and i love the random stuff u put on my page 🩷 i had a question abt ur music !! u put a lot of Pink Floyd on my page and i see some NIN too; i don't listen to much of either,, do u have any specific song recommendations ? i LOVE Echoes, If, and Summer '68 but those r abt the only ones i know. and as far as NIN goes im essentially clueless . thank u if u respond and thanks regardless for ur fun blog !
hi hi hi buggy,
tnx for the kind words!! <33
SO. song recs, huh.. i've already answered another que about pf (mostly) album (bcs ithink it's really better to listen to pf in albums, not some specific songs) recs like a week ago,
on a second thought tho, here are a few more that are worth listening to that i didn't add for god knows what reason:
Relics (contains the band's first singles like See Emily Play, Arnold Layne & cool songs like Julia Dream for example),
and Animals (Dogs is up there with Echoes and SOYCD to me). It's a hella political album (bcs of Rog & his opinions) tho
there's some more ofc like The Early Years, The Later Years & stuff, but they're there if u've listened to the main catalog & u want more, yk?
there's also this post i agree with for the most part.
i can get a bit more specific if u want tho, just lmk. keep in mind it's (obviously) gonna get real lengthy real quick tho-
as for nin... WELL
here's some, again, mostly album recs because, just like with pf- i think it's really better to listen to dis band in albums, in context, not some specific songs:
the entirety of Pretty Hate Machine, nin's debut album. ive listened to it like, yesterday for the 5th time or something- it's so gud
if u like some metal stuff, Broken EP is awesome,
Fixed (an entire album of remixes of Broken's songs) also has some goodies, like the remix of Happiness in Slavery (this song's been SUCH A MOOD for at least 3 yrs by now) & Fist Fuck <3
the entirety of The Downward Spiral of COURSE,
The Fragile's also hella good- one of my fav albums of theirs actually,
but u ain't gonna lose much if u don't listen to. all of em- like u can leave out the songs like Please, No, You Don't & u will be gud
If u wanna listen to some p cool outtakes (like, there's one that legit sounds like smth out of Shadow the Hedgehog LMAO) and instrumentals of the album then feel free to check out The Fragile: Deviations
the entirety of With Teeth, ithink??
see, im not sure about the entirety part bcs i always omit Getting Smaller & im. cool
Year Zero's also got some goodies: Survivalism; The Good Soldier; Me, I'm Not; Capital G; God Given; The Great Destroyer...
Hesitation Marks is. i think my second fav of theirs. can't recommend it enough.
like the first 10 songs of the albums r just. the best of the best: Came Back Haunted, Copy of A, All Time Low, Everything, Satellite, stuff like that.
In Two & While I'm Still Here r also p good afair
Honorable mentions:
She's Gone Away : a song that was featured in one of the eps of Twin Peaks (!!), & yep- its hella gud,
At The Heart of It All,
The Beauty of Being Numb,
Underneath the Skin : just a cool remix, v train-like if that makes sense LMAO,
This Isn't The Place : a song by Trent, dedicated to a huge influential figure of his back in the 90s - David Bowie. (for VERY obvious reasons too, as u can see),
Needless to say, their cover of Hurt makes me cry buckets every time i swear,
The Perfect Drug,
Trent's amazing cover of Queen's song Get Down Make Love,
God Break Down The Door,
MAGNIFICENT covers of various artists' songs (Joy Division, Iggy Pop, The Normal) & each other's songs (like Sanity Assassin, Head Like a Hole, Reptile, Bela Lugosi's Dead, etc) by Trent and Bauhaus' Peter Murphy from 2006,
NIN at Woodstock '94 <- Powerful shit.
& dat's it. hope u enjoy em!!
wouldn't be surprised if u didn't tho- pf's music's def not for everyone & Trent's music is mostly for. goths yk
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autisticempathydaemon · 8 months
hello! i am new to redacted and here for the ask game :)
my favourite song rn is the gothic surfarama by the vampire beach babes totally go listen to that
i usually dont like big video essays unless theyre about a topic im super into, like i have watched hours of essays about tmnt and mcr, bit if its about something im not so into, probably not
my favourite audio is either damn friendsgiving or damn bowling (im a sucker for good friends and found family lmao)
i just cannot get into blake. like aside from the cult stuff lmao just not into him
RISE OF THE TMNT i have episodes of that show memorised. you could show me a screenshot and i could tell u what ep its from and whats happening at that moment.
ollie my best friend hes brilliant. nerdy about board games? perfect please be my best friend ill listen to him tell me about catan or scythe for hours on end
no tired ramblings, i sort of just get sleep drunk. if im tired i am not talking for the world
im not american so i dont do gas station stuff instead my dokan (like a corner store i guess) go to would be a mango juice bottle and whatever knock off oreos they have.
my favourite playlist (music or redacted? ill do both) is a) my gothy music playlist from when i was 13 with a few additions lmao, and b) milos playlist his accent is just so fun to listen to even though i can barely understand it lol
NO guilty pleasures i enjoy what i enjoy without shame
annd uh. im an art student, i prefer popeyes over mac, i have awful hayfever, and i cant choose a favourite colour they are all beloved to me
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Ooh, so this was a thinker. I could have gone in a few directions, but if we’re taking everything into consideration plus “Vampire Beach Babes”, it’s got to be Vincent Solaire!
First, Vincent is and always will be a total nineties kid at heart, so he would absolutely love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (Off the top of my head, I think he thinks himself a Miley and had a big crush on Leo as a tween.) He gets super hyped for every addition to the franchise and loves chill nights on the couch watching reruns with you while you draw.
Speaking of drawing, I think Vincent would be such a wonderful boyfriend for an art student. We have evidence that he was so supportive in Lovely’s studies, and he’d do just the same with you: always bringing you snacks while you work, offering to model for you, chauffeuring you to work in automotive style. Also, he’s without a doubt gorgeous- what better inspiration could you ask for?
Let's trash our whole afternoon/ Reciting recycled news/ Until we melt and go back to your hotel room/ I'll be your new favorite tune/ I'll be your black cloud by June/ But only when you miss the rain like I miss you
One. I like this to fit your goth/emo vibe but looking for something new. Two. This song is ridiculously singable and fun; I think Vincent would have a great time bouncing along to this with you in the car and grinning dopily when he says he’s stupid for you.
Asher would be a cute runner-up because I think you two would like a lot of the same things, like TMNT and MCR. Asher’s more of a FOB-boy, but he’s not likely to be one and not the other, ya know? Lasko is an even cuter runner-up just because something about him would be so cute next to an art student; like, that’s an it couple right there.
note: thank you so much for waiting 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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lilibethmg · 14 days
love on tour | a.h.
a/n: welcome to my first social media fic of hopefully many!! i have a whole universe planned out within the british youtuber group and i thought who best to introduce the series with than arthur hill!!! all work will be ocs not xreaders
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liked by arthurnfhill and 5,937 others
popped down to london to film the double denim music video today!! out on friday if you’re lucky x (and thanks to my wonderful camera man @arthurnfhill)
userone arthur and kam interaction???
| usertwo the way they are my new fave duo
userthree r u guys dating?
userfour i love your music kam!!!!
| kamrynkam tysm <3333
| userfour OMG KAM NOTICE
arthurnfhill i expect to be paid for my services
| kamrynkam oops.. maybe next time?
| | userfive NEXT TIME??
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 4,937 others
surprise! we’re going on tour! tickets link is in my bio if you fancy seeing us x
its gonna be one hell of a show.. i wouldn’t want to miss it!!
arthurnfhill ar-tour! ar-tour! ar-tour!
| kamrynkam i want a funky name for tour too :(
| arthurnfhill i’ll work on it 🫡
userone i got manchester tickets!!!!
usertwo omg can’t wait to see you two
georgeclarkeey looking forward to meeting you (especially after everything arthur has told me about you)
| kamrynkam all good things i hope!!
| georgeclarkeey terrible, terrible things
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liked by arthurnfhill, arthurtv and 5,924 others
tour has been a blast so far! london you’re up next 👀 it’s so surreal coming out on stage and seeing you lot go crazy, thank you for having the best energy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
userone can’t wait for tonight!!!
usertwo you were so good last night <3
saderah gonna cheer the loudest for you tonight
| arthurnfhill not if i cheer louder
| saderah let me flirt with your girlfriend please!
this comment has been deleted.
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liked by arthurnfhill, lisahull_hill and 5,926 others
ar-tour/kam-fest was awesome!! you guys were all so lovely and have made my year xx
p.s. do we want passing thought (feat. kam) to be released 👀
userone you were so good!!!
usertwo yours and arthur’s voices sounded heavenly together omg
| kamkamryn tysm oh my gosh <3
lisahull_hill you were brilliant darling!
| kamkamryn thank you lisa 🥹
userthree can’t believe i got to meet you!! thank you for being so lovely
arthurnfhill ❤️
| kamkamryn mwah
userthree your chemistry was a little too good for my liking 🤔🤔🤔
saderah girl you were awesome!!!!!
| kamkamryn love you sade :((
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 6,293 others
‘i’d step on lego for you’ is now all yours! i hope you guys have as much fun listening as i did making it! this ep is a collection of my favourite songs i’ve made in the past year with 2 brand new songs!!! let me know your favourite song on the ep!!! 🩵
arthurnfhill forever proud of you
| kamrynkam ❤️‍🔥
| | userone HELLO??!?
usertwo naked poetry goes so hard!!
userthree afterlife is a banger tbf
saderah straight fire!! no skips!! she’s done it again!!!
| kamrynkam stop it 🤭
| userfive i think we all know 👀 @arthurnfhill thoughts?
commented liked by kamrynkam
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 4,834 others
finally found my muse ❤️‍🔥
userone hard launch 🤔
| kamrynkam hard launch 😌
usertwo OH MY GOSH!!!!
saderah sister-in-law!!
| kamrynkam sister-in-law!!!!!!!
arthurnfhill i expect 3 songs about me written by the end of the week (love you x)
| kamrynkam stfu loser 😭😭 (love you too x)
userthree 2nd photo is giving rockstar’s girlfriend
| kamrynkam *rockstar girlfriend
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fuck it I’m crossposting, here’s my livetweets for palisade 24. I put it on cohost too but I need to Post Everywhere you see
Also if anyone has suggestions on how I should live post spoilers when I have a disease and plan on posting on 3 different sites until further notice please let me know. The answer is to simply stop posting
I didn’t realize theres a whole sun mission moon mission situation going on here…. Also I feel actively unwell listening to this the content warning just obliterated normal functions. I too am feverish
ham slurpers
Mustard red does npc tiktok im losing m y mind
Everyone taking a big breath with this good roll including me
chimeric cadent… what does that mean…
man fuck off clem theres enough going on
ancient enemy of the iconoclasts… we have been three different people…….. i swesr to god if this is the waking cadent and signet and some third thing i will scream.
Its bug like in some forms. I swesr to god if my signet is still alive theory was right but like this …………………. Bro austin is pranking me right now im being personally trolled
“A third life in this place where life is sacred…” kamala cadence was the one who was hesitant about divines dying… reading the wiki real quick thats the reason why her and independence fell out huh
Actively jokerfying about this
I keep looking at the time hoping they wont have enough time to get to sun party gjshdh
IWAS RIGHT ITS BELGARD CADENT SIGNET. AUSTIN. IM RUNNING AROUND DOING LUNGES I need to catch my breath. I was going to not do capslock for any of my rot13 threads but i do not know how to how could I not
Barricade… Volicity…. Bounty…. Loyalty……….. just listing the ones I recognize
Nooooo back to sun crew
Its really going to explode in the next 20 minutes huh its just going to end when something so compelling happened on the moon party and its going to explodeand everyone dies huh
Im a little calmer at this moment and just being pre-dissapointed and I guess its poignant maybe if it all blows up but like cmon .
This didnt bother me as much but this is probably what people felt about all the divines and ships described in tm ep 00 just being there to die right at the start except its been like 40 episodes of build up
fifteen minutes left
the sun side has felt like theyve been diffusing a bomb since the beginning of this arc and the timer is counting down Fast
Nine minutes left
four minutes
failed roll is here
Okay. Music is on. Things have messed up but no explosion yet. So analyzing the ep, I don’t think they would put on a content warning just to keep spoilers vague (I mean I was assuming this whole time just in case but it does feel irresponsible)
the mass death/genocide warning was probably regarding chimera’s lantern and what happened when the principality decided to “eradicate” the last of advent OR its regarding asepsis’s actions against the equiaxed in partizan. Either way things are bad for sun side…theyve been ending the episodes like this every time so far lmao. But it has not exploded Yet. Imagine if the next ep is like 30 minutes long lmao
I feel like im breathing for the first time in two point five hours
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