#Legacy Growers
Save the Cannabis Industry: Topple The Pyramids!
Save the Cannabis Industry: Topple The Pyramids!
by Steve DeAngelo In early October of 2006, I founded Harborside Health Center in Oakland CA; which had just received one of the first six licenses granted anywhere in the United States for commercial cannabis activity. Like every other new licensee; I had gained my cannabis experience and knowledge in the underground, legacy market. There was no alternative in those days. Cannabis corporations…
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dingdongdick · 1 year
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AHAHAHAhahahaHA poor MC
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auroragoth · 2 years
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usually you do that in the bathrooms at school, not at home, Hajime!!
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simslegacy5083 · 7 days
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 87: A Reality Check
Their classes didn’t make it easy to schedule, but Luigi and Noemi arranged an appointment with a therapist shortly after their heart to heart.
For Luigi their first session couldn’t come soon enough. Even after the initial shock wore off, all kinds of fears around fatherhood had his heart and head all tangled up. He had no idea how to straighten them out and was afraid that trying to do it himself might cost him Noemi forever.
So, when Dr. Velasquez greeted them at her office in uptown and invited them to “jump right into it”, he didn’t need to be asked twice!
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He started to explain the worries that had been troubling him, the Doctor’s calm prompts helping him put individual concerns into clear words one at a time. Some of them surprised even him, like when he confessed that the pregnancy seemed suspicious.
Asked to clarify, he explained that he’d been so good about using protection and Noemi had said she had an IUD too. Then she got pregnant right after they had been a bit too busy with school to “get busy” for a little while. The therapist said “Unplanned pregnancies bring out those fears in a lot of sims, even when they're completely unfounded. Fortunately, a simple paternity test can prove the baby you’re expecting really is the start of your legacy, and no-one else's.”
Luigi stiffened at the word “legacy”, while Noemi was taken aback by the topic in general. “Do you really think I lied about my IUD, or about being exclusive, and I blew off classes to woohoo with someone else in the few hours we haven’t been together this semester!?”
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Luigi turned to her with an unusually intense expression. “I trust you, and more importantly I love you. I want to raise this baby with you, whether it’s an alien from Sixam, a slow grower from that Jairo guy you were seeing just recently, or a strong swimmer of mine who was really good at punching through rubber.”
She still looked hurt and confused as he continued, “There’s just so much I’m not sure about right now. Getting a firm answer on where this baby came from would be one less unknown in a world that feels like it’s suddenly trying to change everything all at once.”
He looked at Dr. Velasquez. “I’m in this for the long haul, but what you said earlier about my legacy… if I’m going to accept this kid as the next legacy heir of my family, I have to be sure its my biological child.”
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As the others looked at him in confusion, he felt a rush of embarrassment. Taking a deep breath, he launched into the explanation of watchers, legacies, and his own “special status” as it had been explained to him by his papa.
The therapist’s professionally interested expression was stable as a rock while he rambled on, but Noemi seemed to zone out into her own thoughts until suddenly she snapped, interrupting him angrily.
“Luigi, just stop! I know you’re self-absorbed but thinking that you are literally the only sim that matters in the whole of SimNation?! You know that sounds pants on head crazy, right? That hasn’t escaped your notice??”
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Dr. Velasquez cleared her throat. “It’s not crazy to consider yourself the main character of your own story, but have you ever heard of sonder?”
When Luigi shook his head, she told him “It’s a term that describes the realization that every sim is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, with their own ambitions, friends, routines, and worries. There are countless epic stories continuing seamlessly all around you, all the time. In those stories you might appear only once, if at all, as an “extra” sipping coffee in the background.”
She reached over to her desk, searching out a small card, which she handed him. “It’s wonderful that your papa thought you and your father were the most special sims in the nation, but holding that same belief about yourself puts you at risk of devaluing others and may make it hard to participate fully in healthy, loving relationships. There are some videos and readings listed here that I strongly suggest you review, maybe together with Noemi.”
Luigi looked over to find his girl had turned away towards the opposite wall, her judgment coming through as clearly as if she was still yelling at him.
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The rest of the session covered much less controversial topics. Dr. Velasquez encouraged Luigi to attend Noemi’s OB appointments as a way to show support and bond with their baby to be. She also suggested they make a team project of telling all their family and friends the good news.
Luigi wasn’t worried about his clan. They all liked Noemi, and he was certainly old enough to have a baby even if the timing was terrible, but Noemi’s face paled. She’d been so overwhelmed adjusting to the idea of motherhood, she hadn’t even considered that Luigi would be meeting her parents for the very first time not just as her boyfriend but as the father of their grandchild. It was a whole new angle for her social anxiety to fret over.
The therapist provided some tips on handling the meetings before setting a follow up appointment to check in with them next trimester. Neither sim broke the awkward silence as they left her office, but both secretly felt this visit had been much more painful and less helpful than they had hoped.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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pix4japan · 6 months
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From Orchard to Arcade: Unveiling the Legacy of Fruit Tokunaga
Location: Yokohamabashi, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 17:49 on December 19, 2023
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 800 for 1/125 sec. at ƒ/6.4 Astia/Soft film simulation
The Fruit Tokunaga shop, in operation for over 75 years, stands as a classic example of Japanese fruit stores renowned for their premium quality offerings, often chosen and wrapped with care for gifting purposes.
At the store's entrance, more budget-friendly fruits are available, though slightly pricier than those at nearby supermarkets or Chinese-run produce shops just a few doors down.
Venture towards the back of the shop, and you'll find the true gems showcased in a display case. Not immediately visible in the photo, these treasures include cantaloupes priced at ¥5,500 each (approximately $39 to $50 USD, depending on the exchange rate).
Specializing in seasonal fruits cultivated in Japan through contracts with carefully selected local farmers, the shop's motto, "Face to Face," underscores the owner's commitment to quality. The emphasis on face-to-face interactions with independent growers ensures a meticulous chain of quality control, guaranteeing that bespoke fruits become delectable gifts.
When purchasing fruit as a gift, customers can request separate gift wrapping for either refrigerated or room temperature storage.
Meet the shop's owner, Mr. Hirotaka Tokunaga (pictured on the right, wearing glasses), a local celebrity in the Yokohama Shotengai shopping arcade.
Apart from successfully running his family business for decades, he is an avid design and photography hobbyist. Mr. Tokunaga generously volunteers his time and talents, creating flags, banners, promotional materials, and posters for the shotengai association members.
These creations are strategically placed throughout the shopping arcade, serving to announce upcoming festivals, convey public service announcements, and promote special events scheduled throughout the arcade.
Google Maps links to Fruit Tokunaga, references for further reading, and source materials can be found at the latest blog post at pix4japan: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231219-yokohamabashi
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merryfortune · 5 months
Weed Eater
Written for the FE Flash Fic Friday on Dreamwidth
Prompt: MLM Ships
Title: Weed Eater
Ship: Dedue/Dimitri
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Word Count: 1,432
Rating: T
Tags: Alternate Universe - Gardenverse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Blue Lions Route
   There was a type of folk considered fey amongst the people of Duscur. Not spoken of often because it was so unusual, even they considered the talk of the Flower Eaters to be but a poorly remembered myth. This, too, was a legacy that Dedue embodied, too, for better or for worse. It was considered as unlucky as it was beautiful.
   He still remembered the confusion and the elation, when he was a young child. Still small and innocent and naive to the ways of the world and he expressed his love with how any child would: with wild flowers freshly picked.
   “Mama, Mama, look what I can do!” he had cried out, happy and joyous with a big smile on his face. He was what? Four?
   The look of fondness on his Mother’s face turned in an instant as Dedue showed her what was in his hands and it was not a trick of light. As he uncurled his fingers, the flowers that he unveiled were not from the garden but from him.
   “Dedue, my love, you must never show this talent of yours to anyone, understand?” his Mother warned him as she accepted the little, yellow flowers Dedue had produced from his palm. “And you must always avoid anyone who would want to eat them.”
   That was even unluckier. To be a Flower Eater. That was a curse far greater and heavier than the one which Dedue had upon him as a Flower Grower - or Florist, as he would come to hear amongst the mainland of Fódland. Turns out they were in tune with different bits and pieces of Duscur lore, filtered through inaccuracies. A long, long tale which had changed every time it had been spoken between two people. 
   Much like a school rumour, actually. 
   Deduce did his best, at the Officers Academy, to be as detached as possible but people talked. Even to him. Though he did his best to not talk back. 
   He minded his own business. He kept to himself, to the greenhouse, and no one was none the wiser to Dedue’s status as a Florist. People knew he had a green thumb but no one suspected that there was something more to his talent and gift with plants was nothing more than the innate knack that certain gardeners had.
   No one except Dimitri and Dedue had his own suspicions about what exactly Dimitri was.
   More than a friend, a house leader, a lord or a prince. There was a great darkness inside of him as well but Dimitri did his best to obscure it underneath a well-controlled and amiable persona. This extended far and wide to being close and personal.
   However, Dedue didn’t want to talk about Duscur traditions or lore with Dimitri. Though, sometimes Dimitri would pry about innocuous things. Food, fashion, geography. The most surface level things so he could try and be close with him but Dedue was ever a brick wall. 
   Though a watchful one.
   Maybe he was channelling his Mother, her spirit and her memory, too much but he saw the signs. Dimitri was exactly the type of person she used to warn him about. The Flower Eater. No Fódland name for it, as far as Dedue had heard, anyway.
   They were characterised as the tragics, the obsessives, the ones who were always hungry for… something. Be it flesh or… be it flowers. 
   Dimitri was exactly that person and a little quip that he let slip confirmed it in Dedue’s mind. To anyone else it would have been funny but Dimitri wanted to eat the weeds. They had been assigned to gardening related tasks, like pulling weeds, by Professor Byleth to help. 
   And it only worsened from there, Dedue would observe from Dimitri’s side.
   He was a very different person. 
   To everyone bar Dedue.
   He had always sensed that one day Dimitri would snap. That he was hungry in a way that civil society could not provide as it went beyond a need for food but for vengeance. For blood and flesh and… flowers.
   After everything that had happened. Edelgard’s assault on the Academy. His separation from Dimitri and the allies that he had amongst his Blue Lion classmates, Dedue shuddered with recollection. There was still much to be done, such as restoring the Holy Kingdom, clearing the name of the Duscur people, and more. 
   “I’m … I’m happy to know you are still alive, Dedue,” Dimitri grovelled to him. “And that you are real.”
   “Yes, I’m real.” Dedue replied.
   He let Dimitri touch him. To confirm his warmth, his heartbeat, his breath. 
   Though much of Dimitri’s sanity appeared to have returned to him as he got catharsis from facing Edelgard or returning to tutelage in Professor Byleth’s stead, and yes, of course, Dedue’s return to his side as vassal. There was still more to be regained, if it could at all, and an underlying fragility despite Dimitri’s present calm and serenity.
   There was still more that Dedue could do for Dimitri.
   He waited until an appropriate time. He had never disclosed this to anyone. His family had known but no one else knew. So, Dedue waited for a calm, blue night when the moon was big and full and the purest white. He invited Dimitri for a late night walk to the gardens. Just them and their companionship. Nothing more, nothing less. 
   Standing by the gazebo with his hands behind his back, gazing out over the lawn, “Can I tell you a secret?” Dedue asked.
   He was finally ready to open up. He watched as Dimitri visibly perked up and for a moment, Dedue saw a flash of Dimitri’s seventeen year old self in the world weary and one-eyed face that he now bore. It made Dedue’s heart falter but he steeled himself.
   If he was correct, if Dimitri was a Flower Eater like he thought, then his Mother’s wisdom was too far gone on him. Dedue had doomed himself the minute he pledged allegiance to Dimitri in gratitude for saving him. 
   “Please, go ahead.” Dimitri told him.
   “I want you to know this.” Dedue said.
   As he had grown older, it had become less easy to hide his condition. As a child, it was a painless magic trick, like a sleight of hand, to produce these flowers from his body but as he went through adolescence, that was part of his body which changed. He had to shave them off like he would the whiskers on his chin, sometimes it would even hurt when these pretty, dainty little yellow flowers would bloom. 
   Dimitri watched, mutedly amazed, as Dedue showed him this legacy of Duscur, too. 
   They lived in a world, amongst people, who conjure lightning and fire, control the winds, and yet this simple little thing elicited such oddness and mystery. It was strange. 
   Dimitri caressed the petal of the flower, he followed the natural arc of it with his finger. It was soft, he noted. All whilst Dedue told him bits and pieces from his Mother’s fairy tales. How his siblings used to be jealous of him because he had a gift that they did not and that was unfair. 
   Dimitri listened intently.
   “I had no idea that such people existed.” Dimitri said, quietly awed. “I must be quite fortunate to have you by my side then.”
   “Yes, about that…” Dedue murmured.
   He plucked the flower and his fingers reacted as though he had given himself a paper cut. There was a thin line of red on his palm, like a scratch, and an involuntary twitch amongst his fingers. He offered it to Dimitri but when Dimitri tried to accept it with his hands, Dedue glared. He kept going. He offered to feed it to Dimitri and Dimitri, confused, did open his mouth.
   Dimitri chewed thoughtfully. Dedue had never once wondered what the flowers he produced would taste like. He had never seriously thought that he would encounter a counterpart to his own condition but Dimitri’s expression.
   “I like the taste of it.” Dimitri whispered. His lips quivered, like he was holding back an involuntary smile. Colour, ever so slightly, was added to his cheeks, too, that he could not interfere with. 
   Dedue blinked. He was actually taken aback to hear that considering… Dimitri was not known to be an auteur of taste or otherwise a gourmand. But it did flatter him to hear so. Even if it did affirm in Dedue’s mind that Dimitri was as every bit as tragic and obsessive and hungry as Dedue was promised when he was warned of as a child. 
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intermundia · 1 year
so there's a listing for part time city clerical work in the tiny farming town near where i live, i went in to get the application and the clerk (who has known me since i was an infant, tiny town yk) squinted at me until i asked about the job and she remembered telling my mom about it and was like "oh i didn't recognize you! you sure looked like a [last name], but i wasn't sure" and i laughed kinda awkwardly like "yep i've got the [last name] nose all right" and then she was like "you [last name]s usually don't get involved in town" as if my ancestors choices would mirror my own lmao
it's so weird after living for years in seattle where that would absolutely never happen haha. it's an extremely surreal, small town experience to have a familial reputation. plus people around here know my dad as being kind of a controversial oddball who was into organic farming and all this hippie shit and married a woman from outside the community and then ran off to sweden to retire so i have to deal with the legacy of being [dad's name]'s child lmao though as i reminded the clerk, he was president of the wheat growers association for awhile, so [last name]s do get involved sometimes lol have to cling to that
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
In America, too, prior appropriation, as legally and culturally revered as it is, may have become more cumbersome and obstructive than it needs to be. Western water rights, according to Newsha Ajami, a leading expert at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the former director of the urban water policy program at Stanford University, were set up by people measuring with sticks and buckets, long before anyone had ever even considered climate change. Today, they largely serve powerful legacy interests and, because they must be used to be maintained, tend to dissuade conservation. “It’s kind of very archaic,” she said. “The water rights system would be the first thing I would just dismantle or revisit in a very different way.”
This is probably not going to happen, Ajami said. “It could be seen as political suicide.” But that doesn’t make it the wrong solution. In fact, what’s best for the Colorado, for the Western United States, for the whole country might be a combination of what Israel and Australia mapped out. Deploy the full extent of the technology that is available to eliminate waste and maximize efficiency. Prioritize which crops and uses are “beneficial” in a way that attaches the true value of the resource to the societal benefit produced from using it. Grow California and Arizona’s crops in the wintertime but not in the summer heat. And rewrite the system of water allocation as equitably as possible so that it ensures the modern population of the West has the resources it needs while the nation’s growers produce what they can.
Fun thing about water rights is that it’s possible to describe the same reform as nationalization or privatization depending on who you are talking to
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here it is!! I haven't listened to the 3am tracks yet so that will be next
Lavender Haze: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, omfg that bassline
Maroon: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, the last chorus!!!!, "real fucking legacy"
Anti-hero: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, "hi", the upbeat depression, self-loathing anthem we needed
Snow On The Beach (feat. Lana): ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, grower, love her lower range here, "weird but fucking beautiful", also my first Lana song!
You're On Your Own, Kid: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, I'm fucking crying, did she write my life???!?!, the bridge!!!!!
Midnight Rain: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, gives me rep vibes, I wish it was raining when I listened to it but alas I live in a semi-desert, in my top five
Question...?: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, the cheering?, "fucking politics and gender roles", the OOTW sample!!?!, "dickhead"
Vigilante Shit: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, nbnc's sister, holy mother of fuck, "on my vigilante shit again", Billie Eilish vibes
Bejeweled: ⭐⭐⭐, not my fave, gives the same vibes as one song from the Mockingjay part 1 soundtrack, genius crashed as I was listening so I have no lyrics for this one
Labyrinth: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, the archer's sister, the start ❤️, I feel like I could sleep to this one, "uh oh, I'm falling in love again" - me everytime lol, the last pre <3
Karma: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, the distortion!!, "I'm still here", "Karma is a cat", I'm in love, synths!!, "me and karma vibe like that"
Sweet Nothing: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, a sad bop, Joe!!!, the intro <3, sweet, the oohs!!
Mastermind: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, "checkmate, I couldn't lose", love it, "you knew I was a mastermind", one fo my faves
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Alright everyone, siddown. I need to tell you about one of the most ICONIC queens ever: Anita Roddick
Now most people have probably never heard of her. That has gotta change. Anita Roddick was born in a BOMB SHELTER in Sussex. She started out as an English teacher, but soon started traveling and taking jobs in Paris and Geneva. Once she came home, she met her future husband(this aint about him). She owned a small bed and breakfast with him for a few years, then decided to take it up a notch. She started her own line of beauty products. She called her store The Body Shop. Her business was one of the first to prohibit animal testing. Long before the Fairtrade movement even existed, she made her products with ingredients directly sourced from ground-level growers and nothing was synthetic. She used no packaging and refillable bottles to prevent waste. She maintained an incredible balance of business and activism. By the 1990's, she was the 4th richest woman in Britain. In 1992, she successfully sued a tv documentary claiming she had lied about animal testing. She eventually sold her business to L'Oreal and donated the majority of the money she got from that to charities and built several orphanages. She had great involvement in Greenpeace, and founded a charity called "Children On The Edge". She even worked for the United Nations. In 2003, Queen Elizabeth II appointed her a DAME COMMANDER OF THE ORDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. Needless to say, she is extremely stan-worthy. She passed away in 2007 nform a brain hemorrhage, but her legacy lives on.
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floralkaleidascope · 2 years
Growing Flowers for Fun or Profit
As the miniature eco-cultivating development continues, flower carts from scaled down flower ranches: backyard to a portion of a section of land, are jumping up on unassuming click here to learn more community traffic intersections and close to busy metropolitan cafés. U-pick flower fixes and honor-framework flower stands are further ways flower lovers are procuring pay.
For the people who prefer being with flowers to being with people, the honor framework bouquet stand permits growers to play in their flower fix the entire day, make beautiful arrangements to set out in the first part of the day, and essentially gather the money from the locked cash box in the evening.
Avoid rivaling bigger cut flower ranches, grow naturally, no pesticides, herbicides, and so forth. Increasingly more of the standard is becoming concerned about the damage caused by the synthetic flower industry. Promote your sustainable methodology with your flowers, telling customers your flower ranch doesn't hurt the environment and is a shelter for local birds, honey bees and butterflies. Furthermore, grow popular assortments however with a contort: add unusual flowers types in the midst of more normal assortments with your bouquets, or grow unusual assortments of the recognizable top picks. Here are a few first of all:
- Bantam lilacs that sprout slow time of year. How wonderful to track down bouquets of this exemplary country #1 in fall!
- Be quick to offer new assortments of recognizable flowers. Like newly evolved colors of dahlias or universe or sunflowers. 'Lemon Sovereign,' for instance, is an extraordinary sunflower with lemon-yellow petals and a chocolate colored community.
- Become known for specializing in something remarkable, for example, dated legacies like 'Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Entryway,' which produces many rope-like balancing flowers on its six-foot tall stems.
Additional marketing tips:
Give more profound significance to your flowers and let customers in on the flowers' chronicles. If you grow Mexican Light sunflowers, let your customers in on this is likewise called, "Brilliant Flower of the Aztecs.
Expand the season by delivering non-perishables from your flowers. This includes drying flowers, selling flower seeds with handmade hello cards (as described more at the Middle for the Miniature Eco-Cultivating Development, www.MicroEcoFarming.com, or making floral waters. Type up labels for your fresh cut flowers that let buyers know of your other locally grown, high quality floral items they can buy consistently.
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The casualties of California legalizing pot: Growers who went legal
The casualties of California legalizing pot: Growers who went legal
A blue state’s taxes and regulation have boosted corporate producers, leading to the near-death of the small cannabis farmer PETROLIA, Calif. — The Wild Cat Road skips along a ridge line, a narrow half-paved, half washed-out track that once carried much of the world’s finest marijuana to market. Even in mists that obscured its treacherous course as it bows toward the Pacific, the road hummed in…
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potatocrab · 2 years
omg midnights thoughts? 👀
@gaybabylegs I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER TO SEE THIS / ANSWER! (I'm so happy to see your profile pic :')
ok so I got that .001% alert from Spotify for listening to the new album on 10/21 it was so insane. I recently "converted" (brainwashed) a few friends into being Swifties so they stayed up and listed to the album with me at Midnight (well, 9PM my time).
I was weirdly apprehensive going in because we haven't had POP TAYLOR since Lover and I love folklore and evermore but this really knocked it out of the park for me.
I've been having a hard time listening to anything BUT Midnights. With every listen I have new favorites.
Lavender Haze: the amount of times I scream sing "GET IT OFF MY DESK" since hearing this?? so great
Anti-Hero: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE (in a good way)
Snow on the Beach: I go back and forth on this one, and admit I sometimes skip it only because I want to listen to TOYOK
You're On Your Own Kid: EMOTIONAL DAMAGE+++ this may be her most lyrically personal "track 5", it's my favorite
Midnight Rain: JUMP SCARE-- jk, this one really grew on me once I started absorbing the lyrics... and pretending that it was THiddles
Question...? : I love listening to this as if Taylor is asking me questions like I'm being interrogated
Vigilante Shit: I can't wait to see this performed live, this could've been a reputation vault track
Bejeweled: NICE! (also the tik-tok dance going around I always wiggle my fingers now listening to it)
Labyrinth: a grower, but it's so ethereal and pretty and beautiful
Sweet Nothing: I can't wait to hear this live TOO it'll be so lovely on piano all stripped down
Mastermind: EAR WORM, I feel like I learned these lyrics the fastest. The beginning sounds like a phone alert I love it
HITS DIFFERENT: BECAUSE YES I GOT THE TARGET VERSION! This is like New Romantic's big sister and it's so so so good it might be in my top 10 favorite TW song now.
The Great War: underrated on people's lists, such an understated great love song
Bigger Than the Whole Sky: 😭
Paris: This is another pretend conversation I'm having with Taylor
High Infidelity: if I have to thank Calvin Harris for one thing it's inspiring this song
Glitch: SUPER underrated but fun but also another jump scare
Would've Could've Should've: John Mayer... it's on sight
Dear Reader: My least listened to song just because I get to the 3AM songs and want to start over already lol
now I just need to get tickets tomorrow 👀
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poppiesandamber · 15 hours
Why Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist Should Be Your Go-To for Floral Arrangements
In the heart of Balgowlah, a quaint suburb nestled in the Northern Beaches of Sydney, lies a floral haven known as Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist. This local gem has been enchanting residents and visitors alike with its stunning floral arrangements and exceptional customer service. If you're in search of the perfect bouquet for any occasion, here's why Poppies and Amber should be at the top of your list.
A Legacy of Excellence Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist isn't just a flower shop; it's a local institution with a rich history of serving the community. With years of experience under their belt, the florists here have honed their craft to perfection. Their longstanding presence is a testament to their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Stunning Floral Arrangements for Every Occasion Whether you need a bouquet for a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, or just because, Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist has you covered. Their wide selection of flowers and creative designs ensure that you’ll find the perfect arrangement to express your sentiments. From classic roses to exotic orchids, every bloom is handpicked and meticulously arranged to create a masterpiece.
Personalized Service One of the standout features of Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist is their personalized service. The team takes the time to understand your needs and preferences, ensuring that every arrangement is tailored to your specifications. Whether you have a specific vision in mind or need expert advice, the friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to help.
Fresh and High-Quality Flowers Quality is paramount at Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist. They source their flowers from trusted local growers and international suppliers, ensuring that every stem is fresh and vibrant. This dedication to quality means that your floral arrangements will not only look stunning but also last longer, providing more joy to the recipient.
Convenient Online Ordering and Delivery In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist offers a seamless online ordering experience, allowing you to browse their selection and place orders from the comfort of your home. They also provide reliable delivery services, ensuring that your flowers arrive fresh and on time, no matter the occasion.
Community Engagement Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist is deeply rooted in the local community. They regularly participate in community events and support local causes, making them a beloved fixture in Balgowlah. By choosing Poppies and Amber, you’re not just getting beautiful flowers; you’re also supporting a business that gives back to the community.
Sustainable Practices Sustainability is a growing concern for many consumers, and Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist is committed to eco-friendly practices. They strive to minimize waste and use sustainable materials wherever possible. This commitment to the environment ensures that you can enjoy beautiful flowers with a clear conscience.
Custom Floral Designs For those looking for something truly unique, Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist offers custom floral designs. Whether you’re planning a large event or want a bespoke arrangement for a special someone, the skilled florists can bring your vision to life. Their creativity and attention to detail ensure that every custom piece is a work of art.
Conclusion Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist is more than just a flower shop; it's a place where passion for flowers and dedication to customer satisfaction come together. With their exceptional floral arrangements, personalized service, and commitment to quality, they have earned their reputation as Balgowlah’s premier florist. Next time you need flowers for any occasion, make Poppies and Amber-Balgowlah Florist your first choice. You won’t be disappointed.
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wtfcannabis15 · 6 days
Black Diamond Strain: The Luxurious Gem of Cannabis
Exploring the Unique Characteristics and Benefits of Black Diamond
The Black Diamond strain stands out as a luxurious gem in the diverse world of cannabis. Known for its striking appearance, potent effects, and therapeutic benefits, Black Diamond has earned a stellar reputation among cannabis connoisseurs. This article delves into the origins, characteristics, effects, and uses of this premium strain, offering insights for both novice and experienced users.
Origins and Genetics
Black Diamond is an indica-dominant hybrid, typically with an 80% indica to 20% sativa ratio. It originates from Northern California and is a cross between two well-respected strains: Blackberry and Diamond OG. This lineage imbues Black Diamond with a rich genetic heritage, contributing to its potent effects and complex flavor profile.
Appearance and Aroma
True to its name, Black Diamond features dense, diamond-shaped buds that are dark green, often with purple hues and a generous coating of crystal trichomes. The strain's visual appeal is complemented by its enticing aroma. Black Diamond exudes a sweet, earthy scent with hints of grape and berry, a legacy from its Blackberry parent. When smoked, these fruity notes are accentuated, creating a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Flavor Profile
The flavor of Black Diamond is as captivating as its scent. Users report a rich, sweet taste with underlying notes of berries and a subtle earthy undertone. This combination makes for a flavorful smoke that lingers pleasantly on the palate, making each session a delight.
Potency and Effects
With THC levels typically ranging between 18% and 24%, Black Diamond is known for its powerful effects. It offers a balanced experience that starts with a euphoric cerebral rush, followed by a deep, relaxing body high. The initial onset is uplifting, promoting happiness and creativity, making it suitable for social settings or artistic endeavors. As the high progresses, it transitions into a soothing, sedative effect, perfect for unwinding and easing into a restful state.
Medicinal Benefits
Black Diamond's potent effects also make it a valuable strain for medicinal use. Its uplifting properties can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, providing a mental boost and enhancing mood. The strain's strong indica characteristics are effective in treating chronic pain, insomnia, and muscle spasms, offering physical relaxation and pain relief. Additionally, Black Diamond is known to stimulate appetite, making it beneficial for those dealing with nausea or appetite loss due to medical treatments.
Growing Black Diamond
For those interested in cultivating Black Diamond, it is considered a moderately challenging strain to grow. It thrives in both indoor and outdoor environments but requires careful attention to temperature and humidity levels. The plant typically flowers within 8 to 9 weeks and produces a medium to high yield. The dense, resinous buds and vibrant colors make it a rewarding strain for growers who can meet its needs.
Black Diamond is a true gem in the cannabis world, offering a luxurious experience that combines potent effects, delightful flavors, and significant medicinal benefits. Whether you are seeking relief from physical ailments or looking for a strain to enhance your creative pursuits, Black Diamond stands out as a top choice. Its unique characteristics and balanced effects ensure that it remains a favorite among users and cultivators alike, solidifying its place as a prized strain in any cannabis collection.
For More Info:-
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Exploring West Coast Cure Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower: The Best of California's Cannabis
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Cannabis enthusiasts seeking top-tier products in California often turn to trusted dispensaries like Big Sur Canna+Botanicals. One standout offering from their impressive selection is the West Coast Cure Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower. This blog will delve into what makes this product exceptional, covering everything from its origins and cultivation to its unique flavor profile and potential benefits.
The Legacy of West Coast Cure
West Coast Cure is a brand synonymous with quality and innovation in the cannabis industry. Founded by cannabis connoisseurs, the company has built a reputation for producing some of the finest cannabis products on the market. Their commitment to excellence is evident in every step of their production process, from selecting premium genetics to ensuring meticulous cultivation practices.
Commitment to Quality
West Coast Cure’s products are known for their potency and purity. The company uses state-of-the-art cultivation techniques and adheres to strict quality control measures to ensure that each batch meets their high standards. This dedication to quality is one of the reasons why West Coast Cure products, including the Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower, are highly sought after by cannabis enthusiasts.
Biscotti Sherbert: A Premium Strain
The Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is a testament to West Coast Cure’s expertise in creating exceptional cannabis strains. This hybrid strain combines the best characteristics of its parent strains, Biscotti and Sunset Sherbert, resulting in a unique and potent flower that offers a remarkable experience.
Genetics and Breeding
Biscotti Sherbert is the result of crossing Biscotti, a strain known for its indica-dominant effects and rich flavor profile, with Sunset Sherbert, a hybrid strain renowned for its balanced effects and sweet, fruity taste. The combination of these two strains has produced a hybrid that boasts a well-rounded experience, blending the relaxing effects of an indica with the uplifting qualities of a sativa.
Cultivation Practices
The cultivation of Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower involves meticulous attention to detail. West Coast Cure employs expert growers who understand the specific needs of this strain, ensuring optimal growing conditions throughout its lifecycle. From precise nutrient management to careful temperature and humidity control, every aspect of the cultivation process is designed to produce a flower that is both potent and flavorful.
The Flavor and Aroma Profile
One of the standout features of the Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is its complex and enticing flavor profile. This strain offers a unique blend of flavors and aromas that make it a favorite among connoisseurs.
Flavor Notes
Upon inhaling, users are greeted with a rich, earthy flavor that is characteristic of the Biscotti strain. This is complemented by sweet and fruity undertones from the Sunset Sherbert parent, creating a well-balanced taste that is both satisfying and enjoyable. The combination of these flavors results in a smooth and palatable smoking experience that lingers on the palate.
The aroma of Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is equally impressive. When the buds are broken open, they release a pungent, sweet scent that is reminiscent of freshly baked cookies, with hints of fruit and citrus. This enticing aroma is a prelude to the rich and flavorful experience that follows.
Potency and Effects
Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is known for its potent effects, making it a popular choice among experienced cannabis users. The high THC content of this strain ensures a powerful and long-lasting experience.
Initial Effects
Upon consumption, users typically experience an immediate cerebral high characterized by feelings of euphoria and creativity. This initial burst of energy and upliftment makes Biscotti Sherbert an excellent choice for social activities or creative endeavors.
Long-Lasting Relaxation
As the high progresses, the indica-dominant effects of the Biscotti parent strain begin to emerge, providing a sense of deep relaxation and tranquility. This balanced effect makes Biscotti Sherbert suitable for both daytime and evening use, as it can help to relieve stress and anxiety without causing excessive sedation.
Medical Benefits
In addition to its recreational appeal, Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower offers several potential medical benefits. The relaxing properties of this strain can be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain, muscle tension, and insomnia. Additionally, the uplifting effects may help to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, providing a sense of mental clarity and well-being.
Big Sur Canna+Botanicals: Your Trusted Dispensary
Big Sur Canna+Botanicals is proud to offer the West Coast Cure Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower as part of their extensive product menu. Known for their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Big Sur Canna+Botanicals is a trusted source for premium cannabis products in California.
A Diverse Selection
In addition to the Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower, Big Sur Canna+Botanicals offers a wide range of cannabis products, including edibles, concentrates, and topicals. Their diverse selection ensures that customers can find the perfect product to meet their needs and preferences.
Knowledgeable Staff
The knowledgeable staff at Big Sur Canna+Botanicals is always available to provide guidance and recommendations. Whether you are a seasoned cannabis user or a newcomer to the world of cannabis, their team can help you find the right product and answer any questions you may have.
Commitment to Excellence
Big Sur Canna+Botanicals is dedicated to providing the highest quality cannabis products to their customers. They work closely with trusted brands like West Coast Cure to ensure that every product on their shelves meets rigorous standards for potency, purity, and safety.
The West Coast Cure Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is a standout product that exemplifies the best of what the cannabis industry has to offer. With its unique flavor profile, potent effects, and potential medical benefits, it is a strain that appeals to a wide range of cannabis enthusiasts. Big Sur Canna+Botanicals is proud to offer this premium flower, along with a diverse selection of other high-quality cannabis products.
Whether you are seeking relief from medical conditions or simply looking to enhance your recreational cannabis experience, the Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is an excellent choice. Visit Big Sur Canna+Botanicals today to explore their full menu of products and discover why they are a trusted name in California's cannabis community. With their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can be confident that you are getting the best cannabis products available.
In conclusion, the partnership between West Coast Cure and Big Sur Canna+Botanicals brings forth a product that stands out in the crowded market of cannabis strains. The Biscotti Sherbert Premium Flower is not just a product; it is an experience waiting to be discovered. Whether you are a cannabis connoisseur or someone new to the scene, this strain offers something unique for everyone. Explore the world of premium cannabis with Biscotti Sherbert and let Big Sur Canna+Botanicals guide you on this exciting journey.
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