#Made of high quality raffia Paper
packingboxin · 3 months
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Brown Shreeded paper
Made of high quality raffia Paper,lightweight,color your gift and your life Size.,the weight of each small pack: 100g, 250g, 500 g and 1000g different colors which can meet all your various needs Usage: It's ideal for stuffing your gift boxes or baskets perfectly to make your gifts more beautiful and exquisite Suitable scene: They are perfect for all memorable days and occasions,such as wedding,birthday,Valentines'Day,Easter,Christmas,graduation day and more Feature: You can choose different colors
Contact us today ☎️ to discuss your specific requirements. 😊"
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Visit: www.thepackingbox.in
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mudhamster · 5 months
CHWHWN: 31. December - " an ear / advice "
It was quite late already and Izuku was struggling with unknown amounts of cloth, wrapped in layers, and time was running out in the narrow space of the bathroom.
"Ready?" Kacchan's voice sounded muffled through the raffia of the bathroom door and still, Izuku flinched. He was nervous. On a scale of 1-10, an honest 100. Never before had he had such high quality material on his body as he did at this moment. On top of that, he smelled exactly like Kacchan. His sleeves, his collar, everything. 
"In a minute!" he squeaked back, trying to tie the knot the way Masaru had shown him yesterday - when impatience in person pushed open the bathroom door and Izuku's head shot up - and his breath caught in his throat. 
"What's taking so long - what?" hissed Katsuki and stopped in the doorway when he saw Izuku's expression. Izuku blinked, momentarily awestruck. He knew Kacchan in his hero costume. In a suit. In sports clothes or swimming trunks. But the sight of his body in that sleek, handsome look left him speechless. He recognized the same handwriting in the design of the fabric, the thin orange-red seams, the silver accents and the detailed embroidery. Only the cranes had given way to delicate explosions and aesthetic fire patterns. They did something to Katsuki's eyes that made a warm wave of affection slosh around in Izuku's stomach. Two small black hairclips were stuck into the blond strands behind his ears.
"What's wrong? Is there shit on my face?"
Only when he raised his head, did he see Izuku shaking his head, also dressed in velvet and silk, with a belt that was completely twisted.
"Incompetent as always, huh?" 
He stepped into the bathroom, inevitably in Izuku's comfort zone, and reached around him to twist the belt properly.
"Kacchan," Izuku breathed against his shoulder, bending back enough to face him again and whispering under his breath, "You're gorgeous."
Time froze, as did Katsuki's hands on Izuku's hips. 
The bathroom was small and Izuku's eyes unintentionally wandered to the mirror next to them. 
His cheeks immediately flushed when he got the split-second image that the hands on his belt and his bent posture could also stand for something else entirely. It looked as if Kacchan was only centimeters away from kissing him.
But as if he had heard his thoughts, Kacchan only pulled hard on the belt once, inadvertently bringing Izuku a step closer to him, before he expertly rewound the knot and stepped back. 
Unseen steam shot out of Izuku's green curls as Katsuki also brought the rest of the kimono into place. 
"Is it true that you didn't want to go to the shrine this year?"
Katsuki furrowed his brow, distracted from his original thought, and backed away slightly.
"Hm," he muttered and Izuku also took a step back until he bumped into the sink, "Why?"
"Since I drew the first horoscope, it always came true within one year."
Izuku raised his eyebrows, baffled by the thought that Kacchan actually believed in things like horoscopes or New Year's oracles. 
He didn't know much about such things. Neither he nor his mother had ever drawn oracles. If he was honest, he had too much respect for them, or maybe he was afraid of drawing something bad. So he had kept his hands off from the beginning. He and his mother had been content to say their prayers, leave a small donation, and then stroll through the crowds after dropping off their elderly companion on a park bench with a hot drink. 
Kacchan held the door open for him and they walked down the dark hallway side by side.
"But not the last one?" he questioned, slipping on his shoes. 
On the lamp-lit porch, Katsuki hesitated for a moment and pulled a crumpled piece of paper from a deep pocket of his kimono, holding it up to the light with a pout.
"No," he said quietly, "and I didn't want to get a new one while I still had this one."
The note was folded several times making it impossible to read what it said, so Izuku asked, "What does it say?"
Instead of answering, Katsuki tapped the note on the tip of his nose and put it away.
"None of your business."
But Izuku, gripped by curiosity, couldn't help but ask further: "But – but we're going? Has something changed? Has it finally come true?"
The wind came up and made a small wind chime sound in the neighbors' garden. The air already smelled of candles and the sweet smells of the New Year. 
A car horn broke the peaceful atmosphere and Izuku spun around with one hand raised in a small wave and jumped down the next three steps at once. It seemed as if Mitsuki's patience had run out. Katsuki caught up with him immediately, footsteps crunching in the snow as he replied cryptically, "Feels like it, yeah."
They made it to the car, and even though Izuku was still full of questions, Kacchan was immediately wrapped up in a fiery conversation with his mother, so Izuku began to wonder about the oracle. And the small piece of paper he had in his breast pocket. The last piece of the calendar, the 24th. It weighed what felt like 170 kilos and was placed right above his heart.
Today was New Year's Eve. 
At midnight, the 24th would burn if Kacchan wouldn't do something. And that was in just over two hours.
The way was long even by car. There were countless people on the streets and they were forced to park the car a little further down the mountain and take the steep path to the shrine on the hill with everyone else. No problem for Izuku nor Katsuki, but strangely enough, about halfway up, a problem for his parents' stamina. 
"We'll go up ahead," their son announced harshly before grabbing Izuku's elbow and leading him further to the side, onto the uneven part of the road where they could make faster progress. He was obviously in a hurry, so no one objected. Izuku turned for a last wave and noticed Mitsuki's impish smile. 
She wasn't out of breath at all.
Arriving at the top of the shrine, time flew by as quickly as dozens of beaming faces and Izuku almost bit his tongue to keep from asking for the two remaining notes when he realized that the new year would start in less than an hour. 
They had been at the altar, had knelt down to pray and Izuku had picked up an oracle that he would not open until the old year was finally over. Which was precisely the reason why he was getting more and more antsy.
But then: "Deku".
Suddenly, he was pulled away from the street, up two small wooden stairs to an empty place with several small lanterns, and Katsuki took off his thin gloves and blew warm air into his fingers. Then he pulled something out of his pocket and lifted it into the warm light. It was even smaller than the folded oracle note, but Izuku only realized what was going on when he heard the words "an ear" being read aloud. Kacchan did it. He used the first of the two remaining notes. To the sound of the shrine chimes. Over the murmur of prayers. NOW. BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR.
"God. …fuck. Fuck." Izuku was still struggling with where to put himself or his hands or his thoughts in general as he watched Kacchan who was obviously struggling with himself. 
"I'm 10 seconds away from chickening out," he finally admitted, his lips pressed together.
"You would never do that," Izuku replied immediately, terribly nervous at the thought that Kacchan would actually open the last notes. He had expected it. But somehow, he did not. 
"No. No, not really. But I .... fuck." And then he chuckled weakly and pushed a hand deep into his hair. 
"Okay. I interpret that," Katsuki waved the note in front of Izuku's nose until his eyes crossed briefly, "to mean that I can tell you something that stays between us. Right?" 
Izuku's heart melted into a heart-shaped puddle when he saw the vulnerability in Kacchan's eyes. His eyebrows had knitted together, the tiny wrinkle of worry between them that he saw less often these days than All-Might in his filled shape.
He felt like he'd been dumped on a beach seconds before a tsunami was about to crash in and tear him apart.  His ears tingled. He could feel the thin line between them more clearly than ever, for they were seconds away from crossing it or breaking apart.
"Yes," he nodded, unable to take his eyes off Katsuki for even a blink, "but I - "
"How much longer do I have?"
"Until midnight, Izuku. Until New Year."
"Oh - no idea?" he replied hastily, "30 seconds?"
"Okay, listen carefully. I'm only going to say this once," Katsuki raised his head to the sky, pursed his lips and crumpled the note into a fist before he whispered to the clouds, "I have a serious thing for... that boy."
Izuku watched as Kacchan swallowed hard, his eyes still on the sky, "A cute one, with ... ugh. Green hair. Freckles. Shitty style... the loser who made me a calander this year, and fuck if that wasn't the bravest shit ever."
Izuku stared at him, mouth agape, as if Katsuki was the most precious creature in the universe. Snow blew into his mouth. He didn't notice.
Somewhere in the distance, the last, loudest chimes of the year began, and Katsuki almost let the second note slip from his fingers as he tried to smooth it out: "So, um, yeah. Advice, Deku. How do I ask him out?"
"Ugh," Izuku trembled as goose bumps spread all over his body as he too pulled out the last piece of paper and held it out to Katsuki, "You should check out 24."
He could feel his heart beating in his throat when Kacchan just stood there for a long time without moving. But eventually, he took the paper and carefully unfolded it.
Izuku sent his last prayer of the year while Katsuki took a deep breath.
"Please ignore it if you feel uncomfortable," Katsuki read, "But I'd like to give you a -" he unrolled the paper even more and continued reading, his voice suddenly cracking and hoarse, "A ... a kiss, if you want one."
People passed around them. The final gong sounded and the crowd began to cheer, while Izuku's entire focus was on the boy in front of him. Again, he did not move. But suddenly, he bit his lower lip so forcefully that Izuku dropped one of his own gloves in shock. Surely, nobody who was happy looked like that?
"Kacchan, oh my God, you don't have to...!"
The first rocket of the new year exploded with colorful sparks above their heads. 
More explosions crackled through the night sky and Izuku breathed out a soft "What?" in disbelief.
Had he heard wrong? No. 
"I want one. Now."
"For the new year?"
"Exactly." Katsuki waved the note excessively, "and I want you to give it to me. Now."
"I never thought we'd get this far," Izuku choked out, tongue heavy and eyes moist with disbelief and hope, "I wanted to woo you with sweetness, but this - I never thought I'd make it - I...?"
They looked at each other. 
"You have. If you don't chicken out now. Just like all the other moments before."
"What moments?"
More and more sparklers lit up the snow on the other side of the street and Izuku cast a glance over until Katsuki continued to speak. 
"Use your brain, Deku. As soon as I made the slightest move, your signals were so... so damn irritating. Suddenly no answers, running away, lying..."
Well, Izuku had heard enough. Enough of confusing signals and implications. This would be a straightforward matter. Determined, he stepped forward and reached for Kacchan's collar to drag him down a bit. Katsuki immediately followed the demanding yank and their lips met after the tiniest second of hesitation, just as a particularly violent explosion showered them with golden sparks. The tingle of the century shook his whole body, from the top of his head to the cold toes in his red sneakers.
It was perfect. There was nothing more romantic than kissing in the colorful glow of dying sparks.  It took his breath away.
Izuku, totally high, totally overwhelmed, backed away a little when he felt an arm trying to wrap itself around his middle. This was way too close to his dreams. Kacchan would never kiss him, would he? Not on Christmas and especially not on New Year's Eve! There was a tradition that people kissed at midnight, "more," Kacchan's growl interrupted his thoughts. His lips tingled as warm breath slid over them, and Kacchan's cold nose slid along his, and he kissed the corner of his mouth lightly, "one more."
His lips were easily captured, their mouths like freshly activated magnets, and his eyes fell shut in surrender. 
"T-take as much as you need," he said between kisses that went that perfect little bit deeper each time.
"I'll take what you want to give."
"Everything then."
Kacchan grinned against his mouth, "Sounds like it all worked out pretty well after all," and slipped his old oracle note into Izuku's fingers as he interlocked their hands and pushed him out of the crowd, into the lantern-lit darkness of the night beside the shrine.
"Won't you get a new one?" breathed Izuku, his other hand deep in the black velvet of Kacchan's kimono collar.
"Nah, got everything I ever wanted."
With that said, he kissed Izuku even harder than before, declaring in his own way, that they were starting their new year with a pretty deep level of connection.
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thepaperbagstore · 1 month
Understated Elegance: Elevate Your Presents with Black Wrapping Paper
Black wrapping paper. It might seem like an unconventional choice, a stark departure from the usual riot of colors and festive patterns that dominate the holiday season. But hear us out: black wrapping paper, when used strategically, can elevate your gifts from ordinary to extraordinary. It exudes an air of sophisticated mystery, a hint of intrigue that piques the recipient's curiosity. It allows the form of the gift itself to take center stage, creating a presentation that is both elegant and understated.
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This doesn't mean your gift wrapping has to be devoid of personality altogether. Black is a fantastic base that allows you to unleash your creativity in other ways. Let's delve into the world of luxurious gift presentation using black wrapping paper, exploring various embellishments, alternative bag options, and creative flourishes that will make your gifts truly unforgettable.
Beyond the Black Box: Embracing Texture and Dimension
Black wrapping paper is a blank canvas, offering endless possibilities for adding a touch of texture and dimension. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Metallic Accents: A touch of gold, silver, or copper ribbon adds instant glamour. You can create simple yet elegant bows or let the ribbon cascade down the sides of the gift for a more dramatic effect.
Natural Elements: For an earthy, organic feel, incorporate twine, raffia, or dried flowers into your wrapping. Pine cones, cinnamon sticks, or sprigs of rosemary add a festive touch and a delightful aroma.
Textured Paper: Black isn't limited to just smooth paper. Explore options with a matte finish, a subtle embossed pattern, or even a slight sheen. These variations in texture can add depth and visual interest to your wrapped gift.
Wax Seals: A wax seal with your initials or a monogram adds a touch of old-world sophistication. You can find wax seal kits at most craft stores and online retailers.
More Than Just Wrapping: Exploring Alternative Gift Bags
While black wrapping paper makes a stunning statement, it's not the only option for achieving understated luxury. Consider these sophisticated alternatives:
Black Paper Bags with Handles: These are a convenient and stylish choice. Look for bags made from high-quality, sturdy paper that drapes well. You can personalize them with a simple tag or a handwritten message.
Canvas Shopping Bags: Eco-friendly and reusable, canvas bag is a great option for larger gifts. Choose a black canvas bag with clean lines and personalize it with fabric paint or embroidery.
Small Black Gift Bags: For smaller presents, birthday gift bags with textured or metallic finishes add a touch of luxury. Opt for ones with satin ribbons or velvet closures for an extra touch of elegance.
A Pop of Color: Breaking the Monotony (Strategically)
Black can sometimes feel a bit stark. The key is to introduce pops of color strategically to create a visually arresting presentation. Here are some ways to do it:
Colored Ribbon: Instead of metallics, opt for a vibrant ribbon in a contrasting color like hot pink, emerald green, or royal blue. This creates a bold statement while maintaining the overall sophisticated feel.
Colored Tags: Black and white tags are classic, but don't be afraid to experiment with colored tags. Choose a colour that complements your chosen ribbon or one that reflects the recipient's personality.
Confetti Burst: Open the black-wrapped gift to reveal a burst of colorful confetti inside. This creates a delightful surprise and adds a touch of whimsy to the presentation.
Themed Delights: Tailoring Your Presentation
Black wrapping paper is incredibly versatile and can be adapted to any theme. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Birthday Gift Bags: For a birthday gift, use black paper bags with handles and personalize them with colorful balloons or streamers made from construction paper.
Party Favor Bags: For a sophisticated party, use paper bags with handles and decorate them with metallic stickers or glitter accents.
Chinese Lanterns: For an Asian-inspired theme, use black paper bags with handles and decorate them with chinese lantern cut from red or gold construction paper.
No gift presentation is complete without a personal touch. For a truly unique touch, learn the art of calligraphy and write the recipient's name or a message directly onto the black wrapping paper or gift bag. Don't just hand over the wrapped gift.
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merryastheday · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anne Klein Purse~Top Handle~Sunny Flowers & Straw on White~New Without Tags.
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Flower Wrapping Paper Tips
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Flower Wrapping Paper Tips Blossom wrapping paper is a fantastic method to cover fresh flowers. The paper can be used for any occasion as well as the packaging is water resistant. It is likewise convenient for storage. Nevertheless, the process of wrapping a flower requires some planning. Right here are some ideas to obtain you began. To start, cut a sheet of covering paper right into a rectangle that is about 20 inches by 26 inches. You might intend to make use of a bigger paper if your blossom is large. For a normal bouquet, you will most likely only require a sheet determining regarding 2 feet by 2 feet. Visit this website for better understanding about flesh flowers.
To make the paper you're using appearance nice, fold the paper at a small angle to ensure that the ordinary side is subjected. This will allow you to see the colors of the flowers you are using. Use a bone folder to offer the side a wonderful crisp appearance. Next, cover the blossom in cellophane. This will certainly include the impression of deepness to your flower. In addition to being decorative, the cellophane will protect the flower from dust as well as various other impurities. When you have actually completed wrapping the flower, safeguard it with an elastic band or string. Conversely, you can connect the stems together with raffia.
After the floral wrapper is secured, you can now construct your bouquet. If you're making use of tissue paper, be sure to put a layer of it on the bottom of your bouquet. Conversely, you can add a tiny square of tinted paper for an extra cosmetically pleasing impact. Another alternative is to produce a pom pom. Tissue paper comes in various dimensions and you can utilize it to make a pom pom that's bigger than life. These are wonderful for crafts, events, and also various other events. Make sure to purchase paper that collaborates with the colors of the blossom you're using. There are lots of various other choices for producing a pom pom. Among the most effective is to make a tissue paper blossom. Learn more here about paper to wrap flowers company.
Paper flowers can be constructed from any kind of dimension or color as well as they can be made from either crepe paper or Kraft paper. They can be rather reasonable as well as surprisingly affordable. As a matter of fact, you can purchase them in rolls. Once you have actually wrapped your blossom, you can make a little present for your liked one. Whether it's a card, a note, or a gift bag, make sure that you have a matching bow or gift tag to accompany it. Make the present unique and also flaunt the flower you're utilizing. Various other things to take into consideration when wrapping a blossom include ribbons, cellophane, as well as various other present packing materials.
Making use of a high quality product will make your gift extra special. Take a look at the various kinds available on WrapSmart.org, where you can locate a large choice of presents for all occasions. Caring for the discussion is important for the success of the blossom you're providing. With any luck, this article has offered you all the info you require to tackle creating a blossom embellished with the correct wrapping materials. Flowers are a stunning gift as well as a well-wrapped arrangement is a long-term impression. To get more information about this post, visit: https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences/applied-and-social-sciences-magazines/flower-industry.
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doubtwing0 · 2 years
15 Best Wallets For Women
This expandable lunch tote features a front flat zippered dry pocket and zip top main cooler compartment. Only the most gorgeous presentation is offered with each JORD handbag. Your purchase of a Eila handbag includes complimentary plush drawstring dustbag, and premium gift box. The ideal compliment gifting or storage.Our packaging is a signature addition our customers come to expect. Fringe clothing was a Summer/Spring trend, so why not add a little fringe to your handbag? This double-tasseled crossbody bag comes with an adjustable strap and is lined with black calfskin. Features 2 separate compartments for bills, one is a snap open pocket for coins & 10 slots for credit cards and two other inside pockets. This classic bifold wallet has been given a makeover for the party season with contemporary metallic combinations. Crafted in supple leather with rounded corner edges, it has space for six credit cards and a section for banknotes. Will comfortably store credit cards + phone, with separate zipped compartment for coins. In the Honoré and Femme Forte collection by Isabel Bernard, you will also find handbags, shoulder bags and crossbody bags to put your elegant wallet or card holder in and complete your outfit.
It’s too early to play Oscar prognosticator, but A24 at least has this buzzy gem in its back pocket for the year.
Celebrities often opt for designer wallets by brands such as Gucci, Prada, Saint Laurent, or Bottega Veneta.
We can point you in the right direction for starting or maintaining health and wellness programs.
The French house’s assortment ranges from sleek shoulder bags, like Medium Rockstud, to the ultra-modern large and small Roman Stud quilted leather designs, all with a decided edginess. The large style is complete with a shoulder strap and top handle for versatile carrying, while the smaller version is more similar to a bucket. These come in vibrant colors like orange and hot pink, appealing to dynamic dressers and those willing to dabble in maximalism. This sleek style, offered in versatile shades like black and brown and bright and soft pastels, radiates Y2K-era minimalism, complete with a gleaming chainlink strap for added elegance. Then, there’s the small leather-trimmed raffia tote — a summer-perfect design to pair with breezy white dresses, swimwear, cut-off shorts and tank tops. Sophisticated faux snakeskin material meets musically inspired metallic studded details in this fashion-forward women's wallet.
Small Amber Zip
For those who carry one hundred and one cards, plus phone, keys, coins, lip balm (and then some…), our larger wallets + pouches are designed for you. One of the most important accessories for Isabel is her wallet. All Isabel Bernard wallets are therefore made of high-quality calf leather.
Cadeau D'isabel Black Leather Crossbody Bag And Card Holder Gift Set
They break down within six months and leave no harmful residues behind. To protect items in transit we use recyclable tissue paper which is acid free, FSC certified and uses soy-based inks. Our marketing materials are printed on recycled paper by a local Melbourne printer. You have 30 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it.
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Kate Spade is also a popular brand among VIPs and Jessica Alba and Meghan Markle are both known to be fans of Cuyana. Clutch-wallet – these are bigger than your average wallet and function as a small bag as well as a purse. Sometimes they have cross-body straps as well as a space to keep your phone. This envelope-style wallet is made from calf leather with matelassé stitching to create a luxurious quilted effect. The YSL logo is emblazoned across the front in gold metal for high-impact name recognition, although the black and gold combination is discreet enough that you won’t draw unwanted attention. Crafted in Italy from calf leather, this luxury continental wallet is made to be taken out on the town—In fact, you’ll have a hard time leaving it in the depths of your bag. The drinking of the monarch's health, which is believed to have originated with the custom of the loving cup, was abolished in the 19th century, though the exact date is uncertain. In the early 20th century, members of the royal family sometimes attended the Royal Maundy service—Queen Alexandra twice was present. Most Royal Maundy ceremonies in the first part of the century were attended by Princess Helena or by her daughter Princess Marie Louise. She first attended Royal Maundy as Princess Elizabeth of York in 1935. The number of recipients continued to track the monarch's age. Until the joint reign of William III and Mary II, the recipients were of the same sex as the monarch. During that reign, each of the monarchs made gifts to poor people of their sex, but after Mary's death, only men received gifts from William. Beginning with the reign of George I (1714–1727), both men and women have received gifts, each sex in a number corresponding to the monarch's age, each recipient receiving that number of pence. https://bagtip.com/golds-womens-wallets_385/ Exterior zip-around closure allows for secure storing and easy access to cash and credit cards while textured black design lends a compliment to any variety of hand-bags and outfits. Interior wallet features pink faux leather fabric, a middle zip-up pocket that can be used as a change purse, metallic gold Hard Rock logo and multiple side slots for storing cash and cards. Stella McCartney is the pinnacle of vegan luxury handbags. But don’t presume her sustainable designs lack modernity or are exclusively crafted from hemp or raffia. In the past, exclusive watches have been more connected to status, it is becoming clearer that the watch is also an accessory for a bigger picture, all of you. Daniel Wellington offers many different accessories that complement each other. Jewelry such as bracelets and rings in silver or gold fit perfectly with our watches, practical and timeless watches to keep for a long time. With their timelessness, watches for women and men have never felt more right and trendy than they do today.
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nervecheque7 · 2 years
What type of wallpaper is best for walls?
Types of Wallpaper: • Lining Paper: Lining paper is used on bare walls or ceilings to prepare them for painting or create a primary layer for another patterned wallpaper. Lining papers cover the imperfections of the wall surface or cover up a strong color which might have been present previously. It helps smoothening the surface or implementation of a lighter paint. • Traditional Wallpaper: This wallpaper is cellulose-based and is more suited for the dining room or bedroom because they are eco-friendly. Large Pink Floral Wallpaper is readily available with design stores. However, Floral Wallpaper is not highly durable or washable. • Vinyl Wallpaper: This type of wallpaper is most commonly available at online or retail stores and is highly budget-friendly. It consists of a backing layer made of paper or fiber, and a plastic upper coating. It is washable, light- resistant and extremely durable, making them more commonly preferred. flower Wallpaper include wooden texture or stone walls. However, they must preferably be avoided in bedrooms since they are considered relatively less eco-friendly. • Embossed wallpaper: This wallpaper is best suited to add depth and design to your walls. The textures mostly include geometric patterns and suitably hide scratches, wall roughness and cracks, in general. • Liquid wallpaper: Liquid wallpapers are cellulose and cotton fibre-based known for high level of ‘clutch surface’ that make them suitable to be used on uneven walls to hide cracks and defects. Repairing part of the damaged wallpaper is quite easy. One has to only remove coating from the damaged area, mix with water, add fresh filler and apply back. It takes a day to fully dry. It is eco-friendly, non-toxic, allowing the walls to breathe and is easy to use. It has a good thermal and sound insulation. • Non-woven Chinoiserie Nature Wallpaper : Recent in trends, non-woven wallpapers are made of a special blend of natural and synthetic fibres, making them tear-resistant, washable and breathable. Being tear-resistant makes them most user friendly and are also eco-friendly wallpapers on the market today. Though they are easy to install, non-woven wallpapers are expensive. • Fibreglass Wallpaper: As the name suggests, fiberglass wallpapers are made of glass fibres, bound together to form a sheet material. Due to the base component, they are incredibly strong and provide easy installation to walls and ceilings. Being made from natural non-toxic materials like quartz, soda, lime and dolomite make fiberglass wallpaper to be a green product. Pink Floral Wallpaper are flame-resistant and are lightweight, extremely strong, and robust material. However, they are expensive. • Bamboo wallpaper: Made of bamboo, this wallpaper is an environment- friendly, natural product. It is known for being able to retain color for a long period of time. Because Black Pink Floral Wallpaper is a “natural” material, it can be ‘attract’ high moisture and is not easily cleanable. So, bamboo wallpapers are not recommended for kitchen or areas where they may come in contact with food or other possible greasy materials. Also, they should not be used in areas with high levels of moisture such as bathrooms unless a protective seal is applied on them. Gray Pink Floral Wallpaper are infamous for being costly and for high level of dust accumulation, with vaccuming as the only option for cleaning. • Textile wallpaper: Wallpapers made of silk, cotton, linen, felt, raffia, twines or feathers fall under the category of textile wallpapers and can be used for gorgeous effect. Fabric wallpapers are breathable, flame and stain- resistant, and provide exceptional insulation quality but are expensive and elite. • Flock wallpaper: Originally designed to create a faux cut velvet look, this product is an expensive one. Its 3D qualities add texture and dimension to a room. Flock wallpapers also help absorb sound while making a luxurious appeal to your space. The above list is not exhaustive, but includes major commonly available types of wallpapers. Given the variety of options, one must know the right choice of wallpaper for the given space.
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10 Ways To Decorate Your Rented Flat To Make It Feel More Like Home
Rented homes can always come with goods and features that do not belong to us, our likes and dislikes, which can be deceptive if you stay in the house for a long time. It is important that the space you live in feels comfortable and modest, and fortunately, there are various things you can do to renovate the space and make the house feel like yours. Here is a write down of ten things you can do to make sure your rented home feels like your home.
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Combine your drawings with your print
Rented rental buildings often come with unsightly pictures already hanging on the walls. You can take down the art that comes with the house, hide it behind a cupboard or under stairs, and hang your favorite pieces. If you are planning to buy a brand new art, try Etsy with beautiful drawings and beautiful and unique posters - most of which are less expensive. You can also find many free wall art. Help stores are ready to get high-quality photo frames at affordable prices (just remember to take your photo ratings and measurement tape with you to make sure they fit right!) The hookers say they don’t leave a mark when it’s time to move on, which means you’ll be back with the full amount! To fail, you can attach your hooks to the walls and then fill them with Polyfilla and paint over them at the end of the rental. This can be a little dangerous if the wall is painted in any other color except white; it will be difficult to match the paint (top tip: be sure to match the finish of the paint, e.g., matte or satin).
Get a new shower head and shower curtain.
Many rented buildings have small shower heads with no adjustment to do the pressure to do a bigger job than something to rest on. You can change the shower head on your rented area easily. Another great way to renovate your rented bathroom is to install another blank shower curtain, something that suits your liking. H&M and Ikea have excellent materials with beautiful paper and patterns that will brighten the room.
Buy new plants or flowers.
Beautiful green house plants are a great way to add some color to your rental home, and they look great on fireplaces, shelves, and window sills. Plants can bring life to any room in the house- why not try your favorite herbs in the kitchen, following the ivy on clothing and other drinks in the bathroom? You will save money by growing your own fresh herbs instead of buying them at the store. You can personalize your space even further by choosing certain plant pots and hangers to sit on; this can be clay with clay to match the existing color scheme or add texture to space with some raffia or wicker jars. Fresh flowers are also a great way to add some color to a room; flowers can be expensive but find new ones at the local market for lower prices, or simply display some daffodils usually costing one pound and last for almost a week.
Use soft materials to create a color scheme.
Cushions, throws, and rugs help make the space feel organized and are a great way to make your favorite color scheme into a rented home. Using a variety of molded fabrics will surely bring charm to every room; you can try velvet cushions and deep rug rugs to make space live like yours. If your item is already delivered, it may come with certain sets as well, which may not be your preference. You can lower these curtains and keep them in a closet and place them in something more in line with the color scheme you created.
Ask the householder if you would like to make a permanent change in your life
If you desire to make a permanent change to your rental land, ask the landlord to see if they would like to let you paint the walls or permanently add a shelf. Examine your lease contract to see if there are any suggestions that the landlord may open up to an employer who is making some changes to the decoration. More often than not, they’ll be happy to let you upgrade the property, as long as the change doesn’t put other employers in the future. They may want to comply with certain basic rules - perhaps the paint color and the rules that ensure that no furniture or carpet is damaged during the decoration. Many homeowners would be happy to keep good tenants for many years and come up with some interesting decorations to make them feel at home.
Upcycle circuit furniture
Showing off your craft with your rent will make the property feel like home. There is something very beneficial about re-painting the furniture and making it your own; high-quality handmade furniture can be found in bulk in aid stores, local free programs, and hardware. You can transform a bedside table or chest of drawers with some paint and new drawer buttons, giving it a new life and a new home.
Post photos and personal reminders
Nothing feels more like home than finding your souvenirs and photos on the shelves. If your equipment does not come with shelves, you can always invest in a free stand shelf that you can draw with you when your rental is over. Put your holiday reminders, trinkets, books, and photos of your loved ones on display, and you can be sure that space will soon start to feel like yours.
Use tile choices in the bathroom and kitchen.
Just one look at Pinterest will tell you that patterned tiles are very popular right now; they can turn a room into something that will never look out of place in Spain. The problem is that, for tenants, changing your tiles is a home improvement that will not just fly with the landlord - not to mention an expensive renovation. However, pattern tile choices are now widely available online and are a great way to renovate plain tiles in your bathroom or kitchen. Tile Stickers are usually made of vinyl and are very easy to use, and are easy to remove without the leftover residue, which means you can have the bathroom of your dreams without breaking the bank OR your lease contract.
Use new storage solutions.
Storage can be deceptive in rented homes; if your home is already furnished, this usually includes a small empty in terms of storage items such as a wardrobe and drawer chest. If you are renting a small apartment in the city, you will have to find a little art if you have a little space and a lot of things to put on. Underneath the bed storage in the boxes out of the amazing storage space, you’ll be amazed at how much you can apt under the bed! This will help you to feel more at home, as you will still be able to hold on to what you have without your home being overcrowded and chaotic. Baskets are woven and are a great way to store items in every room, from toilet trucks to bedding. You can find inspiration to weave a basket everywhere online; it is a budget-friendly storage solution that looks expensive and trendy.
Create an ambiance with lights and candles
Proper lighting can instantly turn a house into a home; you can add lights to bedrooms and living areas to create a soft atmosphere instead of using overhead lighting. Choosing your own table lamps and standing lamps is a great way to introduce your extra flavor to a rented house. Candles are another inexpensive way to change a room's atmosphere, placing a few candles on a coffee table and a cover to create packets of warm light and refreshing air. You can intensify the candles' light by placing them on top of the mirrored area, such as the display shown.
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What is a Mockup?
Mockup templates are ideal for showcasing your design directly on the appropriate medium. Whether it is an iPhone or iPad, Apple Watch or MacBook, T-Shirt, a giant billboard or apparel – you’ll find the right free mockups among these resources.
As explained in the free Guide to Mockups, keep these tips in mind:
Narrow your concepts — The reason mockups come after wire framing is that you first need to eliminate other big picture options. If you’re unclear about the navigation structure, don’t make mockups for both versions — decide one first.
Examine competitor products — Before deciding your own visuals, take a look at what your competitors are doing. Don’t copy them, though — look for areas that you can improve upon, or UI patterns that users would want on all products of this type. A quick heuristic review can help quantify your observations.
 Types of Mockups
Mockups are a great alternatives way to enhance your design work, it will be help to make your design process much easier and also help to enhance your portfolio either for web or graphic design. There is no wonder that ready-made mockups are ideal for enhancing and showcasing the design work. However, to find right free mockup templates for designers can be a pain especially when they are up against a tight deadline.
Graphic Design Software
Because of the emphasis on visuals, some designers prefer to build mockups in the graphic design software they’re most familiar with. Software like Photoshop is built to create pixel-perfect images.
 Tank Top Free Mockup
In this roundup, we are presenting some free & premium Tank Top & Vest mockups to present your designs. These psd mockups are perfect to present your designs. Many of these mockups offer changeable backgrounds and these mockups are easy to use through Smart Objects.
Wood Mockups
 & Designs
Posters are one of the most popular methods of promoting and circulating news about events, products, etc. Before you print out your posters, you need to know what the end-product is going to look like. However it would be taking it too far to assume that the sample poster mockup is going to look exactly the same after printing, but Free PSD poster mockups are said to have up to 95% realism, so you have nothing to worry about there!
Best Free Logo Mockups & Templates 2019
Before finishing the work, you might want to test it out first and see how it would appear real-time. That said, pick up any of the logo mockups below and further investigate your creation. Whether you are presenting it to your client or you are building a portfolio, do display your masterpieces in a distinct and attention-grabbing way. Wow them and win them over.
Brand yourself the right way and have a better understanding of your logo from the early stages. You can keep on brainstorming it and trying out different logo mockup templates until you are fully satisfied with the outcome. In other words, these are also great for prototyping and keeping the workflow at the highest degree.
Free Packaging Mockups For Gifts And Products 2019
Whether you are working on your own product packaging or for a client, create a presentation that will unlock a whole specter of new possibilities. Instead of sending your designs out for print right away, test them out first and see if they need any additional editing. With a nifty mockup, you can quickly try out a bunch of different variations and see what sparks interest the most.
Without further ado, let’s now take a peek at all the high-quality packaging mockups that we have in store for you. Just hit the download button, they are free of charge anyway.
eBook Mockups
Today, you can treat yourself to a horde of different eBook mockups that you can use right off the bat. With effortless editing process, you slide in your marvelous design and, little do you know, the outcome is ready to roll.
With a simple import to Adobe Photoshop or sometimes online editing and improving, you can have a striking and photo-realistic presentation all set sooner rather than later. This also gives you a better understanding of how the final product would look like. At this time, you can play around with different options and variations, create several different varieties and pick the winner comfortably.
Best Free Invitation Mockups For Any Event 2019
If creating a design for a client, a mockup template is one of the best solutions to showcase them how the end product would look like. No need to overcomplicate things when you can take a clever shortcut and get the job done early. And most importantly, no need to waste the paper; a mockup gives you unlimited opportunities to come up with the right look before you send your designs for print.
All the free mockups you find in the collection bellow come in PSD, with smart object layers. With that in mind, you know that editing the template will be swift and straightforward. While the basic Photoshop knowledge is recommended, you sure do not need to be an expert at it. All it will take is to drag and drop your design and you are ready to go. Moreover, some of the mockup templates also allow you to edit other elements, as well as the background.
Paper Bag Packaging Mockup
A Paper Bag Packaging Mockup by Anthony Boyd Graphics. Use this mockup to showcase your paper bag packaging designs or any branding work you might have. High-res PSD file measuring 5000 x 3750 px.
Label Wood Mockups
Gift tag templates are incredible for making names for handcrafted nourishment endowments- whether they are natively constructed or locally acquired. Look down to locate a few label tag mockups that can be utilized like stencils, or you may print them straightforwardly onto your picked paper by just removing the blueprint. Once the tag is printed and cut out, just punch an opening in the top and connect the tag to a gift with a strip or a raffia or a yarn.
Best Website PSD Mockups & Tools 2019
Proper presentation is the key to delighting your clients. Whether you’re working on a website design or a logo design, the way you present your designs to your client determines your level of professionalism. When choosing a mockup template to showcase your design, you ideally want to choose a mockup design that looks out of the ordinary. Something that helps you display your website design uniquely and attractively that renders your clients speechless.
Perspective website mockups let you showcase your layouts from different angles, making your designs look more like real products instead of just a static mockup.
We’ve collected some of the best free and premium website mockups you can use to present your next website design to your clients.
Big Outdoor Billboard Mockup
If you would like everyone to see your message, create a billboard and stick to the side of a building. But to first test out a few different variations of the possible final product, here is a billboard mockup that will do the trick. Instead of visualizing it in your mind, have a mockup template present your designs for a quick and easy decision, whether or not it is a fit. This layout also allows you to change the main color of the billboard, as well as to add a text overlay. Share the outcome with your clients or even use it for a social media promotion.
Sign Mockups For Eye-Catchy Designs
An awesome hanging sign mockup which suits apparel stores the most. Of course, feel free to go entirely against the grain and employ this layout for something entirely different. No need to stick to the default regulations, since Placeit offers you to alter and improve the default settings accordingly quickly. Whether you would like to add a brand logo or an artwork, hit the upload image button and insert your work directly. You will also notice that you can easily reposition and crop the image if it is not of 1000 x 900 px. Brand the sign with appropriate color and you are ready to roll.
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packingboxin · 2 months
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drevermaxwell · 2 years
The Different Types of Straws Used in the Making of Women’s Straw Hats
Today, women’s hats come in multiple types and textures. And the material that gets used will always differ. However, in recent times, straw hats have become popular amongst women. And today, many women have been wearing straw hats that are both utilitarian and stylish.
If you take a look at the straw hats for women, you will realize that they get made using multiple types of straw. Some of the popular ones are:
1.      Toquilla straw
Simply put, the toquilla fiber is the most durable and flexible fiber, which gets used for making hats in Ecuador. And the hats that get made get woven differently than the plaited leaves obtained from the toquilla palm tree which is found in Ecuador. The finesse and tightness of the weave and the time used in weaving can complete the hat from this straw and add for features to its quality.
The outcome is a good-looking Panama hat in a light color. And such hats are very popular as a seaside and tropical accessories because they are both breathable and easy to wear. And if you want to opt-in for a high-end Panama hat, you can select the one that is found best in the Ecuador region. It gets made by the master weavers only. However, some hats are available online.
2.      The Raffia straw
This type of straw gets made by using the long, needle-like leaves of a Raffia palm. And each of the leaves can be eighty feet in length. Therefore, the hats that gets designed from the Raffia straw gets woven from the single strands in a light-brown shade. The plant has a fibrous nature that makes the hats durable and flexible. Even though the Raffia palms grow almost everywhere in coastal Africa, the ones found in Madagascar get used selectively to make the fiber used for weaving the straw hats.
3.      The Toyo Straw
It’s interesting to note that the Toyo Straw gets derived from the vibrant rice-paper yarns found in Japan. Usually, it is a plastic glaze for a finish. And such straws have a smooth feel and can also turn to a rather viscose white, shiny or even a golden copper look as the final product gets accomplished. The straw is light to wear and soft to touch. Generally, the hats made of Toyo straw are machine-made. Hence, it is usually sold between a low to a medium price range. It is apt for the women who want to opt-in for a hat with a reasonable price and is attractive to look.
4.      The Shantung straw
Whenever anyone talks about the Shantung straw, there is an element of mystery every day. The thought that Shantung Straws is made using natural fibers is not true. Initially, Shantung got made using “Washi” or “paper yarns” that originated from the popular Manila Hemp Plant which is found in Philippines Island. But in the recent times, this straw is often considered synonymous to the paper fiber which is very similar to the Toyo straw, but it belongs to China. The Shantung straw hats get made using a flat machine woven sheet and get blocked into the hat's concerned shape.
Also, the off-white shade enables to reflect the sunlight. However, the weave is generally as tight as you notice on the shantung hats. Since, these hats are mostly paper, they can’t tackle moisture that is an outcome of sweat or rain. And being a low-cost alternative which at times resembles the Panama hat, the Shantung straw hat is a famous and is occupying a huge space in the market. It contributes to over a half of the overall sales globally.
5.      The Milan Straw
There have been times when the hat critics have wondered at the standard Milan straw hats. However, the new-age Milan straw hats etch out a rather cynical gaze because of the absence of the natural rustic authenticity. The current Milan straw usually refers to the braiding or weaving technique, not the material. Also, the Milan straw hats can get woven from various materials like synthetic plastics and hemp. But there are times when a certain section of manufacturers usually come up with conventional, finely-braided golden-colored hats that gets derived from the wheat straws as against the artificial synthetic fibers. And this hat, which gets intricately woven, can stand through a huge amount of wear and tear. They will still retain their golden glow. And in spite of the thick braids, the hats made of Milan straw are lightweight and durable. It has a classy appearance that makes it appear stylish and can get worn by any style enthusiast.
These are some popular types of straw that get used to make straw hats for women. Hence, if you want a straw that is both stylish and valuable for money, you can study the straw types and choose your hat accordingly.
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askcustomboxes · 3 years
Custom Craft Boxes - Useful and Attractive
Custom craft boxes for your goods are a vital component in the packaging business. Custom boxes help you ensure that you possess a flawless picture on every product packaging which includes your goods. It lets you showcase your goods, it lets you design goods in a manner that the clients like, and most importantly it enables you to track whether your delivery is on time. The significance of these custom-made boxes are many fold.
The importance of custom craft boxes can never be overemphasized. The craft box has always remained as an integral part of the marketing strategy of the sellers, since even now they still depend on it for their effective promotion of their products. It does work for them, but they could have taken full advantage of this marketing tool without actually using the boxes. But with the advent of the Internet, the possibility of online advertisement has increased so much, that people no longer pay attention to the box. But they should, because it is the most significant factor of your advertisement campaign.
You must know that packaging requires a high degree of skill and expertise. This is why custom boxes wholesale, for your wholesale packaging needs can come as handy. You can get the very best quality boxes at a lower price from these suppliers. Not only you save money on the cost of production, but you can also avail of their services for customizing your packaging needs as per your business needs. You can do all this directly over the phone or online.
There are two popular types of custom craft boxes wholesale, paper box and plastic containers. The paper box is generally used by the general public for packing fresh fruits and vegetables. These boxes are generally made of corrugated paperboard covered with plastic, and are available in a wide range of sizes, thicknesses and colors. These boxes are made up of one or more layers of paper, with the top layer being the printed paperboard. You can customize the colors and design of the box very easily.
Plastic containers include some widely used items such as ketchup bottles, peanut butter jars, tomato cans, jelly jars, paperboard boxes and bottled water. They are often customized to make books look very attractive, or to make books look very appealing on book shelves. You can also order your own personalized containers for gifting purposes. With customized boxes, you can give books, gift baskets and even chocolates as gifts. In order to make these custom craft boxes more appealing, you can add a nice ribbon or raffia around the lid. You can easily find companies that sell these custom craft boxes wholesale.
A good option to get customized boxes at lower costs is to buy them in bulk from kraft box distributors. However, keep in mind to ask them about their shipping fees before ordering. There are many different varieties of these packages, which one should consider according to the product. The three most common types are bubble envelopes, kraft paperboard boxes, and personalized kraft boxes. Apart from the standard types, there are special types of packaging that are used for specific purposes, as explained above. So, if you are looking to purchase some custom packaging, make sure you understand its purpose and requirements before buying.
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A Green Home for the Holidays
Steven Yergeau, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
(Originally Published in the Rutgers Earth Day Every Day email newsletter)
Family gatherings, decorations, and presents are upon us as we enter the holiday season. These traditions bring hope and joy, but also bring an increased amount of trash and waste.  It is estimated that about 1 million extra tons of garbage is generated every week between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day (go.rutgers.edu/HolidayRecycling). Last month’s email spoke about reducing food waste during the holidays (go.rutgers.edu/FoodWaste). This month we tackle some ways to reduce other forms of waste created during the holiday season.
Wrapping Presents – Many celebrations involve exchanging presents. Gift wrap is usually non-recyclable due to the dyes and shiny materials used in their production. Ribbons and bows are made from plastic and paper components that prevent them from being recycled, as well. There are many possibilities when it comes to finding reusable or recyclable wraps.
Simple brown paper wrap and natural ties (raffia, twine, or paper bands) can be used instead. Kids can even help decorate the paper with drawings or using craft stamps and washable, non-toxic paints (go.rutgers.edu/StampMaking). Newspaper is another good option, especially the comics section for their colors and graphic quality. Gift bags can be used, saved, and reused, but make sure to get a good quality bag to last for several years.
Many different types of containers such as tins, jars, boxes, and tote bags can be used to hold a present and be part of the gift itself. The same is true for fabric presents, such as towels, scarves, and bandanas, which can replace gift wrap altogether.
Bonus Tip: When mailing gifts, make sure that they stay safe by stuffing recyclable materials like shredded paper or wadded up newspaper in the mailing container instead of Styrofoam packing peanuts.
Decorations – Decorating the house and yard is a great way to get into the holiday spirit! Whatever holiday you celebrate this winter, decorations can be both beautiful and eco-friendly.
Avoid single use decorations like tinsel or garlands which don’t break down in landfills.  Go into the wild for natural materials such as pinecones, pine boughs, holly berries and leaves, and seedpods that can be used as decoration and can also be composted. Stringing foods like popcorn, dried fruits, nuts, or cranberries together to use as garlands is a great way to decorate and can be strung outside to feed wildlife during the winter.
If buying decorations to be used for many years, make sure to buy long-lasting ones of high quality. They can be used for many years and decrease the number of replacement decorations needed over a lifetime of use. For example, energy-saving LED holiday lights use up to 75% less energy, and last 25 times as long as regular lights.
Old bottles and jars can be recycled as candle holders/displays after being decorated or painted in appropriate holiday colors.
Bonus Tip: Buy recycled paper greeting cards, or even send electronic cards to reduce paper waste and save money on postage.
Resources: Rutgers Cooperative Extension ‘Basics of Recycling’ webinar video While recycling specifics vary depending on where you live, learn about the universal recycling truths, dispel myths, and shine a light on what happens when your recyclables leave the curb with Amy Cook-Menzel, the Communications Manager with the Atlantic County Utility Authority. Presented in November 2020 for Rutgers Cooperative Extension Earth Day at Home webinar series. Recording link: rutgers.webex.com/rutgers/lsr.php?RCID=bed941d413f242bf9854e259eb1610f2 Password: EarthDay2020
Stanford University’s Frequently Asked Questions: Holiday Waste Prevention Looking for more ideas to reduce waste this holiday season? Check out this site from Stanford University to spark your creativity. go.rutgers.edu/HolidayRecycling
Happy Holidays from the Earth Day Every Day Team
“Take small steps every day and one day you will get there.” - Unknown
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9 Main Types of Wallpaper
Lining Paper
Isn’t a decorative wallpaper as it does not have a printed or decorative finish. It’s applied to bare walls or ceilings in preparation for painting or papering with decorative wallpaper. The main purpose of lining paper is to cover minor imperfections on a surface before painting it or to hide a strong colour previously applied to walls or ceilings before a lighter colour wallpaper or paint is to be applied.
Traditional Wallpaper
One of the most popular type. Can be single (simplex) or double (duplex) layered. Cellulose is the main component of the product. They are very ecological, they let walls breathe, therefore they are widely used for bedrooms (children bedrooms especially) and dining rooms. They are very affordable and accessible, can be literary found in any design store. However, the colours fade away in the sun, and they are not washable. Some of the wallpapers are less resistant to moist, therefore it is hard to apply them to a wall without washing away some of the colour or them being stretched. Most of iconic “William Morris” and “Sanderson” wallpapers are made of cellulose.
Vinyl Wallpaper
A very popular type of wallpapers. They consist of a backing layer, paper or fibre, and a plastic upper coating. Their practical day to day advantages are obvious: they are washable, light- resistant, relatively cheap and extremely durable which makes them the ideal candidate of frequently used rooms (kitchens, dining rooms, bathrooms). Should only be changed every 10–20 years. Vinyl wallpapers vary greatly in colour and pattern, they can imitate wood, stone, concrete, etc. However, they do not allow the walls to breathe, they might extract toxic fumes, so they should not be used in bedrooms and badly ventilated spaces. Because of their “artificial” nature you either love it or hate it.
Embossed Wallpaper
Textured and embossed wallpapers add depth and an interesting contrast to plain walls. The textures can range from delicate and soft fabric inspired imprints through to dramatic geometrics. The most popular colours are cream, stone and taupe as these create a wonderful natural palette which can co-ordinate with most other accent and feature colours. Embossed wallpaper can hide the wall defects: scratches, cracks and wall roughness in general. They can be painted over. Disadvantages are: its hard to glue them right (cause with time the edges start to bend and stratify), it is also hard to peal them off the wall, also by removing the embossed wallpaper you risk to damage the plastering.
Liquid Wallpaper
They consist of cellulose and cotton fibre. Have to be applied in a liquid form with the help of a special pallet. Such wallpaper have a high level from the clutch surface that allows their use even in rooms with uneven walls, defects and cracks on the surface. Repair of damaged sites wallpaper is quite easy: you should only remove coating from this area, mix with water, add fresh filler and apply spatula back. It takes 24 hours to fully dry. It is ecological and easy to use. It has a good thermal and sound insulation. Has an anti-static and effect. It is composed of natural materials, nontoxic. Allows the wall “to breathe” and controls the amount of moisture in the room. Does not have connecting seams. In a way, it is similar to paint, different patters and images can be manually drawn on the wall or ceiling. However, this material has a significant disadvantage: it can be easily rinsed off with water. On the other hand, this is a plus when you remove the old layer of a liquid wallpaper. When inaccurately applied it makes the room look very cheap and untidy.
Non-Woven wallpaper
The non woven wallpapers are the latest trend in decorating. Non-wovens are made of a special blend of natural and synthetic fibres, making them washable and breathable. You will find these fibres in many household products such as tea bags, coffee filters, and gauze. Because these wallpapers are able to breathe, this makes them a perfect application for kitchens and bathrooms. These wall-coverings are also tear-resistant. This is a great advantage as the wallpapers will not get torn during installation or removal. They are the most user friendly and eco-friendly wallpapers on the market today, they are incredibly easy, admirably quicker and requiring less efforts to install. This type of wallpaper neither expands nor contracts, so they do not change their size. It can be also used as a base for painting. However, non-woven wallpaper are expensive and non washable.
Fibreglass Wallpaper
As name suggests they are made of glass fibres woven and bonded together to form a sheet material. Due to the way wallpaper is produced they are incredibly strong and provide a great reinforcement to any wall or ceiling. Made from natural non toxic materials like quartz, soda, lime and dolomite they are considered to be a green product too. They are flame resistant and prevent flames from spreading, a key benefit in fire-safety. After professional application they can be over-painted many times without peeling or even plastered over. Fibreglass wallpaper is a great way to treat often appearing wall cracks. Special water-resistant adhesive and glass fibres provide a barrier for dampness showing through. Their insulating properties will reduce or even stop mould growth. Fibreglass is a lightweight, extremely strong, and robust material. Their bulk strength and weight properties are also very favourable when compared to metals, and it can be easily formed using moulding processes. Common uses of fibreglass include high performance aircraft’s (gliders), boats, automobiles, baths, hot tubs, water tanks, roofing, pipes, cladding, casts, surfboards, and external door skins. Disadvantages of using it are: high price, low flexibility.
Bamboo Wallpaper
Made of bamboo, an environmentally friendly natural product. They do not change the colour for a long period of time. Because bamboo is a “natural” material, it can be affected by high moisture and isn’t very cleanable. Many manufacturers recommend limiting cleaning to gentle dusting or vacuuming. So bamboo wallpapers are not recommended for kitchen backsplashes (unless manufactured for this purpose), areas where they may come in contact with food or other possible staining materials. Also, they should not be used in areas with high levels of moisture such as bathrooms or under-grade rooms unless they are pre-sealed or you plan to seal or paint it yourself. Bamboo has an antiseptic characteristics, so it does not only prevent moss from growing but also kills some of the germs. The disadvantages are: high price and high level of dust accumulation (so the walls have to be cleaned with a hoover often), the edges of wallpapers will always be seen.
Textile wallpaper
Is an elite product. Its premium quality creates a sense of wellbeing. It can be made of: silk, cotton, linen, felt, raffia, twines or feathers can all be used to gorgeous effect. Fabric wallpapers are breathable, flame- retardant, stain- resistant, and provide exceptional insulation quality They are extremely expensive and hard to apply on walls.[Source]-https://medium.com/learning-about-interior-design/types-of-wallpaper-97555ed60391
Buy Waterproof Wallpaper For Walls Online with best offers at Gratex. Check trendy Wallpaper Design And Price. Get installation guide and service from us
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yesterdaysdreams · 6 years
DIY Embroidered Photo Frame
Hello friends! Got a fun and crafty little photo frame DIY for you today. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I want a project that can keep my hands busy yet doesn’t necessarily take all my focus. In the past, I’ve turned to things like crochet and embroidery, just fun little crafts that you can complete while watching your favorite TV show or catching up on podcasts. And this photo frame project totally fits the bill, plus you can easily customize the look to fit your own home decor or even to gift. I think this would make a really fun Mother’s Day gift, for example.
I worked with Canon USA on this project, using my PIXMA TS8120 to print the photos I put in my frames. I love being able to print photos at home, especially when I’m only needing a few to frame for a project like this. It’s quick and easy, and I don’t have to wait for photos to come in the mail. I also love the new six ink colors this printer has because it really makes black and white photos pop. I realize these are ‘just photos of my dogs,’ but as a crazy dog lady, I appreciate the high quality of the prints.
This photo frame project is very much inspired by vintage embroidered basket bags. I love the look of those bags and I love that they have come back in style over the last few years. See below for one I scored at a thrift store—and there are also lots for sale on Etsy that are just beautiful!
I chose to use burlap as the base of my frame, and if you use brown burlap (the more classic color), I think it would look even more like a vintage embroidered basket bag. I have quite a bit of brown in my home already though, so I decided to go with a cream colored burlap instead. While I was shopping for my supplies, I saw there was also pink, green, and black burlap as well, which I think could totally work and make this project even more colorful and fun! I also chose to use raffia instead of yarn or embroidery floss, but you could easily change that up too. I guess my point is there are lots of options, but here are the basics of how to create a DIY embroidered photo frame:
In this video, you can see me make my photo frame from start to finish. But here are a few more helpful tips and tricks before you get started.
Supplies: -plain frame (I used 5×7) -foam board -1/2 yard of burlap -raffia (I used tan and red) -wood beads -stapler -glue gun -scissors -X-Acto knife
On the frame, you will see the side of the base frame, so I would choose a color that goes well with the color burlap you choose. So if you use black or a dark colored burlap, you might use a black plain frame. I chose cream burlap so I used a white frame.
Step One: Cut the foam board to fit the frame. This is what your burlap will wrap around, so you may also want to choose black or white foam board based on what matches your burlap more.
Step Two: Embroider your design and add beads. You can add any kind of design you like but I aimed to create simple little floral shapes. Use the foam frame underneath the burlap to give you an idea of where your designs will fall (they should all be on the frame).
This is the part of the project that takes the most time, but you can easily do this while watching TV or something. I watched two episodes of The Office one night while I made this. Trey and I have been rewatching that show lately, and it’s still hilarious.
Here’s a close up of what my embroidery and beads looked like. Personally, I like the messy, imperfect look as it feels natural alongside the supplies I was using. But if you’re an embroidery PRO, feel free to do your thing.
Step Three: Staple the fabric to the foam board. This is kind of the mini version of upholstering a seat cushion or the top of a stool. If you’ve never done DIY upholstering before, think of it like wrapping a present. Don’t feel like the edges have to be absolutely perfect. But if you’d like to practice I would do so with a piece of extra burlap before adding the embroidery elements (so if you mess up you can just throw it away and not feel like you wasted your embroidery).
Step Four: Use a hot glue gun to glue the fabric board to the frame.
Step Five: Print your photo and add to the frame. (I used semi-gloss paper.)
You’re done! Super fun and easy—embroidery beginners don’t be afraid to try this one as it’s seriously very simple, but I really love how these frames turned out. Thanks for letting me share! xo. Emma
Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Video: Jared Statler. Music: Jeremy Larson. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.
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New Post has been published on https://valentinedaylatest.com/buy-hallmark-valentines-day-greeting-card-mason-jar-with-paper-heart-valentine-day-gift/
Buy Hallmark Valentine's Day Greeting Card (Mason Jar with Paper Heart) Valentine Day Gift
Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
Printed on high quality paper stock, this casual Valentines Day card features a photo of a paper heart in a jar with a shimmer overlay and a raffia paper ribbon. It’s a sweet way to with your significant other, or anyone special, a happy Valentine’s Day. The front of the card reads, “You’re one of a kind.” The inside of the card reads, “You’re the warm smile in the midst of an ordinary day. The caring word, the kind heart… the one who can be counted on for quiet, steady support. You know how to give the simple things that always matter the most. You’re definitely one of a kind… the wonderful kind. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Purchase includes one card measuring 5.8 inches wide by 8.3 inches long and one matching envelope. Hallmark Valentine’s Day cards are made with paper from well-managed forests. Hallmark was founded in 1910 when 18-year-old J.C. Hall arrived in Kansas City, Missouri, with a couple of shoeboxes of postcards under his arm and the American dream in his heart. Hallmark greeting cards are sold online and in nearly 40,000 retail stores across the globe and people continue to recognize the iconic Hallmark brand as “the very best.”Cover Message: You’re one of a kind. Inside Message: You’re the warm smile in the midst of an ordinary day. The caring word, the kind heart… the one who can be counted on for quiet, steady support. You know how to give the simple things that always matter the most. You’re definitely one of a kind… the wonderful kind. Happy Valentine’s Day. Includes one Valentines Day card and one envelope. Card size 5.8 inches wide by 8.3 inches long. This casual Valentine’s Day card features a photo of a paper heart in a mason jar with a shimmer overlay and a raffia paper ribbon. It’s a sweet way to wish a Happy Valentine’s Day to your significant other, family or friends. Printed on high quality paper stock. Hallmark Valentine Day cards are made with paper from well-managed forests.
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