#Marketing Dissertation Help
emilywatson-01 · 19 days
7 Key Principles Of Marketing And How To Apply Them
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7 key principles of marketing! Firstly, understand who you're talking to and what they want. Second, tell people why your product or service is the best choice. Third, keep your message consistent across all places. Fourth, make friends with your customers to keep them happy. Fifth, use stories to make your message stick in people's minds. Sixth, be ready to change when things shift in the market. Lastly, keep track of what works and make it even better. Master these rules and see your marketing shine
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freyaandersson · 21 days
7 Key Principles Of Marketing And How To Apply Them
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Discover the principles of marketing and how to apply them with ease. Our service breaks down essential concepts like understanding your audience, creating value, and building strong relationships. We provide simple, practical advice to help you implement these principles and achieve marketing success. Let us guide you in mastering the fundamentals and reaching your goals.
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lucasmith44 · 1 year
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Marketing Assignment Help || Don’t Worry About Marketing Assignments, Get Assistance from MBA Experts
Marketing is a stirring subject, but it needs instinct and deep understanding to create on paper. This may be exciting, especially when lacking understanding and writing skills. Those who are facing problems in making a marketing dissertation can take marketing dissertation help online. Below you will find several benefits of hiring the marketing assignment help.
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What are the areas covered by online marketing assignment help?
Online marketing assignment help service offers assignment writing services for marketing projects, case studies and dissertations. The academic writing services experts are best in dealing with any type of marketing assignment because they are highly qualified and graduated from well-known colleges and universities. Here are some of the subject areas that they covered in marketing assignments.
Relationship Marketing
B2B Marketing
Strategic Marketing
Industrial Marketing
These are only some of the topics covered in the marketing assignment help. For more, you can visit the online academic writing services and check the other matters.
Types of Marketing Paper Help Provided by the Assignment Writing Services
Students usually receive a range of analyses that call for different ways to be used to complete them. The writers in online assignment services are experienced and can provide analysis papers simply. Here are some of the marketing analyses in which students can take the professional’s help.
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Value Chain Analysis
The study of microenvironment research identifies the weakest and strongest areas. It shows the primary and secondary procedures used in companies. The writers accentuate the potential and risks while drawing how everything works.
BCG Matrix
BCG matrix is the most popular topic of essays that assesses different company directions. The professionals study each product in four stages: market entry, development, maturity and recession. It will be a good example of fundamental analysis.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis identifies the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, that offers a complete view of your current position and delivers the possibilities for future growth. For this assignment, the expert will describe a connection of factors and will help you to find out how to use strengths to grab opportunities, reduce costs, counteract risks, etc.
Every letter shows a different feature, such as technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and sociocultural. The writers examine each section of this marketing assignment on a measure of 3 to 3 defines the degree of the company’s effect. 
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What is the other assignment help provided by the online academic writing services?
Apart from management assignment services the online academic writing services also provide other assignment help to the students. The professionals in their company are PhD. holders in different subjects and they have great knowledge in writing the assignments. Some of the subjects for which they provide assignment writing help are.
Taxation Assignment Help
Taxation assignment help includes helping students to understand the fundamental elements connected to taxation. Taxation assignments are measured as one of the most difficult tasks of all subjects. Hence to help students the online assignment services provide taxation assignment writing services.
Perl Assignment Help
Perl is a challenging and high-level programming language. The full form of Perl is Practical Extraction and Reporting Language. Students need Perl assignment help as it involves vital information and expertise in the handling of project development.
Management Assignment Help
Management is an area that involves a lot of understanding of the subject, field experience and skills. As it includes so many components students look for management assignment help.
English Assignment Help
English literature might not be daunting as statistics or mathematics, but it carries all its difficulties. Students often feel the struggle in doing this and look for English assignment help from experts.
Conclusive Statement
Get market assignment help, marketing dissertation help or essay help from Treat Assignment Help Australia and get assistance from the MBA experts. 
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Is Treat Assignment Help Australia also provide marketing dissertation help? Yes, Treat Assignment Help Australia also provide marketing dissertation help.
What is the best assignment help in Australia? Treat Assignment Help Australia is the best assignment help in Australia.
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emilywatson-01 · 15 days
Discover Trending Marketing Dissertation Topics
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Explore Trending Topics for Marketing Dissertations! Discover fresh ideas everyone talks about. Whether it's digital marketing, consumer behavior, or brand management, there's something for everyone. Dive into these trending topics to make your dissertation stand out. Explore the latest buzz in the marketing world, from social media trends to sustainable marketing practices. Get inspired and choose a topic that excites you for your next research adventure.
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freyaandersson · 19 days
Marketing Dissertation Topics
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Are you a marketing student looking for the perfect marketing dissertation topic? Explore our comprehensive guide featuring unique and innovative ideas designed to help you stand out in your academic journey. From digital marketing trends to consumer behavior analysis, our curated topics will inspire you to craft a standout thesis and achieve academic success. Discover the latest research areas and groundbreaking trends to ensure your dissertation makes a lasting impact
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redjademilktea · 6 months
I've had this draft sitting around for a few months, but Marisha saying Laudna wants a "simple cottage core lesbian life" with Imogen in the lasted 4 Sided Dive made me want to go back and polish this up a bit!! For context, my partner asked me to write something small and imodna related with the word "baking" as a prompt. Just a quick writing exercise as a break from dissertation work. So I came up with this!!
"Okay one egg or two?"
"Two. And remember to add them in with the rest of the wet ingredients, not with the dry."
"You're supposed to separate- shit."
Imogen looked at the mess of ingredients, cooking utensils, and mixing bowls sprawled out on the counter in front of her. She didn't think learning this particular recipe would be walk in the park, per se. But she certainly didn't expect... well this - standing here with Laudna in their little cottage kitchen with the remnants of three (soon to be four) attempts at making a passable cookie batter splattered across various surfaces. "Start me off with somethin' easy," she had said when agreeing to baking lessons earlier in the day, "you really liked those cookies that Lord Eshertoss would bake for us, right? We can start with those." She let out a sigh at the memory.
Laudna now stood behind Imogen, peering over her shoulder at her... creation.
"Oh, you might be able to- hmmm." Laudna said as she tested the batter's flavor with her pinky. Suddenly, her eyes went wide as *something* seemed to hit her. Imogen cringed slightly as she awaited the verdict.
"Imogen, darling, you did add two *teaspoons* of vanilla, not tablespoons, correct?"
"Is there a difference?"
"A bit of one, yes," Laudna said with a low chuckle.
"Sorry Laudna," Imogen sighed. She moved to rub her eyes before quickly realizing her damn hands - just like everything else in the kitchen, really - were coated in that sad excuse for a cookie batter. She frustratedly began Prestidigitationing them clean before pinching the bridge of her nose in an attempt to quell an oncoming headache. Before she could get too anxious about the prospect of starting over *one more fucking time*, she felt thin arms wrap around her from behind.
"Imogen, darling, it's alright," Laudna hummed, "I always felt Eshteross was too, well, *extravagant* with his recipe writing. It can make it hard to follow at times." Laudna gestured with one of her hands wildly to emphasize the point in a way that Imogen couldn't help but smile at. "Honestly, do we really need to know what he was eating for breakfast or what life lessons his mother taught him as a child right before telling us to brown the butter?"
"You criticizin' his recipe writing, Laudna?" Imogen asked, already feeling the tension behind her eyes melting away.
"Well, yes, but I don't think he's open to any feedback at the moment."
Imogen let out a small gasp before turning her head to meet Laudna's eyes. "Laudna!" Imogen gave her a stern look in an attempt at mock consternation, but quickly relented into a fond gaze as soon as she caught sight of the way Laudna was leaning her head onto Imogen's shoulder.
"Well all I'm saying is, I love a good set of flowery prose, but there's a time and place. And a recipe certainly isn't the place! Besides, I've always said you were *very* capable. If it's giving you trouble, the recipe is obviously worded poorly!"
Imogen laughed more fully this time. Gods, Laudna could make her feel better about anything, even if it meant defending her honor and recipe following abilities to a dead man. She took a deep breath, taking in the subtle, earthy smell of fallen leaves to help ground her. She opened her eyes to Laudna's warm grin before planting a soft kiss on her lips.
"Thanks baby. Alright, one more time from the top okay with you?"
"Of course darling, just remind me to pick up more eggs from the market tomorrow. We may need to... restock soon."
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st-armand · 10 months
Hobie Brown & Anarchism: A Discussion Pt 1
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Authors Note: This is my dissertation for the discourse about Hobie’s politics being misrepresented as your friendly community radical leftist
Warnings: Political Ideologies, mentions of violence and oppression
Hobie Brown is an anarchist, he would be considered a radical leftist, not just by the ideological title of anarchism but by his own actions, he has killed cops, fascists, not just one, probably many considering the Oscorp and V.E.N.O.M worldbuilding where the police and military are symbiotes.
One of the primary bases for a fascist regime is a overly abundant police force, and the police worldwide are authoritarian figures meant to protect wealth and property not people.
Anarchists can go 70/40 on the violent revolutionary means discussion, but Hobart Brown is definitely pro revolutionary violence (we will define this later on), he doesn’t like violence in his everyday life but sees it as a measure to protect people, he also understands that not everyone’s place in the revolution is through armed liberation, but that all roles in the revolution violent or otherwise are all valuable to the end goal.
That being said a very contested discourse around radical leftist politics is the divide between Marxists/Maoists/Leninist etc vs Anarchists because Anarchists believe in a non-centralized, organizational systems, some anarchists can be anarcho-primitivists; they believe in a post-revolutionary society without the heavy industrialized civilization we have now I don’t think Hobie is, he enjoys technology too much to do so but he does believe in a social organization that is communally centralized, but regardless of his ideas of the organization of people post revolution he happily shares space and works in solidarity with leftists of other thinking and practices in the struggle and fight.
What is armed revolution and revolutionary violence? Armed revolution is the act of taking arms through guerrilla warfare, community protection, clandestine operations. Revolutionary violence is pretty self-explanatory, but these two interconnects as an understanding that liberation won’t come from within the systems that oppress us, and to instead arm the people towards liberating themselves from fascism, and state sanctioned violence.
I head canon that Hobie as Spiderman works within a clandestine underground armed forces with mixed ideologies and skillset, they’re all civilians who act as an unassuming threat who focus on assassinations and bank robberies, through those victories they help Spiderman redistribute funds.
Hobie’s praxis doesn’t just extend to revolutionary violence, but he puts labor into community gardens, refurbishing abandoned lots and buildings to be used as clinics, or schools, or housing, his skills especially are shown through his engineering and technical capabilities, like siphoning electricity from higher class neighborhoods for their buildings for free, fixing heating systems, or adapting heating and water systems so that they’re controlled in the community rather than by heating and water conglomerates.
He's also a part of a group of boosters who donate and barter clothes, food and other necessities, they sell their spoils in the middle of the people’s market.
Hobie is also the best comrade during protests, he’s a human shield whether as Spiderman or as a civilian, he’s the kind of person to go head to head with five police officers to de-arrest people who get snatched during protests, he’s returned with so many broken bones and large purple bruises from being wailed on by cops, but however much they hurt him, he can return much worse, especially with his enhanced strength, its actually a pretty cool sight, he’s more likely to kills cops while masked as spiderman, he’s almost entirely focused on defensive and evasive methods as an alternative since he has many warrants out for his arrest as Hobart Brown, but Spiderman has a list of federal and international offensives that he can easily navigate with the obscured identity.
During protests he’s evacuating people to safe zones, distracting cops from looters, defending people from being arrested, creating evasive plans to destroy or disable V.E.N.O.M. technology and weapons, he’s especially adept at guerilla warfare, navigating the skyline, sewers, and alleys of New London to gain a territorial advantage because the cops can’t traverse the projects and slums as easily as someone who lives in the grime of New London.
Books I think Hobie would’ve read;
Anarchism and the Black Revolution – Lenzo Ervin
A Soldier’s Story – Kuwasi Balagoon
Black Jacobins – CLR James
Conquest and Bread – Kroptokin
Anarchy & At the Café – Malatesta
 More in the next parts! Platonic, Romance, Racial and Cultural
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Re-reading again. Love the undercurrent theme of class and race solidarity: The black market, Rooba giving up the Goat for Katniss, everyone steeping up to help Gale get out from sure death at he hands of the Peacekeepers, district 11 giving Katniss bread.
And YET Katniss is so wallowing in self doubt that she's like "People deal with me, but they're genuinely fond of Prim." Which might be truth for things like selling goat cheeses and medicine to the Upperclass people from 12. But the Solidarity people from the Seam have to each other is enough for me to write a dissertation.
Suzanne. The WOMAN that you are.
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oldshrewsburyian · 9 months
Hi! I've seen your recent post about Goodbye Eastern Europe, and I was really interested at first. Unfortunately, after a couple of research in a few different languages related to some of the countries concerned by the umbrella term of 'Eastern Europe' I failed to find any reliable review praising the book. The author (a journalist)'s own website pops up, as well as articles on History Today and The Washington Post... But the great majority of the results are US-centered and I fail to see a review written by someone whose job it is to study and explain any of the territories concerned. Considering this, why should people read it? (I don't mean to be rude, it's an honest question)
Wow, okay! First of all, sincerely, I am glad that you are interested in assessing the credentials and qualifications of the authors of trade market histories. Many of these are, alas, 'histories.' Many are the emails I have sent to publishers saying "What qualifies this agèd political scientist to opine about Shakespeare?" or "Why does this economist think he knows anything about the Middle Ages?" So: I do appreciate that your skepticism is both healthy and well-earned. Secondly, let me say that I, um, appreciate that after implying that I am incapable of both critical reading and even superficial research, you clarified that you did not mean to be rude. Noted.
I'm going to discuss Mikanowski's credentials and methods first, and then offer a brief excursus on the respective timelines of mass-market and academic review publishing (which, I realize, you did not explicitly ask for. But I think it's relevant to your concern about not seeing academic reviews.) One: Mikanowski has done graduate-level training in history. I'm not sure whether or not he defended his dissertation at Berkeley (their list of abstracts is limited to institutional access.) I suspect he may not have done; but he does include his dissertation advisor in the acknowledgments of his book, which I think is important, as it indicates that he's part of the category of ABD graduate students who decided that completion didn't match up with their personal/professional goals but still made enough progress and did good enough work to be on cordial terms with their supervisors! This, uh, matters (there's also the kind of student who studiously avoids their advisor as a prelude to leaving the program.) Also, Mikanowski's work was far advanced enough, and of high enough quality, that he got an ACLS fellowship for it. Also also, I would weep with joy and disbelief if my students (B.A. or M.A.) were doing the kind of work he was doing as an undergrad at Princeton. They aren't. I digress. My point is: the fact that he has work completed in top-rank programs, acknowledged by competitive grants, and affirmed by ongoing cordial relationships with respected scholars matters. Tony Grafton is in the acknowledgments as having read and critiqued the manuscript, and while Tony Grafton is a very kind man in ways that many academics of his stature are not, he also has a very low bullshit tolerance, as is right and proper.
So much for credentials. But even more importantly, Mikanowski's notes and bibliography reveal that he is using this training profitably. The work contains more thorough references than many books for crossover markets, which I appreciate; also, the bibliography is academic in character, even though it would be light for an academic monograph. My point is: it's using up-to-date research and niche research and primary sources, all in multiple languages (I honestly lost track of how many languages. I think it was at least five, because I am research-fluent in four and thus think of more than that as impressive.) For what it's worth--and you may think that little!--I was also impressed by how he was using his sources, and supplementing them with the kind of embodied research that may sound nebulous but is, I think, genuinely helpful in helping us answer questions like: in what ways does a building dominate a square? What is the relationship of a town to its environment? How long does it take to walk from Point A to Point B, and what does one see along the way (or: what would one have seen in the fourteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth centuries?)
Finally: Goodbye, Eastern Europe was published less than three months ago. Academics may not even have been asked to review it yet. Standard turnaround time for writing a review is about three months. Time from submission to publication can be six months to a year. This is not taking into consideration that since the start of the pandemic, particularly, the fact that academic labor has been deliberately gutted and casualized means that it's hard to find people to do this unpaid work (we often don't even get copies of the books to review anymore.) The book may or may not be reviewed in academic journals. But if it's going to be, I'd be looking for those reviews in... maybe a year.
I hope this is helpful.
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dallonwrites · 10 months
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[ lover boy by @dallonwrites / sfgate / tumblr user catilinas / lover boy | little weirds by jenny slate / lover boy / hellraiser (1987) / manhunter (1986) / the lost boys (1987) / lover boy ] this post has alt text.
disclaimer: this is my own original work
Genre: Literary that wishes it were horror Setting: San Francisco, 1987/88 Aesthetics: fake blood, uncanny SFX in old horror movies, grainy home videos, a deeply orange sunset, retro arcade games, an empty mall, overripe fruit, anatomical heart models, heart shaped candles, leather jackets, rolling fog, the moon in the ocean, bowling alleys, red lights, trying to see a ghost in the hallway, real blood, mixtapes from former lovers, nightclub bathrooms, vampire fangs, neck kisses Summary: Sometimes, to cope with change and unpredictability, Beau likes to pretend he's the protagonist of a blood-soaked horror movie. And all he's ever wanted is a lover. But after the death of his childhood best friend he retreats into himself - frustrated at love and frustrated that Bobby hasn't haunted him the way he promised to - until he's jolted back by former friends needing his help with a movie project, an ex lover returning as new ones find new ways to hurt him, his friends and his community getting sicker, and a near death experience that comes with the urgency to record everything around him whilst he still can. The more that happens, the more he tries to find ghosts around him. The more times he sees blood on his hands, the more painful his old coping mechanism becomes, as his thoughts become less and less tasty.
what if you were autistic but you didn't know it because it's the 1980s and your special interest is horror movies and sometimes your brain feels a little bit blood-soaked but it's okay because it feels good! it makes you feel better, right? but then your best friend dies and also you lose the closest person you had to a lover and you wonder if you've wasted your time obsessing over romance but you don't have time to think about it because life keeps happening and nobody seems to care that your community is dying and no matter how hard you try you never see a ghost in the hallway or the bathroom mirror like you want to, and then your lover comes back but he's different, and so are you, and you really want to stop looking death in the eye, so you try to capture everything around you on your video camera to show that you were here, we were here and we're alive, and your queerness is your heartbeat and all you want to do in this life is love, so that's what you do, despite everything, whatever that love looks like, even when everything gets louder and brighter and too much to bare and you're starting to get scared by the blood in your thoughts
I call this "the culmination of my growing obsession with horror and the undergrad dissertation I wrote on how the AIDS crisis functions in queer narratives". I think it's my favourite thing I've started in a long time! There's so much flesh to this story that I haven't even dug my hand as deep into it as I could go. It's fun, it's silly, it's raw, it's sweet, it's emotional, it's complicated, it's a bit bloody, it's theatrical, it's trying it's best. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it's also crying in the bathtub you know
Characters (just a few otherwise this would get way too long)
Beau (he/him) the bestest boy in the whole world. Someone pleeeease take him to a farmers market on a chilled Sunday afternoon
Benji (he/him) Beau's little brother who Beau thinks is the bestest boy in the whole world. Even though he loves bugs and dirt and wants to be a shark when he grows up
Bobby (he/him) dead but before he died he thought being a ghost would be so fun. It'd be so much easier to sneak up on Beau! He could finally go to Fire Island! He loved handmaking jewellery and wanted to be a volcanologist.
Felix (he/him) the ex lover! He's doing sooo much better since the last time you saw him! Hey why is he crying in that movie theatre bathroom
Tiff (she/they) Beau's old friend and roommate. Tattoo artist who collects eye shaped decor and broken rotary phones. Lesbian/gay solidarity is the backbone of this novel.
Dorothy (she/her) In love with the moon and acrylic paints. What if you bumped into your ex boyfriends twin sister and feel like you shouldn't get involved but then you remember she's realllyyy fun to talk shit about people with?
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Don't forget to smile :-) ~ modern!Tommy Shelby & Reader (platonic fluff/angst)
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[Masterlist] [Taglist]
Summary: Tommy can't think of anything more ridiculous than the cheery messages the Barista keeps scribbling down on his to go coffee cups
Note: Written for @mrsalwayswrite auparty - I know I am super late, but life was busy and I was more representative of this Tommy than this reader. Despite the delay, I still hope you still enjoy it. At least, by now, I have the element of surprise on my side!
I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other. This hasn't been beta'd so I apologise for typos or mistakes
Warning: anger? car crash, violence, mention of blood, a tiny bit of politics? Depression, mention of suicide. Also Crypto Bros. Expect canon confirming tone and mention of violence.
Wordcount: 2282 words
Don’t forget to smile :-) 
The letters were mocking him. 
The four words added in sharpie to the to-go cup, in such a haste that the drawing had been smudged slightly. 
Don’t forget to smile :-) 
There was very little to smile about in the life of Thomas Shelby, especially these days and so it felt like a personal attack. 
He turned the cup so that he wouldn’t have to look at them. 
The most annoying thing about it was that stupid smiley. It made him want to punch a hole through the to-go cup with his pen just to be rid of it. 
It was as if she was trying to insult him, not just with that idiotic drawing and those empty words she always scribbled down on his cup, but with her whole demeanour. 
She was always smiling. 
She was always wishing everyone a “fantastic day!”
Tommy always knew some people were born with less than half a brain but very few had decided to be as blatantly obvious about it. 
Always smiling, always cheery, always adding messages like these that sounded like they had been taken straight from the pages of some overpriced self help book - or from one of these idiotic motivational instagram pages that would put cheesy phrases over the backdrop of some UFC fighter who would probably subcome to CTE before he turned fifty but he looked tough so what did it matter when you could turn it into an ‘inspirational image’ with ‘good energy’
That entire generation was nothing but a collection of fools living in an echo chamber and throwing phrases like “vibes” and “energy” about, although if he told them that, they’d probably “call him out” for his “toxic masculinity” and “bad vibes”. 
The fact that he knew all these things made him want to curse Ada even more, who had written her second dissertation about said ‘toxic masculinity’, or maybe third - he didn't remember, and to Finn, who only last week offered to ‘connect’ him with one inspirational speaker he really liked who was doing a podcast and really wanted Tommy to be a guest on it. 
He’d rather eat broken glass. 
But like most awful things in his life, that barista was unrelenting.
Apparently she was always the one doing the graveyard shifts, because it was always her handing out his coffee at the drive through in the earliest morning hours, always smiling, always with those stupid useless sayings.
The whole business would work better if their employees didn’t waste time with meaningless scribbles no one would ever bother to read. 
You’re doing great!
As if Tommy Shelby needed a little barista to tell him that.
He knew he was doing great. He knew how far he had come, straight out of the social estate housing in Birmingham to the penthouses of London and New York, with businesses on every continent and a company on the stock market (and several that would never be connected to his or his family’s name). 
Be proud of yourself!
Especially on a day like this with the Chinese business close to blowing up, it made him want to crumple up the cup in his hand, and preferably her idiotic smile with it. 
It was just so unnecessary - a waste of time and energy, even of ink itself. 
But no matter what, he could always count on those few words of writing to ruin his morning. 
Today again. 
You are loved!
He didn’t feel loved, if that even was a thing, not after Polly had been screaming at him for an hour straight, making his ears ring. 
Then again - 
Today’s a great day to have a great day!
What did that even fucking mean?
And what if some other car crashed into his on the way to work and squashed his skull to mush? That would be a sight for the firefighters that would be called to scrape his brains off of the asphalt. 
The next time he’d have to teach one of his rivals a lesson, he should send them something with that saying on first, before blowing up their car or setting fire to their restaurant.
It was funny in a way. 
You’ve totally got this!
He had stared at the writing for longer than he should have, having been up for nearly twenty hours now, running only on stubbornness, caffeine and desperation. 
You’ve totally got this!
Tommy stared at it and thought of the little barista with her silly apron covered in coloured buttons on the side, filled with meaningless slogans and symbols. 
As if putting some logo on a badge would fix things. 
She was only pretending to care about these causes, about him, about all the other customers she smiled at. 
But at least she’s pretending, a voice in his head reminded it. No one else is fucking doing it.
Least of all himself.
These days, Tommy was too tired to pretend, but it didn’t matter, did it?
Not really. After all, everyone was busy, everyone was desperate. 
Ada was up and about changing the world, writing books and fighting causes, trying to pass laws in at least six different countries at once, while Polly was somehow at the Met Gala, the Biennale and Cannes at the same time, hardly spending half as much time in England as she was spending in Monaco or St. Tropez or the Maldives. 
Arthur was already stretched to his limits, in and out of the clinical rehabs Polly and Ada put him in and the church retreats in Iowa that Linda recommended, and talking to his wife was tricky these days, after it came out that she had donated to some politician Ada hated. 
At first she and his sister had been throwing insults, then food, and in the end even fists had flown. 
There was no talking to any of them now. 
Just him, always him. 
“You’re earlier than usual!”, she remarked when he pulled up to the drive way.
Tommy only huffed. 
“Have a great day!”, she told him as she handed him his coffee and a sandwich he probably wouldn’t eat. 
Some days he even wondered if they would notice if he would disappear. 
They would, of course, at least when the money dried up. 
She was doing it for the same reason. He might not like her but he was a fair tipper.
Still, she’d notice before they would. 
Which was - something? He didn’t know, and he didn’t have the energy to think about it. 
London inner city traffic allowed him to glance at what she had written today
You are blessed!
Rolling his eyes, Tommy took a sip. 
So meaningless. So childish. So useless. 
Every single day, like an endless stream of blind idiocy. 
Don’t forget to smile =)
People look up to you!
You WILL achieve your goals!
Today is EXTRA good!
You matter!
I believe in you!
Don’t forget to do what you love 🤍
You do a great job being you!
Meaningless at the best of times, mockery at the worst. 
Countless times he had thought of changing the coffee place just to be rid of her needless pestering positivity, but it was the most convenient spot, besides, doing that would mean he had to concede a reaction to it and to him it was a sign of defeat to indulge fools. 
Still, it was nagging at him. 
This rainy Thursday she had written something particularly irritating on it. 
Not only had she greeted him with a smile “You’re back!” on the first day he had returned from a work trip to Paris.
“Yeah.”, he muttered as he waited for his coffee impatiently. 
As she handed him the cup, he glanced at it. 
People are grateful to know you 
This was reaching new depth. No one in the history of his life had ever been grateful for that. 
Not a single person. 
Even those people who were cursed to love him weren’t. They were grateful for his work and money, but not knowing him. 
Unless - 
Maybe it was the exhaustion, or simply because he couldn’t be bothered to go back to the bank to exchange his change. 
Fuck it, he thought. In a way, he was only doing himself a favor as it would be useless to send someone. 
So Tommy circled around the drive through and ordered some cinnamon roll from her colleague at the first window.
“You again, did you forget something?”, she asked with her beaming smile. 
“Ever been to Europe - “
Tommy had to squint to read her nametag. 
The name suited her, in a way, even if he hadn’t suspected it. 
“No, but I’d love to go to Rome!”, she said as she handed him the brown paper bag.
Tommy noticed the black writing from her pen, but didn’t read. 
“Cash this time.”, he said, handing her a pound bill, and then whatever had remained in his wallet from his trip to Paris. 
It wouldn’t change the world, but there was enough green and purple in there to finance a little trip for a barista. 
He shoved them into her hand unceremoniously and drove off before she had the chance to react. 
If she was smart, she’d hide it in her pocket, but if she chose to put it in the tip jar and share it with her colleagues, that was her business. 
People are grateful to know you. 
She was a fool, and Tommy couldn’t change that, but at least today he had made sure her words didn’t make her a liar. 
It kept raining all through the day, and into the late afternoon, through phone calls and meetings, through Michael throwing a fit and Polly being unreachable, through everything. 
“Tommy,”, Lizzie said, popping her head in through the tinted glass doors, “there’s a woman at the front desk to see you.”
“What woman?”, he asked, taking off his glasses.
“Some girl. She has something for you, something you lost and she refuses to give it to the security.”
Fucking really? 
Lizzie only shrugged. 
“She says its important. They’ve checked her. No weapons. She says she’s fine waiting downstairs until you come down.”
He had half a mind to test that theory, but then he shook his head. 
“Send her up then.”, he muttered. The only thing less appealing to him than having to deal with some stranger was having to deal with some stranger after a long day’s work. 
Five minutes later Lizzie came in again. 
“I can’t send her in here, Tommy - she’s soaking. It’ll ruin the floors.”
He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his strength before getting up to Lizzie’s office.
It took him a moment to notice her without her hat and apron, but her smile gave her away. 
“Hi, so sorry for disturbing-”, she began. “I’ll be right off, I promise, but ah - you made a little mistake earlier.”
She really was soaking, from head to toe drenched and dripping, her clothes clinging to her skin. Still, she smiled. 
“What?”, he asked in utter disbelief. 
Reaching into her back pocket she took out the folded Euro bills he had passed her hours earlier. 
“You always give my five quid - so maybe you got the colours mixed up cause this one’s green too.”
She bit her lip in embarrassment as she handed out the bills to him. Each and every one, green, yellow and purple. 
“So yeah - this is yours.”
He only stared at her in disbelief. 
“Are you for real?”, he demanded to know.
“Yeah.”, she said immediately. “I mean, I’d like to think I’m good at my job, but I’m not - three thousand six hundred and seventy five Euros good at my job.”
When he didn’t take the money, she put it on Lizzie’s desk who was watching the interaction with wide eyes from the window. 
“Nothing we got is that good, not even the blueberry muffins.”
Tommy only stared at her. 
“Anyway, that’s all.”
She was already halfway out of Lizzie’s office, her worn Converse making squelching sounds on the floor, when Tommy called her back.
“That money was for you.”, he insisted. 
She stared at him with wide eyes.
“Oh but that’s a bit much.”
She shook her head. 
“Well, it's too much.”
If he thought her a fool before, he considered her little more than an idiot now. 
When his disbelief kept rendering him speechless she spoke up again.
“Why don’t you put it into your charity? They’ve got a lot of flyers in the lobby and the kids probably really need it. I’ll be alright.”
Lizzie gave him a look which he tried painfully to ignore. 
“I really need to go now.”, she said with an apologetic smile, “sorry for interrupting and sorry about getting the floor all wet.”
“Can I ask you something?”, Tommy asked.
“Why do you always have to smile?”
She tilted her head and frowned, but then - oh wonder - she smiled. 
“I read somewhere once about a man who wanted to kill himself - wanted to jump off of the Golden Gate bridge or something and was already on the way up but he didn’t do it ‘cause someone walked by him and wished him a good day and smiled at him. Made his day and saved his life.”
She shrugged.
“Don’t know if it’s true, but you never know I guess. Anyway, I really have to go or else you’ll have a proper puddle to remember me by.”
With that, she turned and opened the door.
“Have a great day!”, she chirped, the way she always did when he drove off, only this time it was her who was leaving. 
The End
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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septembriseur · 10 months
Professor. I’m thinking about applying to grad school for an MA in lit (the city I’m in doesn’t have a creative writing program and I don’t plan to move waaaaa) but idk what I specifically want to write about (I would be going bc I looove reading and writing about reading and also teaching) what do you tell students trying to figure out what they want to thesis on??
Well, the first thing I tell students who are considering doing graduate work in the humanities is to understand the reality of the impact that it will have on their job prospects. Warning: dream-killing ahead!
Getting a graduate degree in the humanities is absolutely terrible for your job prospects. There is little to no chance that, with a PhD in the humanities, you will ever get a full-time university teaching job that pays you enough to live in an average-cost-of-living area. If you have not read about adjunctification, read up on it! Take a look at the MLA job list and the job ads on HigherEdJobs.com to get a realistic sense of the job market, which is absolutely soul-killing.
Now: if you are going to be fully funded for your degree and receive a livable stipend and teaching experience, I think it’s fine to go to grad school as long as you have realistic expectations about job prospects. If you are interested in teaching composition (especially teaching composition or English internationally) or high school teaching, it’s especially fine.
What kind of things do you find interesting? That’s what you should be writing about: the things that are interesting to you and that you want to explain. Depending on the school, you can do a thesis on almost anything these days. I wrote my doctoral dissertation mostly about the X-Men.
What are you curious about? What do you want to understand? What bothers you?
If you message me privately with more specific ideas, I’m happy to help you narrow it down.
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suugrbunz · 3 months
I’m so excited to see your ship request open again and that you’re feeling well enough to be back from hiatus! I’d love to request a MotA ship if you could.
I was born and raised in Illinois in a small farmer/coal miner community so while I’m Midwestern, I sound Southern (and use words that make others cringe like crick instead of creek). I have a bachelors and masters in military history (concentration in world war one and did a dissertation over tunnel warfare) but work in the customer service realm because I love helping others above all.
Others describe me as bubbly, level-headed, positive, caring, deeply loyal, and outspoken when I see something wrong - even if it gets me in trouble (ie: Steve Rogers getting beat up for standing up for others). While I’m quick to stand my ground and fight for others, I don’t do the same for myself. I am told I have the patience of a saint in dealing with Karen’s or ridiculous people, but I grew up in an abusive home life so I try to be patient and give people the benefit of the doubt.. then when they’re gone, roll my eyes at a coworker and lighten the mood with a joke or two. Like any Midwesterner, I love talking and chatting with others whether it’s something lighthearted or serious.
I grew up playing baseball and watching it (go Cardinals and Brewers!). I love the sport itself but it holds a special place in my heart because it was the only time my Dad, sister, and myself could get away from any troubles we were facing as a family. When it’s not baseball season and I’m not with my friends, I’m out doing some photography for fun, taking a walk, reading a book, playing a video game, or watching a TV drama like One Day or Downton Abbey.
Thank you!!
hi! thanks for sending in the desc. for the ship!! 🫶🏼 I ship you withhhh...
☆ Ken Lemmons ☆
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i feel like you two would meet at a farmer's market, idk why but it makes sense? maybe he works at the farmer's market, gives you a really good deal because he thinks you're cute.
cuteness discount.
i feel like he's very smiley around you when you've first met because he's feeling a tad bit shy but its ok he'll get used to that feeling
you two chat for a bit, he asks what your plans are for the produce you're buying, etc
its honestly just a really pleasant meeting and then finally he just asks if you'd want to go to the county fair with him, as date
and that's your date, pure fun.
he tries to win prizes for you
and some kids that were having a hard time winning a game
so now you and some kids have cute stuffed animals
absolute win for everyone— you're happy, kids are happy, and he's happy to be able to make everyone happy.
ooo and the fair food
i feel like he'd accidentally spill his soda on himself
he is a little bummed as he wore one of his favourite shirts on the date but tries to laugh it off for the time being
after the date...he does not kiss you as he believes it's a bit too early for that.
the first kiss happens about two months after dating
he initiated
its a timid kiss ‹𝟹
hes very gentle tbh
he isn't 100% sure about kissing but when you start to kiss back his heart just explodes with joy !!
Song for you two; Lavender Girl by Caamp :)
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By: Roland Fryer
Published: May 9, 2024
The anti-Israel protests on college campuses present a puzzle for observers of academic norms and mores. Today, even relatively minor linguistic infractions, like the failure to use someone’s preferred pronouns, are categorized as abuse at many elite institutions, some of which even define potentially offensive speech as “violence.” One need not even speak to run afoul of campus speech codes; I recently participated in a training in which we were warned of the consequences of remaining silent if we heard someone “misgender” someone else.
Definitions of “harmful” speech have become so capacious that one assumes they include antisemitism. In some cases, they surely do: A university wouldn’t take a hands-off approach to a student or faculty member who expressed prejudice against Jews in the manner of Archie Bunker or the Charlottesville marchers. Yet that’s what many of them have done when faced with protesters’ speech that is offensive to Jews, even when it crosses the line into threats, intimidation and harassment.
At a December congressional hearing, the presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT struggled to answer when Rep. Elise Stefanik (R., N.Y.) asked whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” violates the schools’ “code of conduct or rules regarding bullying and harassment.” Two of the presidents lost their jobs, but the central question remains unresolved: How could it be that the university is zealous about policing pronouns but blasé about the advocacy of hateful violence?
For someone who prides himself on adherence to fact, reason and rationality, trying to follow the logic of university decision-making over the past five years has been a mind-bending experience. But universities are also political entities, where competing interests vie for influence over the function and purpose of the institution. In the case of the protests, two competing interests have made themselves heard most loudly: students and faculty who are hostile to Israel and alumni donors who see the protests as antisemitic. Caught between them are administrators, who must figure out how to balance these interests without entirely losing the faith of either group.
This dynamic can be explained by economic theory. In the early 1970s, economist Michael Spence introduced the concept of signaling, which has since become one of the foundations of information economics and earned Mr. Spence the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. This seminal concept helps explain how individuals and organizations communicate their attributes or intentions in situations of information asymmetry.
The best-known application is the job market. Employers and potential employees face a situation in which applicants have more information about their productivity than the employer, since the employer can’t directly observe those qualities before hiring. To overcome this asymmetry, job seekers engage in signaling—taking actions that can credibly convey information about their abilities. Such signals include everything from educational credentials to the way the applicant dresses for an interview.
When I encountered Mr. Spence’s model in graduate school, I was mesmerized. My doctoral dissertation extended his work to understand underinvestment in education in some black communities. The basic economics also seem applicable to what’s going on now on college campuses.
The key idea is that the protests present university administrations with a two-audience signaling quandary: Behaviors that appease students may anger alumni, and vice versa. Like a job applicant’s potential productivity, university administrators’ political preferences are hidden from students and alumni, but they may signal them in various ways. They may choose a liberal commencement speaker rather than a conservative one, they may create programs that emphasize “inclusiveness,” and so on. Students and alumni observe these strategic disclosures of preference, and each group decides whether to accept the decision or agitate against it.
University administrators whose preferences align most closely with their alumni will ignore the students and simply do what they think is best, as the University of Florida’s president did when he banned encampments and declared that the school is “not a daycare.” Those whose views align with the protesting students will do the opposite.
But most top administrators don’t have such strong preferences. They will engage in a high-wire act of trying to appease both students and alumni. If students decide “safety first” is the most important initiative on campus, administrators—even if they disagree—will adopt stances consistent with that and hope the alumni don’t revolt too much. If a few months later students set up encampments and chant anti-Israel slogans, then administrators will also adopt stances consistent with that and, again, hope the alumni don’t complain too much.
The congressional hearings revealed that this signaling strategy was at work. The three presidents would risk alienating students if they disavowed anti-Israel slogans and alumni if they endorsed them. So they offered lawyered-up equivocations that signaled confusion and weakness.
Economic theory can explain why the situation on so many campuses has spiraled out of control and why no interested party—neither students nor donors nor seemingly anybody else—has anything good to say about how administrators are handling the protests. But economics can’t address the more essential issue at play, which is moral. Elite universities decided years ago that they would adopt a basic principle: Any speech act that attacks, questions or even declines to affirm the self-understood identity of another constitutes harm worthy of punishment.
I may not like that principle, but it’s now a fait accompli. And if you’re going to punish one person who violates it, you have to punish everyone who violates it. To permit attacks on one identity group while prohibiting attacks on others is worse than hypocrisy—it is profoundly immoral. If administrators had the courage of their stated convictions, if they had principles rather than merely gestures meant to signal their status as good liberals, the most egregious antisemitism on campus would have been stopped before it could snowball.
Mr. Fryer is a professor of economics at Harvard, a founder of Equal Opportunity Ventures and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
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kxowledge · 5 months
what courses have you taken during your MSc? which one was the most difficult? wishing you the best for the busy semester ahead with your thesis work
Thank you so much for the encouragement! It has been…. a lot, but hopefully I'll be able to manage
I’ve taken so many different courses – the (almost) complete freedom to choose courses was one of the main reasons I chose this master programme over others. I took anything that tickled my fancy: Strategy and Technology, Competitive Strategy, Climate Change and Ethical Challenges, Model UNFCCC, Managing Change and Innovation, Strategic Analysis, Business Model Design
I think a lot of the courses in my minor - which is in Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment -  were (the right amount of!) challenging for me, because they were on topics I had no prior knowledge of but which I found interesting: Offshore Energy Resources, Energy Markets, Economics of Fisheries, etc. Many of these were in a seminar format, which helped – a short period to deep dive into an unknown topic, usually culminating in an essay on a specific aspect I was interested in, without heavy consequences on my GPA.
However, what I found most difficult in terms of how much I had to work, and grow, and expand my knowledge, and really step it up to another level, were the methodology courses. I started off with the mandatory methodology course, which gives you an overview of the basics of writing a dissertation. As part of the exam, you have to write a mock 10-15 pages of a dissertation (consisting mostly of the methodology chapter and a short introduction essentially) and I got a B on this. I hadn’t really understood the depth I needed to go to get an A – mostly because I thought of qualitative methodology in a fairly superficial way. I retook the course the semester after and really pushed further (and I did get an A in the end). It wasn’t the lectures that really made me understand how rigorous qual research is conducted, but rather personal reading & another course I signed up for: a PhD course in Advanced Qualitative Methods, which is quite possibly the most significant course I’ve taken during my master (as it ended up being extremely significant for my PhD application). Loved every minute of it, even though it was quite tough in terms of how much work I needed to put in.
I’m also taking this semester a class on communication, and I think this one might be the hardest course perhaps, simply because it’s so different from all other courses I’ve taken. I know I can learn from papers & I know how to write well, so while I am indeed learning in each class, I’m not necessarily learning new skills. For this communication class instead, I really have to improve aspects that I wouldn’t otherwise, such as how I give presentations for example. It has been quite fun so far!
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