#Mary x krel
Mary canonically having a thing for douxie is hilarious because
Mary: Hey carl you know douxie right? Could you set me up on a date with him?
Krel: Why would i set you up on a date with my boyfriend??
Mary: … Your what?
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saysomethingabout · 2 months
Say something about this ship!
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httydfanatic · 6 days
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spectr3ghast · 2 years
Cryptid’s Ship List
cuz everyone fucking asked /s
...will not include dead dove as not to trigger others...
Please keep in mind that I interpret some characters differently, so whatever you deem problematic idrc about, thats not my problem- block and DNI as you wish
Krelake (Krel x Jim)
Polyorder (Skraelroc, Narrael, Forestkeeper)
Steli (Steve x Eli)
Vexando (Varvatos Vex x General Morando)
Morgwen (Morgana x Gwen)
Zantel (Zoe x Chantel {my OC}) 
Warstaff (Toby x Claire {my version of Claire})
Jimxie (Jim x Douxie)
Jim x Krel x Douxie (no ship names that I know of)
Kreli (Krel x Eli)
Douxari (Douxie x Nari)
Douxie x The Whole Order fr
Merlin x a better hairline
Ships I'm Neutral/Don't really care about:
Trolldads (Blinky x AAARRRGHHH)
Shannon x Connie
Clairxie (Douxie x Claire)
Hammer Hunter (Jim x Toby)
Krexie (Krel x Douxie)
Barbmura (Barbara x Nomura)
Strickrot (Strickler x Angor Rot)
Dicrot (Dictatious x Angor Rot)
Zadra x Izita 
Bellgana (Bellroc x Morgana)
Vex x Nancy Domzalski
Logan x Seamus
Mary x Literally anybody
Darci x Toby
Staja (Steve x Aja)
Ajim (Aja x Jim)
NOTPs/Ships I'm squicked by:
Jlaire (Jim x Claire)
Zouxie (Douxie x Zoe)
SpaceCamp/Kreamus (Krel x Seamus)
Stricklake (Strickler x Barbara)
Krel x Any girl
Btw, here's my The Arcane Order Aren't Siblings post
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boomerang446 · 2 years
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Yeah I'm pretty sure that I love them...
Also, are we making the official ship name Krary? Or does the ship name already exist and I just don't know about it? Idk 💙💙💙
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angstshads · 5 years
O P H E L I A • K R A R Y
audio: The Lumineers - Ophelia
show: 3Below
ship: Krel x Mary
channel link
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Hey sorry to bother you, but do you mind tagging for mary/krel? I would like to be able to blacklist it. Obviously not a requirement but I would appreciate it. :) Thank you!
Yup I can do that :D
I’ll tag with ‘Mary x Krel’, until a ship name becomes widely used by fandom and then I’ll tag with that 👍 
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drclr · 3 years
Krel Tarron With A Boyfriend
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Krel met you through Aja
You were Aja’s best friend, and so, you were doing your obligatory duties as her best friend to show up to their house and have suprise movie nights
everyone on the house knew you by now
and honestly, Krel always liked you
you weren’t as overbearing as most other people and you never pushed yourself into his personal space
now when i say Krel liked you
it wasn’t like anything serious
he just preferred you to other people
of course, he thought you were attractive and had a nice personality
but still
he just liked you as a person
but then one day
Aja started talking about how he didnt have that many friends and didnt really talk to other people 
so you asked her how he was 
the more Aja explained it to you the more you understood how truly amazing Krel actually was
by the end of Aja’s explanation, you were in absolute awe
you couldn’t help but walk to Krel the next day at school with an expression of repressed excitement and go “KREL YOU’RE SO INCREDIBLE!?!?!!!!”
and man
your sparkly eyes, your slightly flushed cheeks, your sincere astonishment, your grin
it made Krel’s core do something
a flutter
a squeeze
he didn’t know what it was, but it was something
he just stood there in bewilderment with his eyes wide as he started feeling things the longer he looked at you looking at him like that
you tugged at his little heartstrings
Krel snapped out of his daze and he quickly ducked his head to hide his blush behind his hair and just let out a little “mhm” before passing you and going to class
you knew Krel was often a man of a few words, but you couldn’t help but worry if you had somehow upset him
he never brushed you off like that before, so this felt different
maybe you stood too close or something 
you had decided you were gonna apologize later and silently hoped he didnt hate you
and when you apologized
how his eyes widened slightly, how his body stiffened from surprise, and how his cheeks were coloured red 
you stood there stunned as the realization dawned on you
could it be,,,, Krel liked you-
you cut off the thought before it even fully started, because that’s just ridiculous, there’s no way
suddenly an arm was thrown over your shoulder
it was Mary, one of Aja’s friends
and one look at his face just confirmed everything
and sent you in absolute panic
Mary, who felt your panic, laughed and patted you on the back reassuringly
“relax. hey take your time. this is new for both of you and we don’t know if it will even go anywhere.”
-but i kinda want it to- you thought
Mary leaned closer to you and whispered sleazily “hooo you want it to huh you have the hots for Krel dont ya dont you hohohoooo what do you want to do to my friend’s brother you fiend”
before you could bite back at her, she stood back at full length and looked at you “honestly though? i think you have a solid chance with him”
that single sentence repeated itself the entire bus ride back
and it continued to plague your mind for the following couple of weeks as you were weighing the pros and cons of this situation
over these couple of weeks, you were fixated a bit too much on Krel you couldn’t help but notice how cute he was
his little habits and the little faces he pulled as he played his music were all too endearing
you tried to sit with him at lunch some times and slowly getting friendlier than you usually would
yknow just to gauge his reactions
which you came to discover were also so freaking cute
he got nervous and a bit jumpy and the tips of his ears would tint red
but he never refused you and displayed any type of discomfort
so one afternoon while you two were on his house, waiting for Aja, you decided to ask him out
“Krel, you know   the arcade a couple blocks over? i heard they installed some new games over the past weekend so,, i was wondering if you’d like to go check them out with me. yknow after we’re done with school and all…”
you gulped at the tense silence that followed and wondered for a split second if you should add “haha yknow as two friends buddies good bros hanging out ahah”
as you were stuck in your own thoughts Krel let out a little huff and gave you a soft smile “i’d love to”
you heart went wooOOSH at the sight of his smile
whether he was good or bad at video games it didn’t really matter to you
you enjoy his company regardless and his reactions to the games amused you
and this is something that’ll stay constant throughout your relationship
you love games and Krel loves you so whatever his stance was on video games previously didn’t matter because he loved engaging in something that you loved* and he also knew that you love sharing your interests with him
even if you sucked at one game or the other you could get a good laugh out of him from it and it totally makes everything worth it
you, of course, would engage yourself in what interested him 
it’s a fair and sweet trade
you guys’ relationship would progress kinda slowly but also not really??
like the pace suit you guys
something that can be a little puzzeling with Krel is that even though he’s touch and affection starved, he’s not a touchy person so being affectionate is a hit or miss
he’ll never reject your advances for physical affection cuz you’re his boyfriend* but it’s rare for him to be the one intiating it
PDA is not a thing
like ever
not even holding hands
this is new for Krel and he’s so aware of the fact that you’re both guys
he’d just want it to be known between you guys and your trusted circle
but he knows that it sometimes can be upsetting so he does what he can to make it easier
he stands closer to you, enough to feel his body warmth
when he walks beside you sometimes he’ll let the back of his hands brush yours
yknow just little things that go unoticed to everyone else but it means a lot to you
being in a relationship with Krel just means being in the recieving end of a lot of little things that come together and make it wholesome
Krel gives these small quick kisses out of nowhere that make your heart stop for that split second but then by the time you processed it he’s already gone on his way
they’re so quick and small
its so adorable, really
and he has this Special Look that’s reserved just for you and it’s so so soft and full of adoration, he usually gives you that look when you’re not looking
Aja sees it though and it makes her so happy seeing Krel like this
you make Krel happy
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gotticalavera · 4 years
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Seamus: We not-…
Krel: What’s a drug?? And why we are drug?!?!?
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autoartist · 4 years
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romanceofglory · 5 years
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This was more funnier in my head
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blackstarlight-co · 5 years
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I finished 3bellow like 2 weeks ago and I loved it, my only concern was that krel didn’t become a latin lover, I mean, he had everyting:
king of his planet
savior of the earth
if he no explode his potencial in wizards, I will go and have a serious talk with Gillermo
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uniquely-mystical03 · 2 years
I, like everyone else, like to ship characters together in shows/movies.
Tales of Arcadia is a big example of that, so I think it should be something I talk about.
There are many ships in this franchise that have come alive throughout its existence.
• There are the canon ones: Jim x Claire, Toby x Darcy, Strickler x Barbara, Steve x Aja, etc.
• There are the ones that seem like they were supposed to be canon but were never acknowledged as a relationship: Douxie x Zoe, Krel x Mary, Krel x Douxie, Morgana x Guinevere, Blinky x AAARRRGGHH!!!, Steve x Eli, Zadra x Izita, etc.
• There’s the platonic/familial relationship ships: Douxie & Jim, Douxie & Claire, Jim & Toby, Zoe & Claire, Douxie & Nari, etc.
• Then, there are the ships that probably shouldn’t be a thing due to the canon relationship between the characters, but fanfiction/fanart portrays them too well for me to argue against it
Honestly, there are some TOA ships out there that I agree with and some that I don’t agree with, but everyone’s open to their own opinion, so I don’t make a big deal about it.
Ships seem to be a universal thing that everyone enjoys doing/seeing, so please support the ships you love, and if you don’t agree with a ship, don’t talk negatively about it to a person that supports it.
As I said before, everyone’s open to their own opinion, so… DON’T BE A BUTTSNACK!!!
What’s your favorite TOA ships?
I’d love to see what you guys think!
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A Krary sketch because I had to draw them sooner or later 💙 (this can be taken as platonic or romantic 😋)
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magics-protector · 4 years
First Date Disasters
Krel Tarron x Reader 
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Pairing: Krel Tarron x Lake!Reader 
Summary: After Mary sets the Reader up on a disastrous date with a boy she knows - but somehow never dated - Krel starts to realize that maybe dating a human wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
Sometimes, all Krel needed was some alone time. Away from the mothership, away from the Blanks, away from Varvatos and his sister. 
Away from the stress of being their last hope of getting back to Akiridion-5.
Whether he liked to admit it or not, Krel actually liked Arcadia, especially at night, when no humans were around to bother him. 
The fireflies contrasted the green of the trees and bushes like starlight. There were no cars filling the streets, the lights were off in homes - but there were still shops open. There were only a few humans out walking - they didn’t bother Krel and he wouldn’t bother them. 
Krel liked being alone during times like this. He felt calm. At peace. 
Until he heard something that didn’t quite add up with the calm Arcadian night. 
He heard sobs. Someone was crying in the park. 
Walking into the park, he headed towards the gazebo - the source of the sounds. His paced slowed as the cries grew louder - well louder to him. They were soft cries, one someone makes when they cannot stop crying, when something has hurt them far too deeply. 
Turning the corner, Krel stopped - a variety of emotions filling his core when he saw who was crying. It was Y/N Lake. The girl that had caused Krel to feel things in his core that had never been there before.
She sat there with her hands holding her face as she quietly sobbed, trying not the attracted attention. She was dressed up nicely - like she was out somewhere important. 
The sight of her tears brought anger into his core - why was she crying? Who caused these tears? Who did Krel have to hurt immensely? 
Taking a deep breath, Krel walked slowly towards the girl. 
“Uh, Y/N?” 
The girl tensed. She rubbed her eyes quickly - though it did nothing to mask the redness around her eyes. “Oh, uh...” Y/N smiled, but it was forced. “Hey, Krel. What are you doing here?” 
Krel, though awkward, sat down beside the girl. “What happened?” He asked, keeping the tone of his voice soft - though it was bordering on the edge of rage. 
Y/N sniffled, rubbing her eyes again. She remained silent for a moment, taking in the sights around her before her eyes fell to Krel. She felt calm in his presence - though she could sense he was holding back anger. There was always something about Krel that drew her in - from the moment Senior Uhl asked her to show the Tarrons around on their first day. Y/N had been looking for people to connect with since her brother was always busy with his Trollhunting. But, her feelings for Krel only grew - she knew that Krel would never go out with a girl like her. That’s why Mary set her up with a friend of hers. 
Y/N took a breath and put her hand on Krel’s - the King-in-Waiting tensed under her touch but relaxed immediately. “Mary set me up with a guy she knew.” Y/N said. “It wasn’t going well, I knew that. He knew that. But, when I went to leave, he grabbed my hand and tried to make me stay. When I got loose, he started to call me a whole bunch of unkind names and told me he only wanted to go out with me because he wanted some girl on the side.” 
The rage in Krel’s core only grew into fury but he kept it together. 
“Well, obviously, human males are very lacking when it comes to their females.” Krel uttered to himself. He looked down at Y/N and put his arm around her shoulder. “He doesn’t even deserve to know you, Y/N.” 
Y/N smiled and leaned into Krel. “Thanks Krel.” 
They sat there for a few moments before Krel had a thought. Putting all his emotions together and from he learned from Mother, Krel gathered all his courage together. “Uh, Y/N?” 
“I was wondering...” Krel looked forward, took a breath, and then looked down at the girl. “I know this might not be the best of moments to ask, but... would you... I don’t know... uhh... join me for a... activity?” 
Y/N smiled, furling their eyebrows and tilted their head. She giggled and nodded her head. “Yeah. I’d love to do an ‘activity’ with you, Krel.” 
Krel smiled and rose to his feet. He turned back and offered his hand to Y/N, which she accepted and they took off. 
This was going to be the start of a long and lasting relationship.  
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