#Murtogg & Elizabeth
captainbool-bool · 6 months
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«Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl»
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itismissswann · 9 months
@mvrtogg || continued from here
Murtogg was oddly not out of breath when he had pulled Elizabeth to safety. He wasn't aware she was upset with him, due to the adrenaline in his nerves and rum he consumed. He was however highly worried about their safety, the huge bulking pirate was probably going to be out looking to murder him and that frightened the drunken former marine to bits. He wasn't as good as hiding his worry now that he was drunk. He worried a lot more since he became a pirate. Having gone though a lot of bad things in his life now. The road to becoming a pirate was rough. He was glad she didn't go through anything he had to endure. Namely the floggings from Captain Barbossa. That and the abuse. That was why he drank.
Stumbling around scared, he turned to Elizabeth and finally answered her. "No? I dunno. Wot you mean, like this? Y'mean drinking? Then yes!" he spat at her, not in angry but rather scared annoyance. She didn't know half of what happened to him since they last saw each-other, but he wouldn't tell her about it. Unless she asked. His eyes darted and tried to focus, that's when she spoke again. He misheard her completely before grinning some. "Sleep with you in yer quarters? Thought you'd never ask Miss Swann." A long pause hung in the air and he vcould feel her glaring holes in him. That's not what she said or meant, you fecking idiot.
Murtogg heard the ruckus still, now becoming a bit closer. He was functional enough to have some of his wits about him but not all of them. He was still tipsy as hell. "Please lead the way, so I don't get gutted and murdered." he uttered, now the worry in his voice clear.
"don't get your hopes too high, Mr Murtogg" Elizabeth replied while offering one of her amused smiles. "You better not take advantage of my hospitality." The remainder of the trip continued in silence. Their footsteps echoing into the dark of the night. She had walked these streets many times before, she knew them just the same as if they were etched in her head with a sharp knife, scored in deep like some strange work of art. These were the streets she decided to call home. The entire walk her senses were on high alert. Every color brighter, every noise louder, every stranger a cause to make her heart beat more fiercely still, but eventually they made it to her humble home in one piece. Elizabeth opened the door, a silver beam of moonlight spilling into the room through the window. It entered in pristine silence, igniting every corner. It was not enough to devour the darkness that had been residing in that room, yet it was enough for her eyes to bathe in it and momentarily expand her perception of her surroundings. "Please do come in." Elizabeth spoke, gesturing he could enter. When he was inside, she pulled the door shut and locked it. Soon after she made way to her nightstand to lit a candle. It flickered in that vulnerable way fire does, the warmth comforting and gently warming her features in the cold of the moonlight. The room contained a descend sized bed, neatly made, two chairs, a couch, washstand a desk without any mirror and a small table. It wasn't anything like her previous home, but it was a decent room for sure. Her eyes went to the couch and back to his. "I take it you can make yourself comfortable on the couch?" Elizabeth asked and sat down on the edge of the bed to remove her boots. After she informed him she was going to get him some change of clothes, she left to the room next door. When Elizabeth returned to the bedroom, she had changed into her nightgown and Mr. Murtogg was already vast asleep on the couch. She took in his features with passive curiosity. For a moment she stood there, the silence as pure as a wintry blanket. He look so much more peaceful now. His hair the brown of aged mahogany, rich and deep. Each strand reflected the strengthening candlelight. It was hard not to look at him, for she was mesmerized by his honest appearance. Carefully she tucked a strand of hair behind his ear after laying the spare clothes on the table. "What has the world done to you." Elizabeth wondered aloud and went to bed herself. In the soft white-gold light of the new day, the hues of her room moved from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art. Slowly she opened her eyes, astonished to find a man laying beside her, his bare back facing towards her. Her fingers trailed a path over his scars. She had seen scars like this before, but these scars didn't belong to Will, they belonged to another man. "Who did this to you?" Elizabeth questioned in a hushed voice.
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sophsship · 1 year
Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
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Do not proceed if you haven’t seen the movie yet.
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So, lately I have found great interest in this little saga called “Pirates Of The Caribbean”.
I mean, can you blame me?
This Disney movie saga has conquered many hearts everywhere around the globe, for the simple fact that these movies are really fun to watch, each one taking the audience on a journey.
But let’s start with the first one.
Now, I know that there are many errors and things that do not make sense in this movie.
(Like the ending, who knows, knows).
But it is still truly enjoyable.
The plot is well written, going always directly to the point, in order to never bore anyone with the story.
The visuals are amazing, taking the viewer from Port Royal, to Tortuga (our beloved Captain Jack’s favourite town), to other pirate places like Isla de Muerta and the Rum-runner’s Isle.
The characters all have a stable role and abilities, which we can see growing during the series.
Right from the beginning, one can feel how the dynamic between the Royal Navy, the high ranks of society and the pirates works, Commodore James Norrington being the landmark figure of this contrast.
Elizabeth and Will get kinda sucked in this situation, making her grow, and him finding out something about his past that makes him uncomfortable, but then finds a way to use it to his benefit.
I like the way Elizabeth is interested in pirates, and that she finds ways to get out of certain situations, making her gain the courage to refuse James’ proposal (poor boy) and to go against her father’s will.
I mean, she gets the blacksmith in the end, but I think she really was too “wild” for James.
She had a free spirit and he accepted that.
Then, the crew of the Black Pearl, with charming comic relief characters like Pintel and Ragetti, our great Captain and villain of the story, Barbossa, and Jack also, are basically the definition of piracy.
I love their backstory that adds a mysterious flavour to the whole “pirate curse” concept, which never gets old.
I have to say though, that there are many minor characters that I would have liked to see more during this movie, like Lieutenant Groves, Lieutenant Gillette, Mullroy, Murtogg, Gibbs, and other members of Jack’s crew.
Anamaria was a great character in my opinion, and she should have had more screen time and appearances in the other movies.
And then there is Jack.
What can I say about him?
This saga has made this character one of the best of all time, and I really hope that we get to see him again in a sixth movie.
His cunning abilities and creative ways of escaping have become legendary, just like his precious ship, the Black Pearl.
I really think that the Black Pearl is the best ship ever showed in the entire saga, but I like the other ships, like the Dauntless and the Interceptor in this one, too.
However, everything I can say about this movie, is that ages away from when it first came out, it is still one of the most entertaining movies ever, and I hope that one day we will see all our favourite characters and our Captain Sparrow sailing on the Black Pearl, once again.
Thank you for reading.
Have a nice day!!
“I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest.
It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly…. stupid”.
-Captain Jack Sparrow
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ellena-asg · 2 months
I'm thinking about that moment in Tortuga where James says to Joshamee "So, do I make your crew or not? You haven't said where you're going. SOMEWHERE NICE?!". Yeah, I know he is irritated, bitter, sarcastic, unhappy and 100% a mess after losing his job and everything he had. But...
He is also drunk. Very drunk. And very... alone. What if alcohol makes him more open? What if James' question is, yes, bitter but... also sincere? What if the bitterness is in that moment caused by the bigger pain? What if frustration is caused by jealousy and loneliness?
Yes, I think that James may be jealous (but not in negative way) and damn lonely. Just look at his life portrayed in both: The Curse of the Black Pearl and Sins of the father (cause this book adds so much to James' bio).
His father was like "Pirates are the worst and you have to be anti pirate. If you are anti pirate then you are a cool kid". His society is like "We are noble, we are right, we have money, we serve the king, we obey the rules, we are cool". So James serves and obeys, he (unlike Lizzie) lets society to completely devour him, he has his career and place amongst the people but... not really.
Father abused and didn't really care about him. People respect him mostly as an officer and "fine gentleman". We see no friends around him. Gillette, Groves? Their relationship with James is shown as rather professional. Lizzie? At the beginning of the first movie they don't have any bond with each other. There is mutual respect and kindness but there's no friendship yet. Papa Swann? He is kind to James, sure. But James seems to still feel alone. He looks terribly lonely (shout out to amazing Jack Davenport). In so many scenes we see him standing in Dramatic Pose and looking at other people with these Sad Sad Eyes.
We see him working and working and working. Serving and obeying. Being many people's dog. Still feeling like "not enough" to some of them. Even his love for the sea (and him being a sailor) is somewhere in the background.
And then there is his proposal. He sees that Lizzie is very nervous but instead of "she doesn't like me in romantic way" he seems to have some hope that she will say yes and that he will finally have someone to love (and who will love him back - maybe). But soon he loses that hope. Lizzie falls, he meets Jack again, Will pops up too, pirates now are everywhere...
And what do James' eyes see? Jack isn't like those pirates from Norrington Sr.'s horror tales. Jack isn't evil. Jack has good manners. Jack is clever. Jack has his charm - and it works even on anti pirate people! (Groves and his "Best pirate I have ever seen OMG", Murtogg and Mullroy and their "Why won't we listen to Captain's advice and..."). Oh, for sure he has it. Joshamee Gibbs, a decent person and once a Navy's man joined his crew! And mr Gibbs seems to be happy with his new life. William Turner, the biggest cinnamon roll in the town - he met Sparrow and five minutes later they're best friends forever! And they have fun together. They have adventures together. They do friendly things for each other (Will defends Jack, he is ready to die for and with him!!!). Elizabeth Swann, the sweetest and wisest girl James has ever met, she... she is Jack's friend too! And she loves Will (a pirate!), she's going to marry Will! She is amongst pirates. She seems to be safe and happy with them. Papa Swann, even Papa Swann is now like "Err... I love Lizzie and Lizzie loves Will so I should love Will too, I guess. By the way, James, you can try to hunt Jack Sparrow and his pirates but Lizzie won't be happy, just saying".
Jack, Joshamee and their crew, Lizzie, Will... They all have now what James never had and what he still secretly wants (oh, I bet!). They have each other. They have friendship. They have love. They go where they want and do what their hearts want. They have freedom.
They are like found family having adventures, seeing places and sometimes being heroes to other people (being heroes without being someone's dogs). Being there for each other. Even when they lose something, they still have each other. They are brave in a way James can't be (oh, not yet). Strong, full of hope and so free. Always so free. Always so ready to fight.
They have it all. James at the end of COTBP has only his job and, still, his bitterness for pirates (so as always, nothing nice). James at the beginning of DMC has nothing. He lost ships, he lost career, he lost home and he's alone.
James' father and his society always were like "Pirates are outsiders, you are with us so you're a cool kid". But what if... when James looks at Lizzie, Will, Jack & Co, he thinks "No! THEY are cool kids and I feel like an outsider"? What if such thought hits him hard when he sees Jack's crew in that tavern? When he sees them again, after all what happened to him (and because of them). He sees them and they are like always: together, okay with their life no matter what, so damn strong and prepared for the future. They lose - they try again - they win. He always loses. He's always alone. What if that damn hurricane was a sign?
What if, when he sees them doing their things and when he's so alone and lost and so drunk... what if something inside him finally breaks?
And what if he joins them not only because of Lizzie wanting to help him and finally being his friend but first and foremost because he finally can do what he wants? He's free now (from his duties, from his father's ghost, from his society). He doesn't have to hunt pirates. Maybe he doesn't have to be so salty... He's lost. And he wants to belong. What if he can belong to their pirate pack? Oh, alcohol makes him very open.
So, do I make your crew or not? You haven't said where you're going. Somewhere nice?!
Somewhere nice would be great. Right, Jamie? You crave for nice things in your life. Being part of the pack would be nice, right?
James: Do I belong or NOT?! 😭
(but oh, soon he is sober and he looks like an outsider again, he watches Lizzie interacting with her pirates and looks like "How do they do all that friendship stuff? And... sea turtles? What sea turtles?! What are they talking about? They're so... I can't. I don't belong, I'm afraid. I'd better go back to previous life and..." 😢)
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mvrtogg · 7 months
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@itismissswann said "You know we should save some water and bath together." || can't remember the meme this came from. lol.
"I was going to say the same thing, Miss Swann." the pirate gave a cheeky grin, pursing his lips in thought. The last time he took a bath was when she did. Not together of course. Murtogg wasn't sure if she was being serious or not, be he was. He snorted awkwardly before arching a brow to the lovely lady -- the Pirate King -- offering to bathe with him of all people.
There was a long pause as Murtogg stood up, glancing Elizabeth over. A twinkle of mischief was in his hues. "Only if I get t'help you wash." he teased her, crossing his arms over his chest, attempting to seem very confident in his proclamation. He titled his head, taking off his hat and tossing it to a nearby table aboard the Empress. He didn't start to disrobe or anything, awaiting for Elizabeth's response ... and more importantly ... her approval.
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incorrect-potc-quotes · 4 months
I changed my mind, I also want to know
Jacks opinion on fuck, marry, kill on the villains.
Norrington / Barbossa / Will for first movie
Beckett / Jones / Kraken for second/third movie.
Idk what you do with the last one.
Ok so sorry about the last ask, apparently you can't edit asks, and the button interface on mobile is a nightmare. I'll just combine both asks
Whether Jack would fuck, marry, or kill characters from the first movie(plus Beckett/Jones/Kraken?????) in order of appearance
(Also I understand calling Norrington a villain, but Will is literally the secondary main character alongside Elizabeth????)
Elizabeth(as an adult): Fuck
Gibbs: Fuck
Norrington: Marry
Weatherby Swann: Fuck
Will(as an adult): Fuck
Murtogg: Fuck
Mullroy: Fuck
Andrew Gillette: Kill
Theodore Groves: Fuck
Mr. Brown: Kill
Pintel: Kill
Ragetti: Kill
Barbossa: 1st movie, Kill, 3rd movie, Fuck
Scarlet: Fuck
Giselle: Fuck
Marty: Fuck
Cotton: Fuck
Anamaria: Fuck
Beckett: It's complicated
Davy Jones: Kill
Kraken: Kill(obviously????)
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What are your favorite ships you like to write on this blog?
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I don't ship, I fleet. I really really love crossovers..
But honestly this blog started out as Sparrington , and has now grown to NorriLander ( Homelander x James ), NorrIzzy ( Norrington x Izzy Hands ) NorriWard ( Norrington x OFMD Blackbeard ), NorriKent ( Norrington x Superman ), NorriStat ( Norrington x Lestat ) NorriTogg ( Norrington x Murtogg ), Sparrington ( Sparrow x Norrington ) Beckington ( Beckett x Norrington), NorriBeth ( Norrington x Elizabeth ), Willington ( Will Turner x Norrington ), NorriRose ( Norrington x Rozalia @phoenixduelist), NorriD ( Norrington x D ), and some selfcest with Norrington x Norrington if I can get i lol
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navarchus · 10 months
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LIES, DECEIT, AND VILLAINY. RICHARD MURTOGG. @mvrtogg said: i've got no reason to lie.
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❛❛ you were ! you were spying on me ! ❜❜
FOR ALL MISS SWANN'S OUTRAGE you'd think he'd caught her swimming naked in Lady Edevane's pond, instead of idling ( unescorted, mind you ) in one of the port city's many courtyards, listening to the quiet hush of its fountain as she reclined, feet up, leather-bound book tucked in her lap. but it is the BOOK that she's evidently most worried about, as Elizabeth quickly sits up and SLAMS the purple thing shut, hiding it away behind her back. when her father caught her reading Captain Johnson and Monsieur Exquemelin that was bad enough, but this ? well. let us just say she wouldn't let Estrella take a peak at its pages and trust her DIGNITY to remain intact.
she feigns righteous self-importance and unblemished innocence ( a reliable tactic among James' men ), huffing as she tucks her petticoats back down around her ankles. God forbid a woman have a little bit of privacy in the Caribbean. and she has a rather good idea just who might have sent the marine after her. if it isn't one, it's the other.
❛❛ has Captain Norrington put you up to this ? ❜❜ oh. she'll kill him the very next time she sees him.
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potcscripts · 11 months
Jack climbs up, exhausted. Elizabeth is on her back; Murtogg holds her arms above her head, pumping them. Mullroy puts his cheek to her nose and mouth.
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teatitty · 2 years
Sparbossa Brainrot Part 10: We Did It Lads
Wheeze we finally hit the real actual end of this relentless saga can you believe I actually committed this hard to everything what the fuck
Pintel and Ragetti: betray Jack Jack: keeps them around anyway
Gibbs: points a gun at Barbossa Barbossa: keeps him around anyway
I’m sensing a pattern I think
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Rip to the rum I know Barbossa hid his wine so they would have no choice but to use this instead lol
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Willzabeth trope is them making weird faces in the background. Anyway wouldn't it be funny if this was why Barbossa wanted Jack here so badly
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The ritual: you have to speak as if to a lover Barbossa: does anything that isn't that
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Even Calypso is just "This is the best you can do? I should've picked a different Lord”
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His genuine shock that it didn't work what a way to find out you suck at romantic gestures no wonder you're divorced
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You gotta appreciate that Barbossa just takes the L on this and wordlessly tells Ragetti to try it if he's so sure about how you do it and then Ragetti fucking does. Biggest asset on this crew to be fucking honest
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Kind of an erotic reaction but it has been 200 years of blue balls so ya know what I'm just gonna let her have this moment
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Barbossa doesn't show fear often so him jumping back in terror and clinging to his torch as a weapon speaks volumes on Calypso
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She does keep her word and spare The Pearl and its crew, is the thing. If she really wanted to she could've easily sunk them at any point. Sure she roughs them up a little, but she's a God, it's in her nature to bend her own deals
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Believing Calypso to have abandoned them all, Barbossa, in a rare moment, simply... gives up. He doesn't see how they could possibly win against the EIC without her
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Which is of course the exact moment she proves him wrong and the winds change and he grabs his hat to hold it in place after watching someone else's get blown away lol. Priorities
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Jack was the one to break it to Elizabeth that her father was dead and back then she responded in hysteric denial. So it's only fair, then, that here it is Barbossa's turn to have the pep talk and this time Elizabeth lets herself accept the words
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Something Barbossa himself was not expecting. And this scene is why I held off on saying Elizabeth was no longer a pupil at the same time as Will
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Because here she takes the helm - takes command - the way she has seen Barbossa do: First by cowering those around her with presence alone and then with a rallying speech to unite them all
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Barbossa is the only one looking around him, taking in the effect she is having on the crew and it's this moment that has Elizabeth gain his full respect
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Barbossa is the only one not giving a war cry and raising his sword because he has too much dignity for that but he admires her rally all the same
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No words be exchanged but his choosing to stand beside her as an equal is all that's needed
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Gonna point to this post about my thoughts on Elizabeth acknowledging that Barbossa is the only one on-board capable of sailing this maelstrom
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Beckett said the same thing about Jack and he had his own humorous response so I'm counting this as more parallels between Calyavy and Sparbossa
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More of Barbossa's brand of insanity as he laughs during this whole battle
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Jack's brand of insanity is being concerningly calm while the ship he's on is getting blown apart all while fetching his things and deciding if he should interrupt Murtogg and Mullroy or not and then just leaving casually with the wholeass chest
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The post I linked a little earlier talked about Jack and Barbossa being two of the best sailors, with my Jack example being when he steered The Pearl one-handed. But here's proof that they are also two of the best fighters in the trilogy: Barbossa is a no-brainer but at this point it's kind of easy to forget Jack was on par with him in BP. Good thing AWE is here to remind you by having him hold off Jones one-handed while lugging a heavy ass chest in the other and keeping his balance on the sail
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Elizabeth remembers when Jack told her that a Captain can perform a marriage on deck at any time! I'm not going to post the whole sequence we've all talked about it enough over the years we get it
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In case you needed proper proof of my "one of the best fighters" point for Barbossa, here he is holding off multiple dutchman crew members while holding a wedding ceremony and protecting Cotton so he can keep The Pearl on course
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Biggest Willzabeth supporters. Wonder if they would react the same if Sparbossa did this stuff lol
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He's been fighting Jones by himself for at least ten mins so I don't wanna hear shit anymore about Barbossa being the better Pirate they're both equals that's the point
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Looks into the camera. This is the same pistol Barbossa left him that he then used to shoot Hector in the heart and now he's using it to shoot at another heart. Digest that for a moment
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We had Barbossa being scared of Calypso and now Jack being scared of Davy. Completing the set!
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So many of us get hung up on Barbossa's cruelty and terrifying threats that we forget some of Jack's. So I'm just highlighting this bit for my own amusement
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Jack sacrificing what may have been his one shot at immortality because he couldn't live with himself if he let Will die here, thus proving Willzabeth right that he is a good man first and foremost... yeah
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Jack accidentally saved and returned the monkey but here is Hector once again only focusing on Jack and not at all sparing a glance to Elizabeth once they're on board!
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Middle of a war and they're fucking bickering again these two just never fucking stop
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Even Barbossa is shocked that Jack is choosing to engage in a fight when he could easily run away from it. Where Beckett thinks Jack is waiting in place because he believes Beckett will "honour their agreement" Barbossa knows that Jack is waiting on something and stands with him with nothing more than Jack's instincts to go on. That by itself speaks of an immense depth of trust between them, especially when they are surrounded by an armada and could well be the proverbial sitting ducks
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If you followed my suggestion of taking a shot everytime they do a head turn in sync like this I think you'd just die
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Shall we talk about how Barbossa had no clue The Dutchman was going to show up and be helmed by Will and so was fully prepared to die side by side with Jack and in but split moments supports Jack's orders completely without any questions after seeing what they have on their side?
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Note how no words pass between him and Jack, yet Barbossa takes the helm while Jack gives the orders, a further insight into some pre-mutiny relationship for sure
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Can we just appreciate that while all of this was happening, these two not only snuck onto the ship but got changed into full pirate gear, have no idea why everyone is cheering and successfully get away with it
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No words necessary for this
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Pintel and Ragetti are the only ones who notice that Murtogg and Mullroy weren't here before but they take an instant liking to them so they don't say shit. Instant brohood unlocked
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You gotta love the consistent hat love in this trilogy
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All giving their respect not only to Elizabeth but to Will, and without being ordered to they give her a boat so she can meet him on shore and the final act of respect between herself and Barbossa
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We adore a good callback that is simultaneously an inside joke
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You're not allowed to judge me for the dick jokes I made when this exists
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So couple things here they're very short I promise: The first is that Jack and Barbossa had to sail together for however many days - possibly weeks - it took to get back to Tortuga together without maiming or killing eachother even once and the second point being that Barbossa left him a dinghy this time so he could sail after them. How sweet!
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"Why is it gone?" he asks as if he didn't sail here with the man he's been bickering with for days over who is and isn't the Captain of said ship
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They can still see it on the horizon which means it wasn't that long ago that Barbossa left with it and yet Gibbs is still passed out asleep on the docks. Me too man
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I'm in fucking tears over this bro he loses his ship to Barbossa again and he gets so mad he just comes clean on everything
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And the fucking coup de grace:
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The longing look he gives to the horizon his beloved ship left on
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Barbossa's fucking face at having similar lines to what he used on Jack to get a treasure's location all those years ago turned on him is beautiful
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Clap it up for their 10D Chess game because truly what else can you do but laugh at these shenanigans. Hector isn't even surprised by this he literally just rolls his eyes in irritation. What this also means is that Jack did, absolutely, expect Hector to take The Pearl again he just optimistically believed that his ex would have the decency to wait a few days first
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Bonus: Throughout the movie we've seen Jack, during his "crazy mental states," constantly eating the same peanut over and over again, and here you have. Well. I want to make a Daddy kink joke really bad basically
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ao3feed-undertale1 · 4 months
Pirates Of The Undertale
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52558408 by Cat_On_A_Keyboard Pirates of the Caribbean reimagined as Undertale characters. Currently in development, this is a rough write up of character substitutions and plot ideas. Looking for co-writers/proofreaders if anyone is interested in helping. Words: 171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game), Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Frisk (Undertale), Jack Sparrow, Chara (Undertale), Will Turner, Asriel Dreemurr, Elizabeth Swann, Undyne (Undertale), Hector Barbossa, Sans (Undertale), Joshamee Gibbs, The Riverperson (Undertale), Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean), Papyrus (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Chara's Father (Undertale), Amalgamate(s) (Undertale), W. D. Gaster, Onionsan (Undertale), Undertale Player, Armando Salazar (Pirates of the Caribbean), Murtogg (Pirates of the Caribbean), Mullroy (Pirates of the Caribbean), Royal Guard 01 (Undertale), Royal Guard 02 (Undertale), Pintel (Pirates of the Caribbean), Ragetti (Pirates of the Caribbean), Grillby (Undertale), Muffet (Undertale) Relationships: Frisk & Sans (Undertale), Chara & Asriel Dreemurr & Frisk Additional Tags: Pirates, Humor, Movie Reference read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52558408
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itismissswann · 9 months
@mvrtogg || continued from here
Murtogg was more than relieved to be away from the drunken brothel brawl he had successfully gotten Miss Swann away from. His hand was hurting but he was unaware that the drunken fool had stabbed at him with a small knife. He didn’t see it in the darkness, but what could he do about it now? Nothing, not that he was aware of it anyway. He didn’t know he was even in pain due to the adrenaline he was feeling.
As the pair finally made it to the Governor’s Mansion, he looked to Elizabeth with a small smile. “Are y'alight, Miss Swann?” he said, but before she answered, the change in her tone and proclamation of him bleeding gotten his attention.“Wot —.” he began, looking down to see the blood coming from his white shirt and. He wouldn’t have noticed it if she hadn’t said anything. His redcoat hid the wound fairly well, but she was far to vigilant to not see it.
When she went to lift his shirt, he was slightly embarrassed but now the pain had finally hit him. “Oh hell.” he muttered in confusion, before looking with a lost like expression down at her. The exposed parts of skin she did manage to free, were pale and his head gotten a bit lightheaded. He felt like he was going to faint. He never fainted before, his surroundings went a bit blurry as he managed to see Governor Swann before him. He heard Miss Swann’s concerned voice and pleads but couldn’t make anything outh.
As they managed to get Murtogg into a room and on a bed, his uniform was half off ( well the tops parts ). He still felt like he was going to faint but he fought it the best he could. He felt the pressure and the pain from her hands. He looked up at her, breathing fairly heavy and wincing in pain. “I’ll be alright, Miss Swann.” he managed to say, hand going to her cheek before yelling out in pain. When the professional had came, that’s when Murtogg had blacked out.
He didn’t know how long he was out for, but when he woke up he was alone in the same room. His side hurt and he was shirtless. He was also bandaged up very well. He tried to sit up, but it hurt too bad to do anything. Murtogg froze for a minute, “‘Ello? Is anyone here?!” he called into the emptiness of the mansion.
Murtogg’s skin went ashen and he stumbled forward, Weatherby Swann and Mr. Jones, the butler, grabbing for his arms as he tried to keep his balance. He suddenly took on a pale look, as if he'd been painted with white-wash - even his lips were barely there. She could hardly comprehend why he was trying to comfort her, telling her he would be alright even though he barely managed to utter those words. Her gaze clouded with confusion while she marveled at how selfless he still managed to be.  The moment he lay down on the bed, he crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings. Panic swelled within her, growing stronger into the evening as her mental faculties gave way to emotions. She wanted to jump right out of her skin and join the ether. She felt like a child again, shaking, terrified. The constricted feelings grew, as if she was strangled by just the air about her. That's when she needed to hear some comforting words, words that would inform her everything would turn out fine. The doctor had arrived and worked its magic, stitching the wound and bandaging it properly. He promised he would return the following day to check on him and her father gave his words to keep him in his care until his wounds were healed. The butler escorted the doctor towards the door while her father turned around to face her. Elizabeth found herself on the receiving end of several scolding lectures; her concerned father advised her that she needed to be more responsible. Normally, she would have returned his lecture with substantiated arguments, but this time she endured in silence. Her father was right. She wished she had never left the manor. If she had been more sensible, Mr. Murtogg’s injury would never have happened; but it was no use saying that now.  Elizabeth awoke to the steady patter of rain upon her window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of rising sun. It was still early, so she hurriedly descended the stairs to his chambers, knowing she wouldn’t get caught sneaking in. After closing the door silently, she leaned against it, keeping a significant distance between them. Their eyes met and she was unable to fight back the relieved smile that was curling her lips. “You’re awake, thank god.” Elizabeth spoke in a whisper and fiddled with the necklace that hung around her neck. After a short silence she questioned; “Can I get you anything? ... Mrs Wilson makes the most excellent tea.” The quiver in her voice exposing her concern and guilt.
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Look I needed someone who looked up to the Lieutenants and Commodore as a 4th. I was considering Will Turner but no chance in hell that would make sense. Elizabeth would only be jealous of their freedom. And I couldn't pick either Murtogg or Mulroy without the other..
I should've picked Sparrow..
XP Well, I can see why he'd be your choice when you put it like that!
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potctrilogy · 3 years
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“Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meanings of the phrase ‘silent as the grave.’ Do I make myself clear?”
THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL (2003) dir. Gore Verbinski
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mvrtogg · 7 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: richard murtogg. name meaning: ( richard ) old french name meaning "powerful leader". ( murtogg ) irish surname meaning "mariner" and "navigator". alias/es: rich. richie. mur. eagle eyes. ethnicity: english and irish.
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
he can actually swim, but he's not too great at it.
he can cook and bake pretty good but doesn't do much of it.
he actually did see the black pearl aboard the HMS dauntless on the way to port royal.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
painting / drawing; he loves to paint and draw. he's very good at both.
playing the flute and fife. not all the time however.
making wooden models of ships, animals, and things like that.
eight people your character likes / loves:
james norrington. ( @ashortdropandasuddenstop ).
elizabeth swann ( @itismissswann ).
peri brown ( @lightcreators ).
cleo ( @crainiisms ).
carina ( @starsmapped ).
iggy ( @oddlies ).
mullroy ( friendship only ).
everyone else he's ever talked to. because he likes everyone. <3
two things your character regrets:
not saving elizabeth swann when she fell into the water.
anything that involved mullroy talking him into something stupid.
two phobia fears your character has:
lilapsophobia ( fear of hurricanes ). this came about when he was aboard the HMS dauntless and it rode into a category 3 hurricane.
not being good enough.
tagged by: stolen from the dash. (:
tagging: anyone who wants to.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 4 years
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These days I’ve taken to desperately generating my own serotonin by turning swashbuckling pirates into little kids playing pretend and cruel heartless villains into tired grownups.
(I don’t know if anyone is gonna mind this, but it’s not that Davy Jones has less marine growth than the rest of his crew. I was just feeling lazier when I drew him. And yes, it’s a Splatoon joke in the first image there.)
Some more stuff from Discord (or my brain) that I was too tired to screenshot and edit (warning - text dump):
At World's End is just Jack being caught aboard the Dutchman several days into a fishing trip and being let off at the nearest port town that's a few hours' drive from where he came from. He perceives it as a barren wasteland because everyone is so damn boring and he doesn't know anyone there. There's some kind of ship statue in the square that he keeps shoving, to try and get it out of the ground, while passers-by stare. The other kids go on a road trip to pick him up.
William keeps pestering Sao Feng - the Chinese teacher - to give them a ride because he's the only grownup he knows that has a van. (Or maybe Sao Feng runs the local Chinese place and just tells one of his employees to take the kids along on their next delivery/supply run.) Davy Jones can’t step on land because he’s on parole - he was deemed too much of a public menace on land. More on that later.
Alternatively, they find out that Jack stole Beckett’s wallet, and so temporarily join forces to track him down (mentioned in main post above).
The ‘final battle’ may or may not be the kids getting into a bit of a major scuffle with Beckett, resulting in the latter falling in the sea. Mercer is, at the time, stationed aboard a company vessel captained by Jones and unable to help. He hears of this incident later through a phone call.
Davy Jones can’t step on land because he’s on parole - he was deemed too much of a public menace on land. More on that later.
Jones and Calypso are (pretty much) an old married couple, and the curse was caused by a very petty argument. And it was supposed to be something like only being able to sleep on couches until he apologized (which he refuses to). The fishy thing was an unintended side effect.
Mayor Swann is in no danger of being assassinated, though he and Beckett are at odds over certain business matters. Elizabeth figures Beckett is the reason for her father being stressed out more often recently.
There is a large touchscreen in Beckett’s office that is usually left to display a world map with miscellaneous real-time statistics.
William lives with the local locksmith who’s a friend (or relative) of Bill when he’s not around. They try to keep up with each other whenever Bill gets a signal. Sometimes the Dutchman will make port and Bill’s inbox will be flooded with week-old text messages such as “DAD HOW DO I FIX THIS” “nvm I found out”.
Norrington also finds himself spending quite some time keeping Will company.
Davy Jones himself isn’t a fan of children, but some of the crew members are like “WHERE’S OUR LITTLE BOY” whenever they dock at Will’s town.
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( Courtesy of @dirgeofcerberus111​ and @directorhachi​ )
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