#Not sure if idol Killer's soul and stuff works the same but his soul is currently in the first stage as a heart ^^
prylc · 9 months
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Killer loves cats so naturally, Idol killer probably would to right? So why not make one that idol killer would have?
And if you wanna see the design I made for og Killer... Its over here 👀
Idol AU/Idol Killer belongs to @zucchiyeni
Fun Facts and Bonus Doodles below
Imagine Idol Killer just snuggling up with Streak after a long performance 👀💖
Decided to make the design more sharp compared to patches since idol killer is in a rock band and all
She's still really fluffy though ^^
Don't worry about the spikes on her legs, they're flimsy so it won't hurt em
The name Streak is actually a synonym of patches, Killer's cat's name from another post
I can also imagine Streak being more tolerable to being picked up, just so she won't make idol killer look bad
If given the chance, she'll 100% try to steal anything soft you have though. Eg, stuffed toys, towels, etc.
I feel like idol killer would be the type to be very gentle when interacting with her, in contrast to how he is on stage
Imagine Streak just appearing on stage thooo like, performing with killer. Doing tricks and stuff that a regular cat wouldn't do sjshskhsjs
Streak is also really fast and agile, similiar to patches
If Streak is ever tired of walking, and is not being carried, she might latch onto Killer's leg and resort to being dragged around or hang like a koala. (I'd imagine Idol killer would sometimes just carry her if that happens tho XD)
More headcanons coming soon 👀
Bonus Doodle
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liquidstar · 3 years
I'd love to hear some of your recommendations! And I'm good without any content warnings, but since you're posting this for all your followers to see probably best to add them
Alright sure! I’ll be general then and since you’re just starting out this will sort of be bringing up a lot of really popular ones, the really good ones where the general consensus is “you gotta see this!”, but I’ll also try to give ones from different genres so you have a variety of things to pick from, so this isn’t really a list of personal favorites but I’ll throw in a couple of those too lol, but generally think of this as a handy beginners guide with just a little personal bias.
I wrote a lot so I'm gonna put them under the cut here.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist is a franchise that’s considered a must-watch, it takes place in a world where alchemy is a borderline magical power, but is considered scientific in-universe and follows scientific laws, namely the law of equivalent exchange. Something can’t be made from nothing, to gain something of equal value must be lost. The story follows the story of two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who at the ages of 10 and 11 committed alchemy’s one and only unforgivable sin, human transmutation, in an attempt to bring their mother back to life. As a result, one brother lost his arm and leg and the other lost his entire body, leaving his soul bound to a suit of armor. However the brothers are resolute to regain their original bodies, and the older brother, Edward, joins the State Alchemists, a branch of the military, to try to gain access to research materials to help them achieve their goal. But was that really such a good idea?
Fullmetal Alchemist can be a bit confusing to get into due to the fact that there are two series: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009). The latter is a reboot with a different story that follows the original manga. They both have the same beginning, but diverge paths and tell very different stories. My recommendation for how to watch this show is: Watch 2003 first, and Brotherhood second. Everyone has a different opinion about which is better, but everyone agrees that 2003 has better backstory but a contrived ending, and Brotherhood has a rushed beginning (Because it works off the assumption that you’ve seen 2003) with a great and fulfilling ending. If you can’t do both I say just watch Brotherhood because it will leave you more satisfied and you don’t have to watch 03 to get into it.
For both series the biggest trigger warnings are: Parental death, child death, pet death, war, genocide, dismemberment, religious themes, and miscarriage. For brotherhood specifically: on-screen suicide, and for 2003 specifically: rape (not on-screen) and pregnancy from it. The 2003 series is also a lot darker than Brotherhood which has a more optimistic tone, so that’s worth noting too.
Soul Eater
A show I think is incredibly fun, and a good one for an October watch if you wanna save it. It takes place in a world where certain people have the ability to transform into weapons, and they team up with other people who become their meisters. The characters often travel around, but the main setting is Death City, a fictional city in Nevada based off of Las Vegas but with a huge Halloweentown vibe, and a school right at the top of it called the Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA) where a bunch of kids that turn into weapons learn how to hunt down witches and kishins (Beings that consume human souls). The school, of course, is run by the grim reaper, Lord Death himself.
Our main characters for the series are a group of 7 students. Our protagonist Maka Albarn and her weapon partner Soul “Eater” Evans, a scythe. A loud mouth assassin named Black✰Star and his weapon partner Tsubaki, who has many weapon forms. And the son of the grim reaper, Death The Kid, and his two weapon partners Liz and Patty Thompson, who are twin pistols. There are also a bunch of really lively colorful background characters and antagonists, and the cast of the show being as insane as it is really makes it, on top of the great atmosphere and of course the plot, which just builds more and more as the series progresses. Also Crona is there and we all love Crona.
Trigger warnings for this show include: Child abuse (Mental and physical), manipulation, snakes and spiders (The motifs of two major villains), some very surreal moments that can verge on unreality. Also, in the dub and most subs: misgendering of a canonically trans character. Crona is a character who is non-binary, but the dub and subs use gendered pronouns for them due to general ignorance about neutral pronouns in 2008, though this isn’t the fault of the original series and falls on the translators hands.
Also it’s important to note: that the first 3 episodes are prologues and they take themselves less seriously, there’s more fanservice in them than there is in the rest of the series (Except for Blair she stays the fanservice character :pensive:)
Zombieland Saga
Idol anime is really prevalent as a genre, the most popular being Love Live, but my personal favorite is Zombieland Saga. It’s an idol anime, but it’s also a comedy about zombie girls who become idols. It sounds ridiculous but there’s an insane amount of heart in it regardless, it wasn’t a show I expected to get emotional at but I did! It also made me laugh a lot too. The series itself can serve as a bit of a subversion on what idols are, not just because they’re literally zombies, but because of who the characters are.
Sakura Minamoto is a character who starts off as a more typical idol, a peppy pure girl, as the series continues her struggle with depression gets highlighted. Saki Nikaido serves as her initial foil, a delinquent girl with a criminal record who subvers the idea of pure perfect idols. Ai Mizuno, a former idol who has since undergone severe trauma (The way she died). Junko Konno who has ideals that seem very different on what idols “should” be due to the time period she died. Lily Hoshikawa, an explicitly transgender idol. Yugiri nolastname, a former high ranking courtesan, subvering the pure image of an idol by being a sex worker. And Tae Yamada, a completely nonverbal idol who’s still treated with the same amount of importance as the rest of the team. The premise here really is just that these girls don’t fit the incredibly rigid mold of what idols should be and yet they still all deserve love and they gain a fanbase by being their earnest selves.
Trigger warnings for this series aren’t incredibly severe but since they’re zombies there’s still talks about death and they way they died (Including motorcycle/car accidents, plane crashes, getting struck by lightning, and a heart attack), there’s also comedic dismemberment, as in their arms just sort of pop on and off and stuff like that. The most notable thing is the deadnaming of Lily, the trans idol, by her father, but it doesn’t appear to be malicious in any way.
Note: this series is in the middle of it’s second season right now, if you want to wait until it’s over it should be 12 episodes long and just aired it’s 3rd, so about 9 more weeks.
Death Note
This is also absolutely another series that gets recommended to people right off the bat, and for good reason, this show is an intricate game of chess between a serial killer and a detective trying to catch him, and it’s incredibly easy to get super invested in the suspense of what happens next. The story begins when a shinigami, a god of death, drops his “Death Note” into the human world out of pure boredom. A Death Note is simply a notebook where if you write someone's name in it… They die! And who better to pick up such a powerful object than Light Yagami, a prodigy praised for his genius and academy accomplishments as well as his charm and popularity, and with a very strong but juvenile black-and-white sense of justice, likely due to being raised by a cop.
So naturally Light begins his power trip as soon as he finds the notebook, he intends to “fix” the world by cleansing it of all the bad people, but truly he intends to become the world’s new god. Or the “God of the new world” as he puts it. But there’s one thing standing in his way, a detective resolute on catching him with the codename L. The series entire crux is a game of cat and mouse between these two, as they try to outsmart each other and the murders continue, Light loses more and more of his humanity, L becomes more resolute on catching him. There are more twists and turns than a cheetah race, and it’s honestly pretty addictive to see what happens next.
Trigger warnings here obviously include a lot of death and murder, including suicide, but in some cases it’s a forced suicide at Light’s hands. Also abuse, as Light loses his humanity he isn’t above manipulating and discarding people who love him. And one instance of near-rape on screen fairly early on, but the purpitrator dies before it happens and the victim escapes.
Slice-of-life is an incredibly popular genre, and K-On! is the quintessential example of it. It’s a series that not everyone will like, because not a lot truly happens, and it can be overly saccharine or “moe” for a lot of people, and that’s fine. But I personally think that despite not a lot happening, the story has genuine substance, more than you may gather at first glance. It’s true that not much in the way of big plot really happens, it’s mostly life events, that’s why it's a slice-of-life. But it’s not about nothing. The real theme of the show is the fleeting nature of youth. It’s about how important the friendships you form at that time are, how they’ll stick with you for a lifetime, and how everything comes to an end. It’s sweetness even becomes a little bittersweet because you knew their after school tea time would end come graduation, and as they realize this it breaks their hearts a little, but they continue on, because they’re still After School Tea Time!
The series itself is simply about 5 girls in a band, Yui Hirasawa on lead guitar, Mio Akiyama on the bass, Ritsu Tainaka on the Drums, Tsumugi Kotobuki on the Keyboard, and Azusa Nakano on Rhythm Guitar (Who shows up later). They’re in a club at school called the light music club where they waste a lot of their time just drinking tea and eating cake, but they’re having fun and that’s what counts! The series has a lot of really great direction and expressive animation despite the fact that a lot of it is just sitting around and talking, it’s incredibly visually interesting so you don’t get bored.
I honestly don’t think there are any big trigger warnings I can give for this series, maybe that Sawa-chan can be a little too forceful when she wants to dress up the girls in cute outfits sometimes but it’s usually not presented as too creepy especially after season 1 where they tone it down due to straying from the manga.
Mob Psycho 100
This series is an absolute love letter to the art of animation as a whole, the artstyle itself may not seem like much to look at but the animation is some of the most expressive, fluid, creative, and vibrant out there right now, it’s the type of series that you can tell was made with a real passion for its medium and it’s story. It’s protagonist is Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed “Mob”, a term that literally means “Background character”. Mob is a middle school kid and an incredibly powerful psychic, like, insanely overpowered, but he’s currently working part time for a shady conman, Reigen Arataka. Though it may seem as if Reigen is just using Mob for his powers, their bond is actually a very sweet one and you can tell they care for each other, it’s a very important one at the heart of the series.
The core themes of the series itself are what really make it shine, it’s message is stated as clearly as possible in the opening songs, “your life is your own” and “if everyone is not special, maybe you can be what you want to be”. Put simply, you’re the protagonist of your own life, but the other important message of the series is that all the supposed background characters are just as important. The friends you make, the connections you have with other people and the way they impact you, they’re what make you strong. No one is born special, everyone is just a normal person, and everyone deserves kindness. It’s a series that I recommend incredibly strongly for just how powerfully it portrays this message.
Trigger warnings for this series include kidnapping, possession, a scene with a “man in a dress” joke, and a racist design for a background character. Also (spoilers) a scene where it seems like a child was murdered and a scene where it seems like Mob’s entire family was murdered.
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War!
Hey, speaking of amazing animation, Kaguya-Sama is a romantic comedy series centered around the premise of two incredibly arrogant people falling in love. Kaguya Shinomiya and Miyuki Shirogane are the vice president and president of the student council at the prestigious Shuchi'in Academy, they eventually develop feelings for each other but they’re both simultaneously too proud and too insecure to admit it, so the real crux of the series is the 3D chess they play with each other to try and get the other to confess first. Along with the scatterbrained secretary, Chika Fujiawara, the treasurer in desperate need of Prozac Yu Ishigami, the cast is incredibly fun and they all fit into the comedy great. Every single little game of “do you like me?” that they play is written like the most intense thing in the world, the insane animation absolutely adds to it, making it seem almost like a psychological thriller, the comedy comes from the absurdity of just how much they hyperbolize it.
It’s not pure comedy though, due to a lot of the series being set up around mindgames, the characters are actually fairly psychologically complex with a lot of genuine development stemming from their childhood to explain why they are the way they are. The series may be about mindgames, but the actual narrative frames them as a juvenile way to go about relationships, a way to try to protect yourself from getting hurt because you’re afraid to trust. The entire core theme is that communication in relationships of any kind is the most important thing and you cant replace it with clever little tricks, so the main pair only ever make actual progress when they’re actually upfront with each other. Even if it’s scary to be that vulnerable with someone, especially if you’ve been hurt in the past like they have, the relationships you build off of mutual trust and openness will be worth the risk, and they can help heal you. And one of the things I love about the series is that this doesn’t just apply to the main pair, but it places equal emphasis on the importance of friendship. All the characters' relationships with each other are unique and interesting and they all develop the same way, with trust and openness, and they become better because of each other.
Despite being generally a comedy, a lot of the characters deal with some really heavy things too so trigger warning for: child abuse (not on-screen), child abandonment (again not on screen), anxiety and panic attacks, suicidal ideation- initionally played off as a joke but it becomes very obvious the character in question is legitimately suicidal and in the manga he nearly attempts it but is stopped, this plotpoint will most likely be in the anime at some point as it’s also not complete.
Your Lie In April
Alright I gave you a funny show now I’m going to make you cry. In fact it’s hard for me to type this synopsis because I’m an absolute crybaby and thinking about this show gets me, but I think it’s absolutely worth checking out because it’s a very beautiful sadness. Your Lie In April is a series that follows the stress and trauma young musical prodigies face in their lives, as well as the people around them, and it’s a series about the beauty of music and art, and just how much it affects people. The music in the show is absolutely gorgeous, the way that they convey emotion through it is so beautiful and intricate that it just sticks with you. You feel the music, and you understand.
I’m actually going to give the trigger warnings right now instead of at the end because in order to explain the plot I’ll have to talk about them so tw for: Child abuse (phsyical and mental, on-screen), terminal illness, death, in depth depictions of PTSD, vomiting, panic attacks, the works.
The series follows Kousei Arima, a formal piano prodigy who hasn’t performed since the death of his mother two years ago. Kousei's mother was terminally ill, but she was also incredibly abusive. Kousei has incredibly complex feelings about his mother because of this. The trauma she instilled in him is severe, but because he was a child, he still is a child, and he loved his mom a lot, as any child would, and he didn’t want her to die and he blames himself for not being good enough. He wanted to make her happy, and the only way he knew how to do that was to play the piano. So he played and played and practiced until he was perfect, they called him the human metronome. But he would still get severely punished for being anything less than perfect. He had lost all the passion he once had, and after his mother died it was the final nail in the coffin, his trauma manifests now in a way that makes him unable to play. But all that changes one day in April when he meets a violinist named Kaori Miyazono, a girl full of life and passion for music, she’s someone who according to Kousei “Exists in springtime.” and she’s going to help him play again and refined that love for music whether he wants to or not! Teen drama happens of course, but there are much bigger roadblocks ahead.
Assassination Classroom
This series is thankfully generally more lighthearted… Most of the time at least. The premise is pretty simple, but incredibly ridiculous. An incredibly powerful octopus-like creature is the teacher of a classroom of middle school students tasked with the assignment of assassinating him in order to save the world. The series starts off very slice-of-life as it focuses on introducing the very large cast of characters inside of Class E, also known as the “end class”, but it quickly gains traction and gets a lot more intense as time goes on.
The octopus creature in question, Korosensei, is actually a very kind and genuinely good teacher to all his students. The real crux of the series is that it’s sort of a critique on the educational system, the students in the end class are there because they’ve been ostracized from the rest of the campus, far away in the mountains, to be made examples of. Why? Because they’re students that are considered worthless, instead of getting help they’re only pushed back further down in the system and left to struggle within it fruitlessly. They’re given up on, despite being children with so much potential, because they don’t fit a very rigid mold. That’s what Korosensei wants to help them with, and they’re able to grow as people together. As the series progresses you feel such a great sense of unity for the class, they’re like a family, they stick together and it’s very heartwarming. And watching them work as a team of assassins is so fun!
However the series can get heavy at times too, it doesn’t stray from heavier subject matter at all and i found myself incredibly shocked by it a few times, so trigger warning for: Child abuse (on-screen and off), both at the hands of a parent and a teacher and in one case a parent who is also the principal, misgendering of a character, sometimes as a “joke” but other times played dead serious at the hands of his mother, child death- specifically suicide, a successful one as well as 3 assassination attempts that doubled as suicide attempts by the main 3 characters (weird parallel they all got there huh)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Honestly this is a series that is good to go in blind for if you need to tws, it’s a deconstruction of the magical girl genre, but if you don’t want to know more than that you can stop reading here. If you want to know more, it’s a series that starts off very light-hearted and in tune with typical magical girl conventions at first, however by episode 3 it’s made painfully clear that these girls are being led to sign up into something they shouldn’t. It’s heavy, though not incredibly so, but it’s also a lot to explain in a summary. Madoka magica is… It’s Faust with magical girls.
I’ll explain as much as I can without giving too much away. The story begins when Madoka Kaname and her friend Sayaka Miki encounter a creature who calls itself Kyubey, who says it can grant a wish of theirs and in exchange they have to become magical girls and fight witches. Both the girls are hesitant, but Sayaka wants to wish for her childhood friend’s injuries to be cured so he can play violin again, while Madoka is content as she is and can’t think of a wish. Luckily they have a mentor, a magical girl named Mami Tomoe who helps introduce them to everything. However something is stopping Madoka from becoming a magical girl, a mysterious new student who is also one herself, Homura Akemi, is resolute on keeping Madoka from becoming a magical girl by all means possible, for reasons Madoka doesn’t understand. Things get even more complicated when a rival magical girl shows up, Kyoko Sakura, who becomes Sayaka’s new rival. As things get more heated between those two they discover a terrible secret about the nature of magical girls, and what they truly signed up for.
Spoilers ahead but trigger warning for: Child death, parental death (backstory only), decapitation (off-screen), needles, incredibly surreal imagery inside the witch’s labyrinths that may feel unreal, mind control, suicide, depression and despair expressed by young characters. Also don't bother with Magia Record
The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.
Alright something lighthearted now, there are a lot of comedy anime I enjoy, a lot of series that have made me laugh, but none has made me bust a gut like this series has, it’s absolutely hilarious. It follows the life of a boy named Saiki Kusuo who has psychic powers. His powers are incredibly overpowered, and he absolutely hates them, in his eyes they cause him nothing but trouble. There’s not much in the way of a plot to describe, because there isn’t any, the series is comprised of 5 minute segments surrounding Saiki and an incredibly vast and colorful cast of characters that are just all completely insane, many serve as parodies as types of anime tropes because the series as a whole is very self aware and doesn’t shy from breaking the fourth wall a lot, but the characters surrounding Saiki are what make his life… Disastrous.
Like I said there’s not really a plot to describe but like FMA people may get confused with this one, there are 3 seasons but one of them is titled “The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K: Reawakened” as is a continuation of the first two with just 6 episodes in it. Also for some reason only the second season isn’t dubbed so if you’re planning on watching it that way you’d have to either stop or switch to subs for season 2
The only major tw I can give here is an ongoing joke about a character being into his sister, he’s treated as disgusting for it of course because he’s a parody of that trope but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable, luckily he doesn’t show up much.
Little Witch Academia
Little Witch Academia is a series I personally just adore, it takes place in a world where witches are common and well-known among the people, but the era of witches is over and magic is dying out. However that doesn’t mean passion of magic doesn’t exist, the protagonist is a young girl named Atsuko Kagari, or Akko for short. She’s resolute on being just like her icon, a witch known as Shiny Chariot, as she attends the same magic school: Luna Nova! Unfortunately Akko isn’t exactly a magical prodigy, in fact she can’t even fly a broom, but that’s not gonna stop her, nothing will. Just like Chariot said, believing in yourself is your magic.
Once at school Akko gets into all types of crazy shenanigans with her with her two roommates, Lotte Yanson and Sucy Manbavaran, and occasionally her rival, Diana Cavendish. Akko still struggles a lot in school, in fact her inability with magic is pretty explicitly handled as a metaphor for a learning disability, and though this makes it harder for her she’s still resolute. Though the series is generally episodic, a concrete plot starts to form by the second core. Along with the help of her guidance counselor, Professor Ursula, Akko learns that she needs to unlock 7 “words” to bring magic back to the world, each time she learns a new one it comes with an important lesson to her and ultimately relates back to each of the core themes of the series
The series is pretty lighthearted so the biggest trigger warning I can give is one for bullying, two characters in particular tend to target Akko for not being a good witch and it can really sting to watch. Other than that none come to mind
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taekookficrecs · 4 years
hello! do you perhaps have taekook aus that have an interesting (kind of unique) plot/storyline to suggest? kinda wanna keep myself entertained while being stuck in quarantine :'))
hey :) i definitely feel you and i hope these can keep you occupied!!
I Won’t Fall (in love with you) - orphan_account (( 10/10 | E | 52,444 ))
“You have to promise not to fall in love with me.”
Some Killer King You Are - lethallergic (( 1/1 | E | 55,443 ))
In the game of love, everyone’s a winner.
summer; blue - batman (( 1/1 | M | 66,024 ))
More than you can manage, more than you can hide: a study in light.
you are the top of my lungs - bakkushan (txvbios) (( 1/1 | T | 8,607 ))
"If only we could be strangers again."
Jeongguk and Taehyung get to know each other in a broken-down bus on their way to Daegu. Nothing less, nothing more.
Or so it seems.
Lucky strike - expplipo (( 15/15 | T | 35,735 ))
"You’re bad luck, I’m good luck. Two sides of a coin. Heads and tails. We match.”
(mundane superpower/luck au)
Speed Demon - lethallergic (( 1/1 | E | 50,082 ))
Pick up the pace like danger and ride.
Smell the Roses - bananamilks (( 2/2 | T | 33,276 ))
"Wait, you're werewolves?"
"Lycans, there's a difference."
[or, Taehyung gets lost in a forest in Goheung, but as a result meets six men(?) that will change his life]
Ghost Story - mindheist (( 1/1 | E | 19,729 ))
It was an untold story with no ending, until now.
Inhale, Exhale - Kavbj (( 1/1 | M | 18,156 ))
Jungkook’s not sleep deprived, and he’s certifiably sane - Taehyung just happens to be able to breathe magic.
Read All About It - jvante (( 1/1 | E | 40,701 ))
A star football player and an aspiring journalist fall in love, and make headlines everywhere.
Invisible People - mindheist (( 1/1 | E | 22,792 ))
The most important things are the hardest of all to see.
One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer - zerorequiem (( 19/19 | E | 83,324 ))
Jeongguk is 22, fresh out of college, working a bartending job that was supposed to last just the summer, and unsure about a lot.
Manhattan socialite Kim Taehyung, beautiful and confident, suddenly shows up in skirts and high heels and leaves him breathless.
ènouement - merelypretty (( 10/10 | M | 81,964 ))
Being a fairy prince isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when you’re cursed to die by the age of twenty. A year before his birthday, Taehyung meets fairy hunter Jeongguk, and he’s pretty sure he’ll die a little earlier than planned.
(Maybe I Love You) We’re Too Young For That - kaihua (( 22/22 | M | 153,324 ))
If there’s anything Taehyung dislikes more than writing pop songs, it’s writing songs for Jungkook: rising idol, CF magnet, and one of the biggest douchebags Taehyung’s ever met.
But hey, it pays the bills.
Abbadon’s Waltz - eclairdeluxe (( 1/1 | E | 56,998 ))
Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.
Running on Fumes (But We’ll Make It Through the Night) - littleheichou (( 2/2 | M | 73,933 ))
Jungkook’s a fresh face on the force, destined for greatness like his parents. A symbol of hope for the city that, maybe, will finally overcome the android ‘infiltration’ after decades of turmoil.
But Taehyung? He’s just trying to survive.
It’s on a rainy Friday night that a hot-shot investigator meets the young man being hunted down by some of the most powerful forces in the country and Taehyung may not know a whole lot about life, but, god, does he know about living.
Chemistry - taecheeks (( 11/11 | E | 200,913 ))
“What’s your zodiac sign?”
“Virgo,” Jungkook responds without thinking. He frowns, glaring. “Why?”
“Hm, I can work with that,” Taehyung says. “I’m a Capricorn.”
“Fascinating. Now back to Chemistry -”
“Isn’t that what I was talking about?”
[Or, Jungkook just wants to get his tutoring sessions with the President's son over with. Taehyung just wants to get his cute tutor under him.]
real worlds can be manic too - drawingspaces (( 18/? | E | 234,531 ))
Sex and love are not one and the same but they tend to feed the same animal.
Taehyung doesn’t want much. The Universe, for one. The rest he can take or leave.
beta/theta - antiking (( 1/1 | T | 17,585 ))
In the midst of Busan’s worst heat wave to date, Taehyung makes a bucket list, and Jeongguk’s dreams take a turn for the weirder.
Resonance - rix (( 1/1 | E | 30,676))
Jungkook wonders if the fact that soul-focused battle techniques make people horny as hell is just something the professors politely ignore. Or maybe he's just weird.
sonámbulo - batman (( 5/5 | E | 57,314 ))
One painting, one mission, one hundred days.
admin nj - i had a lot of fun with this one haha a lot of my favorites are here too !! a lot of these are pretty popular but i hope i provided some new stuff for you :)
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litlifelover · 6 years
A/N: Well, this took a while. Sorry for the long wait, my friends. Real life and no inspiration and all that shit ... you know how life is, therefore I spare you all the gory details and simply hope you'll enjoy this second part of Everlark's painful journey to their happily ever after. You're in for a ride, guys! ;)
Many, many thanks to wonderful @xerxia31 for edits and suggestions ... and for making me remember that there's still a story out there for me to finish. Thank you, hon! Really, I would be totally lost without you.
For all of you who missed Chapter 1, or simply want to refresh their memory (it's eons since I posted that first part, geez!), here's the LINK.
Enough of the talking, you're here to read. Don't let me keep you. ;)
Hope you enjoy, let me know your thoughts.
Love, Lit
Read on AO3
Chapter 2 - Tuesday, the Bitch
Tuesday is a bitch.
I mean, literally. Tuesday is the biggest asshole of the seven sisters of the week. She constantly envies Sunday for being the youngest (and prettiest, but nobody is bold enough to tell her that to the face) but on the other hand rules like a dictator over her younger siblings. Only Monday has a little control over her, but that's simply because she's the actual firstborn.
While most of the time Monday is pretty decent, giving people time to adjust to the new week, Tuesday loves to torture them. Ever wondered why the phone never stops ringing as soon as your Tuesday workday starts?
Tuesday is also constantly on diet, therefore whenever she gets the chance, she makes you miss lunch.
And TV? Man, she has the worst taste ever. I mean American Idol? What season are they on now, thirty-seven or something?
What. The actual. Fuck?!
Also, things we know that happened on a Tuesday:
The Wall Street Crash was on October 29th, 1929. It's known as Black Tuesday.
Christmas nearly never falls on a Tuesday; it's more likely on any other day of the week.
Elvis died on a Tuesday.
I wonder if you'd hear brain activity when you put her on an EEG. Probably not, because when Big Deity, or God, or Allah, or however you want to call the Almighty, gave out brains, Tuesday was shopping for shoes or some other shit. When it comes to her, that blonde hotel heiress bimbo seems like the next Einstein.
Oh, and don't let me get started on that annoying sound that's her voice. She constantly sounds like squeaking tires, for fuck's sake.
Do I need to continue? I'm quite sure you get the picture I'm drawing here. You can probably guess, there's no love lost between me and her.
So of course my idiot brother screws her.
"Don't be mean," he keeps telling me. "She can bend like a pretzel!"
Therefore it was very, very, very unfortunate that I had to ask a favor from her. I would rather have pulled my nails off, seriously.
But let's start from the beginning.
After the failed attempt to finally bring the destined souls of Katniss and Peeta together, I promised myself I’d work this out as fast as possible. So, Rogue and I sat down and started research. Yes, boring, I know. But we have to check out backgrounds and stuff like that just the same, to be prepared for what's to do and what's to come.
Well, Rogue does it mostly because he's a nosy bastard, but whatev.
Because neither Katniss or Peeta are spies or any other protected identity, we figured out their backgrounds pretty quickly.
In corner no. 1: Peeta Mellark, nearly thirty, single. He is co-owner of Mellark's Bakery & Bistro, which he founded together with his older brother Ryeland. He drinks his tea with no sugar, always double knots his shoelaces, works out regularly, is a part-time artist. He's also kind, funny and considerate. Volunteers every other Saturday at the youth center, and donates leftovers from his business to the food bank.
All in all he's a goody two shoes with killer abs and a pretty smile. He keeps his honey blonde hair short and sometimes forgets to shave, which accentuates his chiseled jaw perfectly. To top it off, I never saw a man with prettier eyelashes than Peeta Mellark. So, all in all the whole man is very swoon worthy.
In the other corner: Katniss Everdeen, also nearly thirty, also single. After her father died, her mother fell victim to a deep depression and was unable to care for her children. Thankfully, her godfather - one of her father's best friends - and his wife, Haymitch and Effie Abernathy, stepped in. They took custody of Katniss and her sister, Primrose. After finishing college with a business degree, Katniss joined the firm her father and his two best friends had started: AEH Plumbing Co. She decided to learn the trade from scratch.
She works out three times a week, together with her best friend and coworker, Gale Hawthorne. Who - as we found out at that point - is the male part of strawberry red couple. The circle closes.
She's loyal to the bone; sometimes seems rude and offensive, when she's really just straightforward and honest.
With her near ebony hair, silver eyes and olive complexion, paired with her no-shit attitude, Katniss has an effect on people, but isn't aware of it.
At this point Rogue decided we were done with research.
"Background check-ups get boring so fast, Des," he whined while twirling around in the swivel chair of my home office. "Let's start working on them meeting!"
I rolled my eyes at him, writing down another information I got on my fatees (Katniss: slightly allergic to pomegranates). "Research is important, twerp!"
He ignored me and continued his pirouettes with the chair.
When he suddenly jumped up, it was only in the last second I was able to hold onto the table in front of me before falling out of my own chair. Grabbing my upper arms he started to shake me, nearly giving me a concussion.
"I've got it!" he screamed full of excitement, making my ears ring. "You're gonna love it!"
I was sure I was gonna hate it.
"We're gonna make his pipe burst!"
Jesus Fucking Christ?! Was he serious?! I was right, I hated the idea.
Half an hour later - and after explaining that his first blurt was actually not any kind of sexual innuendo for once - I had to admit that my brother's plan had some potential.
(For whatever reason he started to refer to it as Project Everlark.)
Step 1: Arrange for both businesses to have an extra slow day.
Step 2: Make the pipe in Peeta's business kitchen burst.
Step 3: Manipulate the Yellow Pages so AEH Plumbing Co. is the first one to appear.
Step 4: Make sure Katniss will respond to the emergency call and be there ASAP.
Step 5: Watch Everlark overcome all obstacles and join in blissful happiness for all eternity.
Easy as pie, right?
Wrong! Because after some more research we realized the slowest day for both was surprisingly the second one of the week. And that was where obnoxious Tuesday had to come into the picture.
First I tried to shift the responsibility for that onto Rogue; sweet-talk her vagina into cooperating or something to this regard. But it took not even 24 hours for my brother to dash my hopes of not having to encounter the devil's spawn.
"Told me you have to ask her yourself," he muttered around a mouthful of doner kebab, sauce dripping from the corner of his mouth onto his black shirt. Sometimes he really acts like a disgusting pig.
"How can you fuck her?! That bitch is such a nuisance. Wouldn't be surprised if she had all kind of kinks. Does she like to be peed on or some other shit?" I deadpanned, but Rogue just shrugged and continued to devour his lunch. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned to the door to get that annoying hurdle out of the way, my insides simmering with suppressed anger.
To top the unsavory circumstance of having to kowtow, I actually had to visit Week's Wonderful Wellness World. It's the business the sisters spend time at when they're not busy with their appointed day.
I'd rather watch grass grow.
(Okay, I admit, Thursday is a genius when it comes to manicures, really, and nobody gets a waxing done like Saturday. But still …)
I arrived twenty minutes later and the bitch made me wait another twenty for her. When she finally stepped into the entrance area of WWWW I was two seconds away from erupting into Special Effects and shorten the week to six days.
"Dee-dee!" she exclaimed in her fake squeaky-tires-voice and that damn nickname she always addressed me with, grabbed me and air kissed my cheeks. "Friday just told me this moment you're waiting out here, else I would have come right away, of course."
"Of course." The hiss escaping me sounded like a rattlesnake, but I was fast to clear my throat and continue semi-nice, "If you've got a minute, there's a business matter I'd like to discuss with you."
"I'm all ears," she purred, her eyes gleaming viciously, nearly elated, because she knew I had to ask a favor from her. Stupid cow!
"You see …" I started and explained the situation to her, although I was quite sure Rogue already told enough for her to get the picture.
When I had finished I could have sworn for a second her eyes flashed red, her lips turning into a patronizing smirk. It took everything I had in me to keep seated and not jump over the small table between us to strangle her with her own, badly made, extensions.
"So," she drew the word out like bubblegum, hands and knees crossed, and looking downright diabolic. "If I see this correctly - and I'm always seeing stuff correctly - you want me to interfere with the schedules of those two individuals so no one else interferes there? Interesting."
That bitch would make me crawl on my knees to beg for her help, I knew it.
And somewhen, somewhere - when nobody would ever expect it - I would make her pay for that.
Tuesday and I came to an understanding. The second day of the following week she would keep both businesses suspiciously quiet.
What the promise of front row seats of whatever in-designer she named at New York Fashion Week and a pair of Louboutin's newest shoe collection can do is baffling. I owe Cousin Beau big.
Step 1 had been completed, so the following days were spent with planning, arranging and trying to get every possible angle covered. Rogue was, to my surprise, completely invested into the scheme. As soon as research stopped he plunged into Everlark's Meet Cute.
Tuesday - the actual day - arrived faster than we anticipated. My brother and I decided to overlook one fatee each. Therefore I was at Katniss' place of work at the moment, waiting for the call from Mellark's Bakery & Bistro, while he took position with Peeta and his brother Rye.
"It's suspiciously quiet today," Gale muttered at that moment, his head buried somewhere in the depths of a shelf, sorting through various supplies.
"Geez, Gale!" Katniss glared at him, looking up from the book she was reading. Her feet were crossed on the desk in front of her while one finger absentmindedly twirled the end of her braid around. "Now you tempted fate."
Ha! If only you knew …
I felt the familiar giddiness rising within me whenever one of my schemes was about to play out. A second later Rogue sent me the mental "Go", and with a snap of my fingers Gale had the urgent need to visit the bathroom just as the phone started to ring.
"See?" she grumbled after him, glaring at his retreating back.
With her partner indisposed, Katniss marked the page in her book, planted her feet back on the ground and grabbed the phone.
"AEH Plumbing, Katniss speaking. How may I help you?"
Being a deity has its perks, let me tell you. Like right now, when I wouldn't miss the other side of the conversation but simply could hear in with another snip of my fingers.
"Oh, hi. Hi Katniss," came the immediate response. "This is Peeta Mellark from Mellark's Bakery & Bistro. How are you this fine afternoon? It seems we have a little situation here at the shop were we'd need your help as soon as possible. You don't happen to have a free slot at the moment, do you?" His voice was in full charm-mode, even I fell a little bit for it. This guy was really good, silver-tongued and confident and enchanting.
It made Katniss smile a little, and her forest green actually faded into a lighter shade. Only from talking! "Well, Mr. Mellark-"
"Peeta," he interrupted. "Just Peeta. Mr. Mellark makes me think of my father." He sounded like he was smiling when he said that.
Katniss chuckled. "Okay, Just Peeta. You're in luck, we have a slow day here. What's the problem?"
"My pipe burst and now the kitchen is flooded."
He said it so matter of factly, I could tell by the way she bit down on her bottom lip she had to hold back a bark of laughter. A flooded kitchen wasn't something to laugh about after all.
"I can see why this is kinda an emergency," Katniss answered instead, at the same time grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. "One important thing first: Did you turn off the main water-tap already?"
This was followed by a couple seconds of silence, before a muffled call was heard. "Rye! Run into the basement and turn off the main water-tap!" Some rustling and Peeta was back talking to Katniss. "Man, I feel really stupid right now."
Katniss laughed out loud at that. "Don't," she reassured in between chuckles. "These are exceptional circumstances, and the most logical things often don't come to mind right away. Give me the address and I'll be there as fast as I can."
Peeta gave her the details and after profuse thanks from his side and a little giggle and another promise to hurry from her's, they hung up and Katniss started to organise the things she would need for the repairs.
Her forest green soul-color was nearly invisible, and my inner warrior queen screamed in triumph. I loved when plans worked out!
Being totally engrossed in self-praise, I missed Gale stepping back into the office, whistling the Indiana Jones theme. Only when he stopped in surprise after discovering the not so small smile on his best friend's face, did I register his presence. "You look like … wait, how's the saying? Something with the cat and the canary. Or was it whipped cream? Whatev. You look like a freakin' cat who got the canary which rolled around in whipping cream to make dessert."
Katniss paused the packing and looked up, scowl back in place. "What?!"
"You're smiling like a goof, Kat. You never do that. What happened?"
Okay, this was inconvenient, her forest green got a little intenser again. Gale Hawthorne stole all her magic mojo, and I couldn't just watch and let him ruin all my efforts. Once again I snapped my fingers and the phone rang again. Katniss grabbed the keys from one of their working trucks, her cell and the couple supplies she gathered, and mentioned to Gale that she was heading out, which he simply acknowledged with a nod while picking up the phone.
Phew, another crisis averted. Yay me!
I spent the journey over to Mellark's sitting on the roof of the working truck and singing along to The Winner Takes It All, cutting off all my mental connections to simply enjoy my moment of victory. Man, I was a freakin' genius. Coming up with this plan was some really nice work … okay, with a little help from my idiot brother. Even I could admit that. Reluctantly.
The drive took about 20 minutes, and because I was impatient to fulfill my calling, to join the destined souls, to … yadda, yadda, yadda … Katniss mysteriously caught a parking spot right in front of the shop.
Love me my finger snips, wrist bends and blinkings. They really come in handy in situations like these, you have no idea.
After gathering all her things, Katniss exited the car and walked over to the entrance with a visible spring in her step. Even her soul-color sizzled, splashes of orange already flickering up.
"Hello?" I heard her calling into the room as soon as the ringing of the little bell above the door had stopped. Even in that single word was a hint of excitement noticeable.
Just you wait, Missy, I tought. You'll be in for the surprise of your life.
"One moment, please!" the answering call came from the back, and suddenly everything within me froze.
That voice …
"What the fuck?!" I whispered to myself just as the swinging door to the kitchen was pushed open and instead of Peeta Mellark his brother Rye stepped into the shopfront.
His applegreen soul-color brother!
"Hey, I tried to warn you, but you had to cut our mental connection," Rogue chose this moment to deadpan. "Not going to take any blame for this one."
"What the fuck?!" I repeated, still completely flabbergasted, while I had to watch Rye Mellark's applegreen clashing nicely with Katniss' again very intense forest green. No traces of orange left. The shock sat so deep in my bones, I couldn't even follow their conversation. "Where's Peeta?"
"Away," came my brother's voice again from my right side. My head swiftly turned in his direction, and as soon as I saw his face, I knew something had gone wrong.
Something we hadn't anticipated.
But my heart didn't want to acknowledge that yet.
"What do you mean 'away'? That's not possible!" My outburst was paired with a couple sparks flying around me, one even searing a small hole in Rogue's sweater. "We thought of everything! There's no way for him to be away. NO WAY!" I abruptly stopped when a single thought came to my mind. "Unless …" Murderous eyes turned once again to my brother. "Rogue! I swear to all deities-"
"Sorry, Sis," he interrupted quickly, hands raised in a placating manner. "This time I had nothing to do with it."
"Then what-"
"This is completely on yourself, Dee." With these words he handed me a folded piece of paper. As soon as I held it in hands, he took several steps away from me. In the background I saw Rye and Katniss laughing with each other.
Fucking great! My anger flared even higher. It's the wrong fucking brother!
Suppressing my frustration I unfolded the letter and started to read the couple lines in neat handwriting on it.
"Let me explain a deal to you, Dee-dee: Party A agrees to arrange certain things if Party B can fulfill certain requirements. In other words: Next time you ask your incompetent cousin Beau to help out, maybe make sure he gets the instructions right. There's nothing I'm less interested in than sitting in the first row of Valentino's Fashion Show, when Cinna's the one I asked for. And what the fuck should I need last spring's Louboutin's for? They're like, so last season! Sorry, my dear, but in that case: No deal! Wish you a fabulous rest of the week! xoxo, Tuesday."
I had to read this effrontery twice more before fully registering what just had taken place.
My scream - although being invisible and mute for the humans at the moment - made some cups on the counter shake, which made Katniss and Rye stop their conversation in surprise. At least something good came from my outburst. They went back to business, stepping together into the kitchen, but it didn't even register with me.
Later, after I calmed down, my brother told me my aura was actually in flames in that moment.
Fuming, I once again turned to Rogue. My Special Effects were in full swing, my voice sounding like a demon from the underworld. "Explain."
Rogue is a mischievous dumbass, but you have to give him credit for never being a coward, even when facing his irrational, pissed off, way more powerful, older sister.
"So, I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain the Why …"
"Okay, okay," he tried to calm the situation down. "You had just cut the mental connection, when Tuesday stepped through the door, pushed the message for you into my hands and then walked into the kitchen. I followed her, of course. Next thing I know she's blowing her voodoo-sparkles over the Mellark brothers before disappearing again. She didn't even say a single word the whole time. The blink of an eye later the telephone rings. A hysterical mother of a bride. Their wedding cake baker went out of business four days before the reception. Poof, just like that, and took their deposit, too! How could they feed cake to 350 people now, she asked. And because Peeta is a gentle soul, he reassured her and agreed to an emergency meeting, even though he desperately wanted to meet the pretty voice named Katniss. And then Rye agreed to take over the pipe-dilemma. Two minutes later you arrived."
After Rogue finished with the explanation, my hot rage had simmered down to bone deep frustration.
Two minutes. Two fucking minutes!
When the time was right the bitch was going to pay. I had all eternity to plan my revenge.
But first I had to figure out another way to make Katniss and Peeta finally find each other. I would sink with that ship. Everlark would be Endgame, if it was the last thing I ever accomplished.
Awesome! Everything the whole debacle helped to generate was me referring to them as Everlark now, too.
Thanks for fucking nothing.
To Be Continued
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fleurdeliszt · 5 years
this is ALL @abunnycotton ‘s fault. Pls direct all ur anon hate at her 
For those confused, it’a sequel to this https://kimcottonbear.tumblr.com/post/183332179653/so-this-is-all-abunnycotton-s-fault-she-wanted
Also it should go without saying that this is a work of fiction. There's a a lot of bad stuff in here and if you ever meet a guy like this irl, run.
Warnings : emotional manipulation, abuse
“Don't you think that idol from XX company is creepy?” (+34, -1560)
“ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you mean the leader of the new boy group yeah he has serial killer vibes” (+20, -1005)
“YALL MUST be kidding bc that is an actual angel??” (+2070, -12)
“What do i-fans know of Koreans? ㅋㅋ go back to your country instead of leaving comments on Naver” (+17, -172)
“His eyes are so cold it's like he has no soul” (+23, -78)
“that's kind of my type tbh” (+268, -89)
“Aren't those all XX idols? Their company idols are all robots” (+134, -76)
There are downsides to letting you debut. For one thing you're very much in the public eye and it makes it very difficult for him to reach you.
For another it has encouraged unsavory individuals delusional fantasies about how you belong to them.
“they say if you stalk XX gg you will die” (+451, -170)
“lol wtf” (+781, -53)
“you shouldn't be stalking anyone in the first place (+1704, -5)
“No but really, it's just one member.” (+561, -351)
“this is ridiculous you're all idiots, stop stalking celebs and get a life” (+2718, -198)
He turns around.
The same boy who 5 years ago grinned at him carefree and happy now has an odd expression on his face.
He smiles, settling down on the sofa and beckoning the younger boy closer.
To his amusement, the boy merely flinches.
“Is there something wrong?” His tone is gentle, and the wounded expression on the boy's face grows.
“It's nothing hyung.”
Recently he's found it difficult to focus. It might have to do with the numerous articles being released about you.
It might have to do with your rising popularity. Or your recent dating scandal.
Or the fact that you were no longer under his control.
His and your schedules barely ever overlapped and he found it increasingly irritating that you had a world tour coming up in the next few weeks.
He himself had his musicals and various other projects and was just plainly too busy to bother with you, but--
It was infuriating and agitating for things to not go his way.
He would clench his teeth and bear it for a while. But not for too long.
There is another award show tonight.
He's sick of them.
Yet, he smiles at the cameras as he always does and locks eyes with you for a beat longer than necessary.
Lights blink and flash wildly around the both of you as you bashfully duck your face and turn away. He lets a smile touch his lips.
A magazine falls in front of him.
‘Netizens suspect popular boy group member A to be dating labelmate,’ the headline seems to jump out at him. He hides his smile behind his mug of coffee.
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrow at his group member, “What's this?”
“Trashy rumors,” his fellow member sniggers, “But manager still wants to talk you. Don't get into trouble hyung.”
A pause and then,
“It's not real, is it?”
He stands up and walks to the door to meet his manager without answering the question.
You sit there, tears overflowing onto your cheeks.
You have never looked more beautiful to him. He wants to wipe away the tears and kiss the tear tracks, all the way up to your lips. However, there are other important matters to attend to.
Like the disappointed looks your managers are aiming at you both.
“Why are you harassing her over some netizen comments?” His voice is cold.
“You know it's not like that,” his manager hastily assures him, “It'd be fine if it's just random comments. But somebody's been leaking pics of both of you. It looks bad.”
Of course it did. He leaked them himself.
The crying by his side gets louder.
“This is such a bad time to be in a scandal,” your manager sighs,”Couldn't you have been a little more careful?”
“We aren't dating!” You exclaim, “Please explain to them,” you beseech him and he sighs.
“We aren't dating,” he repeats and both the managers give you incredulous looks.
“You're kissing her forehead here,” he points it out at you, and you turn crimson.
“We're friends.” Your denial irritates him to no extent, but it doesn't matter. At least, not now.
“You can release a statement saying as such. That we're really close or something.”
Your manager sighs. “So much trouble over nothing. Nobody will believe this we're just friends excuse. At this point I wish you were dating. It'd be easier to explain.”
“We'll discuss it with the CEO. You'll probably be called soon as well.”
He ducks his head in apology even though he can't stop the smile stretching his lips.
To his irritation, his company just chooses not to acknowledge the issue.
It blows over after a while, like everything always does in the entertainment industry.
It does have added unwanted effect of making your popularity skyrocket.
You're casted on more shows, more collaborations. Your talent is finally recognized, as countless people comb through your fancams to find flaws and instead find an honestly endearing girl.
The nation is smitten.
Fantastic, he thinks bitterly, sipping his coffee.
“Do you think hyung is dating her?”
“They seem close.”
“Do they really though? They barely ever hang out after that news release of him and her.”
“Should I ask her out then?”
“Are you insane? What if hyung knows?”
“What does it matter to him? It's not like they're dating.”
His fingers dig into his palms so hard he can see indents.
It's time for drastic measures.
He didn't want to do it. Not really. He liked maintaining status quo.
You forced his hand though. Quite impudent of you, but that's why he liked you.
Your world tour is next week.
He's at your place, not the dorms, your actual house, where you lived with your parents.
“I didn't know you needed that music file so urgently!” You look bashful,”I thought I could take the demo home and practice a bit.”
“Yes well, it's the only copy so we need it.” It's the only copy because he has deleted other copies but you didn't need to know that.
“Please wait a minute,” your entire face is crimson and he likes it. A lot.
You hand over the USB to him, hesitating. He knows you like him. He knows you want him to spend a little longer at your place. He knows and yet he waits for you to speak.
“Uh- do you want to eat or drink something?”
Perfect. He smiles politely at you, nodding as you disappear into the kitchen.
It's time.
Your scream sounds like music to him and as it's abruptly cut off he sighs. Oh well.
Arranging his face into concern and fear, he moves quickly to spot you lying at the bottom of the stairs, your leg sprawled at an unnatural angle.
He had to actively stop his smile because this had gone exactly, if not better than his plans.
He rushes you to the hospital.
“He was at her place lol how much more proof do we need” (+5647, -234)
“I'm so worried for her, it looks like she really will have to take a break, her leg looks bad” (+1236, -367)
“what a bitch lol inviting guys to her place. Bet he's not the first one” (+657, -200)
“will her concert schedules be okay, I got the tickets after so long now I can't see her” (+749, -137)
He refuses to leave the hospital.
Even though it's him that's the reason for all of this, he feels an unfamiliar niggling in his heart.
It's for your own good, he tells himself sternly.
He's just not sure he believes it anymore.
“He stayed here all night.”
“What?” You almost sit up, but the pain that shoots through your broken leg makes you whimper.
“Don't push yourself,” your leader smiles, “He must really like you, though.”
“He's just guilty probably,” you sigh. “That's just like him though, to feel guilty over things that are out of his control.”
“Do you want to see him?”
“Am I allowed to?” You pout, “They probably won't let him in because it'd cause a bigger issue.”
“Leave that to your unnie,” she grins at you, and you grin back, feeling lucky to be so loved.
“Hi,” he waves at you, a bit awkward, and so very handsome that you blush.
“Hi,” you smile back, feeling like a 14 year old once again.
“Is that… Are you feeling okay?”
“I am,” you smile, “I'm glad I hadn't broken my neck. The doctor said it's a very real possibility.”
He looks alarmed.
“It didn't happen!” You wave your arms at him, laughing, “I'm fine now.”
“But you would have...died.” The last word is a quiet whisper.
You shrug, trying to make light of it despite your fingers trembling against your sheets. “It didn't happen so, don't worry about it.”
He looks at your a moment, and pulls you into a sudden embrace.
“I couldn't bear to lose you.”
Your heart pitter-patters in your chest. He's so close to you, you can feel his warm breath washing across your neck, his large hands that grasp your waist, the lingering scent of last night's cologne mixed with something more him.
“I really wouldn't survive losing you,” he whispers, and your head spins with the implications of his words.
He pulls back, his eyes bright with intensity. “I love you.”
“So they were dating.”
“I'm glad I didn't ask her out, hyung would have murdered me.”
IS this over? Idk.. Did he change in those last few minutes of the story? Uh no.. He’still crazy, hes probably always going to be that way lol unless he gets help. I was really really really inspired by Toma from amnesia (if any of u have played that pls feel free to hit me up!!! Absolutely in love with Shin and uhh Toma sgdjdk pls don’t judge) I haven't had this urge to write in so longgg omg 
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wintryethereal · 6 years
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (1/2)
PART 1/2 (Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph). Let's get into this! >o<
Written in Order of Whichever Came up First While Scrolling
Taehyung AU (Reader's Standing):
Man, I can't relate with being abandoned at a club 'cause I don't drink, and there's no club in my town, but I love how Y/N is essentially abandoned, ha ha ha! Also, poor Y/N, the only person among their friends who hasn't found a soulmate yet and feels so damn lonely about it. :'(
'...soft masculine voice'—bless you, Brea, for describing this scum as feminine.
'It makes you want to scoff, honestly'—All right then, this Y/N is a bit of a bitch, when it comes to meeting strangers in a club. I like Y/N, already. :D
'...back hitting a wall'—Aw yeah, good going, Y/N. Cornering yourself, good shit.
Strong Tae is hot, like that whole wrist grabbing sequence, ooh.
'Excuse me, sir'—My inner Englishwoman accent has been summoned.
Bitter chocolate on Y/N's tongue?? Where did this come from, hm... HM... hm.
Oh wait this is the soulmate bit. NEATO, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! Milk is cool too, I mean, I'm vegetarian. If you bring meat into any of these AUs I will riOT.
Internal screaming holy shit it's the gang they're here hi Jimin my baby TwT
Yas to fun dancing with the puppy that is Taehyung
'Your back is pressed against his chest and his hands rest on your hips'—AERUNAWERAWENURAWO cute yes thank you
More chocolate taste, mm, yes. *w*
Holding hands on way to friends = classic, love it.
scREAMING HE CALLED Y/N HIS SOULMATE YES BLESS THIS AU I mean I don't usually read them, but my friendo-burritos are special occasions, OK??
Physical manifestation?? All right, sure. I'm so confused about this because, as I just said, I don't read soulmate AUs.
Love how the flavour of chocolate changes, it's kind of romantic.
*Sees typo at second last paragraph for 'had' instead of 'hand' and holds breath* Save it, Grammar-Nazi alter-ego, it's just a typo.
Super cute paragraph though awoureraelr
'As though he's meant to stay there forever'—Is just too cute, oml.
It's over? ;w; It's over...
Taehyung AU (Critic's Standing):
I'll say this here so I don't have to repeat myself, but I don't tend to read Soulmate AUs because I honestly think they're a very basic and beginner's way to write fan fiction. But they're also a great way to practice, so no, I don't hate them, I just don't tend to read them. As you know, I've made an exception for my friend. The first paragraph set the atmosphere very well, and easily stated how Y/N was feeling about not having found their soulmate, yet, and how they're just forced to watch their friends, who already have. The creep insertion, while a common trope, was well executed—I especially approve of how Brea described the wrist grabbing and the little struggle Y/N had.
And then there's Taehyung to the rescue, and for a moment I forgot I was reading a soulmate AU, I was confused about why Y/N tasted chocolate for second. Like the subtle inclusion of Jungkook, Jimin and the other guys, and the dancing section where the taste of chocolate changes according to Taehyung's emotions was really neat. I also loved how Taehyung took Y/N home, and their little kissing moment was the cutest. Not the mention the killer one-liner Y/N delivered, at the end. This was a brief AU, but that's often a good idea, for these kinds of scenarios. If I could improve one thing about this, I would have done... nothing. I seriously can't find anything that I would change, in this. Great job, Brea!
Jungkook AU (Reader's Standing):
Ooh, a Big Bang concert!
OOH, bells to signal soulmate status, that's really cool! Also, cute stumble is best stumble.
'bunny teeth'—Yes, Jungkook is a bunny in disguise, I knew it. *w*
YouTuber Jungkook is a concept I would sell my soul to Satan to see IRL
Ey yo, Seungri! \(>w<)/ Feels like a real concert, lol
Oh boy, whispering...
Awwww group waving to Jungkook's camera, how nice. ;w;
Oml Jungkook must have been so embarrassed, standing on stage like that, as a mega-fan. Lucky dude.
Never mind, boy was hyped as hecc
Happy Jungkook is best Jungkook, that was so cute to read.
Ye boys and girls, let's go with Jungkook and see what happens next oml this is too cute aaa
Hi Jimin I love you ;w;
Riot for Jimin? Yes, very possible.
I approve of Y/N's choice of Daesung as their favourite member
Thank you Jimin for approving of Y/N's choice
Jungkook shooing because he's secretly a possessive puppy, cute
'pretty damning evidence'—This is suddenly a detective AU? Nice.
'princess'—Aaand now I'm trying not to squeal.
Good choice of bar over apartment there, Jungkook.
Clasped fingers are cute, yes, thank you
More bells, aaaaa
Soft kiss ;w; Ow my heart
Evolving bells? YES.
Seriously this was really cute, I loved it. I love everything Brea writes, tbh.
Maybe that's just a friendship thing, idk.
Jungkook AU (Critic's Standing):
When the story began at a Big Bang concert, I immediately started to recall every bop they ever made, and it made me so nostalgic and happy. Really nice concert vibe, felt pretty alive, for being described in one paragraph. The first occurrence of the bells stole my heart, I'm a winter fanatic and bells are such an iconic symbol of that season, so I really enjoyed finding out that the little soulmate signal for this AU was bells. Not to mention the little confused looks that Y/N and Jungkook gave to their surroundings before introducing themselves with yelling (because concert, makes total sense) was really nice. I also loved how Jungkook was a YouTuber, that's totally something he could be, if his life went a different direction.
Seungri noticed Jungkook, told the guys about him, and they all gave Jungkook's camera some love was neat, too. They got him onto the stage and Jungkook fulfilled his mega-fan dream of performing with the big boys, that was ultra sweet of them (and Brea, I guess). And the excited Jungkook after he returned to Y/N was so easy to picture, it was great. As I said in the Reader's Standing, is this the same bar Y/N in the Taehyung AU was taken to? It was nice to see Jimin again though, hee hee, and I really liked how Jimin and Jungkook talked about why Jimin wasn't with Taehyung—the struggles of being a famous idol, right?
Jungkook shooing away Jimin was also cute, and how Brea mentioned that Jungkook and Y/N just sat with a couple drinks and talked with a little buzz was nice. Jungkook's explanation of how he and Y/N are soulmates was a nice touch, I really can't get enough of picturing how those bells sound. Small kiss from Y/N to Jungkook was super sweet, and yes, YES, I would love it if those bells evolved into like, an entire little melody, ah. This one was somehow very relaxing to read, I enjoyed it.
Jungkook isn't even my bias wrecker and I want to punch him with a pillow for being so cute in this AU, dammit.
Jimin AU (Reader's Standing):
For some reason the picture of Jimin wouldn't load and I'm immediately a little sad because I don't get to see his pink hair and those amazingly adorable cheeks of his. Not to mention his gorgeous eyes and just AERNUOEWATO Jimin is great. ;w;
Y/N is legit me, but I'm reading hentai manga instead of an 'actual book'. Just kidding, I'd be reading Piers Anthony.
Cool cafe, would definitely go there.
But reading sometimes stresses me out, so... I just stick to Piers and other fantasy others who don't write about female leads, sorry, but I really fucking love men. >w<
Aw yes look at that, his pink hair is peeking through, I wish I could reach into this story and touch it, fuck
The Chim just keeps getting closer... and closer... God that's cute, it's so like him, I love that.
'marches his way right over to you'—AEUROOAEUNCOWEASNLU thank you Brea, I'm dying a little
Soft speaking is so cute, good Lord, bless this AU
I'm just excited to read this for a second time, I love Jimin so damn much, aaaa
Just reading with Jimin would be so nice, that one paragraph had such a quiet feeling to it, ah.
Oh no, he went back on tour </3
I would totally jump up and hug Jimin, sorry not sorry, that man needs so much love for being so cute and... A N D *heavy breathing*
Oh right Y/N does it anyway
Awww yes he hugs back ;w;
Ooh, familiar scent and a long hug, that's definitely romantic.
bOOK HANDING OVER INCEPTION. Thank you for that little nod, ah.
I would probably fit in his suitcase tbh I mean I'm 145cm and he's what, 165cm?? It would totally work out, guys.
Sneaky Jimin putting his number in Y/N's pocket. Wait he's also part of the pervert line, BREA ARE YOU SURE HE DIDN'T TAP Y/N'S ASS A LITTLE? Lol just kidding, but still, nice move, Jimin.
He smells like books, bless
That note was so sweet holy shit
Good ending oh my God that was such a nice ending
Jimin AU (Critic's Standing):
How do I write a formal review, again? I loved the book cafe, that was such a natural place for this to happen. Y/N and Jimin meeting week after week, and Jimin inching closer and closer until he literally comes right up to Y/N and all I could think of was a fluffy puppy running, and it killed me. I really liked how Y/N and Jimin established a quiet relationship, that's like, friendship, and friendship is so nice. Then Jimin left and I felt a little empty with Y/N, and I'm just sitting here thinking about how easily you were able to make me relate to Y/N. He came back blond (I refuse to add the 'e' for a male; I'm Canadian, that's just how the French do things, nothing wrong with the more modern/American way >w<) and had to tap Y/N's hand to get their attention, and then there's that adorable hug that just warmed my heart.
Then there was a very well executed explanation of how Jimin knows he and Y/N are soulmates and how he slipped a note into their pocket when they hugged. And I'm completely serious when I say that I would love to just stuff myself into Jimin's suitcase, ha ha ha! The kisses were also a really nice touch, the note was very sweet, and again, Y/N's last say in this scenario as they gave in to temptation and texted Jimin was adorable. Jimin's explanation and the note really did it for me, heh. I enjoyed Jungkook's the most, out of these three, but this was also really relaxing to read.
OK, that's it, for the maknae line! Onto the hyung line. Thanks again for reading, everyone.
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thepunklounge-blog · 6 years
Billy Tee - DONT DO DRUGS kids you hear!
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So...where to begin? I guess I really started to dream about being in a band at around 8 yrs old, after getting the Adam & The Ants Prince Charming L.P as my first real record and played it on repeat on my tiny mono record player for the next 10 years, but it wasn't really until I found a copy of a Lords Of The New Church ' Live at the Spit' in a second-hand record store in my hometown in '89, that I really got the urge to be a performer. Bands like The Dogs D'Amour, Dead Boys, Hanoi Rocks, The New York Dolls, The Sex Pistols. The Murder City Devils and Iggy all massive influences. 'Cardboard Town' and 'On The Rocks'  by the Dogs D'Amour fed me my lust for the lowlife. I read Bukowski, I drank Thunderbird wine, smoked Marlboro reds and swaggered about in my silver-tipped boots, I was a kid, I was a walking clique, pretty much still am haha,  more interested in the decadence than anything else really , it spoke to my outcast and bullied teenage angst and I drifted quickly into the drug scene, romanticizing the gutter-life and sure enough I soon descended into the same holes my heroes sang about and its taken me over 25 years to manage to crawl my way back out of it.   My first band, a laughable affair named 'Drunken Debauchery' was formed in 93/94, I forget exactly, but, Jesus, what a state that was, we played one show, my first ever show, after three practices, and covered The Anti Nowhere Leagues ' Woman'.We were awful. Amazingly almost 23 years later I had the joy of supporting ANWL twice at the 100 Club with my lot The Black Bullets. After that disastrous first attempt in a band, I stopped for many many moons. Eventually, I picked up the guitar and started doing trash covers down my local boozer. Now I'm not a guitarist by any means, but I gave it a good go, often getting lumped with 40-minute support slots for local punk bands. It was hard work, especially for a guitarist as shit as me. Fortunately, I was picked up by a bunch of gnarly fuckers called Junction XIII, and they were asked me to be their front-man. They played furiously fast and dirty punk n roll and it was perfect for me. We carved ourselves a brief stint of drunken notoriety, toured the UK with U.S Sleaze kings Crank County Daredevils and enjoyed supporting Towers Of London when their manager told us his band were shit and would rather work with us. Of course, that didn't happen Junction burnt ourselves out through excessive drug and drink abuse. I learnt a lot of lessons through my drug idled stupidity, I've learnt to respect the other bands, the audience, other peoples lives, being an arrogant coked up prick won't win you any favours however cool and rebellious you think you're being at the time. I got Junction and The Bullets barred from many a venue. whilst playing a show, swinging from a chandelier and pulling it out of the ceiling is just one occasion. Bands always have highs and lows and we've had our fair share. We have had to replace the original singer, who went to the states and married Kory Parks of Nashville Pussy fame, then replace the guitarist who magnificently has gone onto great things with his own band and to playing for Warrior Soul and Jizzy Pearls Love/Hate. We are currently on our third bassist in three years. Each one awesome in their own light but our current four-stringed wonder, Alice has helped us take it up a notch with her killer live performances. Carl, our drummer is the only original member haha.  Hopefully, this is how it stays. As for highs, there have been many, great, great gigs mostly, playing with great bands like Starsha Lee, Backyard Babies, U.K Subs, Main Grains, The Idol Dead, L.A Guns, The Dogs D'Amour even. Playing on a cruise down the Thames with Warrior Soul has to be a personal highlight this year along with NLC Fest and HRH.  Cracking gigs, cracking audiences. After we are nothing without an audience. When people ask me about 'getting into the business' I normally say 'don't'  haha. Don't let it become 'a business', as soon as it becomes a 'business' it loses its mystic and the fun just gets sucked out, also avoid pouring stupid money into it, money always destroys a band eventually. Keep it D.I.Y never lose sight of who you really are and most importantly of all...DONT DO DRUGS kids you hear  ;) Having said all that, we, The Black Bullets have quite an exciting next few months taking us into 2019. we have a brand new single and video 'When The Devil Comes Knocking' being released on Nov 16th through The Animal Farm Records, which is just a taster for our album due for release in the middle of next year.  We will be starting a pledge campaign for that in January. We are supporting  the  legendary Darrell Bath and his outfit  The Crybabys in  Dec at The Hope and Anchor, Islington and  have a few fantastic festivals already booked next year, Call Of The Wild, Amplified, Dementia Aware Fest in London and we return for the second running, to the awesome up and coming Alice's Wicked Tea Party Festival . We are in discussions with promoters about a possible tour Germany and  Spain again but don't hold your breath ...not with Brexit hanging over our heads like a noose for all of the U.Ks  underground music scenes. Best of luck to all of us! My dream mic...  I have spent most of my singing career using microphones  already supplied by the venues and sound engineers so I'm not particularly knowledgeable on that stuff but if I were to have the money to buy my dream mike I guess id buy a Neumann KMS 105 MT, preferably wirelessly rigged and a custom built , single piece mike stand along the lines of Steven Tylers but id probably  break them in a week anyway . https://www.facebook.com/TheBlackBulletsUK/ https://www.facebook.com/Deathrattle-Designs-Artist-207111725977193/ http://www.andrewsjmccarthyphotography.co.uk/?fbclid=IwAR1QWqrH3mkOFtYGpgUOvYQ-KiorxCRzFwO5MV5AChzjWCmQi-Q8DHq4-i8 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=517342148280641&ref=br_rs https://open.spotify.com/artist/7ki8XQJTuxpX0GM4kgtQ06?si=S_S2q5eyQyGAxcKcGr2krA Read the full article
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