my-life-fm · 16 days
Am 1. November 2024 ist es soweit. Dann kann sich jeder Mann beim Standesamt zur Frau und jede Frau zum Mann erklären.
Ebenso kann jeder Junge ab dem ersten Tag nach seiner Geburt von seinen Eltern als Mädchen und jedes Mädchen als Junge in das Personenstandsregister eingetragen werden.
Voraussetzungen? Keine.
Ab dem 14. Lebensjahr können Jugendliche den Geschlechtseintrag selbst ändern. Stimmen die Eltern nicht zu, ersetzt ein Familiengericht die Einwilligung, wenn dies dem Kindeswohl nicht widerspricht.
ÄrztInnen, TherapeutInnen und Eltern warnen eindringlich davor, dass die völlig hürdenlose „Geschlechtsumwandlung“ den Weg für Hormonbehandlungen und chirurgische Eingriffe ebnet. Schon jetzt hat sich die Zahl der „geschlechtsangleichenden“ Operationen bei 15- bis 25-Jährigen zwischen 2007 und 2021 versiebzehnfacht!
Auch die Niederlande haben gerade das „Selbstbestimmungsgesetz“ abgelehnt. Der britische National Health Service (NHS) hat die routinemäßige Behandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Pubertätsblockern eingestellt. Während auch Schweden, Norwegen und Finnland längst die Reißleine gezogen haben und auf Psychotherapie statt Skalpell setzen, führt Deutschland nun ein Gesetz ein, das nicht einmal eine Beratungspflicht für Kinder und Jugendliche vor der Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags vorsieht.
Vor zwei Wochen hatte eine Kommission der medizinischen Fachgesellschaften neue Leitlinien zur Behandlung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit „Geschlechtsdysphorie“ vorgelegt. Darin werden alle Altersgrenzen für Hormonbehandlungen, Brustamputationen und Genitaloperationen aufgehoben.
Schon jetzt bieten Kliniken in Deutschland Brustamputationen für minderjährige Mädchen an.
Das Gesetz macht Eltern und Kinder zu Versuchskaninchen einer Ideologie, von der nur die Pharmaindustrie profitiert!
Statt zu fragen, warum Mädchen in der Pubertät mit ihrem Körper hadern, weil er nicht der schönen Instagram-Welt entspricht, wird ihnen erklärt, dass sie eigentlich ein Junge sind. Das Gesetz sieht keine chirurgischen Maßnahmen vor, aber es stellt die Weichen dafür! Das Gesetz ist frauenfeindlich! Wenn sich jeder Mann per Sprechakt zur Frau erklären kann, gehören geschützte Frauenräume der Vergangenheit an. Eines Tages werden sich viele Menschen fragen, wie es zu dieser historischen Fehlentscheidung kommen konnte. Warnungen gab es genug.
Das nun verabschiedete „Selbstbestimmungsgesetz“ - oder sollte man sagen: Selbstverstümmelungsgesetz? - wird uns noch lange beschäftigen, mit weitreichenden Folgen. Es wird nur die Pharmaindustrie (Milliardengewinne) und skrupellose Ärzte (dito) freuen. Die Jugend, die im 21. Jahrhundert in einer emanzipierten Welt endlich frei von Rollenzwängen leben könnte, wird es zurück in die starren Geschlechtsschubladen werfen.
Frei nach emma.de
Weiterführende Informationen: https://www.emma.de/artikel/trans-gesetz-ein-historischer-skandal-340967 https://www.emma.de/artikel/alice-schwarzer-es-gibt-keinen-falschen-koerper-340969
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melaeckenfels · 2 years
Wird ein Heilmittel gegen Krebs von den Pharmaunternehmen versteckt? — Quora-Antwort
Vielleicht gibt es längst DAS Heilmittel gegen DEN KREBS und die Verbrecher der Pharmaindustrie halten es uns nur vor? Warum dieser Gedanke nicht sonderlich logisch ist, versuchte ich zu erklären.
Warum nur das gegen Krebs? Warum nicht auch Antibiotika. Denn jedesmal wenn ich Antibiotika nehme, geht es mir ziemlich schnell besser und wenn ich die Packung zu Ende genommen habe, ist es auch bald schon wieder gut. Da könnte man doch viel mehr Geld verdienen, wenn man statt Antibiotika, sagen wir … Zuckerkügelchen … verkaufen würde. Dann könnte man seelenruhig abwarten, bis eine Bronchtis…
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flashlivede · 9 months
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nbgblatt · 9 months
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datenarche · 1 year
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coachlemmi · 1 year
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Dieses #Phänomen kenne ich als #Personaltrainer nur zu gut! Es fällt den meisten Menschen schwer den gesünderen Weg zu gehen, sie nehmen lieber #Pillen von der #Pharmaindustrie oder lassen sich #operieren 😢 Zu welcher Kategorie Mensch gehörst Du..? Liebe Grüße von eurem Personal Gesundheitstrainer Coach Lemmi 😎 (hier: Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp45Hc5oizM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scotwin · 10 days
Best Pharmaceutical Company in Sirmour
Welcome to Scotwin Healthcare, your trusted partner in health and wellness. As the best pharmaceutical company in Sirmour, we are committed to excellence in delivering high-quality and innovative healthcare solutions. With a relentless focus on research, development, and customer satisfaction, Scotwin Healthcare strives to make a positive impact on the lives we touch. Our unwavering dedication to integrity, quality, and affordability sets us apart as a leading force in the pharmaceutical industry. Discover a healthier tomorrow with Scotwin Healthcare – where your well-being is our priority.
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white-fledermaus4 · 2 months
Wie soll man da noch leben können?
Wenn selbst die Medikamente auf die man täglich angewiesen ist jetzt nicht mehr von der Krankenkasse gezahlt werden und man doch eh schon NICHTS hat?!
Wie soll man die dann auch noch zahlen??
Oder soll man es eben einfach so hin nehmen und versuchen ohne diese Medikamente zu leben und die extreme Verschlechterung der lebensqualität dann einfach akzeptieren, - im Zweifel sich die Haut vom Körper kratzen, keine Luft mehr bekommen, nachts erstrecht nicht mehr schlafen können und vieles mehr..???
Was soll man nur tun, wenn einem derart die Hände gebunden sind finanziell und man sowieso schon jeden Tag unter existenzängsten leidet?
Und dann soll man aber glücklich durchs Leben gehen und wird blöd angemacht wenn man depressiv ist, ständig aus dem Nichts zu weinen beginnt weil man so verzweifelt ist...
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mikyit · 1 year
What is #healthcare 🩺 #AI 🤖🧠? #HealthcareAI is the application of #ArtificialIntelligence to #MedicalServices and the #administration or delivery of medical services. #MachineLearning (#ML), large and often unstructured #datasets, advanced #sensors, #NaturalLanguageProcessing (#NLP) and #robotics are all being used in a growing number of healthcare sectors. ___💥___The 10 areas of AI applied to Healthcare: 1. Healthcare administration 🧑‍💼 2. Public health 🏛️ 3. Medical research 🔬 4. Medical training 👩‍🏫 5. Medical professional support 🧑‍⚕️ 6. Patient engagement 😷 7. Remote medicine 💻 8. Diagnostics 🧪 9. Surgery 🥼 10. Hospital care 🏥
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amaliasnap · 1 year
"I wish people would realize others don't fake anxiety and depression. --they fake being okay"
I wish I could find the Tumblr account that said that to reblog.
Just wanted to say they DO "fake" physical disorders and other social issues to AVOID talking about the root cause, bc there is such a stigma surrounding mental illness.
That's what munchausen syndrome basically amounts to, you fake being sick bc "you can't admit you are mentally ill". Not even to yourself.
From personal experience with my own family members, it is hard to tell where the boundary between mental illness and physical illness lies.
But that makes it harder for people who have that physical illness because it will eventually be obvious that some people are faking it.
Also malingering is when you fake illness for financial gain OR to get certain drug (like pain medicine)
And munchausen syndrome is where the motive is anything else.
People do not fake being mentally ill, but they will fake any number of physical illnesses, (or even a different mental illness in some rare cases), to avoid admitting they have been traumatized or what-have-you.
And there isn't really a treatment plan or diagnosis criterium for those things-- I would guess because the profit motive isn't there--but I would like to know if there are other barriers of which I am just unaware?
I'm not a trained health professional so maybe there are barriers in the way you can ethically treat patients-- where crossing that ethical line is worse than allowing this problem to be a silent one?
Best wishes to anyone who has family members like this, bc I ALWAYS question any health problem I have.... Just because I've seen people lie to themselves about this stuff. I'm low key gaslighting myself basically. "Maybe I'm not sick and I just am crazy"
No! You have a normal cold! Allow yourself to be human!
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jyotithakur · 2 years
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vrinda · 17 hours
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vjinstruments426 · 1 day
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: The Plethysmometer, Tablet Coater, and Rapid Dryer
In the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceutical manufacturing, efficiency, precision, and quality are paramount. Three groundbreaking technologies— the Plethysmometer, Tablet Coater, and Rapid Dryer—have revolutionized various stages of pharmaceutical production, enhancing productivity and ensuring superior drug delivery systems.
The Plethysmometer stands as a cornerstone in respiratory research, offering precise measurements of lung function. By utilizing advanced sensor technology, it accurately assesses parameters such as tidal volume, respiratory rate, and airflow resistance. This enables researchers to evaluate the efficacy of respiratory medications, study disease progression, and develop novel therapeutic interventions. With its ability to provide real-time data and streamline experimentation processes, the Plethysmometer significantly accelerates drug discovery and development efforts in respiratory medicine.
Tablet coating plays a crucial role in enhancing the stability, appearance, and performance of oral solid dosage forms. Modern tablet coaters employ sophisticated coating techniques, such as pan coating and fluidized bed coating, to achieve uniform and controlled coating thickness. Through precise regulation of spray rate, drying parameters, and coating composition, these systems ensure the uniform distribution of active ingredients and improve drug release profiles. Furthermore, tablet coaters facilitate the incorporation of functional coatings, such as enteric coatings and taste-masking agents, enhancing patient compliance and therapeutic outcomes.
In the realm of pharmaceutical drying technologies, the Rapid Dryer emerges as a game-changer in the production of solid dosage forms. By employing innovative drying mechanisms, such as microwave, infrared, or superheated air, Rapid Dryers expedite the drying process while preserving the integrity of sensitive active ingredients. This not only reduces cycle times but also minimizes the risk of product degradation and ensures batch-to-batch consistency. With its ability to handle a wide range of formulations and optimize energy consumption, the Rapid Dryer epitomizes efficiency and reliability in pharmaceutical drying operations.
In conclusion, the Plethysmometer, Tablet Coater, and Rapid Dryer epitomize the relentless pursuit of excellence in pharmaceutical manufacturing. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and engineering precision, these innovations empower researchers and manufacturers to deliver safe, effective, and high-quality medications to patients worldwide.
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veeremedies · 3 days
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Presenting NTC EYE DROPS
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yashblower · 3 days
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"Experience the power of precision with our high vacuum pump. Elevate your processes to new heights of #efficiency and #reliability"!
🌐 www.yashblower.com ☎️ +91 9971006400
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delvenservices · 6 days
Immunotherapy Drugs Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2030
Immunotherapy Drugs Market research report deals with many parameters in depth to satisfy the requirements of business or clients. Moreover, it also displays all the information including market definition, classifications, key developments, applications, and engagements along with the detailed actions of key players with respect to product launches, joint ventures, developments, mergers and acquisitions and effects of the same in terms of sales, import, export, revenue and CAGR values. A team of experienced and consummate market research professionals persistently track key industries to spot key developments, unmet needs and possible growth opportunities.
Immunotherapy Drugs Market, By Drug Type (Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunomodulators), By Indication (Infectious Diseases, Cancer) and by Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America). The global Immunotherapy Drugs Market size is projected to reach a CAGR of 11.7% from 2023-2030.
Download Free Sample Report at: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/immunotherapy-drugs-market
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Immunotherapy drugs are used to enhance or suppress the immune system of the body. They are mostly used in the treatment of cancer and act by stimulating the immune system of the body and generating an immune response aiding the production of antibodies. Antibodies produced against antigens kill the cancerous or tumour cells.
The global immunotherapy market is driven by the increasing adoption of targeted therapies, the increase in the life span of patients, and the high prevalence of lifestyle diseases. Furthermore, rapid approval of drugs and reduction in the recurrence of diseases propel market growth. Additionally, immunotherapy as an alternative to chemotherapy and the use of immunotherapy as the first line of drug for the treatment of cancer provide growth opportunities for the market players shortly.
Immunotherapy Drugs Market Competitive Landscape:
Amgen, Inc.
Novartis AG
AbbVie, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
Bayer AG
Immunotherapy Drugs Market Recent Developments:
August 29, 2022 - AbbVie Showcases New Analyses and Real-World Data Across Multiple Immune-Mediated Skin Diseases at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV).
August 24, 2022 - AbbVie announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of IMBRUVICA® (ibrutinib) for the treatment of paediatric patients one year and older with chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD) after the failure of one or more lines of systemic therapy.
Immunotherapy Drugs Market Key Findings:
Immunotherapy drugs are used to enhance or suppress the immune system of the body. They are mostly used in the treatment of cancer and act by stimulating the immune system of the body and generating an immune response aiding the production of antibodies. Antibodies produced against antigens kill the cancerous or tumour cells.
The indication segment is further fragmented into Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Infectious Diseases, and Others. The cancer segment accounted for the largest revenue share owing to the increased prevalence of cancer, coupled with a rise in the launch of cancer immunotherapies.
The drug type segment is further fragmented into monoclonal antibodies, immunomodulators, and vaccines. The monoclonal antibodies segment accounted for the largest share owing to increased R&D in therapeutic monoclonal antibodies coupled with supportive government initiatives.
The market is also divided into various regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East and Africa. North America dominated the global industry and accounted for the largest share of the overall revenue. The launch and regulatory approval of new immunotherapy drugs and favourable reimbursement policies are projected to aid in the region’s growth.
Immunotherapy Drugs Market Regional Analysis:
North America to Dominate the Market
North America dominated the global industry and accounted for the largest share of the overall revenue.
The launch and regulatory approval of new immunotherapy drugs and favourable reimbursement policies are projected to aid in the region’s growth.
Make an Inquiry Before Buying at: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/immunotherapy-drugs-market
Scope of the Immunotherapy Drugs Market Report:
Immunotherapy Drugs Market is segmented into various segments such as drug type, indication, and region:
On the basis of drug type
Monoclonal Antibodies
On the basis of the indication
Autoimmune Diseases
Infectious Diseases
On the basis of region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the years considered to study Immunotherapy Drugs Market?
What is the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of the Immunotherapy Drugs Market?
Which region holds the largest market share in Immunotherapy Drugs Market?
Who are the major players in Immunotherapy Drugs Market?
Direct Purchase of the Immunotherapy Drugs Market Research Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/immunotherapy-drugs-market
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