theatsthetic · 8 months
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ACETRONAUT! a sci-fi series pitchbook.
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otiskeene · 2 months
PitchBook Launches Global VC Ecosystem Dashboard To Rank Worlds Top Startup Cities
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PitchBook, a top data provider for private and public equity markets, just launched The Global VC Ecosystem Dashboard. This tool ranks the best startup cities worldwide using PitchBook data and methodology from the PitchBook Institutional Research Group. It gives a fresh ranking system for the size, maturity, and growth rates of VC ecosystems in major cities around the globe.
After the tough post-pandemic situation, LPs, GPs, and founders are rethinking their investment strategies. Even with low VC activity and exits, the sector still has over $300 billion in dry powder, showing big opportunities in different industries and cities.
The dashboard lets users interact by ranking cities based on criteria like development score, growth score, capital raised, deal count, exit value, exit count, fundraising value, and fundraising count. San Francisco leads the list as the most developed VC ecosystem globally, with a development score of 89.5, followed by New York with a score of 76. On the flip side, Houston is the least developed VC ecosystem on the list, with a score of 34.1. The dashboard will be updated every six months and can be accessed through a provided link.
Nalin Patel, Lead EMEA Private Capital Analyst at PitchBook, said, "The Global VC Ecosystem Dashboard will inspire founders, operators, and investors to explore cities worldwide. By ranking cities based on various factors, investors can better understand how location impacts different stages of the VC lifecycle. This will be especially helpful for investors eyeing growth and emerging markets."
Read More - https://www.techdogs.com/tech-news/business-wire/pitchbook-launches-global-vc-ecosystem-dashboard-to-rank-worlds-top-startup-cities
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younes-ben-amara · 3 months
جانبٌ تسويقيٌّ فعَّال يُغفله الكثير من المُسوِّقين: الشبكات الاجتماعية السوداء؛ ما هي وكيف تستغلُّها؟
ما هذه المجموعة من المختارات تسألني؟ إنّها عددٌ من أعداد نشرة “صيد الشابكة” اِعرف أكثر عن النشرة هنا: ما هي نشرة “صيد الشابكة” ما مصادرها، وما غرضها؛ وما معنى الشابكة أصلًا؟! 🎣🌐 بالشراكة مع ميكو أفرغ بريدك الوارد! 🆕 حدَّثتُ هذا المقال بعون الله: رواية قصيرة: المهجورون – نسخة صوتية كاملة استمع لها مجانًا الآن! [مدونة يونس بن عمارة] شكرٌ خاص للزميل طارق ناصر على مساعدته القيّمة في تمكيني من…
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Pitchbook Reports A Drop In VC Deals In AgTech During Q4
Key Takeaways The decline in Venture Capital Activity: The tech sector saw a significant drop in VC deals in Q4, with a 34.7% decrease in deal value and a 17.4% fall in deal count. Yearly Overview: A nearly 40% reduction in both deal values and counts YoY, with total investments amounting to $7.1 billion across 952 deals in 2023. Notable Deals Amidst Downturn: FBN and Bowery raised substantial…
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ralfmaximus · 6 months
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Hyperloop One, the futuristic transportation company building tube-encased lines to zip passengers and freight from city to city at airplane-like speeds, is shutting down, according to people familiar with the situation.
Once a high-profile startup, Hyperloop One raised more than $450 million since its founding in 2014, according to PitchBook. It built a small test track near Las Vegas to develop its transportation technology, and for a time took the name Virgin Hyperloop One after Richard Branson’s Virgin invested. Virgin removed its branding after the startup decided last year to focus on cargo rather than people.
Buried halfway through: it's another failed Elon Musk venture.
Not mentioned at all: the only reason Musk proposed Hyperloop was to thwart California's high-speed rail initiative and sell more cars. You see, his alternative technology of shooting supersonic capsules through evacuated vacuum tubes would be so much better than stinky old trains.
The only problem?
None of the technology exists. All the prototypes sucked. Even after ten years and a half billion dollars.
One "prototype" is literally a one-lane concrete tunnel allowing a single Tesla automobile to travel at astonishing speeds up to 107 MPH. Technically you can drive faster than that on most american highways.
Also that's 50-100 MPH slower than the high speed rail California wanted to implement a decade ago.
And now the whole venture is quietly going away.
Unpaywalled version here.
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renthony · 4 months
From the article:
Investors and publishers spend billions of dollars on the video game industry each year, but just a small fraction of that money goes toward funding game companies led by women and those from other marginalized groups. Even as venture capitalist funding surged in 2021 as a response to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, video game companies led by all-male founders brought in $4.1 billion in funding to the $1.2 million for companies with all-female founders, according to data provided to Polygon from investment research company PitchBook. (In 2021, gaming companies with mixed-gender founders — i.e., those including at least one woman — received $400.9 million in 62 deals, according to the data.)
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puckgoss · 2 months
does anyone know anything about Vince Dunn's family? because im confused lmao. so i know he has 2 brothers (which is how ive ended up being confused lmfao) i just seen that one played hockey, so i googled him to see if he still played & seen that he was born May 1996, BUT Vince was born October 1996 .. was his dad like throwing it around or somethin lmao, like how??
alriiiight y'all long vince (and daniella) post incoming buckle in
i think both brothers are his stepbrothers, including the one who played hockey (link) as vince was quoted saying the following here (there's a paywall but i screenshotted the important bit):
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vince's legal last name is actually hyphenated (it's not paylor-dunn it's another name) - paylor is his mom's last name, dunn is his stepdad's last name (source)
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vince still owns the other house which is this house here. he hasn't listed it or anything so who knows maybe he'll rent it out
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this is the new house he bought and seemingly daniella has moved in with him which is very chaotic and funny.
the house was transferred to him from an LLC that is connected to Pitchbook, which is a private equity firm that is an arena partner & suite-level sponsor of CPA
source is a legal doc an anon sent to me. making the executive decision to not post it on here lol
as for why he's moving in with her, god only knows, but her family does come from a sizeable amount of money
daniella's father donald direnzo was an Executive Vice President at Cushman & Wakefield and is Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Toro Real Estate Partners
her uncle, august direnzo, is vice chairman at cushman & wakefield and her grandfather, donald direnzo sr. is executive vice chair at cushman & wakefield
she has another uncle as well, joseph. him and her grandfather have been involved in a few court cases lol. here's one case, and here's my favorite - they've sued one guy who was associated with stratton oakmont (fraudulent investment firm depicted in the wolf of wall street) (source):
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just for fun, her mom is christina direnzo
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lots of chatter about the dunn update acc on tiktok. looks like a few of my anons believe, and even have proof, that she runs it - anon please share the proof!! 🙏
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wu-marcy · 2 years
Pictures from matt's conference today
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1. Picture matt wrapped up with!
2. Entry from Marcy's journey — the one she wrote during Marcy at The Gates. Matt read it himself. It was fucking amazing.
3. The first pitchbook for amphibia!
4. The things that inspired marcy's journey in the show.
5. Matt before his talk. He's a huge diva in real life. I loved him.
6. The picture Matt used as he talked about his set up - payoff strategy for his finales.
He also said that when he showed someone something for feedback and there was a gasp or a terrified face or a "isnt this too much?" in response, he laughed and said, "no, this is perfect." This destroyed me. He just knew what he was doing...
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theatsthetic · 1 year
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Party Of Four Pitchbook.
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gayroman · 1 year
excerpts from a pitchbook for an imaginary tranquility base hotel and casino film I started working on when I got bored
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very-grownup · 5 months
Book 90, 2023
Have you ever read something that you recognize isn't bad but /is/ a bad book? Welcome to "InterWorld" by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves, a book I will be keeping because I have hoarding tendencies. Since I own most of Gaiman's novels, it feels improper to get rid of this title. (It's the inverse of Orson Scott Card, where the author revealed himself to be so toxic I steadily pared down my collection until I was left with "Ender's Game", the object an anchor for my grade eight camping trip and the taste of fresh caught fish cooked over an open fire and eaten with fingers in cool-damp morning.)
"InterWorld" is the most 'let's try to scrape some kind of profit from the time sunk into this project by settling for this ill-fitting adaptation' I've ever encountered. We've all seen unaired TV pilot retooled was TV movie and I know there are self-conscious 'this sitcom pitch got turned down, maybe podcast?' examples out there, and I know old school webcomics that dropped the comic part when there was a falling out with the artist and tried to continue via text alone. The last is probably the closest to "InterWorld", probably because Gaiman and Reaves both had success doing the writing part of visual media (Gaiman's bibliography in that area is well known, while Reaves was head writer for Batman: The Animated Series and Gargoyles).
It's explicitly admitted in the book's endnote that "InterWorld" was the result of Gaiman and Reaves trying to produce something for tv executives that would make the premise for their series pitch easier to understand (this was before they unlocked the 'throw things into landfill for infinite tax benefit cheat code') and I'm not convinced they put that much time into making it a book-book for publication. There's a real sticks and glue feeling to "InterWorld" and you're expecting a house. Not a big fancy house, not a mansion, just a little default filler house. But you don't have to look at the sticks you were given for long before realizing 'aw shit man this is a repurposed boat'.
The idea of "InterWorld" is a multiverse middle grade adventure battle between extreme forces of magic/chaos and technology/order because what kid doesn't want robots /and/ dragons? There's an organization charged with keeping worlds from falling fully under the control of either side. The twist is that the organization is staffed entirely by versions of the same person from different worlds.
This is a genuinely cool idea and great for kids who aren't quite teenagers, giving Gaiman and Reaves a lot of avenues to explore different genders, cultures, species, just identity in general and how different circumstances can see the same seed growing into wildly varied plants. It's easy to imagine how interesting this could be.
In a visual medium.
Especially something animated, where you could create character designs allowing the viewer to immediately distinguish Main Character Joey from Girl Joey from Joey But Robot.
In writing "The Warrior's Apprentice", Lois McMaster Bujold wanted to name the love interest "Nile". Her protagonist? "Miles". Feedback on the proofreading and copyediting nightmare of a Miles and Nile in the same book saw "Nile" become "Elena".
Please enjoy imagining how frustrating an entire book full of J-name variant characters is, because it is the thing that marks "InterWorld" most clearly as something that should never have been a book and also just a constant little itching in my eye and brain.
Double-checking some things in writing this up reveals that Gaiman and Reaves did publish two sequels, well after the fact. I'm surprised because another thing that made the book feel unlike a book is that it finished not only with loose threads of plot dangling, but with the greatest implied conflict unresolved. A villain from the tech end of the spectrum wasn't even present and my reaction, on finishing the book, was 'well sure, you wouldn't have written the arcs of multiple seasons into this pitchbook, you'd have the establishing arc and maybe one or two bits of adventure after that'.
If I ever stumbled across the following books on the cheap I might pick them up, but I feel no compulsion to do so, and "InterWorld" remains on my shelf as a curio more than a book.
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PitchBook Q4 2023 Agtech Public Sector Report: Mixed Performance
Key Takeaways: PitchBook’s report on Agtech stocks show mixed results in Q4 2023, ranging from 7% growth to a 25% decline. The sector underperformed compared to broader market indexes. Animal biotech stocks were the top performers, while indoor farming solutions lagged significantly. Elanco Animal Health and AgriFORCE were the best and worst performers, respectively. Indoor farm operators faced…
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Completely and utterly obsessed with how they felt the need to put Hunter in the proof of concept video twice... and how Hunter's character design included him being some kind of King Arthur type of legendary figure... and follows the "King asleep in mountain trope"... in stores about King Arthur, he is taken to Avalon where he's put into a sleeping state, only to awake when the people of Britain need him. And his knights and Excalibur are always nearby. In both of his appearances in this "pilot" he's holding his sword... and his imagery is used in a chapel.
Kind of going crazy because i really, REALLY need to know what the TOH pitchbook says about Hunter AND what he was like in the early drafts of the story...
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ennovance · 11 months
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#Privateequity is stepping up its buying binge of asset managers.
In the first half of this year alone, the industry invested more capital than in any year of the past decade on deals to acquire asset management firms. Through July 20, there were 39 deals totaling $13 billion, already $2.6 billion higher than the previous peak in 2021, according to @PitchBook
#LP #GP #LBO #Buyouts #investment @ennovance #credit #finance #fo #
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brostateexam · 2 years
It’s also the kind of instant gratification business that for a brief moment in recent years seemed to have the potential to change e-commerce forever. “We’d build a plan and they’d [investors would] say you’re not spending enough,” Ilishayev says. “It’s easy to get caught up when you’re having a lot of things go right.”
Gopuff is part of a class of startups that soared during the pandemic, trying to solve a logistics and math puzzle that’s dogged Silicon Valley for decades: Can an e-commerce company whisk products to your house in under an hour? And more important: Can it actually make money doing so?
Flying cars and nuclear fusion it certainly isn’t. But the problem has confounded nearly everyone who’s tried to solve it, starting in the 1990s with Kozmo.com, whose bike messengers swarmed New York and a handful of other cities, offering free one-hour delivery of everything from magazines to 16-ounce Cokes, before it was vaporized in the dot-com crash. Two decades later, Covid-19 lockdowns created the perfect conditions for the model to finally work—billions of people trapped at home, desperate to have anything and everything delivered as quickly as possible, for almost any price. Nearly $10 billion of venture capital gushed into so-called quick commerce companies like Gopuff and the Istanbul-based Getir in 2021, according to PitchBook Data Inc. That didn’t include the exponential growth of delivery apps like DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Instacart, which ferried food from restaurants and supermarkets. Meanwhile, the biggest deliverer of all, Amazon.com Inc., was notching a 40% annual growth rate.
Gopuff, which had been kicking around since 2013, emerged with a different strategy than its DoorDash ilk, mostly middlemen apps that relied on a contract workforce and often skimmed a margin of up to 40% from the restaurants and retailers they made deliveries for. Instead, Gopuff had an Amazon-like approach of storing and stocking products in its own mini warehouses staffed by full-time employees, then using contractors to deliver products to people’s doorstep for $1.95 an order. Its founders, Ilishayev and Yakir Gola, each now 29, got to know each other when they were undergrads at Drexel University, where they started an online business selling hookahs and other smoking paraphernalia to other college kids (early slogan: “Puffin’ has never been this easy”). It wasn’t until 2015 that they entered the booze business, charging an additional $2 fee per order for alcohol, and gradually expanded their assortment and ambition.
By early 2020, Gopuff had 165 warehouses covering some 600 US cities. Then, in the span of two years, the startup raised an astounding $3 billion in venture capital from the likes of SoftBank Group Corp.’s infamous Vision Fund, acquired the 28-year-old liquor retailer BevMo!, and expanded into Europe by buying two smaller competitors. By 2021 its valuation had risen to a hyperbolic $15 billion, and the founders had cashed out by selling some of their shares to investors. They bought a private plane and decamped from Philadelphia to intracoastal mansions in Miami.
Paywall Free version here.
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