shiftwith-zeya · 4 months
Any reality shifters wanna be added to a Snapchat group chat?
If u do drop ur user in the comments
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rshift-au · 9 months
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The bros and their dog, Tobias Puffles!
Edit: These are still WIP designs. Except for Puffles. His design is fine as is.
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wollymight · 17 hours
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Cucumber & Mr. Hatts episode 1 is available on my YouTube & Newgrounds
my youtube | newgrounds | tiktok | patreon | instagram | twitter
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v1ctorys1cks · 7 months
*~ Shifting Scripts ~*
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suggest shows/movies/concepts for me to make my scripts on!
ˋ°•*⁀➷ please check what i have before asking:
the last of us
my hero academia
detroit become human
better cr
in progress..
mako mermaids
little witch academia
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harshitaly · 4 months
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"Setting out on an artistic journey across the domains of deception. Explore my 3D creation's enthralling depths, where imagination soars and reality bends. To enjoy the entire experience, swipe left!
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kajapopko3456 · 7 months
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Through the Tennis Court
Rain drizzled, making the tennis court appear like an alien landscape—its neon grid glowing softly beneath the dim overcast sky. Beyond the chain-link fence, the city skyline of monolithic structures stood silent, the usual hum of life replaced with a disconcerting silence.
Rob played against himself. There was no opponent across the net, just an automated serving machine that spat balls out in unpredictable trajectories. The machine, named 'Tess', was a cutting-edge piece of technology, designed to emulate human unpredictability, sometimes even defying the very physics of the sport. But today, Tess seemed more erratic than usual.
Suddenly, mid-swing, Rob stopped. The ball whizzed past him. He stared at the net. The net seemed to shift and twist, warping and bending as if it were alive.
"Tess," he called, voice wavering, "Pause game."
The machine powered down with a whir. The silence of the court now seemed to echo. The glowing neon lines of the court began to pulsate gently, syncing with Rob's rising heartbeat.
From the corner of the court, a figure stepped out. Not a human, but a silhouette—part-shadow, part-reflection. It was a version of Rob but adorned in a vintage tennis outfit, one from the 1960s. It beckoned him.
"The game's not over," it said, voice echoing slightly out of sync, like a distorted radio transmission.
Confusion swirled in Rob's mind, a mix of fear and curiosity. "Who are you?"
"I am a potential, a possibility, an outcome of a game you never played," the figure replied. "In another time, another reality, we faced an opponent far greater than Tess."
Rob felt a shiver, his grip tightening around his racket. "What do you want?"
"To finish the game. Here, in this reality, you've forgotten the stakes, the meaning behind each swing and miss. But I remember."
A ball materialized in the silhouette's hand. Tossing it upwards, it served, the ball hurtling towards Rob with a force he'd never seen before. As he swung his racket in response, the court around them transformed. Buildings shifted and melted, the sky cracked open, revealing a vast cosmic playfield. The neon grid of the court extended endlessly in every direction.
Rob realized this wasn't just a game of tennis. It was a duel between realities, between potentials. Each volley, each hit carried the weight of decisions made and unmade, paths taken and untaken.
As the rally continued, Rob felt an understanding, an awakening. The city, the court, Tess—everything was an illusion, a construct. This game, however, was real. The outcome would determine which reality, which version of Rob, would persist.
Finally, with a mighty swing, the silhouette sent a blazing shot past Rob. The ball didn't just hit the ground; it dissolved the court, the city, and the very fabric of that reality.
Rob awoke in his apartment, the morning sun streaming through the windows. The familiar hum of the city returned, but Rob felt different, transformed. The weight of the game, the weight of choices and their infinite outcomes, lingered in his mind.
Picking up his racket, he headed out, not to the neon tennis court of his usual routine, but to the park, where real people played, laughed, and lived in the moment. The game with the silhouette had taught him one thing: reality was what he made of it, one choice at a time. Kaja Popko
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marcdecaria · 7 months
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Imagine our reality as a set of agreed-upon rules that, as a collective society, we adhere to. We engage in work, build families, and perpetuate this reality through past and future generations. Now, envision a scenario where all humans vanish, replaced by AI-powered thinking machines. These machines seamlessly continue our daily routines, unaware of the reasons or necessities, simply because that’s what has always been done. This scenario persists for a millennium.
The central idea here is that we, humans, might be akin to these machines, mirroring the past into the present repeatedly, generation after generation. What drives us to maintain this cycle, and to what end? Can this reality be altered? Is it possible to bring forth a new world more aligned with our humanity?
Many believe they lack the power to change this reality, and this very belief makes them right. However, dare to be the change, to challenge the norms, to question the status quo, and you will find that reality is far more malleable than it appears. The power to shift paradigms, to alter the course of existence, resides within each of us. Our collective will, desires, and actions shape the world we inhabit, sculpting the framework of our shared reality.
What if we are simply sophisticated algorithms, bound by a pre-programmed set of rules, perpetuating a cycle devoid of true meaning or purpose? The notion is unsettling, yet it serves as a catalyst for reflection and potential transformation. By questioning the very fabric of our existence, we unveil the opportunity to redefine our purpose, to shape a reality that resonates with our deepest humanity.
To effect this transformation, it is imperative to first acknowledge our innate power and potential. Every thought, every action, every choice we make is a ripple in the vast ocean of existence, contributing to the collective consciousness and shaping the world we experience. The realization that we are not mere spectators, but active participants in the creation of our reality, is the first step towards a profound metamorphosis.
Is it not possible, then, to envisage a world where the constructs of reality are redefined? A world where the principles that govern existence are aligned with compassion, empathy, and a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness? The potential for such a transformation exists within each of us, waiting to be unearthed and embraced.
Breaking free from the cycle of repetition, from the shackles of inherited reality, requires courage, imagination, and a steadfast belief in the possibility of change. It is a journey of self-discovery, of peeling away the layers of conditioning and rediscovering the essence of who we truly are. In this rediscovery, we find the keys to unlock a new reality, a world that reflects our true nature and highest aspirations.
So, let us dare to envision a different world, to challenge the boundaries of possibility, and to embrace the power that resides within us all. For in doing so, we become the architects of a new reality, the creators of a world more attuned to the essence of our humanity.
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punchliiine · 2 months
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i am so sick of 2020 tt shifting information. so let me just go through the ones that i can remember and correct them.
- no one can know you've shifted unless you allow them to (by assuming or scripting or you telling them or whichever way you want)
- shifting to animated dr/s doesn't feel wonky and you don't have to script that you're comfortable with it. i've been 2d, 3d, 4d and other dimensions. you feel comfortable. you feel normal. you're you.
- no one can kick you out of a reality. saiki and dumbledore really can't. no one can.
- 'clones' are you. you don't leave a mindless fuck hanging around in your cr. they won't do anything that you wouldn't do. it's you.
- you are never stuck in one reality, you are forever shifting. you don't turn it off whatsoever.
- no, you won't randomly hear their voices throughout the day or see them peeking around the corner. you should get that checked out.
- it really kills me that i have to say this, but you do NOT leave to another reality as in your whole entire being, it's only your awareness shifting.
- you can't bring things from other realities that are physical like a necklace. on the other hand, you can bring back emotional and mental things like trauma or useful knowledge.
- shifting police was the stupidest thing i've ever heard. if we're talking infinity, then yes, they do exist. but are you gonna run into them? no.
- no one will abuse or bully you randomly. not even draco. yes it's a reality and yes it's real but cmon now.
- they won't miss you when you shift back because to them you're still there, that's YOU. you didn't leave.
- shifting won't cause you mental illness unless you're careless with your safety measures. even if it does cause you any, you can manifest it away or shift to a reality where you never experienced it in the first place "but it doesn't work like that >:(" uh, yes it does?
- you don't need to script EVERYTHING. your subconscious already knows what you want "you don't really need to script anything tbh, because your subconscious already knows everything you could ever want, but the ones that i'm talking about here is scripting glass skin is not actually 'glass' and stuff like that"
- yes, you can 'script' things for your cr, it's called manifesting
- you do not need anything to shift. all those methods, techniques, meditations, and all of that are only there for fun, do they actually do the 'shifting'? no, just for fun.
- there is really no such thing as beginners luck. your chances of shifting are equal all the time, and this might shock you, but your chances of shifting are always a 100%. always.
- you do not have to detach from anything, obsess over it all you want, it does not make the process harder.
some of these things are possible IF we're talking about infinity, but if we're talking about your dr/s, it's really undoubtedly that you will run into any of these things.
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konniesreality · 5 months
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Yoga Nidra (61 Point Meditation) is, in my opinion, the easiest way to enter the void. When we are doing the yoga nidra meditation, we are entering the alpha state, which is essentially the state where we are relaxed and focused, where we can shift, get in the void state, and manifest instantly.
Now, a lot of people are confused on how to enter the void through yoga nidra when they are using a guided meditation. Here’s what you should do:
After the meditation is over, don’t open your eyes (obviously) stay in the yoga nidra state and I advise you to add any binaural beats or subliminals of your choice. I personally add alpha waves. Then, when the sounds of your choice play, start affirming for the void state. You should be there instantly because of these reasons:
1. Yoga Nidra meditations are normally 20 minutes to an hour, and staying still for this long (in the shavansana position) will make the left side of your brain ‘turn off’ and you’re more accessible.
2. You’re in the alpha state which is the relaxed state of mind where you can manifest, shift and void instantly.
3. You’re half asleep half awake, and when you’re half asleep (hypnogogia) you’re subconscious is more accessible.
I recommend doing yoga nidra when you’re tired, but not tired where you’ll fall asleep instantly. The reason you’re also not getting into the void state is because you give up way too easily. Like what if you got in right after affirming that time? Persist!
Go get that dream life, honey. 💗
That’s all for today, bye loves! 💗
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(I’m in my trashy y2k era 💋)
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shiftwith-zeya · 4 months
Any reality shifters wanna be added to a Snapchat group chat?
If you do drop ur user in the comments
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rshift-au · 9 months
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Finished design for RS!Muffet. She's the first to have an official look.
Orignal Post: Here
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wollymight · 3 days
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Cucumber & Mr. Hatts episode 1 is available on my YouTube & Newgrounds
my youtube | newgrounds | tiktok | patreon | instagram | twitter
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The best motivation for shifting is food. That's all.
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romashifting · 3 months
me scripting be like
"my personality is the same as in my cr, but without my social anxiety and shyness and awkwardness and autism and"
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miss-shifter · 5 months
being so good at manifesting makes life so boring cause why do I never have to worry about anything ever?
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marcdecaria · 7 months
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Consider the vast system we exist in as a medium or a realm hosting various environments, each characterized by distinct frequency ranges. Within these ranges, fractals like us exist and experience reality, abiding by specific rules that govern these realms. Interestingly, these rules and realities are shaped, both intentionally and unintentionally, by the fractals themselves.
Though changes within these realities occur over extensive periods, it’s important to note that our reality is encapsulated within a larger one—think of it as an oil droplet in water, with us being the oil and the water representing the larger reality.
Our movement within this medium might intersect with other “oil droplets,” or realities, each operating under different rule sets. This interaction can be likened to galaxies merging, resulting in a new formation comprising elements of both.
The fabric of these realities is composed of light, and the contrasting element of darkness can attach itself to them. However, darkness cannot fully encompass the light; it only occupies portions of it.
At present, our reality is experiencing an occupation by this darkness, which can be perceived as evil, contrasting with the light, or good. These concepts are known by various names, depending on individual resonance.
The concept of a “solar flash” signifies a pivotal moment when this pervasive darkness separates itself from our collective luminosity, enabling the light to shine in its full brilliance, akin to the sun emerging from behind a vast obstruction.
This shift precipitates the removal of technologies wielded by this darkness, which is what the discussions around the days of darkness refer to—the aftermath of losing these technologies. Regrettably, we humans have integrated these technologies into every facet of our reality. Transitioning away will necessitate that we "upgrade" from these darker technologies to those of the "light."
The withdrawal of this darkness doesn’t occur instantaneously; it unfolds gradually, considering its extensive reach and our existence within a time matrix. Consequently, as it recedes, various segments or “timelines” might collapse or converge. This phenomenon could account for experiences of shifts in reality, such as the Mandela Effect, reported by some during this period of detachment.
We all have a role to play in the shift to a higher reality. By becoming more conscious of our own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and by aligning ourselves with the light, we can help to accelerate this process. We can also help to create a more positive and harmonious reality for ourselves and for all of humanity.
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