#Replacement Migration & White Genocide
rametarin · 4 months
"Social Justice" advocate: "So you see, this is why the Nazis were bad. They picked out a people for their ethnicity and religion and systematically killed them. Because they weren't white or Christian, they killed them. Because they weren't cishetero, they killed them."
Me: "Ah, I see. So, naturally, discrimination against any people on the basis of their ethnicity is wrong, and you shouldn't discriminate against their sexuality or gender identity or sex, either. Genocide is wrong when the rulership of a society determines that a group of people have no legitimacy or right to exist and moves to propagandize the humanity and validity out of them, and either keeps them as second class citizens, or exterminates them. We need to keep these lessons of history close to our chests and remember not to embrace ideologies that permit them. The Nazis spread propaganda about how the Jews were an evil parasite running around taking over business and government to breed them out and creep a defacto ethnostate in to replace them. Such things are terrible and are to be avoided."
"Social Justice" advocate: "Oh, no. You totally should do those things."
Me: "wat."
"Social Justice" advocate: "The lesson here is that white supremacy is bad, and WW2 was the fault of capitalism. Also that heterosexuality is a harmful myth perpetuated by the Patriarchy, biological sex doesn't mean anything and you're part of the problem if you think it does, even applied only to your self-selected identity, and the Future is Female."
Me: "I feel like maybe it wasn't me that missed the point of why Nazi Germany was bad."
"Social Justice" advocate: "Those money grubbing people whose culture revolves around exploiting the Outsider to their own ethnic makeup, parasiting off of more worthy cultures and people indigenous to their own homelands. They migrate there in waves and corrupt the wholesome people with their decadent ways and culture, taking over places to make themselves the privileged elites ruling over the common folk."
Me: "Hm. I've seen this before, somewhere."
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anarchistka · 4 days
Israel’s war on Palestinian territory is an atrocity. And illegal Israeli settlers should be stopped and convoyed back to Israel by Israeli law enforcement. And sure, the creation of Israel itself was a debatable project from the start and mass migration is known to bear potential for violent conflicts.
But the type of pro Palestinian activism I’ve observed (in North America and Europe esp.) rises so many questions:
[some examples that came to my mind I wrote down below, I would be seriously grateful for a detailed informative answer]
- Where should Israelis go?
- How tf is beating up Jewish students and painting graffiti on synagogues in Europe and America going to save any Palestinian civilians?
- Why is Jewish nationalism bad but Arabic nationalism is great?
- Are people who are not native to a land allowed to live there? What does it mean to be native to a land? Does indigenousity expire?
- (directed at European far left) Why should the EU integrate and support every refugee but Jewish refugees to Palestine should be expelled and are treated solely as inherently evil oppressors and their reasons to seek refuge in Palestine/Israel are ridiculed and dismissed? Of course Israel plays the role of an oppressor now but Palestinian fear of population replacement was a cause for unrest in the British Mandate in Palestine. This led to immigration stops for Jews who were fleeing the Holocaust. So at that time a fear that is usually associated with right wing politics cost additional Jewish lives. Why is right wing racial nationalism agreeable when non Europeans are doing it? Why do you oppose Jewish right wing nationalism by supporting Arab right wing nationalism?
- Why do you call Israel a colony? A colony of which country is it supposed to be? Of the US? (Illegal settlements are an exception, they are definitely colonies [of Israel] )
- If Israel, because it is a colony (?), should be eradicated, shouldn’t we also eradicate the USA, Canada, Brazil etc.? Where should the colonisers go? Or has the colonial status of these countries expired? Or were the reasons for the colonisation of these countries somehow more legitimate and righteous than the creation of Israel? Wtf
- Why do you dismiss the great cultural similarities between Europe and the Middle East? Why do you portray Palestinians as the noble but primitive barbarian when the Middle East is a highly developed region that has close cultural ties with Europe (even if often by war)? Besides : Arabs are capable of doing good and doing evil as well as everyone else. Palestinians and Israeli Jews know each other, they can learn each other’s language, they are familiar with the other’s religion, they literally stand on the same cultural foundation, and they use similar weapons and technological devices…
- What should Israel do when Israeli civilians are attacked by militant extremists from Palestine? What would the ideal response be?
- Why are Jews suddenly accepted as being “white” once this identity label has become a disadvantage (according to CSJ conspiracy theories)? Over six million Jews have been killed because they were considered inferior.
- What should an Israeli do to not be considered an evil oppressive genocidal colonist? How can an Israeli meaningfully contribute to a better peaceful future?
- Why is Palestinian violence framed as trauma response and Israeli violence is seen as demonic evil that is inherent to Israeli Jews?
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testosteronetwunk · 24 days
people have said this to death but there are a variety of society wide neuroses that develop when immigrants from a region that the natives consider “savage” migrate en masse to a european country. the cishet european menfolk are prone to crying about ethnic replacement, white genocide, and “Islamization”, while the women and the faggots immediately begin fetishization of the (perceived to be) erotic, foreign, savage, and superiorly masculine (compared to the european man) arab and north african. the white menfolk are threatened by the arabs’ (supposed) savagery and sexual domination, while the white womenfolk and the homos as it were are violently aroused by such foreign, (perceived to be) superior masculinity and subsequently fantasize about the arabs’ superior endowment and sexual prowess. this has become so in france, whence the term “Rebeu” (a double verlan of “Arabe”) has become almost a pornography-exclusive term itself, centering on the worship of Arab men’s bodies, which are seen as, again, superiorly masculine with regard to endowment, height, hairiness, odor, and ability to dominate. these male arab immigrants are hypersexualized both by ethnonationalistic european men so as to posit them a sexual threat to the delicate european woman, and by said european women and queers Because they desire these arabs for their (perceived) sexual aggression. that’s not to say cishet european men are exempt from fetishizing the dominant Arab, an entire fetish subculture of european men being cuckolded by arab men has cropped up. there is a link often unaddressed in wider french society surrounding the connection between the supposed savagery of the arab, the idea of foreign invasion, and the ravishing of the nations people, all deal with penetration in some way.
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gsirvitor · 1 year
Then isn’t it the Hatian’s duty to oppose slavery and western intervention?
I never said they shouldn't have rebelled, but perhaps the slaughter of all the white adults and kids, and the mixed adults and kids was wrong.
And perhaps, it's also wrong to blame Haiti's mismanagement on people other than their own corrupt government, for instance, why blame mass deforestation and overfishing on a NATO conspiracy rather than Haiti's own incompetence?
Hell, it seems the only reason the Dominican Republic managed to grow from being a forgotten Spanish colony, was to reject Haitian hegemony over the island, declaring their own sovereignty in 1844.
Later the Spanish Crown recognized their independence in 1865, while Haiti chose to live as the people they overthrew did, they made the lower class their slaves while the upper class lived like slavers.
 The leader of Haiti created a system of coerced plantation agriculture, it was a military government run by the greedy, in essence, they overthrew tyranny and imposed further tyranny that led to race based genocide.
From 1824-26, while the island was under one government, they promoted the largest single free-Black immigration from the United States in which more than 6000 immigrants settled in different parts of the island.
Today remnants of these immigrants live throughout the island, but the larger number reside in Samaná, a peninsula on the Dominican side of the island, the Free American Blacks even chose the Dominican over Haitian rule.
From 1843-1915 Haiti underwent many governmental changes, most caused by revolt, however these revolts also replaced tyrants with tyrants, mostly caused by the Haitian military.
Though, for a brief period beginning in 1874, Haiti experienced democratic peace and development, this period of relative stability and prosperity ended in 1911, when revolution broke out and the country slid once again into disorder and debt.
From 1911 to 1915, there were six different presidents, each of whom was killed or forced into exile.
In this time, 200 Germans chose to migrate to Haiti and integrate, they invested in infrastructure, education and so on, it greatly helped Haiti, however their aide was given indiscriminately, many opposed factions in Haiti used the German money to fuel revolts and violence.
 In 1915, Vilbrun Guillaume Sam established a dictatorship, but in July, facing a new revolt, he massacred 167 political prisoners, all of whom were from elite Haitian families, and was lynched by a mob in Port-au-Prince.
The US at the time had taken on quite a large sum of Haitian debt, and summarily occupied Haiti from 1915-1934 to get Haiti to pay off its debt, under the supervision of the US Marines, the Haitian National Assembly elected Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave president. He signed a treaty that made Haiti a de jure US protectorate, with American officials assuming control over the Financial Advisory, Customs Receivership, the Constabulary, the Public Works Service, and the Public Health Service for a period of ten years. 
The Marines and Gendarmerie initiated an extensive road-building program to enhance their military effectiveness and open the country to US investment. Lacking any source of adequate funds, they revived an 1864 Haitian law, discovered by Butler, requiring peasants to perform labor on local roads in lieu of paying a road tax.
In 1915, Haiti had 3 miles (4.8 km) of road usable by automobile, outside the towns. By 1918, more than 470 miles (760 km) of road had been built or repaired through the corvée system, including a road linking Port-au-Prince to Cap-Haïtien.
In 1919, a new uprising began vowing to 'drive the "invaders" into the sea and free Haiti, the revolutionaries were killed and the Marines posed with their leader's corpse.
The Great Depression decimated the prices of Haiti's exports and destroyed the tremendous financial gains of the previous decade, the Haitians believed this was a return to when the elite of Haiti would rule with an iron fist, and began another revolt.
This led Herbert Hoover to appoint two commissions, including one headed by a former US governor of the Philippines William Cameron Forbes, which criticized the exclusion of Haitians from positions of authority in the government and constabulary.
In 1930, Sténio Vincent, a long-time critic of the occupation, was elected president, and the US began to withdraw its forces. The withdrawal was completed under US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), in 1934, under his "Good Neighbor policy".
The transition government was left with a better infrastructure, public health, education, and agricultural development as well as a democratic system.
The country had fully democratic elections in 1930, won by Sténio Vincent. The Garde was a new kind of military institution in Haiti. It was a force manned overwhelmingly by black Haitians, with a United States-trained black commander, Colonel Démosthènes Pétrus Calixte.
Most of the Garde's officers, however, were mulattoes. The Garde was a national organization; it departed from the regionalism that had characterized most of Haiti's previous armies. In theory, its charge was apolitical—to maintain internal order, while supporting a popularly elected government. The Garde initially adhered to this role.
I can go on, Haiti was fucked over by Haitians more than it was ever fucked over by foreigners, so I say, the only thing you can blame whites for is Haiti's very French way of showing civil unrest.
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king-shango-the-great · 11 months
regarding this total idiot in finland, i honestly don't know where to start apart from the fact that fear and ignorance can lead you to a very unfortunate fearful and ignorant racist place, there is hardly if any one european country that has a white baby birth rate that is anywhere near ethnic replacement level, total birth rates for many european countries now like my own britain contain large and ever growing non-white baby births, coupled with the unstoppable pattern of migration, demographic change, social and cultural change this is a fading white european people and century, as i stated previously i have a front row seat in london, and there is a great deal to observe and consider.
Yes, I am absolutely aware of this. This has been the case for most Western dominated societies (Including Amerikkka) these days.
Most people in the Global South can't believe that Europeans have reached the point of speaking genocidally, but I've seen this coming for quite some time now.
The7ve just been very good at hiding it, & speaking thru very careful verbiage. But now the cat is out the bag, & it seems like they don't care anymore.
I've been trying to explain this to so many people, but it falls in deaf ears, & people try to label me as a conspiracy theorist. 🤷🏿‍♂️
But Europe & its cousin societies are going full racist with their agenda. It will only end up causing them to self destruction in the process.
Also, he may be an idiot, but he's not the only one that feels that way. Not only in his country, but also in several others. I'm betting he got a standing ovation when he made his speech.
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tamgdenettebya · 2 years
Ambassador Zhang Hanhui: How can the United States, which committed the genocide of the Indians, talk about democracy and human rights?
The American Declaration of Independence, published in 1776, states that "all men are created equal." The United States constantly repeat this phrase, claiming that they are a “lighthouse of democracy” and the “keeper of human rights” in the world, and they are used to pointing to other countries in the condescending and arrogant manner, as if only the United States really achieved that “all people created equal and that only the United States possesses true democracy and human rights.
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Although everyone who is at least a little acquainted with history knows that the history of the United States is full of wars and captures, robberies and murders, especially the genocide of indigenous peoples - Indians, which is a spot in the history of the United States, which will never erase. And the painful tragedy of the Indians is a lesson in history that should never be forgotten by mankind.
The evidence for the genocide of Indians in the United States is irrefutable
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Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China published an article entitled "Historical and Real Evidence of the Genocide Committed by the United States against the Indians." It details how the United States systematically deprived Indians of the right to life and took away basic political, economic, and cultural rights.
The Indians were massacred, driven out from places of permanent residence, forcibly assimilated, trying to physically and culturally destroy this population group. In fact, a genocide was carried out. The evidence is irrefutable.
First, these were actions under the leadership of the US government. The then heads of the government of the United States publicly stated that "from the skin of the Indians you can make excellent boots", "the Indians should be quickly exterminated" and "a good Indian" - "a good Indian". The government encouraged the actual occupation by white Indian lands and property, including through the adoption of the "Law on Gomsteda", and American soldiers considered the murder of the Indians a matter of honor, which laid the foundation for the national campaign of hatred and extermination of the Indians.
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Secondly, this was accompanied by bloody massacres and atrocities. Since the proclamation of independence in 1776, the US government has committed more than 1,500 raids, attacking the Indian tribes, exterminating the Indians, capturing their lands and property, committing numerous crimes.
For example, in 1814, the United States issued a law, according to which, for each handed over Indian scalp, the US government will pay a reward from 50 to 100 dollars. It was as a result of such organized killings that the number of Indians fell from 5 million in 1492 to 250 thousand in the early 20th century, and more than a dozen tribes.
Thirdly, "expansion" to the "West" and "forced" resettlement. From the very beginning of their independence, the United States began to move west with the aim of capturing the Native American lands, in 1830 the “Law on the Migration of the Indians” was adopted, forcing the Indians to move into remote small reservations, when many died on the “blood path and tears”. In addition, the United States by deception and coercion buried nuclear and industrial waste in Indian reservations and other health -hazardous substances, which led to serious environmental pollution and the death of a large number of Indians.
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Fourth, it is forced assimilation and cultural extermination. Under the slogan "civilization against savagery", the tribal system was abolished, Indian social structures were liquidated, and American "citizenship" was imposed on the Indians; The policy of assimilation was carried out through educational, linguistic, cultural and religious measures, including the establishment of boarding schools for Indian children. The introduction of “forced guardianship,” the erasure of the language, culture, and identity of Native American children, and their replacement with Christianity, English, and Western traditions, are elements of a cultural genocide. There is plenty of historical evidence that Native American children were subjected to torture in schools, and some died of starvation, disease, and abuse.
For two centuries, the United States committed innumerable crimes against the Indians, and their actions are fully consistent with the determination of the genocide in the "United Nations Convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide and punishment for it." Criticism of the genocide of the Indians does not subside in American scientific circles and the media. In 2019, the governor of California issued a statement acknowledging that the actions committed against Indian communities in California in the mid-nineteenth century were genocide. However, the US government has not yet officially recognized the atrocities committed against the Indians as acts of genocide, and its so-called comprehension of this is rather a "political show". Today, Indians still face social injustice, are on the brink of survival, and real change is still a long way off. The US government needs to take seriously the severe racial problems that exist in the country.
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The United States is the main source of instability in the world and the biggest offender of democracy and human rights
Atrocity or “beautiful decoration” decides the government USA.
Being a “bad student” in matters of human rights, the United States selectively ignore their own shortcomings and at the same time boast of the fact that they are the so -called “human rights model” and use human rights as a political tool to maintain their hegemony throughout the world applying “double standards”. Race discrimination, a “network of secret prisons” around the world, forced labor in private prisons, the well -known “ban on Muslim immigration” - all these are real evidence of human rights violations in the United States, which the United States rarely recall. Under the pretext of “human rights” and “democracy”, the United States provoked the “Arab Spring” in West Asia and North Africa, led “color revolutions” in Eurasia, waged wars, exported riots and intervened in internal affairs around the world. The hegemonic policy of the United States, which puts itself "above" everyone and everything, "generated" numerous "catastrophes" in the field of "human rights" in many countries. The law of the jungle, logic gangsters and habitual deceit methods (where white passes black ) have made the United States the main source of instability of the world and the biggest offender of human rights and democracy.
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Not so long ago, the House of Representatives of the US Congress adopted the so -called “The Law on Competition of 2022” (American Competes Act of 2022), which is full of thinking of the Cold War and the mentality of “Game with zero sum” in relation to China, Russia and other countries. Congressions use all kinds of unreasonable assumptions and even a lie to denigrate the original development paths, domestic and foreign policy chosen by various countries in accordance with their own national conditions, including attempts to intervene in the sovereignty of other countries under the pretext of “human rights”. We strongly reject this. 
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ultramaga · 4 years
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“ This is my friend’s daughter’s school in Edmonton, London. She sent me this pic of one of the classes. If you showed this to someone and ask where it was, you would not get many “England” answers. Or would you? “ https://twitter.com/therealmissjo/status/1337627648311373824/photo/1 In a few generations, London has gone from an overwhelmingly British ethnicity to one where whites are effectively aliens. The goal of progressives is to continue that demographic shift to the rest of the country - to purge it of “toxic whiteness”, to paraphrase Dan Slott. They see genocide as perfectly reasonable, since whites are responsible for all evils. They also see Christianity as “white”, which is why they favour mass emigration from Islamic countries where possible. I once was surprised that my beloved Doctor Who suddenly shifted to an extreme, where every scene of the past of Britain was stuffed with non-white faces. When asked why he had altered history, Moffat said that this was not history as it was, but how it should have been. Moffat and other cringing self-flagellants are so ashamed of the colour of their skin that they want even the history of white existence to be purged from the records. Dan Slott, and the current writers for Marvel and DC, have said on Twitter that they want them expunged from all fiction.
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Others have pointed out that whenever a redhead character is shown on film or TV, they are ‘corrected’.
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‘We’ve Got To Lie’ – BBC Dr. Who Producer Wants To Insert Black People At Points In History The attack on white people through mass migration is not enough. It is important to demoralise them, to persuade them that they never belonged anywhere, that England was not only black now, but always had been.
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The taxpayer funded BBC UK pumps that message 24/7. They even had an artist create an impression of early British people as they ‘should’ have been. How the evil wypipo arrived and replaced them we don’t know, except it probably involved eating mayonaisse on white bread until the POC died from oppression. I used to have a bunch of bookmarks on the “cheddar man” hoax. Doing a search on Youtube - and they don’t show up in results any more. Interesting. I wonder if the videos were destroyed - and the BBC is notorious for false flagging - or if it is a matter of simply disappearing the videos from search results? Here’s an example: The Cheddar Man Hoax; A Piltdown Man for our Times A more general analysis of the purging of whites from records:
  Black Washing History? Troy & BBC Cartoon Debunking
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phroyd · 5 years
The emails, which Miller sent to the conservative website Breitbart News in 2015 and 2016, showcase the extremist, anti-immigrant ideology that undergirds the policies he has helped create as an architect of Donald Trump’s presidency. These policies include reportedly setting arrest quotas for undocumented immigrants, an executive order effectively banning immigration from five Muslim-majority countries and a policy of family separation at refugee resettlement facilities that the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General said is causing “intense trauma” in children.
In this, the first of what will be a series about those emails, Hatewatch exposes the racist source material that has influenced Miller’s visions of policy. That source material, as laid out in his emails to Breitbart, includes white nationalist websites, a “white genocide”-themed novel in which Indian men rape white women, xenophobic conspiracy theories andeugenics-era immigration laws that Adolf Hitler lauded in “Mein Kampf.”
Hatewatch reviewed more than 900 previously private emails Miller sent to Breitbart editors from March 4, 2015, to June 27, 2016. Miller does not converse along a wide range of topics in the emails. His focus is strikingly narrow – more than 80 percent of the emails Hatewatch reviewed relate to or appear on threads relating to the subjects of race or immigration. Hatewatch made multiple attempts to reach the White House for a comment from Miller about the content of his emails but did not receive any reply.
Miller’s perspective on race and immigration across the emails is repetitious. When discussing crime, which he does scores of times, Miller focuses on offenses committed by nonwhites. On immigration, he touches solely on the perspective of severely limiting or ending nonwhite immigration to the United States. Hatewatch was unable to find any examples of Miller writing sympathetically or even in neutral tones about any person who is nonwhite or foreign-born.
Miller has gained a reputation for attempting to keep his communications secret: The Washington Post reported in August that Miller “rarely puts anything in writing, eschewing email in favor of phone calls.” The Daily Beast noted in July that Miller has recently “cut off regular contact with most of his allies” outside the Trump administration to limit leaks.
Miller used his government email address as an aide to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions in the emails Hatewatch reviewed. He sent the majority of the emails Hatewatch examined before he joined Trump’s campaign in January 2016 and while he was still working for Sessions. Miller also used a personal Hotmail.com address in the emails and did so both before and after he started working for Trump. Hatewatch confirmed the authenticity of Miller’s Hotmail.com address through an email sent from his government address in which he lists it as his future point of contact:
“I am excited to announce that I am beginning a new job as Senior Policy Advisor to presidential candidate Donald J. Trump,” Miller wrote from his government email on Jan. 26, 2016, to an undisclosed group of recipients. “Should you need to reach me, my personal email address is [redacted].”
Katie McHugh, who was an editor for Breitbart from April 2014 to June 2017, leaked the emails to Hatewatch in June to review, analyze and disseminate to the public. McHugh was 23 when she started at Breitbart and also became active in the anti-immigrant movement, frequently rubbing shoulders with white nationalists. McHugh was fired from Breitbart in 2017 after posting anti-Muslim tweets. She has since renounced the far right.
McHugh told Hatewatch that Breitbart editors introduced her to Miller in 2015 with an understanding he would influence the direction of her reporting. For that reason, and because Miller would have regarded her as a fellow traveler of the anti-immigrant movement, McHugh sometimes starts conversations with Miller in the emails, seeking his opinion on news stories. Other times, Miller directly suggests story ideas to McHugh, or tells her how to shape Breitbart’s coverage. Periodically, Miller asks McHugh if he can speak to her by phone, taking conversations offline.
“What Stephen Miller sent to me in those emails has become policy at the Trump administration,” McHugh told Hatewatch.
Miller shares link from white nationalist site
Miller sent a story from the white nationalist website VDARE to McHugh on Oct. 23, 2015, the emails show. White nationalist Peter Brimelow founded VDARE in 1999. The website traffics in the “white genocide” or “great replacement” myth, which suggests that nonwhite people are systematically and deliberately wiping white people off the planet.
McHugh started the email conversation by asking if Hurricane Patricia could drive refugees into the United States. The hurricane battered parts of Central America, Mexico and Texas, and the media heavily covered the storm. Miller replied to her by underscoring the possibility that Mexican survivors of the storm could be given temporary protected status (TPS), a George H.W. Bush-era policy that would enable them to live and work in the United States for a limited stay:
McHugh, Oct. 23, 2015, 6:10 p.m. ET: “This being the worst hurricane ever recorded, what are the chances it wreaks destruction on Mexico and drives a mass migration to the U.S. border?”
Miller, Oct. 23, 2015, 6:12 p.m. ET: “100 percent. And they will all get TPS. And all the ones here will get TPS too. That needs to be the weekend's BIG story. TPS is everything.”
McHugh, Oct. 23, 2015, 6:22 p.m. ET: “Wow. Ok. Is there precedent for this?”
Miller, Oct. 23, 2015, 6:31 p.m. ET: [VDARE link]
The VDARE story by Steve Sailer, an anti-immigration activist who traffics in discredited race science, focused on instances in which the United States offered refugees temporary protected status. The article was posted the same day Miller shared it with McHugh.
In September, the Trump administration denied temporary protected status to residents of the Bahamas fleeing the destruction of Hurricane Dorian despite widespread destruction.
“I don’t want to allow people that weren’t supposed to be in the Bahamas to come into the United States, including some very bad people and some very bad gang members and some very, very bad drug dealers,” Trump said of Bahamians on Sept. 9.
The ethnic makeup of the Bahamas is more than 90% black, according to statistics from the CIA. The administration has also attempted to cut TPS for residents of other countries, including Honduras and Nepal. Sailer mentioned both Honduras and Nepal in the context of TPS in his VDARE story.
Emails show that White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller recommended racist French novel "The Camp of the Saints" to conservative website Breitbart News in 2015.
Miller recommends ‘Camp of the Saints’ to Breitbart
Miller recommended in a Sept. 6, 2015, email that Breitbart write about “The Camp of the Saints,” a racist French novel by Jean Raspail. Notably, “The Camp of the Saints” is popular among white nationalists and neo-Nazis because of the degree to which it fictionalizes the “white genocide” or “great replacement” myth into a violent and sexualized story about refugees.
The novel’s apocalyptic plot centers on a flotilla of Indian people who invade France, led by a nonwhite Indian-born antagonist referred to as the “turd eater” – a character who literally eats human feces. In one section, a white woman is raped to death by brown-skinned refugees. In another, a nationalist character shoots and kills a pro-refugee leftist over his support of race mixing. The white nationalist Social Contract Press plucked the 1973 book from relative obscurity and distributed it in the United States.
At the start of the email chain in which Miller touts the novel, he sends McHugh and Breitbart editor Julia Hahn a National Journal article on Iowans debating immigration at 8:03 p.m. ET on Sept. 1, 2015. McHugh replies:
McHugh, Sept. 1, 2015, 8:49 p.m. ET: “‘Next America.’ We’re being invaded and talked into tolerating it.”
Miller, Sept. 1, 2015, 9:01 p.m. ET: “It’s treated as organic. No mention of voluntary policy which can be shut off.”
Miller returns to the subject of nonwhite immigration on Sept. 6, 2015. He sends McHugh a link to a tweet from conservative pundit David Frum that reads, “Half of all violent crime in Germany committed by ‘foreign youths.’” (Hatewatch reached out to Frum for more context about his tweet but did not receive any response.) McHugh responds to Miller’s email about Frum’s tweet with a follow-up remark about Europe, and Miller sends a link to a Vox.com article suggesting that SAT scores have dropped in part because of the inclusion of more “poor and nonwhite students” than in previous years. Miller then suggests Breitbart take a look at “The Camp of the Saints.”
McHugh, Sept. 6, 2015, 3:34 p.m. ET: “[Breitbart editor] Neil [Munro], Julia [Hahn] and I are going to do a series of stories on [nonwhite SAT scores] to break it down. Neil says it’s easier for people to digest that way and change their minds.”
Miller, Sept. 6, 2015, 3:41 p.m. ET: “On the education angle? Makes sense. Also, you see the Pope saying west must, in effect, get rid of borders. Someone should point out the parallels to Camp of the Saints.”
Hahn wrote a Breitbart story on Sept. 24, 2015, headlined “‘Camp of the Saints’ Seen Mirrored in Pope’s Message.” The article ran 18 days after Miller’s email on the same theme. Hahn is now an aide to Trump.
While “The Camp of the Saints” was relatively obscure then, websites such asVDARE and the white nationalist American Renaissance helped make it a fixture in the white nationalist community. VDARE created an entire searchable tag called “Camp of the Saints.” At the time Miller flagged the book to Breitbart, VDARE had run more than 50 posts under “The Camp of the Saints” tagline, including some referring to Pope Francis’ rhetoric about accepting refugees. Sailer, who authored the VDARE post Miller had shared earlier, ran a story on the pope’s statements about accepting refugees on the same day Miller raised the issue with Breitbart.
Elizabeth Moore, a spokesperson for Breitbart, responded to Hatewatch’s request for comment about Miller's relationship with editors at the website with the following statement:
The SPLC claims to have three- to four-year-old emails, many previously reported on, involving an individual whom we fired years ago for a multitude of reasons, and you now have an even better idea why we fired her. Having said that, it is not exactly a newsflash that political staffers pitch stories to journalists – sometimes those pitches are successful, sometimes not.
It is no surprise to us that the SPLC opposes news coverage of illegal-immigrant crime and believes such coverage is disproportionate, especially when compared to the rest of the media, which often refuse to cover such crimes.
No one in our senior management has read the book, “Camp of the Saints,” but we take The New York Times at their word that it is a “cautionary tale,” and the National Review at theirs that “the central issue of the novel is not race but culture and political principles.”
The Trump administration has said it will cap the number of refugees allowed into the United States at 18,000 in the coming fiscal year, drastically reshaping America’s role as a haven for people fleeing devastation and war. The White House has also said it plans to allow state and local governments to block refugee resettlement in their areas.
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thatfeministkilljoy · 5 years
The white nationalist Stephen Garvey and the National Citizens Alliance(NCA) did not learn the first time that their hateful ideology is not welcome here in Halifax.      This protest will be non-violent and our goal is to de-platform the NCA and drown out their attempts to organize, radicalize and recruit for their racist political agenda.        The vision that Garvey and the NCA have for Canada is to transform it into an Ethno-State, where “white” people, or people with “traditional euro-canadian heritage” are enshrined by statute as the only “true” Canadians and that Canada specifically belongs to them.      Garvey bases his ideology on a white supremacist conspiracy theory called “White Genocide” or "The Great Replacement." This conspiracy theory states that “white” people are being replaced by “mass migration” from predominately non-white majority countries and the “Globalists”, a term widely used as a euphemism for Jewish people, are orchestrating this through “Agenda 21”, “Agenda 2030” and the “Global Compact for Migration” of the United Nations.      Garvey believes that in order for Canada to maintain its sovereignty from the “globalists,” “white” people or “euro-canadians” must be the statutory, enshrined ethnicity of Canada, they must maintain a demographic majority within Canada, and immigrants, refugees, Muslims, people of colour and anyone deemed a “cultural threat” must be subjected to an erosion of their human rights and the implementation of a two-tiered caste system, Canadians and non-Canadians. *bring noise makers, signs and umbrellas;) *If anyone would like to speak at the rally please dm us *due to the nature of this counter-rally please expect that times are subject to change so stay tuned for updates on facebook or our twitter @HfxAgainstHate Let us stand together once more to show that white supremacists and their genocidal ideology will not be tolerated in Halifax. Love & Solidarity, HAH
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Counter-protest even happening next month at Parade Square (Halifax) I know things got kind of messy last time with police acting much more harshly towards counter-protesters than the white supremacists and somewhat protecting them, so if you decide to go, use caution! Depending exactly when it is and my work schedule that week, you may see me there!
@nspoli @allthecanadianpolitics
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arcticdementor · 5 years
It's the usual "fun with labels" political game. I believe in The Emerging Democratic Majority, you believe in Replacement Migration, he believes in The Great Replacement, they believe in White Genocide.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
8chan, Trump, voter suppression: how white supremacy went mainstream in the US
"In many ways, the Republican party has been preparing for minority rule for years now. The anxiety that drove the shooter in El Paso, as well as every other white supremacist mass shooter in recent years, has motivated Republican politicians to steadily demonize and disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them. The problem long predates Donald Trump, but he’s given taken both the mask and the leash off of it."
8chan, Trump, Voter Suppression: How White Supremacy Went Mainstream In The US
The same anxiety that drives white supremacists has motivated Republicans to disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them
By Luke Darby | Published:02:00 Sun August 11, 2019 | The Guardian | Posted August 11, 2019 7:54 PM ET |
Before he opened fire on an El Paso, Texas shopping center, killing 22 people and injuring dozens more, the accused gunman, Patrick Crusius, allegedly posted a manifesto online explicitly stating his motivation: he was trying to stop a “Hispanic invasion of Texas”. In April, another shooter attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, killing one woman and wounding three other people. In his a “manifesto” attributed to him, he claimed he was responding to the “meticulously planned genocide of the European race”.
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in October 2018, still another shooter attacked a synagogue that he chose deliberately because the congregation helped with refugee relocation. He wrote online that they were trying to “bring invaders in that kill our people”. The man who murdered 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, earlier this year, called immigration an “assault on the European people”..
All of these shooters were obsessed with the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, sometimes referred to as “white genocide”. It’s the idea that shadowy elites – usually Jewish, almost always liberal – are orchestrating the destruction of white culture through demographic change. The theory goes that white culture will be eroded mainly through migration and birthrates: more people of color are arriving in majority white counties, the ones already there are having more and more babies, and birthrates are declining for the soon-to-be-oppressed white people.
But the fans of this theory, and the idea of a demographic threat to a white (male) hierarchical structure, are no longer the preserve of extremists that lurk in the netherworlds of the internet. White supremacy, and the ideas and motivations that drive it, are flourishing in plain sight in the US.
Most notoriously, Donald Trump has become a fan of “great replacement” talking points. In the last week many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have called the president a white supremacist. But Trump is far from being alone, and in recent years the idea has caught fire among more and more mainstream Republicans. The looming threat of their losing political influence permeates every move the party has made for decades.
Anxiety about racial decline has a long past, but this specific modern version of it comes from the French writer Renaud Camus, who was known in the 80s as a pioneering gay novelist. He coined the phrase “great replacement” in a 2011 book of the same name, articulating the conspiratorial idea that black and brown migrants are invading Europe to destroy white culture.
It’s a weird path that takes the ideas of a race-obsessed French novelist into the Trump White House, but it has been helped along by Rupert Murdoch’s pugilistic network, Fox News. One of the network’s standout hosts, Tucker Carlson, is probably the most clear-cut example: in August 2018, he dedicated a segment of his show to a story about black gangs killing white farmers in South Africa and the government then seizing their land. It’s a widely shared rumor online, popular with white nationalists because it seemed like an example of a government literally committing white genocide, but there’s no evidence that it is true. Carlson ultimately retracted the story, but not before Trump tweeted that he was directing the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to investigate.
Even when Carlson’s show isn’t clearly cribbing notes from white nationalist forums, he’s promoting their ideas in slightly more coded ways. He has railed against diversity, asking rhetorically: “How exactly is diversity our strength?” In 2018 he complained about  demographic change in the US, saying: “This is more change than human beings are designed to digest,” and adding: “Our leaders are for diversity, just not where they live.” Andrew Anglin, who founded the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, has called Carlson “literally our greatest ally”. After Carlson’s South Africa segment, Anglin said Tucker Carlson Tonight is “basically Daily Stormer: The Show.”
Experts in white supremacist thought largely agree that Trump is actively spreading the ideas that underpin this ideology. Christian Picciolini, US author of Memoirs of a Skinhead and former neo-Nazi who set up Life After Hate, a not-for-profit that aims to deradicalize extremists, said: “Donald Trump is using nearly identical language to what white supremacist movement language is, language that I used 30 years ago in lyrics and in promoting white supremacist ideology.”
Alexandra Minna Stern, professor on the history of eugenics and author of Proud Boys and the White Ethnostate: How the Alt-Right Is Warping the American Imagination, said: “The way I describe it is that President Trump has really set up a baseline for bigotry in political discourse in the United States that has helped create the terrain where this is more possible.”
And other frontline Republicans are following Trump’s lead. In 2017, the Iowa congressman and standard-bearer of the far right Steve King tweeted: “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” In a 2018 interview with an extreme rightwing propaganda site in Austria, King proved he was fluent in white nationalist tropes, saying: “If we don’t defend western civilization, then we will become subjugated by the people who are the enemies of faith, the enemies of justice.”
The rise of white supremacy is being driven in part by demographic change – although racism has flourished in the US long before whites were in sight of losing their position as the majority. The US census predicts that by 2050 white people will no longer be the majority in the country. A Census Bureau report from 2015 predicted that by the time the 2020 census is conducted, more than half of American school children will be non-white, meaning that “majority minority” future will be baked in unless something drastic changes it.
White people will still be the the largest demographic, they will no longer be in a majority. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, the number of white adults who believe “a majority non-white population will weaken American culture” is 46%.
Things look even worse if you are a Republican politician. Decades of playing to white grievances plus years of relentlessly maligning the first black president have stymied their ability to win support from non-white voters. After 2012, when Mitt Romney failed to even come close to unseating then president Barack Obama, the Republican National Committee commissioned a so-called “autopsy report” that predicted doom if the party couldn’t right itself: “America is changing demographically, and unless Republicans are able to grow our appeal the way GOP governors have done, the changes tilt the playing field even more in the Democratic direction. If we want ethnic minority voters to support Republicans, we have to engage them and show our sincerity.”
That hasn’t happened. Instead of trying to peel off voters who typical side with Democrats – women, minorities, moderates – Republicans have aggressively focused on making sure people who aren’t likely to vote for them don’t vote at all. In the US voter suppression – the act of denying the vote to minority and poor communities who are likely to be Democratic supporters – is thriving. In the last decade, 33 million people have been purged from voter rolls across the country – predominantly in districts with large percentages of non-white voters. In 2013, the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act. The state of North Carolina passed voter suppression laws so flagrant that the federal court said they targeted black voters with “almost surgical precision”.
Last year voters in Florida overwhelmingly chose to re-enfranchise 1.5 million people with felony convictions; after the vote the state legislature chose to add a requirement that none of those ex-felons can vote until they repay all court fees, effectively bringing back the poll tax which restricted voting among minority groups for decades.
Carole Anderson, academic and author of last year’s One Person, No Vote and a leading figure in the fight against voter suppression, wrote in the Guardian last week about the 33 million Americans purged from the voting rolls. “To put this in perspective, that is the equivalent of the combined  populations of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Phoenix and Dallas, as well as the states of Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Idaho. Not surprisingly, these massive removals are concentrated in precincts that tend to have higher minority populations and vote Democratic. Similarly, other voter suppression techniques, such as poll closures, deliberate long lines on election day, voter ID laws and extreme partisan gerrymandering all weigh disproportionately on minorities and urban areas.”
Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now
Paul Weyrich
Voter suppression isn’t necessarily a new tactic. In a 1980 speech to fellow conservatives, Paul Weyrich, one of the men who helped found arch-conservative institutions such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), the Moral Majority and the Heritage Foundation, said: “I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country, and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
What has changed is the demographic projections. And if Republicans can’t compete in the new electoral landscape, then it is in their best interest to freeze the official electorate in place. One way to achieve this is partisan gerrymandering, redrawing voting districts so that they’re easier for Republicans to win. Incredibly, the supreme court in June ruled that federal courts were powerless to hear challenges to partisan gerrymandering – even in a case in which the party that controls the state legislature draws voting maps to explicitly elect its candidates.
In an excoriating dissenting opinion, Justice Elena Kagan and the supreme court’s liberal justices accused the court’s majority of shirking its constitutional duty. “The partisan gerrymanders in these cases deprived citizens of the most fundamental of their constitutional rights: the rights to participate equally in the political process, to join with others to advance political beliefs and to choose their political representatives.
“The partisan gerrymanders here debased and dishonored our democracy, turning upside-down the core American idea that all governmental power derives from the people. If left unchecked, gerrymanders like the ones here may irreparably damage our system of government.
Of all times to abandon the court’s duty to declare the law, this was not the one.”
Even in terms of raw numbers, the Republicans are at a disadvantage. There are 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans in the US, but Republican control of the federal government is almost absolute. In part, that’s because institutions such as the electoral college and the Senate itself are wildly undemocratic, in the sense that both are structured so that one party can claim victory without actually receiving the most votes. In 2016, Democratic senators won 6m more votes than Republican ones, yet Republicans firmly held their majority.
The Senate distributes two seats a state, meaning that states with large multiracial populations and more Democratic voters (California, Texas, New York) get exactly the same representation as those populated by older – and often Republican – white people. As Jamelle Bouie noted in the New York Times: “Today, the largest state is California, with nearly 40 million residents, and the smallest is Wyoming, with just under 600,000 people, a disparity that gives a person in Wyoming 67 times the voting power of one in California.
“As it stands now, the Senate is highly undemocratic and strikingly unrepresentative, with an affluent membership composed mostly of white men, who are about 30% of the population but hold 71 of the seats. Under current demographic trends this will get worse, as whites become a plurality of all Americans but remain a majority in most states.”
And while elected officials can at least – in theory, and with ever-greater difficulty – be voted out of office, that is not the case for the justices on the supreme court who wield extraordinary power, as the recent partisan gerrymandering case reveals. Trump has so far appointed two supreme court justices.
Law professor Ian Samuel explained, in relation to Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation – Trump’s first appointment – that it was the first time “a president who lost the popular vote had a supreme court nominee confirmed by senators who received fewer votes – nearly 22m fewer – than the senators that voted against him”.
For his second pick, Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s choice to replace the moderate Anthony Kennedy, the senators who voted against him represented 38 million more people than the ones who voted to confirm.
In many ways, the Republican party has been preparing for minority rule for years now. The anxiety that drove the shooter in El Paso, as well as every other white supremacist mass shooter in recent years, has motivated Republican politicians to steadily demonize and disenfranchise populations that don’t vote for them. The problem long predates Donald Trump, but he’s given taken both the mask and the leash off of it.
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nicktargen · 5 years
About the Thulean Perspective
A short while ago Varg Vikernes’ YouTube channel ThuleanPerspective was removed due to hate speech and other alarming reasons. Am I saddened by this? Was I a fan of Varg and Thulean Perspective?
*points at camera* Let's find out
The fact of the manner is yes, I am a fan of Varg. But I want to be 100% perfectly clear that I do not agree with him on a lot, if not most, of his opinions on the contemporary world. It's shorter to list the things I agree with him about, but I feel that in this case, it's more important to list the things about him that I DISAGREE WITH
I disagree with Varg on:
Being AntiVaxx
Feminism Being Bad
Jewish Controlled Banks
Jewish Controlled Media
New World Order
White Genocide and the destruction of Western ("pagan") culture
The United States sabotaging in Europe because Europe is our “competition”.
I know, I know, you’re thinking: “Christ, how could you support a man that believes in that, even if you don’t?” Well, while I do disagree on Varg on many issues and 100% completely understand his videos on those subjects are well-made propaganda, I don’t need an echo chamber. Other people’s beliefs, as extreme and out there as they may be, don’t bother me. In many of his videos, Vikernes is so so so so close to the real problem, the real issue, but then makes a hard right and goes off into his conspiracies. 
Secondly, I thoroughly enjoy Varg’s content on paganism, self-sustainment (even though he does it as a prepper, and I see it as being eco-friendly...), his views on corrupt bankers/big business buying off politicians (his views on that are antisemitic, while I think they’re all greedy regardless of religion), his videos on RPGs, theology (albeit a little harsh on modern Christians), his critiques of both capitalism and socialism. And finally, I just genuinely like a lot of Burzum music.
This blog was actually created in aspiration of his early ThuleanPersective videos. This blog was originally called AnarchoCynicism as at the time I was reading a lot about various forms of anarchy, but mostly Anarcho-Capitalism (AnCap) and Anarcho-Communism (AnCom) and my changing political views from right to centre-left. And like this vlog, some of my YouTube videos were inspired by ThuleanPerspective, such as Visiting a Farm.
Do I think Varg has a troubled past and wrong about a lot of things? Duh. Do I think Varg is a National Socialist or a White Supremacist? Eh. I don’t think Varg really cares about nationalism because I don’t think he really cares for countries. Varg seems to think more big picture. I think he sees Europe as Europe and Europeans as Europeans. Not as Norway, Germany, Poland, Italy, England, etc. 
I can’t speak for Varg, and I am not here to defend him, or anyone, but I think his objection to mass migration isn’t so much rooted in racism or any sort of genetic supremacy. I think he just sees that white Europeans don’t reproduce at a high rate anymore and that birthrates are down. Sees the migrants coming from Africa, and the middle east to “replace him” when really it's just a quick and easy way to keep the population growing so that there are bodies in the future to pay taxes toward social democratic governments. 
When I was an edge load Libertarian in my early 20s I believed in that rubbish too, so while not sympathetic for him, just trying to give some insight. I could be wrong, and maybe Varg is just a racist piece of shit. And if I’m wrong I’ll totally own that and eat crow. 
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nedsecondline · 2 years
'The Nazis are coming' - antisemites harass Beverly Hills hotel guests - The Jerusalem Post
‘The Nazis are coming’ – antisemites harass Beverly Hills hotel guests – The Jerusalem Post
The truck was covered with phrases alluding to great replacement theory. Great replacement is the conspiracy theory that a cabal of political elites – often Jews – are trying to destroy white culture or race through mass migration of non-white peoples. It is often part of a narrative about “white genocide,” and manifested in the slogan, “You will not replace us,” or “Jews will not replace…
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ara-la · 6 years
A Specter is Haunting Europe
A Specter is Haunting Europe
by Michael Novick, Anti-Racist Action-LA/People Against Racist Terror
    The spectre is unfortunately not communism but a resurgent, zombie neo-fascist racial nationalist populism. I visited Sweden, Poland and Germany this summer and became more aware of troubling developments in all three countries, indicative of the growth of far right forces, rooted in old fascist elements in northern and western as well as eastern Europe. You can come and learn more about anti-fascism in Europe from two German antifa visiting L.A. on September 27. Contact ARA-LA for details.
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     Anti-fascists in Stockholm told me that although their movement was still strong and there was substantial, broad opposition to open Nazis, the racist right had successfully moved away from demonstrative street actions and confrontations and into the electoral arena over several years. Shortly after my visit, the far right Sweden Democrats, with neo-Nazi roots, who have promised to freeze migration and want to take the nation out of the European Union, became the third largest party in the elections, with 17.6% of the vote (up about 5% but short of the 20% that had been predicted).
     Although there was much greater diversity in Sweden, apparently comfortably, than I saw in a visit 8 years ago, the ruling center-left coalition, led by the Social Democrats, had paved the way for the election outcome through over a decade of neo-liberal privatization policies and recent efforts to embrace anti-immigrant sentiment. The Social Democrats came in first, but their coalition, including the Greens and the Left Party, barely led a mainstream center-right coalition, and the outcome of the deadlock is unclear. Jimmie Akesson, leader of the far-right Sweden Democrats (a misnomer) portrayed himself as a kingmaker. "We see that we are this election's winner, but now we enter a new mandate period and now we are going to get influence over Swedish politics for real." If the center-right is willing to accept their support to take over the government, Sweden will join the ranks of European countries where neo-nazi-based parties are now part of ruling coalitions.
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     In Austria (Hitler's birthplace, and once united with Nazi Germany in the Anschluss) the mainstream right's junior coalition partner, the Freedom Party once led by a former SS officer,  now controls the defense, interior and foreign ministries. The Daily Beast reports that hackers discovered that the party’s chairman, Johann Gudenus, once had the Facebook password “heilheil”.
    The neo-nazis have also taken aim at the intelligence services. A police unit headed by a Freedom Party member raided the homes of four staffers and an office of the domestic Austrian intelligence agency known as the BVT (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismus Bekämpfung, i.e., Federal Bureau for the Protection of the Constitution and for Counterterrorism) in May of this year. The bureau had released, supposedly accidentally, an intelligence report on right-wing extremism.
     Herbert Kickl, Austria's Minister of the Interior from the Freedom Party, claimed they were investigating "corruption" in the BVT based on documents that exposed sex parties among staffers. The material, attributed to a BVT employee, was noised around for a year until Kickl took over the interior ministry. Peter Gridling, head of the BVT for the last 10 years, was fired several days after the raids. According to the Daily Beast, he had been the object of a virulent campaign by the website unzensuriert.at (known as “the Austrian Breitbart”). The former editor in chief of unzensuriert.at is now Kickl’s communications director. Gridling has been reinstated, but Germany's intelligence agency has limited its sharing of information with the Austrians after it turned out that some of their material was seized in the raids.
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     Austria also hosts the largest regular gathering of neo-Nazis in Europe. On May 12, about 10,000 Croatians – including neo-Nazis and Catholic officials – gathered in a field in the southern Austrian town of Bleiburg to commemorate the defeat of the Ustaše army in May of 1945. The fascist movement which collaborated with the Nazi invasion, was responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of Jews, Roma, Serbs and Muslims during World War II, many in the organization's Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia. It was the only concentration camp run without any German involvement. Thousands of Ustaše members were captured and killed by Allied forces in Bleiburg. According to VICE, the annual event mourning that fact is organized by the Croatian Catholic Church, which claims that the gathering is not political, but simply a Mass that aims to "remember the dead".
     In Poland, where I visited with anti-fascists at a squat in Warsaw, I learned that the mainstreaming and embrace of open neo-Nazis has also taken place there. Whereas in earlier years, antifa had been able to forestall or disrupt neo-Nazi marches in the capital, beginning in 2015, the Nazi element had become part of a larger, nationalistic march on Nov. 11, Polish National Day (anniversary of the end of World War I when Poland again became independent). That year, several hundred neo-Nazis peeled off from the larger march and physically attacked one of the autonomous movement's squats in the city; although the squatters and supporters were able to fend off the attack, it was from a clearly defensive position.
     In 2017, the 99th anniversary, 60,000 people including right-wingers from across Europe marched in Warsaw, in the "unofficial" celebration, many chanting "Sieg Heil" (Hail Victory, the chant of Hitler's Nazis) and carrying banners reading "Clean Blood" and "White Europe." Warsaw was by far the "whitest" and least diverse city I visited in Europe as compared to Gothenburg or Stockholm in Sweden, Frankfurt in Germany, or London. Vessel cancellations forced me to skip a visit to Bialystok, Poland, where my father grew up, but from what I was told, it is now a hot-bed of neo-Nazi activity, with swastika graffiti everywhere, and antifa forced to keep a low profile.
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     Poland's ruling Law and Justice Party [PiS] has taken a hard line against immigrants and refugees, and defended the racist and nationalistic Warsaw rally. Jaroslaw Kaczynski is the "power behind the throne" in Poland. With no official government or state position, he remains party leader and is considered the most powerful man in the country. The party has tightened its grip on the security services, the courts and the civil service, and the media, purging and replacing personnel at the public TV channel with party loyalists.
    In Slovakia, the People's Party Our Slovakia (LSNS), led by Marian Kotleba, similarly moved from the fringes to winning seats in parliament. Kotleba used to wear a uniform modeled on the militia of Slovakia’s wartime Nazi puppet state. He rails against the Roma people (AKA "gypsies", also victims of genocide under Hitler) and is an admirer of Jozef Tiso, the Catholic priest and wartime leader who deported tens of thousands of Jews to Nazi death camps. In the post–World War II era, European politics have seen a long series of extremists, generally raging on the sidelines and creating a lot of noise while wielding limited power. His People’s Party-Our Slovakia got 23% of first-time voters in the last election, and took 14 seats in the 150-member parliament. Similar to Sweden, the left-wing populist Prime Minister Robert Fico had repeatedly vowed to protect Slovakia from an influx of Muslims, saying Slovakia would take in 200 Syrian refugees, but only if they were Christians. By legitimizing such anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim politics, he paved the way for the acceptability and electoral success of the openly racist far right.
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     But as Sweden shows, electoral success for the Nazi-rooted far right is not limited to former Warsaw Pact countries or former soviet republics like the Ukraine, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The Dutch PVV and Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France are now partnered with the neo-Nazi Austrian FPO in the European Parliament. Other allies include the Danish People’s Party (DPP) and Vlaams Belang (VB) in Belgium. Filip Dewinter, who is now the leader of Vlaams Belang, published a 70-point program in 1992 calling for the forcible deportation of all ‘immigrants’ -- up to the third generation born in Belgium -- back to their countries of "ethnic origin" — in practice, this would imply the repatriation of the majority of ethnic Belgians, whether or not they were Belgian citizens. Dewinter opposed efforts to integrate “non-European foreigners” into “Flanders and eventually all of Western Europe” as a dangerous plot to create “multi-racial utopias.”
     According to an article on Medium, Belgian philosopher Etienne Vermeersch, professor emeritus at the University of Ghent, points out that Dewinter founded the NJSV (Nationalist Young Student Association) in 1980, with a flag bearing the traditional Nazi colors — black, white and red. Dewinter’s NJSV published Signal, a magazine which in several issues featured a sword with a ribbon, stating, “My honor is loyalty”, the original slogan of the Nazi SS.
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     Meanwhile, in Italy, two far-right parties formed the core of a new government earlier this year. The right-populist, anti-establishment Five Star Movement agreed to form a government with the Liga Nord (Northern League) after Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia, which had been part of an electoral coalition led by the League, agreed to support the government in Parliament "from the outside" (without entering into the government itself or getting any cabinet posts). League leader Matteo Salvini took the post of Interior Minister, and in addition to blocking entry to refugees (he refused to let a vessel carrying several hundred migrants rescued at sea to dock in Italy), he has ordered a census of Roma, with the aim of deporting those who are not Italian citizens.
     The other noteworthy lesson I learned while in Europe is the similarity of other struggles going on over housing and gentrification/displacement, in Stockholm and Frankfurt, although with less police violence than is the case in Los  Angeles. But those cities, and according to reports from British antifa, London among others are seeing poor people and migrants driven out of areas by rising housing costs or new upscale and corporate construction projects. Comrades in Frankfurt were involved in a rent strike and in efforts to build a tenants' union; they were very interested in developments in Los Angeles along those lines.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
More importantly in some cities I couldn't see it I guess they didn't want to jeopardize their futures but in certain cities they put me in specifically for the people unable to help me
They literally couldn't help you if they wanted to and that's a violation it's almost like taking all the girls off my Warfield so I can't get aroused or jerk off to a picture of a girl I snapped on my camera phone IT DOESN'T MEET THE NEEDS THAT'S WHY I'M SAYING YOU TOOK THE WALMART AWAY FROM ME IS ANOTHER COMPLAINT
It's these white skin fanatics they're absolutely the worst these are the men that she said f*** them up for her f*** him up for her was specifically these white skin men
The problem is she also meant the black skin men here too and then you guys formed an alliance and then started replacing the girls YEAH SHE KNEW TOO MUCH THAT'S RIGHT SHE KNEW TOO MUCH SHE GOT TOO SMART FOR HER OWN GOOD
And then I'm hearing it an entire city have you here's my favorite story entire city migrated over to another city right before my arrival all filled with incidents against me half of the city's brand new covid has my name written all over it my blood all over it AND THEN I'M STANDING BEFORE EVERY WHITE SKIN MAN THAT SAYS BECAUSE I SHOWERED I COULDN'T HAVE KILLED MY OWN DAUGHTER
And that's what happened you guys began using the white skin man on me and saying he's better than me because he's white therefore I can draw blood on any black skin I see outside and I'm recommended we get rid of the 3/4 Black Mass Justice for you guys to be here promoting the other Beach and 3/4 houses and not and not realize that that's not that's not an okay statement. More importantly for a white skin family to want to be born in a one-bedroom house is a dream for them is a fantasy for them and I think you guys know that that's why you guys use the tool against them it was a lot of blood a lot of incidences it was my biggest heartbreak for all those little white hair girls to want to move into a one bedroom house and a little black girl stomped her out it's a very very nasty story very nasty thing you guys did to them
But to use me to promote your baby killing club in 3/4 house it goes together the beach the baby killing comes with 3/4 pounds you get a 3/4 house sell all the white hair white skin girls AND I'M TIRED OF BEING SET UP BY YOUR F****** B******* DAY TO BREACH MY N**** YOU NEED TO SHUT IT DOWN AND STOP COACHING THESE F****** N****** AND THESE CRACKERS OUTSIDE AGAINST ME
What the one about the all the white skin satellite operators said they couldn't have killed their own daughter because they were white skinned and they showered THIS IS THE BLACK MASS LIES SATELLITES PROTECTING THEM or just making me sick everyday that's what that's what the resorted to making me sick everyday cuz I know common Sense the reason why they hid those whiteskin boys is because you know how I point out of sleeping baby girl from far away I can point them out very easily I can identify I can also identify with a white skin salad operator with no money YEAH IT'S A GIFT FROM MOM OR EXPERIENCE MOST LIKELY IT'S EXPERIENCED THAT'S WHY THEY STARTED MAKING ME SICKER IT'S AN ACCIDENT WHAT HE SAW #JEALOUSY IT'S AN ACCIDENT WHERE HE SITS
We have become where you guys have nothing to talk about other than making me sick everyday and this black skin man want to pretend to be a father Minnesota called it I'm going to catch every single one of you if you end up ever end up on my beach and I'm going to bring violence and bloody broken bones for his attack I promise
There's no reason why this little n***** has to continue to talk to me about his fantasies about hanging out with his white skin friend 24/7 and in the accent Dent changes to no longer blame it a black skin man is it a white girl or a black girl you guys got like f***** up if you don't think I know what that meant all these black skin men now are in range to protect white skin boys white skin solid operators because the accent Dent has changed we can blame white skin men or is it a black girl or a white girl you guys got like f***** up think I don't know what that said
And again who the f*** are you for you guys have confused to behavior walk around saying it's okay to kill boys and to confuse another entirely different violent more violent more bloody for a black skin man to step in front of a white skin man and say you can't talk to him that way I'm going to break your f****** face
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allael · 3 years
Like most of Generation Identity’s ideas, their notion of a ‘Great Replacement’ draws on the intellectual inspiration provided by the French Nouvelle Droite (New Right). One of their most admired ideologues and most enthusiastic supporters is Guillaume Faye, a French writer and journalist.6 Faye claimed in a 2015 speech at the white supremacist National Policy Institute that Western countries are plagued by a ‘mental illness’, which he calls ‘ethno-masochism’. His diagnosis is that the gradual replacement of white people, the so-called ‘white genocide’, is based on three phenomena: immigration, abortion and homosexuality. According to them, ‘white genocide’ is the result of a combination of pro-abortion and pro-LGBT laws that have lowered the birthrates of native Europeans, and pro-migration welcoming policies have allowed minorities to engage in a ‘strategic mass breeding’.7 ‘It’s a gradual takeover,’ as Martin Sellner would say.
Demographic studies do not support these claims. A common logical fallacy in alt-right arguments is that if A came before B then it caused B (the post hoc, ergo propter hoc error). It is true that since the 1950s North America and Europe have experienced sharply falling fertility rates. It is also true that many Western countries abolished their sodomy laws and loosened their anti-abortion laws in the second half of the twentieth century. But the reasons for the declining birthrates over the past fifty years lie somewhere else. Research shows that rising living standards are responsible, with women’s education, the availability of contraceptives and the enhanced health and well-being of children being the important factors.
📚 Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists, Julia Ebner, 2020.
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