lizard-shifter-noms · 23 days
Still Subject to Change Chapter 9 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i'm sorry.
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Seeing the forest come closer I was actually relieved to finally be out of here and looked over my shoulder to see that the tower really was built to keep big Monsters in there with its thick walls and embedded spikes.
I shuddered and hoped I would never see this thing again, so turning back I instead focused on the treeline and not stepping on anyone.
Yep, still weird to think about that I could end someone's life with a single misstep and I tried not to think about it, and instead just drag my feet over the ground so that if someone were to be there they'd get toppled over and not squished under me.
Reaching the Forest's edge I assumed that they would let us go now, but it seemed we were still too close to their Kingdom so we had to walk into the forest even further.
I didn't dare speak out of fear that they would shoot me, but Robin seemed to have no such concerns.
“When are we there? I want to talk to Donovan, also where's Arthur?”
I tensed at his last Question accidentally squishing Arthur a tiny bit making him move more than before and I hurried to hold my breath and cut off his air supply, however that worked.
He stopped moving after a few seconds but this sure had been a scare, if he had woken up and someone noticed it we would have been fucked.
I still felt incredibly guilty but it couldn't be helped, I just hoped he'd understand.
I almost missed the guy's answer as I was busy holding my breath and my attention was focused more… inwards.
“Oh you can talk to your big friend later ALLLLLL you want as for this Arthur guy? He's been taken care of don't worry”
I did Not like the condescending tone the Guard had used but I couldn't really do anything about it which frustrated me even more.
At least Rikaad was able to step between them and shot a death glare at the offending guard who actually backed up a bit.
We continued walking in silence, safe for the Guards communicating amongst themselves.
I could feel Arthur lying limply against my insides, only moving occasionally and sending a thrill up my nervous system whenever he made a bigger movement.
I tried to Ignore it but since he was literally inside me that was near impossible, and I couldn't help but worry about the feeling.
What if that's what the Bracelet made me do? What if one day it urged me to eat someone for real?
Shoving these thoughts down I instead focused on the road so I wouldn't trip, and I could see that the tower was a bit further away now.
I really hoped they would just let us be already but it seemed that we were still too close to the Kingdom for their comfort.
At this point we had already passed the spot where I got shot at and were led even deeper into the woods towards the mountain.
Coming to a bigger clearing they ushered Robin and Rikaad to be in the center and threw both of them a bag, probably their own stuff judging by the clunking sound of metal.
The Guards still surrounded me, but I wanted them to go away already so I could talk to Robin and try to find a spot where I could let Arthur out so Rikaad wouldn't see it.
Arthur himself was still peacefully asleep, courtesy of a low oxygen environment and had thankfully not woken up during all of this.
But I did dread the part where he would, I didn't know how he would react and it scared me.
I also had to fight to keep my hand from settling over the warm lump in my core so as to not give away anything to the Guards.
The Guards walked around me to stand at the treeline of the small clearing, I didn't move as I really didn't want to step on someone.
Suddenly a Horse came up with an ironclad knight on its back.
The rider removed the helmet and i could see that it was the king, nobody else i knew had such a monobrow.
Did he follow us? I immediately became worried, Would he tell the others that I ate Arthur? I hoped not.
The guards all stood in a line next to him with their crossbows loaded.
I had a bad feeling about this and I was proven right as the king suddenly had a wicked grin on his face.
Aa all the Guards suddenly aimed their crossbows at me.
I didn't even wait to see what they would do and Instead turned to run in the opposite direction, snatching up Robin and Rikaad as I did so and getting the hell away from there as fast as I could.
Ignoring Rikaads surprised shout i just ran towards the mountains to bring as much distance between us and Maringand as possible making sure to not drop either of them.
Feeling Arthur start to move again I held my breath once more hoping that he'd fall back asleep even with all the movement.
It took longer than before and sprinting while not breathing made my lungs burn but after about three minutes he was still again.
I really hoped none of the others had noticed him squirming but glancing down while running showed that Rikaad was focused on the way we came, probably looking for any pursuers and Robin was just Clinging to my fingers.
I ran until I could no more, occasionally holding my breath to prevent Arthur from waking up.
I didn't really know how long I had been running but as I looked back I could not see the tower anymore and it was well after midday.
I sank to my knees gently letting Robin and Rikaad to the ground while I panted, my lungs burned from running and holding my breath and I did my best to calm down as fast as possible.
I did not want Arthur to wake up now from all this, not now at least.
I was still trying to figure out how to handle this and having him wake up now would be extremely awkward.
Rikaad seemed to stand Guard and looked in the direction we came from.
“We should continue after you rested, then we can figure out what happened to Arthur and how to get him back”
Ah fuck i really needed to make a plan.
Looking at Robin instead to make sure he was alright too and I didn't grab him too harshly I saw him staring at me, or more specifically my middle.
While I sat there I had unconsciously put a hand over my Pouch where Arthur lay and I yanked it back, looking at Robin and putting a finger over my lips to tell him to never say a word about it.
He nodded but still tilted his head at me with curious look in his eyes, i would tell him later what had happened, when I got the chance to do that without Rikaad listening in.
Being hunched over like this made the weight in my core just a lot more prominent as Arthur was lying on what was previously the front wall.
Getting up again and holding my breath anew even if I still felt like I needed more time to rest.
And feeling Arthur slide around in my pouch when I was hunched over was a bit weird.
I wanted to go as far away as possible as fast as possible from that place so I forced myself to continue on.
“Alright let's go i want to never go near that hellhole again we can worry about Arthur when i'm sure i wont get shot again”
I slowly stood up and went to walk even more towards the mountain.
I was glad that riding on horseback through the woods was not a good idea, otherwise we'd have to worry about that too right now.
Holding my breath again I went in the direction of the mountains in a straight line, not like there were any roads here anyway.
Robin scrambled after me and Rikaad started to walk faster too to keep up.
“It is going to be dark soon we should look for a campsite if possible”
At Rikaads words i looked around, it was indeed getting darker, How long had i been running?
No matter right now I needed to get Arthur out without the others or at least Rikaad noticing and I still didn't have a plan on how to do that.
So we ended up setting up a temporary camp near a river, still far enough to not be able to see said river but close enough to get water, and I felt extremely awkward the entire time.
I had their Friend within me for fucks sake! And the only one that didn't know was Rikaad at this point.
It didn't help that I had to fight with myself to keep my hands from straying to settle onto my middle.
If Rikaad did notice my odd behavior he didn't say anything about it luckily.
I kept frequently holding my breath to make sure Artur did not wake up and hoped to God that this wouldn't give him brain damage from the low oxygen he had been exposed to for some time now.
The Dark came as soon as we managed to light a fire, The crackling sounds provided a soothing white noise and I finally got an idea as I saw in the glinting light how dirty my legs had become.
And not just my legs, everything about me was dusty and on some spots downright caked in dried or fresh mud.
So I stood up and on the other two confused looks told them what I was going to do.
“I'm going to wash myself in the river, stay here i don't want any of you seeing me without clothing”
Robin looked a bit confused at first but then nodded, motioning a thumbs up, he'd been weirdly quiet since the capture.
I would talk to him later to make sure he was alright but for now I had other things to deal with.
Rikaad just made a dismissive hand motion and instead focused on the fire so I left to go a good bit downstream, away from where they could hear or see me.
I went a good bit further than that to make sure that even if it got loud they wouldn't notice, which took about five minutes to walk.
I had stopped holding my breath while walking and I could feel Arthur start to move again as I took deep breaths to supply him with fresh air.
The movements were confused at first, then a curious hand prodded my insides before he went still again, not unconscious, more like a stiff weight that held itself and it seemed like he was terrified of moving.
I even heard him say.
“Oh fuck”
I finally allowed myself to put a hand on my abdomen and poked at him, receiving a surprised noise in response.
“Arthur? Are you okay?”
He shifted confusedly for a second before answering.
“What? You ate me, why would you ask that?”
He seemed still a bit groggy so I would do one thing after the other for now.
“I didn't really eat you, but can you tell me if you're okay?”
I was a bit worried over the fact that I had essentially kept him in a low air environment and hoped I didn't damage his brain or something.
“What do you mean by that? And uh… well i Feel fine? wait-”
He started shifting a lot and I had to bite back a pleased hum at the feeling of having my insides rubbed, I didn't want to scare him after all.
“What the FUCK! Donovan, what the hell is going on?!”
He suddenly was a lot more energetic, seemingly having figured out that he'd been in there for some time now and was still okay.
So best to finally explain this…chaos.
“First off you're fine! And you will stay fine! You're not in my stomach okay?”
“Where the hell am I then? You fucking ate me!”
Well there was the anger, but now I knew that beneath that anger was fear, so I would try my best to reassure him.
“You are in my pouch not my stomach, basically i have some of my organs doubled but not all of them work so you're fine and nothing will happen to you in there”
He seemed to freeze at my words, likely trying to comprehend what I just told him.
Then I felt an indignant kick against my insides.
Now he really was angry instead of afraid and I sighed.
“I literally couldn't! Not with that Monobrow guy listening in! He would have killed us both!
Besides You said it yourself that you couldn't act to save your life! I'm sorry that I had to do this but it's better than death isn't it?”
He seemed to calm down at my words, probably realizing that I was right.
“So wait, are we still in the tower or why are you suddenly talking to me? And how did you manage to keep me asleep during all of this???”
At least those two questions were easy to answer but I hoped he wouldn't get angry again at hearing that I had deprived him of air.
“We are not in the tower anymore, i got us as far away as possible when we got out, as for keeping you asleep well uh- I just held my breath so you'd get less air?”
He didn't kick or punch me, instead he just flopped backwards against the walls of my pouch.
“You know what, okay why not? Are at least Robin and Rikaad okay? Wait, do they know I'm in here?”
I decided to try and answer the questions in the order I heard them.
“The others are okay, they are at out camp a bit away and no the don't know where you are, at least Rikaad doesn't, and i'd appreciate it if you'd never tell them about this, i'm not keen on getting stabbed by Rikaad to be honest”
He shifted again a bit and I had to suppress another delighted hum.
“So if we are away from the tower can you let me out? No offense but i don't like this and i never want to repeat it”
Walking a bit into the stream after chucking my shoes onto a boulder to keep them dry while he talked I could understand that he didn't want to do this ever again, so as long as he promised to not tell anyone I'd let him out as soon as possible.
“Of course I'll let you out just give me a sec, also can you promise me to never tell Rikaad about this? I'll help you come up with a believable cover story if you want”
Coming up with something would probably be difficult as he admitted to being a bad actor, so something simple would have to do.
Feeling him move again to sit up I walked even deeper into the widest part of the river, but the water still didn't go over my entire legs so I just stood there in the calves deep water listening for his answer.
“Yeah sure, i even swear on God to not tell Rikaad unless you tell me to, now get me out of here”
“Alright… try to go limp… i'm going to get you out now”
I felt a squirm of confirmation as I pressed in with my hand, and tensed up as I forced my body to throw up the form in my pouch.
Feeling something travel the wrong way up your esophagus wasn't by any means pleasant but I was used to it by now from the years of hiding valuables in there.
It wasn't long until I felt the cursing form of Arthur reenter my mouth and I plucked him out with two fingers, dangling him over the river in the pale moonlight.
“Fucking hell! How long was I in there? And set me down already! I hate this!”
I couldn't really set him down right now as I stood in the middle of the river and he would get swept away by the cool water that flowed around my legs so I instead cupped him in my hands.
He was a lot less slimy than I thought he'd be but still needed a wash to get rid of the bit of slime that did cling to him.
“One second, unless you want me to dump you in the river, also how are you? Are you okay?”
I walked back towards the riverbank so I could set him down.
“I've seen better days to be honest, and i'm sorry for what my uncle did to you guys”
Setting him down slowly onto the rocky dirt covered shore I went to wring out the hem of my shirt that had gotten wet when I bent over to get Arthur out before what he said registered in my brain.
“That Was Your Uncle??? What? Wait a sec, if that guy is your uncle then-”
He interrupted me before I could say another word.
“Yes my dad was the King, but frankly i didn't really know him aside from when i had to stand at his side during some stupid events, and no i'm not sad that he's dead i never cared about being some stupid royalty, at least i wasn't inbred like some of my other relatives”
He seemed to shudder at the last bit and not entirely from the cold.
“I thought Winton had told you who i am, ah fuck, how about you don't tell anyone about my royalty status and i keep quiet about the pouch thing okay?”
This did seem like a good deal but one thing confused me.
“Deal! Though, Who the fuck is Winton? Is that the monobrow guy? Don't tell me That ugly fuck is your uncle”
He flopped over into the mud of the riverbank groaning.
“Yes he is, i like to pretend that he's not though, i hate him”
That was completely understandable, I had only been around that guy for about a day and I already despised him as much as physically possible, and Arthur had to live with that for who knew how long.
Though now we needed to come up with a reason as to why Arthur wasn't kept captive anymore.
“So, any idea for a cover story? You know Maringand better than me”
He flopped onto his back in the dirt sighing.
“I'll just tell them i escaped through the sewers, as disgusting as it is it's believable enough and they probably won't ask for details”
That sounded good enough, I knew I wouldn't ask how someone crawled through a sewer, or at least not expect them to answer it.
“So can we go back now? I want to actually see Robin and Rikaad again”
That would be nice, but suddenly coming back with Arthur might be a bit suspicious, there was no way he would have kept up with us, especially since he had way shorter legs than I did and I had done an Adrenaline fueled sprint away from Maringand.
“Not a good idea, you suddenly turning up this fast is going to raise questions so maybe not today, ehh Night i mean”
It would be even better if he backtracked a bit so when Rikaad would usher us back to get him we'd ‘meet’ him on the way.
“Maybe even backtrack a bit? Rikaad is going to go back to get you anyway so if you go back a bit we meet you there and it's more believable”
He slowly sat up, now having mud stuck to the back of his shirt and put a hand over his face.
“Yeah that is a plan, not one im looking forward to but im not going to admit that i was eaten and didn't even do anything to stop you, that's just awkward and kinda embarrassing”
At least he shared my view on that point, so I went to sit next to him in the mud.
I would wash that anyway so I wasn't concerned with getting it even dirtier.
“Well you better get moving then, you have to go downstream and a bit to the right”
I pointed to where he had to go and he slowly stood up and started walking, even if his legs seemed to be moving a bit weirdly, they probably fell asleep in the time he didn't use them.
I was right in my guess as Arthur actually did comment on it.
“Dude my legs are wonky, how long was I in there? no wait don't answer I don't wanna know that, see you and the others tomorrow?”
The last part went an octave higher and I could clearly see that he was worried but did not want to show it.
Instead he started to walk through the woods and I hoped that I hadn't just made a mistake, After all, the woods were still dangerous and now he was unarmed.
I REALLY hoped I hadn't made an irreversible error but he was already out of sight so I went back to striding into the river, planning to finally get all the dirt out of my shirt and pants.
The cool water felt Pleasant against my sore legs and while I just let the stream wash away the mud on my pants I took my shirt off and swirled it in the water a few times to get everything out.
Dragging the now heavier shirt out of the water i wrung it out a few times before realizing that if i put it on again i'd likely get a cold or something, So the shirt had to stay off until it was dried.
Ah Fuck.
That ment i had to go back to the camp shirtless and try to dry it against the comparatively small fire we had.
I hoped no one would take offense to the fact that my top half was naked, but knowing Robin he'd more likely ask about my scars than complain about me missing my shirt.
Standing on the riverbank I wrung out my pants as best as I could while wearing them and slipped my shoes back on as I started to walk back, trying all the while to wring out my shirt as best as I could so it would dry faster.
I returned to a happily flickering fire and saw Rikaad inspecting Robin's face, apparently checking for bruises.
I realized with a pang that I might be too big to see small injuries, at least Rikaad was here to assess them.
Upon hearing me come back two heads simultaneously looked at me but Rikaad went back to checking Robin over who grinned at me.
Something was wrong with his teeth but I couldn't figure out what, I was too far away and probably too big too.
I sat next to the fire and put my shirt as close as I dared, I didn't want it catching on fire after all, then gave a worried look over to Robin.
“Are you alright? You've been weirdly quiet since we left Maringand”
He motioned for me to get closer and I bent down to be more at eye level for him.
He showed off his teeth and I finally saw what was wrong, The tooth behind his left canine had a small piece missing making his canine appear far more pronounced, like a fang.
No wonder he's been so quiet that must have been painful.
“How did that happen? Are you okay? Does it hurt?”
He shook his head, making his messy ginger hair bounce around his skull.
“I'm fine, one of the Maringand Guards told me to shut up and hit my teeth, but that aside where did your shirt go??”
I was glad he seemed to be okay and gestured vaguely to the shirt lying next to the fire.
“I'm letting it dry before putting it back on, not keen on catching a cold out here”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Rikaad nodding.
“A good idea, though we should rest soon i will take first watch”
He did have a point in that, we really should sleep soon and i could put my shirt back on tomorrow as embarrassing as them seeing my scars was i wouldn't risk a sickness right now.
“Is that where your kidney is missing?”
I flinched a bit at the question, it seemed Robin had come closer as I stared into the Flames of the campfire and was looking at the pale line of scar tissue at my side.
“Yeah it is, i'm glad i punched that guy when i did or had have killed me for sure”
He seemed to stare at it a bit longer before his gaze became that glazed over look again for half a minute.
He snapped out of it and shook his head.
“You have any more scars? You don't have to tell me though!”
Well I did have a few more but most of them were from mundane stuff like falling off a tree or climbing into small spaces, though there was a long thin line across my back doing shoulder to shoulder that I received from a blade.
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vixen525noms · 9 months
Because I Loved Still Subject to Change
Sorta AU thing where my apocalypse world character Sam visits @lizard-shifter-chaos's world from the story Still Subject to Change
Warning for: Soft, safe vore; violence and fighting; talk of mass death
This was really, really bad. Like when Rikaad had fought him, but without the snow. It might even be worse because somehow this person seemed to know exactly how to fight a giant beast.
Donovan had been out with his friends Robin, Arthur and Rikaad in the woods, away from where he thought anyone might see them. The rust haired Robin had been on his back, but had decided he'd rather nap in Donovan’s pouch so he decided to oblige his friend. His friend had only his legs sticking out as he swallowed when he heard a voice yell, “Oh hell no! I am not letting monsters kill anyone!” 
He swallowed more quickly to get Robin safely in his pouch as he heard his other two friends try to tell the stranger to stop… Donovan just managed to look down in time to see this stranger grab onto his green fur without hesitation and scramble up to slash some sort of weapon at his neck… Damn the scrawny fella was fast! A huge chunk of green fur fell to the ground. Thank goodness his short mane was so thick, but it would only slow the stranger down for so long. He swiped a paw at the stranger as they moved to slash, and despite his own speed this fighter grabbed onto fur and swung out of the paw’s arc before he could make contact. What a dodge! 
He snarled and turned to snap as the guy moved further back on the mane and started climbing… again they avoided his move expertly. He swiped his paws again… how can the fighter keep dodging so well? This was bad. He was too tall for his friends to help, and this attacker could scramble over him like an angry alley rat… That gave him an idea. Living on the streets he had been attacked by rats in the past. They weren’t the hardest to deal with: if you have hands that can reach them. As flexible as the green furry feline form was, this guy could see his paws coming too far ahead of time as he stretched to keep swiping as the fighter swung and climbed about as he slashed… Yee-ouch! He had gotten past the thick fur! Hopefully a change would catch the attacker off guard.
He pawed to turn the gems on the magic bracelet, activating the change to his form away from the giant green feline and to a humanoid giant. Yes he now lacked the protection of thick fur, but the stranger was getting past that anyway. And he had experience with a humanoid form fighting small agile things. Hopefully knocking off rats was comparable enough. 
He grabbed with his hand and just as he did the person dropped below his reach and grabbed his clothes to scramble back up again. Donovan hissed in pain as the bladed weapon cut past his clothes and sliced a gash across his abdomen. Okay, smarter than rats so still a problem, but how had the stranger seen him move to grab? He had been trying to hide his moves specifically to avoid that! He heard shouting again from the angry fighter as his hand slapped his own chest just as the fighter dodged again. What was said was rather… unexpected. The fighter had proclaimed, “I will carve you open to rescue who you ate! This won’t be my first time saving someone that way, and you won’t be the last giant I carve up to save someone from digestion!”
While this degree of skill could only have come from having faced similar foes, it still didn’t make sense to Donovan. Where could this stranger have found that? Donovan knew his bracelet was extremely rare… so what else could this stranger have fought to know how to climb and fight like this? How had she not fallen to the ground when his fur vanished from her grip? She had barely dropped at all before grasping his clothing and climbing back up… to adapt so easily she must have previously killed shape changing creatures. 
Donovan gave another hiss of pain, and was starting to get more worried. He knew his friends were near his feet with swords drawn, waiting for any opportunity to reach this stranger, but Donovan wasn’t sure how they could help. He heard what sounded like a weapon being sheathed as the fighter was now trying to get to Donovan’s throat from his shoulder! Donovan managed to slap at his shoulder to force the fighter to let go and grab onto his shirt on his back to avoid the hit.
He heard Rikaad shout, “Donovan! Fall flat on your back now!” Donovan knew Rikaad was extremely smart, and could make plans really well. There was no hesitation, Rikaad had to have a plan to keep the fighter from slicing his throat the moment he was on the ground. So he let himself drop and fall back as fast as he could. He felt the fighter release the back of his shirt to dodge… and by the time he turned his head he could see Arthur and Rikaad had managed to use the forced dodge to allow them to pin down the fighter. 
Donovan sighed in relief. He could see Arthur was angry about the situation but Rikaad seemed more calculated. Rikaad looked at Donovan, “Get Robin out. This woman’s actions seemed to be driven by wanting to save someone she saw you eat, I think she will stop struggling and fighting us when she sees Robin was not harmed.” Donovan was briefly puzzled. Woman? But then he realized the fighter was a woman. It has become obvious only when her shirt got a bit torn while his two friends restrained her. She had bindings on her chest to hide that she had breasts, but the stranger was a woman.
Still, she was struggling and fighting against them so best to prioritize what Rikaad said if it might help. He brought Robin back up as he sat on the ground, setting him where the woman could see the red head was unharmed. She seemed to lose all fight immediately, which made it much easier for Rikaad and Arthur to restrain her. Tying her wrists for now as they started to check for further weapons. 
Donovan’s attention snapped to Robin as Robin saw the injuries, “She hurt you! That looks bad!" Robin was already checking to see however many injuries Donovan got, and was not happy. Rikaad was already trying to question the woman. Donovan scooped up Robin in his hand, “It’s okay. It’s not that bad. Besides, she just wanted to save you.”
Robin hugged his hand, “She hurt you! She could have killed you!” Donovan rubbed the little red head's hair, “I know… but I am fine now. She calmed down the moment she saw you were unharmed. You know my biology is weird. She had no reason to know about my pouch, to her it would have looked like you would end up in my stomach. She was even shouting about carving people out of monsters to save them. I don’t know where she’s from, but it sounds like she’s seen giant monsters actually eat people. Oakley can patch me up and maybe he can figure out what’s up with her. But I’m asking you not to try to fight her. Remember, Rikaad reacted the same way.”
Robin and Donovan decided to just watch as Rikaad and Arthur made sure she had no other weapons. They identified the bladed weapon she used as a machete, but didn’t recognize what it was made of. The backpack she wore had little in it… it had two other large bags, bottles that contained water, and a couple small sealed packages that when opened had some kind of prepared meal inside. There was also what seemed to be jewelry in there. Nice stuff, would get a good price if sold. So it seemed like she was prepared to get some things but didn’t bring much with her. She had a strange bracelet too, not like his though, and Rikaad couldn’t find how to remove it. It had a rectangular part, images and writing on it. Probably some sort of magic because some of the writing and images changed at times. 
Once Rikaad and Arthur seemed certain there were no further weapons on her, they discussed how to get her back to the castle. Still felt strange sometimes that Rikaad had turned out to be the heir and it was now his castle, but it sure was useful at times. Solved a lot of problems when your friend was in charge. They had concerns about transporting the woman back to question further. She was an extremely capable fighter and could be dangerous even unarmed. 
Arthur actually said maybe because she was unarmed, unlike Rikaad had been in the similar situation, putting her in the pouch could prevent her from fleeing or lashing out. It sounded like a petty way to give her a scare for what she did, but Donovan did not want to put someone in there who moments ago was ready to kill him. Rikaad was suggesting she had some sort of magic because he had observed her moving to dodge Donovan’s hits before he even moved, as if she could somehow predict when she might take damage and move to avoid it. It was why he had sheathed his sword and had Arthur do the same before attempting to restrain her. Magic meant she was way more dangerous, and how dangerous and what she could do was a complete unknown. That made the suggestion of putting her in the pouch an even worse idea. Hopefully Oakley could help them figure stuff out. 
Donovan placed Robin on his shoulder, “I’ll just hold her securely with my hands while we walk. It should keep her restrained until we get additional help.” Rikaad nodded, agreeing that was the safest way to keep the woman secure. Donovan picked her up carefully and she offered no resistance. He even heard her mutter that she was sorry for the misunderstanding, then added, “While I feel bad about the mistake and hurting you, I also want to warn you that if you do try to make a meal of me, I will carve my way out with my own bones if I must,” and then she then went silent again. So yeah, putting her in the pouch was definitely a terrible idea. Arthur carried her bag and weapons and Rikaad stayed ready to fight, as he was the most skilled with a sword. And they started the walk back.
The whole experience since jumping to this world had been wild to Sam. Seeing that big green short-mane lion thing swallowing a human down reminded her far too much of the troubles at home. Of seeing her own brother barely breathing from being swallowed down by a similar monster. She had drawn her carbon-fiber machete and rushed forward. She knew from experience with similar sized monsters she had limited time to carve the beast’s belly open before the one eaten had irreversible damage. 
Well, at least in the vast majority of cases. Her friend Jacob had been the sole exception. That weird healing factor of his… When she pulled his bloody form from that giant she felt sure it was far too late and all she could do was give him painkillers to ease his end. He had already lost a leg and she could literally see his lung through his chest! Would be another stranger she was too late to save. But she was wrong. She pulled him to shelter and gave him painkillers. She didn’t know how the currently skinless man could still be breathing, but she put him on a clean sheet on the ground and stayed up all night to keep feeding him painkillers. She was astonished when after the first hour, his chest was sealed closed again… and she realized that he had an ability. Hers was to sense danger, his was to heal. And heal he did.
She couldn’t help but briefly smirk as she thought about how she had made such a loyal friend. But her thoughts soon went back to the fight with the giant currently carrying her as they all went… somewhere. The green cat monster had seemed like a mildly challenging kill. Thick fur made it hard to do damage, but slicing it away solved that. The giant had apparently thought changing form would dislodge her as the fur suddenly vanished… 
But she had seen, and killed, form changing monsters back home. The giant invaders back home had come in all sorts of variety. The many different types making it hard for mankind to know how to kill each type is part of how they had eliminated so many people. Based on radio reports they had gotten, even the largest cities that once housed millions had at best a couple thousand survivors hiding out. But apparently things were very different here.
When she had briefly glanced people near the feet of the giant, she had naturally assumed they were trying to take him down as well to save the other human. She hadn’t been able to focus on their actual actions, just be aware of their location. She had been sure she nearly had him when she got on his back where it was harder for him to smack or grab at her. Before long she would have had an opening to either slit the throat or drive her machete in his spine… Then she heard a shout and he dropped back. Now that she could think about the sequence of events, she realized the stern looking fella had actually ordered the giant to drop down on his back and the giant had obeyed without question. It was wild to think about. Seeing them interact since then. Seeing him get the human out of his belly. Seeing how the one he had swallowed was so clingy… They were friends. With a giant. It may not be in her world, but it gave her that glimpse of hope… Hope that maybe not all of the big people were monsters. She desperately wanted to find a way to stop the destruction back home. If she could find a non-hostile one back home, maybe they could find a compromise or negotiation. 
But that was a slim hope. For now she had to wait and see what these people planned to do. She still had her teleporter on her wrist… it was locked in place and couldn’t be removed, so she always had an option to escape if it got desperate. But she had let herself be taken captive in the past when she jumped to worlds. Heck some decent trades had even happened after such things, where she offered the jewelry she brought to get supplies for her people. Other times she had just broken out when they weren’t watching and stole what she needed. These people… didn’t seem unreasonable. Not entirely at least. Sure they weren’t happy she attacked the giant, but other than that the one seeming to want to scare her by feeding her to the thing, they had been very reasonable since she stood down. No physical retaliation for the injuries she caused. Just took precautions to assure she couldn’t do it again. 
She glanced up as a shadow passed briefly overhead. A flying monster of some sort? Some of the monsters that accompanied the invading giants had been small… but this wasn’t the place those giants came from, so no telling. Could just be a condor, those were some rather big birds… or who knows what. But the shadow caused the group to pause on their trip and the giant to say something about oak tree? Weird. But she could now see something human-sized come down through the air to land near the two humans. She’d need to listen to figure out what was going on.
Seeing the shadow pass overhead, Donovan knew who it had to be immediately. “Oakley! We were just coming to see you!” Oakley flew down to land by Rikaad and Arthur. “Funny seeing you here! I was just about to go investigate some strange energy out this way, but you four already found the source and were even bringing it back! How thoughtful!” Rikaad started to tell Oakley about their initial encounter, and how he figured out she somehow sensed anything dangerous so they had to put swords away to be able to catch and restrain her before any further harm came to Donovan.
Oakley glanced up at the woman in Donovan’s hand, “She seems rather passive now. Of course she had no way to know about Donovan’s pouch, I doubt there’s anything like that where she’s from. Things are probably very different, considering if I’m right, she’s from an entirely different world.” The others were quiet briefly as they processed what Oakley just said. While they were making sense of it, Oakley flew up to land on Donovan’s arm to take a closer look at the woman. “Hmm… I think she may need medical attention even if she wasn’t hit during the confrontation. Even at a glance I can see signs of malnutrition and severe exhaustion. And a lot more could be learned from her with a proper examination. We should head to my tower.”
Oakley continued to examine the young woman as they walked. Poking at her, asking questions, seeing how much she would open up. But she remained quiet, only occasionally speaking. When asked if she had killed giants before, her answer was ‘Far too much’. When asked if she still wanted to harm Donovan, she shook her head. When asked if the jewelry in the bag was stolen she answered no, she brought it with her to use for trade. When asked what she wanted to trade for, she said her people were desperate for food more than anything else. Questions about her ability to fight and magic she remained silent on. Questions on who her people were and where they were made her tense. Easy to guess that she was protective of them.
It was a bit amusing to see how the young woman’s eyes went wide as it became clear they were going to the castle. Donovan glanced at his friends, deciding to surprise the girl a bit more, “So Rikaad, seeing as you are king I guess it makes it your decision if she goes to a cell or just to Oakley’s.” As he suspected, her quickly looking from him down to Rikaad again with wide eyes was a bit amusing. Probably made her more worried that she had attacked a friend of the king. But Rikaad was smart and sensible, so his reply was no surprise. “She is being cooperative, and Oakley seems concerned about her well being. Medical wing for rest. She stood down as soon as she knew Robin wasn’t hurt… Her reaction to what you do was no different than my own. Even if she had an advantage against you that I did not, she should be treated no worse than I was after the same mistake… Although under close supervision as she has not earned the same level of trust.”
The girl relaxed a little at what was said, perhaps finding it reassuring that even friends had misunderstood that kind of behavior in the past, and that the mistake would not put her in the dungeon. Granted, they also had no idea if the dungeon would even hold her, so slight shows of trust on both sides would be required. A bit of hospitality and help recovering wouldn’t be hard, and may get her cooperation for Oakley’s tests and maybe more answers to their questions. 
Once they were outside the medical wing, Donovan set the young woman down and she stood still. Rikaad approached, “The guards will have orders not to let you off castle grounds, at least for a while you won’t be allowed to wander without escort. If you agree not to flee, I will cut the rope from your wrists.” She considered a moment, “As long as nobody hurts me, I will not leave without informing someone. The only way I will leave urgently is if I am harmed or if I receive a message from my people that they desperately need my help with defense or rescue. If I do have to leave because of such a message, I will make a good faith effort to return here. Is that sufficient?” Rikaad considered for a moment, “An exception to save those you care about is more than understandable, as long as you inform whoever is your escort.” Once the young woman nodded to agree to inform her escort, Rikaad cut the rope away so she could move freely. She rubbed her wrists a moment. “I would like my belongings in sight, even if I’m not allowed to access my weapon. It was hard to get and if I need to depart to save others, I’ll need my weapon.” Rikaad nodded, “If you are willing to cooperate with Oakley’s tests, your belongings can stay within sight of you.” She arched a brow, “If the tests remain non-harmful, I will cooperate.” Rikaad glanced at Arthur, “Make sure they go in the medical wing with her.” He turned back to the woman, “Do you have a name we can call you?” “Sam.”
As Sam was led into the medical wing, Donovan noticed the plants of the gardens had almost seemed to perk up. They hadn’t looked that nice in a while… not since the gardener had died. Perhaps she was part dryad like he had been? It was certainly interesting to see. Now that things had settled down, he placed Robin on the ground and used his bracelet to get small again and enter the medical wing as well. He had a lot of cuts to get treated after all. Once Sam was seated on the bed, Oakley came over to start applying medicine and bandages. Donovan could see Sam staring. He also noticed Robin was glaring a bit. Not happy Sam had hurt him. Sam then spoke,  “I… am sorry I got so caught up on things I didn’t hear the others yelling at me. It was just… a very familiar situation. Not just the thousands I witnessed getting eaten when the invaders arrived, when I saw from the safety of a rooftop too tall for them to reach… but…” She seemed hesitant, “It was so much worse when even though we had survived the invaders for months… but local gangsters nailed him with an explosive on his way back from a supply run… He was too injured to move… I was going to drag him inside, but by the time I reached the door that damn purple feline thing already had his limp form in its mouth… I watched it swallow my brother… my twin. I first started keeping my hair short and styled like this because that way every time I look in the mirror I feel like he’s looking back at me.”
Donovan was shocked… it was no wonder she was too emotional to hear the others shouting at her… and the tears running down her cheeks as she told the story made it clear this was not some lie. It wasn’t just about saving people. She was fighting her own memory. Reliving a trauma… and it probably made matters worse that his form was also feline at the time. It must have felt like it was happening all over again. Donovan forced a smile, “Just don’t swing a weapon at me again, and all is forgiven.”
Donovan had decided to stop in to see the strange woman again around dinner time, once people had time to cool their heads more to see if she was adjusting at all, or if she had caused any trouble. Oakley was gone running tests on samples at the moment, so there was just the usual medical area staff and it looked like Nea was assigned to keep an eye on Sam. Smart choice. If anyone could handle such a potentially dangerous foe, it was Nea. Nea was a heck of a guard and warrior woman. Even crutches hadn’t slowed her down in the slightest… It was interesting to hear her laughing. Sam apparently was telling her about some of her own fights, “Yeah, it’s happened more than once. Carving into the belly of a monster to pull out an acid soaked victim is… gruesome. Unfortunately some of the people I saved turned out to be local gangsters who wanted to repay my kindness by trying to gut me to steal my supplies. Their mistake. But most of the time I don’t target giants eating gangsters. There’s a couple in the city who seemed to figure out if they leave the area my people use alone they are safe.” Nea nods, “Sounds like it would be a hell of a foe to fight. Maybe there’s a way I can visit some time to practice against the unique enemies you have there.”
Sam and Nea both paused in their conversation when Donovan approached. Sam seemed much less on edge now. Perhaps medical care and lunch had been what was needed for her to give trust a chance. Sam immediately asked Donovan how his wounds were doing. “Nearly gone. Oakley has some great treatments, so even the deepest gashes will be fine in no time. Dinner is going to be ready soon. Are they having you stay here, or come to the main dining hall? I hope you at least get to try the cinnamon bread. It’s really good.” 
Sam frowned, “They wanted me to remain here and I’m trying not to cause too much trouble…” Nea however was already putting Sam’s machete in the backpack and putting it on, “Nonsense! As long as you are with your assigned guard there should be no issues!” Even with Nea holding her belongings that she wanted to keep in sight, both Donovan and Nea could see she remained hesitant. What happened next surprised nobody who knew Nea. Nea just grabbed Sam’s arm and jerked her up to be standing, starting to half drag the stumbling woman to the door. When one of the staff tried to intervene, a cushion from a nearby bed hit their face before they could react. Donovan couldn’t help but smirk, it was amusing to see how Nea must have dealt with the medical staff when she was told to stay to recover.
So Donovan joined them as Nea half dragged Sam to the dining hall. It made it easier to find it anyway, the castle still felt like a maze to him. He could see Sam studying the way they went. He wondered if she would have an easier time navigating than he did. Entering the busy feast hall could be a tad overwhelming at times when you weren’t used to so many people, and at a glance he could see it gave Sam pause. Not that Sam had much opportunity to pause, Nea was already dragging her to get a plate while talking about some of her own battles again. It was clear Sam was excited by so much food. Not surprising seeing how skinny she was. How could she be such an effective fighter while on the edge of starvation? It was kind of incredible.
It was once they were all seated and Sam had a huge plate of food she started to open up a bit again. Talking about how she hadn’t seen so much food since she was a child. Since before her father killed her mother and left her to live on the streets with her brother. The streets are a hard place to live, so in that way he could relate. Apparently there had been options of places for them to go run by the government, but they had a bad reputation of breaking up siblings and they wouldn’t risk that. They also couldn’t risk people learning about any abilities or risk being locked up and used for their own purposes. 
Well it was more and more obvious the way to win Sam over was food. Should have been obvious with how skinny she was. She was more than willing to explain why she came to this world now that she had a big meal in front of her. Food. Food was the whole reason. Because it was unsafe to try to travel to farm areas and too exposed,  her people needed food sources so she teleported to other worlds because she was the most durable and traded for or stole food for them. She could only do so when there was a lul in the attacks and threats. Apparently they had been hunting rats and pigeons in the city for meat. Stray dogs when they were available. Some of the city gangs they fought with resorted to cannibalism. Sam just used the bodies of those she killed to bait other animals to eat. It was fascinating to hear the different ways they managed to survive. Donovan couldn’t help but smile a bit, “Rikaad is a good man, and a good king. I’m sure he’ll send plenty of food back for your people. He won’t judge you for having weird abilities, nor will he try to use you. You gave us a scare, but if food is really your only goal I doubt there will be any other issues.”
It took little to get her to talk some more, especially since she had hopes of getting food for her people. She talked about them, about the pros and cons of their unusual group. Apparently most of the group thought she was male, specifically because two members had strong beliefs against female leaders so it simplified things to have them just be cooperative. It was hard to find people who can do hard work, so having those two helped compensate for the weaker members, like an old lady and a child. Sounded like things were rough and desperate where she was from, and probably everyone there was traumatized after seeing such mass deaths. Donovan offered her some cinnamon bread, which led to her talking about how when they do get things like flour, the older lady could bake some really interesting sweets using dried seasonings they had. She even offered to share other recipes that use cinnamon! She really didn’t seem like a bad person once she was relaxed. 
After dinner, Donovan decided to visit Rikaad and fill him in on what he learned. Rikaad was reviewing what Oakley had learned when Donovan walked in. Donovan started to discuss what he saw, about Nea dragging Sam to the feast hall, and he suspected she was going to have them share a regular room instead of going back to the medical wing. Rikaad nodded, confirming he expected Nea would act that way, but he was hopeful letting the two warrior women hang out together would go well. Donovan talked about how they had been talking when he showed up about their different combat experiences, but Sam really opened up about her situation once they were eating. Donovan sighed, “Her whole reason for being here is desperation. They have a hard time getting food because of how dangerous the area they live in is.” Rikaad nods, “She did seem extremely skinny, and Oakley said she has both extremely severe exhaustion and malnutrition. He suspects that the same ability that lets her dodge attacks might make it difficult to sleep in her world because it’s such a high risk area. He actually wants to talk to you about a solution to help her with that. I was going to suggest she stay to recover from the malnutrition for a while, but if her people are that desperate we may need to send her back with supplies sooner and simply request she comes back. If what you explained about her situation is accurate, I think the gift of food will encourage her to return.”
Rikaad paused briefly before continuing, “Oakley wants to study her more, and when Nea learned about how Sam moves to fight large targets, Nea wants to spar with her and see if they can share techniques for combat. Having new techniques that enemies can’t predict could give us a huge advantage in any future conflicts, so it would be more than worth sending food or even temporarily housing her and any others needing additional care. Such techniques could be vital if any enemy ever has multiple giant beasts.” Donovan hadn’t considered the potential danger from that kind of risk, but then again, he wasn’t nearly as tactically-minded as Rikaad. Rikaad always planned ahead, always weighed potential outcomes. So Donovan had no doubt that Rikaad’s decisions were the best course of action. Donovan nodded, “Guess I’m talking to Oakley next. Are you having Nea take Sam there too?” “Actually I sent word for Nea to take Sam to wash up and get fresh clothing before talking to Oakley.”
Rikaad paused again briefly, thinking before continuing, “One thing I have noticed… Even when she is more open and talkative, she is careful to avoid mentioning how she traveled between worlds to get here. It’s smart. She’s making sure she is the only one at risk by not letting anyone know how to reach her people. Don’t push her for that information. I suspect she would be a lot less friendly if she had any reason to think we might try to get to her people. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but I can almost guarantee it is to her. She has every reason not to trust anyone. She comes from an extremely hostile place and needs time to see we are genuine. When you go to talk to Oakley, remind him not to ask about that topic. This is a woman who does not care about her own safety, only the safety of those she protects.” Donovan nodded. It made sense… it took him time to trust his friends, so of course it would take her time too, even if she was being more friendly. It wasn’t all that different from how he made sure very few people knew about his pouch and how he could keep people in it safely. His secret was because it wasn’t an easy concept for people to understand and accept, basically to protect himself and potentially others if he used it to fake someone’s death. Her secret was because the knowledge could be used against her people, basically to protect those she cared most about. A secret for safety in both cases.
Donovan had barely gotten to Oakley’s tower then he flew down to talk to him. Oakley seemed rather excited by his test results and was rambling about the girl’s unique biology. It was kind of interesting. Things like immunity to most poisons and even a number of medications and apparently she could sweat capsaicin and other plant based insect deterrents. He talked about how most of the magic woven into her being was inherited, and the combination made it seem like she was custom bred to be some sort of warrior or slayer. Bred to be a monster slayer would explain how even in a malnourished and exhausted state she could fight so well. “I actually need your help for my next experiment! I think that magical detection of danger is why she can’t sleep and I may know how to get around it. I’ll need you to be big for this experiment, but I am quite confident the results will be positive! Her immunity to so many drugs and such mean that most sleep medicine would fail on her, and I even tried a bit of chloroform in the medical labs before I got to run my tests, so it’s not restricted to plant based things. That would have been my theory originally because of how she can produce certain plant based chemicals, so it was good I tried that to know the immunities extend beyond that.” 
Donovan watched Oakley flip through notes he had apparently made on Sam, clearly having been enjoying learning about a human from another world. As old as he was, unique learning opportunities probably aren’t so common anymore. So Donovan would just enjoy seeing Oakley excited. “It’s quite fascinating. When I asked her about sleep, she apparently only rarely had problems when she was young, especially if she had her brother with her. And more recently she has managed to get just enough sleep to stay alive by having her closest ally in the room with her. So being safe is apparently key, and it isn’t dependent on trust. The ally tactic worked even before she knew him well, and even though she is close with other group members, it doesn’t work with them. So the conclusion I reached was that it has nothing to do with trust but instead relies on a combination of being capable and willing to assure her safety. The guy it works with was military, so capable, and she saved his life so even before she knew him enough to trust him, he wanted her safe.” Donovan considered what was said, “So me being big would count as capable is what you are thinking, right?”
“Not entirely.” Oakley says, “But close. Arthur should be bringing her down here before long. Nea will have been told you are handling keeping an eye on her at night.” Oakley flipped to a different page, “See my theory is a proper barrier to any threats along with assured protection will create a perfect environment for her to sleep. Thus in your pouch would lead to instant sleep. And if it doesn’t work, you can always just get her back out.” Donovan stares for a moment, “You want me to put someone who attempted to kill me in my pouch?” Oakley grinned, “Well yes, not so different than with Rikaad. And this will be better discussed to assure you don’t get stabbed. Besides, she’s had so little sleep it’s a surprise she isn’t dead from it yet.”
Donovan was very unsure of this idea… Oakley was insane… but also had yet to be wrong. Once Sam knew Robin was unharmed she backed off immediately, but Donovan was still wary. She had threatened to carve her way out with her own bones if she felt it necessary. But it was also very obvious she was in desperate need of sleep. Oakley made it very clear it was basically a matter of life and death. If he was to consider this plan it would have to be as a giant, as what Sam said earlier made it clear her worst trauma was with a giant feline monster. 
Donovan was deep in thought and barely noticed when Arthur arrived with Sam, and he even missed part of the conversation with Oakley. But once he realized they were talking about the plan he started paying attention again. Sam was surprisingly calm as she spoke, “So what you are getting to is you want me to agree to let the big guy swallow me to see if it causes my magic to let me sleep?” Oakley seemed cheerful about how she was taking it, “Exactly! Perfectly harmless, and if you have a problem while in there, Donovan can get you right back out!” Sam frowned, “It feels like a rather… threatening action. If I start to take damage I will retaliate to protect myself. But… if it truly is harmless I suppose I could give it a chance, especially if it means the guy in charge may be more likely to give me food to take home for my people.” 
It was kinda sad to process how little she valued her own life over just the chance of helping her people get food to survive, but considering who she lost, it made sense. But it was also reassuring to Donovan, she was less likely to overreact to him because she had something to gain from cooperating with whatever crazy ideas Oakley had. Donovan sighed. Oakley was sure, and she would die if a solution wasn’t found. 
He didn’t like this idea, but at the moment she didn’t want to stab him so it was worth giving it a try. So he turned the gem on the bracelet to make himself big again, watching Sam’s reaction closely for signs of hostility. Sam was just looking at him. Seemed uncertain, but not hostile. Instead of picking her up, he held his hand out by her, “I’m pretty worried about you stabbing me, Sam. So please, if you get upset, at least give me an opportunity to get you out after you let me know.” Sam thought for a moment and nodded, “If I am unharmed, I will not harm you. I am very uncertain of this, but I will cooperate with this… test.” Donovan gave a slight smile, relieved she was willing to agree to that. 
Donovan decided to still take it slow to watch for a reaction, waiting until she chose to sit in his hand to pick her up. But she remained calm, tense but little reaction. She also didn’t react, at least not in a way he noticed, when he opened his mouth and brought her close to it. He glanced frequently at her to look for signs of lashing out, but she seemed to really be willing to try this. Before long he was starting to swallow her, trying to make it go quicker so she wouldn’t be in his throat long. She was definitely much scrawnier than anyone else he had done this to, and it actually made it easier. It didn’t take long before he felt her slide into his pouch. He was kinda glad he started using that word instead of trying to explain it as a non-functioning stomach. 
He could feel her adjusting her position in him, and he rested a hand over the spot where her form was, “You okay in there? Not feeling stabby?” That actually got a slight chuckle from the woman, “You know… I’ve never liked fighting and killing. It’s just been a necessity. And while I might be a tad slimy, there’s nothing… harmful… so I don’t…” Her words were interrupted by her yawning, “…see a reason to use…” A second yawn and she continued, “…the emergency bone… blades I can… pop out.” While it was nice she was saying she didn’t want to stab him, Donovan still found the information a bit horrifying, “You can actually pop out your bones into weapons?” He heard her yawn again. Seemed like Oakley was right again and it was affecting her fast. But even tired, Sam managed to get out a partial response, “Sorta... It’s complicated.” Her words seemed to come out slowly. He thought he heard her starting to mutter something else, but she just went limp. As best he could tell, she was already asleep.
Donovan soon noticed Oakley was grinning as he watched. Easy to guess he figured out his theory was right. Oakley thanked Donovan for helping with this test and started taking more notes as he went back into his tower. Donovan wasn’t entirely sure what to do next, but eventually just walked to his modified shed to lay down, not wanting to disturb Sam as she slept. He wasn’t surprised when Robin eventually joined him laying in there. It was pretty common for Robin to sleep here. It was certainly an odd day, it would be interesting to see how things went when the fighter in his pouch woke back up.
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prismmediawire · 5 days
SensaSure Technologies and Verde Bio Holdings Provide Update on Pending Merger
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Registration Statement on Form S-4 Declared Effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission
Special Meeting of SensaSure and Verde Stockholders to be held on May 9, 2024
Merger Expected to Close by the end of May 2024
LAS VEGAS, NV, April 24, 2024– SensaSure Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SSTC) (“SensaSure”) and Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTC: VBHI) ("Verde" or the "Company"), a growing oil and gas company with a focus on the acquisition and management of oil and gas minerals and royalties, today provided an update on the pending merger (the “Merger”) of Formation Minerals, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of SensaSure (“Merger Sub”), with and into Verde, with Verde continuing as the surviving entity and a wholly owned subsidiary of SensaSure, pursuant to an agreement and plan of merger, dated as of December 11, 2023 and amended as of February 8, 2024 (the “Merger Agreement”).  On April 10, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) declared effective the Registration Statement on Form S-4, as amended, filed by SensaSure, which includes a joint proxy statement/prospectus with respect to the shares of SensaSure capital stock to be issued to Verde stockholders in the Merger and the special meetings of SensaSure and Verde stockholders to approve various matters in connection with the Merger (the “Proxy Statement/Prospectus”).
SensaSure and Verde will each hold a special meeting of stockholders at the offices of Sullivan & Worcester LLP at 1633 Broadway, New York, New York 10019, on May 9, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, respectively, for their respective stockholders of record as of April 1, 2024  to approve various matters in connection with the Merger, and have each mailed a copy of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to their stockholders as of such record date.
The Merger Agreement contains certain closing conditions customary for transactions similar to the Merger, which have been satisfied or waived, or which the parties expect to be satisfied or waived shortly after the special meetings, including the approval of the Merger Agreement by Verde stockholders. The Merger is expected to close by May 31, 2024 or as soon as practicable following such meetings, assuming the receipt of the requisite stockholder approvals. Following the closing of the Merger, SensaSure expects to merge Verde with and into itself and change its name to “Formation Minerals, Inc.” and expects that its shares of common stock will continue to trade on the OTCBB.
SensaSure and Verde stockholders are urged to read the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, including, among other things, the reasons for the unanimous recommendation by each company’s board of directors that all stockholders vote “FOR” ALL PROPOSALS included in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus in advance of the special meetings by telephone, via the Internet or by signing, dating and returning the applicable proxy card upon receipt by following the instructions on the proxy card. If you are a SensaSure stockholder and have any questions or need assistance voting, please contact SensaSure by telephone at (347) 325-4677or by email at [email protected].  If you are a Verde stockholder and have any questions or need assistance voting, please contact Verde by telephone at (972) 217-4080 or by email at [email protected].  SensaSure or Verde stockholders can also contact Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. to request additional copies of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or the proxy cards or voting instruction forms, as applicable, at: (800) 579-1639. If you are a stockholder of SensaSure or Verde and would like to request documents, please do so by May 2, 2024, to receive them before the special meetings. Stockholders whose shares are held of record by a broker, bank, or other nominee should contact their broker, bank, or nominee for additional information and to ensure that their shares are voted.
Your vote “FOR” ALL PROPOSALS is important, no matter how many or how few shares you own.
About SensaSure Technologies, Inc.
Until November 2023, SensaSure Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: SSTC) was a medical technology or “MedTech” company that supplied a simple device and method to collect a breath sample for lab-based analysis. Subsequent to the six months ended October 31, 2023, management of SensaSure has been in the process of establishing a new business segment to develop energy related businesses which led to the entry into the pending Merger transaction.
About Verde Bio Holdings, Inc.
Verde Bio Holdings, Inc. (OTC: VBHI) is an oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition and management of mineral and royalty interests in lower risk, onshore oil and gas properties within the major oil and gas plays in the U.S. The Company’s dual-focused growth strategy relies primarily on leveraging management’s expertise to grow through the strategic acquisition of revenue producing royalty interest and strategic and opportunistic non-operated working interests. 
Additional Information and Where to Find It
In connection with the Merger and related transactions, SensaSure has filed with the SEC the registration statement that includes the Proxy Statement/Prospectus. Before making any voting or investment decision, investors and security holders of SensaSure and Verde and other interested parties are urged to read the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, any amendments thereto and any other documents filed with the SEC carefully and in their entirety when they become available because they contain and will contain important information about the transaction and the parties to the transaction. Investors and security holders may obtain free copies of the registration statement and amendments (when available), the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and other documents filed with the SEC through the website maintained by the SEC at http://www.sec.gov. Copies of the documents filed with the SEC by SensaSure are also available by contacting SensaSure by email at [email protected]. Copies of the documents filed with the SEC by Verde are also available free of charge on Verde’s website at https://investors.verdebh.com/financial-information/sec-filings or by contacting Verde by email at [email protected]
Participants in the Solicitation
SensaSure, Verde and their respective directors and executive officers and other employees may be considered participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of SensaSure or Verde with respect to the transaction. Information about the directors and executive officers of SensaSure is set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023 filed with the SEC on August 14, 2023. Information about the directors and executive officers of Verde is set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2023 filed with the SEC on August 2, 2023. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, is included in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and other relevant materials to be filed with the SEC regarding the transaction. Stockholders, potential investors and other interested persons should read the Proxy Statement/Prospectus carefully before making any voting or investment decisions. These documents can be obtained free of charge from the sources indicated above.
No Offer or Solicitation
This press release does not constitute a solicitation of a proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any securities or in respect of the proposed Merger. This communication shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption therefrom.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1955. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, SensaSure’s and Verde’s expectations with respect to the proposed Merger, including statements regarding the benefits of the transaction and the anticipated timing of the transaction. Words such as “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results. Most of these factors are outside of SensaSure’s and Verde’s control and are difficult to predict. Factors that may cause actual future events to differ materially from the expected results, include, but are not limited to: (i) the risk that the transaction may not be completed in a timely manner or at all, which may adversely affect the price of SensaSure’s and Verde’s securities, (ii) the failure to satisfy the conditions to the consummation of the transaction, including the approval of the Merger Agreement by the Verde’s stockholders, (iii) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the termination of the Merger Agreement, (iv) the failure to obtain any applicable regulatory approvals required to consummate the Merger, (v) the receipt of an unsolicited offer from another party for an alternative transaction that could interfere with the Merger, (vi) the effect of the announcement or pendency of the transaction on SensaSure’s and Verde’s business relationships, performance, and business generally, (vii) the inability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Merger, which may be affected by, among other things, competition and the ability of the post-combination company to grow and manage growth profitability and retain its key employees, (viii) costs related to the Merger, (ix) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may instituted against SensaSure or Verde, regarding the proposed Merger, (x) the ability to maintain the listing of SensaSure’s or Verde’s securities on the OTC prior to the Merger, (xi) the risk that SensaSure or Verde is not able to maintain and enhance its brand and reputation in its marketplace, adversely affecting SensaSure’s or Verde’s business, financial condition and results of operations, (xii) the risk that periods of rapid growth and expansion could place a significant strain on SensaSure’s resources, including its employee base, which could negatively impact SensaSure’s operating results; (xiii) the risk that SensaSure may never achieve or sustain profitability; (xiv) the risk that SensaSure may need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which many not be available on acceptable terms or at all; and (xv) other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in the Registration Statement. There may be additional risks that SensaSure or Verde does not know or that SensaSure and Verde currently believe to be immaterial that could also cause results to differ from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and SensaSure assumes no obligation and do not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. Recipients should carefully consider such factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of periodic reports filed by SensaSure or Verde with the SEC, the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and other documents filed or to be filed by SensaSure from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Recipients are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and neither SensaSure, nor Verde assumes any obligation to, nor intend to, update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law. Neither SensaSure, nor Verde gives any assurance that either SensaSure or Verde, or the combined company, will achieve its expectations.
For more information, contact: Kirin Smith, President PCG Advisory, Inc. [email protected]  
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For a buyer, SSTC status means they get some time to conduct surveys and searches to ensure everything is as it should be with the property.
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duckgens · 8 months
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the way that ive drawn various ricky ships in this pose and now an actual production has done it🥺🥺
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Lies Layered Like Peach Strudel - Chapter 2 Updated!
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Jaime Lannister was one rich, obnoxious individual. Obnoxious enough to buy an apartment (one-floor penthouse?) opposite Stark, Stark, Tully & Co. (SSTC)’s office to be called his home. It was that afternoon when Jaime proposed to her. Brienne could barely utter a word and only blinked rapidly at him. So he suggested that after office hours, she would go to his house and ‘discuss’, while finally un-pin her from the wall since he decided he should go home and rest.
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aryl-hydrazine · 1 year
SSTC testing
(single BJT slayer-exciter circuit for checking if the secondary works)
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Scientists find field of meteorites from 2013 asteroid explosion over South Australia Nine years after a six-tonne asteroid crashed through the Earth’s atmosphere over South Australia, researchers have used a combination of defence satellites, weather radars and drones to locate the largest meteorite-strewn area in Australia since the Murchison meteorite fall in 1969. Armed with a novel 'treasure map', a field team, led by Professor Andy Tomkins from Monash University’s School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, searched a six-kilometre long 'likely fall zone' north of Port Augusta, SA, tracking down the first meteorites within 10 minutes - a process that would normally take weeks. Over a period of several days 44 meteorites were recovered, totalling a little over four kilograms in mass. Professor Tomkins has extensive experience leading field searches for meteorites on the Nullarbor Plain and collaborates with the Desert Fireball Network (DFN) team from Curtin University. “This discovery is very exciting because it’s the first meteorite strewn field resulting from a new fall event to be defined since the famous Murchison meteorite fall in 1969,” Professor Tomkins said. On 31 July, 2013, US Department of Defence satellites picked up an unusually large atmospheric explosion, equivalent to 220 tonnes of TNT, estimated by researchers to have been a six-tonne asteroid, 1.5 metres in diameter. Dr Hadrien Devillepoix from Curtin University’s Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) recognised an opportunity to find meteorites on the ground resulting from this explosion. The Bureau of Meteorology had recently made its weather radar data openly available for research, under the initiatives of Dr Joshua Soderholm. In the USA, weather radars have been used to track meteorites as they fall and define a search area on the ground. “We were very excited because a few meteorites have been found using this method using the USA’s radar network,” Dr Devillepoix said, “and if we were to find any from this event, it would be the first time that has been achieved elsewhere.” Using these techniques, Dr Devillepoix calculated a likely fall zone (a ‘strewn field’) on the ground where meteorite samples were most likely to be found - a six-kilometre long ellipse north of Port Augusta, SA. Field team member, Seamus Anderson from Curtin University’s SSTC has recently developed a novel technique to identify meteorites in drone images using machine learning. “This is an amazing opportunity to refine our approach to meteorite recovery,” Mr Anderson said, “it typically takes a search team hundreds of hours to fully search such a large area – a drone can do it in less than a day.” “This is a world first,” Mr Anderson said, “using artificial intelligence and machine learning to map a meteorite strewn field.” With this new approach, scientists can combine both the weather radar and all sky camera network techniques to produce more precise calculations of the orbital origin of meteorites. “This gives us an entirely new tool to track meteorites and where they come from,” said Dr Eleanor Sansom, manager of the DFN team at Curtin’s SSTC. Scientists from Monash have carefully collected meteorites to avoid any contamination by microbes from outside the natural environment where the meteorites were found. “This is the perfect opportunity to undertake the first study of how microbes interact with a newly fallen meteorite,” said microbiologist Dr Rachael Lappan from Monash University. “We think that as microbes first move into a new environment, they initially survive by consuming minerals and even gases from the atmosphere – this is the ideal opportunity to test out those concepts,” Dr Lappan said. The South Australian Museum will be showing several meteorites recovered from the new strewn field at its Six Extinctions exhibit, open to the public from Saturday 26 November. Ben McHenry, from the South Australian Museum, said: “we’re very excited to put these meteorites on display; it’s great that we can have this collaboration between the universities and museums to share the excitement with everybody.” Scientists from Monash and Curtin are undertaking further research on the meteorites, and looking to apply the radar technique to other meteorite falls. “Because this event happened in the daytime, and a whole year before the DFN started monitoring the skies, it really shows the value of open datasets,” Dr Devillepoix said. “Without people like Dr Soderholm or the person who lobbied the US DoD to publish bolide data, thinking outside of the box and anticipating that the data could have other applications, this would not have been possible.”
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fmarkets · 4 months
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$SSTC #NONE Sensasure Technologies Inc Faces Uphill Battle with Struggling Earnings Growth in Second Quarter of 2024
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montdigital1 · 10 months
What Does an Under Offer Mean
What Does an Under Offer Mean?
There are a lot of property buying terms that might be confusing for buyers. One such term is ‘under offer’.
Many people wonder what this means and why properties are left on the market. This article will cover what it means and how you can still view a property that is under offer.
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It’s a marketing term
Whenever you see a property that is described as being “under offer”, it means that the seller has received an offer on the property, and they are considering it. This is a bit different from selling a property as a ‘sold subject to contract’ (SSTC), as contracts are not exchanged at this stage. However, it’s still possible for the sale to fall through at this point. The seller could change their mind or the buyer may not be able to get their mortgage or complete the survey.
As such, estate agents often use the term under offer as a marketing tool to encourage other potential buyers to view the property quickly. This is because a property that is under offer tends to sell more quickly than those labeled as sold stc. However, it’s important to note that if a property is under offer, you can still make an offer on it, as long as the conditions are met.
It’s a conditional sale
Generally, estate agents will use the term ‘under offer’ when an offer has been made but it hasn’t yet been accepted. This could be because the buyer needs to sell their existing home, it may be part of a chain, or because they’ve had issues with their mortgage application.
During this time, the property can still be marketed and viewed. This can be a good opportunity for other buyers to make an offer, but the sale won’t be final until contracts are exchanged. This is the point at which things can go wrong – if a buyer changes their mind, or if the seller’s new home doesn’t sell as quickly as expected, then the deal will collapse.
It’s the responsibility of the buyer to push the process along, whether it’s pushing their offer, arranging surveys or completing their conveyancing early, in order to avoid being gazumped by another, higher offer. They can also ask their estate agent to apply pressure, but they can only do so much and are not responsible for the delay.
It’s a conditional offer
Whether you’re buying or selling a property, it’s important to understand the meaning of under offer. This guide explains what under offer means and how it differs from Sold Subject to Contract (SSTC). Also, it discusses other terms that can be confusing, such as can you view a house that is under offer and how long houses can remain under offer.
When a property is under offer, it indicates that a buyer has made an offer that has been accepted by the seller. The sale is not complete, however, and new buyers can still make an offer on the property. This is known as gazumping.
Estate agents will often use the term “under offer mean uk” instead of a more definite phrase, such as sold subject to contract, in order to give potential buyers the impression that the property is still open for inspection. This can make the process much more streamlined and ensure that there are no delays.
It’s a conditional agreement
A property that is under offer means that a prospective buyer has made an offer on the property, and the seller is considering this offer. The term is not to be confused with the phrase ‘sale agreed’, which means that the seller has accepted an offer and the sale is progressing.
Estate agents use the term ‘under offer’ to create a sense of urgency for potential buyers and to encourage them to view the property as quickly as possible. This can be an effective marketing strategy, as it may lead to more interest in a property.
However, it is important to note that a house that is under the offer can still fall through, as no contracts have been exchanged yet. This can happen if the buyer’s mortgage is not approved, or if something goes wrong in the conveyancing process. In this case, another buyer could make a better offer and the property will remain on the market.
Read More – What does an under offer mean
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lizard-shifter-noms · 9 months
Happy Vore day!
(it still is where i am, Timezones lol)
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so yeah have this, can pretty much be whenever in the story.
should Donovan sit so close to the void above the water? probably not but the rock is sturdy at least.
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Testing of Remote Sensing for Crop Insurance in India
Remote sensing technology was introduced in India sometime during the 1970s, by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was used as a tool to update the land utilization maps and soil information and to define the crop insurance scheme. The technology received formal approval from the Government of India to be used in crop insurance schemes in 1985. This approval was given to IRMIS (Indian Remote Sensing Integrated Mission) by GOI (Government of India). The major objective behind this approval was for a better and enhanced method of crop monitoring and assessment for the crop insurance scheme. The recent steps that have been taken in favour of remote sensing technology are setting up an SSTC (State Remote Sensing Application Centre) by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The development of "Localized Insurance Schemes" was one of the first steps that were taken by ISRO; they had the objective to reduce the number of losses during droughts.
Remote sensing satellites have been instrumental in providing high-resolution images for mapping purposes since their launch in 1972 (IREOS). The first Indian remote sensing satellite was launched on December 24th 1975 with Russian assistance at ISRO's Satellite Launch Center (SLC) at Sriharikota Island located off Andhra Pradesh coastline near Chennai port city which has seen it all since then till today when we have multiple satellites orbiting around our planet each day and also in space!
In agriculture insurance (crop insurance), it can be used as an effective tool to update the land utilization maps and soil information and to define crop insurance schemes. The use of remote sensing technology has been made possible through satellite imagery and high-resolution images. This will provide high-quality data for farmers about their lands which will enable them to make better decisions regarding agricultural practices and hence improve the productivity of crops on these lands.
The technology received formal approval from the Government of India to be used in crop insurance schemes in 1985. The major objective behind this approval was for a better and enhanced method of crop monitoring and assessment for the crop insurance scheme.
In the year 1995, it was decided that IRMIS should work as an autonomous organization under the department of space within the government which will provide services to farmers through a satellite-based remote sensing data acquisition system which includes imaging instruments for agricultural purposes like refractometers etc., ground station network or networked sensor nodes with local processing facilities at field level providing real-time information on soil moisture content etc., weather information derived from METAR observations at station level along with digital terrain model (DTM) generated by laser scanner mounted on the topographic vehicle during field survey operations.
IRMIS (Indian Remote Sensing Integrated Mission) had three objectives:
To develop remote sensing technologies for use by various agencies, in their planning and execution of rural development programs;
To provide training to scientists on remote sensing technology; and
To benefit humankind and to ensure the development of the country
The major objective behind remote sensing testing for crop insurance in India is to develop an enhanced method for crop monitoring and assessment for the crop insurance scheme.
Remote sensing is the use of remote sensing data, either imagery or other considerations such as topography and waveforms, to monitor crop growth and productivity. It is also used in assessing crop insurance claims, frauds and allegations against growers.
Remote sensing can be used to assess crop damage by looking at the overall condition of a field. This includes its health (whether it has been damaged by pests), maturity status (how far along in its growth cycle it is) and fertility level (if there are problems with nitrogen use). The result will help determine whether you need additional fertilizer applications or not. It will also provide information about what kind of soil conditions exist in your field so that you know exactly what kind of fertilizers would work best for your farm's needs at any given time during the production season."
The government is also trying to encourage farmers to adopt this new method by providing incentives such as free seeds or fertilizers. In addition, they plan on installing 15-20% of their total budget towards remote sensing projects over the next few years so that those who want it can get access without having any problems getting started with their research project - whether it's related directly to crop insurance or not!
The development of "Localized Insurance Schemes" was one of the first steps that were taken by ISRO.
The development of "Localized Insurance Schemes" was one of the first steps that were taken by ISRO. The aim was to reduce the number of losses during droughts, which can lead to crop failures. This was done in 1993 with a project called the ‘Crop Insurance Scheme (CIS).
The CIS scheme has been implemented in different parts of India since then and has helped farmers get better protection against adverse weather conditions like drought or flood etc., thereby reducing their financial burden when they incur losses due to these factors.
These steps were taken in 1993. They had the objective to reduce the number of losses during droughts.
Remote sensing is an important tool for crop insurance and monitoring. It helps to assess risks, as well as monitor the weather and soil conditions. The following steps were taken in 1993:
A Remote Sensing Centre at IIT Delhi was established under the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) of India; this centre provides training, software development and support services for developing countries.
A new crop insurance scheme was introduced by the NREGA Act which provided benefits for farmers suffering from drought or floods etc., based on their assessment of losses incurred during these calamities using remote sensing techniques such as satellite imagery analysis & interpretation etc.
Remote sensing has been a major step in the development of crop insurance schemes in India. The technology is now used for monitoring and assessment of crops, which has helped in reducing crop losses due to droughts and other natural hazards. It also provides information to farmers on the weather conditions and whether they should be worried about drought or not. In a nutshell, remote sensing has helped a lot with the implementation of crop insurance schemes by ensuring robust crop monitoring and crop assessment.
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elaijahaman · 1 year
My Serenity in Human form
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Hi, Eiries! HAHAHHA calling you on your first name is too formal for me, that’s why I gave you a nickname which is “Donato”. Another reason why I gave you that nickname because I want to be someone special to you, like you’ll remember me when you hear that nickname ganon. The first time we met was on our Grade 6 days, I think. We took an entrance exam in SSTC which is on my current school now. We met there and had a conversation in messenger afterwards. I think we were just friends that time then our connection cut off in mid-grade 7 time. Soo this April? if I’m not mistaken, we started a conversation. I almost forgot who you were because we met like yeaaars ago but thank God I was able to remember bits of our memories. So we talked for months, and slowly I felt that we have that same vibe? HAHAHA and what’s funnier is I think we somewhat clicked because we have the same zodiac sign HWUAHUSHHAS so that months of talking made me know you more. What I’ve liked you since then is that how “green flag” you are. You don’t push me things that I don’t want to do. LIKE, you are the exact me if I was a man. You treat me the way I wanted to be treated. That time, I was still afraid of commitment and you do too. I think that was the reason why we made it this far but that isn’t a bad thing naman because we were taking our time to know much deeper of each other.
We decided to meet but I felt feverish so it was rescheduled and then we finally met again after those personal interactions we had in SSTC years ago. I was worried because I still have mild cold that time. First meet was a big event for me. I had fun and I wanted to meet you again like personally. That night after we met, I was really worried about your impression of me. I think I was socially awkward and I don’t even know why I think I am. So we after first meeting, we met again and again. 
Every meetings, I am always reminded of how considerate you are. For me, you are one of a kind. Your eyes, they sparkle when it meets mine. Your smile brightens my mood. You excel at things I don’t. You’re a good communicator while I’m not. You don’t push me out to my comfort zone which is one of the things I like about you. I contemplated when you asked me if I was ready for a relationship because I was thinking about the risks I am afraid to take but you said you will wait for me. What I think contributed the most out of the reasons why I fell for you was the smallest things you do for me. It may not always show on my face that I feel really exhilarated but inside, I feel like I’m going to burst. HAHAHAHA Thank you for making me feel appreciated, my love. You made me feel what really love is. With you, I find peace.  I’ll write more letters. I’m sorry that I can’t say this to you personally because I am shy and I don’t know how to translate my feelings in like saying it personally to you. So I’m writing this, hoping you know what I feel for you. I love you more than sleep. mwa <3
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duckgens · 7 months
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and good for them
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South-South and triangular cooperation in agricultural development: FAO’s experiences.
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This publication provides insight into the key features of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) and how FAO has applied it to the delivery of its mission. The case studies showcase how SSTC has contributed to alleviating hunger and malnutrition in countries across the global South and has helped build resilience in the face of climate change and other development challenges. The lessons learned from these experiences are feeding into FAO’s new action plan and will guide its future results-based SSTC programmes.
United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).
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Moon asteroid impacts mirrored on Earth A Curtin-led research team has found asteroid impacts on the Moon millions of years ago coincided precisely with some of the largest meteorite impacts on Earth, such as the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. The study also found that major impact events on Earth were not stand-alone events, but were accompanied by a series of smaller impacts, shedding new light on asteroid dynamics in the inner solar system, including the likelihood of potentially devastating Earth-bound asteroids. The international research team studied microscopic glass beads aged up to two billion years old that were found in lunar soil brought back to Earth in December 2020 as part of the Chinese National Space Agency’s Chang’e-5 Lunar mission. The heat and pressure of meteorite impacts created the glass beads and so their age distribution should mimic the impacts, revealing a timeline of bombardments. Lead author Professor Alexander Nemchin, from Curtin University’s Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC) in the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said the findings imply that the timing and frequency of asteroid impacts on the Moon may have been mirrored on Earth, telling us more about the history of evolution of our own planet. “We combined a wide range of microscopic analytical techniques, numerical modelling, and geological surveys to determine how these microscopic glass beads from the Moon were formed and when,” Professor Nemchin said. “We found that some of the age groups of the lunar glass beads coincide precisely with the ages of some of the largest terrestrial impact crater events, including the Chicxulub impact crater responsible for the dinosaur extinction event. “The study also found that large impact events on Earth such as the Chicxulub crater 66 million years ago could have been accompanied by a number of smaller impacts. If this is correct, it suggests that the age-frequency distributions of impacts on the Moon might provide valuable information about the impacts on the Earth or inner solar system.” Co-author Associate Professor Katarina Miljkovic, also from Curtin’s SSTC, said future comparative studies could give further insight into the geological history of the Moon. “The next step would be to compare the data gleaned from these Chang’e-5 samples with other lunar soils and crater ages to be able to uncover other significant Moon-wide impact events which might in turn reveal new evidence about what impacts may have affected life on Earth,” Associate Professor Miljkovic said. The international collaboration was supported by the Australian Research Council and involved researchers from Australia, China, USA, UK and Sweden including co-authors Dr Marc Norman from the Australian National University, Dr Tao Long from the Beijing SHRIMP Center at the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and PhD student Yuqi Qian from the China University of Geosciences. Titled ‘Constraining the formation and transport of lunar impact glasses using the ages and chemical compositions of Chang’e-5 glass beads’, the research was published in Science Advances.
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