huynhdieux · 7 days
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laurellynnleake · 6 months
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PRINTS FOR PALESTINE - An Art Auction For Healthcare Workers In Gaza
The wonderful folks at Binch Press and Queer.Archive.Work in my state of Rhode Island just launched PRINTS FOR PALESTINE, an art auction raising funds for Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP).
The auction launched today (10/27/23) and runs through Nov 3rd 12PM EST (11/3/23), and features work from more than 90 artists donated in solidarity with the people of Palestine, including Ben Passmore, Eleanor Davis, Jazzmen Lee-Johnson, Kah Langni, and Emily Carroll.
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Some of the artists' tumblrs (let me know if I missed you): @formyths @juleszuckerberg @kevinvqdam-blog @taowlette @lalewestvind @andpierres @charmgardens @cathygjohn @bmfu @zakeno @buttart @filipa-estrela @kelseysshorts @citruslucy @zaidamus @tommipg @panstarry @fmdevlin-blog @makoto-chi @meredith-stern @kickintheeyes-blog @noirnetwork @olivmarie @daygloayhole @pokoglio @dobescrusher2 @hugbox
Place your bids by 11/3/23 12PM EST!
UPDATE 2/23/24: Since this post sometimes gets reblogs - the 1st Prints For Palestine auction has ENDED! Plans are in the works for another one in the future, but no date yet as far as I know. But Jules Zuckerberg, one of the main organizers, has been running a Pins 4 Palestine donation drive that still has some pins left!
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hyuwia · 9 months
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Anti-Palestinian Hate meme.
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nabde-el-aiza · 6 months
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
«« قرآنا عجبا
هل هذا وعد الآخرة
﴿وَقَضيْنَا إلَى بَنِى إسْرَائِيل فِى الْكِتَابِ لَتُفْسِدُنَّ فِى الأَرْضِ مَرَّتيْنِ وَلَتَعُلنَ عُلُوًّا كَبِيرًا (4) فَإِذَا جَاء وَعْدُ أَولاهُمْا بَعَثْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ عِبَادًا لَّنَا أُوْلِى بَأسٍ شَدِيدٍ فَجَاسُواْ خِلاَلَ الدَّيَارِ وَكَانَ وَعْدًا مَّفْعُولاً (5) ثُمْ رَدَدْنَا لَكُمُ الْكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَمْدَدْنَاكُم بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيرًا (6) إِنْ أَحْسَنتُمْ أَحْسَنتُمْ لِأَنفُسِكُمْ وَإِنْ أَسَأْتُمْ فَلَهَا فَإِذَا جَاء وَعْدُ الآخِرَةِ لِيَسُوؤُواْ وُجُوهَكُمْ وَلِيَدْخُلُواْ الْمَسْجِدَ كَمَا دَخَلوُهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَلِيُتَبَّرُواْ مَا عَلَوْاْ تَتْبِيرًا (7) ﴾
شوية تركيز
وتدبر إذا سمحتم...
الخطاب هنا من الله تعالى
والمخاطبون هم
بنى إسرائيل
نص الخطاب يبدأ من قول الله تعالي لبنى إسرائيل...
اللام الأولى للتوكيد
والنون المشددة الأخيرة
أيضا للتوكيد
الفعل مضارع وهو تفسدن
إلا أنه يتضمن فى باطنه الأمر
أى أنه لا محالة من أنكم يا بنى إسرائيل سوف تفسدون فى أرض الأقصى المبارك حوله
فإذا جاء وعد أولاهما
ركّز معى ... بعثنا
فعل ماض
وهذا يعنى أن هذا حدث يا بنى إسرائيل وأنتم تذكرون عندما بعثنا عليكم عبادا لنا أولى بأس شديد
فجاسوا خلال الديار
وكان وعدا مفعولا تذكرونه جيدا
أليس كذلك ؟
لا زال خطاب الله تعالى موجّه إلى بنى إسرائيل
حيث يقول لهم..
ثم رددنا لكم يا بنى إسرائيل الكرة عليهم...أى على عبادنا هؤلاء لمّا أصابهم الوهن والتخاذل والخيانة
بل وجعلناكم أكثر منهم نفيرا للحرب
ففعلتم بهم البدع والأعاجيب
بما كسبت أيديهم
فإن أحسنتم يا بنى إسرائيل
فيما جعلناكم فيه
فإنكم تكونون أحسنتم لأنفسكم
وإن أسأتم فإنكم تكونون
أسأتم لها
ويبدوا أنهم
قد أساءوا
لله تعالى »»
_ منقول _
(( ليسأل الصادقين عن صدقهم ))
#الا_رسول_الله ☝️
##باب_الرحمة_النا👈 المؤامرة مازالت مستمرة 👈 خلي عينك على اقصاك
👈 الحرائر تُعتقل وتُبعد عن مسرى نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
#لاجيىء_لبنان👈 حقوقنا لا تلغي عودتنا مسيرة العودة مستمرة ✌️🇵🇸🗝️
#صلاة_الفجر_طريق_التحرير ☝
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New York City: Justice for Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh
Friday, May 13 - 6:00 p.m.
New York Times offices, 41st St. & 8th Ave., Manhattan
Emergency Rally and Memorial at the New York Times office on Friday, the day of Shireen’s funeral.
Allah Yerhamha! Long Live Our Martyrs!
We honor Shireen Abu Akleh's fearless reporting in support of the Palestinian struggle. Shireen dedicated her life and was martyred while exposing zionist war crimes in the Jenin camp. Shireen, a Palestinian reporter at Al Jazeera, was targeted solely for consistently bringing israeli violence committed against Palestinian people to light. We know that the zionist occupation silence anyone who resists and exposes with impunity and utmost violence. In May 2021, the zionist entity bombed and destroyed a building in Gaza which housed international media outlets including Al Jazeera.
Meanwhile imperialist mainstream media outlets like the NYT, who have nothing to lose, refuse to even acknowledge the zionist occupation's war crimes in murdering her and countless Palestinian martyrs. We know that it is the Palestinian masses, freedom fighters, workers, and journalists like Shireen who will free Palestine. The Palestinian masses, not mainstream outlets, are the ones who publicized zionist crimes last May and they continue to do so. We consider NYT and other western mainstream media outlets as illegitimate and they are not the arbiters of truth. Still, we hold mainstream press such as the NYT accountable for their zionist and imperialist reporting.
Join us we demand that the US and all states complicit in enabling the zionist entity immediately cease all financial, political, and military support to the zionist regime, and that the US government and all other states which have aided and abetted zionist crimes be held accountable.
We also call upon all media outlets to boycott all "israeli" press and sources and we demand that all outlets and press immediately stop giving cover, using the passive voice, or erasing zionist colonialism as the perpetrator of abuse, torture, murder, and raids on Palestinians.
#FreePalestine #DefendPalestine #ShireenAbuAkleh #Jenin #SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveSilwan #defendpalestinianjournalists #longliveourmartyrs
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cyarsk52-20 · 8 months
Twitter reacts to Derek Chauvin being sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison
Twitter had a lot to say after Derek Chauvin was sentenced.
Twitter had a lot to say after Derek Chauvin was sentenced. 
People have a lot to say about Derek Chauvin after he was handed a sentence for the death of George Floyd. 
Earlier today (June 25), Chauvin, who was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter, was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison for the charges. 
While a sizable amount of Twitter users are celebrating the sentence, some think that Chauvin, who pressed his knee into George Floyd’s neck until Floyd died last year, got off easy. 
“Derek Chauvin deserves WAY more than 22.5 years in prison. he killed a Black man ON CAMERA,” wrote Twitter user Shmorolll. “22.5 years is not enough. he took a mans life. Black people have gotten longer sentences for drugs than this man did for murder. Let that sink in.”
Another Twitter user noted how much prison time one of their family members had to face for a nonviolent offense. Twitter user Trishamott wrote: “Derek Chauvin only gets 22.5 years (Parole in 15 ) for MURDERING George Floyd, while my brother sits in prison serving a MAXIMUM MANDATORY 25yr sentence (NO parole) for a NON-VIOLENT drug crime!?” 
derek chauvin deserves WAY more than 22.5 years in prison. he killed a black man ON CAMERA.  22.5 years is not enough. he took a mans life. black people have gotten longer sentences for drugs than this man did for murder. let that sink in. — mars ! (@shmorolll) June 25, 2021
Some Twitter users think the system as a whole is inadequate and that because Floyd is still dead, they don’t see Chauvin’s sentence as a goal. “I don’t think a prison sentence is justice, abolition is the goal,” writes @Aptly_engineerd on Twitter. “It could have been 1000 years and George Floyd would still be lost to the very system punishing his killer. But I also have family who will never leave prison while Derek Chauvin will be out in 15, & that hurts.”
I don’t think a prison sentence is justice, abolition is the goal. It could have been 1000 years and George Floyd would still be lost to the very system punishing his killer. But I also have family who will never leave prison while Derek Chauvin will be out in 15, & that hurts. — Rebecca Pierce #SaveSilwan (@aptly_engineerd) June 25, 2021
“Derek Chauvin killed #GeorgeFloyd in front of other Black children while that man was begging for his life and he might be out of prison in 15 years… no way i’m jumping for joy,” wrote Twitter user TheNewThinkerr. 
Derek Chauvin killed #GeorgeFloyd in front of other Black children while that man was begging for his life and he might be out of prison in 15 years… no way i’m jumping for joy — Dr. Manhattan 🇳🇬 (@TheNewThinkerr) June 25, 2021
You can see other reactions to the sentencing for yourself below. 
22.5 fucking years yet the system wants to put black men on death row with literally no proof of the crimes that they were accused for. We all watched Derek Chauvin murder George Floyd in cold fucking blood yet that man is getting ONLY 22.5 years. Un-fucking-believable. — ♚Lookit♚ (@L00KIT) June 25, 2021
In his sentencing memo, Judge Peter Cahill writes, “Mr. Chauvin, rather than pursuing the MPD mission, treated Mr. Floyd without respect and denied him the dignity owed to all human beings and which he certainly would have extended to a friend or neighbor.” #GeorgeFloyd — Omar Jimenez (@OmarJimenez) June 25, 2021
derek chauvin murders a black on camera and gets 22 1/2 years. the fucking white privilege — Maddieᶜ | PLANET HER (@solanaswhoree) June 25, 2021
Listen, I’m very content with 22.5 years Derek Chauvin has received for the murder of George Floyd. With all the losses we took along the way, we finally get someone being held accountable for their actions. I will celebrate this major victory. This account will not be miserable. — 👑 Black Professor 👑 (@WonderKing82) June 25, 2021
I can honestly say no amount of time for Derek Chauvin would have felt right — Reese Waters (@reesewaters) June 25, 2021
Derek Chauvin only gets 22.5 years (Parole in 15 ) for MURDERING George Floyd, while my brother sits in prison serving a MAXIMUM MANDATORY 25yr sentence (NO parole) for a NON-VIOLENT drug crime!?🤔 22.5 years is NOT ENOUGH for MURDER!#DerekChauvinSentencingpic.twitter.com/hnLHg5CLgD — 🤍💞Trisha Boone💞🤍 (@Trishamott) June 25, 2021
My initial response to Derek Chauvin getting sentenced to 22.5 yrs for Murdering George Floyd was a sense of relief. The way the judge was talking – actually thought it would be less. Now Im mad. There are ppl who have been in prison longer for marijuana!#AbolishThePolice #ACABpic.twitter.com/js8kOePHqe — ☭Commie☭Angel☭♿🏴🚩🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸 #FreePalestine (@Commie_Angel) June 25, 2021
Sent from my iPhone
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"Zionism is colonialism."
princessmlokhia tweet
Mohommed El-Kurd tweet
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This is so sick and sadistic. If you can make excuses for the Israeli government doing this to people, people who have lived on that land for generations, then there is something seriously wrong with you. My heart breaks for this family. Repost from @theimeu • Abdallah Khader suffered a stroke following the Israeli court’s decision to demolish his home in occupied East Jerusalem. Here's what you need to know: #jerusalem #israel #palestine #israeliapartheid #freepalestine #palestinian #humanrights #ethniccleansing #boycottdivestmentsanctions #boycottisrael #jewsagainstzionism #jewsagainstapartheid #jewsforpalestine #savesilwan #savesheikhjarrah #palestine🇵🇸 #antizionist #anticolonialism https://www.instagram.com/p/CShBV0XAjdt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justpizzaisgood · 3 years
By the time you read this, many Palestinians in Silwan in Occupied East Jerusalem will have probably lost a home. The deadline for demolitions is hours away.
These folks will have to watch their beloved homes be destroyed, and they and their families might have nowhere to go.
We need to spread awareness of this issue. Do whatever it takes. Post everywhere. Protest.
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i-am-aprl · 3 years
"If I don't steal it, someone else’s going to steal it." - Israeli proverb
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schaimarn · 3 years
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hyuwia · 9 months
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Filthy Zionist Propaganda meme.
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nabde-el-aiza · 6 months
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
‏|| عندما يبلغ التحـ..ريض الدمـ..وي حدّ الجنون
قبل أسبوع نشرت مجموعة إسـ....رائيلية تطلق على نفسها اسم "صياد النازيين" قائمة بأسماء نشطاء وقياديين في الداخل الفلسطيني وصورهم وعناوين بيوتهم، ليسهل الوصول إليهم واصطيادهم "قتلـ..هم" .
ويوم أمس نشر موقع الكتروني عبري
‏وهوnzi̇v.NET‎" " مقالة فيها تحـ..ـريض دمـ...ـوي على الشيخ كمال الخطيب بعنوان "الطابور الخامس يهدد وجود إسـ...ـرائيل"، حيث يقول الكاتب أنه يتابع منذ سنوات خطبة الجمعة، وفي يوم الجمعة الأخير فإن الشيخ كمال قد قال: "قلناها بالأمس ونقولها اليوم وغدًا مرة وألف مرة ومليون
‏مرة التحرير قريب فأبشروا" وذلك تفسيرهم لقولي: "نحن إلى الفرج أقرب فأبشروا".
لكن الأخطر في دمـ..ـوية الكاتب زعمه بأن تحت إمرة الشيخ كمال خطيب والشيخ رائد صلاح ميلـ...يشيا تضم 10,000 مسـ...لح وأنهم قادرون على حشد 50,000 مقاتـ...ـل.
ويضيف هذا الموقع الإسرائيلي في خطابه الموجه
‏للي..هود: "إن هؤلاء سيستغلون اقتـ..حام الجيش الإسرائيلي في هجوم بري على غـ...ـزة وعندها سيعطون الأوامر لاقتـ..ـحام المدن والقرى اليـ...هودية، ويرتكبون المـ...ـذابح مثلما رأيتم ما حصل بقرى ومدن غلاف غـ...ـزة يوم 17/10 حيث سيقتـ..ـحمون بيوتكم وساحاتكم وسيقتلون أضعافًا مضاعفة
‏من أبنائكم".
ليس فقط أن أجهزة الأمن الإسرائيـ...يلية تطالبنا وتلاحقنا وتحاسبنا على أنفاسنا ونوايانا ومشاعرنا، وقد استدعت المئات من أبناء وبنات الداخل الفلسطيني لمجرد كتابة عبارات تطالب بإيقاف قـ...تل المدنيين من أطفال ونساء وشيوخ غـ...ـزة وتطالب بوقف الحـ..ـرب، فها هو الإعلام ‏العبري يفتح المجال لأصوات تحـ..ـرض وتصل إلى حد التحـ..ـريض الدمـ..وي لقـ..تل المواطنين العرب مستغلين حالة الهستيريا التي أصابت المجتمع الإسرائيلي، دون أن ننسى أن وزير الشرطة بن غفير قد وزّع 10,000 قطعة سلاح على مدنيين يهود هم في الحقيقة أفراد من حزبه ومؤيديه بزعم الدفاع عن ‏الأحياء اليهـ..ودية وعدم تكرار ما حصل في رمضان 2021.
إن أبناء شعبنا في الداخل الفلسـ..طيني مطالبون بكل أسباب الحيطة والحذر في أماكن العمل والتعليم، وضرورة حراسة المساجد بشكل خاص.
ولكننا سنظل نؤكد أننا لن نخاف من هذه الحملات المسمومة والعنصرية،‏ولن تجعلنا ننسلخ من جلدنا ولا ننخلع من شجرة انتمائنا الإسـ..ـلامية والعـ..ربية الفلسـ..طينية.
نحن إلى الفرج أقرب فأبشروا.
الجميع @
(( ليسأل الصادقين عن صدقهم ))
#الا_رسول_الله ☝️
##باب_الرحمة_النا👈 المؤامرة مازالت مستمرة 👈 خلي عينك على اقصاك
👈 الحرائر تُعتقل وتُبعد عن مسرى نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
#لاجيىء_لبنان👈 حقوقنا لا تلغي عودتنا مسيرة العودة مستمرة ✌️🇵🇸🗝️
#صلاة_الفجر_طريق_التحرير ☝
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from the river to the sea #palestinewillbefree 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 #palestine #freepalestine #savesilwan #savesheikhjarrah #freepalestine🇵🇸 #savesheikhjarrah🇵🇸 #🇵🇸 #🇵🇸فلسطين #palestinewillbefree🇵🇸 #palestina #endapartheid (at Badlands National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ9PygRjz2T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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karamsdaughter · 3 years
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Divine beauty! Jerusalem-Al Quds,Palestine.
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ صَلاَةً تُنْجِينَا بِهَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ الأَهْوَالِ وَالآفَاتِ وَتَقْضِي لَنَا بِهَا جَمِيعَ الْحَاجَاتِ وَتْطَهِّرُنَا بِهَا مِنْ جَمِيعِ السَّيِّئاتِ وَتَرْفَعُنَا بِهَا عِنْدَكَ أَعْلَى الدَّرَجَاتِ وَتُبَلِّغُنَا بِهَا أَقْصَى الْغَايَاتِ مِنْ جَمِيعِ الْخَيْرَاتِ فِي الْحَيَاةِ وَبَعْدَ الْمَمَاتِ انك على كل شيء قدير
O Allah! Bestow blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad, our Master and his Family, such blessings by means of which You may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. You may satisfy all our needs. You may clean us of all evils and thanks for which You may grant us high position and high rank and status in your presence, and You may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world. Hereafter, as you has the full Power over everything.
آمین یاربﷻ
May Allah have mercy the barqah of this durood on us & on our Plaestinians brothers & sisters.
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