#Simon Says Stamps
kitchensinkstamps · 2 years
More STAMPtember 2022 - More Butterfly Kisses with Roses
More STAMPtember 2022 – More Butterfly Kisses with Roses
I REALLY LOVE having these butterflies larger! This post is to show how well Butterfly Kisses goes with your other Kitchen Sink Stamp sets like Butterflies and Heart & Roses. [This set can only be purchased from Simon Says Stamps and only while supplies last (which are limited). Remember, once it sells out, it is gone!] My first card shows the different sizes of the open butterfly. The smaller…
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kraftyenchantments · 18 days
Mother's Day Card - Product Mashup
Hello all and welcome! Today I am sharing the card that I made for my mom for Mother’s Day! Be sure to check out my YouTube video for this card as well: This card started with an idea and a spark after seeing a hot foil plate. My inspiration came from the Papertrey Ink hot foil plate called Elegant Script. To start, I cut some Peaches ‘n Cream Cardstock from Taylored Expressions. I cut it to 4…
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
ik i've heard of penpals with cod but like getting simon as your dedicated pal for say, college or something would be terrible.
at first he's reluctant. why would he talk to some civvie that hasn't a clue about what goes on in the world he lives in? probably thinks him a recruiter or something, not a man who has removed the skin off of another just for a name of an enemy.
john tells him to suck it up, it's not like it can kill him.
simon gets the letter and it's... entertaining. you write, almost illegibly, that you really don't want to do this, that if it wasn't such a hefty percent of your grade you wouldn't even have bothered.
nothing but a poor man fighting a rich man's war. like some puppet, manipulated by a more powerful force-- not a single decision nor thought your own.
interesting. he hasn't been talked down to like this since his days as a private. granted, if you knew what he looked like you would've probably swallowed your own tongue but that's neither here nor there.
he chuckles under his breath, and picks up the envelope.
the stamp has a waterfall on it and it says harrison wright falls.
he writes that you're right. he's nothing but a muppet with a hand up his arse. but what's got you so upset over the military? not like you suffer the consequences sitting pretty in your cozy home. the hardest battle you've ever fought is a school project.
the letter you send back has him rumbling with laughter. you're furious. he can see one too many holes from where the pen tore through the paper in your rage, and some words you crossed out with a singular line.
listen, asshole, you falling for the UK military propaganda is not my fault. no one made you sign up, idiot.
you continue on about him being a murderer which he gives a small hum to because you've no idea how right you are. simon vaguely wonders if you'd still write him if you knew just how many necks he's snapped with his bare hands.
you're quite abrasive, a little spitfire that holds nothing back, and it makes him achingly curious to know just who you are.
he pulls up your info on his personal laptop, and can feel his cock stirring just from your driver's license photo alone.
cute. very cute. you look soft, kind. a gentle ㅤsmile graces your lips. he almost doubts that the person on his screen is you, but the signature on your license and the letters you've sent is the exact same.
so very interesting. steel concealed beneath velvet.
he taps his fingers on the surface of his desk as he gazes at your charming, lovely countenance. pretty as a peach.
his chair creaks under him as he reaches for a pen.
simon's kept all your letters, the paper worn and almost in tatters from the amount of times he's read them-- ink smudged from him running his bare fingertips over each hateful word.
he can't wait for next leave; simon's heard that ricketts glen state park is beautiful during the fall.
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bruhhxiao · 16 days
You finished night chores in the kitchen after dinner and Simon was laying in bed “enjoying” Manchester match alone, since you were too loud 🙄
Once you get in bed too you toke a look at the screen.
“Unlucky one?” You say softly sitting next to him, he was grumpy, so you kissed him.
He signed not kissing you back, so you give him two more but he leans his head on the side ignoring you.
“C’mon the match is over.”
“No, it’s not. 3 minutes left.” He says pushing your head out of the way.
You kissed him again and again and then again, leaving sweet pecks on his lips. The match was over and he was listening to the after match conference.
“So you’re into this old man more than me? Give me one kiss!” He sighed and bought his lazy hand behind your head pulling you down for a short stamp.
“One more…” You say leaning closer and he kisses you back.
“A bit more…” as you said that he pulls you in a passionate kiss, a slow one.
After you broke the kiss and try to sit back like before, he grabs your arm pulling you down next to him kissing you a few times as he slowly positions himself on top of you.
“Simon it’s already 11:00 pm- Mhh~” he cuts you off.
“Now you got me in the mood, so shut up” he said with his nose against yours looking into your loving eyes before kissing you passionately.
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
the jailbird
prisoner!simon 'ghost' riley
a full fic based on this post
cw: prison!au, civilian!reader, pen-pals, smut,romance/romantic!simon, domestic, missonary, wife kink, size kink, nudity, tattoo kink, body worship, cuddling
bunny says: like the fic? leave a comment! really like the fic? suggest your own! reblogs are always welcomed!
it started out as a flyer at the bus stop near your house. it was for a service that connected prisoners at a nearby prison with civilians as pen-pals. you had seen the flyer often over the course of work as you went to work.
you honestly felt bad, those people must be isolated. the organization prided itself on giving prisoners a bit of their humanity back by not cutting them off from those on the outside. so on a rainy friday you took a photo of the flyer and filled out the form on the organization's website.
that was how you met simon riley, or as he was called on the inside 'ghost'. what caught your attention wasn't his face scar that ran from under his nose down to the left side of his chin, but rather his brown eyes. how intense they stared into the camera. it was almost intimidating.
but you kept the photo on your desk as you typed out your first letter to send to him. you heard of places who did it through email, but screen time for those could often be limited and to send a physical letter would ensure that it would be sent to them.
the letter started out simple, you asked how he was and if it was okay to ask what he was in prison for. you asked him other questions, like if his health was doing well, what did he do most days while on the inside. you ended the letter with a little information about yourself.
you thought it would be nice to take a few photos and print them out on photo paper to be included with your letter. just so he had a better idea of who he was talking about. once you tweaked the letter with a bit of editing, you printed it out and thanks to the Royal Mail, your letter was sent to him.
you didn't actually expect for him to respond. nor did you expect for the letter to be do detailed. it was almost three pages double sided in neat hand writing. your eyes went wide when you saw the thickness of the envelope with the stamp of approval from the prison for it to be sent to you.
simon sent you a bracelet made of string that had been braided together. he said you were the first person from the outside to reach out since he got locked up. that broke your heart. it only broke further the more you read.
he was a military man who was tossed aside once the ptsd got too intense. he had been between jobs, and it felt like everything was just too much for him. he got wrapped up in large scale theft, while it paid good, you could only rob so many banks before it all caught up. he had been in for three years now, he was thankful it wasn't a life sentence. not much was stolen, and there was minimal violence. he said that his stature alone intimidated enough people that he didn't need to be violent.
you re-read his letters and it wouldn't be until almost six months of speaking that you finally wore the bracelet. when he said, "i want to see you in it, since i can't buy you a ring." you sent a photo of you wearing it and since then you hadn't taken it off.
the letters were nice, you sent them at least twice a week. even though you two had never met face to face, and the only photos you had of him were mugshots, he knew all the gossip in your work place. he knew the names of all your friends, your favourite saturday night treat and how you took your coffee.
he told you he'd be happy to make you coffee every morning before you went to work. that comment made your cheeks burn.
he often called you his 'wife' to the other prisoners. he had your photos on the wall near his bunk. he even kept the pictures where you looked terrible after you tried to cut your bangs one night. he knew the exact location of where your favourite take out was. he said that he was writing down ideas of where to take you once he got out. "i gotta make the missus feel special."
he even made you a birthday card. his cellmate 'soap' even signed it. you knew all about the explosives expert mactavish. when you looked into his case on the news, your eyes went a little wide. this guy was.. something.
simon did admit that 'soap' had a bit of a crush on you. but he said that 'johnny' was harmless and probably just liked the photo of a woman in the cell.
"he hurt ya, there will be no cell that could keep me from killin' him. no god either."
simon remembered everything.
the way he spoke about you and to you in his letters were nothing but soft. while he had to put on a tough guy exterior, his letters were filled with gentle words. like when he wrote out that he loved you in big text on a spare piece of paper so you could tape it on your mirror to look at every morning.
"i want to be what you get ready to."
"i want to be with you when you wake up."
"i want to come home to you every night. please make me an honest man."
you knew he was a trained killer. he was in special forces before his brief stint as a criminal. he was trained to kill, but in the margins of your letters, his love shined through. despite it all, he was capable of love.
and he wanted to pour all that love into you, his (future) wife.
you two would go on to write letters every week, for almost two years. when you got the letter from him asking if he could put you down as a permanent address when he got out, you cried. of course!
it was a cold spring morning, the sky was misty as you stood outside the gates of the prison. your heart raced, you even arrived early in the hopes he'd be released sooner.
and then you saw him.
those eyes. hard and stern, until he caught sight of you. his shoulder visibly dropped and his pace quickened as he made his way towards you. before you could step forward to meet him, he had you in his arms. his strong arms, littered with tattoos, wrapped around you as he held you close to his strong chest.
you held onto him as the air left your chest from the force he held you. you clutched onto his shoulders and choked out a sob. you squeaked, "holy shit."
he pulled away from you, but still kept you in his arms. you swore you saw minimal mistiness in his eyes. he reached to cup your face. he said quietly, "soft... like i imagined."
you beamed up at him, "of course, si."
"your voice is so nice." he groaned as he then pulled you close once more and buried his nose in your hair. he inhaled the scent of your shampoo and relaxed, "i'm home."
you thought transitioning from being the only person in the flat, to having this hulking, strong man in your home as well, was going to be a bit hard. but that didn't matter when simon got you through the door. his hands were on you, he promised on the universe that he'd romance you tomorrow.
but tonight was just going to be the two of you.
you managed to get his hands off you in order to get your shoes off before you led him to your bedroom. he was close behind you, he had a hand on one of your hips. he wanted to be as close to you as he could, you two had spent enough time apart.
you couldn't even close the bedroom door before he was pulling at the waistband on your pants. his calloused, strong hands felt delicate on you. it was like he was going to break you and he had to be as delicate as possible.
"i know, darling." he said quietly as he started to undress you. with your help the both of you were soon nude in the afternoon light in your bedroom. you tried to cover your chest with your arms but he pulled your arms away and looked at you.
your eyes met and you got up on your tip-toes to kiss him gently on the lips. soon he picked you up like you weighed less than a bag of potatoes.
he placed you on the bed gently when you half expected him to toss you like a shot-put. he admired your body down on your soft covers and soon got onto the bed too.
you reached for him as he pulled you into a tight kiss. his lips were chapped and you could tease the fresh skin underneath. your nails raked at his strong back, that you knew was covered in tattoos.
you wrapped your legs around him and held him. from a moment he dropped to his side and you two held each other. you tucked his head under your chin as you laid together naked.
it wasn't even meant to be sexually stimulating, you both just wanted to feel one another. to hear your lover's heartbeat meant more to you than anything in that moment.
you kissed the top of his head, you felt his blond hair against your face as you soaked in his warmth. you could almost cry from how nice it felt to be so close to him.
after everything, you had your man.
he said in his low tone, "you feel so soft. after everything, i have you. you made every day in the can worth it." he sighed, "thank you." he kissed at your bare chest.
you replied, "i loved your letters, i have them still." you chuckled, "i didn't want to throw any of them away. it made me feel closer."
"well. i'm not goin' anywhere." he looked up at you and smiled, "you're home and i'm finally here." he pulled away and got him between your legs. he rested on his knees and carefully moved you to his liking. he sat there between your legs and waited for your command.
you looked at him and nodded, "yeah, si. you can go." then tightened your legs around your lover. you held your breath as he slowly pushed his cock into you. you didn't realize how big it was until he was fully inside of you.
"are you alright, love?"
the two of you moved together. it took a little bit to get used to the size, but the pressure and speed of his movements made heat spread through your body. like two pieces of the same puzzle, you fit together perfect soon after. it was like you two were always meant to be.
you felt so loved by him, it was so sweet. this was your first time with him and you only had a few sexual experiences with others prior to him. but the entire time you knew each other you didn't sleep with others, you wanted to wait for your man.
"that's my good wife." he groaned as he held onto your hips, "i know, you wanted this for a long time. i bet you thought about me when i was locked up."
you blushed and replied, "i did, si. i thought about you all the time, i even had your picture in my office. i wanted this, i wanted to be with you!" you whined a little as his cock dragged against a sensitive spot.
he chuckled softly, "yeah. i thought about my missus when i was locked up. i used to jerk off to your letters, your photos. messed one of 'em up by gettin' my spunk all over it." he licked his lips, "but now i can see it every day in person."
you smiled when he rested his body against you and continued to thrust up into you. you felt the curl of pleasure of your gut get together which each of his heavy thrusts.
the kisses you shared were intimate and hot. the air of your bedroom was warmed as you made love on the bed you would share together. your soft noises together filled the air.
you clenched onto him, you dug your nails into his shoulders. they were so strong and broad that they were much bigger than your hands.
he kissed you one last time as he quickened his pace. the bed moved against your movements as you both climaxed at the same time. it was like a shock to the system, the heightened euphoria before your head felt full of cotton.
you let out a soft groan as your grip on his loosened and you relaxed into the bed. you felt yourself partially get crushed by your lover but he gave a few more earnest thrusts as he made sure that his cum shot to the back of your womb.
he pulled out and dropped beside you. he tucked some hair behind your ear and wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of his hand. your breathing was heavy, but you were both so happy. to share your first time together felt so special.
you nestled yourself into his arms and held his hand. you exhaled contently then said, "my husband."
he kissed the top of your head, he felt complete, "my missus."
part two
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princeguri66 · 3 months
Leave a mark
Monster!John "Soap" Mactavish (with Poly Monster!141 at the end) x Male Reader
Cw: it starts off with Soap but the rest r mentioned and written but not as much as soap, marking with markers, nothing else I believe lmk
Silly thought but like imagine a monster reader who has crazy fast regeneration. Like deep cuts heal in seconds. Maybe you're a ghoul who just has crazy regen, or something like that.
Wouldn't a relationship between Soap, who loves leaving bites and see the aftermath due to his instincts as a werewolf and you who literally heals in seconds be interesting?
He loves getting fucked by you, but everytime he leaves a bit unsatisfied. It's not because you can't make him cum or anything, hell you can pull multiple orgasms from the guy and you have.
It's just that he can't leave satisfied knowing that he left a mark on you. He has bit you so much but the marks just won't stay. With the other members he can clearly see the marks he left on their neck and shoulders, even with Price who due to his dragon blood heals faster but the marks still stay for a day or two.
So everytime you two fuck, even if his ass if filled to the brim and his balls are empty he still whines because he can't leave his mark on you. You're a member of the 141, his pack, so it pains him that he can't put a claim on you like he has with the others.
So one day you get a bit creative.
One night in your room where he's riding on your cock, bouncing up and down while you lay your back on the bed, your hands gripping his hips and slamming him down on you as you cum. He leans down and bites as hard as he can on you as the feeling of you filling him up makes him cum. Pulling away and only being able to whine because he can't even admire his mark before it fades away.
"Aw, is puppy unsatisfied?" You tease and chuckle. And before he could insist that he was, you reached to the bedside table and picked up a red permanent marker, "why don't you mark me with this instead?" You say handing him the marker.
He huffs out a laugh at your little solution, but it's the best you got since you can't really make yourself regenerate slower. So he indulges, testing the marker on the back of your hand, the ink incredibly opaque so it stands out against your skin. Then he draws a bite mark at your neck then adds "Soap's Claim" in big letters, covering the whole left side of your neck.
He leans back, the bright red against your skin and the obvious letters, he finally sighs a sigh of relief.
It doesn't go unnoticed as well (just how he likes it)
The other members of the task force noticing Soap's eyes seem a bit brighter and his tail has been swaying peacefully the whole day. And that's where you enter, neck bare for everyone to see (it's the least you can do) Soap grins, happy to finally be able to show off his claim on you.
And now they want to have their names on your body too.
It's all color coordinated too now, Price who loves to write across your shoulder blades, with words like "Price's hoard" or just a simple "Price" with a heart next to it, it's simple but huge.
Gaz with a bright blue marker who likes to do it on your lower back (because he can also rest his head on your ass) writing something like "Gaz was here" and likes to draw wings on you. (Wing themed tramp stamp with 141 between the wings anyone?)
And Ghost with either white or black who loves to mark your chest, either a simple "ghost" or "Simon Riley" on each pec. Also likes to draw a ghost doodle on top of your heart.
And if you five fuck together, you aren't the only one who ends up having ink on you, but you'd have the most. And when you wake up to find a big arrow pointing to your dick and ass that says "Property of 141" written in multiple colors, you'd wish you could show it off.
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bi-writes · 4 months
bestfriend!rooommate!simon finds out you've been lying.
more bff!roommate!simon (part 8/?)
cw: mature language and content, suggestive language and content, mean!simon (verbally), size kink (simon can move the reader easily, described as much bigger), praise kink, the mask doesn't come off, oral (m!receiving), fem!receiving touching, cumplay, soft!dom!simon, reader uses simon to get herself off (because there is no universe in which simon doesn't return his girl's favor), pet names (including pet and kitty)
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you lied.
if simon had his gloves off, his knuckles would be stark white from how hard he was gripping the mail in his hands.
neither of you had checked your mailbox in a while--simon had only returned a few days ago from the harsh winter of northern russia after weeks away, and you seemingly had been busy with work. so busy, simon noticed very quickly, that you spent morning to late at night in your red and white uniform, coming home in the dead of night just to crash and do it all again the next morning.
now he held all the letters in his hand. stacks of them, with angry red stamps bleeding into the white of the envelopes.
he stopped breathing for a moment. he spread the letters out on the table, flipping through each of them. he didn't open them, of course but these were all your bills. cell phone, last month's half of the rent, credit cards, your name written on the back and ugly red warnings pasted over it.
simon had spoken to you while he was gone. he had called you once, twice at least, and all he remembered was your soft voice telling him you missed him, to be careful, that you screwed up a new cookie recipe that you promised you would perfect before he got home.
you hadn't said a thing. your voice had been even and gentle as always. your voice had been comforting, saying only encouraging words. if simon was honest, your voice put him at ease; you always told him something to calm him, something to uplift him.
"i'm so proud of you, simon."
"i hate that you're gone, but there's no one else that could do what you do."
"um...hah...love you. be careful."
you hadn't said a word. your voice didn't reveal an ounce of the stress and the weight that must've been hanging over your head. there was no falter in your words, no strain as you spoke. just pretty, perfect, beautiful you, easing simon's demons while you battled some of your own.
simon crumpled one of the envelopes in his hands. it was thick with papers, but he still forced it into a ball, tossing it back onto the table angrily. he gripped the edge of the table, white knuckling it until he heard the key in the lock.
it was quiet as you came inside. you shut the door and locked it behind you, setting down your bag and taking off your jacket. it was morning; you had worked the night shift. your eyes were drawn low, tired and a dull. you said nothing as you toed off your shoes, letting your sneakers settle under the table. it was then that you noticed simon just sitting there, still, with his hands folded in front of him.
and all of your bills scattered around him.
you sucked in a shaky breath, looking up into his eyes. they were trained low, on the letters surrounding him, but he glared, boring a whole through them. he didn't know where to focus his anger; you were precious, you could do no wrong, you were soft and warm and his, and it wasn't your fault that everything was so expensive, that you were struggling.
but it was your fault that you hadn't said a thing--that you hadn't asked for help.
"simon, i...i-i can explain."
"no. y'r not gonna talk, luv." you had never heard his voice this way. so low and gravelly, an eerie lilt to it that reeked of disappointment and somehow betrayal. "y'r gonna sit down. now."
simon roughly pulled the chair from beside him out, an unspoken command for you to take a seat. your bottom lip trembled as you slumped into the chair, watery eyes avoiding his.
"how long?"
you jumped as he slammed a hand down on the table. the entirety of it shook, the papers ruffling and the dishes clattering loudly.
"a few months! a-a few months, just--"
"no!" simon snapped. "y'lied to me. y'lied to me! i asked! how many times have i asked?! how many times have i looked you in the fuckin' eye and asked you if everythin' was in order, how many fuckin' times?!"
you couldn't keep it in. the tears were hot, running down your cheeks and putting salt on your lips and a dryness in your throat. you were embarrassed. embarrassed that you needed help, ashamed that you were being scolded like a child, afraid of his loud voice and his terrible anger and the way he looked at you. when you decided to live together, you weren't meant to be his burden. you didn't intend to be his problem.
"i-i'm sorry, simon--i'm sorry..." you met his eyes. "i'm taking extra shifts. i-i'm gonna pay the bills, i-i'm gonna make it right, i-i swear--"
"is that what you think this is?"
he narrowed his eyes at you, two dark slits, and then as if a switch flipped, it was gone. his face softened, his eyes widening, and the tension seemed to dissipate just enough to let you breathe a little easier. you couldn't decipher this change, and you couldn't read what was in his eyes, not this time. all you could was sit there and try not to let your cries make any sound.
"do y'think i'm angry because y'didn't pay? is that what y'think?"
you shook your head, shrugging, not understanding his question.
"what...what other reason is there, s-simon?" you hiccuped. "i screwed..." more tears, they wouldn't stop falling, "i-i screwed up, simon, i-i'm so sorry, i-i--"
you jumped when his chair screeched against the floor. he stood up fast, taking a step to round the table to crouch beside your chair. he looked up at you, making himself smaller, and you looked down.
"simon, i'm sorry--"
"stop! stop fuckin' apologizing, fuck," simon interrupted you. his voice was gentle, trying not to scare you, and you closed your mouth, taking in deep, shaking breaths to try and center yourself. "'m angry because you didn't talk to me, luv--" your face fell when he reached up, two gloved hands cupping your puffy cheeks, "--why didn't you say anything? why didn't you tell me? why didn't you ask me for help?"
you sniffled, reaching up and caressing his wrists gently. you played with the edges of his gloves, your fingers skimming the hem of his sleeves and just barely teasing the bare skin under it.
"simon...how could i?" you asked, as if it was obvious. "after everything that's happened...after everything we've been through...h-how could i ask that of you?" "how could you not?" simon spit back, and when you tried to pull away, he tightened his grip on your cheeks. "no, no--look at me--" he rose up on his knees, pressing your forehead to his, "look at me."
your expression was pained, struggling to do as he asked, but eventually your eyes fluttered, meeting his own, and he grunted as he gripped the back of your neck and held you there.
nowhere to go. nowhere to run. no one else.
"y'r not my problem. not my burden," he muttered. "y'r m'responsibility. mine to take care of."
"i-i don't want you to have to do that--"
"what the fuck do y'think this is?" he breathed. "what we have, what this is, this is forever, has that not gotten through y'r bloody head?" you whimpered when he shook you a little, his hand in your hair as he pulled it tight. "y'r as good as mine. not up for discussion."
you swallowed hard as his hands came down, wiping the tears off your face. he brushed your hair back and away, so he could see you, and you smiled at him sadly, eyes glossy and bright.
"'m gonna take care of the flat from now on, yeah?" simon murmured. "'m gonna take care of everything."
your body visibly relaxed. your shoulders fell, your body sinking a little more into the chair, and there was something sweet in your eyes--something hopeful. simon's tone was definite, and there was no room for arguing. you nodded finally, leaning in slowly, pressing a delicate kiss to where his lips would be under the mask. his thumb swiped over your cheek, falling to trace the line of your jaw, and then you both closed your eyes at the same time.
there was an understanding here. it was as if simon was washing you clean--something refreshing and warm and gentle running down the length of you, rinsing whatever was hurting you right down some sort of sickening void that had gripped you so tightly. and he did it so easily--he did it without even blinking.
and it was easy. simon never hesitated with you. his money rotted in an account anyways--it sat and stared at him, reminding him of the kind of hell he had gone through just to get it. it reminded him of the half of him that was someone, the half of him that he hated, the half of his being that came from a wretched, horrid, terrifying thing that manifested itself somewhere in his blood.
simon was half of something foul, and maybe he couldn't make up for the part of him that he didn't think was human, but he could make up for this, make up for you, make up for whatever half of you had left you here. because that was what you deserved--you deserved to be taken care of, you deserved not to worry, you deserved to sleep in soft sheets and eat until your belly was full and smile so much that your cheeks ached, and if simon had to become someone else just to give it to you, if simon had to die and come back again, then that was exactly what he would do.
simon had died once already. simon had seen it--seen how empty and unfulfilling and quiet it had been. simon had seen another side, and you didn't belong there. you belonged somewhere warm. somewhere a little noisy, a little bright, familiar.
it hadn't always been this way. when simon first met you, it hadn't been a good day--simon wore bruises, and you wore blood, and it was in that instant moment of understanding that made it clear you would be bound forever.
something invisible threaded you together. and simon had pulled himself out of his early grave, and after he had done it, you were the only thing that remained. and he hated himself--he hated himself for thanking some unspoken thing, because his entire family was gone, but you weren't gone, you were still here, there was still sunlight in your eyes and laughter in your voice and you were still warm.
it should've tasted sour to be grateful for it. he wanted to hate himself for this feeling. he deserved to die again and not return, but then he wouldn't get to see you anymore, and the selfish part of him, the other half of him, would never give you up willingly.
this love was visceral. this love was going to kill him. he was going to die with you on his mind, but maybe that would be the only thing worth really dying for.
because there you are. big, pretty eyes gazing up at him--fuck, why does she look at me like that?
why does she look at me like i mean something?
why isn't she afraid?
why can't i push her away?
what the fuck is wrong with me?
his beautiful girl. his pretty little roommate. the woman with flowers for eyes and silk as skin and a mind filled with starlight. the sweetheart pushing him to sit, forcing him backwards, getting on her knees in between his legs. and then her hands were on his thighs, sliding up against the rough denim as she laid one side of her face against it, those petals in her eyes trained on the way that his pants seemed to get tighter with every drag of her delicate fingers up his thighs.
and then she was pushing up his hoodie, exposing the relaxed muscle of his stomach, and then she was kissing it. soft lips warming the solid middle of him, a knowing smile growing on her face as she felt him twitch and jump and grunt. and then those beautiful eyes were looking back up at him, her neck tilted back as she undid his jeans and nestled the hem of them just low enough for her to reach in and fuck--
you knew simon was beautiful everywhere. you knew that there was no part of him that wasn't perfect. you couldn't remember being particularly religious, but kneeling in front of him felt like devotion--and you had much to confess.
he was thick, heavy, a weight in your hand that had you drooling without so much as seeing him. you were looking at the red tip of him with eyes half-lidded, and it took everything in you not to take him all at once. but this was simon, this was your version of perfect, and you needed to show simon how much you felt because words were not enough.
words would never be enough.
you started slow. you dipped your head, your eyes flicking up to watch him as you caressed the base of him with a wet kiss. you squeezed your legs together when you noticed his dark eyes roll back into his head for a second, a pained, pleasured reaction, and then you did it again.
a soft lick, the edge of your tongue sliding over a protruding vein on the underside of his length, and you closed your own eyes for a moment to revel in the deep groan that simon uttered. you sighed deeply, keeping your thighs squeezed together to relieve the sudden ache between them, before flattening your tongue and guiding it up his length. simon cursed under his breath, his hands gripping his thighs tight--but one of his hands flew to the back of your head when your greedy little mouth sucked the tip of him into your mouth.
you moaned softly, tasting the edge of him, something so simon and pleasant. a little precum, warm, flowing onto your tongue. you whimpered when you felt his fingers tangle into your hair, gripping you for stability as you sucked him in.
"christ, luv--" just the sound of him so pleased was enough to have you dripping, "fuck--'s so good, 's perfect--"
she was so beautiful. she was perfect. of course she would be good at sucking him off, of course she would have the prettiest tongue and the warmest mouth, and of course she would have one hand wrapping around the base of him as the other slipped between her legs--
"fuck--y'r gettin' off on this, yeah?" he grunted, his eyes flashing with something dark. "'f course you are, such a good girl--"
good girl, good girl, i'm a good girl--
just as slow as it began, as quick as you became. one moment you were cool, composed, watching simon's eyes and listening to his voice as you tried to memorize what pleasure sounded like when it came from him, and the next moment you were sliding him further into your mouth, drool dripping down your jaw as precum spread across your teeth. he was so big--so much to take, but the strain in your jaw tomorrow would have to be a welcome side effect to making lieutenant simon riley cum down your throat.
so sloppy, what a mess you were making. simon's hand now cupped the side of your head, your hair in some makeshift updo as he guided you along his length. the sounds were filthy--soft, slobbering noises as you took simon just a little further down your throat, your tongue being careful to tease the slit of him, slipping between the fold of it to illicit the most gorgeous of moans out of him.
"fuckin' hell--the mouth of a fuckin' angel--"
"such a pretty girl...such a pretty sight...makin' such a mess, sweetheart..."
"y'like it, yeah? y'like it...y'r so pretty...s'pretty, luv, nnngh--th's it, just like that--"
and now you were bouncing pathetically onto your hand. you pressed your hand into the floor, trapping your thighs over it as you tried desperately to grind down on something as you sucked warmly on simon's length. just as you let out a frustrated whine, simon's boot knocked your hand out of the way, slipping the steel toe of it right there, right--oh!
you cried out as the tip of his boot pushed right up against your cunt. the perfect spot, right against your aching clit, because simon never missed--simon always hit his target, whether it was between the eyes of some muppet who had his gun aimed at johnny or exactly where to touch his girl to make her drool. and drool she did--with her mouth stuffed full of him, with her slick wetting her thighs, with that look in her eyes that could make any man lose his fucking mind.
and simon was losing it, he was crazy. he soothed the back of your neck, grunting and hissing and wetting the fabric of his mask with the way he spat and cursed for you. but how could he help himself? the most beautiful girl in the world was on her knees, looking at him like she was at the alter. confessing her sins, receiving her absolution, taking every bit of it like the good girl she was, is.
he was so pretty. he tasted so good. you could only see his eyes, but it was more than enough, you didn't need anything more. the way he scrunched them open and shut, the low drawl of his voice as he said your name--he was perfect. his cock filled your mouth so nicely; he was using you, but you didn't feel used.
you wanted this. you wanted him. you wanted him to put you between his legs, wanted him to finally feel something other than that sick, twisted ache in his bones.
you lifted your hand, the one that had been buried between your thighs, and you cupped the underside of him with them. the wet, sticky warmth of your fingers had simon choking on a breath, hissing when you began to work the length of him that you couldn't fit in your mouth.
"jesus fuckin' christ--!"
his chest was heaving, rising up and down as he scratched at your scalp and cupped the underside of your jaw. then he bent low, smoothing a gloved hand down your throat, needing to feel the way it constricted, the way you swallowed, the feel of your skin and the vibrations as you whimpered and moaned around the thick of him.
you were suckling so sweetly, letting pools of drool and precum slip past your lips and drip along your chin, your hands, against his boot. simon was getting close--you could tell by the way he tugged on your hair and the faltering of his breaths. and he was talking--talking so much, blubbering.
"aye, sweetheart--th's it..."
"fuckin' hell...nnnghh...feel like bloody heaven..."
"...see you in m'dreams, luv...aghh! fuck--fuck, fuck, fuck--"
you didn't think there was anything more attractive than watching simon lose control. but you weren't doing much better. as you sucked the salt from his cock, you slid your hips over his boot to relieve the ache between your thighs even just a little. you thought maybe it was a pathetic sight, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. you fit your cunt right up against him, nestling the tip of his toes against your clit so you could rock back and forth, soaking the leather with you.
simon grunted, chuckling a bit to himself as you watched you suck a little harder, a little sloppier, move your hips a little messier. you were like a sweet, doe-eyed puppy--all big eyes and soft mewls and nothing inside your head except suck, suck, suck--
you whined when he came into your mouth. you held out your tongue, massaging the middle of his cock as he dripped along your mouth, your lips, under your tongue, against your chin. and like the messy little girl you were, you kept suckling on the tip until simon gripped you by the back of the head and lifted you up off the ground, grunting as he roughly manhandled you into his lap.
"little kitty can't help herself...what a fuckin' mouth on ya..."
and then his fingers were gathering the cum on your face and slipping it back into your mouth--just as the fingers on his other hand plunged inside of you.
he was deep, thick gloved fingers taking up even more space, stretching your pulsing, gummy cunt as you gripped his shoulders and cried. little tears coming down your face as you chased that blissful high, begging simon to give it, give it, you need it.
it didn't take much. just a few rough touches of your puffy clit, and you were soaking his gloves, whining as you pressed your cheek to his and mumbled how good he felt, how everything hurt so nice.
a pounding, aching thing that was gone in a matter of seconds, throwing you in a pleasure-drunk mood, with your head rest against his shoulder and your breaths coming out heavy and languid.
your eyes fluttered, but your vision was just clear enough that you could see simon lift the front of his mask. you caught the line of deep scar, something a healed and vicious against his pretty face. then it was gone, replaced by the sight of him slipping his gloved fingers into his mouth and sucking on them, pink tongue coming out to taste them as he slurped at the gooey mess you made on them.
you saw the slightest hint of a smirk before the fabric came back down again.
"'s alright, pet--" simon's voice was low, a drawl to it that made his accent a bit more pronounced. and just as your eyes fluttered shut completely--
"'m right here, kitty."
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circe69 · 1 year
imagining laying on your shared bed, just staring at your phone, and ghost walks in. he was purposefully trying to be loud just so that you'd notice him, but it wasn't working, seeing as though you were more interested in whatever video was playing on your screen.
“hello? i’m home. welcome me, woman.”
he jumps on the bed, trying further to get your attention and starts slyly sliding your shirt up your back, revealing soft skin.
“simon, quit it,” you start to banter, but once he places his lips on your back, you can’t say no. his open mouth gently sucks on your skin, nipping every so often but then kissing where he left marks. you could feel his freezing metal dog tags draping across your skin as his mouth rose and fell over you. you whimpered slightly at the frigid feeling, making him perk up.
"cold, yeah?" you turned around to lay on your back and face him, his hands sliding from off your butt to the front of your thigh as you moved. you were trying to look annoyed at the smirk on his face, but truthfully, it was something you wanted to take a billion pictures of.
you nodded, and watched as he took his dog tags between his fingers and huffed hot air on them, exhaling on the metal and fogging up the reflection while maintaining deep eye contact with you. he stamped it on your skin again, "better?" ghost whispered, his voice getting deeper, raspier, with every word he spoke.
nodding once more, you closed your eyes at the feeling of his now hot jewelry on your skin before he grabbed your waist with both hands, making you feel tiny. ghost started exhaling deeply onto your bare skin, all over you stomach and roaming all the way to both sides of your midsection, even down to your hips. his breathes were so deep it almost left condensation on your freezing skin, his tongue lazily swirling around every inch of you before kissing it gently.
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lundenloves · 8 months
@bringinsexybackk69: can i please request dad simon with a boy? like yeah he has all his girls and then there's either the youngest or the oldest and it's his only son? i can just picture like the girls are jealous cause he gets new clothes not hand-me-downs, he gets to do his own sports with out his siblings, he gets to go shooting with the 141- just like totally sibling rivalry and fighting over who is dads favorite?!
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simon is over the fucking moon when he finds out it's a boy - he's one of them dads in american gender reveals who says “i think you're a girl but i need you to be a boy" 💀
instant attention all goes to this kid, because A) he actually knows how to do it now and B that's his boy. that's his fuckin lad.
the kid looks like you. boys look like their mums, girls look like their dads n all that but christ does he have simon's quietness.
a complete observer like his dad. will be in silence while the girls argue, quietly exchanging glances with simon who internally feels like fucking high-fiving himself for creating a kid who finally understands him.
however the clothes are admittedly down to you, you love buying shit. any excuse. and having a son instead of another girl gave you great reason. though you did go too far sometimes. credit card bills rocketed.
he gets his own room too. straight off the bat, fresh into this fucking world and he's got it all. or that's how your daughters seen it.
“how does he get everything."
“give him a fucking chance." mumbling something about how he's only a week old. the dad sigh strikes again.
him and simon fuck off together a lot. they'll be away camping somewhere, simon teaching this (probably half uninterested) kid how to do all the survival stuff since his girls were never interested.
and when he gets older, maybe around seventeen to eighteen he's so game for that stuff. realistically, was probably in the school cadets n all 💀
when he's able enough, he'll maybe tag along on a run with 141 or summat. this is an incredibly humbling experience to say the least, though uncle soap is there to make everything a laugh n slow the run. "boys, boys, give the lad a chance eh?"
gets into his dads routine of the gym in mornings too, simon watching his workout from a distance before giving him pointers - hands on hips before stepping back to see if he's doing it right or not.
although, simon does not let him apply to the army. all fun n games till it wants to happen isn't it padre?
probably applies behind simon's back ngl. resulting in a huge fuck off argument once a letter comes in stamped under british army branding under the kids name instead of his own. yikes.
classic son x father shouting match.
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i’m probably going to get asked to write that now aren’t i? happily, gladly, don’t get me wrong. sorry i haven’t been writing much but i do enjoy talking to you lot in the inbox.
simon 'ghost' riley taglist: @vamppxncess @crowbird @tallrock35 @fluffmonster @islanderr @blueoorchid @lea3773 @coldflapjack @rayhawk05 @han11dh @liishook @melovetitties @fallonx @rvjaa @fuckmelifesucks @bhayatsara @takeomisbitch @local-spidey @konigsblog @penutjuice @babychoi03 @sheluvzeren @sparklingtragedy @maviee @wiserebelpartypie @daddylorianisastateofmind @bhayatsara @mistydeyes @writingmysanity @johfaam0 @idkbbyx3 @gressseyy @fwibblefwobble @shibble @maladaptivedaydreamingbum @airghostlyfox @hotgirlsshareaccounts @simpxinnie @cliosunshine @bloobewy @lazybutsmexy @maki-z @yyiikes @tieflingteatime @cosmoscoffee @lilvampirina @cinnabeanz @bubbyblob @spencerreidisbae123 @ellies-girll @paperbag-prncs @cookiecutta @sluttyforsimon
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kitchensinkstamps · 2 years
More STAMPtember 2022 - Butterfly Kisses and Foil
More STAMPtember 2022 – Butterfly Kisses and Foil
I LOVE having these butterflies larger! I am back with more Butterfly Kisses fun! This time with a stamped and foiled plaid background! A perfect background to showcase these vibrant butterflies! This set can only be purchased from Simon Says Stamps and only while supplies last (which are limited). Remember, once it sells out, it is gone! Sometimes I “SEE” a card in my mind and sometimes I have…
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sprout-fics · 10 months
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Poly TF141 x Omega! Reader Headcanons
(Poly TF14 x F! Omega Reader)
(Part Six: The Offer)
Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Hidden designations, Alpha! John Price, Alpha! Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Beta! Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Omega! John 'Soap' MacTavish, Omega F! Reader, Group dynamics, Poly TF141, Slow burn, Courting rituals, No NSFW
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The 141 starts becoming very protective of you following the incident on mission
They were friendly with you before, happy to assist when you looked like you needed it, trying to get to know you better and grow closer
This. This is different
There's hardly a few hours at a time that you find yourself without the company of one of these men
It's typically Soap or Gaz, who have more time on their hands due to their rank, who are more outgoing than their alpha partners.
They bump shoulders with you, rub their scent onto you, grin and offer friendly jabs and drag you into training or rec time with them.
They're tactile, as if they want to leave as much a trace on you as they can
Price and Ghost aren't shy either. They have less reasons to find their way to you, so they invent them instead
Price asks for your consultation on a particular set of intel, and you spend hours in his office poring over reports, brow scrunched and feeling his eyes on you, weighing down heavy on your shoulders until a hand settles there instead, and he softly offers a "Well done."
Ghost finds his own excuse, decides the recruits under his supervision need a workshop in your particular skill set. He leans in the corner during your demonstration, arms crossed, eyes heavy, making you stumble more than once under his stare. The recruits seem to not notice, too focused on the deathly presence of the lieutenant as opposed to your stammering
It's nice, more than nice. You like the friendship and easiness between you three, enjoy the comfort of touch without it being soured by the unwarranted possessiveness of an errant alpha trying to stake their claim on you without your permission
It all culminates in you being summoned to Price’s office on a sunny Monday morning, with him pushing a manila envelope to you across his wood desk
New marching orders, and as you skim over them you see the familiar stamp emblazoned on the bottom of the letter
“We’re keeping you.” The captain declares succinctly. 
“Welcome to the 141 Taskforce.”
You look up at him, elated, confused, a little concerned
Price seems to read your thoughts
“This has nothing to do with your designation, sergeant.” He offers. “Or with your…involvement with your comrades. You earned this of your own accord. Congratulations.”
You don’t know what to say. Emotion chokes your throat. Warmth threatens your eyes. You never thought you’d make it this far, never once thought you’d achieve such an honor, especially not after the disaster of your designation being revealed in the field
Your hands shake as you hold the file, and you think for a moment you should place it back down, slide it back and gently refuse
“Thank you, sir.” You manage tightly, and Price nods, pleased
“Join us for drinks tonight.” He tells you, and you can only nod in agreement before he dismisses you
You show up a little late to the party that evening, a fashionable arrival for the guest of honor. You wear something a little nicer than your combat fatigues, opt for something more akin to a date night as you slide into the pub
The team is happy to see you, and you duck your eyes bashfully as Gaz fails to not stare, as Soap lets out a low wolf whistle at your appearance
“You look lovely.” Price tells you smoothly, pulling out your chair like a gentleman as you shyly take your seat
They toast in your honor, glasses clinking and easy conversation flowing as you relax into their company
Yet the question you’ve yet to speak weighs heavy between you and the rest of the group, and after your second drink you finally set down your glass, swallow and web your fingers together, regarding all of them
“So…does this mean…” You try, failing to find the words
They look at each other, and the silence beats asymmetrically in your heart
It’s Price who speaks then
“You’re part of our pack.” He offers softly in reassurance, finally turning from Simon to you. “That won’t change as long as you’re with us.”
You nod, a little absent, lips parting as you try to inquire to the rest, failing to find the words
It’s Soap who seems to read your mind, clears his throat and offers
“We…danea want to force you into anythin’ you don’t want, hen.” He tells you. “We’re…fond of ye.”
“But that’s not the reason I’m here.” You manage
“No. You earned your rank here.” Price declares abruptly. “Even if we weren’t…involved with you, you would still be here. Understood?”
You nod again, staring down into your palms before releasing a breath that sinks your shoulders
“And…” You try at last, after what seems like an hour of silence
“If I was interested in you all too?”
Gaz splutters on his drink, and when Soap’s hand claps his back it makes it only worse as he coughs. You’re all distracted by the tumult, and when Gaz catches his breath he offers a watery little smile in fond apology
The four men before you exchange another long look, sharing a conversation you aren’t privy to
“We do this properly.” Price states, leaning back in his chair with a little sigh. “Court you, prove yourselves. Show you we’re dependable, that we could be good mates.”
You look up then, taking turns to gaze at each man in turn
“All of you?” You ask a little hesitantly, and Gaz shrugs
“We’re mates, we’re all equal. This is no exception.”
You flush hard at that, face warming unexpectedly at the mention of the word that has lingered in the back of your mind since that disastrous and fateful mission where they saved your life. Mates.
“You can say no.” Ghost hedges, the first words he’s spoken all evening. You turn to him, feel his unblinking stare rest upon your own. 
You consider him for a long time, let the silence stretch thin between you all 
Before you at last speak the words that will change everything.
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(Please have an 18+ or similar age disclaimer in your bio to be tagged in this fic)
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Yes yes, I know. Part 9 for Charmed Slasher is coming out soon, I promise.
BUT! I had this Thought and just had to do it real quick!
(CW for violent imagery and actual violence)
Simon's been watching you for weeks.
You're such a sweet, quiet thing. Shy. Happy to let your coworkers lead conversations, chiming in only when directly addressed. You smile like sun peeking through clouds, slow and beaming, prying through darkness.
And they way you peer up through your eyelashes, the corners of your mouth tipping up. Oh, oh... he wants to ruin you.
Thinks of you while he strokes himself in bed, looking up at him through those thick lashes. Sticking together with unshed tears as you choke on his cock. That quietly pleased smile when he purrs that you're doing so well, almost halfway there...
It's becoming a distraction, this preoccupation with you. So many others just let their eyes slide over you, but not Simon. No, he sees you.
That you shred your bottom lip bloody when you're deep in thought. You wrinkle your nose and squeeze your eyes shut when you're trying not to sneeze. Always burn your mouth on your first sip of coffee.
He watches you in your home. The way you curl up with your favorite blanket, leaned up against the arm of the couch. A perfect open space for him to share with you. He memorizes your routines and imagines slotting himself into your life.
He shouldn't. That's not going to stop him.
Price has been staring at him hard when he thinks Simon won't notice. Gaz has been jumpier; the recruits whispering more fervently. They can sense him slipping; too many missions. Too much bloodshed. It's soaked past clothes and skin, muscle and marrow. His soul, if he has one, must be drenched crimson.
He needs an anchor to keep him from floating adrift in this sea of blood.
He's found you. So precious. So delicate. He couldn't let himself be too rough with you; you'd break so easily. Oh, his hands itch to break you down piece by piece like his favorite gun. Gut you and clean you out, only to put you back together again with his own hands, his initials stamped into you.
There's no salvation for someone like him, but you're all the Paradise he needs.
And then you go and do such a stupid, silly thing.
You go on a date. Look like something he wants to stain in your clingy jeans and low-cut top. Hair done just so. He wants to see it sweaty and tangled after burying his fingers in it; his vision goes red at the thought of anyone else getting that honor.
But no... no. It's not your fault, really. You don't know any better. But you will. You will very, very soon.
Simon watches your date greet you outside, slip an arm around your waist like it belongs there. Like you belong to anyone but Simon. The only things that saves the man from a bloody end right there is that you gently extricate yourself to go inside.
He seethes on the sidewalk across the street, fingers twitching for his Ka-Bar. The images of his initials on your perfect skin is burned behind his eyelids, and afterimage superimposing itself over his vision.
It's time you knew who you belong to.
Your father always said you have a temper like the Devil. Didn’t understand what he meant as a sunshine six-year-old, giggling after butterflies and munching on cheese sticks. Your parents’ pride and joy, their first and only babygirl.
You understood later, though, standing at the broken window and watching a pool of blood spread and spread and spread….. like leaving a marker tip on the page too long.
You’re Old Testament wrathful, fire and brimstone, churning beneath a lake of oil and ink. Pitch black, iridescent rainbow on the surface, too thick to realize what roils beneath until one misstep breaks that molecular tension—
Rage will boil up in your stomach, scorch your chest. Burns acidic in your throat and stains your teeth on venom. You don’t drown in anger, you wade into it until you float.
Not to say that you’re an angry person. You’re not. Not much to bother being angry about, by your estimate. Disappointed, resigned, annoyed, exasperated - sure. But the raw fury that sharpens your teeth and claws? It’s an energy expenditure your mind hardly ever feels the need to spark.
But there are some things…
“C’mon don’t be a fucking prude.” He’s drunk. He’s drunk and pushy and you feel your ribs expand, expand, expand…
“You fuckin’ owe me something.”
You show a little too much canine as you reply. “Because you bought me a couple drinks I didn’t ask for?”
“Fuckin’ spoiled bitch. Wha’ else d’you want, huh? Fuckin’ money?”
He pushes you. Your shoulders bump the alley wall behind you. The sky is so so dark above, no clouds, no moon. Even next to trash, the stink of that awful whiskey burns your nose.
You think of broken windows and blooms of blood.
“Just fuckin’ get on your knees.”
“The fuck do you jus’ - it wasn’t a fuckin’—”
His face twists, ugly and red (not the right shade of red) puffing up like a particularly loud bird.
“C’mere, you little—“
It’s nothing, nothing at all. A sidestep and a full-body shove. Your timing is perfect. You didn’t touch your second drink when your nail polish turned black.
Your “date” however, is wobbly and uncoordinated, you lean forwards on the balls of your feet in anticipation. Watch him bounce off the brick, stumble over a couple overfilled bags, and crack his temple on the metal corner of the dumpster.
You tilt your head as he collapses in a pathetic heap, barely conscious. Make a point to roll him over onto his back. The last sky he’ll ever see with any luck. You lean your foot into his stomach, watch him turn pale and then green. He’s not going to be able to roll over before all that drink comes up.
Satisfied, you step back as you brush brick dust and dirt from your pants and sleeves. Movement at the head of the alley catches your attention, but by the time you look, the disturbance is gone. Likely someone just passing by. You don’t care if you're wrong.
Below you, the man - you never bothered to actually remember his name - gurgles and starts to rasp wetly. The fury ebbs, a tide dragging out with bloody foam at the edge. You let out a slow, satisfied sigh and navigate to the alley's entrance.
You've barely stepped from the shadows of the buildings when there's a sharp pinch in your neck. The world goes black in seconds.
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
sleepless night
AN: Right right i've never written anything before but i read far too much smut to not contribute. Can't promise it'll be great but I kinda squealed through some parts i wrote so i suppose that means SOMETHING, ye?
plz im a 29 year old boomer on tumblr whatever i missed to post this such as TW and such forgive me. I used to lick stamps to post them on envelopes.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x AFAB!Reader
TW: 18+smut, fingering
You're both in bed for the night and it's been about half an hour since you've lied down but Simon's not lightly snoring like he usually does once he's asleep. Being on the field has taught him that he'll never know when there's a chance to rest, so Simon's usually out in minutes of lying his head on the pillows. Knowing he's still awake, you're about to turn around to ask him why he's still up when his grip on your hips tightens as he grinds his hard length against your ass. You softly moan as you grind back onto him. "Si-" "Hush, love. Let me take care of you, eh?" You widen your thighs when you feel his hand slipping into your panties. Using his middle and ring fingers, he starts doing light circles on your hood, just above your clit. It's a little dry so Simon takes that hand, shoves his fingers in his mouth to gather moisture, and goes back to rubbing you. The rough pads of his fingers start to feel slippery with your leaking arousal as they move to directly stroke your clit and every little motion sends sparks up your spine. Grabbing his thick forearm, you start to dig your fingernails into his skin as your clit starts to swell. Your thighs begin to tremble, toes curling as the coil in your lower belly is winding tighter- "That's it, sweetheart, give it to me," he murmurs as he shoves two thick fingers into your dripping quim, using his thumb to continue drawing circles. You're at the very edge of the cliff, so fucking close, and Simon curls his fingers, pushes up and towards him, and your sweet pussy squelches— "Fuckin' hell, pet." There's a loud ringing in your ears as everything else lowers to a muffle, your gummy walls rhythmically pulse around his fingers, orgasm so intense you're soaking his hand and the bed sheets. Fingers on one side of the jaw and thumb on the other, Simon turns your head to kiss you—soft and languid. He pulls his fingers out of you and you hiss, hypersensitive. You watch him pull his hand up to look at the beauty of his work, spreading his fingers- strings of your sticky cum connect between them. He turns to face you and with a smug little smirk says, "You've made a proper mess, love." Your cheeks redden as you turn your head into the crook of his neck and he gives a throaty chuckle. Getting up from the bed to slot himself in between your shaky legs, he uses his thumb to pull the drenched gusset of your panties to the side and presses his thick length right up against your slit— it feels like velvet wrapped around steel, and oh so hot— he says, "Scream if you like, Darlin'. You're going to feel this."
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avatar-anna · 6 months
Just a Taste
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i was feeling inspired and i missed the young dadrry universe. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
"Harry Edward Styles, don't you touch that!"
Harry's hand paused on his way to a mixing bowl filled with royal icing, a guilty look on his face. He really thought he'd been quiet enough to sneak past her. "Come on, Mama. Just a little taste?"
Y/n pinned her husband with a stare until his hand backed away. He went over to where she was rolling out dough with a rolling pin, a mix of holiday themed cookie cutters scattered around her. Flour coated her hands and arms, and a little had found its way to her cheek. Harry quickly wiped it away as he came around, his arms circling around her waist as he kissed the spot her flour had been.
He continued to kiss her until a smile appeared on her face and she finally stopped what she was doing to rest her hands on top of his, which had been Harry's goal, of course. She'd been up before he was to bake cookies, and he was feeling thoroughly ignored.
"Don't think by distracting me you'll get what you want," Y/n said, her eyes fluttering closed as Harry continued to nuzzle her neck.
"Think I want something else now," he murmured. Harry reached beneath her sweater, splaying his fingers along her heated skin. He knew every inch of her by now, each and every place that was the most sensitive and would make her arch into him or sigh contentedly. He wanted to reacquaint himself upstairs while they had time. "Come on. Simone's down for her nap. We can sneak upstairs for a little while."
Y/n all but melted at the promise in his voice, but she held fast. "I have to get this done. I told my parents I would bring cookies to their party."
Ah, there it is, Harry thought.
This was the first time Y/n, Harry, and Simone would be spending Christmas with Y/n's family. For the last couple years they spent the holidays in London with his family, but her parents reached out for a chance to start over and make amends this year. Y/n hadn't wanted to accept, but Harry encouraged her to at least hear them out. It had been years since she'd seen them, and even though things had been rocky when she left home, he thought both her and her family deserved a chance to set things right.
Plus, who would be able to resist Simone? She was the most perfect kid on the planet. It would be impossible not to love her, let alone hold any resentment over her.
"Everything is going to be just fine, my love," Harry promised. "Why don't you tell me what's really going on?"
Harry felt her body slouch as she exhaled a long sigh. Y/n turned in the circle of his arms and came to rest against him. She didn't say anything for a while, just relaxed against him while she gathered her thoughts.
She smelled like cinnamon and sugar, and over the top of her head, he spotted the gingerbread cookies she made earlier cooling on racks on the stove. They were his favorites, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on a couple of the miniature gingerbread men she'd cut the cookies into. Y/n had a knack for baking that really only came out around the holidays. Harry never thought he'd had a sweet tooth, but he had a weak spot for his wife's baked goods, and if his schedule was slow she spoiled him and Simone with all kinds of sweets. It was enough to make him work out for weeks after the holidays.
Before his thoughts got too carried away, Harry looked back at Y/n. He tipped her head up so she had to look him in the eye. He kissed her nose once, then her forehead, then her lips, until a small smile appeared. "Talk to me, Mama."
She sighed again, but this time she spoke. "I just...I want them to know that I'm doing a good job, I want them to know I'm a good mom."
"What? Baby, you're a fantastic mum," Harry said, a frown marring his features. That's what this is about? "You don't need their stamp of approval, Y/n."
"I know, I know. It's just that we're raising Simone so differently to how I grew up, and that's fine she's a great kid," Y/n explained. "I just don't want to give them any ammunition to judge how we're living our lives, you know? Making memories around the holidays were huge for me growing up. Christmas cards, decorating the tree, cookies, matching sweaters, and I—I don't want them to think Simone is growing up without that. I—I know it's stupid, but—"
"It's not stupid if that's how you feel," Harry said, cupping her cheek. His eyes searched hers, trying to decide if there was more that she wasn't saying. He'd become quite good at reading her, and he decided there wasn't. "But I don't think Simone is missing out on anything. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head. "She's happy, right? I know we don't lead the most conventional lifestyle, but she's happy, isn't she?"
"I'd say so. And hey, conventional's overrated. Remember when Niall dressed up as Santa so we could have a family picture? Or when we brought a Christmas tree with us on tour so we could put Simone's presents under it?"
Y/n grinned at the memories. "Or when the boys covered for us so we could sneak out and go to a Christmas market."
"I don't remember that one," Harry said as his brow furrowed.
Stretching up onto her toes, Y/n kissed his cheek. "That's because we never actually made it to the Christmas market."
"That's right! Simone was in Liam's room, and we stayed in, and you were wearing that little red set with the bows—"
Y/n kissed him properly this time, her arms crossing around his neck to bring him closer. His skin was soft and freshly shaven, a preference of Y/n's as she brought her hands to his face, though Harry had been trying to grow a little facial hair during his time off. He probably could've stayed like that all day, but he knew there was work to be done, and Y/n would be upset with herself if her icing went to waste.
"Let's get these cookies done and then head upstairs, hm?" he said even as Y/n began to kiss up and down his neck and his hands slid past her waist.
"Then get your hands off my ass, Styles."
"As soon as you untangle yourself from me, L/n," he said.
When she finally did, Y/n's lips were swollen, and her hair was a little messy. But she looked relaxed, not as tense as she had been when Harry came downstairs.
"Where do you need me?" he asked her, going to the sink to wash his hands before slinging an apron over his neck. "I can help with the baking part. I did work in a bakery, you know."
"Don't get me started," she murmured before offering the rolling pin. "Cookie cutting or decorating?"
"Mm...cutting. And maybe we save some just for us and Simone to do later?"
Y/n's grin was as wide as he'd ever seen it, which practically melted his heart into a puddle of goo at his feet. "Yeah?"
"Course, Mama. Between us, our little tyke is bound to be a baking genius."
Y/n rolled her eyes and swatted him with the towel that had been over her shoulder. They got to work, music playing on speakers, but low enough to hear Simone through the baby monitor if she woke up. Harry stole glances at Y/n as she got to work decorating the gingerbread men. He knew she was nervous, but he was thrilled that everything was starting to fall into place. Harry was home now that the band was on hiatus, Y/n was starting to mend her relationship with her parents, and Simone was about to get everything she asked Santa for and then some. At four years old, she didn't ask for much, but she had lots of uncles who were eager for a reason to shower her with gifts.
To Harry, everything was perfect.
Or, nearly perfect. Once the last batch of cookies were cooling and Y/n had decorated enough gingerbread men to take to her parents' house, Harry hauled her upstairs. "I still have that cute little set that you love so much," she murmured as she hastily pulled off his shirt. Excitement zinged through Harry at the thought, but he was too eager.
"Next time," he promised, falling back against the pillows, decorative ones Y/n had bought the week before.
"How do you want me?" she asked him, crawling to his side to run a hand through his hair. When he didn't respond right away, her brow furrowed. "H? Am I losing you?"
"No, I'm trying to think how much time we have before we're inevitably interrupted," he said.
"And then we have to get ready," Y/n said with a sigh, flopping on the bed next to him so that they were shoulder to shoulder. "Kiss and cuddle?"
Harry grinned. "You read my mind, Mama."
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Headcanon with TF141 & König with Fem! Reader who had amnesia after loss blood from battlefield and how would the mens react. Pls!
Oof ouchie owie my heart 😭 this is so mean I love it 😭😭😭😭 (I’m not crying YOU’RE crying)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
When the nurse told him you suffered amnesia due to the severity of your injuries, he didn’t want to believe it. He refused. Even though they told him it could last a few minutes to several weeks or months, he didn’t want to believe it.
So he went to visit you, sat beside your bed, balaclava twisting nervously in his hands as he watched you sleep. He eventually dozed off, arms crossed over his chest, head resting back against the wall. He woke up to a soft prodding at his shoulder,
“Excuse me, are you the nurse?” You’d asked, throat hoarse and exhaustion evident.
“Who do you think I am?” He asked, his heart beat so hard in his throat, his stomach churning and heavy, he felt violently ill
“I… don’t know to be honest. I’m not sure why or how I got here.” Your voice was small and uncertain and fuck he wanted to cry. His eyes burned and his throat threatened to shut.
What should he do? Tell you what happened and risk further trauma? He’s the reason you were out here in the first place. What’s the right thing to do? What would you do in his position?
“Sir? I’m sorry, I’m just really thirsty. I’m sorry to bug you.”
“Don’t sweat it, here, have my water.” He uncapped his water bottle and got up to bring it to your lips, you took it from his hands before he could tip it back,
“I’ve got it, thank you.” You said with a weak chuckle. At least that’s still the same. He watched you drink your water, weighing his options in his head. If the roles were reversed, you’d be honest with him. Gentle, but firm. Even if it pained you, you’d tell him the truth.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?”
He was a both a coward and glutton for pain.
“You can call me Ghost, for now.”
He still wasn’t sure if he’d tell you about all the nights spent together, all the mornings you had breakfast in the mess hall together, your apartment that you shared, the tattoo he has under his collarbone of your callsign or the matching one you got of a skull on your hip. This could be his chance to spare you the pain of sticking around him any longer.
But he’s selfish, in that sense. He’s had you, he can’t lose you now.
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s devastated. He’s absolutely heartbroken, there’s no way this is happening. He’s convinced it’s not real. It’s a bad dream and he’ll wake up in your arms and it’ll be gone. How he wishes that was true.
He comes into your room, the nurses words echoing in his head, triggering his tinnitus, making him nauseous. His legs are horribly unsteady and his hands have never shook this hard. He feels like such a fool for being so fucking weak in front of you like this.
This isn’t about him, it’s about you. It’s all about you, it’s about setting things right with you, it’s about bringing you back to him. It’s all about you.
He sat beside your bed and waited for you to wake up, and when you did you smiled so wide when you looked at him, that he honestly believed the nurses were wrong
“This might be wildly inappropriate, but you have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”
God how he wished the nurses were wrong.
“Could say the same for you, love.” He swallowed the lump in his throat and stamped out the ache in his chest
“Love?” You blinked in confusion, “are you my- oh god, I’m sorry, I… I don’t remember.”
“It’s alright, the nurses said it could happen. You’ve been through a lot.”
“If I’m here then, yeah, seems like.” You chuckled dryly,
“I’m Johnny.” He held his hand out to yours, you took it and couldn’t help how soothing his palm felt against yours as you introduced yourself shyly.
He could be strong. For you. He’d do anything for you, whether you wound up remembering or not, it didn’t matter. He’d do anything.
John Price:
He’s shell shocked. Please god no. Not you. Please sweet fucking Christ, not you. He doesn’t go to see you right away, he sits in his office quietly. He’s sitting in the dark, replaying the events that led up to this over and over in his head like a fucked movie on loop.
He snaps. He’s flinging everything off his desk, it’s all flying to the floor, he’s screaming, crying, raging. The team hears it and they all run to his office, Ghost is the only one to successfully hold him back. He eventually gives up and starts sobbing. Perception be damned.
He’s clutching onto Simon like his life depends on it, Soap and Gaz quietly start picking stuff up off the floor,
“Come on, mate, she needs you. Clean up and go.” He’s not stupid. He’s seen you two, seen the way you are with one another. It’s the best kept secret of the 141.
“I know. Fuck, I know.”
He hesitantly walks to your room, his heart pounding a mile a minute, he hears you talking to the nurse and you sound a little hoarse but it also sounds like you’re drinking water. He waits until you’re done talking and walks in, he steps aside to let the nurse walk out and sits beside you,
“How’re you feelin’?”
“Not great but the pain meds help.” You laughed weakly, “and you must be?”
“Just John.” He sighed, slowly taking one of your small hands in his, giving you every opportunity to withdraw, “Your John.”
He’s a patient man. He can wait.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
He’s in tears before the nurse even has a chance to walk away, Price has a hand on his shoulder, squeezing in an attempt to keep him grounded
“None of that, Gaz, just go see her. Somewhere in her heart, she’ll be happy to see you.” His words were reassuring and it helped give him the boost he needed to go and see you.
So he did, with an arm full of flowers, your favorite snack and candies, and fruits of course. He came in and set them down at the table quietly, watching you watch him as he did so. He took a deep shaky breath and pulled the chair up to the bed.
“Is that all for me?” You asked with a shy smile, even under the unflattering glow of the fluorescent lights above you, you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen,
“Yup. I thought if I’d brought you the things you like, it might help you recover your memory.” He swallowed his tears, swallowed the lump in the throat, he’d set it all aside because there’s work to be done.
“I take it you and I are quite close then?”
“As close as two people can get, without being related.”
“Hm. That makes me happy, you seem really sweet…?”
“Kyle. Or Gaz. But you’ve always called me by my name.”
His heart skipped a beat when you tried his name out, getting a feel for it on your tongue, and then you smiled softly at him.
It’ll be hard work but fuck you’re so worth it.
He feels violently ill. He’s nauseous through and through, he’s in shock, he’s grieving, he’s mourning, he’s furious, he’s appalled, he’s miserable
It’s all playing over and over and over and over again, the exact moments that led up to this. You trusted him and let you down. He fucking let you down. He ruined it. He ruined the one good thing he had going for him in this shithole. It’s gone it’s all fucking gone. And it’s all his fault.
All of that was repeating in his head as he punched a hole in the tile in the bathrooms, it repeated when he’d try to sleep until you woke up, it repeated while he’d wait for you, it repeated until there was nothing but self-inflicted venom pumping in his system, circulating mercilessly
And then you woke up. He’d at least had the presence of mind to take his veil off so he wouldn’t startle you, but in his vitriol he forgot something,
“You’ve got a little something on your uh… all of that.” You sleepily laughed, pointing at your eyes,
“Ah yes, that’s intentional.”
“Why?” You blinked in confusion, weakly trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes,
“Helps keep me concealed when I wear this.” He lifted the veil in his hands for you to see,
“I imagine it’s hard to do with your size.”
“It can be but I’m quite determined.”
“You seem upset, I take it you and I are close and the nurses told you?”
He gently took your small hand in his, his eyes watering, lower lip starting to quiver,
“Oh schatz, you have no idea.” His voice shook and your heart broke for him, his accent brought you peace even if you couldn’t exactly remember why, you could still put the pieces together. You don’t know why, but you wanted to be strong for him,
“Then give me an idea.”
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ghouljams · 3 months
This is something that Goose would definitely get for Simon when she starts to realize his hat has a lot of wear and tear and just wants to spoil him because he never does anything for himself lol
Simon's hat isn't anything special, simple black, it's the first one he saw when he was looking. Price gives him a straw hat when the summer gets too hot, but otherwise Simon isn't the type to spend money on anything fancy. He's used to using things until they fall apart, and that's just fine by him. You're of a similar mind, your own chocolate brown stetson decorated with ferrier brands and braided cording, worn but well taken care of. He'd asked you once how long you'd had it and you'd hand waved a few years.
Simon doesn't know why your hat still looks like new when his, well, doesn't. He's spent the last few mornings fussing with the brim and the lining, making sure the damn hat actually holds its shape. His hat goes missing, he takes yours and grumbles to Price about you getting too comfortable stealing. You settle his hat on his head when you come home in the evening. It smells different. He raises a hand to pull it off and stops at the feel of the crown.
The crease and dents feel different, the felt too now that he rhinks about it. He tugs it off to inspect. The black is deeper, the felt higher quality, and most importantly there's a skull expertly molded and shaped into the crown. He glances at you, raises a brow questioningly. You shrug.
"Your hat's fallin' apart," you explain, Simon looks back at the hat, he knows, "I thought you'd like something a little... I don't know, nice."
He rubs his thumb over the brim, feeling the material. It is nice, doesn't make his teeth hurt or his skin itch to feel it. The crown too, Simon smiles to himself, the skull is certainly impressive and very on brand. He's always liked when people give him themed gifts.
"You like it," you tell him. Tell him, he likes that too, that you can read him so well, that he doesn't have to say anything for you to understand.
"Where's my old hat?" He asks, turning the hat over in his hands. There aren't any seams, one singular, perfect, piece. There's a little heart stamped at the edge of the brim, he traces it with his fingernail.
"I still got it," you lean against his side, "figured if the new one made your bones rattle you'd want the old one." You watch his hands as he flips the hat back skull up. "You like it?" That one is a question, assurance when your confidence wavers. He shouldn't have asked about his old hat, but he was curious.
Simon settles the hat onto his head and flicks the heart on the brim, "Gonna spoil me."
You turn to press your smile against his shoulder. Simon tips your head to kiss you, soft and sweet, and feels the slide of your lips like a homecoming.
"Good," you murmur, "I want you rotten."
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