#Spoiler culture
cosmologicalspoon · 1 year
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toastedpopsicle · 9 months
Imagine believing there's anything just about imprisoning someone over fucking video game clips. IP law is such flagrant violence and so fucking counterethical to the natural act of creation.
Remember that if you think ideas and images can be owned, you agree that violations of that ownership deserve the full violence of imperial carcecal systems.
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dragongirltongue · 1 year
Marking art of Rauru TOTK as a spoiler is basically the same as this.
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eepy-pleepy · 1 year
Don't watch the show it's full of spoilers for the show !!
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downthegenderriver · 8 months
It continues to be very funny that people are worried about spoilers for palaeo documentaries. Like one, it's a documentary and two: ALL OF THEM ARE DEAD.
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I can't find it now but a post popped up on my dash under the recommended tab about spoiler culture and the argument was it's the MCU's fault that it exists, while there were people quite rightly pointing out that it didn't start with the MCU. Spoiler debates have existed for ages and YMMV on how much you want to be spoiled or what you think people should do to not spoil others. BUT one thing where I do agree there's MCU rot is when we got to this really unfathomably stupid situation where actors weren't given full scripts, didn't know who they were acting with or if they did know their scene mates, they didn't know the full context of the scene. It was one thing to airbrush characters our of a trailer but to give actors one side of a conversation and expect them to do something with it? Nah.
The reason I am always exasperated with this is that there are days, such as today, where behind the scenes images from the final scene of The Avengers crosses my dash and it's always fascinating.
BECAUSE here were the OG6 and Loki cutting about Central Park in broad daylight and we have all these wonderful images, plus I have seen some lovely stories from fans who got to interact with the whole spectacle in some way.
Nobody gave a shit that you knew that for some reason those seven characters were in Central Park. Bring back that sort of set up to be honest. All this "we're not even telling you if a character will even be in this" stuff is getting old. For example: I am fed up of seeing (mostly younger) Loki fans getting themselves all excited and wound up because they think he'll be in Avengers 5/6 in a big way. Marvel, just admit any plans that he is/isn't, stop allowing these people to crash down the highway of inevitable disappointment. We're done with it.
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notsayingthisright · 2 years
I really don’t mind spoilers in media, because:
1. It’s less stressful for me if I know how things turn out, and I can actually enjoy the journey.
and, most importantly,
2. If a piece of media is well-made, then it will be just as impactful knowing the spoiler as being surprised.
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getsemantic · 9 months
“Spoilers for the Song of Achilles” gang the Iliad has been around for at LEAST 2.8 THOUSAND YEARS. The end is the same it’s always been. Learn to find meaning in how a story is told instead of what is in the story. Kill spoiler culture. Kiss a tranny
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Y’all are too sensitive about spoilers.  Back in my day we either assumed they were fake and ignored them, or forgot about them within 2 seconds because we didn’t care.
What was I posting about again?
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sugo1stuck · 11 months
idk how people get spoiled. i’ve watched like 5 homestuck deep dives and i still dont know what the fuck happens. i’ve been on the internet for years and seen all sorts of portal memes and goofs and i cant even tell you what the borderline summary is. ive watched analysis videos of movies and then immediately watched it and i still am in suspense. like wtf are you people doin! how do you guys log onto reddit once and have movies ruined for you!!
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I hate the obession with spoilers and spoiler culture in general. Actors arent able to actually act because they arent being told whats happening in the scene or the overall movie. Studios think that spoilers and twists are what make films and TV great and what keeps people coming back to a show or film. But like movies, TV, and even theatre is a collaborative effort. How does the cast and crew really know what to bring to a piece if only the writer and maybe the producer know whats going on?
Also theres a reason why stories like Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet have stuck around for so long. Even if the ending of those plays are known audiences go to see how the theatre company will approach the characters, the location, and the overall story. Hell some people just go to see how Romeo and Juliet would play in the 1930s. How Hamlet would play in modern silicon valley.
And even in things like TV and Film where a story may never change knowing what happens doesnt deter peoples enjoyment. I've rewatched Golden Girls almost every year I've been alive. There used to a meme on the internet that people wouldnt watch new things and would just rebinge the Office. I have a friend that plays all 13 seasons of Bobs Burgers on loop. My bestfriend has some of his favorite films practically memorized.
My point is that if something is worth watching it doesnt need to relay on spoiler warnings. Are there some shows and movies that are maybe better with a twist or maybe audiences can only sit through once? Sure. But not every piece of media should be approached in the one and done mentality.
Not to mention there are going to be kids who will be born after your film/TV show or whatever is made. If them growing up knowing the spoilers inherently ruins your art then maybe its just isnt that good of a story.
All I am saying is that stories stay alive, even stories with genuinely could twists like the silent film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, because the cast and crew were able to really put their all into and make it a collaborative piece that hit with audiences. Stories stay around because people love the costumes, the acting, the set pieces, the story, the characters, everything. Sometimes stories stay around for the twist and thats fine.
But not every piece of media nowadays doesnt need to be produced like if the audience even knows a smidge of the plot it will wreck the entire production.
Stop treating audiences like rival studios trying to steal your trade secrets and start treating them with the respect of a loyal viewer or a paying customer.
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December 2, 2022
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smxsonic · 2 years
Spoilers are a social Construct made to opress nerds,
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The butler did it: Why the binge model of streaming needs to end
So because there are people out there who have no life, are willing to spend 8 hours at a stretch watching TV, and just don’t think about other people, I just had the ending of Wednesday spoiled for me. 
The binge “all at once” model of streaming needs to be killed with burning phosphorus.
It’s no one here on Tumblr - it was a headline on a Youtube video that came up as a recommendation when I went to YouTube to look for something totally unrelated (Jenna Coleman). I was not looking for it, nor was I calling up any reviews or anything where you’d expect a spoiler. The headline literally said “The Butler did it” (well, the Wednesday equivalent). It was something like “Wednesday’s big XXXXX twist and XXXX reveal explained” (because people are too stupid to work it out for themselves).
I mean, really, why should I bloody bother watching the 6 episodes I haven’t had a chance to see yet because a) I work, b) I’ve been fighting something approaching a migraine for the last 2 weeks that makes it tough to watch TV (or work on a computer) for long stretches, c) I know it could be 2025 before they get around to a second season of this show, assuming it gets renewed so I don’t want to barrel through it all in a short burst.
I will still watch them because I like Jenna Ortega and I like the show. I’m just pissed off right now. Makes me wonder why I bother doing things like spoiler spaces and dance around things and play by “no spoilers” rules on websites and Discords I belong to.
It is totally unfair for people who binge an entire season to then go on and blab about it like a schoolyard gossip. Review and discuss it all you like in private and spoil all you like if you’re going to write something or do a video by all means - just don’t put the damn spoiler in the title or headline 2 days after the thing comes out, OK?
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m00nlightdelights · 1 year
Tumblr community I need your help.
Awhile ago I saw a post that talked about how the rise of spoiler culture is ruining the iconic theme songs. Like how you can’t tell when you should be scared or when you should be angry or whatever bc everything needs to be a surprise (I completely disagree but that’s another conversation.) I believe there was also a video essay??
I’m just watching Leverage & how they have the theme for the one bad guy, or when it’s something emotional or whatever. Is what I’m saying making sense????
Anywho please help.
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gremlin-pattie · 2 years
i will never tag spoilers. sorry. if you don’t want to see spoilers for something, filter the name of the thing in your settings and don’t look at posts about it.
you can’t look at content about The Media You Haven’t Finished and then go “wtf!! this has spoilers about The Media I Haven’t Finished!”
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