thuocdantocorgg · 3 months
Kem Sudocrem trị chàm sữa có chứa kẽm oxit, giúp điều trị các triệu chứng của hăm tã, bỏng da nhẹ, bệnh chàm; giảm vết nứt nhỏ trên da, ngăn dị ứng. Tuy nhiên cần tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ khi dùng cho trẻ nhỏ.
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mondy-shop · 6 months
Sudocrem Bebek Bakım Ürünleri - Mondy Shop
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lucycarlyle · 1 year
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fitnessethics · 2 years
Does Sudocrem Lighten Skin?
Does Sudocrem Lighten Skin? #sudocrem
What is Sudocrem? Sudocrem is a rash cream that is common in countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland, though it isn’t sold in the United States. Sudocrem can be used to treat other conditions, though the main use of Sudocrem is for the treatment of babies’ diaper rash. Does Sudocrem Lighten The Skin? Sudocrem does not lighten the skin; its sole purpose is to treat rashes and some other skin…
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rachaelstray · 2 years
Sudocrem Naturals Nappy Cream (AD)
Sudocrem Naturals Nappy Cream (AD)
The latest addition to the Sudocrem family is extremely exciting – Sudocrem Naturals Nappy Cream with a formula that is 96% naturally derived*. Few things are as delicate as a newborn baby’s skin and a nappy cream that’s both natural and effective is a great option for your little one. When Elsie was a newborn we used cotton wool balls and water to look after her delicate little skin and I wish…
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Dr Google
Friends believe I've been thinking about vampires again.
Symptoms:  Pale Cold Sore teeth Nausea No Irregular pulse  Bloodlust Thirsty Sunburn
He wasn’t supposed to Google medical stuff anymore, Sloane and his Mums had told him off for it so many times he’d lost count, but Kravitz hated to make a fuss and surely it was easier to just check quickly. “Some guy mugged me apart from he didn’t take my wallet and he accidentally bit me a little bit… lottle bit” seemed like the kind of thing that would waste Dr Highchurch’s time. All he’d be able to do was whack some antiseptic on there and make some horrifying comments about the way he extracted the juices to make whatever poultice he decided was best. Kravitz had obviously disinfected the bite mark once he got home. Sure, he’d been passed out in the alley for a bit, but once he’d woken up he felt fine, he’d made it home in no time! It didn’t really seem ringing the police because nothing was taken and the bite wasn’t even really that bad, only a few teeth seemed to have pierced the skin.
The worst bit was the whole food situation. Kravitz was hungry, was the thing, ravenous, but when he’d tried to eat the leftovers in the fridge he’d puked them straight back up again. Obviously food poisoning was the logical choice, so he’d thrown them away and tried something basic instead. The toast tasted disgusting. He thought the butter might have turned, had a go at the biscuits in the cupboard instead. Also a nope. Everything tasted terrible, nothing stayed down. He knew it was important to stay hydrated when you had a stomach bug, of course, so he drank plenty of water. It wouldn’t stay put either. He tried medicine for settling his stomach, rebalancing his humours (well, salts and electrolytes according to the package), and painkillers. Nothing helped. So now it was five days since he’d eaten anything and he really really really wanted to, but he couldn’t. He didn’t really know what Dr Highchurch could suggest for that - he usually seemed to struggle a bit unless you could give him direction. Hence, the Googling. 
Kravitz was being sensible, of course, he knew the good symptom checkers. He wasn’t irresponsible, just needed some reliable health information which didn’t come with a side of arbour ardour. That didn’t seem unreasonable to ask. He input his symptoms and waited for the computer to ease his mind.
Iron deficiency anaemia
B12 deficiency anaemia 
One of those things was not like the others but unless this was some kind of incredibly vivid hallucination, Kravitz was good on the coma front. Anaemia though? He’d had low iron before and knew it could fuck you up. No point in bothering Dr Highchurch by asking for a blood test, he may as well just skip straight to the supplements. 
Kravitz was most of the way to the door when the dizziness and fatigue he’d seen on the symptom list kicked in. Sure, he’d been feeling a bit run down, but he was fit! He was healthy! He did his 10,000 steps and change every single day, he swam, he hiked! He should be able to walk a block over to the CVS even if he was a bit under the weather.
By the time he had willed himself onto the couch he was ready to admit defeat. Maybe he could just take a nap and then go? Or, even better, he could Door Dash it then take a nap until it was medicine time. Kravitz tapped around on his phone trying to figure the app out. It took a lot longer than it should have because everything seemed to be fuzzing round the edges - maybe he needed to book an eye test too, he was probably due one. Finally he was fairly convinced he’d put all the right details in and allowed his slow blinking eyes to stay shut.
“Honey, I’m home!” Yelled a strange voice as a man burst through the door of his apartment. Sure, Kravitz had said the door was open and to drop the bag inside in his notes, but this seemed excessive. Kravitz’s brain was full of sand and all he wanted to do was eat something, anything. The delivery man was handsome, handsome enough that Kravitz decided he’d rate him highly regardless of the breaking and entering. He smelled good too, really, really good.
Kravitz tried to struggle up into a sitting position, failed miserably, and hoped he didn’t look too pathetic. “Thank you.” It was at this point he realised he hadn’t spoken out loud since the mugging. Maybe the bite knocked his vocal chords around a bit because he sounded so croaky and raw.
“You okay there, Kemosabe?” The delivery guy focused in on Kravitz and his beautiful brow crinkled. “You look like shit.”
“Low iron.” Croaked Kravitz. Taako’s cologne was amazing, Kravitz could smell him from across the room but it wasn’t cloying and overpowering. There was a hint of sweetness to it, something Kravitz couldn’t place. 
“Uh huh. That is a thing that could be happening, sure.” 
“Or it could be B12, and a stomach bug.” 
“Look, I can’t leave you here without checking you’re okay my guy. If I deliver this, fuck off, and then you beef it it’s Taako who’s gonna end up getting arrested for it and that’s a big ol’ no thanks from me.”
“What Taco?” 
“Me, Goofus. Now, let me see.” 
“Like the food? I’m okay, thank you. I think just taking some of the iron tablets will help. Maybe the B12 too just in case. That should mean I can keep water down.” His throat’s feeling a bit better at least, less haggard for some practice at speaking. Maybe he needs to start talking to himself out loud, or, probably more sanely, ringing his Mums and Sloane.
“No not like the food, like the me. Tee ay ay kay oh. Now, shut up and let me make sure you’re not gonna die.”
Taako was so close now, Kravitz could reach out and touch him, Kravitz really wanted to reach out and touch him… and maybe grab him, kiss him, bite his… “Ow! Fuck!” Kravitz winced in pain. His lip throbbed, how the fuck did he manage to bite himself without moving his mouth?
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, you’ve got a bad case of the vampires, my guy.”
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race-week · 8 months
I swear no matter the issue I have, my mum’s solution will always be to put sudocrem on it
She literally swears by it for anything. Acne - sudocrem, burn, cut or a scrape - sudocrem, she told me to put sudocrem on a bruise before
The worst thing is that it actually works - why is this weird cream that’s targeted at nappy rashes for babies fixing all these other issues
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calamitys-child · 1 year
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rachaelstray · 2 years
My Little Masterpiece children's creative competition with Sudocrem (AD)
My Little Masterpiece children’s creative competition with Sudocrem (AD)
My Little Masterpiece is a competition by Sudocrem designed to inspire children and their families to get creative and show them that ideas are everywhere and we’re getting involved*. Elsie and I were kindly sent a PR package crammed full of arts and crafts bits and bobs to inspire us to get creative, as Sudocrem launch their brand new My Little Masterpiece competition. And once we saw the…
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banrionceallach · 2 years
Today’s PSA: Always keep an eye on what you’re doing when cooking. Otherwise you may do what I just did and spill boiling water on your hand.
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wmnylander · 2 years
i have. a pimple. or 2 i’m not sure at this point. on my chin. and it is quite literally the sorest thing i have ever felt. in my life.
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toastsnaffler · 7 months
these burn blisters are starting to heal which is great but also they're SO ITCHYYYY
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cack1e · 1 year
fuck trich im so tired was meant to go to sleep 4 hours ago but instead i fixated on something that makes me bleed and makes my finger tips hurt like hell. also i dont have any antibacterial wipes so mightve fucked up there. only issue it wipes are so expensive
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Why are my ovulation pains nearly as bad if not worse than my actual period pain. Like. This shit should be illegal
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blufashionbd · 2 years
Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream
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satoshihiwatari · 2 years
just waxed my legs for the first time in ages because it's forecast to be summery for the rest of the week, and ended up accidentally burning a small patch of skin off too :/ :/ :/ smh
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