#That shit was peaceful af
I miss the pandemic cause I could disappear for weeks and use Covid as my excuse
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twistedappletree · 5 months
am i alone in thinking lan sizhui would not make a better sect leader than lan jingyi or nah
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sarayu-sunrays · 10 months
i want to be friendly and approachable but i want to be no-nonsense and intimidating
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yourqueenb · 1 year
“Drew only does casual”
“Drew doesn’t do commitment”
Ok that’s fine, but girl are you good with that??
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moth-tea-merchant · 1 year
Ended off the night by finishing the captions for one of tomorrows isolated lines. Got a clean/clear recording of the jade brotherhood miner in 'Luxon Terminus Fort' who fell victim to the haze. Listening over it with the knowledge that haze can give people vivid hallucinations, makes this NPC's lines hit so much harder. (Tho the way they are delivered already makes them hit hard)
I'll be releasing it proceeded by some light hearted Rama lines. Accompanying the audio will be a list of content warnings above. I look forward to peoples reactions and thoughts on it in the morning.
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wildegeist · 1 year
There's a certain satisfaction in simply hanging up on a rude person the second they start cursing you out over the phone for no reason. It's loud swearing, a click, then silence and bliss knowing they're seething over being unable to keep berating you while you are here. Happy. Free. Bothered no longer
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dany36 · 2 years
“I would think not. Might you have forgotten who I am?” Alright thank you so very much, this scene will be living in my head rent-free for at least the next hmmmmm 2 years or so. 🫠🫠🫠🫠❤️❤️❤️❤️
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serotinals · 2 years
i love u Miss Stallion
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champagne--father · 2 years
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cloudstarcats · 2 years
I love the Genshin fandom but it’s so hard to find shit sometimes cause if all the “x reader” blogs- like guys pls tag your shit correctly.
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princehoseok · 5 months
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blueberrisoup · 6 months
i can’t wait for the day i can come home to peace and quiet and not an inconsiderate bitch for a roommate that has people over at all hours of the night blasting shit in the living room on the tv when she has her own fucking room & tv to be using but no, she’s rather be a loud as fuck like she’s the only one who lives here!!!
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imblocking-you · 1 year
People i will not trust with my life: research groupmates
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teepussilakana · 1 year
just a fun little factoid here: if you are in a humbug spirit and you sigh all througout christmas break with your family, it will NOT in fact be appreciated. have a ginger bread, help out with the decorations, take some pics with the tree.
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enha-doodles · 2 months
Hey can you do a reaction to Slytherin boys reacting to the reader being a bookworm ?
Thankyou 💗💗
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Pairing : ( Mattheo , Tom , Theodore, Lorenzo, Draco ) x reader
Note : tysm for the request and i hope you enjoy it hehe 🤭🤭
Warnings : none
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Mattheo Riddle
Even though Mattheo thinks reading sessions are about as thrilling as watching paint dry compared to his usual parties, he puts on a brave face for your sake because he loves you so much . He sticks around while you bury your nose in books, though his mind might wander to livelier activities. Despite the occasional yawn, he's willing to endure the quiet moments for his darling , he is a romantic and caring guy afterall
Tho he'll complain and whine all the while you won't pay attention to him and roll his eyes upon your books
Tom Riddle
Tom secretly enjoys the peaceful vibe when you're both lost in your own literary worlds. He won't admit it out loud, but he finds it oddly comforting to share comfortable silences with you, even if he'd rather be plotting world domination. Who knew the Dark Lord had a soft spot for reading?
He'd leave some of his books on your table so you'd read them , he loves seeing you smile while you read something interesting especially of his choice , your reactions making him obsessed fall deeper for you .
Theodore Nott
Theodore scratches his head trying to figure out why you're so obsessed with books, but he's a good sport about it. He might ask you why on earth you spend so much time with your nose buried in pages, but hey, to each their own, right? As long as you're happy, he's cool with it, even if he doesn't get it.
He is someone who is smart without much effort - that is the reason he doesn't understand your affection with books , which also has some people wonder why he's not into ravenclaw but then his Slytherin tendencies prove his loyalty to his house
Lorenzo Berkshire
Lorenzo is like a kid in a candy store when he realizes you both share a love for books. He's all in, racing you to finish books first and gleefully bragging when he beats you to the last page. Who knew reading could be such a competitive sport? But hey, it's all in good fun, right?
He's also a very literature typa guy so he'd have you on his lap while you're cuddled into him and you're both reading the same book . You have many of your dates in the library and none of you seem to mind .
Draco Malfoy
Draco puts up a fuss about your bookworm tendencies, claiming they're not even close to being as exciting as qudditch or poker or any other rich kid shit he has done . But secretly, he's low-key intrigued by what you're reading. He'll grumble about it, of course, but then he'll sneakily ask about the plot or characters, trying to act like he's not interested. Classic Draco, always putting on a show.
He's also very bratty so he'll be annoyed af if he's speaking and you'll tell him to shut up because you're on a good part atm coz sweetheart does he look like he cares ? He does
。    ✧    ⁺     。
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diosanoturix · 2 years
I cannot describe how infuriated I am by all of this. Olive and Olivia used to be sacred. And now hshq and wilde are just desecrating that history, repeatedly stomping all over it and fighting to have heterosexual sex on top of the grave.
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