#Thief Dressphere
tampire · 1 year
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Slaying the Snake with a 99 chain attack
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noctglaive · 2 months
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Thief dressphere 💰
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kmtapia-art · 4 months
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Not a big fan of Paine’s thief dressphere so I did a messy redesign sketch
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laika648 · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts: A World Without Sky Secret Encounter
Artist commissioned: Ai-noHikari https://www.deviantart.com/ai-nohikari
Story by: laika6
After Sora's disappearance at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Kairi (feeling responsible for Sora's fate & driven by her love for him) sets out on a journey to - hopefully - bring him home.
The events of this comic occur between the Ending and Secret Ending of Kingdom Hearts 3.
Kairi's Skills: Blizzaga, Waterga, Firaga, Thundaga, Reflega, Curaga, Sparkga, Pearl, Faith, Ninja Class Yuna, Rikku & Paine skills/dresspheres: Gunner, Thief, Warrior, Songstress, Black Mage, White Mage, Gun Mage, Alchemist, Dark Knight, Samurai, Lady Luck, Berserker, Trainer, Mascot, Festivalist, Psychic, Floral Fallal, Machina Maw, Full Throttle
(Music: Ducktales Opening Theme - Ducktales Real Emotion - Final Fantasy X-2)
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tailoringtay · 9 months
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Since garment grids and such came up, I was inspired to design some dressphere outfits for Tay, just for funsies
Starting with Gunner, Thief, and Warrior
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jessjustplay · 11 months
Final Fantasy III 3D Remake - Finishing Stats
July 19, 2023
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Game: Final Fantasy III 3D Remake First Time/Replaying: First Time Game Time: 33 hours Console: PS Vita Started: June 9, 2023 Finished: July 19, 2023
Final Fantasy III 3D was a really nice surprise. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. The artwork is cute and vibrant, the music is great, the characters are very charming, and overall it just feels like such a wholesome Final Fantasy game!
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The job system is very interesting in this game. I love that every character has a new outfit for each job (it’s the FFX2 dressphere fangirl in me). I made it most of the game with a Thief, Red Mage, Warrior, and Dragoon (as shown above).
Eventually I changed the Warrior to a Dark Knight. And then at the final dungeon I had to regroup so I changed the first two to a Black Belt and Devout. Below are my finishing stats!
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What really messed me up during my first run through the final dungeon was that I did NOT defeat all 4 of the Warriors of Darkness. I didn't think I had to. But it turns out if you don't, then the final boss will instantly kill you with it's 9,999 attack.
So during my 2nd attempt, I made sure to level up and then fight all 4 Warriors of Darkness. HUGE difference. I also put my party in the back row. I knew they would hit less but I was better taking it slow than risking having to do the final dungeon all over again. Unfortunately Arc died and I could not revive him in time before Ingus had the final blow, but that's okay!
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I had a lot of fun with this game and could totally see myself replaying it one day.
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firagafury · 1 year
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claireconsumes · 1 year
Poor poor Claire getting roped into Rikkuzilla's rampage?
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"Uhhh... I mean, I could go with her, sure... Probably shouldn't borrow any dresspheres though."
The titanic thief making her try to match pace is going to be hell on her waistline... But it does seem like a lot of fun.
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thecodeveronica · 8 months
I think Dissidia is kinda dead as a FF spin-off (Opera Omnia on mobile notwithstanding) after NT was so bad, but ugghghgghgh I want a new Dissidia game SO MUCH in the style of the PSP ones, with a heavy emphasis on singleplayer content again while also having online multiplayer like NT did.
SO I'm gonna wishlist what I'd want to cope with my sadness that it'll never happen (and spoilers for maybe multiple FF games are to follow, maybe, idk, I'm typing this off the top of my head):
STORY: Just reboot the whole thing. Nobody cared about the new gods they added in the Arcade and NT games, but the story of Chaos and Cosmos was kinda done, so just start the whole thing over fresh like the others never happened. Be freed of the shackles of the convoluted plot of the past, and create a new convoluted story lol.
Now, what I think would be cool would be some kind of partner system in the story. Two characters having to fight together and if one got defeated the other goes too. Would make for interesting interactions between characters from different games, both as partners and as having to outlast the other groups? I'm not sure what the end goal would be, but picking off characters pair-by-pair would be kinda fun IMO, even more so if some heroes had to be paired with villains. Maybe each pair that gets eliminated in some form (not "killing" per se, but you know) feeds the crystals energy for... something... that the gods want... yeah, I dunno.
Also, the pair thing would be more of a story thing than for gameplay. Keep the assist system from Dissidia 012 and have where the partners are assists in the story, but in other modes you could just pick whoever as an assist. And have some bonus, assist-only character like Aerith was in 012. I always found it wild that she was literally the ONLY assist-only character in that game and that they didn't do more as DLC. Surprising level of restraint from SQEX.
ROSTER: Keep MOSTLY everyone who was in past games, including NT. I say "mostly" because I would trash Onion Knight and replace him with Luneth from the DS remake of FFIII. Sorry, I just have always hated Onion Knight's design and smarmy voice when FFIIIDS had better protag designs right there for the taking.
Some additions (in a reasonable number) for already-represented titles I'd add are:
Nothing for Final Fantasy I, II, III, V, or VI, sorry lol. The latter two already had 3 fighters anyway so they're fine. Also nothing for XI (never played it), XII (don't care about it and Vayne is already in from NT and he's the only one really worth it anyway), or XIV (never played it, though I am kind of fond of Alphinaud just because I had all his gear in FFRK and Opera Omnia so I guess him if anyone haha)
Final Fantasy IV Rydia -would be similar-ish in concept to 012's Yuna playstyle, but with different summons obviously and more regular magic spells interspersed in the moveset. I dunno, I just felt like one of the older games needed something and IV is my favorite of the pre-PS1 games. After Years outfit would be an alt ------
Final Fantasy VII Vincent Valentine -mostly ranged fighter with his guns and shotgun, though honestly I put him here just because I think it'd be cool fighting as him lol. His EX Mode would be when he turns into those monsters like in his Limit Break in VII. Also I'd love for him to have his Turk suit as an alt ------
Final Fantasy IX Beatrix -I actually kind of wanted Eiko or Garnet here but I'm not sure how they'd be different from all the other summoners either already in the games or that I want, so oof. Beatrix is cool and memorable and I think they could come up with something for her abilities in IX like Shock and all. Not sure what alt outfit she'd get since I don't remember her wearing anything else in IX? ------
Final Fantasy X Rikku -more of a X-2 rep in my mind since her thief dressphere would be her default IMO, but since she's in X as well I'll count her as both. Speedy melee attacker who would maybe swap to one or two other dresspheres for different attacks. Alt would obviously be her X outfit, though I'd also like her Songstress dressphere because I always though hers was cute. ------
Final Fantasy XIII Serah Farron -like Rikku, Serah is more of a stealth FFXIII-2 rep, but she was in XIII regardless so yeah. She'd obviously be able to switch between the bow and sword form of her weapon, and have some magic, probably Saboteur stuff because that's what I associate with her. XIII outfit as an alt for sure, though she also had some cute DLC outfits in XIII-2 that'd be cool
also in regard to XIII-2, I think it's kind of whack that Caius didn't get in as the XIII villain slot and they went with LR!Snow instead in NT, but I don't know that I'd replace Snow since I love his Lightning Returns design and he has that sick ice scythe, so RIP Caius, you deserved better.... ------
Final Fantasy XV Ardyn Izunia -super obvious choice, to give XV an antagonist. Also because I think we all pretty much like Ardyn, right? He's cool, and I think he'd be great to see in cutscenes in a new Dissidia. Not really much to say here since I think it's pretty easy to imagine how he'd play. Alt outfit would be his white robes look from how he was before the time of XV's story
Ignis Scientia -if I'm giving some games that already had 3 characters an extra one, then XV gets 4, too. Ignis deserves it most because he's my favorite of the non-Noctis Chocobros :) Could do his magic-infused daggers and all that, which is kind of untapped potential for Dissidia. Alt is obviously his timeskip look ------
Final Fantasy Type-0 Machina Kunagiri -the only realistic option for an "antagonist" from Type-0 IMO. EX Mode would be his White Tiger l'Cie appearance. Also, his dual-wielded drill sword... things... are pretty cool and I think would be fun in battle. Alt outfit of the summer Akademia uniform
Kurasame Susaya -LISTEN I love Type-0 and I'll do what I want here and add a 4th character. And I love Kurasame SO MUCH and so he's here because I say so. Plus, Ice Reaper? Ice magic and an ice blade and his Absolute Zero attack? HELLO? He would be so cool to fight as in Dissidia. Alt outfit would be his past look when he was an Akademia student
World of Final Fantasy Lann & Reynn (yes, together) -I also LOVE WoFF so I have to give it respect here. I'd have where you swap between Lann and Reynn (think Sheik/Zelda in the older Smash games), each with their own little monsters that they send out to fight. And Lann would have maybe a claw attack while Reynn uses her dagger. Not sure on alt outfits though
Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield -duh, the main character has to be here, but also I like Clive a lot so that's A-OK with me :) He'd be in his appearance from when he is 33, because frankly he's hot there and it is his best look by far. Would play taking advantage of his multiple Eikon abilities, like having an attack from each one since his big defining trait as a Dominant was being able to use all the other Eikons' powers. EX Mode would be when he is semi-primed, then the burst would be Ifrit attacking. Alt would be his outfit that got added in the update (the black one), or maybe his 15-year-old outfit but like... refitted for his older self? That might be kind of cool
Barnabas Tharmr -between him and Ultima for the XVI villain slot, but Dissidia seems to like to err on the side of the more "human" looking characters, so Barnabas it is. Odin is SUPER COOL in XVI so I think he'd be a great fit honestly! His EX Mode would be when is semi-primed with Odin obviously. I dunno what alt outfit he'd have though? I thought his knight looking outfit, but that's kind of already being used for the EX Mode, so uhh... huh
Joshua Rosfield -3rd slot for XVI. This is totally favoritism to take him over Jill, but to be fair, Joshua is like, a LOT more actually important to the plot and practically the deuteragonist of the game IMO. And I can't separate my Rosfields man, you just don't do that. Since Clive would be focused on all the Eikons, Joshua would instead be the main "Warden of Fire" rep here and use Phoenix-related powers. Phoenix Shift maybe could just be his (though I know that power is very Noctis warpstrike-y, but they'd play different enough otherwise I think), some kind of Flames of Rebirth attack, and overall be more magic-oriented than his brother. EX Mode is, again, semi-priming with Phoenix, with the burst being legit Phoenix attacking. Alt as his extra outfit from that recent update, though I think giving him a modified version of his prologue outfit (just, ya know, redesigned to not look stupid on an adult) would be cute. Or a riff on Elwin's outfit since Joshua was to be the next leader of Rosaria
Just a short run-through, since most would just be returning from before
FFI - Castle Cornelia FFII - Pandaemonium FFIII - Crystal Tower FFIV - Lunar Subterrane (this is one of my fave Dissidia stages btw) FFV - Interdimensional Rift FFVI - Narshe Outskirts FFVII - Planet's Core (Midgar was too confusing in NT, hated it) FFVIII - Promised Meadow FFIX - Alexandria FFX - Dream's End (I liked Besaid in NT too, but I think I liked the PSP stage more) FFXI - Empyreal Paradox (never played XI but this place is SO PRETTY) FFXII - Rabanastre FFXIII - Sunleth Waterscape (Orphan's Cradle in 012 and Eden in NT both kinda sucked and I think this is more visually distinctive) FFXIV - Porta Decumana FFXV - Insomnia (I would make this stage set at night this time tho) FFT - Orbonne Monastery FFType-0 - Akademeia Courtyard (with the Tempus Finis background) New Stages:
World of Final Fantasy - Nine Woods Hill FFXVI - Twinside (this is a tough choice; I think Twinside is associated with one of the best segments of the game and visually pretty, though I considered Rosalith or that Interdimensional Rift where Ultima starts lore dumping on Clive and Joshua)
SHOOT I meant to mention maybe Zack as a Crisis Core rep, but honestly I guess VII has plenty and I don't know how much different he'd play than Cloud, so never mind. I feel like Zack deserves a slot, though, you know what I mean?
On a related note, I also think Marche Radiuju from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (FFTA my beloved) would be nice, but I have no delusions that he'd ever have a shot, and to be fair, even in my own fantasy roster, I feel like he'd be kinda weird to have in-game from a story perspective when he was from a "real world" type situation. If you played that game, you get it
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terraxcloud · 2 years
Weird Moment in FFX-2
I marked the moment in this video~
It’s a bit hard to talk about this scene, but I’ll attempt. According to the script, moogles only appear twice for the story (one when Yuna dresses as one, and this is the other).
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Yuna begins recalling “memories” of Tidus, including the scene where he teaches her to whistle (FFX’s version of the FF6 Opera, shown in WoFF right before the Cloud-Terra-Lightning intervention).
She remarks about how “no one else can see” the moogle that’s just floating around before having her 1 to 1 whistling scene with Tidus. I guess it’s similar to how no one in FF7 knows about Cloud’s FF6 memories (his memory of Terra that’s connected to Dissidia is called a “very personal memory”, which may be the actual connection here).
At the end when the moogle vanishes she just calls it “a dream”, but it’s Rikku that makes it a bit weird. Since this scene mentions a lot of Clerra-like stuff, it’s important to note that Rikku is made from 1 or 2 FF7 characters (those being Yuffie and Priscillia).
The thing about Rikku here is that she claims to have felt the same thing with someone else, but it’s never mentioned “WHO” that was.
Some people claim it was just Tidus and others claim it was Gippal, but when I looked at Gippal I saw that he had a big weapon and spiky blond hair...like Cloud (at least compared to every other character in X-2). Taking Rikku’s word about Gippal though, it doesn’t seem like it’s anyone in the game...
If all of what Yuna talked about can easily be connected to Clerra, then Rikku’s weird “secret” right after it may imply that she’s “somehow” Priscilla. Just like the main character of FF6 is "somehow” now Cloud, and “Shotgun” from Before Crisis is “somehow” now Lightning, and Terra’s cat that no one can prove or remember was possessed by a girl named Sherlotta...”somehow”.
They do use the word “secret” very literally...you aren’t supposed to know the answer. Sherlotta also started using that word recently, and she didn’t have any secrets in her own game. I didn’t suspect anything about Sherlotta until FF7R was flooded with cats (BTW, there’s a thief character that looks similar to Sherlotta, released over an year earlier than her).
Why am I talking about Sherlotta? Well, Rikku’s Mascot dressphere is Cait Sith. Cait Sith and Sherlotta are connected.
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Not a complicated thing really, just design a new character based off an old one...bonus points if they’re related to Terra “somehow”. Aerith started in FF5 after all, and she has all the watery hallmarks in FF7 (although those may have started when the more Zack-like Cloud was replaced with FF6′s actual main character Cloud).
Lightning still retains her gun and hair over her left shoulder. Sherlotta retains Terra’s story in her own way.
Rikku: That's not a dream. Not if your heart's pounding like that. You and someone you care about are connected somehow. That's what it is.
Paine: How worldly.
Rikku: I've felt that way, too.
Paine: About who?
Rikku: I dunno.
Paine: Spill it.
Rikku: Maybe we can trade secrets.
Paine: You drive a hard bargain.
Yes, what I’m implying is hard to believe, but do you know of someone with a better answer? I mean, there are times where it’s implied that Cloud remembers Terra “somehow” (in FF7 Remake of all places, confusing everyone), so can it not be the same with other characters?
Although the implication here is that Rikku is recalling Priscilla’s memories of Cloud. I mean, Rikku does say “You and someone you care about are connected somehow.” Since Yuna and Tidus could easily be compared with Cloud and Terra, Rikku having a secret which is actually about Cloud is a pretty crafty way to connect it.
It makes sense that way, because this scene feels more like a hint about Clerra, what with the random moogle and constant mentions of “memories”.
I guess it’s important to recall that Priscilla is the dolphin girl in Junon Harbor that Cloud does artificial respiration on. She’s important because she gives Cloud the Shiva materia, which was designed to look similar to Terra and is almost always first used to defeat Jenova, or what I’d like to call “Terra’s antithesis”. 
Shiva is given lore in FF7R that supports this (she sealed Jenova), and Shiva is obtained right in front of the Children’s Hideout with Chadley telling Cloud that she’s the “perfect companion” for him. (A weird hint but Costa-Del-Sol music is playing right by where Chadley is, which may be tying to how Shiva was given by Priscilla just a boat ride away).
Also, Priscilla somehow knew that Cloud fell into the Lifestream and she also wanted to marry him. 
Yuffie is recruited right before Yunon, and there’s quite a few other weird hints at this stage of the game, so it’s hard to believe that they wouldn’t know about this when designing Rikku.
Priscilla’s dolphin is one of the first things people could see from the Remake since it’s on the t-shirt of the girl on the slide in the announcement trailer from 2015.
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Truth be told, I have no idea why any of this is important at the moment, but two boys with wooden buster swords are at the bottom of the slide...and we know what happened to those wooden buster swords...
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When Rikku appears in DFFOO before or after Armageddon starts and Earth has entered the Rings of Alcyone, then we can find out if this stuff is true or just “accidently crafted fiction”.
Otherwise, we’ll just wait until Rebirth...but if Terra appears in Rebirth, I don’t know why I’d care about Priscilla, Lol.
What, is Rikku actually recalling Yuffie’s memories instead? Yeah, that wouldn’t make as much sense.
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psychic-echo · 3 years
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(FFX/X-2)| Lulu | Thief Dressphere
Gunner | Thief | Warrior | Songstress | Black Mage | White Mage | Gun Mage | Alchemist | Dark Knight | Samurai | Lady Luck | Berserker| Trainer| Mascot | Psychic | Festivalist | Siren Queen (Special) | Freelancer
*I am aware Thief is spelled wrong in the image
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movedblogsrizu · 7 years
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FF X-2 Victory Poses - Thief Rikku
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always-in-lala-land · 6 years
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My character Canida in Final Fantasy X-2 Dresspheres : Gunner, Thief, and Warrior!! I'm going to color it in at some point soon
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droshawoluv · 3 years
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¡ YU RI PA !
🗡Thief Dressphere / class 🗡 Final Fantasy X-2
Daaaaaamn Yuna, girl, showin them ABS 🔥
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ethernalium · 4 years
rikku and yuna iddle animations while using the thief dressphere:
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jessjustplay · 2 months
Final Fantasy X-2 Game Review
March 30, 2024
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I know this game gets a lot of hate and even when it's not "hate", I still find the comments to be generally harsh. I promise, it's okay to say something nice about X-2. No one is going to hurt you!
Battle System
I love the battle system in this game, it's fun and fast-paced. Final Fantasy X-2 relies on Garment Grids and Dresspheres for battles. Dresspheres are the names of the class jobs (Black Mage, Thief, etc.) and they each have a unique look for each girl. Most of them have the same abilities for all 3 characters, but a few of them (like the Festivalist and Mascot) have unique abilities for each character.
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Garment Grids are a game screen with nodes where you equip the dresspheres onto, then you equip each character with a Garment Grid. Whatever dresspheres are on their equipped Garment Grid are the jobs they are able to use and master. Mastering a dressphere means that you learned all of the abilities and skills on that specific dressphere.
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine make up your 3-person party. The HD Remaster version has something called "Creature Creator", and from what I understand, you're able to have non-playable characters and fiends in your party. I've never used it though, so I have no idea what it's like. I couldn't imagine playing this game without YRP as my party.
The Gullwings is a sphere-hunting group comprised of Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Brother, Buddy, and Shinra. They are a silly bunch, each adding their unique flairs to make a well-rounded character group.
We meet many NPCs throughout our journey, many who will be remembered from from Final Fantasy X. The game adds a lot of new characters too, including leaders of groups and factions that have sprung up around Spira.
When played to completion, you are able to see how the threads of each person connect to one another. Even if you don't get 100%, you still see the bonds between them all. Granted, you really need to do a lot more than just the initial Hot Spots! That's the thing about this game, you can miss so much if you don't know where to look.
The game is built with a completion system. While the battle system gives you a lot of freedom, the narration of this game is greatly dependent on doing things in an exact order. This is not the kind of game you play on a whim. You need a strategy guide or at least a 100% completion checklist. It is so easy to miss completion points, and when you are only using Buddy's location list as a guide, you will miss a lot of things!
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You are also given a lot of on-screen options which will greatly affect future events, to the point of blocking off complete locations. Nothing is necessarily a wrong choice, but if you want "100% Complete" in one playthrough, there are definitely wrong choices!
While I can see how needing a checklist can make the game feel like a "chore", since you're looking at a to-do list, I think the reward is worth it. (I also just really like lists. *shrug*) My point is, using a guide guarantees you won't miss anything!
And I suppose I'm stressing this so much because I watched a gamer play Final Fantasy X-2 for the first time on Twitch. She did not follow a guide and, not surprisingly, she was unhappy with the game and admitted to not understanding the story.
I used the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster strategy guide by Brady Games and I used this 100% completion guide on GameFAQs as well as this one by KG21.
The game looks great and has one of the nicest menus I have ever seen in a video game! I think the menu is clearly defined and organized well. The outfits in this game are top tier and I always love seeing the transformation scenes (but only once, because we have battles to win!). I made a video just talking about the looks of Final Fantasy X-2, you can watch it here: Dresspheres Critique [video].
One of the best soundtracks in the Final Fantasy series, and hands down the prettiest main menu/title menu theme. Yuna's Ballad is also very beautiful, the battle themes are fun, and I actually prefer the Besaid Island theme in this game than in Final Fantasy X.
There are two vocal songs: Real Emotion (the upbeat intro song) and 1,000 Words (the beautiful, melancholic song played later in the game). I think the movies that play with these songs are some of the prettiest scenes in the game! The music also helps highlight the Songstress dressphere.
Also, at the start and end of each battle, the girls have one-liners either pumping each other up or congratulating their win. They will also say something when a new event happens, such as when they acknowledge their first time wearing a dressphere. Paine in particular is quite funny when she first dons the Tonberry Mascot dressphere. 🤭
I love this game. I think it's adventurous, sad, mysterious, reflective, and inspiring. Yes, there are silly moments sprinkled in, but it's fine. This is a different time than Final Fantasy X! After all, Sin is gone.
While Sin may no longer attack, in his wake he left behind a haunting in the hearts of Spira. Individuals and communities are no longer connected from the universal fear they once felt, the glue that tied them together as one.
In Final Fantasy X-2, we see the people of Spira dealing with this new freedom from fear, joining groups to find identity and life purpose. From The Gullwings' perspective, specifically playing as Yuna, we witness Spira's grief, hatred, confusion, friendship, and healing, not just from those in the present but from the past, too.
As mentioned above, it's a story that plays out best when as much of the completion points can be achieved.
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