dynoguard · 9 months
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"Night on the Town"
"We dated for a year and a half, the reception-"
"-was a mess, absolute travesty. We wanted Swedish meatballs."
"They're just like vorma. Something both sides of the family can enjoy equally. And we all also equally shared in the food poisoning."
"But that's normal wedding stuff, which is kinda the point. The dinosovian conception of marriage has more in common with ours than not."
"There are compromises, of course, but neither of us is very traditional, so its easy to accommodate most of our family's little demands. Like, I took her name, which made my traditionalist mom and aunt very happy."
"And made uncle Robert very annoyed, which I greatly enjoy."
"But to be fair, in a nod to her traditions, we chose to live in our own home rather than a multi-generational arrangement, as is thyrene custom."
"Sweetie, plenty of humans live in multi-generational homes."
"Can you not print that last bit? My mom reads your magazine."
-Dyo (34) & Melynie (28) Sledge, Newlyweds
Dyo and Melynie were made using multiple midjourney generations, photo-manipulation, and digital painting.
Normally, when I post something of this complexity, I don't give full details because its just a massive volume of information almost no one will care about. But I figure what the heck. Might as well show it off once.
MJ can do theropods pretty easily (assuming you're not picky, don't want feathers, and it doesn't need a tail), almost any other kind of dino is going to be a collage process. Ankylosaurs are a major blind spot.
So here's just some of the prompts I used to make bits and pieces of this composition.
photograph of a humanoid snapping turtle with a large, thick shell
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an ankylosaurus anthro with a long, powerful, alligator tail, large, thick shell, green scales, white horns and spines, ankylosaurus tail, thagomizer :: long green reptile tail, over the ground, photography
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a green humanoid ankylosaurus, photography, nighttime city background
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photograph of a an attractive, heavyset woman with red hair wearing a sweater and jeans, standing on a city street, looking lightly up, friendly, happy, nighttime scene*
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a green ankylosaurus tail, photography, black background :: alligator tail ending in a knob of bone
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To get the image I wanted, it had to be built in chunks, assembled and then painted over and photobashed to blend the pieces.
Getting thyrene clothing to make sense requires some sci-fi hand waving. the smart-fabric cinches around the gap between the back armor plates and the main torso. The "hood" is a flap that buttons on one side and is open in the back. It's a cold weather outfit.
*Midjourney's dataset leans to extreme thinness, so 'chubby' or 'heavyset' will typically produce a normal looking thin-to average person, while "zaftig" or "plump" are required actual heavyset builds.
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mysticstarlightduck · 9 months
Happy WBW! 🧙 - If your world has magic users, can anyone use magic or is it something they are born with?
Happy Worldbuild Wednesday! Thank you so much for the Ask, @pluttskutt!
Happy WBW! 🧙 - If your world has magic users, can anyone use magic or is it something they are born with?
Oh, boy, do I have an answer for this! In my main WIP, The Last Wrath, magic - and therefore multiple forms of spellcasting - is something integral to the continent of Agrannor, where the story takes place.
Let's start from the beginning:
In the dark fantasy world of TLW, the lands of Agrannor, magical talent is a very varied concept.
For Mageborn (humans born with magical blood): They are born with pure magic in their blood, which means they have a natural connection to the ancient magic sources that once flowed freely throughout the lands. Those spellcasters are much more powerful and innately talented than any human sorcerer can ever hope to be naturally. Also, they are rather different from humans in many cultural traits, but also in their physical appearance (eye color, hair color, etc.), especially when it comes to the striking Mageborn "runic markings" that naturally occur the more a mage practices their power. Their magic comes from within them and rarely requires the assistance of external means. Since their magic is an inherent part of their blood - something they're born with, they can use their magic without the need for casting runes (though some, more tricky, spells require the use of rune casting) and usually have a connection with a specific type of magic they use to power their spells
E.g. You can be a Nightshaper, a mage who harnesses their magic from the power of the night - the darkness, the stars, the moon, the cold, etc - to cast their spells. In TLW, Vallerius Zyndrosar is a Nightshaper mage.
You can be an Icebringer, a mage who harnesses their magic from the power of winter - the ice, the wind, the stillness, etc - to cast their spells. In TLW, Cyprian Naras is an Icebringer.
You can be a Naturemorph, harnessing your powers from nature itself - from plants to stone, the very dirt you walk on and the heartbeat of earth, etc. In TLW, Myrah Faron is a Naturemorph.
Among many other types of mages.
For the Non-Magical People of Agrannor: Humans are not born magically talented, having little to no natural connection to the ancient magic sources (though some have what is called a "magical affinity" which means they have a slight connection the the Sources, and more chance to succeed should they choose to follow that path). They can, however, become sorcerers or wizards. In Agrannor, a sorcerer relies on an external source of magical powers (usually an artifact, a magically imbued runic weapon, potions or an artificial rune-engraved tattoo/marking) to harness and use magic, and it will never be a natural part of them like it would be for a mage.
Usually, in Agrannor, most of the magic for said artifacts is harnessed from natural sources, such as magical crystals, or magically rich environments, without causing harm to anyone. A talented sorcerer can have a magically imbued tattoo/marking engraved in their skin - usually in their arm - giving them free access to their trained powers anytime they need them. Zephyr Tellian is the most notable human sorcerer in Agrannor, born in the Fallen Kingdom of Eldon, Zephyr was a remarkably magically-talented child, with a strong magical affinity, and got his runic mark early on from the Eldonian Order of Sorcerers, before being forced to flee the fallen kingdom. Yuna Thyren is also a sorcerer in TLW, and her powers come from her runic weapons - crafted by herself - and her mystical heritage.
UNFORTUNATELY - There is a darker side of (some) Human Spellcasting (which some villains in TLW seem to fall under): Recently, some human sorcerers started wanting more power than their artificial magic (artifacts, potions, markings, etc) ould give them. In the Morosyn Empire (one of the regions of Agrannor), the Temple of Radiance enforces the Radiant Hunts, which capture mages to harness the magic from their blood - a cruel and vile initiative that is deeply despised outside of the Morosyn lands. Such Hunts also go after Elves, Faeborn (Faeries), and Merfolk, basically targetting anyone talented enough (according to the Temple's doctrine, the more powerful the spellcaster, the more power can be harnessed from their blood). The Bloodharvest Rituals always kill the captured mages, but the Temple doesn't care - as long as it gets what it is looking for. Such is the reality for many magically talented people in the Morosyn Empire. Most of the Imperial human sorcerers often use this cruel system to become more powerful through artificial magic created from the Bloodharvest. most of the Imperial army is equipped with advanced weaponry powered by the magic harvested from the crooked hunts.
Another important distinction:
Pure Magic - the magic carried by the Mageborn and the other sentient magical species of Agrannor. Being something they're born with, it is completely natural and stems from the nature around them and the ancient sources.
Artificial Magic - The magic used by most of the human sorcerers and magic warriors in Agrannor. It can have two origins:
It can be harvested from nature (usually from some of the sources itself) - Taken from the ancient natural sources, this magic is usually carefully collected from the environment and used to power the sorcerer's runic tattoos, artifacts/amulets/runic weapons, and power-inducing potions. Being derived from pure magic, it is usually good and does not harm others in the process it takes to achieve it.
Blood Magic - Also known as "vile magic", artificial blood magic is the one harnessed from actual people, a practice enforced by the imperial Temple of Radiance. It gives the user a much more dangerous and raw power, creating much more deadly runic weaponry. Due to its cruel and despicable origins, causing inexcusable harm to innocent people, it is an inherently evil form of artificial magic.
Dark/Corrupted Magic - Dark magic is a form of natural/Pure magic, derived from the corruption of the natural ancient magic sources and of magical phenomena around the continent. The corruption of magic is caused by the actions of the Secret Court (an ancient order of corrupted sorcerers who seek to rewrite the world in blood), and is extremely dangerous, unstable, and deadly. It also causes the existence of Fallen Ones - mageborn, faeborn, elves, etc - who are born with the natural magic already tainted by darkness, for the source with which they were connected was corrupted before their birth.
For other sentient (non-human) magical races in Agrannor - Elves, Merfolk, Vampires/Dhampirs, and Faeborn are all born with an inherent connection to the magic around them, being made from it, and have to train their spellcasting skills like any mage seeking to improve their innate abilities.
There are magical academies and orders that exist to train magically talented people - be it mages or sorcerers - and all of them have different approaches to the learning/teaching process and what kind of spellcasters they'll train.
The Secret Court - Formed during the Ancient Wars - a vast conflict that tore the continent apart millennia before the current story even takes place - they sought to learn how to control and utilize the strangely occurring dark magic phenomena around them, creating the most dangerous form of magic that would late serve as their weapon of war against the continent. Even after their perceived defeat by Dawn Knight Abavven Ashiren, all those years ago, they continued working from the shadows - corrupting the ancient sources and twisting the minds of the weakwilled - until their return in the current age of Agrannor. Anyone can become a member of the Secret Court, if tainted by dark magic, and become just as - if not more - powerful than any untainted mage. Dark magic twists the very nature of a being, becoming one with them. It is an extremely vile and dangerous practice that is outlawed - for good reason - in all regions of Agrannor.
So, in short:
Mageborn - humans born with a natural magic affinity to the ancient sources of magic in nature.
Sorcerers - non-magic humans who use artificial means to gain access to magical powers.
Blood Sorcerers (and Hunters) - non-magical human spellcasters who harness their powers from the blood of magically talented individuals. A cruel and unforgivable practice.
Other Sentient Magical Species - Elves, Faeborn (faeries), Vampires & Dhampirs and Merfolk. Non-human species who are naturally born with a connection to magic.
Fallen Ones - mages (or other sentient magical species) who are born with dark magic powers, because the magical source they or their parents were connected to was corrupted unknowingly before their birth. An accidental aftermath of the unholy work of the Secret Court, they can be good people, though their powers often consume them.
The Secret Court - Dark Sorcerers and Mages who choose to use corrupted/tainted magic as their source of magical power. Also unforgivable.
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acecasinova · 6 months
I guess I am also playing a himbo who hits hard right now immediately in a ttrpg playtest lmao
Thyren is here to smashy smash and emit a vibe that makes enemies soooo mad at him specifically
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advancednutrition · 5 years
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One of the greatest combinations I have tried. Come and get yours #carniten #thyrene and #lipo6black @metabolicnutrition a . 322 W Lake Mary blvd Sanford Florida 32773 (at LA Fitness - SANFORD) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYRXKBhX7P/?igshid=121di2wov44po
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aampharos-moved · 6 years
Thyren: it's okay, kid. Everyone's afraid of something
Ovaskar: even you, Mr. Scythe?
Thyren: no
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equilibriumdreams · 4 years
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It’s been awhile, here is a few pictures of Thyren I suppose.
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urban-muse · 7 years
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Urban-Muse Magazine Issue #1 is Available NOW! on Patreon! ($5 pledge) http://www.patreon.com/urbanmuse Urban-Muse Magazine #1 has been completed and is being sent out to $5+ Patrons NOW! The issue is 300 pages long! It profiles the following 20 of the best artists in the world: Featuring: Aleksei Vinogradov, Diana Novich, Hallie Elizabeth, Imguss, Irakli Nadar, Julia Thyrén, Koyorin, Lente Scura, Mel Milton, Nehaal Gonsalves, Qinni, Ramón Nuñez, Rene Gorecki, Ruby Kim, Ryan Tien, Tom Bagshaw, Vincent Vernacatola, Yaşar Vurdem, Yellow Lemon Cat, Yinxuan Dezarmenien.
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elladastinkardiamou · 5 years
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Photo by Birgitta Thyren
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madememory · 5 years
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semnatv2 · 6 years
مكمل غذائي لتخفيف الوزن الغذائي Thyrene، 30 Count
مكمل غذائي لتخفيف الوزن الغذائي Thyrene، 30 Count
Price: [price_with_discount]
المكملات الغذائية لتخفيف الوزن الأيضائي Thyrene ، 30 عدد
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dynoguard · 2 years
Hatch-Names & Introductions
(Development concepts, non-final)
Dinosovian development generally mirrors that of human beings, except where infants and toddlers are involved. The dinosovian “infant” state of general helplessness lasts only a few weeks post-hatching for carnivorous types, days in the case of Cerosoids and Thyrenes, and hours for podites. The child very rapidly learns to walk and run after this point, with motor skills developing rapidly and mostly instinctually. 
The large brain size, language capacity, and other hallmarks of sapience develop slowly after hatching. This “baby” stage is less like caring for a human infant and more like owning a cat or dog that starts talking after two or three years. By the time the dinosovian child is 5-6 years old, they are equivalent to a human 3 year old and develop at a similar rate thereafter 
Dinosovian tradition holds that the parents give children a “hatchling name.” This is a temporary name used by family and friends, and is usually a descriptive or affectionate gender-neutral nickname that translates to something like “Sweetroot”,  “Stomper”,  “Flufftop”,  “Nibble”, “Fangsy”, etc. 
When the child is deemed “old enough” (different families have different traditions about what that means, usually associated with a specific hatching day, a physiological development marker or a ritual test) the family holds an “introduction ceremony” in which the child presents their identity, both in name and gender, to family and friends. Thereafter, only close family members will continue to use the hatchling name as a nickname. 
Because these naming ceremonies happen when the child is emotionally equivalent to a human kindergartener, parents usually provide a selection of name options, and a poor choice can be revised with the offices of DynoCLAW (Civilian Logistics, Agriculture and Welfare) for 150 root and a mandatory viewing of an educational vidplay about responsible naming. 
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OC Picrew Tag Game (continuation):
I liked the OC Picrew Game so much that I have decided to make my version of it for the entire cast of The Last Wrath (the picrew template is available on the posts made by @writernopal and @elshells, I believe)
So here goes the next bit of the cast!
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@lassiesandiego @writernopal @elshells @lyutenw​ @rickie-the-storyteller​ @sam-glade​ @clairelsonao3​
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lilygoat · 6 years
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Julie Thyren
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hummingzone · 3 years
Dianne Whelan on finishing a six-year, solo crossing of the Trans Canada Trail
Dianne Whelan on finishing a six-year, solo crossing of the Trans Canada Trail
The B.C.-based filmmaker walked, hiked, paddled and snowshoed across Canada in what she calls an ‘ecological and reconciliation pilgrimage’ On the last day of Whelan’s journey (Thyren Garde-Jacobs) I was greeted on the shore by the daughters of the hereditary chief, and they walked the final mile with me. It’s pretty powerful that they chose to do that, and then sing a song and tell the crowd…
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rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
Thanks @na-hoy for tagging me and sorry that this took awhile
Age- 17 (I’ll be 18 in August)
Biggest Fear- spiders and falling in love
Current time- 4:55
Drink you last had- Cherry Slushie
Everyday starts with- trying to actually get up
Favorite song- Basket Case by Green Day
Ghosts...are they real?- Maybe??? I’m Catholic so the only ghost I know of is the Holy Ghost so...Yes???
Hometown- Not telling that but I’m from Minnesota
In love with- food and music
Jealous of- so many people
Killed someone- no but I want to (Cough) L^gan and J^ke P^ul (Cough)
Last time you cried: last night
Middle Name: Thyren Thérèse (pronounced Thigh-wren Ter-rez)
Number of siblings- 0
One wish- to spend 1 whole day with the MCU cast
Person you last called/texted- my mom
Question your always asked-Literally anything that has to do with Shrek (GET IT??? BeCaUsE mY NAmE iS fIoNA)
Reasons to smile- drugs (I’m joking. a reason to smile is music)
Song last sang- Lido Shuffle by Boz Scaggs
Underwear Color-wtf kind of question is that??
Vacation destination- New Zealand
X ray you’ve had- arm
Your favorite food- bread
Zodiac sign- Leo ♌️
I tag @aestheticallypleasingleah @vaneloslash @weirdo-with-cool-glasses @babykaykay2000 @babybluestripedsocks @pretzel-anon @thewonderladie @cherryhollands @iron-legion-cyborg and @deeptheon
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aampharos-moved · 6 years
Maybe the real dads were the ones we made along the way
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